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Editorial Yellow page of yellow people! Employment opportunities with the U.N. Speakers in the Committees highlights. Honoring Dr. Arghyrios Fatouros. UN news center headlines Opening ceremony: Do’s and Don'ts . Dinner party Fun facts about the U.N.
EDITORIAL: Dear muners! Greetings from the journalist team! I would firstly like to pay tribute to our newspapers’ name . All the unique and uncommon events of this 5day simulation will be covered by the uncommun(=uncomMUN since we are a model united nations!) news daily. Now a few pointers from an “oldie” of muns. 1)Do not hesitate to take the floor. Everyone is shy and everyone makes mistakes in their speech! 2) Participate as much as possible. Before you know it Thessis will be all over so make the best of it! 3)Go to ALL social events but also get some rest for your daily debates. 4)Have lots and lots of fun! My team and myself will provide you all the latest news and cover all the news with photos! The rest is up to you! We hope to reach your expectations and as you bring your thessis to the world we may bring the news to you!!! See you in the next issue of uncommun News! Sophia xxx
MEET THE JOURNALISTS! Vasiliki is 27 years old and studies Political sciences and history at the University of Panteion. Her biggest dream would be to ….find a job with the U.N. possibly? Athina is 24 and a Master’s Student of the AUTH in Journalism and New-Media. She hopes to be nominated as the first chief of propaganda amongst the Mass Media in Greece! Maro is almost 19 years old + 5 years. She is a graduate of the department of International and European studies of the U.O.M. and is obsessed with cleaning! Her dream is to hitchhike all around the world! Angeliki is 19 and a student of International and European Studies. Her dream is to become the next academy award winner ! Maria is 26 years old and a post-graduate student in international and European Studies. Her future aspiration is to become the world’s greatest supporter of human rights and create her own association for the rights of women.
Dimitris is a 20years old and a real life student of journalism! His dream is to be the next big Chatsik is 25 years and currently a mafia admininewsreader of the 9 o’clock news! stration (a.k.a marketing and management) student. His future aspiration is to conquer the world Filippia is 19 and a librarian student. She hopes to work as a librarian in a library with… through his pc! very loud music and a lot of students running Chrysoula is a 27 year old post graduate in Internaaround! tional and European studies specialized in the issue Michalis is 22 and a law faculty under of minorities around the Black sea. Her wildest graduate student . His future dream is to be dream is to become a leading personality in the field an advocate or a judge at the European Court of minority law and hopes to teach in the UOPiraeus. of Human Rights or …. something similar.
Filippia Dimitris
Athina Vasiliki Michalis
Khatsig Maro
Employment Opportunities with the United Nations Mr. Dimitrios Fatouros, information officer for Greece and Cyprus UNPIC, Brussels informed the delegates about the employment opportunities within the United Nations. He talked about his personal experience, while advising the students not to be hesitant to apply for a job in the UN. He underlined that Greeks do not need someone eminent to help them. Mr. Fatouros also referred to the volunteer job that students can do in the UN in order to gain experience. A question from the audience about the salaries in the UN drew the attention of all participants and the answer “In the UN, we are unpaid” made everybody laugh. Last, all delegates got very excited when Mr. Fatouros showed them his UN passport.
Short presentations by guest speakers. The presentations by the speakers in each committee were all well received and appreciated by the delegates. The speakers focused on the agenda topics but also gave important advice to the delegates. What follows are some of the most important quotes of the speakers : 1st Committee: Dr.Miltiadis Sarigiannidis: “enjoy this game, enjoy the sessions, try to be productive and be careful with your arguments” 2nd Committee: Dr.Stavros Katsios : “economic crisis is closely related to economic crime”. 3rd Committee: Dr.Tonia Zervaki :“be decisive and creative and propose solutions for the subject which will be debated”. ECOSOC: Dr.Emmanouela Doussi: “ECOSOC lately plays a very important role for international developments” HRC: Dr.Yannis Ktistakis : “when we talk about the right to water what first comes to mind is the environmental problems which Greece faces such as the river pollution of Acheloos and Aisopos ” NAC: Mrs. Barbora Maronkova: “consensus is the cornerstone of the NAC”, “Countries are selfish entities” SC: Dr.Ilias Kouskouvelis: “Chapter VII is the teeth of the Security Council” COE: Mr. Guy-Michel Brandtner : “violence is a serious problem nowadays and youth needs to fight back” 3
Awarding ceremony of Dr. Arghyrios FaThe opening ceremony was a memorable affair! Professor Perraki first took the floor and shared some very interesting facts with us. In numbers during its first year ThessISMUN counted just over 150 participants , while this year they reached 400, 100 more than ThessISMUN 2009. She also presented a brief flashback of the honoured personalities of the previous ThessISMUNs. Prof. Perraki finally suggested that the ambassadors do not drink too much, in order to perform their duties properly (something that we journalists concur with!). Participants were also welcomed by Dr.Kouskouvelis, the Rector of UOM. The floor was next given to Mr.Dimitrios Fatouros , Information Officer for Greece and Cyprus, who made clear that their is no family relation between him and Dr. Arghyrios Fatouros, this years honored personality of Thessis mun. Nonetheless, this synonymy has helped him a lot throughout his life as he mentioned. Moving on to the awarding ceremony , as announced at last years ThessISMUN the personality which ThessISMUN 2010 is dedicated to is Dr. Arghyrios Fatouros . Dr. Christos Rozakis, Professor and Vice-President introduced him and recalled how they met him a long time ago when he was a student. He expressed his deep appreciation towards Dr. Fatouros and his wife and appreciated the fact of this honoring. Dr. Arghyrios Fatouros in his speech referred to the different stages that the United Nations have gone through since their foundation in the 1940s, as far as the Charter is concerned. He briefly mentioned the recent history of the organisation and the gaps in its operation in the pursuit of its purposes. He then stated that the role of the Secretary-General has been similarly affected by the organisation' s different conditions. "Coordinated common action of UN members is still the exception rather than the rule", he said. • He concluded that "diplomats and politicians need to show the imagination for devising meth- • ods and incentives for a more effective world organisation, which would assure peace while man- • aging to improve relations among states.”
Headlines from the UN news Center: Ban Ki-Moon welcomes U.S. reaffirmation of commitment to nuclear-free world. Kyrgystan: Ban Ki-Moon calls for restraint and dialogue. Ban Ki-Moon visits former nuclear test site in Kazakhstan. • S.C. is briefed on development fund for Iraq, Guinea-Bissau. • New Deputy Head of Afghanistan mission begins work. • DR Congo: U.N envoy condemns rebel attack on Mbandaka. 4
DO’s and DON’T’S of the opening cereThe opening ceremony had a lot to report…. There were so many incidents that we had to make a list of the things we liked and disliked during the opening ceremony. So here are the do’s and don't’s : LIKE: • The opening speech of Miss Christina – Thekla Zacharia, the Secretary General of the UN, which officially opened the ThessISMUN 2010!(Yippee! ThessISMUN is here!) • The presence of sooooooooo many Ambassadors of the Member States in the General Assembly. (The ThessISMUN family grows more and more every year!) • The fact that many delegates had the courage to take the floor and moved to rights of reply to the previous speeches. (There is no reason to be shy guys!) “NOT COOL”: • Speak up and clearly please! (We really wanted to hear
your points but were unable to make a point of personal privilege!!!!! ) • Using rights of reply as a mean of directly accusing countries of their policy. (Where has diplomatic courtesy gone?!) • Rights of reply should stick to policy issues and not aim in firing up the G.A • Accusations of terrorism do not fight terrorism but fuel different kinds of conflict. • General ambassadors speeches do not promote understanding but misguide about your policy! • Ambassadors should prefer to attract the audience’s attention with what they say and not by what they wear! • By repeating a word three times does not make us believe in it. (even if you are encouraging solidarity!) • The official language of this conference is ENGLISH! So using words like “lakes” or “taxiploo” are out of order even if they are used ….. in a game of hangman! • We are very proud of our heritage but the opening ceremony is no time to check the No 50 Bus itinerary which is the cultural line! • Delegates should respect all speakers and not leave before the end of the opening ceremony! (after all we stayed there until the very last speech so, so should you!)
arty P r e
Veryyyyyyyy hungry people!
Smiles all around‌.
I think its safe to say that he is not having a good time!