STAMP Annual Report FY20-21

Page 9

Operations And Facilities trouble-shooting services, the Information


Through the end of fall semester 2020, Event


Technology team was able to perform updates

Despite all the changes happening around

& Guest Services was able to host a limited

and improvements such as installing new soft-

campus, more changes were taking shape in

number of in-person events. From July 2020

ware on STAMP computers, updates to digital

STAMP. The Information Technology suite

until the end of January 2021, STAMP only

was renovated, allowing for all of the staff

had 33 individual event bookings. Despite this,

members in this unit to occupy the same space

the number of events during spring semester

rather than two disparate offices providing

2021 and those scheduled through the end of

for further collaboration and communication.

June 2021 has increased, including a definite

Similarly, the Event & Guest Services suite was

increase in outdoor events during the spring

renovated, also enabling co-location of de-

semester. STAMP anticipates finishing the

partment staff and providing congruent space

fiscal year with a total of 312 individual event

for the large number of student employees

bookings, not including the COVID-19 testing

supporting our guests. The newly renovated


suite offers an appealing space for potential clients to meet with event coordinators. This

Throughout the academic year, Event & Guest

renovation also provided Dining Services

Services maintained close communications with all clients to ensure they were aware of current guidelines for hosting safe and successful events. This included working in collaboration with the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) to ensure all student organization events were following expected guidelines as well. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STAMP’s Information Technology unit had a busy year supporting remote and hybrid

Catering with a conveniently located and signage, upgrades to the server operating system, and conducting a review of inventory items. The team also made strides to improve inventory tracking to allow for better management of technology during office moves and building renovations. Due to campus contracting with a new financial institution, the team implemented changes to the credit card payment system used by the TerpZone, Event & Guest Services, and the Memorial Chapel.

updated, renovated office. The University Book Center also completed a one million dollar renovation integrating the former bank space and storefront windows to include a larger physical space, affording visitors to STAMP a more visual and welcoming entrance to their storefront by increasing the number of windows and expanding their sales area to include a reading space and dressing rooms. They also updated their business model

events and meetings held throughout STAMP.

to facilitate online purchases and the ability

Although coaching STAMP staff through

for students to charge expenses to their student

this new way of working and providing


Event & Guest Services set-up team members (left) ensured that all in-person events conformed to safety guidelines; de-densification meant that the construction of IT’s new space (above right) and the renovation of the Event & Guest Services suite (below right) could progress swiftly.

STAMP Annual Report • 2020-2021


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