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Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014



U N I V E R S I T Y More than 100 years in print

Volume 107, Issue 18 | the-standard.org

Missouri tuition freezes — as long as you’re a resident By Sadie Welhoff The Standard

It’s always music to any college student’s ears to hear their tuition will be not be going up, and Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon is playing the siren’s tune. Nixon called on schools statewide to keep their tuition from increasing because of additional funding planned for education in the 2015 fiscal year. Missouri State University is set to receive a 5.2 percent increase, which amounts to about $4.2 million. University President Clif Smart said a goal

for the budget for the upcoming year is to keep tuition for certain credit types at the same rate. Resident undergraduate tuition is set to remain at $6,908, while non-resident undergraduate and graduate tuitions are set to increase. According to Smart, if tuition rates stayed the same across the board, it would leave too big of a financial gap. “Then we’d essentially have to cut half a million dollars out of the budget,” Smart said. Smart said other revenue needs to come into the budget to handle inflation.

Inflation is currently around 1.5 percent and the rate increase will match up closely with the percentage. Smart said inflation affects different costs like utilities and salaries. When dividing up the funding for MSU, 65 percent comes from tuition and 35 percent comes from the state. Smart works with people across the campus like the deans, the provost and the chief of finance to put together a budget outline and proposed changes concerning tuition and fees. The plan is presented to the Board of Governors who is given time to review and make

changes to it before making the final vote in March. The state decides if a school can receive additional funding based on five measures. Every school has an option to submit their progress in the areas of their choice. MSU chose to use graduation rates, students completing 24 credit hours in their first year, licensing for occupations such as nurses or teachers, the percentage of the budget spent on teaching, and research and STEMrelated graduates. Schools are evaluated every year, and they must either increase in an area of focus, such as graduation rates, or sustain excellence.

MSU could have quarterless parking meters, parking lot apps in the future

By Trevor Mitchell The Standard

State of the Union: still strong White House Photo Services

President Obama focused strongly on the economy and didn’t shy away from outlining what he believed to be GOP failures.

Professors comment on Obama’s remarks

By Briana Simmons The Standard

President Barack Obama outlined his goals to the country in his State of the Union address last week. During his address, Obama introduced a few everyday people to the world. John, a restaurant owner who pays his workers $10 per hour; Misty, an unemployed mother of two whose unemployment benefits had run out; and Estiven, a veteran who didn’t speak any English when he first came to the U.S. and will be going to college in the fall all have com-

pelling stories. This year, Obama announced plans for educational advancements, military action, economic recovery and his controversial health care plan. Missouri State officials weigh in on each of the subjects. Obama proposed a plan to redesign high schools and partner them with universities and employers to provide “real-world education and hands-on training that can lead directly to a job and career,” along with an initiative to connect more students to today’s technology. Denise Cunningham, associate professor of early childhood education and family studies, said that, if done the right way, this is exactly what today’s students need. “That’s the direction society is moving… everything is technology driven. We have to

prepare our students in a way that will make them most successful in education, business and their lives. If that means starting at earlier ages, getting them connected with different types of technology, I think we should do it… we need to make sure what we are expecting of them is developmentally appropriate,” Cunningham said. Obama also announced the organization of the College Opportunity Summit, where 150 universities have committed to reducing inequality in higher education. “I hope it impacts us in a positive way — that we can get more diverse students and underserved student populations into our university system. I think they are poorly underu See UNION, page 2

New group aims to help students with mental illness By Annie Gooch The Standard

For Sam Thompson, junior year at MSU was when everything changed. Severe depression weighed down the elementary education major, and he stopped showing up to class, failed most of his courses and had suicidal thoughts. When he finally surrendered and broke down to a professor, he was referred to a doctor and was able to get the appropriate medication to help him get a grip on his depression. Thompson chose not to be one of the 53 suicides that happened in Greene County last year, according to the National Association of Mental Illness Southwest Missouri.

“I think I’ve been able to handle it better, but I know there are many others out there that it’s still horrible for,” Thompson said. “And I want to help make it easier for other people.” So does Emily Culp, a sophomore social work major. Together, they have created NAMI On Campus, a peer based organization focused on helping students with mental health issues. Culp also had problems dealing with her mental health and turned to NAMI in her hometown of San Diego. She volunteered with the group and had a great support system. “For me, it was the real challenge of accepting the fact that I needed to help myself,” Culp said. “We have our own judgments and denials.

INSIDE The Standard’s guide to on- and off-campus housing

Evan Henningsen/THE STANDARD

Emily Culp and Sam Thompson, NAMI On Campus founders. There’s this whole stigma involved health issues. and people think less of us. It’s “We are delighted that a group of unfortunate.” students have come together to start Her hope is that this organization a charter on campus,” said Ann will spark conversation and get rid of u See NAMI, page 2 the negativity associated with mental

OPINION | 3 Our View: Thanks for helping those with mental illness

LIFE | 4 Pizza Pizza! Get the scoop on the best places in Springfield

How was your last parking experience at Missouri State University? Maybe it wasn’t terrible, but odds are that it involved driving aimlessly around a parking lot looking for an empty space, or putting quarters into an aging parking meter, inevitably forgetting when you need to go refill it. Earl Wall wants to change that. Wall is the parking-transit supervisor at MSU, and there are several new technologies he’d like to implement to improve the parking experience. The one thing you’re sure to see soon is known as a “multi-space meter.” This new piece of hardware enables an entire lot to be serviced by just a few parking meters. Users will use a “pay-by-plate” system, where you enter your license plate number into the meter and then pay, using either coins, bills, a credit card or even your smartphone. The parking meter will even send you a text message to notify you when your time is nearly up. There are also other things that Wall would like to see in the parking lots of MSU sometime in the future. Sensors that can count the number of cars in a lot, for example, would be highly beneficial to students, faculty and staff alike, Wall said. The sensor counts the cars in a lot, and then sends this data to a smartphone app, not only telling you whether a lot is full, but even where empty spaces in the lot are, or which floor of a parking garage is free. In addition, the university’s parking survey — which is currently done twice a year by counting cars in lots at various times during the day, and is used to make decisions about parking lot planning — would no longer be a chore, and would simply be data collected by the sensor. The sensor is solar powered as well, which would cut down on the required costs. Parkmobile, a separate app Wall expressed interest in, would enable students to use their phone instead of a parking meter, simply inputting the lot they’ve parked in and paying. Instead of running outside to put coins in a meter, they can then extend their purchased time directly from the app. Wall admitted that parking might not strike everyone as the most important thing on campus, but he thinks it’s still a critically important factor. “Your first experience here is parking,” Wall said. “And your last experience here is parking. “If you go to a school and you’re digging around in your pockets for change for the meter, and then you go to the next school, and you pay with a card or your phone, that makes an impression.”

SPORTS | 6 Bears beat Bradley to stay almost perfect at home

2 | the-standard.org


Tuesday, Feb. 4

Psychology Club/Psi Chi Club, 4-5 p.m., Hill Hall 302, free

Student Activities Council meeting, 4-5:15 p.m., Plaster Student Union 313

Staff Senate meeting, 11 a.m.– noon, Plaster Student Union 313 Speed Networking event, 4:307 p.m., Plaster Student Union, Ballroom West

Friday, Feb. 7

Student Government Association meeting, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Plaster Student Union 313

Camp War Eagle information table, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Plaster Student Union second floor

Peer Leader information session, 4:30 p.m. Plaster Student Union 315 A and B

Board of Governors’ meeting, 1-3 p.m., West Plains Civic Center, Magnolia room

CNAS Spring Public Lecture Series “Mistaken Identity: Sikhs in America,” 7:30 p.m., Temple Hall 002

Art & Letters Gallery Exhibition, 7-9 p.m., 214 S. Campbell Ave.

Wednesday, Feb. 5

Mock interview day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Plaster Student Union ballroom

Entertainment Management Association meeting, 5 p.m., Meyer Library 101

Peer Leader Information Session, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Plaster Student Union 317 B

Thursday, Feb. 6

Camp War Eagle information table, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Plaster Student Union second floor

Saturday, Feb. 8

Missouri 4-H Meat and Dairy Goat Camp, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Darr Agricultural Center, $15

Monday, Feb. 10

Employer information session: The AroundCampus Group, 34 p.m., Glass Hall 230 Psychology Club/Psi Chi Club, 4-5 p.m., Hill Hall 302 Peer Leader Information session, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Plaster Student Union, 315 A and B,

Briefs Summer/fall 2014 schedules available

Summer and fall 2014 classes are now available online, although class information may change periodically. Registration for summer and fall 2014 will begin March 31.

Execution vigil to be held

The Springfield chapter of Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty will sponsor an execution vigil on Tuesday, Feb. 25 from noon-1 p.m. at Park Central Square. The vigil is to be in honor of Michael Taylor, who is scheduled to be executed by the state of Missouri on Feb. 26, 2014.

Reported crime in Springfield rises

The Springfield Police Department’s 2013 Uniform Crime Report showed an overall rise in reported crime of 3 percent. Homicides reported fell from 16 to 12. Ten of the 12 homicides have been solved. Rape cases increased by 99 percent, but police were quick to point out that this was due to the Department of Justice changing the definition of rape to more accurately reflect its occurrence. “While the perception will be that rapes increased significantly in the last year, the reality is the new definition has given us a truer perspective on the number of sexual assaults that had actually been occurring in our community,” said Police Chief Paul Williams.

The Standard


Continued from page 1

represented, as you can tell, even at our campus. One of the main initiatives in the college of education — and university-wide — is to address diversity, and that’s for our students as well as faculty. I’m hopeful that the president’s initiatives will help us accomplish some of those goals,” Cunningham said. As a mother of three sons who have finished their college education and accrued student loan debt, Cunningham said we have to find some way to get the cost under control. “We’re offering millions the opportunity to cap student loans at 10 percent of their monthly income,” Obama said. He said he wants to work with Congress to give this opportunity to more Americans. Obama announced his plan to issue an executive order that will require federal contractors to pay their employees $10.10 an hour. Reed Olsen, an economics professor, said this is a really small proportion of the total economy with positive and negative effects. “One of the effects of mandating an increase in wages for workers is to reduce employment — there’s really no doubt it does that. The only controversy is how much. So that’s the negative: people are going to lose their


Continued from page 1

Compton, director of development and marketing for NAMI Southwest Missouri. “We’re dedicated to mutually supporting each other’s projects and help get as many people as we can involved to raise awareness.” According to Culp, NAMI On Campus has big ideas to help reach out to students. Thompson and Culp are trying to get the necessary training to be facilitators for the different support groups they plan on having available based on student’s needs. They also want to have a walk on campus this spring to raise awareness for mental illness and suicide prevention. “NAMI is peer based, led by someone who is trained to lead it,” Thompson said.

jobs. The positive is, the people who keep their jobs are going to have a slightly higher wage. In the economy as a whole, minimum-wage workers are a fairly small fraction,” Olsen said. Olsen said extending the unemployment benefits is a much bigger issue than minimum wage. “I’m also convinced we can help Americans return to the workforce faster by reforming unemployment insurance so that it’s more effective in today’s economy. But first, this Congress needs to restore the unemployment insurance you just let expire for 1.6 million people,” Obama said. Throughout his address, Obama affirmed his support of veteran’s service. He announced the successes of The Joining Forces alliance that has “encouraged employers to hire and train 400,000 veterans and military spouses.” Obama also said veterans need to be provided with help to translate their skills and leadership to jobs and proper physical and mental health care benefits when they return home. Jennifer Kautzman is the coordinator of veteran services, and explained Obama’s point further. “Military students understand how to explain their military training in military terms, but sometimes it’s hard for them to understand what a civilian employer wants,” Kautzman said. “It (the alliance) better helps employers better understand military

“From my own experience, having professional help is important but I think it’s more important to go to students first and hear where they’ve been.” NAMI On Campus is brand new and doesn’t have a schedule built yet, but Culp and Thompson are working on it. However, this organization is not the only option students have if they are ready to seek help. The Center City Clinic, located downtown just off Park Central Square, is dedicated to counseling anyone from Springfield and the surrounding area. The clinic is part of a program at MSU, and the students working with the community are finishing up their masters in counseling. Clinic Director Robin Farris says that most people will reach out when they get to a point where things become so

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014

training, but I worry that, with our current economic standing and the number of veterans who are looking for positions, I’m not sure it’s going to do quite enough,” Kautzman said. Burnie Snodgrass, former director of Taylor Health and Wellness, said misinformation has led to the controversy of the Affordable Care Act because a lot of people don’t understand it. Obama highlighted its successes, saying three million Americans under the age of 26 have gained coverage under their parents’ plans, and another nine million people have signed up for private health insurance or Medicaid coverage. He challenged other parties: “So, again, if you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, increase choice — tell America what you’d do differently. Let’s see if the numbers add up.” Snodgrass said most of the health care act hasn’t gone into effect because almost every person may have a different policy, and it must be individualized from patient to caregiver, and from patient to insurance company. Obama challenged Americans to tell everyone they know that is without health insurance to get covered by March 31. The full transcript can be found at http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/01/politics/sotu-speechtranscript/index.html.

bad that they are unable to function in a way that would be helpful to themselves or others. “Most everybody here has recognized their own life issues that they’ve struggled with,” Farris said. “We always say ‘your hell is your hell’ and it’s not a comparison that your situation isn’t as bad as someone else’s.” Another haven that students can turn to is the Counseling and Testing Center located on campus in Carrington Hall. This center is focused solely on helping enrolled students. Director Doug Greiner says that the top three concerns students bring in are stress-related anxiety issues, depression and mood concerns, and relationship problems. He also explains the importance of having someone to talk to that maybe isn’t

always around. “Friends are wonderful and can be very supportive, but sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t there all the time,” Greiner said. “I think the most beneficial part of this is having an objective person step back to look at what’s going on and help consider other possibilities.” He encourages students who have been feeling overwhelmed, or keep doing the same things and aren’t happy with the results, to try and seek help, because it might be an indicator that it’s time to talk with someone. “It’s difficult sometimes to seek out help and to figure out where the best place is to go,” Greiner said. “But, we’re sure here if a student has a concern that is impacting their ability to do well in school. And we’re also here to help students who may be worried about a friend.”





Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014 | the-standard.org


Thank you, MSU, for taking steps to help those with mental illness By The Standard Editorial Board

The Standard

If you read Annie Gooch’s article, “NAMI On Campus aims to help students with mental illness,” you read the story of Sam Thompson, a senior elementary education major whose life changed during his junior year at Missouri State and he got help with the depression he was facing. He and Emily Culp, a sophomore social work major, started the National Association of Mental Illness On Campus to help reach out to students facing similar problems. Gooch also writes about the other Missouri State options for students who are suffering from problems, including the Center City Clinic, located downtown, and Missouri State’s Counseling and Testing Center. In a time when the idea of mental illness is in the forefront of discussion after incidents such as the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Conn., and other tragedies that often bring up the question of whether the perpetrator was mentally stable, the idea of mental illness and getting help for it in America is an interesting one. A Feb. 2 article on the Huffington Post by parenting blogger Sarah Fader titled “Fighting Against the Stigma of Mental Illness” discusses

the toll covering up a mental illness can take on a person who is affected. The article also shines an important light on the misunderstanding of mental illnesses in America, noting common responses to the author’s problems like, “Antidepressants are just a Band-Aid covering up the problem,” “You’re being dramatic ... why don’t you just stop obsessing?” and “You’re lazy.” After Gov. Jay Nixon stated in his recent State of the State address that “In recent years we have seen the tragic consequences when people with serious mental illness don’t get the help they need,” and that his state budget “includes $10 million to help those with mental illness get timely, effective treatment in their own communities,” we are proud that Culp and Thompson at Missouri State are also pushing forward the fact that mental illness is real and those who suffer from it do need help. We are also proud to attend a school that has many outlets for those having problems, and hope Missouri State continues to improve its resources and keep this university one sensitive to the needs of all students.

Editorial cartoon By Rachel Brown

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4 // LIFE



Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014 | the-standard.org

Calendar Tuesday, Feb. 4

Chinese New Year tea ceremony, 10-11 a.m., Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year YuanXiao (Sweet Dumpling) Workshop, 1:30-2:30 p.m., Siceluff 124, free Nancy Allen, Reading from her new novel “Code of the Hills,” 67:30 p.m., Midtown Carnegie Branch Library, free

In the morning, evening and at supper time...

Raisin’ Cane: A Harlem Renaissance Odyssey starring Jasmine Guy and The Avery Sharp Trio, 7:30-10 p.m., Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts, $23

Wednesday, Feb. 5

Chinese New Year music and dance presentation, 10-11 a.m., Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year, Chinese song, 11 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year, Chinese film, 1:30-3 p.m., Siceluff 124, free Happy Hour Live, 5-7:30 p.m., University Plaza Hotel, free SAC Films Presents: “The Butler,” 9-11 p.m., Plaster Student Union Theater, free

Thursday, Feb. 6

Rose Marthis/THE  STANDARD

Arris’ Pizza names their pizza after Greek gods and goddesses.

Springfield has so many pizza options that you may need help choosing one

Chinese New Year, Stories of Nian (New Year), 11-11:55 a.m., Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year, Taiji, noon-1 p.m., Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year, dumpling workshop, 1:15-2:15 p.m., Siceluff 124,, free Pentatonix, 8 p.m., Gillioz Theatre, starting at $25 SAC Presents: Board Game Night, 9-11:59 p.m., Plaster Student Union Food Court, free

Friday, Feb. 7

Master Class with editor, Byron Smith, noon-1 p.m., Plaster Student Union 200, free Art History Student presents: First Friday Art Talk, 6-7 p.m., Park Central Branch Library, free Silent auction, 6-10 pm., 400 W. Walnut St., free First Friday at Q’Eneteco with African-American history trivia, 79 p.m., Q’Eneteco, $5 Fite Festival Guest Artist Piano Recital, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Ellis Recital Hall, free

Rose Marthis Reporter Springfield pizza... is the pizza… for you and me. Everyone knows that, of the college kid food pyramid, the bottom category is pizza (for the grains of course). So I set out to try the pies Springfield offers, because I care about your health.

Arris’ Pizza, 1332 E. Republic Road

Famed for being the place that Brad Pitt visits during his trips home, Arris’ offers a Greek-style menu that differs from the traditional Italian-inspired pizzas we are

used to. All the specialty pizzas are named after Greek gods and goddesses, and the restaurant is decorated with vines on lattices hanging from the ceiling, with painted bricks peeking through the walls for that “outdoor bistro in Greece” feel. The thin crust is floury and made with no cornmeal, which makes it crisp up nicely but doesn’t offer that airy quality that some people love. You can choose alfredo sauce or marinara sauce that is thin and full of tomato flavor, but not herb-heavy, and the toppings taste fresh among the melty cheese. Arris’ also offers some non-traditional toppings, like spicy Greek sausage and artichoke hearts. The pies are cut into squares rather than triangle slices, which somehow makes it seem like you’re eating less pizza. Overall, I really enjoyed the light flavors, and it tasted just as good reheated the

Rose Marthis/THE  STANDARD

The Big Slice offers pizza by the slice or whole pizzas. next day.

mon streusel, M&M’s and cherry cheesecake streusel dessert pizzas. Godfather’s Pizza, 1832 S. Ingram And if you don’t eat the last slice, it Mill Road doesn’t count, because that’s where This small location with carry- all the calories are anyway. out only offered the most customization and value deals. There The Big Slice, 1450 E. Sunshine were tons of combinations avail- St. This New York style pizzeria is able with sides, and you can build your pizza from the bottom, up, a good spot to go for lunch, with 10 sauce options and 15 top- because, as the name suggests, you pings. The menu also has the can buy it by the slice or get a unconventional choices of bacon whole pizza. There are small booths in the front, and you can see cheeseburger and chicken taco. I got the classic combo, which is them making the pies right behind the equivalent of a supreme. The the counter, which gives it a classic hand-tossed crust was crispy on the lunch-counter feel. They offer the outside and soft in the middle, and classic flavors you’re used to, but the marinara sauce wasn’t over- also have a Jamaican pie and a powering. There was nothing that Mediterranean veggie option with was super impressive about this no marinara sauce for the light pizza, though. It wasn’t awful, and eaters. The name is true: the slices are is definitely a good deal for the price, but it’s not “OMG Best Pizza big, and they will fill you up. I had a supreme, and the flavors were EVER!!” tweet-worthy. The star of Godfather’s, for me, good, but expected; it tasted like a was the dessert pizza. S’mores normal supreme you could get anystreusel. Did you read that? I said where. The sausages were sliced S’mores. Streusel. The hand-tossed like pepperoni instead of crumbled, crust covered in a sugary glaze, which I found interesting. The crust graham cracker crumbs, melty was crispy and light, but the cheese chocolate chips and golden-brown blend produced a lot of oil and marshmallows. So fantastically made it a greasy pizza. delicious, and the small is eight u See PIZZA, page 5 slices for $5. They also have cinna-

SAC Presents: Rock ‘N’ Bowl, 7:30-10:30 p.m., Level 1 Game Center, free

‘Blast-from-thepast’ downtown bar mixes some arcade fun with adult drinks

Saturday, Feb. 8

Chinese New Year, singing and dancing performances, 10-11 a.m., Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year, painting and calligraphy, 11 a.m.-noon, Siceluff 124, free Chinese New Year, Taiji Demonstration, noon-1 p.m., Siceluff 124, free

Sunday, Feb. 9

By Peyson Shields The Standard

Faculty Voice Recital: Ann Marie Wilcox-Daehn with Guest Pianist, Elizabeth Avery, 3-4 p.m., Ellis Recital Hall, free Missouri State University Concert Chorale, 7-8:30 p.m., St. Agnes Cathedral, free SAC Films Presents: “The Butler,” 9-11 p.m., Plaster Student Union Theater, free

Monday, Feb. 10

Guest Artist Recital with Oscar Passley, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Ellis Recital Hall, free


Rene Gasser rides ‘Gala of the Royal Horses’

March 9, marks the date of the “Gala of the Royal Horses,” a world-renowned equestrian tour that begins its tour in North America in February Gasser recreated a show for this tour that has only been seen at famous riding schools in Vienna and Spain. The performance will be at JQH Arena and tickets are $55, $35 or $25 plus handling fees.

‘A Little Help’ in need of help

Fifty-plus students in the Media, Journalism and Film Department are working on a production called, “A Little Help,” but the production needs some help. With the group already working for funding through Indiegogo at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-little-help--4. As of Feb. 3, the group is $2,950 short of their $5,000 goal and can only accept donations at this site until Feb. 21.

‘12 Years a Slave’ leaves its mark Nic Deckard Movie Reviewer

“12 Years a Slave” tells the true story of Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free black man who lived in the United States in the early 1800s. The film is an adaptation of Northup’s autobiography of the same name. A talented and affluent violinist, Northrup was kidnapped and sold into slavery during his tour with a circus. This film is heavy. Throughout the two hours, your heart is not going to get a break. Director Steve McQueen has developed a reputation in the industry for his emotionally-taxing films, and “12 Years a Slave” is no exception. Do not be surprised if you have to avert your eyes more than once if you watch the film — I admit that there were parts I simply couldn’t watch. McQueen creates a hyper-realistic painting of American slavery. Children are torn from their mother’s arms, men and women are beaten half to death, and any sense of personhood or humanity is stripped from these people and they are left as something worse than animals: the film sets a new bar for period pieces. There is very little to pick apart with this movie. Ejiofor, along with Michael

Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt and newcomer actress Lupita Nyong’o play their respective roles almost flawlessly. Fassbender has certainly put on a new face from what I’m used to. You may remember him as Magneto from “X-men: First Class” or the android David from “Prometheus.” In “12 Years a Slave” he is a villain like no other: a wholly wretched personification of slavery if there ever was one. With every film Fassbender has put out, he amazes me again and again. All that being said, to highlight one actor in particular would be a disservice to the rest of the cast. It was refreshing to see Paul Dano on the silver screen again — he hasn’t worked on many films of note since “There Will Be Blood” and “Little Miss Sunshine.” I’m especially eager to see where Ejiofor and Nyong’o go from here. I doubt this will be the last time we see their names in lights. “12 Years a Slave” is undoubtedly worth seeing. Compared to other films on slavery, it goes above and beyond — Perhaps even surpassing “Roots.” I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up as a teaching aid in history classes. It’s an instant classic — a must-watch.


Throwback to sitting in footie pajamas on a Saturday morning, snacking on a double-iced Toaster Strudel way, flicking boogers and going hard on your yellow Game Boy Color. Flashback to last weekend when you did the exact same thing you used to do on Saturday mornings, but it was 3:17 a.m. and you were in a mental state that the experts call “drunk.” Zoom in to the present where 3:17 a.m. loner gaming sessions are no longer a necessity. Barcade, located on College Street downtown, is exactly what its wombination (word combination) suggests; it’s a bar and an arcade. Barcade takes drinking games to a whole new level, because you can drink and game at the same time. Bet you haven’t done that since … ever. Any game you can think of, Barcade has it, even old-school Pac-Man. The blast-from-the-past bar opened up April 19, 2013 and has been booming in popularity ever since. Dillon Teal, a junior physical education and history major, said that he went to Barcade for his best friend’s 21st birthday. “It was surprisingly fun,” said Teal, “They had a lot of the old, classic games from Nintendo 64 to play while we had a person serve us drinks.” Speaking of drinks, Barcade has a host of drink specials that are a little different from your average joint. “Our drinks are named after video games,” said Phillip, a Barcade bartender. Phillip also said that a new drink menu will be coming out this week, so stay posted. Besides video games, Barcade is home to several themed nights throughout the week. Barcade is open Tuesday through Sunday, 7 p.m. until midnight, and they have a different vibe each night, according to Phillip. Tuesday: board games and karaoke. Wednesday: beer pong tournament Thursday: house music Saturday: DJ P

Speaking of vibes, Teal and his u See BAR, page 8

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014

The Standard

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Differences in more than age The generation gap between seniors and freshmen is wide By Nicolette Martin The Standard

While a four-year difference doesn’t seem like much, you might be surprised at the differences.


In 1991: The Grammy Award for Record of the Year went to Natalie Cole. In 1996: The Grammy Award for Record of the Year went to Eric Clapton. In 1991: Popular musicians included Pearl Jam, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Queen, Michael Jackson, Metal lica, Janet Jackson and Nirvana. In 1996: Popular musicians included Eric Clapton, Oasis, 2Pac, Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morissette and Snoop Doggy Dogg.

Do you want to know something crazy? Most people entering high school next year were born after the turn of the century. They weren’t alive during the millennium scare of Y2K. They never got to experience the glorious existence of the Wonder Ball, Planters P.B. Crisps, real Squeezits or DunkAroos. They Movies likely never heard the distinct sound of a computer connecting to In 1991: Popular films included “The Silence of the the Internet via dial-up and likely never experienced heat days Lambs,” “The Addams Family,” “Beauty and the Beast” before many schools had air conditioning. and “Sleeping with the Enemy.” Because it’s always fun to take a look at generational differIn 1996: Popular films included “Independence Day,” ences, let’s look at the differences in growing up from the per“Twister,” “The Nutty Professor” and “Jerry Maguire.” spective of a Missouri State freshman and a Missouri State senior (let’s assume a current college freshman was born in 1995 and Cost of living a current college senior in 1991). In 1991: The average gallon of gas was $1.12, a pound of


Continued from page 4

Pappo’s Pizzeria, 221 E. Walnut Street

Fitting in with downtown, Pappo’s is a pizza place and a bar all in one. The big menu offers lots of specialty options and a build-your-own pizza. The medium amount of seating in the dining room lets you see past the bar into the kitchen. The decor supports the local heritage of downtown, with signs for Mother’s Brewery drink options and old black and white pictures of historic Springfield on the walls. The first thing I noticed about my

By Nicolette Martin The Standard

Super Bowl performers of games past

Illustration By Nic Deckard

Like Godfather’s, The Big Slice was good but not wow-worthy for me. You do get a decent amount of food for your money, it is a quick lunch spot and it can be a great option for when you want food fast but not fast food.

supreme pizza was the Italian seasoning sprinkled on top of it. Most of the time that’s just in the sauce, so I liked the twist on flavor. The crust was crispy on the bottom and soft on the inside, but almost it was doughy where it met the toppings. There wasn’t a lot of sauce, and the vegetables tasted fresh and had great color to them. Overall, I liked Pappo’s, and the flavors were classic and tasty. I went during a slow time in mid-afternoon, so I wonder how the pizza changes when served in the middle of bustling nightlife on a weekend. Those four places are just a small sampling of the pizza Springfield offers, and each can fulfill a different flavor craving or meal environment need. The biggest lesson learned here is that you have more options for pizza at a value than Domino’s and Pizza Hut, and you can experience some new flavors that are not too expensive for the college budget.

bacon cost $1.95 and a dozen eggs cost 85 cents. In 1996: The average gallon of gas was $1.22, a U.S. postage stamp was 32 cents and a loaf of bread cost $1.15.


In 1991: The Internet was made available to commercial use, and one million computers are on “the net.” In 1996: The number of Internet-host computers went from one million to 10 million.

Current college freshmen weren’t alive when the Soviet Union existed, never saw original episodes of “Tom & Jerry Kids,” were only 1-year-old when the final episode of “The Busy World of Richard Scarry” aired and never had a chance to see the original “Toy Story” in theaters. They likely never used floppy discs, blew into the bottom of a Super Nintendo game (the N64 was released in 1996), maybe never really got the full effect of cassette tapes, or played “The Oregon Trail,” “Carmen Sandiego” or “Treasure Mountain” on Windows 95. While there are not a lot of things current college freshmen and current college seniors reminisce about together, there is one good thing we share: we were all born in the greatest decade ever.

If Sunday night’s Super Bowl halftime performance by Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers left more to be desired by you, check out these hits from previous Super Bowl performances.

New Kids on the Block: “Step by Step” Michael Jackson: “Billie Jean,” “Black or White,” “We Are the World” Diana Ross: “Stop in the Name of Love,” “You Keep Me Hangin’ On,” “I Will Survive” The Blues Brothers: “Soul Man,” “Everybody Needs Somebody to Love” Tina Turner: “When the Heartache is Over/Proud Mary” Phil Collins: “Two Worlds” ‘N Sync: “Bye Bye Bye,” “It’s Gonna Be Me” U2: “Beautiful Day,” “Where the Streets Have No Name” Nelly: “Hot in Herre” Paul McCartney: “Live and Let Die,” “Hey Jude”





Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014 | the-standard.org


Men’s basketball (14-6, 4-4 MVC) Wednesday, Jan. 29 Missouri State 35 39 — 74 Drake 38 46 — 84 Saturday, Feb. 1 Bradley 28 33 — 61 Missouri State 33 41 — 74 Women’s basketball (7-10, 2-4 MVC) Friday, Jan. 31 Evansville 28 42 — 70 Missouri State 46 41 — 87 Sunday, Feb. 2 Southern Illinois 28 30 — 58 Missouri State 41 35 — 76 Swimming & diving Friday, Jan. 31 Missouri State men 147 Notre Dame men 223 Women’s track Friday, Jan. 31 Varsity Apartments Invitational, 6th of 6 Saturday, Feb. 1 Varsity Apartments Invitational, 4th of 7 Ice Bears (16-7, 7-4 MACHA) Friday, Jan. 31 Missouri State 0 4 2 — 6 Eastern Illinois 0 0 0 — 0 Saturday, Feb. 1 Missouri State 2 2 5 — 9 Eastern Illinois 0 0 1 — 1

Senior Keith Pickens returned to lineup against Bradley with five points in six minutes

Bears hot at home

Check out The Standard Sports on Facebook for the latest updates on MSU athletics.

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Calendar Wednesday, Feb. 5

Men’s basketball, 7:05 p.m., vs. Evansville in Evansville, Ind.

Friday, Feb. 7

Women’s track, 2 p.m., Missouri Invitational in Columbia, Mo. Women’s basketball, 7 p.m., vs. Loyola at home Ice Bears, 7 p.m., vs. Robert Morris University at Mediacom Ice Park

Saturday, Feb. 8

Softball, 11 a.m., vs. Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga. Softball, 1 p.m., vs. Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga. Men’s basketball, 6 p.m., vs. Southern Illinois in Carbondale, Ill.

Raven Kohlenberger/THE  STANDARD

Senior forward Jarmar Gulley makes a move in the Bears’ 74-61 win against the Bradley University Braves. With the home win, the men’s basketball team improved their home record to 11-1 and their conference record to 5-5.

Men’s basketball beats Bradley to bring home record to 11-1; team sits at third place in the Valley

By Mike Ursery The Standard

The Missouri State men’s basketball Bears (15-7, 5-5) rebounded from a tough road loss by defeating the Bradley Braves (914, 4-6) 74-61 on Feb. 1 at JQH Arena. Senior forward Jarmar Gulley led all scorers with 19 points as MSU had a total of three players reach double figures. Freshman guard Austin Ruder scored 13 points and junior guard and forward Ron Mvouika added 10. “We were good offensively and much better on the glass,” head coach Paul Lusk said. “I felt like we got contributions from every-

one.” Ruder, who currently leads his team with 53 3-pointers, had trouble establishing a rhythm in the first half, as he shot 0-6 from 3-point range. He rediscovered his stroke in the second half and made four shots out of five attempts, including a perfect 3-3 from behind the arc. “I tried to work the ball more in the second half,” Ruder said. “I hit a couple of shots, and then I got hot after that.” Senior guard and forward Keith Pickens returned to the lineup after missing seven games due to a stress fracture in his foot. He

Women back at .500

Ice Bears, 7 p.m., vs. Southern Illinois in Carbondale, Ill.

Sunday, Feb. 9

Softball, 10 a.m., vs. Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga. Women’s basketball, 2:05 p.m., vs. Bradley at home


The XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi will begin Friday, Feb. 7. The winter events include alpine skiing, bobsleigh, crosscountry skiing, curling, figure skating, freestyle skiing, ice hocky, luge and Nordic combined skiing. To follow the winter Olympics, which last until Feb. 23, visit www.sochi2014.com/en.

Softball picked to finish fifth in MVC

The Missouri State softball team was picked to finish fifth in the Missouri Valley Conference according to a Jan. 22 preseason coaches poll. Sophomore Mary Stephens was the only underclassman on the preseason All-MVC team.

Baseball picked for second-place MVC finish

The Missouri State baseball team was picked to finish second in the Missouri Valley Conference in a Jan. 29 coaches poll.

Ice Bears stock up on wins before conference tournament By Chase Probert The Standard

Follow the game live by following The Standard on Twitter @thestandard_MSU

The XXII Olympic Winter Games begin

u See HOME, page 8

Raven Kohlenberger/THE  STANDARD

Sophomore guard Tyonna Snow and an Evansville player battle for the ball on Friday, Jan. 31. The Lady Bears are now 10-10 overall with a 5-4 conference record.

After 3-5 start to the season, Lady Bears are back with an even record after 76-58 rout of SIU By John Robinson The Standard

After a rough opening stretch that saw them falling to 3-5, the Lady Bears (10-10 5-4 MVC) have climbed back to a .500 record after taking care of Southern Illinois (416 2-7 MVC) at the halfway point of their conference schedule. “I want our players to feel really excited about getting the win, to walk out of the locker room with big smiles,” said head coach Kellie Harper. “But I want them to understand that we can get better still.” There was not much debate on

how the game would end after the Lady Bears went on a 23-3 run and forced a season-high 29 turnovers, but there was some cause for concern for Harper when the Lady Bears allowed a 17-1 point run to end the game. “Consistency is just the best thing you can have,” said senior forward Bry Snow. “Whether it’s a tight game, or a game that’s not so close.” “It’s tough to play 40 minutes of intense basketball with such a comfortable lead, and to be honest, I was much more pleased with our starters in the second half tonight than on Friday,” Harper said. The Lady Bears’ bench players also put in valuable minutes Sunday, and to Harper, that is one of the key accomplishments from the game. “You never know when foul trouble is going to cause Lexie (Hughes, freshman guard) to play 25 minutes, so this experience is valuable,” Harper said. The focus for the Lady Bears now shifts to next weekend, where the team looks to finish up the last two games of this home-stand and get wins, and to finish in the top

half of the standings of the Missouri Valley Conference. Every win matters, and nobody knows that more than Harper. “We’re going to start posting the standings now in the locker room,” she said. “It’s important to let the players see it — let them know where they stand, and there is a lot of time left, a lot of time to move in the standings.” Right now, the Lady Bears sit in fourth place in the MVC at 5-4. The league-leading Wichita State Shockers are a perfect 9-0, with the Indiana State Sycamores at 7-2 and the Northern Iowa Panthers at 6-3. There is still plenty of play before the championship tournament in March. Though right now, all that is on the minds of the Lady Bears is next weekend, and according to Hannah Wilkerson, “It’s like coach Kelly says, you can’t win four games ‘til you win one, you can’t win four games ‘til you win two, so we are just looking ahead to this weekend and winning the next two.” The next contest for the Lady Bears is against visiting MVC newcomer Loyola (also 5-4 in the MVC) on Friday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m.

Some wins come easier than others. Luckily for the Missouri State Ice Bears, they got a couple of easy ones before the brutal and imminent MACHA tournament. Missouri State cruised to a 6-0 victory on Friday night against the Eastern Illinois Panthers, getting six goals from six different skaters and another shutout from sophomore goalie Justin Davis. After a scoreless first period, the Ice Bears finally broke open the scoring nearly midway through the second period on a breakaway goal from senior forward Derek Bartsch. “We needed somebody to step up and put that first puck in the net, because we all knew once we got the first one, the rest would fall,” the senior captain said postgame on scoring the game’s first goal. Bartsch was right, for the Ice Bears would score three more goals in the second to take a 4-0 lead into the third. Missouri State would pad the lead on an interesting short-handed goal by junior defender Nick Sadorf, who broke his stick to give the Ice Bears a 5-0 lead. “I was swinging for the fences on that one. It’s probably the most expensive goal I have ever scored,” Sadorf quipped after the game. The Ice Bears would get a goal in the final minute from junior forward Kyle Brown to earn the 6-0 victory, in which Missouri State had three short-handed goals and put up 68 shots to EIU’s 26. Saturday night’s game would be more of the same, with Missouri State dominating the puck all night and out-shooting the u See WINS, page 7

Jarmar Gulley:

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014

The Standard

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File photo by Raven Kohlenberger/THE  STANDARD

The Missouri State Ice Bears compete at Mediacom Ice Park in a homestand. The Ice Bears compete in their conference tournament starting Feb. 14.


Continued from page 6

Panthers 78-to-15 to secure a 9-1 victory. The story of Game 2, though, would be senior forward Blake Ryan and junior forward Jack Ryan, who combined for four goals and six assists on the night for the Ice Bears. Blake Ryan would start the scoring for the Ice Bears, finding the back of the net early in the first period. Jack Ryan then assisted on junior defender Eric Aldag’s second-period goal to give Missouri State a 3-0 lead. The two Ryans would then work together to set up Sadorf minutes later for his second

goal of the weekend. The Ryan brothers would own the third period, which began with Blake Ryan winning a face-off on a Missouri State power play to find Jack Ryan for his first goal of the night. “I looked over to Jack, and I just motioned to him ‘Go forward,’” Blake Ryan said in breaking down the play. Jack Ryan would score Missouri State’s next two goals to earn a hat trick for himself, then would earn an assist on the Ice Bears’ final goal of the game from freshman forward Alex Nanna in the final minute. “We couldn’t be playing better at a better time,” Jack Ryan said after the game.

‘Dominant force’ Raven Kohlenberger/THE  STANDARD

Jarmar Gulley, a senior forward on the men’s basketball team, poses in his natural state: with a basketball in his hand.

Senior Texas native the ‘epitome of a hard-working basketball player’ By Eli Wohlenhaus The Standard

His quiet transformation from junior college to injury to Division-1 all star is hardly given enough credit. His accomplishments are often overlooked. He is Jarmar Gulley, a senior forward who paces the team with the most points per game and rebounds per game. His passion on the court is hard to miss; he is the epitome of a hard-working basketball player. More than that, Gulley is kind and humble. He was not introduced to basketball

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until the fourth grade. “I can’t believe how early y’all start sports out here,” Gulley said. Never going to any kind of camp or practice, he slowly learned the game of basketball. Even though he started playing later than most who have success, that didn’t keep him from becoming a dominant force on the hardwood. He started three straight years at his high school, averaging 18 points, six rebounds, three assists and two blocked shots a game during his senior season. Gulley’s success was furthered as he went to Highland Community College in Highland, Kan. He knew that was what he needed to do to make it to the next level. During his two years at Highland, he broke — and still holds — the school’s scoring record. And what did he have to say when asked

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u See GULLEY, page 8

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“To get going like this with the season winding down, and we have the playoffs and regionals coming up.” Head coach Bob Bucher could not agree more. “It’s been kind of a weird season within the region, so to be where we are after what we have had to fight through and struggle with, it’s so amazing,” Bucher said after completing the sweep. The Ice Bears have now won five of their last six games going into the final weekend of the regular season. Missouri State will take on Robert Morris for the final weekend of hockey at Mediacom Ice Park this season, with the puck dropping at 7 p.m. both Friday and Saturday night.

8 | the-standard.org

The Standard


Continued from page 4

friends felt uncomfortable when they arrived to Barcade. “There were about 10 of us,” said Teal. “We all walked in, and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, kind of like we were weird to them.” That didn’t stop them from having a blast. “They have all of the classic games, every console and a lot of new games,”


Continued from page 7

Raven Kohlenberger/THE  STANDARD

Bradley’s Austin Barnes guards junior guard and forward Ron Mvouika in Missouri State’s 74-61 win over the Braves at JQH  Arena.


Continued from page 6

scored five points while playing six minutes in the game. “Anytime you can play the game of basketball, you have to enjoy it,” Pickens said. “It was good to be out there with my team and even better that we got a win.” MSU got off to a quick start. Bradley scored the game’s first basket, but Mvouika put the Bears ahead by knocking down a 3-pointer, MSU’s first shot of the game. Gulley added a 3-pointer less than a minute later on an assist from redshirt sophomore guard Dorrian Williams. MSU built its lead to 17-6 with 11:48 remaining in the first half, but Bradley put together a small run to close the gap 19-13 with 9:45 left. Gulley added two more

points to extend that lead to eight before Bradley surged ahead on a 10-0 run to make the score 23-21 in favor of the Braves with 4:41 left in the opening period. The Bears and the Braves exchanged leads before the Bears went on a 7-0 run to close out the first half with a 33-28 lead. The Bears kept the momentum from the end of the first half to score four points in the first minute of the second half. This brought MSU ahead 3725 and forced Bradley to use a timeout. The Braves returned to the court and cut the Bears’ lead to 37-34 with 17:13 left in the game. Bradley pulled within two points after a 3-pointer made the score 44-42 with 12:33 left in the game, but 3-pointers by senior forward Emmanuel Addo and senior guard and forward Nathan Scheer put the Bears ahead 50-43 and swung

the momentum back toward MSU. “We’ve been looking for some offense out of (Addo), and I think today he came out

down the stretch, as the Bears are just two games ahead of the last-place team. “We’re definitely in a good spot,” Ruder said. “We’ve already cycled We’ve been looking for through all of the teams in some offense out of the conference. We’re (Addo), and I think looking fortoday he came out ward to playing all of these ready to play.” teams again.” Next, the Bears take on Jarmar Gulley the Evansville Senior forward Aces on Feb. 5 in Evansville, Ind. ready to play,” Gulley said. “I MSU defeated the Aces 64-61 guess he got tired of getting back on Jan. 21 at JQH Arena. yelled at.” MSU will then take on the The victory puts MSU in a Southern Illinois Salukis on three-way tie for third place Feb. 8 in Carbondale, Ill. with eight games remaining on before returning to JQH Arena the regular season schedule. on Feb. 12 to face the Drake There is little room for error Bulldogs.

about the record? “Yeah. We actually won a ring while I was there because we won the region,” Gulley said. His focus is always on how his team can be successful, not how he can be successful. Gulley relies heavily on Keith Pickens, but knows he is a guy that his other teammates rely on. His accountability both on and off the court is irrevocable. Gulley’s humility extended when he came from Highland, saying that it still makes him feel so honored when someone asks him for an autograph. But there is more. Gulley continues to make sure he shows that he is grateful for every opportunity he has

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Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014

said Teal. “We played Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros on Nintendo 64.” A friend’s 21st is what brought Teal to Barcade for the first time, but Barcade is also home to quite a few regulars, said Phillip. Barcade puts a spin on a classic bar by hosting a plethora of activities and a hipster atmosphere for everyone, 21 and up, to enjoy. So throw on your footie pajamas (or something more socially acceptable, like a groutfit), and hit up Barcade for a walk, or crawl, down memory lane.

been given, posting on Twitter every day that he is thankful. “Not everybody can go play ball D-1,” Gulley said. “Not everybody can wake up to nice facilities, a nice school. That’s why I am thankful every day.” Gulley’s numbers speak loudly, too. He has scored over 20 points in five games, and has also achieved four double-doubles, all of which have come against conference foes. Each double-double was from points scored and rebounds grabbed. Coming into the season, all eyes were on Marcus Marshall and Pickens. Both have had their success, but they have been dogged by injuries, the latest was a season-ending injury to Marshall. However, through all the ups and downs, there’s been one dependable constant: Jarmar Gulley.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014

The Standard

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10 | the-standard.org

The Standard

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014

This season in MVC hoops With the season halfway over, find out who’s who in the MVC this season

Wichita State

By Eli Wohlenhaus The Standard

Illinois State

Wichita this, Wichita that. Yeah, we get it. The Shockers are the best team in the Missouri Valley Conference, and that’s no shocker. What else is going on in this conference? Wichita State (23-0, 10-0) has enough coverage to last them a long time, but rightfully so. The Shockers are undefeated and have proven that they can win anywhere. It hasn’t been a walk in the park for them, as they have had to fight hard numerous times to get the win. Indiana State (17-5, 8-2) is in second place, which is really first place, considering Wichita State remains untouchable way up at the top. Indiana State brings forth a very balanced attack on offense, with all five of its starters scoring in double figures during the huge road win at Northern Iowa. They aren’t invincible, however. Of their two conference losses, one was to Wichita State on the road, and the other was to Southern Illinois on the road. Southern Illinois has the worst season record in the conference, but the Salukis were able to put a stop to the Sycamores’ offense, holding them to 16 points in the first half. After the top two teams, there is a significant drop-off. There are three teams who have a 5-5 conference record: Missouri State (15-7), Illinois State (12-10) and Northern Iowa (11-11). Missouri State had the strongest non-conference campaign, only losing twice — once on a neutral site to Virginia, who is second in the powerful ACC, and then to Louisville, who was sixth in the nation at the time. Since entering conference contests, the Bears have really had problems on the road. The largest win margin in any Missouri Valley game this season was when Missouri State lost by 32 at Loyola, who is dead-last in the conference. Illinois State has dwelled in the middle of the road all season long. They have no losses that stand out as particularly regrettable, and their best win to date was at Northwestern, who recently surpassed Ohio State and Wisconsin in the Big Ten standings.

Indiana State

MVC Record

Overall Record




Missouri State 5-5 Northern Iowa Bradley

Evansville Loyola







Southern Illinois 4-6 Drake



3-7 3-7

11-11 8-15


10-13 8-14

The Missouri Valley men’s conference tournament will be held March 6-9 in St. Louis.

Northern Iowa has performed as Missouri State has, with only a little less success in their non-conference games. The team’s one game to boast about was a home win against the March Madness Cinderella from 2012, Virginia Commonwealth. Bradley and Southern Illinois are both 4-6 in the conference, and both have yet to reach double figures in the win column. Bradley has one of the conference’s best point guards in senior Walt Lemon Jr., but he hasn’t been enough to earn the Braves more wins. Both the Salukis and the Braves, however, have kept their games close, only averaging two points or fewer per game behind their opponents. Drake, Evansville and Loyola are in the valley of the Valley, but both Drake and Loyola can take pride in their strong home wins against the Missouri State Bears. Evansville has yet to have a defining win in the conference — although they host Missouri State tomorrow night — but they did defeat Horizon League contender Valparaiso at home in November. With the bottom eight teams being so close together in record, it’s anyone’s guess who can climb to the top. The second half of the season is now underway, and the games mean more and more.

My Take

Only eight games remain for each team, but some of them have bigger implications than others. In my opinion, there were three games that Wichita State could lose within conference play. The Shockers overcame an 18-point deficit at Missouri State to win in their first possible loss. The only other two teams that could defeat the Shockers at home are Indiana State and Northern Iowa. Either team has a good chance on their home court, and both host the Shockers this week. Missouri State has two big games to watch out for: on the road versus Illinois State and at home versus Indiana State. Both of these games come in the same week and will test the Bears’ ability to play tough on the road and to defend their home court against a strong team. Northern Iowa will need to shape up its abilities on the road as well. A solid road win against Illinois State this week — or Missouri State in two weeks — would give the Panthers the lift they need. The Drake Bulldogs haven’t performed the way they would have hoped so far in the conference, but they still maintain a winning record overall. If they hope to finish like that, then they need to keep winning at home and pick up a road win. Their best chance of winning on the road comes at Evansville on Feb. 25.

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