‘F a i r ’ f l a i r
Fashion show tur ns heads with classic style
P a ge 4
Tuesday • April 19, 2011 • Vol. 104 Issue 28
Briefs Man falls from second level of JQH
A man fell from the second level of seating at JQH Arena Saturday night during the Elton John concert. The name of the man and the extent of his injuries have yet to be released.
Bear Park South hours extended
The Department of Safety and Transportation agreed to extend the parking hours at Bear Park South until 3 a.m. This decision was based on input from SGA in the form of a resolution and relevant lot utilization data, along with a review of the operating hours of buildings in the vicinity of Bear Park South.
Provost Q&A leads to Tuesday meeting
Elections were held at the Faculty Senate meeting on Thursday, April 14. Christopher Herr, associate professor of theater history, ran unopposed for the position of chair-elect. Cynthia Hail, of Childhood Education and Family Studies Department, also ran unopposed for the position of Secretary. Both candidates were elected. A Q-and-A session with the provost, Belinda McCarthy, followed and lasted the remainder of the meeting. The session included a presentation by the Department of Media, Journalism and Film regarding an experimental section of the Introduction to Journalism class. The meeting ended when a motion to adjourn and continue the meeting as a carryover meeting passed. The carryover meeting will take place at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in Glass Hall 344,
Date set for Bee Payne-Stewart Strut
The 5th Annual Bee PayneStewart Strut is slated for Saturday, April 30. The 30-minute, mile-and-a-half walk through downtown Springfield begins in front of Mediacom Ice Park at 10 a.m. with check-in starting at 9 a.m. The annual event is a special community-wide fundraising project and partnership event designed to raise money for the women's athletic programs at Missouri State University, Drury University and Evangel University. The Strut also provides funds for the SpringfieldGreene County Park Board Youth Programs and WIN for Springfield.
April 19 to April 25
SAC meeting 4 to 5 p.m., PSU 313 “Marketing the Global Graduate” 5 to 6:30 p.m., PSU fourth floor Student Senate meeting 5:30 to 8 p.m., PSU 313
Graduate Student Council meeting 5 to 6 p.m., PSU 312C Interfraternity Council meeting 5:15 to 6 p.m., PSU 313 Panhellenic Council meeting 6 to 7 p.m., PSU 313
Thursday Spring Holiday no classes/offices open
Provost Open Forum 3 to 5 p.m., PSU 400 Students for a Sustainable Future meeting 4 to 5 p.m., Temple Hall Pit
Spring Holiday no classes/offices closed
BiGALA chalkings vandalized during Equity Week By Amanda Hess The Standard
One of the pillars for Missouri State’s public affairs mission is cultural competence, a value that took center stage during last week’s Public Affairs Conference due to comments written on the walkways of campus. BiGALA wrote inspirational quotes in chalk on campus sidewalks on April 11 to promote their Equity Week, only to find the next day that people had commented on the quotes. BiGALA is Missouri State University’s Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Ally Alliance. With quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr., William Shakespeare and even Lady Gaga, BiGALA said all of the quotes promoted love for
oneself, love for others and equal rights. The quote by William Shakespeare said, “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; thus is winged cupid painted blind.” Beneath it the next day someone had written, “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” Other comments next to BiGALA’s chalkings throughout campus were, “Over tolerance is an intolerance to your morals,” “A child knows having two moms isn’t right” and “v + v = no reproduction.” Brandon Vescovo, a secretary to BiGALA, said the original chalking was commented on both Monday and Tuesday night. “When it happened the first night, I had a gut feeling it would happen again,” he said. “It dis-
appointed me and reflects poorly on the people of Missouri State. This has never happened before in the three years I have been here. There’s never been this type of vandalism or open hate towards our chalk or BiGALA’s actions.” They wrote the quotes to lead up to their event on April 15, the Day of Silence. For the Day of Silence, people tape their mouths closed to signify the isolating silence gay and lesbian students feel because of their sexual orientation. BiGALA also hosted a bake sale where all proceeds go toward educating local counselors to help students confused or conflicted with their sexual orientation.
See CHALKINGS page 2
Bush confronts global health Africa trip inspires new life calling By Jon Poorman The Standard
On a trip to Africa with her family, Barbara Pierce Bush remembers standing next to a tiny 7-year-old African girl who was lying on the ground, dressed in her fanciest white and lavender dress. Bush did not know the details of the child’s life but knew that she was too sick to stand on her own two feet and probably wouldn’t live much longer. “For me, as a 21-year-old, this was an unbelievably hard thing for me to wrap my mind around,” Bush said of the experience. From that moment on, Bush knew that she had found a new calling in life: taking on global health issues in a way that would truly make a difference. Bush went on to become the founder and president of Global Health Corps, a non-profit organization that aims to improve the quality of health services worldwide and to build a new movement of health leaders. Bush shared her knowledge of global health issues with a crowd of 700 last Wednesday at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts as part of MSU’s Public Affairs Conference. Her presentation was titled “One Person can Make a Difference: Confronting Today’s Global Health Challenges.” “One person’s determination can change the lives of so many others,” Bush said. “This is especially true in several countries around the world where extraordinary suffering like poverty, malnutrition and disease can be eased with very basic supplies.” Bush said when she returned from Africa, she went back to college and began taking as many
Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Public Affairs Conference keynote speaker Barbara Bush shared stories of her experiences in Africa that led her to the founding of the nonprofit organization Global Health Corps. health classes as she could. It was through her studies that she came across some global health statistics that really struck a chord with her. “Every year, child birth — which should be an occasion of pure joy — kills as many as 500,000 women,” Bush said. “Approximately 9 million children under the age of five die each year needlessly from preventable and treatable illnesses.” It was statistics such as those that inspired Bush to get involved in a big way, which led to the creation of Global Health Corps. Bush said her organization targets people in their 20s who want to start making a difference as soon as they graduate from college.
“(Global health issues) pose an unbelievably formidable challenge,” Bush said. “ But just as formidable as this challenge, what I’ve found is that it cannot beat the optimism of a new generation of leaders who are committed to solving these problems.” After the speech, MSU students shared their opinions of what Bush had to say. “My impression is that she’s just trying to make a difference in this world and doing what she can,” senior Zach Appling said. “She saw a need and she’s filling it. I really hope she’s successful. This is a big endeavor to take on.” Junior Kathleen Tims said
although Bush’s speech was interesting, it was not instructive enough on how students can get involved. “She didn’t really give venues,” she said, “like if you have passion, what you can do with it. It was just like, ‘Hey if you’ve got passion, step up and go for it.’ That didn’t seem like the most motivational thing to actually get something done.” Bush was the keynote speaker for MSU’s Public Affairs Conference last week, which included five other plenary speakers. The theme for this year’s conference was “Leading in a Global Society.” To find out more about Global Health Corps, go to their website at www.ghcorps.org.
Organizations feel effects of smoking ban By Jason Johnston The Standard
The Heart of the Ozarks Sertoma Club allows smoking at its bingo night every Thursday, a practice that must stop on June 11 because of the smoking ban in most enclosed Springfield businesses. “I think we should have been exempted from this ordinance,” said Powell McHaney, a Sertoma Club volunteer who has helped with the bingo night since 1996. “The deal is we are not pro-smoking. We are pro-charity.” The Sertoma Club raised more than $210,000 in 2010 from bingo and most of it went to the Boys & Girls Club of Springfield while the rest went to similar charities like Big Brothers Big Sisters, McHaney said. Bingo is the Sertoma Club’s biggest fundraiser. The citywide smoking ban passed on April 5 with a vote of 11,201 to 9,795. The petition was sponsored by Clean Air Springfield, an organization that was endorsed by the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association.
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
The Sertoma Club will no longer be able to smoke at their bingo fundraisers. Clean Air received more than $82,000 in contributions, according to an April 15 committee disclosure report on the Missouri Ethics Commission website About 180 to 200 players attend
each bingo night and around half of them are smokers, McHaney said. “The average spend-per-player is between $80 and $90, which blows my mind to be honest with you,” he said.
McHaney said the smoking ban presents a big problem for the Sertoma Club’s bingo nights. “The problem with the smoking ban is that they can go to other venues pretty close by,” he said. “I mean, they can even go to the Indian casinos in Oklahoma — which are only an hour away —and smoke all they want while playing slot machines or bingo. We have competitors in small towns around the area that are going to allow them to smoke.” McHaney said he is worried the revenue-stream for the kids will dry up. McHaney said when he was at the original City Council meeting where the smoking ban was presented. There, Josh Garrett from the American Cancer Society suggested if the City Council exempt bingo halls then every bar will have bingo to get around the ordinance. “That is ridiculous because you have to be a registered charitable 501(c)(3) organization, and you have to be licensed by the state highway patrol, which is basically a See BAN page 8
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Standard
Civility in Springfield The city of Springfield kicked off an official Springfield-Greene County civility project “Be Civil, Be Heard” April 13 at The Gillioz. The project pushes people to express their ideas in a respectful way.
Continued from page 1
Some of BiGALA’s chalkings had the word “gay” scratched out of the quotes and sayings, he said. Wes Pratt, the equal opportunities officer at MSU, said the comments added to BiGALA’s chalkings did not equate to hate speech, but that any tampering with BiGALA’s quotes did in fact qualify as vandalism. “We may find it offensive, especially with Public Affairs (Conference) going on, but it’s protected by free speech,” Pratt said. “We would not be able to do anything. We are a work of progress on this campus, in this community and in this nation.” Pratt said everyone has something to bring to the discussion, including BiGALA. “It’s sad that people were offended,” Pratt said. “(BiGALA) was trying to make known their event and have every right to.” Vescovo said he had mocked or countered some of the comments written next to their initial chalkings with pro-gay statements. “We had one where we wrote ‘Gay? Lesbian? Transgender?’ and then wrote ‘Cool’ or ‘Awesome’ or ‘Neat-o’ next to them,” Vescovo said. “Someone wrote ‘Straight? Too bad’ under ours. That one got under my skin the most. We don’t hate straight people at all. Pro-gay is not anti-straight.” The more their chalkings were commented on, the more they chalked around the university, Vescovo said. “It’s Equity Week for us, and they are trampling on our message,” he said. “If they want to have a Hate Week, they can do that, but this week is Equity Week.” Earle Doman, vice president for student affairs and dean of students, said it is not right to change or erase chalkings that the universi-
The project’s goal is to foster an atmosphere of free speech, civil discourse and courageous civic engagement. The project runs on 10 tenents.
The 10 Tenets of Civility
1. Be Attentive: Live with awareness
toward others and your surroundings.
2. Acknowledge Others: Greet people,
Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Chalk messages reminding of BiGALA’s Day of Silence were vandalized last week. ty accepts within their policy. “Everyone in the university community should understand that reviewing, listening to or reading about an idea does not mean you must support it,” he said. “We would hope that all members of our university community discourage behavior that would limit the exchange of ideas. “At Missouri State, we encourage all members of the university to be full participants in the exchange of thoughts and beliefs that are of importance to our campus and to the world community,” Doman added. “We do ask, however, that such engagement be done in a civil manner and with the acknowledgment and expectation that all have the right to contribute to the exchange of thought
and beliefs.” Doman said he invites the person or people that wrote next to BiGALA’s chalkings to start a conversation with BiGALA. “We recognize this as a difference of opinions,” he said. “We encourage people to engage with others with different ideas. It’s important to tell people why you believe something just as much as what you believe.” Vescovo said the comments written around their quotes will not dishearten BiGALA. “I think there is a political climate that’s very ugly right now,” he said. “I think it emboldens the hateful to think they can get away with it. They won’t get away with this. In turn, it emboldens us.”
ideas and values with respect. 3. Be Inclusive: Recognize and welcome all people every day. 4. Listen: Seek to understand by concentrating on what people say. 5. Respect Other Views: Respond to different opinions with a fair and open mind. 6. Speak Out With Courage: Express yourself with honor and conviction. 7. Act with Compassion: Treat others with kindness and honesty. 8. Give and Accept Constructive Feedback: Consider criticism thoughtfully and factually. 9. Treat Your Environment with Respect: Show regard for nature, resources and shared spaces. 10. Be Accountable: Acknowledge mistakes and take responsibility for your actions.
New Blackboard to be introduced in May New system gives students more options
By Courtney Atkinson The Standard
Missouri State University students and faculty will begin using Blackboard Learn 9.1 on May 21. There will be a new interface, a drag and drop feature for faculty, enhanced assignment functions, an updated gradecenter as well as other system-wide improvements that will make Blackboard
Learn more accessible to students, said Kevin Piercy, coordinator of user support services. “It has a few new features and tools that you can see on the (Blackboard Learn 9.1) wiki,” Piercy said. Blackboard Learn 9.1 has had a pilot program in which 83 professors on the West Plains and the Springfield campus were chosen to participate, he said. “We owe a great thanks to those faculty members who, through the pilot program that has been running all semester, should make the experience for the majority of faculty and students easier when we go live,” Piercy said. New features will include automated course-shell creation, automated student enrollment and a new drag-and-drop interface, the Blackboard Learn 9.1 press
release said. “Course shells are built automatically for faculty,” Piercy said. “Students are automatically enrolled.” The new level of integration with Blackboard Learn 9.1 will be a huge help for everyone, especially after the enrolling issues with Blackboard 8, Piercy said. “Its automation the way it was meant to be, which takes the busy work out of it,” Piercy said. “Its not a vast change from the old system. It fixes a lot of bugs we’ve had.” Along with the systematic differences there will be better support for mobile apps and devises, Piercy said. “It should be a lot faster for students; it definitely has better support for web browsers and mobile devises,” he said. “iPads, iPhones, Androids and various
smartphone devises will be able to access Blackboard Learn 9.1.” Blackboard Learn 9.1 is geared more for collaboration than the previous version, Piercy said. “The biggest feature that the old Blackboard had that the new one doesn’t would probably be the digital dropbox,” he said. In the dropbox’s place there are other features that professors can offer such as an assignment manager and a journal section for group collaboration, Piercy said. The Blackboard Learn 9.1 wiki page has multiple training videos for students who aren’t technically inclined, Piercy said. “We can do one-on-one assistance with any student who needs help,” he said. “We also do liaison work between students and faculty.”
April 19, 2011
Cartoon by Rachel Brown
Chalk debacle is not public affairs friendly
Letters Professor thanks MSU campus for successful Public Affairs Conference
To the campus community: Thank you so much for your support of the Public Affairs Conference, which concluded Friday, April 15. I was thrilled to see so many students, faculty and staff members, and administrators attending the panels and presentations during the week’s events. The “buzz” we heard during and after the conference indicated that the panelists and speakers were engaged, interesting, and stimulated creative thinking among participants. In about two weeks, audio recordings of the panels and three of the speakers (Lynn Dally, Elizabeth Morgan, and Bill Perry) will be available on the Public Affairs Conference website: publicaffairs.missouristate.edu/conference. For those of you who wanted to attend a particular panel but couldn’t, this is an option for you. The overwhelming number of people who
wanted to hear Stephen Prothero caught us by surprise. I apologize to those who were turned away. I know you were disappointed. In the future, if we have any inkling of such a response, we will set aside an overflow room so this doesn’t happen again. This conference couldn’t happen without help from many people, including those of you who attended, who sent classes to hear the speakers and panels, and who supported the conference in other ways. For me, this is one of the key ways in which the university enacts its public affairs mission, by giving back to the campus and Springfield community. I am grateful for your support this past year. Thank you, and you rock!
Gloria Galanes Professor of communication and provost fellow for public affairs
Do you have an Opinion? send a letter to the editor
Standard@MissouriState.edu or Student Media Center 113
At a forum with faculty and students on April 11, Missouri State President James Cofer said the university needs to bolster its efforts to reflect its public affairs mission. “It makes us unique as long as we are not doing what other institutions are doing with public affairs,” he said. “It’s more than studyaway programs. It’s more than speakers. It’s more than service learning.” Cofer’s words could not have come at a more relevant time. Not only was it Public Affairs Conference, but later that night, the Bi, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Ally Alliance’s sidewalk chalk promoting its Equity Week was — as today’s front page story puts it — “commented” on. And that’s putting it lightly. The word “gay” was actually crossed out of some of the organization’s sidewalk chalkings, which is vandalism and could very well be considered a hate crime. One of the pillars of the university’s public affairs mission is cultural competence. According to the cultural competence section of the public affairs page on the Missouri State website, “cultural competence begins with cultural self-awareness and expands to knowledge of, respect for and skills to engage with those of other cultures. Culturally competent individuals respect multiple perspectives and are able to successfully negotiate cross-cultural differences.” Sexuality and gender, whether gay or straight or female or male, fall under this pillar of cultural competence. It is downright embarrassing that this failure to encourage and embrace diversity occurred at this university, let alone that it happened on the sidewalks some of the most distinguished leaders and knowledgeable persons of this country walked on that very day. Also, the disgrace occurred during the Public Affairs Conference, the tent pole of our mission. Cofer is right. We can’t call ourselves a public affairs university because one week out of the year we have speakers and panels discussing high-minded ideals like global health care. We need to address this mission every day, and that begins with each member of the campus community respecting people who lead lives different from their own. That does not mean everyone on campus needs to agree with BiGALA and what the organization represents. If you disagree with gay marriage or homosexuality in general, then disagree. But you can do so in such a way that does not condemn the BiGALA members’ point of view. Instead, respect it. Rather than crossing out the word “gay” from sidewalk chalk and relying on unoriginal catchphrases like “The Bible says Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” we can be culturally competent adults and engage in civil, intellectual conversations with people who hold different ideas — or just shut up.
Plus-minus system is unfair
Since it’s hard to find any poetic way to say this, I’m just going to be blunt: Missouri State’s current plus-minus grading system sucks. There are so many flaws with it that they’re hard to count. For starters, the plusminus system puts Missouri State students at an unfair disadvantage to schools that don’t have a similar grading system. While I used to be able to barely slide by with a low B or a low A, I may now have to get stuck with an A- or a B- for the same percentage. In a number of other institutions, students don’t have to go through the undue stress of worrying about if they’ll get an A or an A-. They’re guaranteed the A, and their higher GPA will show that.
The Standard
Greg Edwards To go along with making students have lower GPAs than their counterparts at other schools, the grading system also needs to go away because Missouri State is not forcing the professors to be consistent. The university doesn’t even make professors teaching the same courses be consistent. So I could score an 81 percent with one professor and get a B- or find a professor who doesn’t like the plus-minus grading system and pull off a B. How is this fair? It does-
sions are also welcome. The Standard reserves the right to edit all submissions for punctuation, spelling, length and good taste. Letters should be mailed to The Standard, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65897 or e-mailed to Standard@Missouri State.edu.
Editorial Policy The Standard is the official student-run newspaper of Missouri State University. Student editors and staff members are responsible for all content. The views expressed do not represent those of the university. Advertising Policy The Standard will not accept any Letters and Guest Columns advertising that is libelous, proLetters to the Editor should not motes academic dishonesty, vioexceed 250 words and should lates any federal, state or local include the author’s name, telelaws, or encourages discrimination phone number, address and class against any individual or group on standing or position with the univer- the basis of race, sex, age, color, sity. Anonymous letters will not be creed, religion, national origin, sexpublished. Guest column submisual orientation or disability.
n’t take an A- student to realize it isn’t. Anyone besides a feebleminded freshman will probably realize by now that all I’ve done thus far is recycle a bunch of old arguments used over the years about the plus-minus system. Yeah, I tacked on my own sarcastic spin, but I’ve basically been rehashing old arguments that past students used. But why? Why would I ever waste readers’ valuable time spewing old arguments that already died away? Am I just that mean and coldhearted of a person? Am I just burned out and not wanting to have any more independent, original thoughts? Nope. It’s actually simple. Somebody else brought up a
The Standard reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising copy at any time. The Standard encourages responsibility and good taste in advertising. Political advertisements must show clear endorsement, such as “Paid for by (Advertiser).” A sample of all mail-order items must be submitted prior to the publication of the advertisement. Advertising having the appearance of news must have the word “advertisement” printed above. Such ads must be bordered. Clear sponsorship must be shown on each advertisement. Position requests will be honored when possible but are not guaranteed. In case of error or omission, The
similar complaint, which got me ready and raring to share my disgust for the current grading system. During their campaign, Student Body Presidentelect Scott Turk and Student Body Vice President-elect Emily Bernet mentioned wanting to abolish the Afrom possible grades at Missouri State. They didn’t go all the way and say they want to abolish the plusminus system, but getting rid of the A- is at least a step in the right direction. On their official campaign platform on Facebook, they said “Many students strive to do well in college, and when they receive an A, they are deserving of the full A. There should not be variation of it, especially acknowledging that there is
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no A+ to balance the A- for a final GPA.” Even if it already looks like I may disagree with Scott and Emily on some highly political issues, this is one issue in which all students should stand up and agree with our newly elected leaders. Scott and Emily are right that the A- is not a fair grade. Even when there is a plus grade to balance out minus grades, plus-minus grades in general still aren’t fair. So, since they made it clear that they are willing to take up the fight against the A-, the student population needs to hold them accountable and make sure they follow through on this promise. To be honest, it’s a mystery to me what their plan of The Standard Physical address: Student Media Center 744 E. Cherry St. Postal address: 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897
attack will be on this issue. In years past, SGA passed resolutions opposing both the plus-minus system and the A- grade. Hopefully, our new leaders will have a plan of attack. If not, it’s our responsibility as students to voice our concern about the A- system to our student leaders. Students by and large want to see the A- go away. Scott and Emily say they also want to see it go away. So they better do something. SGA is supposed to be the voice of the student body, so the student body needs to be very vocal to SGA about this issue and make them find something more practical to do than writing a nonbinding resolution.
Editor in Chief Sarah Bennett 417-836-5272
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Advertising Mgr. Sandy King 417-836-5524 Faculty Adviser Jack Dimond 417-836-8467
April 19, 2011
Calendar April 19 to April 25
History sways style
Carrie’s Restaurant open 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Professional Building 426
Soul of a Poet reading 7 p.m., The Library Center Sara Good: “In the Space of Soil” exhibit continues 1 to 6 p.m., Brick City Gallery Breaking Barriers: An Asian American Pacific Heritage Event 7 to 9 p.m., PSU theater Eastern: Mehdi Saeedi continues 1 to 6 p.m., Brick City Gallery
Jazz showcase: Jane Monheit 7:30 to 10 p.m., Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts Dierks Bentley concert 6 p.m., O’Reilly Family Event Center Quizzical at the Q 7 p.m., Q Enoteca Play: “Francis, the Gentle Saint of Assisi” 7:30 p.m., Gillioz Theatre
Lakota Sioux Dance Theatre 7:30 to 10 p.m., Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts MoPoetry 7 p.m., Nathan P. Murphy’s Punk Rock Karaoke 8 p.m., Lindberg’s
Rhythm and Boom Series featuring Brother Wiley and J.P. Soars 6 p.m., Lindberg’s Sylph Dreams and Moonscapes ballet 7:30 p.m., Lander’s Theatre
Saturday Foo Fighters tribute 8 p.m., Lindberg’s
“Peter Rabbit” by the Children’s Springfield Ballet 11 a.m., Lander’s Theatre
Photos by Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD
Movie: “Ride With the Devil” 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.,PSU Theater
Briefs Students revisit Renaissance
The English Department is hosting a Renaissance Fair from 1:30 to 6 p.m. today at the North Mall. The fair, which is in honor of William Shakespeare’s birthday, will feature a royal procession through campus, in which Dean Neosha Mackey will portray Queen Elizabeth. Members of the Missouri State Orchestra workshop, the Chamber Singers, as well as various members of the Theatre and Dance Department and the Music Department will provide entertainment throughout the day. In addition, the festivity will include a royal feast of grilled turkey legs, vending tables featuring county fair-style crafts and prizes for poetry, juggling and costume contests. The event will conclude with actors from The Skinny Improv performing their upcoming play “Hamlet vs. Zombies” at 5:30 p.m.
Jazz legend joins MSU musicians
The Missouri State Jazz Studies Ensemble will perform with special guest Dick Oatts, Grammy winner and longtime lead alto saxophonist for the Vanguard Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. this evening at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts.
Missouri State’s fashion and design students put on “Inspire,” the university’s Spring Fashion Show.
Student spring fashion show inspires personality By Abby Webster The Standard
Missouri State’s Spring Fashion Show was like watching a Jackson Pollock painting come to life. It was exciting and beautiful, yet the obvious hard work and dedication of the young designers gave the picture an even more memorable dimension. “Inspire,” as the show was rightfully called, showcased a plethora of interesting lines, shapes and colors that decorated the runway with personality and voice. The Missouri State fashion design and merchandising seniors showed their individual collections at the end of the show. There were inspirations and styles that came from all directions: environmental consciousness, faith-based orientation, 40s and 50s silhouettes, family, tribal prints, famous designers and icons, just to name a few. Zachary McCormack is a sophomore in the Fashion and Interior Design Department who had a piece in the show. He talked about one designer whose collection he really enjoyed. “I think Emily Bradford is great. She did a menswear line that’s really good, which is interesting because not many people are into menswear.” Bradford’s inspiration in the show came primarily from sea life, especially whales. Present in the line were many eye-catching shades of blue.
Katia Jordan crafted her collection after learning some unique historical information about her great grandfather, who was a World War II pilot. Her collection drew from many different factors of his time in the war and the romantic letters he’d sent to her great grandmother. “I was totally inspired by the letters he’d sent and that he was encouraging her, telling her everything would be alright. It really made me want to make a collection that was inspired by a love story,” Jordan said. “Also, there are barely any World War II veterans any more; I think it’s important to honor them, and it’s so important to know about your family history.” Jordan discussed her experience in the Fashion and Interior Design Department at Missouri State. “The teachers make the program awesome,” Jordan said. “They have experience in the industry themselves. They’re very talented and know what they’re doing.” Jordan emphasized how hard the students work on a daily basis. “I was not prepared for how much work would be done. When I got to senior collection, I made about 16 or 18 things in just one class, and we would spend 16 hours in the studio at times just sitting there sewing,” Jordan said. “We came up with our designs in the fall, and spring is when we created the line. We had about three months. We found our own models. We did all the work. It was such a long process, and I feel like it prepared me for the industry. If I didn’t take senior collection, I don’t know if I would have been prepared.” Jordan’s hard work was certainly visible at the fashion show. She made the collection representative of a story but also relevant — as far as dressing for modern and everyday life is concerned.
Participating Students Jamie Kantner
Justine Cone
Missy Creed
Kristen Jacoby
Christina Benson Emily Springer Emily Bradford
Katie Jankovitz
Pamela Dake
April Whitlow
Leanna Yanes
Katia Jordan
Kristian Nichols
Carrie Massey
“I went through the process loving every minute of it and learning the history of my family. I was reading letters, going through medals. This is just something I will always remember and cherish.” Senior Carey Massey was also inspired by history, but with a different and iconic twist. “My collection was inspired by Audrey Hepburn and ‘My Fair Lady.’ She was from a lower society as a premise for the movie, but then she goes to the horse races and shows that she’s classy and elegant. I wanted the pieces to be refined and elegant and sexy but modest. I used a mixture of modern and Victorian style See FASHION page 9
Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD
The designs of 14 fashion design students were displayed by a runway show in the Springfield Expo Center on Saturday.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Standard
Only thing bad about Friday is ‘Friday!’ Student groups “Black”-mail for charitable fundraiser
7 a.m., waking up in the morning Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal Seein’ everything, the time is goin’ Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’ Gotta get down to the bus stop Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)
By Rachel Bonar The Standard
With more than one million video hits on YouTube alone, Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” must be a favorite among the younger generations today, right? Wrong. In fact, based on the Missouri State community’s response to a fundraiser, it seems that most people find it annoying. Last week, the Panhellenic Council and Inter-fraternity Council sponsored a fundraiser benefiting Habitat for Humanity using the powers of the song to persuade students to donate. The councils named the fundraiser “Rebecca Black-out,” which consists of the song “Friday” being played on repeat until students donate money to turn it off. If donations are not received, the song will continue to play over and over again until more money is given. “The fundraiser is our kickoff to start raising money for our goal of $6,500 for Habitat for Humanity,” organizer Jamie Cook said. “Habitat will be building a home for a mother and daughter beginning in September, and the fraternity and sorority community will be involved in helping to build this home.” Although it has been in good will, some students have been reacting poorly to the fundraiser. Volunteers at the donation table have been receiving dirty looks, hurtful words and even obscene gestures, Cook said.
“People had walked by holding their (middle) finger up, trying to be nonchalant about it,” Cook said. “Others in Blair-Shannon just screamed obscene things out of their windows. Campus Security even came over to see what all the fuss was about. I felt really bad for the Panhellenic and IFC executive board members who were volunteering to work the table for me. I kept getting texts throughout the day by some of them who were scared to be out there.” Among the students who feel strongly about the fundraiser is Sharissa Stewart, a sophomore biology major. “I would just like to say that they should have found a different fundraiser,” Stewart said. “Just because some people don’t like the song doesn’t mean that we should support making fun of a teenage girl. Although the intentions may not have been negative, it still See FRIDAY page 9
Kickin’ in the front seat Sittin’ in the back seat Gotta make my mind up Which seat can I take? It’s Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend Friday, Friday Gettin’ down on Friday Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
‘Scream 4’: Slasher satire sticks to formula
*Ring Ring* What’s your favorite Karman scary movie? If your Bowers is answer Movie something along the lines Reviewer of the original “Scream,” the new “Scre4m” may be right up your alley. It’s been 10 years since the last time Ghostface plagued Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) and the town of Woodsboro. Sidney returns to Woodsboro to promote her new book on the anniversary of the murders when tragedy, in the form of a new Ghostface, strikes. This time, he’s after a new generation of victims, including Sidney’s cousin Jill Roberts (Emma Roberts). If you’re concerned that this is just going to be the same old “Scream,” with everyone running upstairs when they should go out the
front door or going to investigate that strange noise alone in the dark when we all know the killer is out there, then you’re right. It is the same old “Scream.” But isn’t that kind of the point? Wes Craven has always made the “Scream” franchise as a satire of slasher films. The original trilogy was all about horror movie rules and lots of blood. It had its bits of comedy and its “Don’t go in there” moments because that’s what it was all about. Now, with the so-called new generation, it’s all about the horror remakes. There are new rules because you have to try to be better than the original. After all, the vast majority of horror movies we see in theaters now are remakes. That is what “Scre4m” is all about, and it’s meant to be just like the originals. Don’t go in expecting something new and profound, because that’s never been the point of the franchise and it’s never going to be. Continuing with the theme of being selfaware, reviewing “Scre4m” is both a simple task and a difficult one. Since we are so
familiar with the formula, there isn’t really anything new to tell. *SPOILER ALERT * You can probably guess that if this new killer is patterning his killings off the original “Stab” — the film within the film about the murders in the film — then we already know there are probably two killers. Or are there? The real question is why. What in Sidney’s life is left to ruin? The film does the usual little tricks of trying to make you suspect everyone by making someone appear out of nowhere or do something creepy in the shadows. But I will say, I was nicely surprised when the killer(s) was/were revealed. The explanation, however, while interesting, seemed to drag on. I kind of just wanted them to stab someone else and move on. The bottom line is, if you are a fan of the original trilogy, you’ll probably enjoy “Scre4m.” It has everything you want in this kind of slasher: the gore, the jumps, the voice and the humor. “Scre4m” is your good old fashioned cut ‘em up.
April 19, 2011
Scorebox Lusk’s first recruit will bring experience
Baseball Tuesday, April 12 Arkansas 000000020-2 Mo. State 001000000-1 Saturday, April 16 Southern Ill. 020000020-4 Mo. State 0 5 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 – 11 Sunday, April 17 Southern Ill. 3 4 0 0 0 0 4 x x - 11 Mo. State 0000100xx-1 Southern Ill. 001120000-4 Mo. State 000002210-5 Softball Tuesday, April 12 UMKC 00100-1 Missouri State 2214X-9 UMKC 0102100-4 Missouri State 010040X-5 Saturday, April 16 Bradley 1000000-1 Missouri State 3 0 3 0 0 0 4 - 10 Sunday, April 17 Bradley 0000011-2 Missouri State 0430000-7 Bradley 0010000-1 Missouri State 0010020-3 Men’s golf Tuesday, April 12 Red Wolves Classic 4th of 18 Women’s golf Tuesday, April 12 Baylor Invitational T3rd of 18 Volleyball Saturday, April 16 Kansas State 2 Missouri State 0 Saturday, April 16 Kansas 1 Missouri State 1 Saturday, April 16 Kansas State 0 Missouri State 2 Saturday, April 16 Arkansas 2 Missouri State 0 Men’s soccer Saturday, April 16 Tulsa 0 Missouri State 2 Women’s soccer Saturday, April 16 Central Missouri 1 Missouri State 0
This past week, Paul Lusk signed his first two recruits as the head basketball coach at Missouri State. Lusk reeled in 6foot-5 guard/forward Jarmar Gulley and 6-foot-1 guard Anthony Downing. Gulley is a two-time NJCAA Division II AllAmerican at Highland College Community (Kan.). He finished his career at Highland with a school record 1,400 points. This past season,
Jon Poorman Sports Editor
he tallied an average of 23.1 points and 5.8 rebounds per game. Downing, who played at Independence Community College (Kan.), earned NJCAA Division I
All-Region honors in 2011. He tallied 161 assists last season while also recording 18 points and 5.1 rebounds per game. He also knocked down a team-high 57 3pointers. Gulley and Downing rank as the No. 47 and No. 54 JUCO players in the respectively nation according to JucoJunction.com These signings were good for Lusk, who has
also managed to maintain commitments from all three of Cuonzo Martin’s recruits. High school players Christian Kirk (6-foot7 forward), Andrew Wilson (6-foot-7 forward) and Dorian Williams (6-foot-2 guard) have all confirmed that they will be coming to Missouri State despite Martin’s departure. However, the Gulley and Downing signings are different than the others and here’s why: experi-
ence. Gulley and Downing have been playing college hoops for two years now, and although it may not have been at the Division I level, it is still valuable experience that will serve the Bears well. Remember Nafis Ricks? Jermaine Mallett? Adam Leonard? Will Creekmore? All four were starters on a Bears squad See BBALL page 7
April 19 to April 25
Baseball away at Kansas State, 6 p.m.
Steph Anderson/THE STANDARD
Senior Mark Jasper is the all-time leading scorer for the lacrosse team with 97 goals in his career.
Women’s soccer at home vs. Missouri Southern, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Softball away at Wichita State, 3 p.m.
Track and field away at Kansas Relays, 9 a.m.
Track & field away at Kansas Relays, 9 a.m.
Baseball at home vs. Indiana State, 6:30 p.m. Softball away at Southern Illinois, 3 p.m.
Track and field away at Kansas Relays, 9 a.m. Women’s golf away at State Farm MVC Championship, 8:30 a.m.
Baseball at home vs. Indiana State, 2 p.m. Softball away at Southern Illinois, 12 p.m.
Track and field away at Kansas Relays, 9 a.m. Women’s golf away at State Farm MVC Championship, 8:30 a.m.
Baseball at home vs. Indiana State, 1 p.m.
Men’s golf away at State Farm MVC Championship, 8:30 a.m.
Briefs Weems named MSU Player of the Year
Missouri State men’s basketball junior Kyle Weems was named the Bears' 2010-11 Coors Player of the Year to highlight the team’s annual awards banquet Sunday afternoon at the Oasis Convention Center. Weems, the 2011 recipient of the Missouri Valley Conference Larry Bird Player of the Year Award, averaged 16.0 points and 6.9 rebounds per game, both tops on the club. Weems earned Associated Press All-America honorable mention laurels, was a CollegeInsider.com Mid-Major All-American, and claimed NABC All-District and USBWA All-Region distinction this season.
Jasper is the lacrosse team’s vocal leader By Harrison Keegan The Standard
At the beginning of every practice, the Missouri State lacrosse team stretches together. After they’ve gone through the usual quad, hamstring and arm stretches, they sit on the ground and continue their routine. This is when you notice Mark Jasper. “Jasper is one to be social,” junior Nick Flaton
said. “I just look up: Everyone is on the ground, and he’s doing something we did like three stretches ago. He loves telling stories.” Jasper’s coach, Pat Callaham, said his desire to socialize carries over on the field as well. “Mark is definitely a vocal leader,” Callaham said. “I think everybody will tell you they always know where Mark is; he makes sure he’s heard.” The reason why Jasper is always talking is because he wants to keep everyone on the same page, he said. “I always try to communicate with my teammates and point out certain looks when we’re on offense, like how the defense is going to react if we do certain
Mark Jasper career stats Games played: Goals: Assists: Points: Goals per game: Assists per game: Points per game:
52 97 55 152 1.87 1.06 2.92
things,” Jasper said. Jasper’s teammates might always know where he is on the field, but opponents are sure to recognize where the senior midfielder is in the record book. Entering this weekend, he needed only eight more points this season to reach 159 for his career and to pass former Bear, Bradley
Shearman, for the most points in Great Rivers Lacrosse Conference history. “Every time he’s on the field, he commands the attention of everyone on the opposing team,” Callaham said. “Even when we run man-up offense, there’s always someone dedicated to making sure he doesn’t get a shot on cage.” Jasper said shooting is the strongest part of his game. That’s a big reason why, despite the extra attention, he’s been able to score 22 goals in eight games. In the first game of the season, Jasper scored six goals in a blowout win against Missouri S&T, but senior Justin Capar said it is during the big games that
the team really relies on Jasper. “He comes through with some big goals for us,” Capar said. “Especially when we’re struggling against a good team, he always finds a way to score.” Flaton said Jasper wants the ball when the Bears need a big play. “He will take the pain and muscle his way through nine defenders and get a shot on goal, which is what’s needed,” Flaton said. “He does it usually with really good results, so we don’t say anything about it.” Whether they say anything or not, Jasper acknowledged that he needs See JASPER page 7
Bears end spring practice
and linebackers played exceptional,” Allen said. The main storyline of the The Missouri State football game was the play of sophoBears finished spring drills more quarterback Trevor Saturday afternoon with the Wooden, who looked to solidiannual Maroon and White fy his role as the starting quarGame at Plaster Field. terback this upcoming season. The maroon “I think we all team, which feaneed to get on the tured the starting same page a little defense, came out more,” Wooden on top, beating said. “Right now the white team we’re a little (offense) with a inconsistent. final score of 53Everyone needs 38. to work on doing The game is a their job a little scrimmage pitbetter. I was ting the Missouri antsy in the pockState offense et today, but I against its own think we have a defense. The lot of potential offense scores for next season.” with basically the Wooden went Image courtesy MSU Photographic Services same rules as 7-for-17 for 95 normal football, The Bears’ new starting QB, Trevor Wooden takes a yards, passing while the defense snap during the Maroon and White Game on Saturday. with one interreceives points ception while for forcing turnovers, three- this spring. Allen said he rushing for 89 yards and a and-outs, safeties and wished they had time for 15 touchdown. He ended the turnovers on downs. more practices, but all in all, spring as MSU’s leading rushHead coach Terry Allen said they accomplished what they er in scrimmages, carrying 41 he felt good about the game. times for 191 yards. needed to. “I think it’s very indicative When asked whether Wood“I think we got better at the of what happens when you turn offensive line; (Trevor Wood- en preferred to run or pass, the the ball over,” Allen said. en) gained some valuable “The offense had three experience, and our safeties See FOOTBALL page 7
By John Cook The Standard
turnovers, and they ended up losing by 15 points. It was a good day to show the players how important turnovers can be.” Including the Maroon and White Game, the Bears had 15 workouts and four scrimmages
File photo by Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Bears are 21-13 so far this season.
The difference a year can make By Benjamen Loewnau The Standard
With more than one-third of the season still to be played, the Missouri State baseball team has already won as many games in this season as they did all of last season. This season, the Bears sit at 21-13 overall and 4-2 in the Missouri Valley Conference with the majority of conference play still ahead. “We’re playing good as a team,” senior outfielder Aaron Conway said. “We’ve got good pitching, (we are) playing pretty solid defense and our hitting is pretty solid. So I’m happy so far.” The Bears ended their 2010 campaign with a 21-34 overall record while going 6-15 in the MVC. “We’ve always been good in the past, and we had a down year last year,” Con See BASEBALL page 7
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Standard
Spring brings the splendors of baseball and softball
It is safe to say that sister winter is in her last throes, though the blustery weather last Friday and Saturday shows she gave up the ghost grudgingly. With her passing comes spring and with spring’s arrival, baseball. If boxing is the sweet science, baseball is pure poetry. Few things sing more loudly of the “body electric” than a throwing second baseman attempting a 6-4-3 double play while suspending himself over a sliding base runner. As Missouri State students, we have an excellent opportunity to watch baseball, and baseball is best enjoyed in a park atmosphere. With Hammons Field just a few blocks away, students can enjoy a Missouri State Bears baseball game for just $2 or drive just a short distance to Killian Stadium to enjoy a Lady Bears softball game for free. Some see watching baseball as a waste of time because it is unproductive or unclassy. I suspect these pretentious attitudes are really a product
Baseball Continued from page 6
way said. “It was nice to come out and rebound real solid — to come out and get a good start.” The offense for the Bears in 2011 has turned around 180 degrees from last season when the Missouri State offense ranked last in the MVC in hits (496), runs (272) and batting average (.266). The Bears’ team batting average of .266 in 2010 was their worst team batting average since the
Football Continued from page 6
sophomore quarterback said he only looks to run when he has to. “I don’t even like running the ball, to tell you the truth,” he said. “I can’t do it all by myself, so I try to get the ball out of my hands as much as possible.” Inexperience will be the Bears’ biggest weakness this season, starting four new offensive linemen. “When you start to look at our new offensive linemen, our new linebackers and a new starting quarterback, experience is definitely our biggest weakness,” Allen said. Junior outside linebacker Rodney Kelly said that defensively they just have to get used to play-
jected the less coordinated, like myself, to the terrible pain of embarrassment that accompanies the slow walk to the dugout after striking out. Though some of us may not have succeeded on the field in baseball, the failure was formative. A sort of girding against future letdowns. Those who experienced baseball through failure have come to enjoy it the most as fans because they were the first of their peers to really take in the game for what it is: a spectacle. Then there are those who were naturally gifted. Some may have been talented enough to dream of playing further than little league and into high school or even college. These people enjoy baseball for different reasons, though no less sincere, and nostalgia plays a larger role in their love of the game. There are also those diamond dynamos who still play the game, who continue the most admirable of pursuits in following their childhood dreams. These are the ones made of
Aaron Hadlow Columnist
of underexposure to the aesthetic of baseball. Some of the greatest American writers have used the theme of baseball in their work. If you don’t believe me, just read Don DeLillo’s “Underworld” or Phillip Roth’s “The Great American Novel.” Despite its apparent bore or unrefined nature to some, baseball is extremely popular. This is mostly because everyone has a general familiarity with it. It’s likely that each of us have encountered baseball in some fashion at some point in our lives. Many of us played in little league baseball or softball teams, unique American cultural events that sub-
1973 season, and they also struck out the most times in the program’s history (486). Going into the weekend series against Southern Illinois, the Bears were first in the MVC in hits with 347 and tied for first with Evansville with a team batting average of .309. Sophomore pitcher Grant Gordon said the success of this year’s offense is a confidence booster that makes mistakes easier to overcome. “It definitely makes you a lot more confident,” Gordon said. The Bears’ pitching has also experienced a turnaround from last
ing with each other. “I think we missed some opportunities today, but there’s a lot of progress we’ve made this spring,” Kelly said. “If there’s anything we need to work on defensively, it’s just playing together as one. If we play with the same energy and excitement we had today throughout the fall season, we’ll be fine.” The Bears will return only nine out of 22 starters from a 2010 team that finished 5-6 overall and tied for third (4-4) in the Missouri Valley Football Conference. MSU will open the 2011 fall season with a matchup against Arkansas on Sept. 3 before two more nonconference games against Eastern Kentucky (Sept. 10) and at Oregon (Sept. 17). Following that will be the Bears’ home opener Oct. 1 against defending MVFC champion Northern Iowa.
season. Starting pitchers have made plenty of contributions with their combined record of 16-9 and 160 strikeouts. “When we get good starts, we’ve been successful,” head coach Keith Guttin said. Two of MSU’s starters have an earned run average below 4.00 this season — redshirt freshman Nick Petree (2.77) and senior Blake Barber (3.76). Moving further into conference play, the Bears will be facing teams like Illinois State, who leads the conference in home runs with 27.
BBall Continued from page 6
that went 26-9 last season. All four were transfers from other schools, so they already had some playing experience when they arrived at MSU. Obviously, this helped a lot — just look at the results. JUCO players and transfers really do help mid-major programs like Missouri State. When players come out of high school, it’s not always easy to tell if they will be able to handle the pressures
studier, skillful stuff: The type objectified by Whitman’s ode to the human form. Though they are just men playing a game, these players have the ability to inspire. Many of us aspired to be like them when we were young. Even as adults, we can take something from their performances and their approaches to the game. Take for instance Pablo Sandoval, a third basemen for the San Francisco Giants — who happens to be off to a very good start this season. He is widely regarded as one of the most free-swinging hitters in the game. When I say free swinging, I mean the man will swing at any pitch thrown his way. His approach is instructive in some strange way and at the very least inspirational in that reckless confidence can lead to success. Despite the scarred mark that steroids left on many of our childhood idols — Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens — baseball
MSU pitchers have only given up 18 home runs, while starters have only allowed 13 home runs in nearly 200 innings pitched so far. “Continue to get good starting pitching; that’s really, I think, our key the rest of the way,” Guttin said. Over the weekend, the Bears were pinned up against Southern Illinois, who was first in conference going in. On Saturday and Sunday, Bears starters continued their reign over opposing batters with Petree pitching seven innings Saturday on his way to a 5-0 record, while Barber threw seven strong in Sunday’s
of playing college basketball. With Gulley and Downing, Lusk knows that he is getting two proven players who can contribute to the team right away. The spring signing period doesn’t end until May 18, and the Bears can still sign one more player, so there is work to be done. However, Lusk gets a thumbs up for landing his first two recruits, especially considering the quality of the players and the short time span in which he was able to do it. After all, he’s only been on the job for 17 days.
maintains its purity because someone somewhere is always in honest pursuit of making the big leagues through a nitty-gritty hard work ethic. This type of player is often found on minor league teams like the Springfield Cardinals, who also happen to play at Hammons Field. These players exemplify the American hard-work ethos, some playing their entire careers having never played in a major league game. With weather forecasts warming up over the next few weeks, there will be several good opportunities for those who have yet to get out to a Bears game to do so. The men take on Indiana State in a three-game homestand over the weekend while the women play Wichita State on the 26th. If that’s not enough baseball for you, the Springfield Cardinals’ season is also in full swing, with the visiting Northwest Arkansas Naturals coming to town the last week of April.
second game. The series was reconfigured after poor weather in Carbondale, Ill., forced a doubleheader to be played on Sunday. After winning the first game of the series 11-4 on Saturday, Missouri State dropped the first game of the doubleheader on Sunday, 11-1. With the help of Barber’s pitching and junior Dan Kickham’s eighth save of the year, the Bears would take the rubber match 5-4 from SIU. The next game for the Bears will be at 6 p.m. tonight at Kansas State.
Jasper Continued from page 6 to work on deferring to his teammates sometimes. “I need to work on keeping my head up and seeing my team-
mates better,” Jasper said. Caper said Jasper’s speed is what makes him so tough to guard. “He’s faster and can see the field better than most players,” Capar said. “He’s always one step ahead of his defenseman.”
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Ban Continued from page 1
division of the Missouri Gaming Commission,” McHaney said. “You have to be in business for two years. You have to have volunteers. There is no bar that could host bingo. It is not possible.” Clean Air created the smoking-ban petition to make local businesses healthier for its employees and its customers, said Carrie Reynolds, a spokesperson for Clean Air. The Springfield-Greene County Health Department will enforce the smoking ban in conjunction with City Manager Greg Burris. The enforcement is based on complaints or if a health inspector catches a business breaking the ordinance during an inspection. One Air Alliance received a grant for an undisclosed amount from the Missouri Foundation for Health to conduct seminars and provide resources for businesses that have to make adjustments to meet the guidelines of the smoking ban, Reynolds said. Every enclosed business — except for 25 percent of hotel rooms — must ban smoking inside and five feet from outside entrances, operable windows and ventilation systems. People cannot smoke five feet from outdoor playgrounds. Smoking is not allowed in private households that are used as day cares
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Standard
for children or in healthcare facilities. Businesses must place visible “No Smoking” signs, prohibit smoking at entrance doors and remove every ashtray — except those for sale or are not usable on the premises. “Anytime you go to a public referendum, I think the debate gets pretty well-skewed,” said Steve Wiemer, the owner of three bowling alleys — Enterprise Park Lanes, Sunshine Lanes and Holiday Lanes. “I think that is what happened. Personally, I vote against every public referendum because I don’t like the way they run. I don’t like the fact small groups that are well-funded can go out and create an issue — like what we saw with Proposition B with the dog kennels.” Bowlers who like to smoke might decide to go bowling somewhere outside the city limits — like Nixa, Wiemer said. His biggest worry is that those bowlers will cause their leagues or teams to move as well. “Now, we are not talking about the four or five bowlers who want a cigarette,” he said. “I might be talking about 30 or 40 bowlers. That is a significant issue. What do I have to do then? I am going to have to cut costs.” Weimer said he spends $120,000 to $130,000 on health insurance for his employees every year, which he is not required to do, but he has to keep paying the utility bill and mortgage.
Josh Campbell/THE STANDARD
The Sertoma Club raised more than $210,000 from bingo fundraisers last year. Pam Homeister, a manager at Enterprise Park Lanes, said she could lose her job if business suffers, and she is not ready to retire yet. “I’m 58 years old, and who else is going to hire someone that is 58?” Homeister said. “I do bowl out here, and I do smoke while I am bowling.” Two Enterprise Park Lanes bowlers, Trish Rogers and her friend Christy Webb, are regulars.
Webb is a smoker from Marshfield, and Rogers is a non-smoker from Springfield. Rogers said she likes the smoking ban because it will allow her to breathe cleaner air and it is good for children. Webb said she knows many people that smoke to lower their anxiety rather than taking medication such as Xanax. “It is only going to make your anxiety worse if you have to walk all the way to your car or go back home just to smoke,” she said.
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36 Upper limit, for short 37 Injury additive? 39 Clan emblem 40 Requests 41 Tidy 42 Big party
43 Despondent 44 Great Lake 45 Quite some time 46 Campers' shelter 48 Work unit
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Standard
Social media saves students money Local businesses use Facebook, Foursquare to offer discounts By Brittany Forell The Standard
Small businesses in Springfield are finding ways to tap into the social-networking mania by offering discounts to customers who “check-in” using smartphone applications such as Facebook Places and Foursquare. “We try to take advantage of social media as much as possible because it’s free advertising,” said Brett Cox, assistant director and coffee house manager of The Potter’s House. “Our customers are primarily college students who actively use socialnetworking websites like Facebook, so this kind of marketing is all we really need.” The Potter’s House has an extremely active Facebook page with more than 1,600 fans. It uses its page to spread the word about upcoming performances by local artists, current promotions and drink specials. Like other location-based, check-in services such as Foursquare and Gowalla, Facebook Places lets people share where they are, see which friends are in the local area and discover new places by following where others from their social
network have checked in. Aside from letting friends and family know the places you frequent the most, these applications allow consumers access to discounts on a regular basis. The Missouri State Bookstore offers a hefty discount of 20 percent off all BearWear when you check in using the Foursquare application from your phone. However, it is possible that most students are not aware of these social network specials. “In this entire basketball season, I’ve only had one or two customers show me their phones to get the Foursquare discount,” said Lisa Cardwell, team store supervisor at the Missouri State Bookstore. “It seems like Facebook is more popular, so we advertise our promotions on our Facebook page as well.” The low customer response to these specials might be due to a lack of awareness. Most local businesses that offer “check-in specials” do not advertise these discounts outside of the social network’s home page. “For companies, there isn’t a choice on whether or not to participate in social media, only how well you take advantage of the opportunity,” said Greg Lee, owner of Alco-Haul, a new alcohol delivery service in Springfield. “If you think you’re not doing social media, it just means you’re doing it poorly.” However, some people have said they have reservations about the whole idea of location-based, check-in services. “I hadn’t heard of Foursquare until now,” said Sierra Sitzes, a freshman creative writing major at MSU. “I don’t have a smartphone, but if I did, I wouldn’t use that application. I don’t really want people knowing exactly where I am all the time.”
Fashion Continued from page 4
lines.” Massey discussed her experience in Missouri State’s Fashion and Interior Design Department. “I’ve been super satisfied with my experience in the fashion program,” Massey said. “It has definitely expanded my expectations. Just the sense of
Last Weekʼs Sudoku Answers
community I had with the girls and guys for years of school, I learned so much.” Each young designer who participated in the show had a collection or piece that said something about who they are in some way. Whether they were inspired by nature, a value system, authenticity, beauty, or the simple act of living, each created something that will continue to inspire others to inspire.
Friday Continued from page 5
advertises that people don’t or shouldn’t like Rebecca Black. I think we could all benefit from having the courage to make and upload a video to YouTube.” Other students like Jared Grimsley, a senior mathematics major, think “Rebecca Blackout” is a great way to collect donations. “I think it was a great idea, although a lot of the students were not very receptive to it,” Grimsley said. “I do agree that the song can get kind of annoying, but a lot of mainstream
songs are. So I don’t see why people are complaining. I, as well as some other friends, joked around that we wanted to pay them to keep the song going.” The song is still extremely viral and has the potential to get stuck in people’s minds, which makes the idea to blare the song nonstop a genius idea, he said. Renee Schmickley, an undeclared sophomore, said she agreed with Grimsley. “I think it is a great idea because the song ‘Friday’ is not what I would like to hear,” Schmickley said. “I would put in my change to see the song change.”
The Standard
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Lawn sports provide summer fun for the front yard Washers, jarts, horseshoes and bocce ball By Kyle Boaz The Standard
Sports come in all forms and sizes. Some are played in arenas and stadiums with thousands of fans. Others can simply be enjoyed in a yard with friends. While most traditional sports require fields and bulky equipment, lawn sports require minimal space and create high levels of amusement. “It’s a fun and simple way to challenge your friends,” said Billy Lawrence, a former MSU student
and leisure sport enthusiast. box do not count. “The bounce-outs are brutal,” “Lawn sports vary in portability Weseman said. “Some boxes have and equipment but not in fun.” sand in them (to prevent bounce outs).” Washers The decision to use sand, turf Washers are the most portable lawn sport, said CJ Weseman, or nothing inside the boxes is up to the players, said Weseman. another lawn sport enthusiast. “Washers is cool because you can set it up anywhere, where Jarts (with) horseshoes you have a Jarts is a slang term referencstake in your yard that’s perma- ing lawn darts. The game can be nent.” played either with partners or Washers is played using a box individually. with a cylinder section in the midWashers may be the most welldle. Teammates split up and stand known lawn sport, but jarts is the behind each box while they most addicting, according to attempt to throw small, metal Lawrence. rings (washers) into the box. Only “All of my friends and I play one team can score per throwing jarts constantly,” he said. round. The team scoring the most The objective of jarts is to points in a single round gets the throw your darts underhand into a points. circle on the ground for a point. Washers that bounce out of the Opposing throws from teams that
score points cancel each other out. balls that are roughly baseballThe remaining points are tallied. sized and one smaller ball, called the pallino. The pallino is thrown first, and the players take turns to Horseshoes While jarts may be the most see who can throw their ball closaddicting lawn sport, horseshoes est to the pallino. The player is one of the most historic. Horse- whose ball lands the closest is shoes is an old pastime that is still awarded points. Bocce ball is played in the modern world. Play- played to 13 points. Bocce ball can be played at a ers toss horseshoes as close as possible to a stake in the ground. high level of competition in The game is played to 10 Greene County. Doling Park will points, but the winner must tri- be holding an amateur bocce ball umph by at least two points to be tournament at 9:30 a.m. on May 8. crowned the victor. Points are Teams can be solo, a pair or a awarded by throwing a “ringer,” a four-man team. The park also has shot that stays around the stake, or horseshoe pits. Doling Park is a “leaner,” the closest horseshoe located at 301 E. Talmage in to the stake. Ringers have a value Springfield. Two other horseshoe pits in of three points while leaners hold Springfield are located in a value of one. Hawthorne Park at 815 S. Market Ave. and Packer’s Lounge at 2216 Bocce ball Bocce ball is played with eight N. Packer Rd.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
News 11
The Standard
Loyalists appreciate new ‘Panda Bear’ effort
If there’s anything the 2000s revealed about the progression of music, it was that quality recordings could be done for cheap and from the home. An influx of artists such as Ed Droste from Grizzly Bear began shelling out top-notch works of art by simply using the acoustics of their bedrooms. So it was no surprise that production values began making their appearance in the sounds of the recordings themselves. In 2007, when Animal Collective drummer Noah Lennox released his third solo album “Person Pitch” under his moniker Panda Bear, the idea of a madefrom-scratch album was already forming in the public eye. But here was an album that reeked of its own independence. Tracks like “Take Pills” and “Bros,” though swaddled in minor details such as glittery effects and washed-out reverberation, stood on their own two feet simply because of Lennox’s mentality as a songwriter. There was a powerful Beach Boys — more specifically, a Brian Wilson — influence that couldn’t be shaken. Of course, if you’re already familiar with the soaring tenor harmonies of Animal Collective, this would come as no surprise to you. However, with his fourth solo work, “Tomboy,” released on April 12, Panda Bear seems to be retreating into his shell. Despite the fact that many of the tracks of his most-anticipated album to date had already been
Nick Simpson Music Reviewer
released as singles, there are none that really stand apart from the rest of the album. None of the songs do exactly what a single is supposed to do: sell the album. The album opens with “You Can Count on Me,” which does a good job of setting the stage for what’s to come. (And honestly, if you can’t sit and find your own kind of beauty in this track, then perhaps the album really isn’t for you.) We see skyhigh, multi-layered tenor harmonies that envelop the entire track and subtle guitar work that barely makes its presence known. But amid the balance he’s set, there is another element that is typical of Panda Bear — his use of samples and effects that add minor details that are exceptionally easy to pass by, even on the eighth or ninth listen. Whispers, moans and screams are not out of the question in the world of sound he’s crafted. And for some, this can be a little much. Are the samples and effects that seem so signature to Lennox a crutch to enhance poor songwriting, or do they effectually support
the structure of each piece? The line Panda Bear draws in the sand on this album is based around this very question. I feel there’s no distraction to be found in them, but it seems a bit ironic when compared to how he himself described the album prior to its release on his website. “I got tired of the severe parameters of using samplers. Thinking about Nirvana and The White Stripes got me into the idea of doing something with a heavy focus on guitar and rhythm,” he said. And “Tomboy” plays out similarly to his ideal with an album much easier to dance to — if you’re laying down. It’s true there is also a much larger focus on beat. But even on the tracks with the most catchy rhythms like “Slow Motion” and “Alsatian Darn,” it’s hard to shake the feeling that the emphasis just isn’t where it should be. Instead, many of these rhythms feel softened by their repetitive nature, which isn’t necessarily a performed repetition but rather a copyand-paste approach to song structure, with the same beat looped over and over and over and over and over and over again. It’s easy to recognize this as a trademark of an Animal Collective member, but if this is your entry-point into their work, it may be a bit hard to swallow. The album’s strengths are found in what has, and always will be, Panda Bear’s strengths as a songwriter: the ability to craft relentlessly catchy vocal melodies that
you just can’t help but listen to a thousand times over on repeat, as emphasized on tracks such as “Surfer’s Hymn” and the dramatic closer “Benfica.” The word that seems to sum up the myriad of sounds to be heard would be bliss. “Tomboy” is an album to listen to as you’re winding down your day before a sunset on the beach, rather than in attendance with others at a
kegger or club. This has been what sets Panda Bear’s work apart from his work with Animal Collective. They don’t call him the pioneer and king of chillwave for nothing. There will be many fans who rip apart the album for its convoluted nature when it is sitting on a shelf next to his masterpiece “Person Pitch.” But this is hardly fair to any artist and certainly feels like an easy way to overlook
some wonderful works of art in the process. “Tomboy” is just that: a wonderful work of art. Does it live up to my expectations? It’s growing on me. There is a symmetry and purpose about “Person Pitch” that this album is definitely lacking. But that doesn’t change the fact that I haven’t been able to stop listening to it, even long after I’ve taken off the headphones.
The Standard
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Peanut butter can save the world Local business has global impact By Megan Gates The Standard
Bryan Simpson is not your typical Missouri State senior. While most students are preparing to graduate and studying for finals, Simpson has been juggling school with running Springfield’s newest downtown clothing store. 5 Pound Apparel, located at 412 South Ave., was opened in December 2010 and has a simple concept: Everything in the store somehow gives back to someone, somewhere in the world. “We are so lucky, and I just don’t think we realize that every day. So we created a business where the money we make is based off of the money we give back,” Simpson said. “Just the idea that we could make a living and do some really great things throughout the world was a huge draw to me.” The store sells clothing, accessories and other miscellaneous items from organizations that have a charity aspect. “For our own brand of Tshirt [5 Pound Apparel], for every one sold, we donate five pounds of fortified peanut butter to the charity NepalNUTrition,” he said. “They use the fortified peanut butter to treat malnourished children. We just donated our first thousand pounds of peanut butter last month.” A personal connection to the founder of NepalNUTrition is what attracted Simpson to donating proceeds from 5 Pound Apparel to the organization, Simpson said. “Their founder, Mark Arnoldy, and I grew up together, played soccer together at Kickapoo and we got reconnected through my idea for the store,” Simpson
said. “I’d been following him on Facebook and saw all of the amazing things he’s done. I knew I wanted to help him through my business.” Simpson founded the store with his brother, Matt Simpson, and his girlfriend, Bethany Forrester, a junior at MSU, after a screen printing business they started began to take off. “The whole idea came about when I was on my way to soccer practice with some friends, and we wanted to start a company that gave back,” Simpson said. “I’d done a little bit of research on screen printing and was like, ‘I can totally do this myself.’ We got some small loans and bought a screen printing kit online, and over the next month, we taught ourselves how to do it and started doing orders for people.” They named the company Global Tees, specializing in their own brand of 5 Pound Apparel T-shirts, and were operating out of Simpson’s house until they decided they needed a retail space, he said. “We were operating out of my house, which is a little illegal and breaks a lot of rules, so we basically needed a retail space for our brand and a screen printing business,” Simpson said. “We weren’t sure how we would tie screen printing into a retail business, but in the course of about five weeks before we opened our store, we started contacting these different brands that we liked that gave back to charities and different causes. That’s how we created the concept for the store 5 Pound Apparel.” The store has inventory from companies that donate part of their proceeds to charity, including peaceBOMB, which sells bracelets to raise money to donate to cities that
Michael Gulledge/THE STANDARD
Senior Bryan Simpson started the clothing store 5 Pound Apparel to help fund charities like NepalNUTrition. were bombed during the Vietnam War; Threads for Thought, which sponsors environmental organizations; and Laura Bush’s FEED Project, which donates money to feed school lunches to children in Africa for a year with every bag purchased. “We also have the Out of Print Clothing, which are old book title T-shirts that, for every one purchased, they donate a book to Africa to help kids get an education,” Simpson said. “Our T-shirts that we print have been the best-selling brand, but the Out of Print T-shirts are a close second.” Simpson’s favorite brand in the store, however, isn’t clothing or an accessory, he said. “It’s called Will Ferrell
Sunscreen,” Simpson said. “It’s literally just Will Ferrell on it in a bikini, and the company donates 100 percent of the money they make to college funds for cancer survivors.” The store has also begun carrying brands that will give back to the Springfield community, he said. “For us, it’s really important to give back to Springfield, and we’ve started carrying lines that don’t have causes associated with them and then giving back money to Springfield associations,” Simpson said. “We just partnered with the (Lost & Found Grief Center), a group that sponsors children in the area who have lost their parents, and we give a percentage of the sales to them. Our next big project is to, over
the next six months, partner with five or six local organizations and help raise money for them.” Business has been good since opening day, and they hope to donate at least 5,000 pounds of fortified peanut butter to NepalNUTrition at the year’s end, Simpson said. “Business has been really good since we opened. We’ve probably tripled our inventory in just the past three months, which is pretty cool since January and February are the slowest retail months,” he said. “We’ll probably triple our projections this year, and the goal is to donate 5,000 pounds of peanut butter and hopefully exceed that next year.” Simpson said he’s lucky that he’s been able to not only give back to those in need,
but also make a living while doing it. “I’d like to give as much as I can, but without the business, I could never donate the kind of money that we just donated to Nepal,” he said. “I could work my butt off my entire life and never donate this much, so just being able to do that, but also be able to make a living at the same time, has been really rewarding.” To find out more information about 5 Pound Apparel and the various brands in their store, visit their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter or stop by the store Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. or Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.