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In the British camp comedy series, Patterns, Ben Cohen plays himself, starring opposite Rufus Gleave, a kid actor and Kit Connor look alike, who plays a gay youth who idealizes the rugby champion. Ben Cohen helps the young man through his inner turmoil.
Other episodes in the series tell a range of LGBTQ+ stories. Through mini narratives, the series explores several unique themes including family dynamics, coming out, dating, therapy and surviving an existential crisis. Each tells its own distinct story, but all episodes take place in the same universe so that a minor character in one episode may reappear as the lead in another and vice-versa. He admits he has long been a bit curious… about appearing in front of the camera as an actor. We spoke with him from his home in the UK.
Late last year, you revealed that your anti-bullying foundation, StandUp, might be forced to close. What is the current status of your charity?
Ben Cohen: We’re closing the foundation, unfortunately. Donations began drying up during the pandemic and then the costof-living crisis came along, and people don’t seem to have the money to support us.
Disposable income is what charities like StandUp depend on.
Ben Cohen: Yes, and sadly, there is little going around these days. People are concentrating on putting food on their tables and paying for air conditioning for their homes. This is a real pity because StandUp is needed now more than ever.
It has also been reported that you are currently suffering from tinnitus. Is that true?
Ben Cohen: Yes, I’ve had it for some time. Even when I was playing rugby, although then, I used it to my advantage by blocking out unnecessary sound. These days, my condition really can be a pain, but I’ve learned to live with it, and it gives me a daily challenge to overcome.
Do you wear hearing aids?
Ben Cohen: I have hearing aids, but I don’t wear them too often because I hear too much when I have them in. It can be overwhelming and often gives me a migraine.
Let’s move on to acting. You make your big debut in the new queer series, Patterns, this summer!
Ben Cohen: It’s exciting! I’ve always wanted to give film a try.