July 2024 Newsletter

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127th President of the State Bar of South Dakota


We will be closed July 4th & 5th


It was so great seeing many of you at the State Bar Convention in Pierre. A huge shout out to Paul and the State Bar staff for all their extra hours and effort to make this year’s convention a big success. With over 548 registrants, they certainly accomplished that. There were many highlights, but my favorite was watching the honoring of the 50 and 60 year veteran attorneys receive their well-earned recognition.

Thanks so much to Heather Lammers Bogard for her service as our State Bar President. We were so lucky to have her! I was fortunate enough to spend the past several months observing and learning from Heather and I am so impressed by how she led our Bar and by everything she accomplished for us. Of note, the adopted Creed of Civility and Guidelines for Professionalism. The Creed is meant to emphasize our commitment to treating our colleagues, clients and the judiciary with civility and respect. The Creed not only enhances the reputation of our legal community, but also contributes to a more fulfilling and rewarding professional experience for all of us.

Also, thank you to our outgoing Bar Commissioners, Judge Francy Foral, Rory King, Nick Moser and President-Elect John Richter. Please welcome our incoming bar commissioners, Sarah Covington, Kristen Edwards, Teramie Hill and Stacy Johnson (third term!). We appreciate your service to our Bar.

Many of you may have heard that Nicole Ogan has taken a position as Judge Eric Schulte’s judicial assistant. We were fortunate enough to have Nicole for 14 years and are grateful for her dedicated and invaluable service

to the State Bar. Nicole is assisting the State Bar office through this transition. Bar staff will be working extra hours to handle the transition. Please be mindful that they will be operating with reduced staff for the foreseeable future.

Later in this Newsletter is a job announcement for the Executive Director position of the newly incorporated Destination Dakota Legal Careers, Inc. DDLC is the entity that will run the State Bar’s Pathways Program. This program is crucial for our profession, and for all law-related professions in South Dakota, including paralegals, court reporters, court personnel and law enforcement. Beginning next year and at least over the next decade we face a significant demographic decline in the number of students graduating from high school. We also face a decline in the number of students expressing interest in going to college. With increasing retirements from the baby boomers, we face an impending shortage of people who will be working in all law-related occupations.

Every profession is facing the same challenge, and the Pathways Program is the legal profession’s effort to aggressively recruit more people to pursue a law-related career, including attorneys as well as the other lawrelated occupations. Whether you may be interested in applying to be the executive director of this program, or in helping introduce the various law-related careers to students at the middle, secondary, college or adult level, our profession desperately needs all hands on deck! We need to make sure the legal system in South Dakota is adequately staffed to meet the legal needs of South Dakotans. You will be hearing more about these efforts

as time goes on. If asked to help, whether by putting on mock trials, presentations or making financial contributions, please answer this important call to help meet the legal needs of our profession and the public.

Finally, best to all of the applicants sitting for the Bar Exam this month. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Bar!










State Bar of South Dakota Chelsea Wenzel President

Happy July Fellow State Bar Members! This is my first official article as the President of the YLS Board and I am very excited for the year to come.

First, for a little background, I currently reside in Pierre with my fiancé Hank and our cocker spaniel/poodle, Mack.

I grew up on a farm in Wessington Springs, South Dakota, and I still go back to help when I can. Turns out, no matter how old you are or how much schooling you have, as the youngest child you are always on the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to farm work. Thankfully the “office space” has a good view.

I attended South Dakota State University for my undergraduate degrees (GO JACKS!), and I obtained a Master of Social Work degree from Colorado State University. I spent the next two years as a school counselor and cheerleading coach in the Woonsocket and Sanborn Central School Districts before heading to

law school at the University of Minnesota. After law school, I clerked for the Sixth Circuit in South Dakota for one year before joining the Attorney General’s office. I worked as an appellate attorney for my first few years with the office, and I recently moved into a full-time criminal litigation role.

I’ve been involved with the YLS Board for four years and I am very excited to be leading a spectacular group of board members. We have a few returning names on the board and a few new ones:

First Circuit- Derrick Johnson

Second Circuit- Tyler Bradley

Third Circuit- Stacia Jackson

Fourth Circuit- Ryan Walno

Fifth Circuit- Rebecca Ronayne

Sixth Circuit- Stephen Gemar

Seventh Circuit- Olivia Edoff

At-Large- Cole Romey

Secretary- Lora Waeckerle

President-Elect- Mae Pochop

President- Chelsea Wenzel

Stay tuned to for the date of the State-wide Swearing In Ceremony and to learn more about our YLS ambassador program!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the Board and any of our projects or events. My email is chelsea.wenzel@state.sd.us.




Sustaining Life Fe�low - $50,000 plus Fe�lows of the

Fred & Luella Cozad

Thomas C. Barnett, Jr.

Robert E. Hayes

Scott N. Heidepriem

Andrew J. Knutson

David L. Knudson

Kimberley A. Mortenson

Hon. Richard H. Battey

Melissa Nicholson Breit

P.Daniel Donohue

Chet Groseclose

Hon. John B. Jones

Jerome B. Lammers

Scott C. Moses

Charles L. Riter

William Spiry

Hon. Jack R. Von Wald

Gold Fe�lows - $5,000

Renee H. Christensen

Richard A. Cutler

William F. Day, Jr.

Dana J. Frohling

David J. King

Richard L. Kolker

Robert A. Martin

Kimberley A. Mortenson

Timothy J. Rensch

Michael Sharp

Frank L. Farrar

Gregory A. Yates

Life Fe�low - $25,000 plus Diamond Fe�lows - $10,000 plus Platinum Fe�lows - $10,000

Neil Fulton

Hon. Bobbi J. Rank

Timothy J. Rensch

Dakota Bar Foundation

John P. Blackburn

Richard D. Casey

Hon. Michael Day

Robert B. Frieberg

Thomas H. Frieberg

William C. Garry

David A. Gerdes

Hon. David R. Gienapp

Patrick G. Goetzinger G.Verne Goodsell

Robert E. Hayes

Terry L. Hofer

Steven K. Huff

Presidential Fe�lows - $10,000

Carleton R. “Tex” Hoy

Hon. Charles B. Kornmann

Lisa Hansen Marso

Bob Morris

Thomas J. Nicholson

Gary J. Pashby

Stephanie E. Pochop

Reed A. Rasmussen

Pamela R. Reiter

Robert C. Riter, Jr.

Eric C. Schulte

Jeffrey T. Sveen

Charles M. Thompson

Richard L. Travis

Thomas J. Welk

Terry G. Westergaard

Silver Fe�lows - $1,000 (per year) Fe�lows - $500 (per year)

Hon. John Bastian

Hon. John L. Brown

Mary Jane Cleary

Paul L. Cremer

Andrew L. Fergel

Michael S. Fischer

Tom E. Geu

Craig A. Kennedy

Denise Langley

Hon. Judith K. Meierhenry

Hon. Robert A. Miller

Robert C. Riter, Jr.

Jason R.F. Sutton

Lea Wroblewski

Raising the Bar: Our Profession. Our Responsibility.

Fellows of the South Dakota Bar Foundation

Iam happy to report on the state of the law school. Thanks to the support of our alumni and friends, the commitment and insight of our faculty and staff, and the enthusiasm and hard work of our students, the state of the law school is strong. Three of our last five classes have been the largest in a decade, with the incoming Class of 2027 on track to perhaps be even larger. We increased enrollment while maintaining strong LSAT scores and undergraduate grades among our admittees—proving that we can get better while we get bigger.

Our students are learning well in law school thanks to our ongoing refinement of the curriculum. I am particularly excited about our expansion of writing classes to require students to complete at least one class each year that requires practical drafting or a research paper. We have also focused our most recent faculty hires on practice areas with major impact in South Dakota, like banking law, agricultural law, contract drafting, and pretrial and trial practice in both civil and criminal cases.

We are seeing the benefits of these efforts in our student outcomes. Our students are passing the bar exam at rates that meet or exceed the national average. More than 90% of our most recent graduating classes have accepted jobs that require or prefer a law degree within months after graduation. We are providing an effective education that prepares students for success.

Beyond the strength of our people, we are sustaining the strength of our facilities. If you have not recently been to the Law School, the effects of our multi-year renovation of the building are really beginning to show. We have

updated all our classrooms, the lower level of the library, and the commons, and this summer, we are updating the faculty suite and the main level of the library. If you are in the neighborhood, please stop by for a look or peek at social media for some progress reports.

All these things are significant measures of the health of the Law School, but I want to focus the rest of my report today on some bigger ideas that grow out of the seminal question: what does it mean to be a lawyer? The most pressing issues facing us as a school and a profession in the next several years turn on our answer to that question. A few critical examples currently occupy my thinking.

First, the ongoing question of where the next generation of lawyers will come from remains an existential one for the profession. Beginning with next year’s high school graduates, we begin to feel the effects of a demographic cliff that is projected to result in a decade long decline in the total number of college matriculants in South Dakota and many surrounding states. Fewer college matriculants will make the question of who will be available to go to law school unavoidable. I tip my hat to the State Bar Strategic Planning Committee, the Pathway Task Force, and the volunteers for Law Day, Project Destination, Law Camp, and other initiatives focused on raising awareness and interest in legal careers for all their work. An answer to the question of what it means to be a lawyer will turn, in no small part, on who is available and interested in becoming one. As Boomers and even Gen X professionals continue to exit the profession, ongoing demographic and economic

trends tilt our population towards two communities, and fewer students enter college. The most important issue facing each of us remains finding our successor in the profession.

Second, providing effective and affordable educational opportunities is critical to develop the next generation of lawyers. I discussed earlier the efficacy of the education the Law School provides, but affordability remains a primary, if not the primary, driver of law school choice for potential students. Tuition at the Law School is among the lowest in the nation, but cost and scholarships remain critical aspects of our competition for students. You might say, “I thought we solved that issue a few years ago,” but unfortunately, the answer is no, despite our dramatic increase in scholarship funds. We need to continue to expand scholarship offerings for two primary reasons. First, need based scholarships remain imperative to ensure that no South Dakota student is unable to pursue a legal education because of cost and so students can choose where they want to put their degree to work rather than having to work where they can pay for their degree. Second, other law schools are responding to declining student numbers with increased efforts to essentially buy enrollment. A hardworking South Dakota kid with a solid but not spectacular LSAT score is a great solution to enrollment shortfalls for a lot of schools across the country. Accordingly, this year, we saw a dramatic increase in the number of schools making large, even full tuition, scholarship offers to very typical candidates in our pool. Continuing to expand scholarships is imperative to win an arms race we did not start; I thank all of you who continue to invest in the future of our profession through law school scholarships. It is central to the question of what a South Dakota lawyer will be in years to come.

A third issue we face is the changing means of determining lawyer licensure. It is a fact that starting in 2026, the NextGen Bar Exam will go live in many jurisdictions, dramatically revamping the current bar exam to place a greater emphasis on skills like legal research, client advising, and advocacy and less on memorization of doctrine, particularly sub-rules, and exceptions. I think this is a good thing, but it will require the Law School, the Court, the Board of Bar Examiners, and the bar at large to adapt. Additionally, the recommendations of the Bar Admission Task Force to implement a pilot program of admission based on a public sector placement and developed portfolio of professional work during

law school and a commitment to public service after graduation provides an exciting opportunity to draw a few more students into high need practices while still identifying competence, albeit in a different way. No system of attorney licensure is perfect, but we can persist in efforts to refine a system that protects the public while also meeting their most significant legal needs.

A fourth critical issue is our collective response to Generative AI. In an unprecedented way, what it means to be a lawyer is on the table due to the prospect of computers doing the work of lawyers in entirely new ways. If you are tempted to dismiss this concern, please do not. How, not if, generative AI finds its way into legal education and practice in an ethical, affordable, and reliable way is something we must address in both the months and the years to come. Those answers will require us to have not only a cutting-edge familiarity with technology but also a commitment to govern that technology by the timeless values of our profession.

As we move toward the midpoint of the 21st Century, the question of what it means to be a lawyer is central to South Dakota’s Law School and legal profession. This is a challenge, but I am heartened by the fact that history shows us that what it means to be a lawyer is to be someone who studies, identifies, and responds to human activity and developments with an eye towards implementing durable and just solutions. What it means to be a lawyer is to be someone who finds the path forward and leads others on the way. What it means to be a law school is to shape the next generation in that identity and give them the tools necessary to live it. That is our mission, we are proud to live it with you.

That is my report, but before I leave the stage, it is my great honor to recognize a great example of what it means to be a lawyer. Most of you likely know that Professor Tamara Nash is completing her year as Chair of the ABA Young Lawyer Division. I am told she is the first South Dakota lawyer to be a division chair. During her tenure, she has focused on promoting access to the legal profession, guiding young lawyers in their formation of professional identity, and building the reputation of the South Dakota Bar, among other states. As dean, I am proud to call her an alumna, colleague, representative, but most importantly, friend. Professor Nash, on behalf of the Law School and the Bar, thank you for your service; please join me in a round of applause to recognize Tamara Nash.


Thank you to the following attorneys that accepted a pro bono or reduced rate case in June or July from Access to Justice, Inc.! You are now a member of the A2J Justice Squad - an elite group of South Dakota lawyers who accept the responsibility to defend justice, uphold their oath and provide legal representation to those who need it.

Thank You

Joel Arends & Judge Hoffman for their very EPIC & COMPELLING speeches about the value of Pro Bono and Low Bono volunteer service through Access to Justice! Congratulations 13

Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith, P.C. is pleased to announce that

Ryan P. Fargen has joined the firm as an attorney.

Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith, P.C.

300 S. Phillips Avenue, Suite 300 Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Telephone: (605) 336-3890


Heidman Law Firm, PLLC announces that attorney Elizabeth A. Rosenbaum has joined the firm.

She is available and practicing primarily in family law in IA and SD.

To schedule, email Elizabeth at e.rosenbaum@heidmanlaw.com or call 712-255-8838

Visit our website www.heidmanlaw.com

Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith, P.C. is pleased to announce that

Brayden W. McNeary has joined the firm as an associate attorney.

Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Smith, P.C.

300 S. Phillips Avenue, Suite 300

Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Telephone: (605) 336-3890


Office Sharing Invitation

Rapid City attorneys Mitch Johnson, Brad Gordon and Margo Julius are searching for an attorney to share their office suite located at 2902 West Main Street, Suite #1

Rapid City, South Dakota.

We have a very nice office available, large conference room, 1 legal assistant stations, sophisticated scanning and copy machine, extensive library, Westlaw, telephone system, postage meter machine and room for storage of files.

If interested, please call either Mitch Johnson (605-381-6464)

Brad Gordon (605-716-3040)

Margo Julius (605-721-7337)

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State Bar of South Dakota Staff Position - Member Services

The State Bar of South Dakota will soon be seeking a dedicated and reliable individual to join our staff.

We will have a vacancy due to the impending departure of Nicole Ogan.

We will be seeking assistance with providing exceptional support to our members, managing membership records, and coordinating events.

Please watch for further information regarding this opportunity.

Nicole Ogan

Please join us in saluting and thanking State Bar Assistant Executive Director for her Service to the State Bar!

Nicole will be leaving the State Bar in the coming weeks to pursue another opportunity.

Nicole has worked tirelessly to provide exemplary service to our State Bar members. We are forever indebted to Nicole for her dedication and fourteen years of service.

We will certainly miss Nicole, and we wish her all the best in her new endeavors!

Thank you, Nicole, and Congratulations on your new opportunity!


State Bar President Sarah Sharp Theophilus

State Bar President Elect John Richter

State Bar Commissioners

State Bar Staff


2024-2025 Officers

John Richter


Nolan Welker

Vice President

Kinsley Groote Secretary/Treasurer

Megan Borchert Board

Carla Cushman Board

Justin Johnson Board

Lisa Marso Board


For those unable to attend the Bar Convention, U.S. Attorney Alison Ramsdell was named the Public Sector Attorney of the Year; and Morgan Erickson was the recipient of the Rising Star Award. Both are exceptional leaders and the embodiment of public service within the legal profession! Please join us in congratulating Alison and Morgan!

Heroic Efforts!

A shoutout needs to go out to the 20232024 Public Sector Section Officers (Nolan Welker, Kinsley Groote, Megan Borchert, Carla Cushman, Lisa Marso, and Dave Pfiefle) for their dedication and contributions. Their leadership has been instrumental in shaping this section and establishing a strong foundation for future growth and success! Thank you, Nolan, Kinsley, Megan, Carla, Lisa, and Dave!!

A Special Thanks

From the University of South D akota Knudson School of Law to the 2024 Law Practice Drafting Course Proctors & Panelists

Thank you for sharing your time, knowledge and expertise with the USD Law Students .

Our 2024 Panel:

Administrative Law, Jason Sutton

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Michael McKnight

Business Entity Formation, Brett Lovrien

Business Sale, Jennifer Larsen

Civil Pre-trial Practice, Pamela Reiter

Criminal Defense, Ashley Miles Holtz

Criminal Prosecution, Amy Bartling Jacobsen

Estate Planning/Administration, Mallory Schulte

Family Law, Rachel Preheim

Real Estate Transactions, Eric Hanson

In-House Counsel Panel

“I loved this class! It was so useful and I look forward to applying what I learned to my legal career!”

~2024 Law


Dan Doyle, Chad Jungman , Meghan Roche, Kristina Schaefer, Krista Tschetter

Judges’ Panel

Judge Tami Bern, Judge Doug Hoffman , Chief Justice Frank Pommersheim, Judge Kasey Sorens en

All of your efforts & service are very appreciated!

Meet the University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law’s 2024 Public Interest Network Fellows

This year, thanks to your support, the University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law Public Interest Network (PIN) annual fundraising auction raised over $20,000. PIN is a student-led organization dedicated to supporting USD Knudson School of Law students who volunteer their time working unpaid, summer internships with public interest organizations (such as government agencies, nonprofits, and public defender offices). With the amount raised this year, PIN awarded six fellowships to USD Knudson School of Law students to help cover the cost-of-living expenses as they complete their public interest summer internships.

The six PIN fellows are: Nya Henderson (East River Legal Services), Konery Kluber (U.S. Attorney’s Office), Jillian Kreps (Minnehaha County Public Advocate’s Office), Ryan Kroger (U.S. Attorney’s Office), Samantha Reuer (Minnehaha County Public Advocate’s Office) and Zachary Stanton (Yankton County State’s Attorney).

PIN’s auction was made possible by its indefatigable 2023-2024 student leaders: Cameron Morgan (President); Veronica Knutson (Vice President); Tia Vlasman (1L Representative); and James McCormack (Board Member). PIN also is excited to announce its board leadership for 2024-2025: Tia Vlasman (President); Isabelle Kremeier (Vice President); Miranda Schulte (Secretary); and Anthony LoBaido (Treasurer).

Vlasman, President(2024-25);Veronica Knutson,VicePresident(2023-24);MirandaSchulte,Secretary(202425);CameronMorgan,President(2023-24); IsabelleKremeier,VicePresident(2024-25);andAnthonyLoBaido,Treasurer(2024-25)

PIN is grateful to those who supported the auction by: donating money, items, and experiences; volunteering time and resources; and/or attending the auction We could not support these students’ public interest service without you.


State Bar of South Dakota member exclusive: 10% off Clio products

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August 28-30

September 27

October 24-25

November 13

OCI Round 1

South Dakota Law Review Symposium & Stay in South Dakota Career Fair

OCI Round 2

Black Hills Virtual Networking Event

Register HERE for the Black Hills Virtual Networking Event. Register HERE for Fall OCI events.

Accessible and affordable housing is a common barrier to student placements. If you are a bar member willing to host an intern, please fill out this form.

corporate Transparency Act Risks for Solo & Small Firm Attorneys -

A Risk Manager's Perspective

I’m sure this will come as no surprise; but as a risk manager with a law degree who works for a malpractice insurance company, I’m not one who embraces significant risk. I also believe it isn’t my place to tell any attorney what to do when it comes to making decisions about educating and assisting clients with their obligations under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). Of course, I recognize that there is a difference between advising clients on their obligations under the act and preparing the documents that need to be filed. It’s the filing part that concerns me. All I can say is I see the potential for significant risk there, so the best I can do is share my thoughts and leave the decision-making process to you.

Will our malpractice policy cover us if our firm helps clients with their reporting obligations under the act?

This is the most common question I’ve been asked about the CTA, so this seems like a good place to start. Of course, policy language will differ between insurers. Always review your policy and/or check with your insurer to be sure. That said, I can provide something of a general answer.

The CTA deals with the federal government’s efforts to identify and expose money laundering and criminal activity. The federal government has also been pushing the legal profession hard to “know your client” and effectively assist them in accomplishing their goals, which is why I need to start by reminding you of your ethical obligations. If you will assist clients in complying with the act, ensure you take your responsibilities seriously. If you haven’t already reviewed ABA Formal Opinion 491, I strongly encourage you to do so. Also

remember your obligations under MRPC 1.2(d) which states “A lawyer shall not counsel a client to engage, or assist a client, in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent[.]” This is critically important because when you take on the responsibility of filing the initial beneficial ownership information report on behalf of a client, you will be required to certify that the report is true, accurate, and complete.

The reason why I needed to remind you of your ethical obligations is due to a coverage concern. Coverage will usually be in play when a lawyer assists clients with their reporting obligations under the CTA because regulatory compliance advice and assistance is something business and corporate lawyers normally do. However, lawyers can get into coverage problems when they ignore any warning flags that something about what a client is doing or saying isn’t right. Stated another way, willful blindness is never going to be a defense. This means that if a client ends up perpetrating a fraud or crime and the lawyer is eventually found to have (even unwittingly) assisted in that because he or she failed to conduct due diligence, the lawyer may very well find himself without coverage for any claim that might arise as a result. As an aside, and I will admit that it’s quite rare, be aware that over the years a few lawyers have lost their license to practice and several even served jail time for this very misstep. Just saying.

If we always take our ethical obligations seriously, are we good to go in terms of coverage?

Not necessarily, Consider the logistical problems that can arise with trying to collect accurate beneficial owner information, staying current on ownership changes and any changes of address for beneficial owners, and verifying the accuracy of the information being provided. If you are the one who will be certifying the accuracy of the information reported, you face substantial penalties for noncompliance should it turn

out the information reported was inaccurate. In light of this risk, I personally feel that a decision to undertake the initial filing of beneficial owner information or the filing of any updates to the beneficial owner information should not be made lightly. This is particularly true given the availability of companies like Wolters Kluwer that specialize in helping businesses of all shape and sizes with regulatory filings. The reason I say this is because in most states malpractice policies provide no coverage for fines, penalties, and the like. Is there anything else we should be thinking about?

Here are two additional things to keep in mind. First, if your firm decides to assist clients with their reporting obligations, go all in. Don’t dabble in other words. You must have a thorough understanding of the CTA, to include all reporting deadlines and the consequences of noncompliance. You will need secure internal processes and systems that can streamline the accurate collection and reporting of all necessary data. Finally, make sure everyone involved with assisting clients with CTA compliance remains wary of scams, for example fake filing websites set up in an attempt to steal sensitive information.

Second, if your firm decides to refrain from assisting clients with their reporting obligations, I encourage you to at least do the following in light of your ethical obligations under MPRC 1.4 Communication. Notify all current clients about the new requirements of the CTA, to include the legal ramifications of failing to comply, and include written clarification that your firm will not be assuming responsibility for the initial filing requirements or any updates on behalf of clients. The reason is you want to prevent clients from alleging it’s your fault if they are ever penalized for noncompliance with the CTA. Also consider limiting your scope of representation in your engagement agreements with all new business clients stating that your firm will not assist with any of the filing requirements for the same reason.

Since 1998, Mark Bassingthwaighte, Esq. has been a Risk Manager with ALPS, an attorney’s professional liability insurance carrier. In his tenure with the company, Mr. Bassingthwaighte has conducted over 1200 law firm risk management assessment visits, presented over 400 continuing legal education seminars throughout the United States, and written extensively on risk management, ethics, and technology. Mr. Bassingthwaighte is a member of the State Bar of Montana as well as the American Bar Association where he currently sits on the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility’s Conference Planning Committee. He received his J.D. from Drake University Law School.

ABA Young Lawyers Division Spring Meeting

South Dakota young lawyer and American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Chair, Tamara Nash, planned and hosted a joint Spring Conference in Omaha, Nebraska last month. The Conference theme was, “Empowering Excellence: Bridging Experience.” Bringing together, for the first time, the ABA Young Lawyers Division, Law Practice Division, and GPSolo Division. In total, over 250 attendees participated in a robust schedule of programming, social events, and networking. Below is a brief recap of the Conference's activities.

The Conference kicked-off with the Opening Plenary Session: A Fireside Chat with the Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court, South Dakota’s own Chief Justice Jensen, and an Associate Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court. Later, the Welcome Reception was held at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. In total, eight programs and seven CLEs were presented.

Topics included: Microsoft Copilot, Lawyers as Leaders, Access to Justice in America’s Heartland, Saving Democracy and the Rule of Law, and well-being. Attendees participated in a well-being 5K, sunrise yoga, and a meditation session. The YLD hosted a What Do Lawyers Do Program at Liberty Elementary School100 4th grade students. Attendees participated in the YLD’s pop-up public service project and collected over 170 encouragement cards and approximately 275 pairs of socks. These items will be sent to uplift youth in foster care at Boys Town (Omaha, NE).

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the conference’s success including those who traveled to present! Thank you to everyone who made the journey to Nebraska! A special thank you to the Johnson Pochop & Bartling Law Office LLP, Gunderson Palmer Law Offices, Ballard Spahr Law Firm, and the South Dakota Bar Foundation for your support and donations!

State Bar of South Dakota Association

Avera Healthcare Plans

The following agents or agencies that are authorized to sell the State Bar Association Health Plan.


Office Location

Mitchell & Yankton Area

Aberdeen Area

Sioux Falls Area

Sioux Falls & Brookings Area

Pierre, Mitchell & Sioux Falls Area

Watertown Area


Dice Financial

Mark Mehlhoff

Midwest Employee Benefits

McGreevy & Associates

Fisher Rounds & Associates

Freimark & Associates

Office Location Agency Agency Contact Contact

West River

Black Hills Insurance Agency

Black Hills Insurance Agency

Carver Insurance

Jacquelyn Johnson

Mark Mehlhoff

Dawn Knutson

John Lawler

Josh Gilkerson

Todd Freimark

Dan Maguire

Everett Strong

Lisa Knutson

Questions on Eligibility, Rates, and Services?

Please contact the agency listed above based on your office location within the state for questions related to the Association Healthcare Plan.

Judicial Qualifications Com mission

St ate of S outh D akot a 500 East Capitol Avenue

Pierre, SD 57101

Telephone 605-773-2099

Fax 605-773-8437

Robert L. Morris, Chair

Rebecca A. Porter, Vice Chair

Hon. Cheryle Gering, Secretary

Hon. Bobbi Rank

Timothy M. Engel

Rory King

Raleigh Hansman

Lori Grode, Executive Assistant

Email: Lori.Grode@ujs.state.sd.us

May 28, 2024

Notice of Judicial Vacancy – Third Judicial Circuit, Position B

TO: All Active Members of the State Bar of South Dakota

FROM: Cheryle Gering, Secretary, Judicial Qualifications Commission

With the upcoming retirement of the Hon. Robert Spears in the Third Judicial Circuit, the Judicial Qualifications Commission is now taking applications. Pursuant to realignment of the judicial positions by Presiding Judge Gregory Stoltenburg, Position B is the open position. The duty station for this position will be Brookings. The current salary for a circuit court judge position in South Dakota is $174,448.36 annually and will be subject to the 4% increase approved by legislature effective July 1, 2024. In addition, circuit court judges and their dependents are eligible to participate in the State of South Dakota’s health insurance plan; circuit court judges participate in the State’s defined benefit retirement plan.

All lawyers and judges interested in applying should obtain the application form at http://ujs.sd.gov/, or contact Lori Grode at the State Court Administrator’s Office. The application must be returned to the Administrator’s Office and must be postmarked no later than 5:00 PM on July 26, 2024. Applicants should make sure the application submitted is the 2018 version.

You may also obtain the application form by writing or telephoning:

Lori Grode

State Court Administrator’s Office

500 East Capitol Avenue

Pierre, SD 57501

Telephone: 605-773-2099

Email: lori.grode@ujs.state.sd.us

Or, visit http://ujs.sd.gov/ for current job openings.

The Third Circuit is comprised of the following counties: Beadle, Brookings, Clark, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Hand, Jerauld, Kingsbury, Lake, Miner, Moody and Sanborn.

In Memoriam

Chet Groseclose died May 30, 2024. A celebration of life will take place at Heritage Funeral Home, 4800 S. Minnesota Ave., Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 2:00- 4:00 p.m.

Chet attended the University of South Dakota where he received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1957, and — after discovering that a career in banking was not for him — a law degree in 1960.

In law school, he served as editor of the South Dakota Law Review for which he wrote two articles. He was also president of the Student Bar Association.

On graduation, this lifelong South Dakotan joined the Aberdeen law firm of Campbell, Voas & Richardson, where he practiced for more than 40 years. His primary focus was litigation, for plaintiffs and defendants, in state and federal courts. Board certified in Civil Trial Law by the American Board of Trial Advocates (an invitation-only organization “of the finest lawyers and judges in America”). Other honors include selection as 2013-14 Judge of the Year by the University of South Dakota School of Law, and recognition in 2021 by the SD State Bar for “volunteering … representation for those who cannot afford a lawyer … with distinction and honor.”

In 2003, he established a law office in Sioux Falls where he continued Settlement Solutions, a mediation/ arbitration legal practice he’d begun in Aberdeen. At the time of his death, he was serving in an Of Counsel capacity with the Sioux Falls based HPS Law Firm.

Active in civic affairs, Chet served as chair of the Aberdeen Board of Education, later filling a similar role with the Brown County United Way.

Born September 19, 1935, to Elva Everett Groseclose and Chester Acheson Groseclose, Chet spent his

early years in Ipswich, SD. After college, he and Mary Kohlhaas married and had two children, Todd, and Jill. They were later divorced. With his marriage to Betsy Rice, September 28, 1978, Chet became stepfather to Matthew, Meredith, and Jennifer Morgans. He had four grandchildren and four step grandchildren.

Memorials in honor of Chet may be made to the University of South Dakota School of Law and/or USD Athletics through the USD Foundation, 1110 N Dakota St, Vermillion, SD 57069. A celebration of his life will take place 2-4 p.m., Saturday, August 3 at Heritage Funeral Home, 4800 S. Minnesota Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57108.

In a letter of condolence, a Colorado friend, Diane, captured the essence of Chet: a “handsome, kind, smart, wise, devoted man who brought … joy every day.”

Ryan Pfeil Darling

Ryan Pfeil Darling, 60, of Blunt, South Dakota, passed away on June 3, 2024, in Blunt.

A Celebration of Ryan's Life will be 1:00 pm on Friday, June7, 2024 at 201 North Freeland Street (Lance Peery's Shop) in Blunt.

Ryan was born to Harris and Carolann (Pfeil) Darling on May 12, 1964, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The eldest brother to younger sisters Nikki and Sarah, Ryan’s youth was spent causing trouble in the streets of Worthington, Minnesota, where he graduated high school in 1982. He was fondly remembered as the graduate who threw his cap and gown before jumping off the stage.

Following high school, Ryan attended community college in Worthington to receive his associate degree. He then transferred to his beloved alma mater, the University of Minnesota, where he completed a bachelor’s degree in business from the Carlson School of Management. He was an extremely proud thirdgeneration Golden Gopher who went on to raise two

more Gophers.

Ryan then enrolled at the University of South Dakota, where he earned a master’s degree in business, a juris doctorate, and a future wife, (one of which was the biggest achievement). Karla Engle was a fellow law student, and upon graduation the couple moved to Pierre, South Dakota, where they married and began a life together. Ryan made a legal career as an administrative law judge, first at the Department of Labor and then at the Office of Hearing Examiners.

Ryan was, above all else, a grateful dad (and if you knew him, you likely saw him in a t-shirt that proclaimed so). With Karla, he raised three children – Laurel, Layna, and Jack. Most of his free time was spent hunting and fishing with Jack, attending rock concerts with Layna and Karla, and discussing music, art, history, and movies with Laurel. Ryan suffered from the lifelong

plight of being a Minnesota sports fan and enjoyed watching the games with his childhood friends. He will be remembered by the levity and laughter he brought to any situation; his greatest legacy will be the smiles he left on the faces of all he encountered.

Along with his wife, children, and Mark-in-law, Ryan’s friendliness and wit will live on through his father Harris; mother Carolann (Gayle Kvistad); sisters Nikki (Andy) Raedeke and Sarah Darling, niece Marah Darling and nephew Alex Purdy, as well as numerous cousins, uncles, friends, and loved ones.

Ryan will be joined in the afterlife by his maternal grandparents Maurice and Harriet Pfeil, paternal grandparents Ray and Mary Darling, uncle, James (Jim) Darling, dear friends Chuck Busse and Doug Goettsch, and cherished pets Jazz, Coal, and Captain Fuzzy.

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State Bar of South Dakota Committee Assignments 2024-2025


Mallori Barnett, Pierre

Justin Bell, Pierre

Steven Blair, Rapid City

Meghan Borchert, Sioux Falls

Lisa Carrico, Watertown

Niclas Dahlvang, Wessington Springs

Kristen Edwards, Pierre

Morgan Erickson, Sioux Falls

Holly Farris, Pierre

Andy Fergel, Bismarck, ND

Anita Fuoss, Pierre

Julie Johnson, Mina

Kody Kyriss, Pierre

Amanda LaCroix, Pierre

Frank Marnell, Pierre

Amber Mulder, Sioux Falls

Graham Oey, Brookings

Nick Ramos, Sioux Falls

John Richter, CH, Pierre

Caroline Srstka, Sioux Falls

Sarah Thorne, Pierre

Catherine Williamson, Pierre


Stan Anker, Rapid City

Elliot Bloom, Rapid City

Joshua Clark, Sioux Falls

James Cremer, Aberdeen

Kristen Edwards, CH, Pierre

Craig Evenson, Clear Lake

Amanda Gaikowski, Sioux Falls

Thomas Geu, Vermillion

Quincy Kjerstad, Rapid City

David Larson, Chamberlain

Kiera Leddy, Aberdeen

Robert Nelson, Sioux Falls

Mitchell Peterson, Sioux Falls

Danny Smeins, Britton

Kelsea Sutton, CH, Burke

Jacob Tiede, Pipestone, MN

Michael Traxinger, Aberdeen

Paul Tschetter, Sioux Falls

Joshua Weinheimer, Pierre

Nolan Welker, Pierre


Bert Bucher, Sioux Falls

Gregory Erlandson, Rapid City

Hon. David Gienapp, Madison

Lindsay Harris, Sioux Falls

Katie Johnson, Beresford

Meghann Joyce, CH, Sioux Falls

Garrett Keegan, Rapid City

Michael McKnight, Sioux Falls

Elizabeth Rosenbaum, Sioux City, IA

Laura Rowe, Onida

Marilyn Trefz, Vermillion

Joe Williams, Hill City


Aidan Goetzinger, CH, Rapid City

Brooke Schmidt. CH, Sioux Falls

Mike Srstka, Vice-CH, Sioux Falls

Kellen Willert, Vice-CH, Belle Fourche


Amy Arndt, Sioux Falls

Frances Becker, Rapid City

Josh Brown, Sioux Falls

Joshua Clark, Sioux Falls

James Cremer, Aberdeen

Thomas Deadrick, Pierre

Justin DiBona, Rapid City

Connor Donahoe, Rapid City

Matthew Dorothy, Sioux Falls

Ryan Fargen, Sioux Falls

Tom Geu, Vermillion

Daniel Glinert, Sioux Falls

Patrick Goetzinger, Rapid City

Chad Hansen, Shakopee MN

Brooke Harms, Sioux Falls

Laura Hauser, Rapid City

Dixie Hieb, Sioux Falls

Pradeep Jayaraman, Sioux Falls

Curtis Jensen, Rapid City

Darrell Jesse, Dakota Dunes

Tommy Johnson, Sioux Falls

Brian Kirby, Sioux Falls

Andrew Knutson, Sioux Falls

Cynthia Mickelson, Sioux Falls

Carey Miller, Sioux Falls

Barry Sackett, Sioux Falls


Trent Swanson, Sioux Falls

Timothy Thomas, Rapid City

Bobbi Thury, Sioux Falls

Rod Tobin, CH, Aberdeen

Nicole Tupman, Sioux Falls

Shane Vogt, Sioux Falls

Jayna Voss, Sioux Falls

Reece Weber, Rapid City


Pat Archer, CH, Onida

Beth Baloun, Sioux Falls

Amy Bartling-Jacobsen, Gregory

Matthew Naasz, Rapid City

Nancy Oviatt, Watertown

Aaron Pilcher, Huron


Hon. Tara Adamski, Pierre

Stanton Anker, Rapid City

Carla Cushman, Rapid City

Holly Farris, Pierre

Alecia Fuller, Rapid City

Neil Fulton, Vermillion

Anita Fuoss, Pierre

Renee Gallagher, Rapid City

Eric Hanson, Sioux Falls

Meghann Joyce, Sioux Falls

Tom Keller, Sioux Falls

Yvette Lafrentz, Sioux Falls

Jessica LaMie, Pierre

Jessica Larson, Rapid City

Amanda Miiller, Pierre

Hon. Sarah Morrison, Rapid City

Tamara Nash, CH, Vermillion

Melissa Neville, Aberdeen

Hon. Bob Pesall, Flandreau

Mitch Peterson, Sioux Falls

Hon. Craig Pfeifle, Rapid City

Victoria Reker, Sioux Falls

Matthew Roby, Watertown

Jason Sutton, Sioux Falls

Anthony Sutton, Sioux Falls

Jeff Tronvold, Pierre

Nicole Tupman, Sioux Falls

Lora Waeckerle, Rapid City

Anne Weyer, Sioux Falls

State Bar of South Dakota Committee Assignments 2024-2025


Jennifer Williams, Rapid City


Jeff Collins, Rapid City

Katelyn Cook, Rapid City

Greg Erlandson, Rapid City

Jonathan McCoy, Rapid City

Anthony Osborn, Sioux City

Jason Smiley, CH, Rapid City

Michael Tobin, Sioux Falls

Paul Tschetter, Sioux Falls

Gregory Wheeler, Sioux Falls


Jason Adams, Sioux Falls

Jenn Albertson, Rapid City

Ross Aldentaler, Aberdeen

Mark Anderson, Aberdeen

Kylie Beck, Sioux Falls

Kelsey Blair, Rapid City

Gregory Brazeal, Vermillion

Leslie Bryson, Sturgis

Melissa Fiksdal, Sioux Falls

Koln Fink, Sioux Falls

Grant Flynn, Pierre

Ellery Grey, Rapid City

John Hinrichs, Sioux Falls

Tanner Jackson, Sturgis

George Johnson, Gregory

Amanda Kippley, Sioux Falls

Dylan Kirchmeier, Sisseton

Ryan Kolbeck, Sioux Falls

Jessica LaMie, Pierre

Katie Mallery, Sioux Falls

Cassandra McKeown, Vermillion

Amanda Miiller, Pierre

John Murphy, Rapid City

Robert Pasqualucci, Rapid City

Whit Reed, Sioux Falls

Amber Richey, Deadwood

Lara Roetzel, Rapid City

Jason Rumpca, Pierre

Olivia Siglin, Rapid City

Traci Smith, Sioux Falls

Sarah L. Thorne, CH, Pierre

Daniel Van Gorp, Kadoka

Colleen Zea, Sioux Falls


Stan Anker, Rapid City

Thomas Ashby, Omaha, NE

Ellie Bailey, Pierre

Jim Cremer, Aberdeen

Patrick Dougherty, Sioux Falls

Jordan Feist, Sioux Falls

Keith Gauer, Sioux Falls

Bob Hayes, Sioux Falls

Anthony Hohn, CH, Sioux Falls

Steve Huff, Yankton

Ryan Loker, Pierre

Robert Meadors, Sioux Falls

Sander Morehead, Sioux Falls

Nicholas Moser, CH, Yankton

Robert Nelson, Sioux Falls

Lee Ann Pierce, Brookings

John Richter, Pierre

Eric Ronke, Sioux Falls

Kristina Schaefer, Sioux Falls

Torrey Sundall, Sioux Falls

Brian Utzman, Rapid City

Anne Weyer, Sioux Falls

Lea Wroblewski, Sioux Falls


Timothy Billion, Sioux Falls

Kristin Derenge, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Doubledee, Sioux Falls

Angelique EagleWoman, Woodbury MN

Danielle Foiles, Sioux Falls

Hon. Francy Foral, Sturgis

Neil Fulton, Vermillion

Renee Gallagher, Rapid City

Tyler Haigh, Sioux Falls

Wendy Hess, Vermillion

Cesar Juarez, Sioux Falls

Denise Langley, Pierre

James Leach, Rapid City

Jonathon Leddige, Sioux Falls

Tamara Nash, Vermillion

Erika Olson, Rapid City

Mali Oyen, Rapid City

Mae Pochop, Sioux Falls

Stephanie Pochop, Gregory

Alison Ramsdell, Sioux Falls

Lara Roetzel, Rapid City

Thomas Simmons, Vermillion


Michael Traxinger, Aberdeen

Amanda Work, Pierre

Lea Wroblewski, Sioux Falls


Brett Arenz, Co-CH, Sioux Falls

Michele Bennett, Huron

Tyler Coverdale, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Doubledee, Sioux Falls

Holly Farris, Pierre

Jessica Filler, Pierre

Jennifer Frank, Rapid City

AJ Franken, Vermillion

Tracy Greene, Co-CH, Brookings

Gerald Kaufman, Huron

Samuel Kerr, Rapid City

Amanda LaCroix, Pierre

Nathan Lukkes, Pierre

Lisa Marso, Sioux Falls

Kassie Mckie-Shiffermiller, Rapid City

Kelsey Parker, Rapid City

Paul Sedlacek, Rapid City

Catherine Seeley, Pierre

Michael Trump, Rapid City

Sheila Woodward, Yankton


Cameo Anders, CH, Sioux Falls

Kate Bartell Nowak, Sioux Falls

Brandon Booth, Sioux Falls

Erika Campbell, Northfield, MN

Cale Fierro, Rapid City

Lonald Gellhaus, Aberdeen

Lindsay Harris, Sioux Falls

John Heisler, Sioux Falls

Hon. Janine Kern, Rapid City

McLean Kerver, CH, Rapid City

Brian Kirby, Sioux Falls

Gregory Litton, Rapid City

Lisa Maguire, Sioux Falls

Nancy Oviatt, Watertown

Greg Peterson, Aberdeen

Michael Porter, Spearfish

Ali Schaefbauer, Rapid City

Mallory Schulte, Yankton

Michael Sharp, Emery

Thomas Simmons, Vermillion


State Bar of South Dakota Committee Assignments 2024-2025

Douglas Thesenvitz, Sioux Falls

Bobbi Thury, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Tomac, Rapid City

Jerad Toman, Rapid City

Stephen Wesolick, Rapid City

Rebecca Wilson, Sioux Falls


Cameo Anders, Sioux Falls

James Billion, Sioux Falls

Jeffrey Bratkiewicz, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Bunkers, Sioux Falls

Tracey Dollison Decker, Rapid City

Kimberly Dorsett, Aberdeen

Dan Fritz, Sioux Falls

Alecia Fuller, Rapid City

Eric Kelderman, Rapid City

Christopher Madsen, Sioux Falls

Donald McCarty, Brookings

Ashley McDonald, Spearfish

Dylan Miller, Yankton

Sander Morehead, CH, Sioux Falls

Kimberly Pehrson, Rapid City

Mike Schaffer, Sioux Falls

Thomas Simmons, Vermillion

Ryan Snell, Sioux Falls

Cassidy Stalley, Rapid City

Sara Waeckerle, Rapid City

Owen Wiese, Rapid City


Kylie Beck, Sioux Falls

Hon. Natalie Damgaard, Canton

Edwin Evans, Sioux Falls

Aidan Goetzinger, Rapid City

Bradley Gordon, Rapid City

John Hinrichs, Sioux Falls

Chris Hutton, Philadelphia, PA

Garrett Keegan, Rapid City

Barbara Lewis, Rapid City

Mandy Miiller, Pierre

Dylan Miller, Yankton

Matthew Murphy, CH, Sioux Falls

Eric Preheim, Sioux Falls

Lindsey Quasney, Sioux Falls

Laura Rose, Vermillion

Martha Rossiter, Rapid City


Rex Schlicht, Mitchell

Hon. Janki Sharma, Rapid City

Olivia Siglin, Rapid City

Michael Snyder, Sioux Falls

Gary Thimsen, Sioux Falls

Caleb Vukovich, Pierre

Karly Winter, Pierre


Beth Baloun, Sioux Falls

Mary Burd, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Goldammer, Brookings

Hannah Haksgaard, Vermillion

Thomas Keller, Sioux Falls

Kristen Kochekian, Redfield

Kyle Krause, Rapid City

Denise Langley, Pierre

Chris McClure, Sioux Falls

George Nelson, Rapid City

Melissa Neville, Aberdeen

Melissa Nicholson Breit, Sioux Falls

Steven Nolan, Rapid City

Kari Nordstrom, Rapid City

Whitney Reed, Sioux Falls

Kylie Riggins, Rapid City

Beth Roesler, Sioux Falls

Elizabeth Rosenbaum, Sioux City, IA

Michael Tobin, Sioux Falls

Marilyn Trefz, Vermillion

Linda Lea Viken, Rapid City

Christi Weideman, Aberdeen

Mindy Werder, Sioux Falls

Dava Wermers, Mitchell

Kellen Willert, Belle Fourche

Terri Williams, CH, Rapid City

Murl Woods, Rapid City

Joshua Zellmer, Sioux Falls


Amanda Bahena, Sioux Falls

Deborah Birgen, Sioux Falls

Jonathon Chapman, Sioux Falls

Ilisja Duffy, Rapid City

Casey Eekhoff, Sioux Falls

Henry Evans, Sioux Falls

Janice Godtland, Sioux Falls

Sandi Haeuszer, Sioux Falls


Pradeep Jayaraman, Sioux Falls

Anna Kerner Andersson, Burke

Kari Scofield, CH, Sioux Falls


Kirk Albertson, Pierre

Tim Billion, Co-CH, Sioux Falls

Josey Blare, Co-CH, Sioux Falls

Leonika Charging-Davison, Omaha

Kyle Chase, Washington D.C.

Angelique EagleWoman, Prior Lake, MN

Shaun Eastman, Eden

Margaret Egan, Rapid City

Hon. Robert Gusinsky, Rapid City

Stacy Hegge, Pierre

Alayna Holmstrom, Sioux Falls

Brendan Johnson, Sioux Falls

Garrett Keegan, Rapid City

Lorrie Miner, Lower Brule

Tom Mortland, Mission

Lacy Neuenfeldt, Flandreau

Seth Pearman, Flandreau

Frank Pommersheim, Vermillion

Alison Ramsdell, Sioux Falls

Laura Rowe, Pierre

Thomas Simmons, Vermillion

Anthony Sutton, Sioux Falls

Thad Titze, Sioux Falls

Ann Tweedy, Vermillion

Ron Volesky, Huron


Robert Anderson, Pierre

Renee Christensen, Sioux Falls

Joel Engel, Sioux Falls

Edwin Evans, Sioux Falls

Hon. Francy Foral, Sturgis

Thomas Frankman, Sioux Falls

William Garry, Sioux Falls

Anthony Hohn, Sioux Falls

Gary Jensen, Rapid City

Hon. Steven Jensen, Vermillion

Stacy Johnson, Aberdeen

Hon. Janine Kern, Rapid City

Hon. Carmen Means, CH, Watertown

Ann Mines-Bailey, Pierre

Thomas Nicholson, Sioux Falls

State Bar of South Dakota Committee Assignments 2024-2025


Stephanie Pochop, Gregory

Hon. James Power, Sioux Falls

Greg Sattizahn, Pierre

Hon. Patrick Smith, Mitchell

Hon. Robert Spears, Watertown

Marya Tellinghuisen, Fort Pierre

Roy Wise, Aberdeen

Joshua Zellmer, Sioux Falls


Chelsea Wenzel, YLS President


Mallori Barnett, Pierre

Sarah Baron Houy, Sioux Falls

Mariah Bloom-McNeece, Aberdeen

Lisa Cagle, CH, Rapid City

Catherine Cano, Omaha, NE

Carla Cushman, Rapid City

Kimberly Dorsett, Aberdeen

Jennifer Frank, Rapid City

Lisa Marso, Sioux Falls

Emily Maurice, Sioux Falls

Jerry McCabe, Claremont

Ashley McDonald, Spearfish

Nichole Mohning, Sioux Falls

Amber Mulder, Sioux Falls

Beth Roesler, Sioux Falls

Brooke Schmidt, Sioux Falls

Tracye Sherril, Sioux Falls


Beth Baloun, Sioux Falls

Hon. Douglas Barnett, Sioux Falls

Edwin Evans, Sioux Falls

Thomas Frieberg, Beresford

Robert Hayes, Sioux Falls

Hon. Douglas Hoffman, Sioux Falls

Hon. Steven Jensen, Vermillion

Anna Limoges, Sioux Falls

Hon. Marshall Lovrien, Aberdeen

Bob Morris, Belle Fourche

Tamara Nash, Vermillion

Hon. Margo Northrup, Pierre

Hon. Craig Pfeifle, Rapid City

Dan Rafferty, Yankton

Reed Rasmussen, Aberdeen

Pamela Reiter, Sioux Falls


Hon. Susan Sabers, Sioux Falls

Clint Sargent, Sioux Falls

Greg Sattizahn, Pierre

Eric Schulte, Sioux Falls

Sarah Theophilus, Sioux Falls

Paul Tschetter, CH, Sioux Falls


Thomas Clayton, Sioux Falls

Ryan Darling, Pierre

Todd Epp, Harrisburg

Henry Evans, Sioux Falls

Dan Fritz, Sioux Falls

Gregg Greenfield, Sioux Falls

Scott Hoy, Sioux Falls

Cesar Juarez, Sioux Falls

Lon Kouri, Sioux Falls

Renae Kruse, Sioux Falls

Robert Lewis, CH, Rapid City

Michael McKnight, Sioux Falls

Jana Miner, Pierre

Stephanie Pochop, Gregory

Rebecca Porter, Rapid City

Vincent Purtell, Sioux Falls

Michelle Randall, Sioux Falls

Matthew Roby, Watertown

Barry Sackett, Sioux Falls

Mrg Simon, Sioux Falls


Sarah Baron Houy, Rapid City

Heather Lammers Bogard, Rapid City

Kimberly Dorsett, Aberdeen

William Garry, Sioux Falls

Steven Huff, Yankton

Taneeza Islam, Sioux Falls

Denise Langley, Pierre

Cassandra McKeown, Vermillion

Annemarie Michaels, Rosebud

Tom Mortland, Mission

Rebekkah Mouw, CH, Sioux Falls

Reed Rasmussen, Aberdeen

Robert Riter, Pierre

Marilyn Trefz, Vermillion



Deb Birgen, Sioux Falls

Steven Blair, Rapid City

Elliott Bloom, Rapid City

Kristen Edwards, Pierre

Bruce Ellison, Rapid City

Todd Epp, Harrisburg

Dwight Gubbrud, CH, Belle Fourche

Brett Koenecke, Pierre

Jessica Larson, Rapid City

Cheryl Laurenz-Bogue, Sioux Falls

Max Main, Bell Fourche

Matthew Naasz, Rapid City

Wade Nyberg, Rapid City

Jess Pekarski, Rapid City

William Taylor, Sioux Falls

Kellen Willert, Belle Fourche

Richard Williams, Rapid City

Tracy Ann Zephier, Eagle Butte


Douglas Abraham, Pierre

Michael Bornitz, Sioux Falls

Renee Christensen, Sioux Falls

Eric DeNure, Sioux Falls

Zach Flood, Mitchell

Elizabeth Hertz, Sioux Falls

John Hinrichs, Sioux Falls

Kathy Hoskins, Sioux Falls

Keely Kleven, Rapid City

Kim Lanham, Sioux Falls

Jolene Nasser, Sioux Falls

Roger Sudbeck, Sioux Falls

Heidi Thoennes, Sioux Falls

Bram Weidenaar, Sioux Falls

Mark Welter, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Wosje, Sioux Falls


Hon. John Bastian, Belle Fourche

Gregory Bernard, Rapid City

Josey Blare, Sioux Falls

Michael Bornitz, Sioux Falls

John Burke, Rapid City

Delia Druley, Sioux Falls

Joe Erickson, Watertown

State Bar of South Dakota Committee Assignments 2024-2025


Aidan Goetzinger, Rapid City

David Hieb, Sioux Falls

Hon. Douglas Hoffman, Sioux Falls

John Hughes, Sioux Falls

Jeffrey Hurd, Rapid City

Andrew Hurd, Sioux Falls

Anna Limoges, Sioux Falls

Steven Morgans, Sioux Falls

George Nelson, Rapid City

Sara Show, Sioux Falls

Michael Smith, Vermillion

Hon. Richard Sommers, Aberdeen

Philip Stiles, Rapid City

Thad Titze, Sioux Falls

Nancy Turbak Berry, Watertown

Shane Vogt, Sioux Falls

Lora Waeckerle, Rapid City

Alex Weiss, Rapid City


Jason Adams, Sioux Falls

Hon. Tara Adamski, Fort Pierre

Kirk Albertson, Pierre

Kyle Beauchamp, Rapid City

Kylie Beck, Sioux Falls

Hon. Tami Bern, Yankton

Amanda Eden, Canton

Koln Fink, Sioux Fall

Stephen Gemar, Pierre

Erin Handke, Pierre

Stacy Hegge, Pierre

Mark Hodges, Sioux Falls

Seth Klentz, Beresford

Heather Knox, Rapid City

Hon. Jennifer Mammenga, Co-CH, Sioux Falls

Cullen McNeece, Pierre

Alexa Moeller, Rapid City

Hon. Sarah Morrison, Rapid City

Lindsey Quasney, Sioux Falls

Lindsey Riter-Rapp, Pierre

Jason Rumpca, Pierre

Hon. Janki Sharma, Rapid City

Olivia Siglin, Rapid City

Michael Smith, Vermillion


Hon. Richard Sommers, Aberdeen

Carrie Srtska, Sioux Falls

Nolan Welker, Pierre

Chelsea Wenzel, Co-CH, Pierre

Eric Whitcher, Rapid City


John Burke, CH, Rapid City

Ed Carpenter, Rapid City

Jeff Collins, Rapid City

Delia Druley, Sioux Falls

Aaron Eiesland, Rapid City

Gregory Erlandson, Rapid City

Shannon Falon, Sioux Falls

Gregory Grajczyk, Milbank

Hon. Sandra Hanson, Sioux Falls

Jeffrey Hurd, Rapid City

Sander Morehead, Sioux Falls

Jay Shultz, Rapid City

Hon. John Sogn, Sioux Falls

Jason Sutton, Sioux Falls

Gary Thimsen, Sioux Falls

Colleen Zea, Sioux Falls


Shirley Jameson-Fergel, Pierre


Ashley Anson, White Lake

Amy Bartling, Gregory

Ryan Cwach, Bloomfield, NE

Kristian Ellendorf, Howard

Jennifer English, Salem

Dennis Evenson, Clear Lake

Thomas Frieberg, Beresford

Hon. David Gilbertson, Pierre

Dusty Ginsbach, Buffalo

Patrick Goetzinger, Co-CH, Rapid City

Hannah Haksgaard, Vermillion

Austin Hoffman, Eureka

William Hustead, Hot Springs

Amy Jo Janssen, Kennebec

Derrick Johnson, Scotland

Mason Juracek, Winner

Dylan Kirchmeier, Sisseton

Kristen Kochekian, Redfield

Kirby Krogman, White River


Denise Langley, Pierre

Cheryl Laurenz-Bogue, Sioux Falls

Rachel Mairose, Plankinton

Cody Miller, Madison

Bob Morris, Co-CH, Belle Fourche

Rachelle Norberg, Burke

Zach Pahlke, Winner

Shane Penfield, Lemmon

Hon. Bob Pesall, Flandreau

Scott Peterson, Valentine, NE

Aaron Pilcher, Huron

Victor Rapkoch, Britton

Cole Romey, Hot Springs

Austin Schaefer, Hot Springs

Jackson Schwandt, Milbank

Danny Smeins, Britton

Caroline Srstka, Sioux Falls

Kelsey Stock, Ortonville, MN

Kelsea Sutton, Burke

Sarah Thorne, Pierre

Stephanie Trask, Phillip

Jeff Tronvold, Pierre

Daniel Van Gorp, Kadoka

Cassie Wendt, Phillip

Amanda Work, Pierre


Corey Bruning, Flandreau

Erika Campbell, Northfield, MN

Lisa Carrico, Watertown

Nathan Chicoine, Co-CH, Rapid City

Olin Clyne, Sioux Falls

James Craig, Sioux Falls

Kristian Ellendorf, Howard

Jennifer English, Salem

Vincent Foley, Watertown

Gregory Grajczyk, Milbank

Katie Johnson, Co-CH, Beresford

Richard Johnson, Sioux Falls

Thomas Keller, Sioux Falls

Kristen Kochekian, Redfield

Scott Kuck, Aberdeen

David Larson, Chamberlain

Chris McClure, Sioux Falls

George Nelson, Rapid City

Rachelle Norberg, Burke

Langu Okall, Sioux Falls

State Bar of South Dakota Committee Assignments 2024-2025


Nicole Phillips, Sioux Falls

Aaron Pilcher, Huron

Mallory Schulte, Yankton

Danny Smeins, Britton

Tony Teesdale, Brookings

Shane Vogt, Sioux Falls


Richard Casey, Co-CH, Sioux Falls

Hon. Francy Foral, Sturgis

Thomas Frieberg, Beresford

Patrick Goetzinger, Rapid City

Taneeza Islam, Sioux Falls

Hon. Janine Kern, Rapid City

Samuel Kerr, Rapid City

Emily Maurice, Sioux Falls

Melissa Neville, Aberdeen

Erika Olson, Rapid City

Seth Pearman, Flandreau

Alison Ramsdell, Sioux Falls

Pamela Reiter, Sioux Falls

Rod Tobin, Aberdeen

Jennifer Williams, Co-CH, Rapid City

Colleen Zea, Sioux Falls


Sarah Sharp Theophilus, President

John Richter, President-Elect

Erika Olson, BC rep.

Steve Blair, BC rep.

Paul Cremer, Executive Director

Carrie Sanderson, SPC

Neil Fulton, USD Law Dean

Mae Pochop, YLS President-Elect


Kirk Albertson, Pierre

Leslie Bryson, Sturgis

Craig Evenson, Clear Lake

Edward Hruska, Pierre

Darrell Jesse, Dakota Dunes

Amanda Kippley, Sioux Falls

Karla MacArthur-Harris, Rapid City

Donald McCarty, Brookings

Jonathon McCoy, Rapid City

Bob Morris, Belle Fourche

David Natvig, Kimball

Jonathan Olson, Sioux Falls


Kaleb Paulsen, Sioux Falls

Tracye Sherrill, Sioux Falls

Hon. Robert Spears, Watertown

Hon. Greg Stoltenburg, Brookings

James Sword, Hot Springs

John Taylor, Sioux Falls

Sarah Sharp Theophilus, Sioux Falls

Gary Thimsen, CH, Sioux Falls

Kellen Willert, Belle Fourche


Robin Aden, Sioux Falls

Jenn Albertson, CH, Rapid City

Ellie Bailey, Pierre

Deborah Birgen, Sioux Falls

Erika Campbell, Northfield, MN

Ashlee Christensen, Sioux Falls

Karen Cremer, Pierre

Hon. Natalie Damgaard, Sioux Falls

Tracey Dollison Decker, Rapid City

Shaun Eastman, Eden

Nicole Griese, Sioux Falls

Hon. Sandra Hanson, Sioux Falls

Stacy Hegge, Pierre

Laura Hofer, Sioux Falls

Ann Hoffman, Sioux Falls

Suzanne Jones Pranger, Sioux Falls

Amanda LaCroix, Pierre

Jessica LaMie, Pierre

Wendy McGowan, Rapid City

Amber Mulder, Sioux Falls

Paige Petersen, Sioux Falls

Nicole Phillips, Sioux Falls

Mae Pochop, Sioux Falls

Erica Ramsey, Sioux Falls

Lara Roetzel, Rapid City

Kristina Schaefer, Sioux Falls

Mallory Schulte, Yankton

Kiira Weber, Sioux Falls

Christi Weideman, Aberdeen

Lea Wroblewski, Sioux Falls

Rosa Yaeger, Pierre


Jami Bishop, CH, Sioux Falls

Kerri Cook Huber, Rapid City

Julie Johnson, Mina



Margo Julius, Rapid City

Charles Larson, Sioux Falls

James Leach, Rapid City

Brad Lee, Rapid City

Rebecca Mann, Rapid City

James Marsh, Tripp

John McCoy, Rapid City

Jolene Nasser, Sioux Falls

Tracye Sherrill, Sioux Falls

Jeff Shultz, Sioux Falls

Justin Smith, Sioux Falls

Bram Weidenaar, Sioux Falls

Jennifer Wosje, Sioux Falls

Non-profit Executive Director Position

Destination Dakota Legal Careers, Inc. (DDLC) is a South Dakota non-profit corporation currently seeking tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. The company grew out of the efforts of the South Dakota State Bar Strategic Plan Committee and Pathways Subcommittee to increase student interest in law-related careers. DDLC is launching a new initiative to encourage students in middle school, high school, college, and others, from diverse socioeconomic, racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, to pursue and remain in law-related occupations in South Dakota. Such occupations include paralegals, court reporters, court personnel, and law enforcement, as well as attorneys.

DDLC is seeking a dynamic individual to spearhead this initiative. The Executive Director will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the organization’s operations, including communications, strategic planning, program development, leadership, financial management, marketing, and fundraising, including grant writing. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, and be a strategic planner who will balance short-term and long-term goals.

Qualifications: Applicants must be action-oriented, innovative, organized, collaborative, selfdirected, engaging, and relatable to individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Education & Experience: Bachelor’s degree or experience in related endeavors.

Location for the position is flexible within South Dakota. Travel in South Dakota and surrounding states will be required at times.

Compensation: Competitive compensation package based upon experience.

To apply: Please submit your resume and cover letter to natalie@reiterlawfirmsd.com with the subject line “DDLC Executive Director Application – [insert your name]”. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

Emailyouremploymentannouncement to tracie.bradford@sdbar.net by to haveitincludedinthe newsletter.Pleasebesure to include a closingdate. To seemorejobslistings,visit www.statebarofsouthdakota.com

26th of each month next

Managing Attorney – Sioux Falls

Are you a highly motivated individual looking for room to grow, and a chance to be creative and innovative? Then East River Legal Services is the place for you! This is an in-person position with a flexible schedule. Leadership and staff management skills are required, as well as prior work experience in one of our priority areas (Family Law, Housing Law, Consumer Law, or Public Benefits). We currently have a fully staffed legal team and are looking for the right person to guide it.

Under the supervision of the Executive Director, the Managing Attorney provides high quality legal services to low-income individuals. The Managing Attorney will supervise, evaluate, and handle personnel-related matters for staff in the legal department. They also manage and monitor progress on implementing the program’s mission, priorities, principles of advocacy, and various work plans. The Managing Attorney also maintains an active caseload and/or other advocacy.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Client Representation and Advocacy:

• Provide and ensure high quality legal representation to individuals and groups in accordance with East River Legal Services (ERLS) standards of practice and supervision and the Rules of Professional Conduct. This includes interviewing clients, conducting research, performing factual investigation, preparing pleadings, negotiating case resolutions, executing discovery and motion practice, and representing clients in court and administrative hearings;

• Provide counsel, advice, and other brief services

and referrals, as appropriate;

• Co-counsel with other Attorneys and work with Paralegals;

• Represent clients and client groups in litigation, administrative advocacy, and other advocacy forums;

• Engage in appellate work, complex and major litigation, and other special projects;

• Develop and implement litigation and/or advocacy strategies to address systemic legal problems;

• Analyze and comment on pending legislation and regulations consistent with the requirements of all funding sources.


• Manage legal work in the office, including monitoring and regulating workloads;

• Supervise employees with ongoing feedback and performance reviews;

• Manage office systems such as conflict checks, filing, and workflow;

• Foster positive work relationships and promote cooperation within the program;

• Monitor case work of Attorneys to ensure that staff are operating efficiently and producing quality legal work;

• Monitor the balance of time spent by Attorneys on cases involving direct services to individual clients and to cases involving law reform, policy advocacy, or other legal work benefiting the larger population of low-income clients;

• Participate in management and administrative decision-making at ERLS involving personnel issues and program policy and help to implement

such decisions;

• Provide supervision and evaluation of support staff assigned to the legal department, in coordination with the Executive Director;

• Supervise and enforce ERLS policies and procedures;

• Convey staff concerns about relevant office issues to management staff;

• Keep program staff apprised of important issues and new developments in the community;

• Keep program staff apprised of new developments within the substantive legal areas in which the Attorneys practice (updates via written communication and/or training);

• Engage in local, state, regional and/or national legal services and the advocacy community.

Community Work:

• Participate in other activities related to poverty law including community education, outreach, writing of publishable materials, and permissible legislative and administrative advocacy, in accordance with Legal Aid policy and applicable laws and regulations;

• Participate in Legal Aid and state-wide task forces and work groups;

• Participate in bar activities and establish effective working relationships with the bar;

• Ensure Legal Aid develops and maintains relationships with partner organizations, including the private bar and judiciary, other non-profits, grass roots organizations, government agencies and elected officials.


• Compliance with LSC, VOCA, and other funding agencies’ rules and regulations;

• Participate in training activities as trainee or trainer for professional growth;

• Report to Legal Aid management any bar association grievances, disciplinary proceedings, or malpractice claims involving their practice and cooperate with Legal Aid’s liability insurers;

• Attend program meetings and ensure office meetings are efficient and productive.

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

• Juris Doctor (JD);

• License to practice law in South Dakota, or the ability to obtain the license;

• Experience in a legal services/non-profit environment is preferred, but not required;

• Working knowledge of recent developments in state and federal case, statutory, and regulatory law related to the interests of Legal Aid’s clients;

• Excellent organizational, cross-cultural communication skills;

• Proficient at the use of technology including, but not limited to: word processing, spreadsheets, internet-based programs, and computer-based legal research;

• Excellent written and communication skills;

• Ability to work constructively with others;

• Excellent management and leadership skills;

• Ability to work effectively as part of a team and independently;

• Able to establish effective working relationships with a variety of individuals;

• Organized, able to prioritize work, plan and problem-solve, meet deadlines, and work well under pressure;

• Skills and experience in interacting with persons of various social, racial, cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds;

• The ability to speak more than one language is a plus, but not required.


Classified as an exempt employee.


$75,582.72 to $111,670.09/year, depending on experience.

Benefits include 14 paid holidays, a paid holiday for your birthday, vacation leave, sick leave, employee assistance program, health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life Insurance, AD&D Insurance, IRA, professional development, and travel reimbursement.

To Apply:

Please send a cover letter, resume, and references to: Melissa Frericks Director of Operations

East River Legal Services

335 North Main Avenue, Suite #200

Sioux Falls, SD 57104


Submission Deadline:

Open until filled

South Dakota offers reciprocity for the following surrounding states: Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, and Colorado. Want to relocate to South Dakota for this position? We would love to have you! Check to see if South Dakota offers reciprocity for your state at: https://barreciprocity. com/south-dakota-bar-reciprocity/

East River Legal Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Persons of color, veterans, persons with disabilities, and persons from other traditionally underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Child Support Referee – Sioux Falls

Location: Second Judicial Circuit

Type: Independent Contractor

Category: Unified Judicial System

Close Date: July 31, 2024

Post Date: June 14, 2024

No. of Positions Available: 1

Position Description: This position is that of an independent contractor with the Unified Judicial System as a child support referee. The qualifications and duties of the referees are generally described in South Dakota Codified Law including SDCL 25-7A-6 and 25-7A-22. Candidates for appointment as child support referees are recommended to the Supreme Court for appointment by the State Court Administrator. The referee will primarily serve the 2nd Judicial Circuit; however, cases could sometimes be assigned from other circuits statewide. After approval by the Supreme Court, a contract will be entered between the referee and the UJS. As of July 1, 2024, the flat-fee compensation for work as a child support referee is $324 per case, as long as the contract requirements are met. The referee must provide their own equipment, schedule their own hearings, and draft the necessary documents. Space may be provided, if necessary, in the local Courthouse.

To be considered for the child support referee position, the applicant must be:

• A licensed attorney in the State of South Dakota & is a member in good standing of the State Bar Association;

• Familiar with family law and the child support

referee process;

• Organized in scheduling hearings and managing the associated paperwork;

• Able manage time & priorities;

• Able to facilitate and maintain good working relationships with a wide variety of sources including the public, clerks, Judges, and DSS;

• Able to remain neutral and objective while assisting the public with the child support referee process;

• Able to manage stress and work with difficult people;

• An effective communicator via telephone and e-mail;

• Detail-oriented;

• Able to meet strict deadlines;

• Able to maintain a professional demeanor at all times;

• Able to comply with the requirements of UJS.

A letter of interest as well as a complete resume may be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2024, to the following address:

Caroline A. Srstka, Staff Attorney State Court Administrator’s Office 4101 W. 38th Street, Ste 102 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 caroline.Srstka@ujs.state.sd.us

The candidate recommended for approval to the Supreme Court will be subject to a background check.

Staff Attorney – Mission

Are you passionate about racial justice and holistic legal advocacy? Join our team, and make a long-term impact!

DAKOTA PLAINS LEGAL SERVICES (DPLS), a nonprofit legal services program, has an opening for a Staff Attorney position in our Mission, South Dakota, branch office. The Mission office serves the counties of Gregory, Jones, Mellette, Todd and Tripp along with the Rosebud Reservation.

QUALIFICATIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES: Applicants must have a JD degree and be licensed to practice, or by reciprocity be able to obtain a license to practice, in South Dakota, or be qualified to take the next South Dakota Bar Exam; must be a bright, motivated, selfstarter; must have the tenacity to assume immediate practice responsibilities, including handling a significant

caseload touching on many different areas of law with an emphasis on family law. Additionally, the applicant should expect to make regular appearances in state and tribal court. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in poverty law and working with Native American and low income clients..

SALARY: Starting at $60,000 plus, depending on experience. Staff work a 4-day work week, and DPLS has an excellent fringe benefits package including generous leave benefits and employer paid employee insurance coverage (medical, dental, life, disability).

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled.

APPLICATION INFORMATION: Please submit a letter of interest and resume to: Thomas S. Mortland, Executive Director, Dakota Plains Legal Services, PO Box 489, Mission, SD 57555, (605) 856-4444, tmortland@dpls.org.

Native Americans, Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. Dakota Plains Legal Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Staff Attorney – Fort Yates, ND

Are you passionate about racial justice and holistic legal advocacy? Join our team, and make a long-term impact!

DAKOTA PLAINS LEGAL SERVICES (DPLS), a nonprofit legal services program, has an opening for a Staff Attorney in our Fort Yates, North Dakota, branch office. The Fort Yates office serves the counties of Campbell, Corson, Walworth, and the Standing Rock reservation.

QUALIFICATIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES: Applicants must have a JD degree and be licensed to practice, or by reciprocity be able to obtain a license to practice, in South Dakota, or be qualified to take the next South Dakota Bar Exam; must be a bright, motivated, selfstarter; must have the tenacity to assume immediate practice responsibilities, including handling a significant caseload touching on many different areas of law with regular appearances in court; and must demonstrate an interest in poverty law and working with Native American and low income clients.

SALARY: Starting at $60,000 plus, depending on experience. Staff work a 4-day work week, and DPLS has

an excellent fringe benefits package including generous leave benefits and employer paid employee insurance coverage (medical, dental, life, disability).

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled.

APPLICATION INFORMATION: Please submit a letter of interest and resume to: Thomas S. Mortland, Executive Director, Dakota Plains Legal Services, PO Box 489, Mission, SD 57555, (605) 856-4444, tmortland@dpls.org.

Native Americans, Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. Dakota Plains Legal Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Staff Attorney – Sisseton Are you passionate about racial justice and holistic legal advocacy? Join our team, and make a long-term impact!

DAKOTA PLAINS LEGAL SERVICES (DPLS), a nonprofit legal services program, has an opening for a Staff Attorney position in our Sisseton, South Dakota office. The Sisseton office serves the counties of Grant and Roberts, along with the Sisseton Wahpeton Tribal Courts.

QUALIFICATIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES: Applicants must have a JD degree and be licensed to practice, or by reciprocity be able to obtain a license to practice, in South Dakota, or be qualified to take the next South Dakota Bar Exam; must be a bright, motivated, selfstarter; must have the tenacity to assume immediate practice responsibilities, including handling a significant caseload touching on many different areas of law with an emphasis on family law. Additionally, the applicant should expect to make regular appearances in state and tribal court. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in poverty law and working with Native American and low income clients.

SALARY: Starting at $60,000 plus, depending on experience. Staff work a 4-day work week, and DPLS has an excellent fringe benefits package including generous leave benefits and employee insurance coverage (medical, dental, life, disability).

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled.

APPLICATION INFORMATION: Please submit a letter of interest and resume to: Thomas S. Mortland, Executive Director, Dakota Plains Legal Services, PO Box 489, Mission, SD 57555, (605) 856- 4444, tmortland@dpls.org.

Native Americans, Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. Dakota Plains Legal Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Executive Director Position

Destination Dakota Legal Careers, Inc. (DDLC) is a South Dakota non-profit corporation currently seeking tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. The company grew out of the efforts of the South Dakota State Bar Strategic Plan Committee and Pathways Subcommittee to increase student interest in law-related careers. DDLC is launching a new initiative to encourage students in middle school, high school, college, and others, from diverse socioeconomic, racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, to pursue and remain in lawrelated occupations in South Dakota. Such occupations include paralegals, court reporters, court personnel, and law enforcement, as well as attorneys.

DDLC is seeking a dynamic individual to spearhead this initiative. The Executive Director will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the organization’s operations, including communications, strategic planning, program development, leadership, financial management, marketing, and fundraising, including grant writing. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, and be a strategic planner who will balance shortterm and long-term goals.

Qualifications: Applicants must be action-oriented, innovative, organized, collaborative, self-directed, engaging, and relatable to individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Education & Experience: Bachelor’s degree or experience in related endeavors.

Location for the position is flexible within South Dakota. Travel in South Dakota and surrounding states will be required at times.

Compensation: Competitive compensation package based upon experience.

To apply: Please submit your resume and cover letter to natalie@reiterlawfirmsd.com with the subject line “DDLC Executive Director Application – [insert your name]”. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

Circuit Court Staff Attorney - First Judicial Circuit

Location: Yankton, SD

Salary: $77,778.00 annually

JOB ID: 27330

Closing Date: Open Until Filled

Position Purpose: This position performs professional legal work through legal research and writing during all phases of the judicial process to assist the judges of the Unified Judicial System (UJS); supervises circuit court law clerks and reviews and coordinates their work.

Duties may include:

• performing legal research and writing to provide assistance to Circuit Judges in analyzing legal issues or cases before them and to facilitate efficiency in court operations;

• training and supervising law clerks and coordinating their work to facilitate continuity in the quality of assistance provided by law clerks in the performance of judicial duties;

• providing assistance to Judges, clerks of courts offices, circuit administrative offices, the public, commissions, and individuals to contribute to the effective operation of the circuit;

• performing other work as assigned.

Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited law school and possession of a Juris Doctorate. Licensed to practice law in South Dakota. One (1) year of experience in the legal profession; or an equivalent combination of related education and experience. Successful completion of a criminal background investigation is required for employment.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Knowledge of:

• the law and South Dakota law;

• functions of the court;

• court and judicial systems;

• library and technical resources.

Skill in:

legal writing;

• organizational management;

• time management.

Ability to:

• perform extensive legal research;

• analyze and summarize complex legal issues and facts;

• research and summarize applicable laws, and recommend appropriate resolutions to issues in question;

• exercise discretion, confidentiality, and impartiality in handling matters before the court;

• communicate effectively both orally and in writing with a wide variety of people;

• understand, analyze, and research issues raised throughout the circuit and provide timely and concise responses.

About the South Dakota Unified Judicial System

The Mission of the South Dakota Unified Judicial System is to provide Justice for All.

Our employees are our most valuable resource and crucial to accomplishing our mission. We seek talented and motivated individuals to be the face of the court system and help ensure that the Court and all the people that come before it receives the highest level of service. Our dedicated staff work to enhance community safety and ensure victim’s rights while treating all individuals with dignity and respect.

The Unified Judicial System offers a comprehensive benefits package consisting of 10-12 paid holidays every year, extensive sick and vacation leave, paid family leave, military training leave, health, and flexible benefits, regular working hours, continuing education opportunities, retirement benefits, a great working environment, and more.

For more information on the Unified Judicial System, please visit http://ujs.sd.gov.

Apply at:

https://sodakprod-lm01.cloud.infor.com:1443/lmghr/ xmlhttp/shorturl.do?key=Q4X

Unified Judicial System

500 East Capitol Avenue

Pierre, SD 57501-5070

Phone: 605.773.4884

Deputy State’s Attorney -

Hughes County

Full-time permanent position now open for a Deputy State’s Attorney in the Hughes County Office of the State’s Attorney in Pierre, South Dakota.

The Hughes County State’s Attorney’s Office is looking for a criminal attorney to handle lower-level felony and juvenile cases, present those cases for legal proceedings, perform legal research, and prepare, draft and file legal documents and correspondence. Additional responsibilities include but are not limited to: covering other felony and misdemeanor hearings when required, advising local law enforcement agencies, dealing with juvenile justice issues, providing information to victims and witnesses and helping to fulfill the statutory responsibilities of the office.

Applicants must be able to: manage a large case volume and respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances; speak and write effectively; establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, other agencies, and the public; maintain professional appearance and demeanor.

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants must possess a J.D. and be an active member in good standing of the State Bar of South Dakota or be admitted within one year of hiring.

Preferred Qualifications: One or more years’ experience in criminal law is highly preferred but will consider all applicants.

Hughes County offers a comprehensive benefits package for employees including health and dental insurance, participation in the SD Retirement System, and paid time off. Salary range is $72,580.31 to $92,069.17 and is determined in part based on years of professional experience.

Please send a resume and cover letter to Casey Jo Deibert, Hughes County State’s Attorney, 104 E. Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501. Resumes and cover letters will also be accepted via email at casey.deibert@co.hughes.sd.us.

Posting to remain open until the position is filled. All inquiries are confidential. Hughes County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Chief Judge - Lower Brule

Contact: Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Attorney General's Office

The LBST is seeking a reliable lawyer to manage our judicial system effectively.

Start date: Immediate

Contact Information: Adam de Hueck

Adam de Hueck

LBST Attorney General

Phone # 605-208-1464


Contracts and Administrative Law Attorney

Job ID: 27366

Agency: Bureau of Human Resources and Administration

Location: Statewide within the State of South Dakota

Salary: $74,165.76 - $99,643.54/annually, depending on experience

Pay Grade: L2

Closing Date: Open Until Filled

This is a Full-Time 40 Hour Weekly position with the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration (“BHRA”), recently formed by merger of the former Bureau of Human Resources and former Bureau of Administration. For more information on BHRA, please visit https://boa.sd.gov and https://bhr.sd.gov.

The Office of Legal and Risk in the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration seeks an attorneyadvisor to fill a newly created position focused on performing transactional legal work primarily in the areas of contracts and administrative law.

Primary duties include advice and counsel related to procurement contracts, public improvement contracts, service contracts, leases, federal and state surplus property sales, fleet and travel management, debt recovery, records management, and open records requests. Additional duties may include, but are not limited to, litigation management in support of outside counsel hired by the Bureau, advice on administrative rulemaking and/or legislative bill drafting, and other legal services on an as-needed basis. Experience in employment law would be considered a plus but is not specifically sought for this position.

Licenses and Certifications:

Current admission to practice with the State Bar of South Dakota or ability to obtain admission within six months of start date.

The Ideal Candidate Will Have:

A strong work ethic, integrity, initiative, and an interest in transactional legal work related to public contracting and the administrative functions and responsibilities of state government.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities in (or an interest in developing):

• Public contracting related to supplies, public improvements, software, and services;

• Public lease agreements, Real Estate, and Property Management;

• Administrative law related to functions and responsibilities of state government;

• Legal research and writing;

• Preparing and analyzing legal documents;

• Making sound judgments;

• Identifying and applying legal principles;

• Expressing oneself clearly and concisely, orally and in writing.

Additional Requirements: To be considered, please attach your resume.

This position is exempt from the Civil Service Act.

The State of South Dakota does not sponsor work visas for new or existing employees. All persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and complete an Employment Eligibility Verification, Form I-9. The State of South Dakota as an employer will be using E-Verify to complete employment eligibility verification upon hire.

The State of South Dakota offers $0 premium employee health insurance option plus eleven paid holidays, generous vacation and sick leave accrual, dental, vision, and other insurance options, and retirement benefits. You can view our benefits information at https://bhr. sd.gov/job-seekers/work-for-state-government/. This position is a member of Class A retirement under SDRS. Must apply online: https://sodakprod-lm01.cloud.infor. com:1443/lmghr/xmlhttp/shorturl.do?key=Q5S You must apply online, emailed resumes or submissions will not be accepted.

South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources

Telephone: 605.773.3148 Email: careers@state.sd.us


"An Equal Opportunity Employer"

Attorney I – Pierre

Attorney I

Job ID: 27369

Agency: Department of Social Services

Location: Pierre

Salary: $77,000 - $84,000/annually, depending on experience

Pay Grade: L1

Closing Date: Open Until Filled

The Department of Social Services seeks an attorney committed to serving the public. As the largest state agency, DSS attorneys engage with a wide variety of legal topics and settings, including:

• child protection, foster care, and adoption;

• Medicaid and behavioral health;

• food and nutrition support, income and work programs;

• child support;

• professional licensing; and

• key public policy decision-making.

We practice before South Dakota’s circuit courts and Supreme Court, as well as before administrative law judges. This is a senior attorney position with supervisory responsibilities.

This is a Full-Time position with the Department of Social Services. Join the South Dakota State Government team where Family/Life balance is valued. We strive to meet this commitment by providing 15 days of paid vacation, 14 days of paid sick leave, family leave, and 11 paid holidays per year, along with reasonable flexibility and career development opportunities. Start and build your career here! To learn more about how DSS values and serves South Dakota citizens, visit https://dss. sd.gov/.

Becoming a team member with the State of South Dakota means that you are offered: employer health insurance with a $0 premium option, dental, vision, with additional insurance options available, and excellent retirement benefits. This position is a member of Class A retirement under SDRS. We offer 6% matched retirement into the SD Retirement System (SDRS).

Many other fringe benefits! You can view our benefits information at https://bhr.sd.gov/job-seekers/work-forstate-government/

Gain experience in and perform the following duties:

• An attorney interested in a range of legal subjects relating to professional licensing, open meetings and open records, child abuse and neglect, child welfare agency licensing, Medicaid and other state/federal assistance programs, child support enforcement, and behavioral health services;

• A highly motivated attorney with a passion for serving the public and who displays a high level of effort and commitment towards completing assignments and goals;

• A dependable and organized individual who effectively plans and organizes work activities;

• A person who is dedicated and who will represent the Department of Social Service with integrity and enthusiasm; andAn individual who works cooperatively with others and promotes a friendly work climate in order to achieve shared goals.

Licenses and Certifications:

The applicant must be a graduate of an accredited law school; be a member of the South Dakota State Bar or willing and qualified to become a member of the South Dakota State Bar, and qualify for appointment as a Special Assistant Attorney General.

The Ideal Candidate Will:

• display high standards of ethical conduct.

• communicate effectively and efficiently.

• understand litigation practice and strategies.

• exercise sound judgment when making decisions and take prompt, decisive action.

• analyze information, issues, situations, practices, and precedents to arrive at a logical interpretation.

• work independently while accepting guidance and soliciting input.

• actively seek, collect, and evaluate information to learn more about issues or events.

• successfully plan and organize work activities, adjust to multiple demands, and prioritize tasks to complete assignments and meet schedules and deadlines.

Additional Requirements: To be considered, please attach your resume.

This position is exempt from the Civil Service Act.

The State of South Dakota does not sponsor work visas for new or existing employees. All persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and complete an Employment Eligibility Verification, Form I-9. The State of South Dakota as an employer will be using E-Verify to complete employment eligibility verification upon hire.

Must apply online: https://sodakprod-lm01.cloud.infor. com:1443/lmghr/xmlhttp/shorturl.do?key=Q5Y You must apply online, emailed resumes or submissions will not be accepted.

South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources

Telephone: 605.773.3148 Email:careers@state.sd.us http://bhr.sd.gov/workforus "An Equal Opportunity Employer"

Deputy State’s Attorney - Brown County

Opening date: 06/11/2024

Closing date: 07/12/202

Wage: $2,932.18 - $3,317.50/biweekly; DOE


This position is responsible for the prosecution of criminal cases and for representing the State of South Dakota in court. Candidates for this position may be designated “Senior Deputy State’s Attorney”, depending upon education and experience.


• Represents the State of South Dakota and Brown County in criminal, civil, circuit, and magistrate court proceedings.

• Intakes cases; determines if evidence warrants criminal charges; confers with law enforcement to review search warrants and affidavits; reads offense reports and witness statements; prepares charge instruments.

• Logs cases in case management system and enters updates as cases progress.

• Prepares cases for trial; locates and interviews witnesses and victims; gathers and reviews evidence; visits crime scenes; plans jury trials; reviews pertinent case law; creates visual aids; interviews law enforcement.

• Participates in jury selection, makes opening statements, questions witnesses, introduces evidence, argues before a judge and jury, and

delivers closing arguments.

• Reviews criminal cases for appropriate disposition; presents cases to Grand Jury; prepares indictments; recommends bonds.

• Communicates with defense attorneys; negotiates plea agreements.

• Researches legal issues; prepares motions, briefs, and proposed legal orders.

• Participates in community outreach activities and represents the office to civic organizations.

• Represents the Child Protective Services division of the Department of Social Services in all abuse and neglect matters as assigned.

• Provides legal counsel to Brown County and its departments as assigned; interprets relevant laws; assists with contract negotiations; assists with proposed ordinances changes; assists in the enforcement of county ordinances.

• Performs related duties as assigned.


• Knowledge of local, state, and federal law.

• Knowledge of investigative tools and techniques.

• Knowledge of trail proceedings.

• Knowledge of computers and job-related software programs.

• Skill in the completion of legal research.

• Skill in producing persuasive legal arguments.

• Skill in the analysis of problems and the development and implementation of solutions.

• Skill in training and supervising personnel.

• Skill in oral and written communication.


The State’s Attorney assigns work in terms of department goals and objectives. The supervisor reviews work through conferences, reports, and observation of department activities.


Guidelines include rules of professional conducts, rules of ethics, South Dakota Supreme Court rules, South Dakota codified laws, rules of evidence, and county and department policies and procedure. These guidelines require judgment, selection and interpretation in application.


• The work consists of varied legal duties. The variety of tasks to be performed contributes to the

complexity of the position.

• The purpose of this position is to participate in the prosecution of criminal cases. Success in this position contributes to the successful prosecution of criminal cases.


• Contacts are typically with co-workers, other county employees, other attorneys, law enforcement personnel, judges, victims, witnesses, defendants, and members of the general public.

• Contacts are typically to provide services; to give or exchange information; to resolve problems; to motivate or influence persons; or to justify, defend or negotiate matters.


• The work is typically performed while sitting at a desk or table or while intermittently sitting, standing, or stooping. The employee occasionally lifts light objects.

• The work is typically performed in an office or courtroom.


This position may supervise assigned personnel.


• Graduation from an accredited school of law.

• Sufficient experience to understand the basic principles relevant to the major duties of the position, usually associated with the completion of an apprenticeship/internship or having had a similar position for one to two years.

• Current membership in the State Bar of South Dakota.

Full-Time-Assistant Attorney General SUMMARY:

The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe (the “Tribe”), located in Flandreau, South Dakota, is seeking applicants for the full- time position of Assistant Attorney General. The attorney, under the direction of the General Attorney, will be tasked with the responsibility of prosecuting the Tribe’s Law and Order Code, and will work closely with Tribal Police and other local state

and federal agencies to fulfill the position’s obligations. The attorney will also assist the Attorney General with assigned matters regarding the representation of the Tribe, its Housing Authority, its Health Clinic, its tribally owned businesses, and the Royal River Casino and Hotel. The attorney will handle all adult criminal and juvenile delinquency matters for the Tribe.


• Licensed attorney in good standing with the State Bar of South Dakota, or any other state bar, and is able to be admitted in South Dakota within 10 months of employment.

• Must have between one and five years of experience as a practicing attorney, with experience in Indian Law and Criminal Law preferred.

• Must have a juris doctorate from an American Bar Association accredited law school.

• No felony or misdemeanor convictions involving a crime of moral turpitude.

• Must be able to efficiently utilize Microsoft Office and Westlaw.

• Must have a valid driver’s license.


Please include the following in your proposal:

• Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal Employment Application.

• Cover Letter. Please include salary requirements within the cover letter.

• Resume.

• Writing Sample. No more than five pages.

• References – Identify three references who can attest to your experience and capabilities as they relate to services requested. References should include contact name, address, and telephone number.

Apply online at fsst-nsn.gov

(Click Human Resources Tab and Employment)

Must submit to a background check under PL 101.630, and pre-employment drug and alcohol screening. May attach resume to Tribal Application.

Preference in filing vacancies is given to qualified Indian candidates in accordance with Indian Preference Act of 1934 (Title 25, USC, Section 472). Verification must be submitted with the application if claiming Indian Preference.

Consideration will be given to non-Indian applicants in the absence of qualified Indian Preference eligible.

Direct questions to Tribal Human Resources Department 605-997-3891 or email HR@fsst.org.

Hearing Examiner- Pierre

Job ID: 27417

Agency: Bureau of Human Resources and Administration - Office of Hearing Examiners

Location: Pierre

Salary: $76,316.40 - $102,533.20/annually, depending on experience

Pay Grade: L2

Closing Date: Open Until Filled

This is a Full-Time 40 Hours Weekly position with the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration -Office of Hearing Examiners. For more information on the Office of Hearing Examiners, please visit https:// boa.sd.gov

Join our office and become an essential part of South Dakota government. The Office of Hearing Examiners is a small but integral part of our government. We have a low stress office with a varied caseload, keeping work interesting. We are within the Executive Branch, Bureau of Human Resources and Administration, but our work is performed independently.

The primary role of this position is to conduct quasijudicial due process and administrative hearings statewide and to adjudicate contested cases; rule on motions and on admissibility of oral and documentary evidence; prepare findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders; conduct pre-hearing conferences; issue subpoenas, oversee post-hearing procedures; and issue written final or proposed decisions pursuant to state and federal law. The types of cases are varied and concern administrative matters originating across almost all state agencies, boards and commissions.

This is a perfect position for those attorneys who are tired of the competitive nature of litigation and want a different role in our legal system, one that makes the decision. The OHE does not have clients but serves the government agencies and people of South Dakota.

As part of the State of South Dakota, the OHE offers a comprehensive benefits package, including multiple insurance coverage options (health, vision, dental, life) and access to SDRS Retirement and supplemental retirement plans. This position offers an opportunity for rewarding, public service work with the benefit of a work-life balance. Newly admitted attorneys may be considered, depending on qualifications.

Licenses and Certifications:

Requires a law degree and experience as a practicing attorney. The successful applicant must be a member of or eligible for admission to the South Dakota Bar.

This position also requires occasional travel within the state. A valid driver license is required.

The Ideal Candidate Will Have:

A strong work ethic, self-starter, and experience in administrative hearings, administrative law, and/or civil litigation. Courtroom or Boardroom experience is a plus. Computer skills and the ability to draft and type your own decisions is required. Training at the National Judicial College will be offered to the successful candidate.

• Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

• knowledge of the Administrative Procedures Act, Civil Procedure, and the Rules of Evidence;

• knowledge of the law, and South Dakota law;

• knowledge of the courts and judicial system as well as state government offices;

• excellent writing, and legal research skills;

• attention to detail;

• organization and time management skills;

• ability to make difficult and sound decisions with time deadlines;

• ability to communicate with diverse populations including attorneys and pro-se parties;

• communication skills, both written and oral;

• knowledge and ability to use a personal computer for everyday work and research (Microsoft);

• skill and ability to learn new technology and applications (NetDocs, ODMS, Adobe Acrobat);

• skill and ability to quickly move from one type of case to another;

• ability to research, analyze, and summarize complex legal issues, facts, and laws to make a proposed or final decision; and,

• ability to exercise discretion, confidentiality, and

impartiality in all matters before the Office.

Additional Requirements: To be considered, please attach your resume or Curriculum Vitae; and Writing Sample. Attorneys with less than 3 years of legal experience or practice, please include a law-school transcript.

This position is exempt from the Civil Service Act. The State of South Dakota does not sponsor work visas for new or existing employees. All persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and complete an Employment Eligibility Verification, Form I-9. The State of South Dakota as an employer will be using E-Verify to complete employment eligibility verification upon hire.

The State of South Dakota offers $0 premium employee health insurance option plus eleven paid holidays, generous vacation and sick leave accrual, dental, vision, and other insurance options, and retirement benefits. You can view our benefits information at https://bhr. sd.gov/job-seekers/work-for-state-government/. This position is a member of Class A retirement under SDRS. Must apply online: https://sodakprod-lm01.cloud.infor. com:1443/lmghr/xmlhttp/shorturl.do?key=Q76

You must apply online, emailed resumes or submissions will not be accepted.

South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources

Telephone: 605.773.3148 Email: careers@state.sd.us http://bhr.sd.gov/workforus "An Equal Opportunity Employer"

To apply: Please submit your resume and cover letter to natalie@reiterlawfirmsd.com with the subject line “DDLC Executive Director Application – [insert your name]”. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.


The United States Trustee seeks resumes from persons wishing to be considered for appointment to the panel of trustees who administer cases filed under chapter 7 of title 11 of the United States Code (Bankruptcy Code). The appointment is for cases filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court for South Dakota. Chapter 7 trustees receive compensation and reimbursement for

expenses, in each case in which they serve, pursuant to court order under 11 U.S.C. §326 and §330.

The minimum qualifications for appointment are set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 58.3. To be eligible for appointment, an applicant must possess strong administrative, financial, and interpersonal skills. Fiduciary and bankruptcy experience is desirable but not mandatory.

A successful applicant will be required to undergo a background check and must qualify to be bonded. Although chapter 7 trustees are not federal employees, appointments are made consistent with federal Equal Opportunity policies, which prohibit discrimination in employment.

For additional information, qualification requirements, and application procedures go to http://www.justice. gov/ust/eo/private_trustee/vacancies/7ad.htm

Entry Level Attorney Vacancies

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is currently soliciting resumes to fill various entry-level Attorney vacancies.

OCR accepts resumes from eligible individuals who may be considered for a noncompetitive appointment to an Attorney position via the following excepted hiring authorities: 1) Schedule A Persons with Disabilities appointments (5 C.F.R. § 213.3102(u)); 2) Veterans’ Recruitment Appointments; 3) Excepted Hiring Authority for Attorneys (5 C.F.R. § 213.3102(d)); and 4) Former Peace Corps and AmeriCorps Appointees (22 U.S.C. § 2506), respectively.

OCR’s current entry-level attorney openings are for General Attorney, GS-0905-11 (Full Promotion Potential GS-905-13) Remote-Eligible positions within the regional enforcement offices. OCR’s regional enforcement offices that are currently seeking to fill entry-level General Attorney vacancies are located in Boston, MA; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Dallas, TX; Kansas City, MO; Denver, CO, San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA; and Washington, DC. The General Attorneys make civil rights compliance determinations and ensure that complaints and proactive enforcement activities are processed in accordance with regulations, policies, and case law and conform to established case-processing


The grade level qualifications for OCR attorney positions are outlined in the attachment. Interested and qualified applicants should submit their resume and optional cover letter to ocrjobs@ed.gov for this position by June 21st, 2024. Selected candidates will have a report no later than September 23, 2024. New employees to the federal government will only be considered for the GS905-11/Step 1.

Interested persons should indicate the position and OCR regional enforcement office from among the regional office locations listed above for which they want to be considered, and their veteran’s status, if applicable, within the optional cover letter or body of the email.

OCR will keep resumes on file for 365 days following the date of receipt. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their continued interest as vacancies occur. If contacted for an interview, a writing sample, official transcript, and a list of references will be required during later stages in the selection process.

Attorney vacancies are also announced via www.usajobs. gov, the Federal government’s official employment site. Candidates are encouraged to routinely check USAJobs for current OCR vacancy announcements. Please share this announcement with other organizations and individuals who may be interested in employment with OCR.

Please note that OCRJobs@ed.gov is not staffed to respond to questions.

Legal Administrative Assistant (Seasonal)

Job ID: 27382- Legal Administrative Assistant (Seasonal)

Agency: Office of Attorney General

Location: Rapid City

Salary: $20.00

Pay Grade: S04

Closing Date: Open until filled

This is a Part-time/Seasonal position with the Office of the Attorney General. For more information on the Office of the Attorney General, please visit http://atg. sd.gov.

Tasks include, but are not limited to: answering telephone

and email correspondence, preparing legal documents and legal files, preparing letters and copying. Prior legal experience with E-filing and E-serve preferred. Successful candidate must be reliable, self-starter, able to work autonomously, have initiative, take pride in their work and possess high attention to detail. Flexible Schedule is available.

Knowledge of:

Applicant must be proficient at typing, Microsoft Office and Excel Spreadsheet.

Please note this is a temporary or seasonal, nonbenefited position, exempt from civil service.

Successful applicant(s) will be required to undergo a background investigation. An arrest/conviction record will not necessarily bar employment. Successful applicant(s) will undergo an abuse and neglect screening. Offers of employment are conditional upon successful completion of a drug screening.

Must apply online: https://sodakprod-lm01.cloud.infor. com:1443/lmghr/xmlhttp/shorturl.do?key=Q66 You must apply online, emailed resumes or submissions will not be accepted.

South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources

Telephone: 605.773.3148 Email: careers@state.sd.us

http://bhr.sd.gov/workforus "An Equal Opportunity Employer"

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