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The 3 C’s: Catch It – Check It – Change It

CATCH IT Notice a negative change in your emotions and identify the main thought(s) going through your head associated with that feeling

CHECK IT Reflect on how accurate and useful the thought is. Go to the facts!

Emotional mind is in danger of taking over. Things to consider:

Evidence for and against the belief (facts)

What else could be going on in the situation

What you would say to someone you care about who was thinking similarly

What would someone who cares about you say to you about your thinking

Is this a habit or a fact (i.e. is this my fallback thinking mode applied without critically evaluating the situation?)

Is this thought useful to me?! What is the effect of believing the thought?

What could be the effect of changing the thought?

CHANGE IT Change the thought to a more accurate or more helpful one.

3 C’s Worksheet: Catch It – Check It – Change It

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