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S TUDENT P RINTZ www.studentprintz.com


February 9, 2012

Volume 96 Issue 37


Bryant announces budget cuts Tyler Hill Printz Writer Gov. Phil Bryant unveiled his budget recommendation for fiscal 2013 last Tuesday to cut state spending by $26 million, bringing the total budget to $5.49 billion. In his address to lawmakers, Bryant characterized his budget as having “lots of cuts” while reassuring the necessary steps to a balanced budget, saving for a “rainy day” fund and no new taxes under his administration. In a written budget recommendation, Bryant states, “As a true fiscal conservative, I am committed to doing more with less and will make necessary cuts before raising taxes.” Bryant said that he’d sell a

state jet in order to raise $2 million dollars initially, saving $500,000 a year in annual maintenance costs. According to his budget, most state agencies will receive 5.53 percent less than they have in years past. One of those department budgets will be education, which includes K-12, community colleges and universities. Last year, the University of Southern Mississippi received approximately $78 million in government appropriations for the Hattiesburg and Gulf Coast campuses. However, if Bryant’s budget passes as currently recommended, Southern Miss will receive $4.3 million less starting in 2013. If USM were to rely on tuition increases to make up for the difference, students would

most likely see an increase of $250 per year. Bryant said that colleges should be weary of relying on tuition increases and instead utilize the cash reserves on hand to help them weather cuts. However, some lawmakers, including the House’s chief budget writer Rep. Herb Frierson, said that it could spell big tuition increases next fall. Bryant’s budget proposal most likely won’t pass as it’s currently written. Two recommendations are written in the fall and proposed in the spring session. One of which is the Executive Budget, Bryant’s plan, and the other is proposed by Senate and House representatives. Rep. Toby Barker, R-Central Hattiesburg, said that tuitions



SMAC does it with the lights off

Marianne Todd/Phil Bryant Campaign Phil Bryant speaks to supporters after he was elected governor in November. On Tuesday he proposed the budget for fiscal year 2012.


Pub crawl: Pour me somethin’ mister Corbin McDavitt

Justin Mitchell News Editor

Printz Writer

From questions about sexually transmitted diseases and condoms to concerns about anal sex and multiple partners, sex was brought to light last night at SMAC’s second annual “Sex in the Dark” event. This year, the University of Southern Mississippi’s Student Health Services teamed up with SMAC to host the program that fosters sexual health and education among college students. This year, representatives from Planned Parenthood, VOX, AIDS Services Coalition and the Southeast Mississippi Rural Health Initiative set

The inaugural Spring Mardi Gras Pub Crawl will kick off at The Gold Pub & Grill at 7 p.m. Friday. The lineup for the crawl includes The Gold Pub & Grill, Keg & Barrel, Benny’s Boom Boom Room, The Bottling Company and Old Athens. The cost to participate is $25.00 and includes a pub crawl t-shirt, koozie, a rowdy bus ride and one drink per stop. Sign-up and registration will be at The Gold Pub & Grill on Hardy Street across from Kamper Park at 6 p.m. If spots are still open, tickets can be purchased the day of the event for $30.


Mary Alice Truitt/Printz

Representative of the Gay-Straight Alliance Alleon Buccaintim shows off her Lady Gaga-inspired gown made of codoms at “Sex in the Dark,” on Wednesday.

up informational stations outside R.C.’s Lounge and Locker Room in order to raise awareness about sex education and pass out pamphlets and condoms and offer free HIV testing to attendees.

“We tried to make the event larger by inviting organizations to come out and join us,” SMAC president Alesha Knox said. “Students will learn about protecting



See SEX, 3

WEATHER Thursday

62/38 Friday

65/45 Saturday

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The buses will depart The Gold Pub at 7 p.m., stopping at the Keg & Barrel, Benny’s Boom Boom Room, the Bottling Company, Old Athens and then returning to the Gold Pub. The Gold will feature live music from Acoustacrunk, an acoustic rap band, and the bar will stay open until 2 a.m. John Neal, owner of the Keg & Barrel, said he is excited for the Pub Crawl. “I was pleased John called,” Neal said of John Lark Herron, the man in charge of organizing the crawl and the manager of the Gold Pub. “We’ve had a few pints together since he opened, and it was just a matter of time before we started doing events together.”


INDEX Calendar ........................ 2 News .............................. 3 Feature ...........................4 Opinion ...........................6 Sports...............................8


Page 2, Student Printz


Student Printz

Serving Southern Miss since 1927

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Managing Editor Hannah Jones hannah.jones@eagles.usm.edu Copy Editor Stormy Speaks stormy.speaks@eagles.usm.edu News Editor Justin Mitchell justin.mitchell@eagles.usm.edu Sports Editor Josh Seabrook joshua.seabrook@eagles.usm.edu Design Editor Lisa Gurley lisa.gurley@eagles.usm.edu

Mark Your Planner 10 11 12 13


8 a.m. Hershey Kiss Fundraiser Union Lobby 11 a.m. Hearts for Hospice LAB and Union Lobby 11 a.m. Photo Booth Union Lobby 11 a.m. NPHC “A Walk to Remember” TCC Lobby 11 a.m. COGIC Fellowship Bible Study Promotion Shoemaker Square/Union Lobby

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7:30 p.m. MADE in America Union Hall of Honors

8 a.m. All-South Honor Band TCC 227, Union Rooms A and B 10 a.m. Rhythm Rush Valentines Fundraiser Union Lobby 11 a.m. Hearts for Hospice LAB and Union Lobby 11 a.m. SMAC Tabling Shoemaker Square

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The Student Printz is published every Tuesday and Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. Signature Offset of Hattiesburg provides printing services. Opinions expressed in The Student Printz are those of the writer and not necessarily those of The Student Printz, its publications manager, USM, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning or the USM Board of Student Publications.

7:30 p.m. Wind Ensemble Bennett Auditorium

10 a.m. Beads for Boobs TCC Lobby 11:00am Hearts for Hospice LAB and Union Lobby 7:00pm Alpha Kappacino Powerhouse 9:00pm Valentine’s Dance Party TCC Ballrooms I and II

7:30 p.m. Symphonic Winds Bennett Auditorium


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8:30 a.m. All-South Honor Band TCC 227, Union Rooms A

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Ad Graphic Designer Kiza Jordan jennifer.f.jordan@eagles.usm.edu

Thursday, February 9, 2012

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*Barbie® doll’s first career was a teenage fashion model. *The military series of Barbie® dolls - Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps - went through approvals by the Pentagon to ensure the most realistic costumes. *Barbie® doll has five sisters: Skipper®, introduced in 1964; Tutti, a twin introduced in 1966; Stacie® in 1992; Kelly® in 1995 and Krissy(TM) in 1999. *Barbie® doll’s collection of couture includes designs by Givenchy, Versace, Dolce & Gabana, Vera Wang and Gucci. *During the first year of her introduction in 1959, more than 351,000 Barbie® dolls were sold. *Placed head to toe, Barbie® dolls and family members sold since 1959 would circle the earth more than seven times.


Thursday, February 9, 2012 bryant, from 1 would be increased under Bryant’s proposal. “If universities took a five percent cut, I think you would see them going to the college board asking for a tuition increase,” Barker said. “We’ve seen some pretty aggressive tuition increases over the last 10 years, and if the trend continues, we will be pricing people out of an education.” In the end, Barker thinks that legislators will approve a different budget that doesn’t include a 5.53 percent cut. “I don’t think it will be that high of a cut,” Barker said. “Universities were preparing for the worst last year, and they were able to make it by with a one or two percent cut.” Barker said that he has a positive outlook on Mississippi’s economic future, and that we are heading towards the right path. “It’s a good and wise decision for leaders to plan for the worst and hope for the best, and I think that’s what will happen here.”

sex, from 1 themselves and what to do or not to do in sexual situations.” Jodi Ryder, Health Educator for Student Health Services, said that a main goal for the evening was to educate students about sexual health. “It’s something that is very taboo. We are trying to make it where people are comfortable talking about sexual health while in a fun environment,” Ryder said. Sex in the Dark consisted of a skit, a speech that showed students how to properly put on condoms, a fashion show and question-andanswer forum. About 100 students and faculty members attended “Sex in the Dark.” Ryder began the presentation by asking for volunteers from the audience to demonstrate how sex circulates. “Even though she’s a virgin and he’s only had two sex partners, they both have had sex with all of his previous sex partners’ sex partners,” Ryder said.

Next, AIDS Services Coalition representative Maxine Butler held a demonstration that challenged students to correctly apply a condom to a model penis and vagina. “The first thing you always do is check the expiration date,” Butler said. “Never keep condoms in your wallet. They could puncture or dry out. That’s a no-no.” Butler then showed students how to properly use and dispose of a condom. She also explained how men and women could avoid skin irritation from condoms. “For those who are allergic to latex, female condoms made out of polyurethane are the best thing to use,” Butler said. Next, students represented various organizations on campus in a fashion show where they created their outfits predominately out of condoms. Senior psychology major Alleon Buccaintini and freshman mechanical engineering major Dalton Patterson participated in the fash-

people to purchase tickets early, saying one bus was already full. The organizers added another bus, and 70 tickets were left as of Wednesday night. Pre-sale tickets are being sold at Old Athens, Benny’s Boom Boom Room and Keg & Barrel. Johnny Herron said tickets can be purchased the day of the event at The Gold Pub only. Becca Leigh, a Southern Miss graduate, participated in the Kick Off Pub Crawl last fall. “Last year’s Pub Crawl was so much fun, but this Mardi Gras Pub Crawl is going to be even better,” Leigh said.

John Lark Herron said he hopes that the Kick Off Pub Crawl and the Mardi Gras Pub Crawl become a tradition for Hattiesburg. “The beauty of the idea of a pub crawl is uniting the midtown and downtown people,” John Lark Herron said. “The Kick Off Pub Crawl is centered around Southern Miss football, and the Mardi Gras Pub Crawl just works for this area and our culture with Hattiesburg having their first Mardi Gras parade and the city being so close to New Orleans. We want to go forward with this idea of uniting the community and making this a tradition.”

pub crawl, from 1 Johnny Herron, owner of The Gold Pub, said he was thrilled about the success of the pub crawl in the fall and is looking forward to the Mardi Gras Pub Crawl. “The pub crawls are an opportunity to offer a unique experience in a safer environment,” Johnny Herron said. “Also, it gives an opportunity to visit all five places. We’re going to do this every spring and summer.” Johnny Herron said The Gold Pub hopes to have three pub crawls each year and to rotate venues so participants can experience all of what Hattiesburg has to offer. Johnny Herron attributed the success of the last pub crawl to John Lark Herron. “John is really the brain child of the pub crawl and the last one was a tremendous success,” Johnny Herron said. Johnny Herron encouraged

Student Printz, Page 3

ion show and represented the GayStraight Alliance. The students’ outfits were inspired by Lady Gaga and Buzz Lightyear. Both were doted with shoulder pads made of condom wrappers and bodices made out of actual condoms in a tribal pattern. Emily Bustin is a junior biochemistry major who represented the Wellness Ambassadors in the fashion show. “My outfit was inspired by Madonna and Burger King,” Bustin said. “I was trying to channel ‘80s while making people aware of sexual heath.” Bustin sported a black tutu covered in neon pink and yellow condoms and wore a silver Burger King crown on top of her head. “Sex in the Dark” ended with a question-and-answer forum. Students submitted anonymous questions and were answered by “sex-perts” Vernon Smith and Sharon Catledge. Catledge, a nurse practitioner, answered

many controversial questions. When Catledge was asked if an HIV positive person should tell their partner about their status if they’re only participating in oral sex, she was quick to answer. “Yes, you should always reveal that you’re HIV positive. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, and you should always consider your partner’s health,” Catledge said. SMAC public relations chair Natalie Orman said the event was great this year. “It went really well this year, and from the looks of turnout, we’re going to do even better this year,” she said. “Sex in the Dark is important because this is a college campus. One night can ruin the rest of your life.”


Page 4, Student Printz

Thursday, February 9, 2012

on campus

GEWW Crew seeks new members Michelle Holowach Printz Writer Painting the Eagle Walk at the beginning of a new academic year is one of Southern Miss’s longtime traditions. But imagine painting the Eagle Walk again and again, year after year, while also guiding wide-eyed freshman and transfer students through an unforgettable first week of university life. Golden Eagle Welcome Week, widely known as GEWW, is the university orientation week that shows Southern Miss to new students in a fresh light. However, this orientation would not have the same spirit or passion without the direction of its fearless leaders: the GEWW Crew. GEWW Crew is comprised of students from all walks of life throughout the university who remember the difference Golden Eagle Welcome Week made when they came to USM and who want to make that same difference in the lives of others. “If you want to make an impact, if you want to make an impact of student’s lives and want to make an impact on the university and if you want to feel a part of something that’s bigger then themselves, then being a part of GEWW crew is what it’s all about,” junior math licensure major and GEWW Crew executive member Zach Butler said. Butler said that when he first came to Southern Miss as a

Melissa McCraw/Printz

GEWW Executive members Tierra Clemmons, Stephanie Gwen and Zachary Knight listen as new students showcase their team cheers in the spirit competition at Golden Eagle Welcome Week last August.

freshman, GEWW epitomized everything the university was about to him. “GEWW is the stepping stone to getting students involved and to get them passionately in love with this university,” Butler said.

“If a student wants to be successful at Southern Miss, then GEWW is the way to do it.” A new GEWW Crew is being selected for the 2012 Golden Eagle Welcome Week, and applications are now being accepted. Students with a GPA of at least 2.50 who experienced GEWW are encouraged to apply. Coordinator of Golden Eagle Welcome Week Ashley Cangelosi said GEWW Crew is composed of student leaders who facilitate and guide incoming students through GEWW. “They are leaders, they are mentors, they help to build traditions and they’re there to help guide all of those students through their first day on campus,” Cangelosi said. As a GEWW Crew member, one would have the opportunity to teach Southern Miss traditions to freshmen and transfer students, guide small groups around campus and talk to them about campus resources, lead them to painting the Eagle Walk and their first Friday Night at the Fountain and instill Golden Eagle spirit through cheers and spirit competitions. Those selected as GEWW Crew 2012 members are expected to attend training on April 22nd and August 15th-

16th. They learn about Southern Miss traditions, how to facilitate small groups and ice breakers, and about campus life and campus resources in order to pass on that knowledge to the group of incoming students that they work with. “Sometimes the words we use to describe GEWW and GEWW Crew are ‘engaging,’ ‘empowering’ and ‘connecting’ because that’s what these students are doing,” Cangelosi said. “They’re really showing new students what they love about the place that they call home, so it’s a really unique opportunity for Southern Miss students.” Sophomore communication major Ann Marie Chilcutt said going through GEWW as a freshman was something that made her feel connected with Southern Miss, filled her with pride for the school and motivated her to get more involved. “Looking at it from the other side of being on GEWW Crew, that was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life because I was able to meet tons of different people from different backgrounds,” Chilcutt said. “Meeting those people, I was really able to help them find their place on campus, and I was able to share my love and my pride

that I have for this school with other people who were just starting to experience it.” Not only is being a member of GEWW Crew a unique and exciting way to share Southern Miss knowledge and passion with those beginning their colled education, but it can also set one up for future success. Cangelosi said it’s a great personal and professional development opportunity. “Through the training you’re taught valuable skills,” she said. “We’re giving you a lot of tools to put in your personal tool kit which are transferable skills to any organization you are involved with as a student, any part-time job or internship.” Cangelosi also said being a member of GEWW Crew provides students with the opportunity to be themselves. “We have a lot of younger students apply because this is the first experience they have to step outside of that box; they get to act out, get to have fun,” Butler said. “This is one of those experiences that students get to stand up and be proud of Southern Miss, and that impacts them.” Cangelosi said GEWW is unique because it shows students that Southern Miss wants you to be you. “We want our incoming students to know that here at Southern Miss all we want you to do is be yourself,” she said.

Golden Eagle Welcome Week 2012 will take place August 18th21st, and the number of applicants selected to be part of GEWW Crew varies from year to year and depends on the size of the incoming freshman class. All past GEWW Crew members are encouraged to re-apply. To fill out an application, students can go online at http://www.usm. edu/success/geww.


Thursday, February 9, 2012


Student Printz, Page 5

Christian author speaks at USM Leighanne Lockhart Printz Writer

Angel Speaks/Printz

Christian author and speaker Marian Jordan spoke to students about young women in today’s society Tuesday night.

“The world teaches women to treat themselves like trash, something that is usable, but God says women are priceless treasures.” These words spoken by author and motivational speaker Marian Jordan sum up the message she brought to a room of female students at the University of Southern Mississippi Tuesday night. The event, “Girls Night Out,” was hosted by Campus Crusade, a Christian Bible study group on campus. The event attracted over 300 participants, including women from various sororities and religious organizations. Jordan has authored five books about exposing “God’s truth” to young women in our society. Her most popular of the series, “Sex and the City Uncovered,” takes the highly ac-

claimed and awarded show “Sex and the City” and discusses how women can fill the “God-spaced holes” in their lives with an “unfailing love” instead of a glamorized lifestyle of casual sex and couture fashion. The event included Jordan’s personal testimonial of her past life as a party girl who used alcohol and boys in her quest for “labels and love.” She described her epiphany in a bar one night and a simple but effective prayer that she never imagined would lead her to a “new and transformed life and a walk with Christ.” Campus Crusade members said they were pleased with the turnout and that they consider the event a success. “It was great to see so many girls there, and I am so glad Marian was able to come,” junior elementary education major and Campus Crusade member Sarah Beth White said. “She really is a woman after God’s heart, and

hearing her proclaim the name of Jesus in such a powerful way was a wonderful treat.” Jordan said she feels that she was called to spread the word to other young women about her understanding of God’s love and founded Redeemed Girl Ministries. RGM uses evangelistic events, resources and online teachings to reach out and “redeem women by the grace of Jesus Christ” and help them “align their lives with His Truth.” Junior accounting major Miya Warfield is also a member of Campus Crusade and said Jordan spoke with grace and humility. “Her message last night revived me of how good God’s love is,” Warfield said. “I definitely want to thank her for sharing her story with all of the females that attended last night.” Jordan also said girls have a tendency to settle for less than what they know they deserve. “Our souls know that we’re designed for something more,” she said. For more information about Marian Jordan, her books or RGM visit www.redeemedgirl.org.


Sugar may be regulated in American diet Leighanne Lockhart Printz Writer American humorist and literary critic Will Cuppy once said, “Just when you’re beginning to think pretty well of people, you run across somebody who puts sugar on sliced tomatoes.” Cuppy might have been well ahead of his time poking fun at the American diet, which has since been continually criticized and undergone countless controversies. The main reason? Sugar. Sugar is a major culprit accused of Americans’ health decline over the past few decades. On average, Americans consume over 600 calories in added sugar every day, the equivalent of 40 teaspoons, according to an article in LiveScience. According to commentary in the current issue of the journal Nature, researchers at the University of California - San Francisco say that sugar and other sweeteners, aside from being a main cause of obesity, diabetes and cancer, are toxic to the human body. It is now proposed that sugar be regulated as strictly as alcohol and tobacco by governments worldwide. Some suggested regulations in-

clude taxing all foods with added sugar, banning sales of these foods in schools and placing age limits on the purchasing of them. However, some debate whether these methods are the most effective way to control the over-consumption of sugar. Economists at the University of Iowa suggest taxing the sugar itself at the manufacturer level instead. This might cause manufacturers to not be so heavy-handed in adding sugar to their products and would therefore h e l p solve the issue at the consumer level. Robert Lustig in UCSF’s department of pediatrics, who is most famous for his lecture “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” claims sugar to be addictive, toxic and a negative impact on society. He associates it with tobacco and alcohol, showing that these characteristics meet the established public health criteria to be regulated, according to the article. Instructor and assistant director of dietetic internships at the University of Southern Mississippi’s department of nutrition and food

systems Roxanne Kingston has a different opinion on the topic. Pointing out that there are a lot of different foods that can have adverse effects on the body when consumed in excess such as saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, Kingston said she doesn’t think sugar is the only culprit. “I think the key here is educating on the benefits of eating a well-balanced diet - not banning sugar,” Kingston said. Kingston said she feels that taxing and banning the use of sugar would do more harm than good and suggested to instead focus on moderation with all things. “I think bad eating behaviors and a lack of physical activity have had a big impact on society’s health,” Kingston said. “The key is prevention.” These researchers use evolutionary evidence to support their claim for sugar being harmful in excess. Nature’s supply of sugar came solely from fruit and honey. Fruit was only available a few months out of the year. They insist from these observations that sugar is meant to

be a “treat” and not a “dietary staple.” “Nature made sugar hard to get; man made it easy,” researchers said. Maybe the bottom line here is

that Americans need to stop adding unnecessary amounts of sugar to their sliced tomatoes (and all other foods, for that matter).

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Page 6, Student Printz

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Proposition 8 repealed in California

Student Shout-outs

As Valentine’s Day approaches, remember: Shakespeare intended “Romeo & Juliet” to be a comedy. Hope to see everyone OWT at the Black History Exhibit on 2/9/11 at 11-2pm in the Union Lobby! Program later on at 7pm in the Union Hall of Honors! #NPHCTTT To whomever stole my phone from the first floor of the library Tuesday at around 2, I am coming for you. The police are coming from you. Watch your back. If you happen to have lost a pocket knife in the observation area by the big front window on the second floor of the LAB, on the afternoon Wednesday, February 7, I found it. You can pick it up at the Lost and Found in the Dean’s office on the second floor. Nice knife. I know I’d hate to lose it if it were mine. Good luck! So what have the masters of the custodial arts been doing for the past week while the hand soap in a certain men’s bathroom in JGH has remained empty?? You think your hot sh*t because you are a nursing major? Guess what, I could care less. Cool, if you get sick, you can fix yourself. Awesome. If you loved your major, it wouldn’t matter how hard it was! SUCK ON YOUR STETHOSCOPE NOW BEETCHES. MEC- You are the best, most amazing guy in the world! You can make it to May 11th 2012-I believe!!!! Love-LDB I went to the UAB game and James just got kicked out for opening the Nasty Bunch Banner! Yet they let him in with it! Maybe they are jealous that they don’t have their own?! SMTTT I remember when T-Shirt Tuesday wasn’t packed. Too mainstream.

To see your anonymous comment in The Student Printz, submit it under the ‘Contact’ tab on studentprintz. com.

Ashton Pittman Web Editor More than three years after California voters passed Proposition 8, which denied gay and lesbian couples the right to marry, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the discriminatory law unconstitutional in a 2-1 decision. The court argued that because gay couples had already been granted the right to marry, it was unconstitutional for that right to be revoked via ballot measure. During initial arguments in Perry v. Brown, supporters of Proposition 8 made every argument possible, including that because gays cannot procreate, they should not be allowed to marry. Arguments like this seem to ignore the reality of the millions of married straight couples who never have children either by choice, age or infertility. The court rightly concluded that “Proposition 8 served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California and to officially reclassify their relationship and families and inferior to those opposite sex couples.” In other words, backers of the measure sought to do so out of animus for gay people and their families—in other words, bigotry. Predictably, those opposed to marriage equality—including all

Wally Skalij/MCT

Gay activists Ivy Bottini receives a hug from Rick Watts after a press conference in West Hollywood, California, Tuesday, February 7, 2012. A Federal appeals court struck down California’s ban on same-sex marriage clearing the way for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage.

of the Republican presidential candidates except Ron Paul—responded by screaming in selfrighteous indignation. Rick Santorum howled to an audience on Wednesday about the injustice of the Ninth Circuit Court inferring that those opposed to equality are “bigots.” Oh, the humanity. Even Newt Gingrich, who never asked voters if he had a right to any of his three marriages, came out swinging in the defense of “traditional marriage.” Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly trotted out the tired accusation of “judicial activism,” telling his

audience that the judges “don’t care about you.” “What you want really doesn’t matter,” O’Reilly said, referring to the 52 percent of Californians who voted for Proposition 8. “Because [the judges] say this is unconstitutional to deny gays the right to marry.” Well, yes Mr. O’Reilly, the Constitution actually does trump the tyranny of the majority. I can only imagine what the Fox News headlines would have been like in 1967 when Loving v. Virginia overturned bans on interracial marriage. However, I suppose it would’ve said something about “activist judges” “redefining marriage” and ignoring the “will of the people.” The fact is, when it comes to the constitutional rights of a minority, the “will of the people” is meaningless. The “will of the people” in 1967 was that interracial couples shouldn’t have their love recognized by the state in the form of marriage. Guess what? The “will of the people” didn’t matter then, and it doesn’t matter now. Incidentally, a 2011 Washington Post/ ABC News poll found that 53 percent of Americans now favor marriage equality. Even with the decision, the fight isn’t over yet. Anti-equality forces have pledged to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, where a landmark ruling on marriage equality could take place. If the Supreme Court refuses to hear Perry v. Brown, it might be years before another case reaches the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the narrowness of the Ninth Circuit’s ruling means that this case could

be limited to California, making it less likely that the Supreme Court will hear it. The Ninth Circuit Court said that because California already affords gays and lesbians the all the rights and benefits associated with marriage (except for the word “marriage”), the court didn’t have to rule whether or not the Constitution absolutely guaranteed a right for gay couples to marry. Yet in the same court opinion, the court explained the importance of the word “marriage”: “A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but to the couple desiring to enter into a committed lifelong relationship, a marriage by the name of ‘registered domestic partnership’ does not.” For committed gay couples, having the right to marry—that social celebration of their love— will mean more than words can express, not only to the loving, committed couple who desire to solidify their commitment, but to every kid growing up knowing there’s something different about him or her. Too many teens have taken their own lives because society said their difference made them inferior. Too many couples, after living lives spent hiding their love for one another, have died without ever having that love recognized by their communities. The time for full, nationwide marriage equality is now. We cannot be content to lose another generation to injustice. This was an article of opinion by Ashton Pittman, a writer for The Student Printz. Email questions or comments to ashton.pittman@ eagles.usm.edu.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Student Printz

Student Printz, Page 7

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Page 8, Student Printz

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Disappointing loss: USM let down at UAB Josh Seabrook Sports Editor Just a under a week ago, the Golden Eagles were on top of the world after notching their first win over the Memphis Tigers under basketball head coach Larry Eustachy, but after last night’s loss to the University of Alabama - Birmingham Blazers, the team’s mood is much more somber after the deflating loss. In sports, there is a term for games like this: let down games or trap games. These terms describe a situation in which a team comes off a big win and lose the next game, often to an inferior opponent. After last week’s inspiring win over Memphis, Southern Miss suffered possibly the most emotionally crushing loss of the season at the hands of the Blazer. Coming into the match-up, the Eagles were nested firmly atop C-USA with a clear path to the season title, which would give them a big boost going into the conference tournament. The Eagles were also on the verge of being ranked nationally in both the Coaches and AP Polls, and USM had a straight shot at being in the NCAA Tournament. All of these aspirations have been temporarily put on hold after

the 10-point loss to the Blazers. Entering the game, the Eagles had won 15 of their last 16 games, including a win over the very same UAB team that upset them Wednesday night in Birmingham. The Eagles entered with a 20-3 (71) record, and UAB was a lowly 9-13 (4-5) on the season. By all accounts, this should have been an easy win for Southern Miss, but UAB had other intentions. The Eagles started the first half on a quick 5-0 run before the Blazers answered back with a 5-0 run of their own. Four minutes into the game, Jonathan Mills and Rashard McGill found themselves in early foul trouble with two fouls a piece. Despite the early struggles, Darnell Dodson and Maurice Bolden carried the team offensively early in the game. As the half progressed, UAB began to heat up and took a 32-28 lead entering the half. Coming out for the second half, the Blazers pulled ahead 41-36 five minutes into the second half. After allowing the Eagles to tie the game up at 49 with just over 8:00 on the clock, the Blazers pulled away. UAB closed the game on a 38-12 run. USM struggled down the stretch and was unable to sustain a run to get back in the game. A late, last gasp effort by the Eagles fell short, and the

Basketball at UAB

Marvin Gentry/US Presswire

UAB Blazers forward Ovie Soko (0) goes for the ball along with Southern Mississippi Gold Eagles guard Darnell Dodson (2) during the game at Bartow arena in Birmingham, Ala. Wednesday night.

Eagles fell 71-61. The Eagles are still in a position to win the regular season crown in C-USA and make the NCAA tourney, but the loss is still very painful for the Eagles. Southern Miss returns to action Saturday against the University of

Southern Miss Box Score Men’s Basketball: 2/8 at UAB L, 71-61

Women’s Basketball: 2/5 vs. East Carolina W, 67-57



Women’s Tennis:

2/5 vs. Jacksonville State W, 4-3

Central Florida Knights at 4 p.m. CT in Hattiesburg. In order to regain dominance in C-USA, the Eagles must rise to the challenge and finish the season strong. After the Knights depart the Green House, the University of Tulsa Golden Hurricane travels to Hattiesburg next Wednesday

at 7 p.m. CT. The match-up between USM and Tulsa is for conference supremacy, as the two teams are only a half game apart atop the conference ladder and is as close to a must win the Eagles will get during the regular season if they are to complete their dream of obtaining a C-USA title.

Southern Miss Sports: Upcoming Games 2/10/12 1 p.m. Men’s Tennis at Auburn Auburn, Ala. 2/10/12 5 p.m. Softball vs. Central Arkansas Hattiesburg, Miss. 2/11/12 2 p.m. Men’s Tennis at Samford Birmingham, Ala.

2/11/12 12 p.m. Women’s Tennis vs. Southeastern Louisiana Hattiesburg, Miss. 2/11/12 12:30 p.m. Softball vs. Central Arkansas Hattiesburg, Miss. 2/11/12 1 p.m. Women’s Basketball at SMU Dallas, Texas

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