TSA Bulletin - June 2019

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June 2019

THE SUCCESS ACADEMY Providers of Prime Office Space !

The Good Old Days We tend to only remember the good memories of the past. We forget the hard mes. The reality is that the past was not all that good. In fact our forefathers had it tough. If they wanted to eat they had to go and hunt for their food. There was no Woollies, Spar, or Pick n Pay just around the corner. Like many of us I grew up in a home that had no running water and the toilet was outside. I grew up with a Po e under my bed for emergencies We went to town once a month to buy the basic necessi es. Everything we ate was grown, and produced by ourselves. Everything we wore we made ourselves. There was no electricity, no television, and no internet. In hind sight life was tough, in the good old days! Business has changed as well over the years, for the be er. Yes we have our Challenges but we also have our Opportuni es. In fact we have many more Opportuni es in Africa than anywhere else in the world. The World has Africa in its sights. We have what they want. The Commodi es and Opportuni es are here. They are on their way, that is if they are not here already. Our advantage is that we are already here. We understand Africa. Things work dierently here. We have an unfair advantage. All we need to do is to open our eyes. The good old days is now! Focus your a en on on our Future. The Good Times are yet to come. Make it happen.

Charl Du Toit CEO & Founder of The Success Academy

NORMA: 060 559 8718 | NERISA: 083 409 4449 | BELINDA: 083 792 2901 | VINCENT: 060 537 5188

Advertising Opportunity This is now the fourteenth addi on of our Monthly Newsle er where our Tenants are given the opportunity to adver se their services to their fellow Tenants. All adver sements need to be submi ed to Marleen by the 15th of every month at marleen@thesuccessacademy.co.za. The adver sing costs are:

sop artcile

1) R2, 000.00 for a full page. 2) R1, 000.00 for a half page. 3) R500.00 for a quarter page.

e s r e Adv siness! Bu r u yo

The Success Academy pays for all prin ng and distribu on costs and all adver sing income is contributed to The Success Academy Rhino Trust. We will be prin ng 5,000 copies every month which will be distributed to all our Tenants, 350 Companies in total. This is a great opportunity to do business with your fellow Tenants and to support a good cause in the process.

Archive Storage Facilities We are pleased to announce that we have the following Archive Storage Facili es available in our various OďŹƒce Parks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

6 m2 10 m2 20 m2 40 m2 60 m2 100 m2

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R 450.00 + Vat per Month. R 750.00 + Vat per Month. R 1,500.00 + Vat per Month. R 3,000.00 + Vat per Month. R 4,500.00 + Vat per Month. R 7,500.00 + Vat per Month.

Please contact our Sales Team for assistance at 0861 555 555 or; Lee : lee@thesuccessacademy.co.za / 082 786 2025 Gerrit : gerrit@thesuccessacademy.co.za / 083 409 3911 Belinda: belinda@thesuccessacademy.co.za / 083 792 2901 Nerisa: nerisa@thesuccessacademy.co.za / 083 409 4449 Norma: norma@thesuccessacademy.co.za / 060 559 8718 Vincent: vincent@thesuccessacademy.co.za 060 537 5188

Meet The Success Academy Sales Team Most of you have met them when star ng the process of moving your offices to The Success Academy. They are the ones who guide and assist you as you start your journey with us. Moving offices is a daun ng process, no one wants to stop their business for a few months to start over at new premises. Our sales team is here to make the process as smooth as possible. They are here to make sure that your vision becomes a reality. Most people underes mate the effort and work that gets put into a sale, and no one considers the fact that a lot of business’ success depends on the sales team. If sales are down, profit is down. We would like to thank our team for the hard work that gets put in everyday, and for making sure our tenants are happy in their new space with us. Our success depends largely on the people we surround ourselves with, so we like to ensure all our tenants find their success with us while our en re team supports and backs the sales team to ensure mutual success all around.

Park Managers

Lee Normand 082 786 2025 lee@thesuccessacademy.co.za

Gerrit Vosloo 083 409 3911 gerrit@thesuccessacademy.co.za


Vincent Sithole 060 537 5188 vincent@thesuccessacademy.co.za

Nerisa Muller 083 409 4449 nerisa@thesuccessacademy.co.za

Norma van Wyk 060 559 8717 norma@thesuccessacademy.co.za

Belinda Rossouw 083 792 2901 belinda@thesuccessacademy.co.za

THE SUCCESS ACADEMY Providers of Prime Office Space !

Customer Care Line 0861 555 555 / 012 665 2981 General contact details of The Success Academy during Business Hours Accounts - Tenants: Louise Dugmore - 083 409 4567 Izel Ha ngh - 083 409 4360 Liz Du Toit - 060 504 3619 Jacqui Swart - 083 408 1397 Air Cons/ Electrician: Dewald Groenewald - 082 453 0437 Biometric Registra ons: Por a Matsi - 083 822 5734 Branding/ Online Network: Marleen Swanepoel - 083 409 4075 Drywalling: Marco Urzi - 083 387 4346 Events: Chantelle Knoesen - 083 409 4520 General Maintenance: Wouter Stoltz - 060 571 3674 Maintenance Coordinator: Lizel Pretorius - 060 504 1704 Business Centre/ Workspace Management: Marleen Swanepoel - 083 409 4075 OďŹƒce Rentals: Belinda Rossouw - 083 792 2901 Nerisa Muller - 083 409 4449 Norma van Wyk - 060 559 8717 Vincent Sithole - 060 537 5188 Property Managers: Gerrit Vosloo - 083 409 3911 Lee Normand - 082 786 2025 Site Manager: Henry Du Toit - 071 042 9898 Suppliers Accounts: Elma Swanepoel - 083 409 3943 In case of Emergencies Day or Night please phone: General Maintenance: Wouter Stoltz - 060 571 3674 Maintenance Coordinator: Lizel Pretorius - 060 504 1704 Air Cons/ Electrician: Dewald Groenewald - 082 453 0437 Security Manager: Hennie Muller - 063 257 0366 Security Help Desk: Albert Nemakonde - 073 541 5295 Security Ops Manager: Elvis Mthala - 082 326 5281 CEO – The Success Academy: Charl du Toit - 082 567 6148

The Yin-Yang of Sales We had the pleasure of hos ng Vinesh Maharaj and Stephen van Basten at our April Breakfast. Stephan took the stage first, and shared some ps on how to improve your sales skills from the mental perspec ve. Vinesh shared how to improve your sales skills from the physical, hard work perspec ve. When you add this advice together, you will become the sales person you have always aimed to be.

‘Burgers & Craft Beer' Networking Event At our May Networking event we spent the a ernoon enjoying the last bit of summer sun, with a great selec on of cra beer supplied by Wildebeer Breweries, and a variety of great burgers supplied by Coffee@Berkley. During these events, we hold lucky draws where several of our guests get to walk away with some great prizes. Our guests got the chance to take part in the ‘Speed Networking’ we host at our networking events. The ‘Speed Networking’ gives guests the opportunity to meet fellow business men an women and share what they do, meet poten al new clients and build a network of like-minded individuals.

TSA Senior Executive Breakfast The guest speaker for our next breakfast will be Dr Roelof Botha. As a previous winner of the Finmedia Economist of the Year Award with more than 40 years of experience, he is excep onally wellqualified to advise execu ves and managers on prospects for higher economic growth in the 2nd half of 2019, which could pave the way for stellar economic expansion in 2020. His past experience includes: Economic Policy Advisor at Na onal Treasury; Financial Editor of a daily newspaper; Economics Lecturer at several Universi es; and Chief Cconomist of the SA Federated Chamber of Industries. He teaches Applied Economics at GIBS (part- me), is a columnist for Netwerk24, and has authored more than 500 research papers and ar cles, to name a few.

Wednesday 26 June | 07:00 - 09:00 | Diep in die Berg Conference & Func on Centre

The Servant Philosophy in Action This Business School Programme consists of 10 Modules based on actual experience in building a very Successful Business. It is valued at R1,500.00 per module, we however offer it at no cost as part of our 'Giving Back' ini a ve. The programme is presented by the Founder and Owner of The Success Academy, Charl du Toit. Do not miss out on this amazing offer! There are only 80 seats available, book your seat now!

Wednesday 19 June | 14:00 - 16:00 | Building 1, Oxford Office Park

‘Soup and Sherry’ Networking Event In a digital world, having the opportunity to connect faceto-face with like-minded individuals can be somewhat of a rarity. But let’s face it, many business deals aren’t made at the office. The Success Academy wants to provide this pla orm to all our business connec ons to con nually meet new people and build long las ng rela onships. Come join us for a 'Soup & Sherry' a ernoon at Coffee@Stanford on the 12th of June, 2019. A fun a ernoon of networking with like minded business people.

Wednesday 12 June | 16:00 - 18:00 | Coffee@Stanford, Stanford Office Park Email your booking to events@thesuccessacademy.co.za or call 0861 555-555.

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