Issue 4

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Issue 4 Featuring Jensen House Ashley Waterhouse Richard Felix Jan Murphy James Kemp Kate Bowman Becky Head Justin Pearce Twilight Passages Paranormal Scariest Places

Issue 3

In This Month issue Ghost’s Stories By Jensen House England History By Ashley Waterhouse Richard Felix Paranormal Historian Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy Mediumship Exercise By James Kemp Guide to Tarot Cards By Kate Bowman Magick for you to do at home By Becky Head Guide to Mediumship By Justin Pearce Twilight Passages Paranormal by Sandy Foley Scariest Places Episode 4.3.2 Return of the Dead Guy

UK Ghost’s Stories By Jensen House Netley Abbey Founded in 1239, Netley Abbey has become an iconic structure in Southampton. It has seen some of the One of its most famous residents city’s toughest times and today, it stands being the ghost of Blind Peter. Peter was as a ruin. a Monk who hid a treasure chest in a tunnel and swore that if anyone dared It was originally a Catholic house where find it, they would be killed. Cistercian monks would dwell. However, it faced its toughest battle in Despite several attempts, its alleged one 1536 when it was demolished under many did manage to find the treasure, King Henry VIII’s orders in one of but his success would be short lived Britain’s most well known historic when he was spotted fleeing the ruins events. where he died in the street. After the dissolution of the Catholic Church, the building was purchase by William Paulet who transformed the house in a country house.

Just before his death, the man claimed that no one should ever go down there and that he witnessed something so terrifying that no one else should see!

After the 18th century the house became a ruin and today, it is a tourist attraction. The ruins make a fantastic setting for filming and events but it has also become famous for its many ghostly residents.

Blind Peter isn’t the only monk that’s said to haunt the building. Another Monk has been spotted and he was responsible for the death of a former own who wished to transform the building.

Shortly after renovations began, the owner began having strange dreams about a monk who would tell him not to touch the building and warned him he would be killed.

Unlike the dream, he didn’t die straight away and it was thought he would survive. However, during surgery the story would take another twist of fate when the surgeon slipped whilst performing brain surgery instantly killing him.

Casting the dreams aside and believing they were his vivid imagination he continued. One night he experienced a horrific dream which Perhaps one of the most famous ghosts showed the Monk throwing the brick on is that of the Abbott. His identity his head and killing him instantly. continued to be under wraps these days but his appearances are very common. The next day, he continued to do some There is a separate part of the building work near the library when he was called the Abbotts Lodge which would disturbed by a strange noise above him. have been his quarters. When he looked up he saw a brick drop and smash him in the head.

The Children of one of the Reverends claimed to be surprised when they discovered that Borley Rectory was being dubbed England’s most haunted house because they had seen anything paranormal at all. One former resident believed so much that it wasn’t haunted that a TV documentary had to be halted after she threatened legal action its producers. She noted that the ghosts of Borley were not real.

It’s said that he was so tough on the monks there that he demanded they took a vow of silence, so they couldn’t reveal anything. He reign of terror came to an abrupt end when he died of pneumonia. Many of the Abbeys visitors have claimed to cross paths with him and during one investigation there several years ago, myself and James Kemp encountered an experience which we thought could have been him.

However, there has also been a lot of support for Prices work including from renowned investigation Peter Underwood who stated that completed he believed Prices work was accurateatand We a lot of investigation that did not venue create any phenomena. this he fantastic over several years

and experienced many unexplained One question does always come to mind. events. On another occasion, we all Why was this house so haunted? The anheard a with bell ringing from a room swer lies the history of the land itnext was door to us. There was no bell there! built on. The house was built on the former

grounds of a 13th century monastery and the for the Nuns thatexperienced there was a Onreason the same night wewas then convent notshout too far‘get away. allegedloudly the fresomeone out’It’srather quented the monastery.

which was also caught on tape through aPerhaps friends mobile phone. Once again, this is the reason why the house was there was one physically believed to no be doomed from thethere. start. The house may have been burned down but it seems the aren’t a rushthat to leave. These areghosts the type ofinevents any

dedicated investigation longs for. Whilst take a look on Youtube andtoyou can We were in the abbotts lodge calling out Just many will sit there and try debunk thousands of videos of peowhen someone pushed me so hard I fell browse most ofthrough this I should point out that is ple who have tried to encounter the spirits of in to James. We couldn’t both clearly see something I’ve already tried, to no avail! the rectory. Most seem to focus on the church that there was no one there. which was left empty and locked by a metal On another occasion, we did an investigation there when we saw a heavy brick fly across the room and hit a wall. Again, there was no one there who could have done this and the way that it moved meant that it couldn’t have simply fallen.

chain. Those brave enough to approach the church jensenhouseofficial

have experienced its organ playing by itself, a ghostly choir singing and other strange phenomena which you have to admit it pretty firm evidence considering you couldn’t get in to the church itself.

England History by Ashley Waterhouse Derby Goal The order to build a Jail or Gaol in Derby was not immediately followed up following the Assize of Clarendon of 1166. Indeed, Derbyshire’s criminals were taken to Nottingham Castle which was the prison for the Counties of both Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. There, the fate of the prisoners was decided and so, it was deemed unnecessary to lay out the required expenditure to construct a jail in Derby. However, following an Act of Parliament passed in 23 Henry VIII, “…Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid that like provision in every behalf be had for a newe Gayle be made within the Countie of Darbye, in like form as is afore provided for other Shires aforesaid.” The “newe Gayle” was erected across the width of the Cornmarket and alongside the Markeaton Brook. The gaoler’s accommodation was at street level but the cells were below that and level with the Brook. Needless to say, the Brook also served as the Town’s main sewer and it was not long before it became a “foul stinking place”. Nevertheless, it survived for almost 200 years when, following numerous complaints (and, no doubt, deaths from disease),

it was decided to build a more substantial structure away from the town centre. A meeting was called and an advert placed in the Derby Mercury of 21st August 1755 whereby:“The Gentlemen of the County of Derby are desired to meet at the King’s Head in DERBY, on Monday the fifteenth of next Month, at 12 o’Clock, to take into consideration the present State of the County GOAL.” (The spelling of GAOL and GOAL were interchangeable.) The meeting would appear to have been successful and few could doubt the necessity of relocating the Gaol outside and away from the principle road through Derby (which, until recently, was the main London to Carlisle road, the A6). In the Mercury it was reported that on 30th October 1755, articles had been drawn up for the construction of the new Gaol and the location decided on was Nun’s Green. This area to the west of the town had been the one of the traditional execution places for Derby and therefore a logical site to build a more substantial Gaol. In order to economise on the construction costs the architect, William Hiorns (or Hirons) of Warwickshire was asked to incorporate as much as possible of the usable materials from the Cornmarket premises in the new building. Spring 1756 saw the dismantling at last of the wholly unsuitable Cornmarket Gaol and by the end of 1756 the new building had its first complement of prisoners.

It was designed to house a maximum of 29 prisoners ranging from Poor Debtors to Execution victims, however, it soon became apparent that the accommodation was going to be insufficient. Between 1730 and 1832 there were in excess of 222 crimes which carried the death penalty. This was known as the “Bloody Code” and offences ranged from being seen in the street with a sooty face, stealing anything valued in excess of 4s 6d (twenty two and a half pence), damaging fishponds, writing a threatening letter etc; right through to Murder, Treason, Piracy and Arson in His Majesty’s Ship’s Dockyard. Needless to say, everyday life for most people was hard and unrelenting. Employment was difficult to obtain and the pay very meagre. Therefore, to subsidise their existence, resorting to theft was the last, desperate option open to many to provide food for themselves and their families. Of course there were hard and fast villains who resorted to crime as a way of making a living and murder was an all too common occurrence. The law was enforced rigidly and, when deemed necessary, the Justices would be seen to make “an example” of certain individuals as was the case with the men from Pentrich, Jeremiah Brandreth, Isaac Ludlam and William Turner. Accused of High Treason, these men were sentenced to be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered. It was not, however, the last time the awful sentence was handed down.

That was in 1820 in London when the Cato Street Conspirators, Arthur Thistlewood (who knew Brandreth), John Thomas Brunt, Richard Tidd, James Ings and William Davidson were accused of High Treason. Similarly, the Prince Regent granted clemency and commuted the sentence to Hanging and Beheading only. The difference being the Pentrich men were decapitated with an axe (the last time it was ever used) whilst a knife was used, by a surgeon, on the Cato Street men. The identity of the executioner of the Pentrich men remains a mystery and the only details were that he was a “strong, muscular collier from Derby”. The man who hanged the Cato Street men was Thomas “Old Cheesy” Cheshire (incidentally, observed by one William Calcraft, later to become our longest serving hangsman!) For the “run-of-the-mill” capitally convicted criminals, hanging was seen to be sufficient, however, in 1752 the “Horrid Act of Murder” was approved where those convicted of murder were not only hanged but had an additional ‘punishment’ inflicted. After hanging, “the body shall be given over to the surgeons for dissection and a body shall not be suffered to be buried until it has been dissected or anatomised.” This was particularly gruesome in that the crowd consisting of men women and children, who had just witnessed the execution were entitled to follow the cart carrying the remains of the victim back to the Shire Hall (built 1659) in St. Mary’s Gate.

There they could actually watch the body being taken asunder by the surgeons! After this had taken place, the mutilated body then had to be exposed to full public view on the steps outside of the Hall for two full days in order that those who were unable to attend the execution and dissection could satisfy their morbid curiosity. This punishment was decided on in an effort to dissuade would-be murderers from carrying out their deeds. The belief at the time was that after death, one had only to wait for the Day of Judgement when all souls would be resurrected for life everlasting.

John Howard had made it his personal crusade to inspect and report on the state of the prisons in the whole of Great Britain as he was appalled at the amount of mortality suffered by the inmates. Gaol fever raged through the prisons on a regular basis and it was believed to be caused by the bad air. It was in fact, a virulent form of Typhus spread by body lice. Following Howard’s intervention the law decreed that scraping and lime-washing the cell walls once a year should be sufficient!

Various attempts were made to escape The fear was that if a body had been from Derby Gaol and, on 14th January dismembered, there would be no 1778, a plot was uncovered where several resurrection as the body parts had been prisoners had hoped to effect their escape dispersed far and wide and people had whilst the Court Sessions were under way. visions of odd limbs, heads and torso’s The Gaoler, Blyth Simpson, spoke to a wandering aimlessly for all time in search prisoner involved in the escape bid who of the rest of the body! The punishment lost his nerve at the last minute and conwas handed down to several victims, both fessed all. He showed Simpson where the male and female, in Derby Gaol. attempt had been made to break through the door of the Dungeon. Although heavInterestingly, it was not usual practice for ily barred, the inmates had managed to “Irons” or “Fetters” to be placed on the saw through the bars and their leg irons so arms and legs of prisoners in the Gaol that the break-out could take place with all unless there was a particular risk of escape. speed. Certainly, those due for execution were “Ironed” but all other inmates remained As a result, the prisoners involved, whose relatively free to wander the corridors and names are not revealed, were doubleyards. ironed and removed to another, more secure, cell. In 1782, Thomas Shaw was This would be infinitely more welcome successful in his attempt but was soon apthan being confined within the filthy pris- prehended and on cells which, until a visit to Derby Gaol returned to the gaol to face the ultimate by the prison reformer John Howard in penalty. It has to be borne in mind that any October 1787, were never cleaned out. prisoner escaping from Gaol and subsequently recaptured, would be hanged, regardless of the original offence for which he had been imprisoned!

Richard Felix Paranormal Historian Richard Felix has been haunted by ghost since the age of four, but he does not see dead people. He is frightened of ghost! So what makes a man who is so frightened of ghosts look for them? Richard has always been fascinated in history, especially military history with a special interest in disasters e.g. Charge of the Light brigade, The Alamo, Custer’s Last Stand, and the Titanic. At the age of 18 he had his own personal disaster being diagnosed with terminal cancer but survived. 12 years ago he opened the haunted It is not until you are faced with death Derby Gaol, scene of the last that you realise how important life is. sentencing of Hanging Drawing and Quartering in England. Ten years ago Richard is a great believer that ghosts he embarked on the Ghost Tours of and history go together and firmly Great Britain. believes that ghosts exist he has seen one, heard one, travelled with one Visiting every county and recorded and encountered one on the battle onto DVDs their haunted tales. Richfields but still remains firmly on the ard has now created over fifty of fence and remains sceptical about these DVDs the success of these has most ghostly occurrences. resulted in them being put into book format which are selling throughout At least 8 out of 10 can be explained, Great Britain. it is the remaining 2 you need to worry about.

Richard Passion and enthusiasm for ghosts and history have put him at the forefront of the quest to prove beyond all doubt that ghosts really do exist and there is life after death. Richard’s new book “What is a ghost” is very controversial and deals with the realities of ghosts rather than the Scooby doo side of things and the blames the Church for many of the Ghost that are still around. A copy of this book has recently been sent to the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Over that last few years I have been a presenter on a number of TV Programmes for Yesterday talking The knowledge and expertise gathabout Ghosts, History, Spy’s and ered by Richard over many years Torture which im in the middle of drew him to the attention of the TV filming a new series at the moment. and Radio media and he has appeared I’m also working with Derek Acorah on many paranormal programmes. on a stage show called Psychic and Science which is touring England at 9 years ago he became the Paranorthe moment. mal Historian on the world acclaimed TV programme Most Haunted. The height of this year was working He has now completed nine prowith Scariest Places at Derby Gaol grammes, 6 in America and 20 live. which was great fun and you can see on episode on YouTube, great group Richard currently worked with of guys with a bright future ahead. Michaela Strachan on Great British Ghosts and appeared in the I Wish you a Happy Haunting Halloween special as well. Richard Felix

Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy Spirits of Uluru- Ayers Rock The ancient site of Uluru- or Ayers Rock as we know it- is located in the southwestern corner of Australia’s Northern Territory. Geographically speaking, it is almost at the centre of Australia itself and is best accessed from the town of Alice Springs. What is Uluru? Well, basically it’s an enormous rock, huge infact, and jutts up about 350m from its stark, red surrounds. More For those who are curious, there have been no interestingly, Ayers Rock extends even real documented hauntings at Uluru further than this amount below ground! however there are tales of curses associated with it. More than thirty-five people have Uluru happens to be highly significant to fallen to their deaths while making the climb the Anangu people and seems to be to the top, aircrafts have crashed near it and entwined in both their history and culture. children have gone missing in the area, Aboriginies consider this site extremely including the disappearance of baby Azaria sacred and the local Pitjantjatjara tribe, Chamberlain in 1980 (who may have been who have lived here for literally thousands murdered or taken by a dingo) and has been of years, believe Uluru came about during the subject of much debate in the news over the much fabled ‘Dreamtime’ which dictates the years. that Uluru was formed by ancestral beings. Rituals are still often held here in the caves around the base where ‘No Photography’ signs are posted out of respect. It is asked that should you visit Uluru, you must not attempt to climb it and you must take nothing away from the site as this may anger the spirit of the great rock and offend the aboriginal ancestors. However, unfortunately, this is not always heeded and it’s alleged that bad things will happen to those who disrespect or desicrate the site.

hey wanted us to ignore the warnings For those who choose of the local aboriginal people, the punishment can be harsh and its believed that since the 1970’s, at least one package a day (on average) arrives at the National Park Ranges offices, either containing rocks, sand, twigs, or photographs that had been taken by someone by tourists visiting the park. Notes that accompany the items usually contain an apology, but others have detailed more specific tragic events that have befallen the taker of the forbidden souvenir. Deaths and divorces, accidents, emotional turmoil, vehicle crashes, illness and injury are some of the reasons people have given for returning the rocks- now often nick-named, “Sorry Rocks”. A German family once returned a rock weighing 9kg, the postage paid would have been enormous but such was their desperation to return the rock and lift the mysterious ‘curse’ that had plagued their family since they took it. Another specimen weighing a huge 32kg was posted back from South Australia, as a similar run of bad luck seemed to have befallen the taker!

The Corroboree Rock Spiri Northern Territory

Mad Micks Mine Northern Territory

In 1959, the Reverend R.S. Blance took a photograph while visiting the Corroboree Rock near Alice Springs, Australia. Nothing unusual was noticed at the time, however, on development, the photograph revealed what appeared to be the apparition of a woman emerging from the bush. This famous photo has been analysed by several experts and critics in the field over the last 50 years but still defies explanation to this day. This type of photo might not be very difficult to fake with the aid of modern photo manipulation software but it would have been almost impossible to fake back then in 1959. One might suggest it’s a double exposure, but Reverend Blance claimed that no other person was in the vicinity at the time he snapped the photo so what, or who, could it be? There is a local legend here that tells us this site was used by Aboriginal tribesmen for carrying out some rather gruesome ceremonies in the past.

In the late 1920’s a bit of gold was discovered in the ranges close to Tennant Creek, it was a nice find but nothing major. But then, in 1932, a local indigenous man by the name of Frank Juppurla found quite a sizable amount of gold there, it was then that one of Australia’s last great gold rushes really began. Within a few months word had spread of a gold discovery and the local population rapidly grew to about 600 people- all striving to make their claim in the local gold fields! In 1934 the Tennant Creek Hotel was built and three after that a bakery and restaurant. Also, around this time, a church was relocated to Tennant Creek, literally plank by plank from near-by Pine Creek and is still there to this day!! The gold rush lasted about ten years, after which most of the mines were closed down. There was still some gold to be found ‘in them there hills’ but the process of finding it was long, tough, and expensive, with not too many wanting to make the gamble on a venture that, all too often, did not actually pay back. There was only one mine that remained open, one capable of doing all its own crushing on site, and this was the Peko Wallsend Mine. About thirty years later the Peko Wallsend Mining Company’ had taken over completely, and this is where our infamous ‘Mad Mick’ character enters the story. Mick was a miner employed here, he was described as Eastern European and his broken english was hard to follow but he was eager to work. One afternoon,

They looked everywhere for Mad Mick over the course of a week but he was never found. His Four Wheel Drive was sat outside his shack, nothing was disturbed within and his disappearance is a complete mystery that is still talked about to this today. Fossicking (prospecting for gold) is still a popular past time even today and gold is still found up at Tennant Creek and especially around the land near Mad Micks shack. However, a word of warning is issued to anyone travelling that way. Never enter the little abandoned home of Mad Mick...even if it looks like a storm is coming! It’s alleged that Mick came across a large nugget of gold in the people who have attempted to take shelter fields and subsequently took out a there have had some very odd experiences. miners lease so he could work work on his Strange wailing sounds, a dis-embodied voice own. Although many people knew where which cannot be understood, and the Mick was working, no one dared to approach clattering of metal tools have all been heard, him as Mick had a habit of firing off his gun accompanied with the intense feeling of a as a warning to others to keep away from his presence. patch. This, along with his fast paced broken English, earned him the name ‘Mad Mick’ There are two theories about the haunting with all the other miners. activitu in Mad Micks Shack: one suggests that Mad Mick disappeared into an It was in the 1980’s that a man mysteriously abandoned mine shaft and got lost and went missing out near Mad Micks claim but, starved to death, or had one of his own shafts although an extensive search was carried out cave in on him. Or two that Mad Mick found for the man, no trace of him could be found. the missing man a little too close to his claim, It was not until a couple of years later that his murdered him and when the body was body was actually discovered by accident. discovered years later he left town, and it is the dead mans ghost that now haunts the A short while later it was noted that Mick had shack! not been heard firing his gun for quite some time, nor had he been to the local general store for supplies, as he always did. Mick had vanished too, after working his claim alone for ten years! Police were called and a search party gathered together. Australian-Paranormal

Mediumship Exercise By James Kemp Using Dowsing Rods to Communicate with a Spirits on a Ghost Hunt Dowsing is an exercise I would highly recommend to try especially when you are first starting out ghost hunting or mediumship as it’s a great tool to start with speaking to spirits. Dowsing is a way to channel a spiritual source and an easy understanding way to interpret a spirit message. However when you first start using dowsing rods they may not move the first night you use them.

And ask The spirit to show you a yes answer to which they might cross, one might move or they may go outwards and on rare occasion is might not move for a yes answer.

Once you have your yes response point the rods down so it resets them and bring them back up and point I have known many people have tried them forwards again. using them and it has taken a month before they start working for them. Now ask for a no answer which should be the opposite or different to How to use dowsing Rod’s and your yes answer. establishing what a yes or no answer is? Once you have reset them again and you know what your yes and no Hold the rods firmly in each hand answer is. You can ask some holding the small end loosely with questions to determine who the spirit the long end level pointing forward. could be and why they are there.

Here is a set example of some of the things you can ask 1) Are you male? 2) Are you female? 3) Are you a child? 4) Are you an adult? 5) Was you born in the 1900s? 7) Did you work here in this building? 8) Are you looking for anyone? 9) Does your name begin with letter A? 10) Are you happy being here? You can ask as many questions as you like but of course with questions 5 & 9 you might have to ask a number of different years or letters to find the answer but just remember to ask one at a time. You can only ask closed questions however one open you can ask is where about are you standing in the room? Which many people do get bit scared of asking. You may find the each different spirit you speak to and different places you go to your yes and no answer may be different. medium

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Guide to Tarot Cards By Kate Bowman Swords and Pentacles Ace of Swords Upright: Raw power, victory, break-throughs, mental clarity. Reversed: Confusion, chaos, lack of clarity. Two of Swords Upright: Indecision, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions. Reversed: Indecision, confusion, information overload. Three of Swords Upright: Painful separation, sorrow heartbreak, grief, rejection. Reversed: Releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness. Four of Swords Upright: Contemplation, recuperation, passivity, relaxation, rest. Reversed: Restlessness, burn-out, lack of progress. Five of Swords Upright: Conflict, tension, loss, defeat, win at all costs, betrayal. Reversed: Open to change, past resentment. Six of Swords Upright: Regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage. Reversed: Cannot move on, carrying baggage. Seven of Swords Upright: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, stealth. Reversed: Mental challenges, breaking free.

Eight of Swords Upright: Isolation, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment. Reversed: Open to new perspectives, release. Nine of Swords Upright: Depression, nightmares, intense anxiety, despair. Reversed: Hopelessness, severe depression, torment. Ten of Swords Upright: Back-stabbed, defeat, crisis, betrayal, endings, loss. Reversed: Recovery, regeneration, fear of ruin, inevitable end. Page of Swords Upright: Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic. Reversed: All talk and no action, haste, undelivered promises. Knight of Swords Upright: Opinionated, hasty, action-oriented, communicative. Reversed: Scattered thought, disregard for consequences.

Queen of Swords Upright: Quick thinker, organised, perceptive, independent. Reversed: Overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted.

Eight of Pentacles Upright: Apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement. Reversed: Perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus.

King of Swords Upright: Clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth. Reversed: Manipulative.

Nine of Pentacles Upright: Gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination. Reversed: Over-investment in work, financial setbacks.

Ace of Pentacles Upright: Manifestation, new financial opportunity, prosperity. Reversed: Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight. Two of Pentacles Upright: Balance, adaptability, time management, prioritisation. Reversed: Disorganisation, financial disarray. Three of Pentacles Upright: Teamwork, initial fulfilment, collaboration, learningReversed: Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills Four of Pentacles Upright: Control, stability, security, possession, conservatism. Reversed: Greed, materialism, self-protection. Five of Pentacles Upright: Isolation, insecurity, worry, financial loss, poverty. Reversed: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty. Six of Pentacles Upright: Generosity, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth. Reversed: Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity. Seven of Pentacles Upright: Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment. Reversed: Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward.

Ten of Pentacles Upright: Wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement. Reversed: Financial failure, loneliness, loss. Page of Pentacles Upright: Manifestation, financial opportunity, new job. Reversed: Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus. Knight of Pentacles Upright: Efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical. Reversed: Laziness, boredom, feeling ‘stuck’. Queen of Pentacles Upright: Practical, homely, motherly, down-toearth, security. Reversed: Imbalance in work/ family commitments. King of Pentacles Upright: Security, control, power, discipline, abundance. Reversed: Authoritative, domineering, controlling. Truly Blessings Kate Bowman Kate Bowman - Facebook - Trulytarot Twitter - TrulytarotUK

Magick for you to do at home. By Becky Head Lughnasadh is celebrated on or around August 1st and is the first harvest where we celebrate the fruits of our labours and also preparing for the future. So for this spell we are going to concentrate on being thankful for what we have earned and think about what we need to do next in order to progress further. We will be doing this using know magick. For this you will need: A length of string or cord that is ideally 9 feet long. (9 inches will also work) and if you can get it in a colour that represents your goals that will be an added bonus. Spend some time in quiet contemplation. Sit with your eyes closed and concentrate on your breathing. See in your mind’s eye all the hard work and effort that you have put in to the things you have now. Be thankful to the Goddess for these. Holding you cord, move your thoughts now to what you would like next in you life, the next step you need to take and the things you need to make this happen.

See clearly in your mind the image of you with these things you want already in place, focus on that image, concentrate with all your intent and send that energy into you cord. When you feel that you have connected with your cord and are ready, you may begin the magick. Take one end of your cord and tie a small knot in it. Keep your thoughts focussed on your wants and needs as you do this and say; “By knot of one, my spell has begun” Staying focussed on your thoughts, move to the other end of your cord and tie a small knot there while saying; “By knot of two, this spell will come true”

Now take the centre of your cord, still seeing your thoughts clearly in your mind, tie a small knot in it saying; “By knot of three, so mote it be”

Then holding your cord tight, concentrating again on your image and your intentions, complete the spell by saying; “As I so will it, mote it be done”

Now it gets a little more complicated. Remaining focussed on your intentions tie a knot in between the 1st knot you tied and the 3rd knot you tied, saying; “By knot of four, this power I store”

Once you have completed this spell you can put your cord in a safe place, maybe under your pillow, or you can carry it around with you as a daily talisman.

The next knot is to be tied between knots 3 and 2 continuing to concentrate on your desires and while saying; “By knot of five, my spell is alive”

Once you get the grasp of the pattern it becomes much easier. Tie the next knot between knots 1 and 4 saying; “By knot of six, this spell I fix”

Now tie a small knot between the 4th knot and the 3rd knot saying; “By knot of seven, betwixt earth and heaven” Keep your thoughts focussed and now tie a knot between your 3rd and 5th knot saying; “By knot of eight, it will be fate” Next you need to tie a knot between knots 5 and 2 saying; “By knot of nine, what’s done is mine”

Here is a visual guide to the order of the knots to help make it easier. 1~~~6~~~4~~~7~~~3~~~8~~~5~~~9~~~2 And also the words you need to say all together. “By knot of one my spell has begun, by knot of two, this spell will come true, by knot of three, so mote it be, by knot of four, this power I store, by knot of five, my spell is alive, by knot of six, this spell I fix, by knot of seven, betwixt earth and heaven by knot of eight, it will be fate, by knot of nine, what’s done is mine” “As I so will it, mote it be done.” Join Becky Head on: TheSouthamptonWitches

Guide to Mediumship By Justin Pearce Starting out. Walking into a darkened room. Being welcomed by a lady with a long flowing dress and beads in her hair. There are shelves in a corner of the room with crystals and tarot cards for sale. The whole room smells of incense sticks burning. It’s my first night of a ten week course in psychic development. How I got to this point in my life is still a mystery. There were lots of reasons to be here as fate had decided that I need to learn to bring forward my psychic ability, but sitting on an uncomfortable chair listening to whale music on a bad sound system and humming to a mantra I did wonder what I was thinking by being there and surely there was something better on tv that night?

That was 12 years ago and many adventures later I am sitting here writing for this website column. But how do you realise that this was what you were meant to do? That initial feeling. The interest in anything paranormal. The stomach problems, the high pitched noises in your ears and inner ear problems. You just know who is on the phone because you thought about them a few moments ago. You may think about a person you haven’t seen in a long time and then you end up meeting them a few days later. Try a few tests on your ability.

Next time you pull up to a junction, if there isn’t any impatient driver behind you, why don’t you try to guess what will pass you next? What colour car, or maybe a bicycle? Test yourself daily.

Find a reputable one through your local holistic shop, or through word of mouth, or from other mediums. Be careful, though, because a lot of the lessons they teach you can feel ridiculous.

Now many of you are just starting out and already realise that The school I attended made me you have ability. stand in a dark room breathing gold smoke while skiing on the You may be somewhere at the spot! (Trying not to laugh was very beginning of a course already, or difficult.) Remember - if you do in the middle of one, or standing have this ability then it will come up on the platform doing your first naturally to you, and you really tentative steps to making don’t need most of the lessons connections. people teach you, so enjoy your development and, above all, make You are nervous, excited and sure you remind yourself that you probably reading every book on the have been bestowed with this gift subject. Maybe you are one of the to help people - and that it can help really excited ones who are you with self-healing too. I wish stopping people in Sainsburys you success on your spiritual path. telling them that Grandma has passed and says hello! Wherever you are in your psychic Love and Light development please enjoy these Justin Pearce first steps, as these are the moments when you are most alert. www.justinpearcepsychic.weebly. com Maybe you think you have the ability and you’re not sure where to go www.trulyspiritualpromotions. from here. would always suggest you first find a decent school.

TWILIGHT PASSAGES PARANORMAL by Sandy Foley Hello out there. We are Twilight Passages. Just a small team of paranormal investigators in the New York, New Jersey area, using basic tools of the trade, with a mission to find and uncover unusual activities. Adding a little spice in the mix, once a month we bring along a special guest/artist from the music, art, fashion, and entertainment industry who share their personal experiences as they join us in one of our investigations. Now, 1 year since its founding, we’re very excited to announce that we’ve been asked by New York based production company Twisted Media to join their up and coming reality show/pilot. Filming is to begin possibly as early as this June! Our team consists of myself, Sandra Foley -Founder/Lead Investigator, Barbara Lynch -Senior Lead Investigator, Mary Foley -Paranormal Investigator/Digital Camera Tech, Jennifer Lynch -Paranormal Investigator/EVP Tech, Jason Nappi -Paranormal Investigator/Head of Tech and Filming and new to the group, editors John Chludzinski and Micheal Castronova. Although Twilight Passages started in 2014, we’ve been investigating for over 10 years. It was just a matter of time before we decided to start filming our investigations and start our web-series.

Founder Sandra foley Barbara and I have been friends for over ten years, and our children grew up together. She’s been investigating for as long as I’ve known her, and possesses clairvoyant feelings when she enters buildings or areas of activity. We would do our little ghost hunts, and as the kids got older we brought them along. Mary, my daughter, has been certified by a Past Certification program and has been involved in another paranormal group. Jennifer, Barbara’s daughter, has experience with various tech tools such as EMF detectors and EVP recorders. And finally, there’s Jason. I started working with this extraordinary Filmographer in other projects actually. Having a great interest and experience with the paranormal, we decided to start a webseries. With his degree in film and photography, and possessing clairvoyance in the paranormal, it just all came together. mary foley with guest Sandy Fusco catches an evp at Our House Restaurant

Twilight Passages Paranormal Team at Our House Restaurant. Allie Cullen, Jason Nappi, Sandy Fusco, Mary Foley, writer Cal Schwartz, Jennifer Lynch and Barbara Lynch

I myself started believing around the age of 13, but it’s been in the family for many years. I grew up where the paranormal was very familiar. My mother and grandmother were clairvoyant, and both experienced premonitions in their dreams. So, to hear about anything mystical is not unusual for me. I had my first personal experience at 18 years old while living with my sister in Spotswood, NJ. My sister and nephew were away at the time and I was resting in the downstairs bedroom with a stomach virus. All of a sudden I woke up in a frozen state. Hovering above me was an old man wearing brown pants and a red flannel shirt! Despite the shock, I had a feeling of peace, somehow knowing he was only checking in on me. After a few seconds he just faded away. I told my sister about what happened, but she wasn’t surprised. Apparently she had also seen him. When she bought the house, an elderly man had shot himself in the attic, and she believes this was him. Fast forward to know, Twilight Passages conducts research on several venues such as restaurants, old buildings, and even private homes if available. We would ask the owners if they’d let us come in to investigate and see if we can find any evidence for them. We also get cases from people to see if whatever activity is going on in their property is real or just a creaky old building. Although we’ve known each other and have done investigations for some time now, we just use the basic tools of the trade. With video cameras, EVP recorders, EMF detectors, and just recently we added Infrared cameras, we set up our equipment inside every room to pick up anomalies and EVPs. Our first and most interesting investigation our team encountered was at the ‘Our House’ restaurant in Farmingdale, NJ.

Filmographer Jason Nappi seen with defined Orb in attic at Having The picked up severalRestaurant. EVPs and haunting ShoreHouse footages, it was a very successful investigation! Built in the 1700’s by George Mariner, it has a history of many hauntings, especially that of the so called Lady in Black. She’s been seen many times by the previous owners as well as those who work there. One of the owners of the restaurant, who purchased it several years ago, actually documented the Lady in Black as she appeared in nearby windows and mirrors. As we started our set up and investigations, our team encountered several strange EVPs in the upstairs bedroom that was being used for storage. That very door of the room even slammed on Mary. Our guest investigator, Allie Cullen, felt a strange touch along her back. The Our House Restaurant is a wonderful haunted venue and its history beholds many great stories. Well, that’s our story. To know more about us and follow our investigations, you can catch us on and our youtube page. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter. Come check us out! Story written by Achilles Solomos

Psychic Fair and open day at Portsmouth Fort Widley 22nd August 2015 Supernatural Tours hosts a Psychic Fair at Portsmouth’s Fort Widley. The event will run between 10am-4pm and include: A range of stalls, The Supernatural Cafe, Family Activities. FREE Ghost Walks of the tunnels Taking place at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm. The walks are interactive and our tour guides will share the Forts many ghostly stories with you. Prepare to be scared! The Ghost Walks are extremely popular and we recommend arriving early to book your spaces. We are unable to book spaces until the day itself. Mediumship shows we have two Mediumship shows taking place during the day at 12 pm and 3pm with Justin Pearce and Jenny Docherty. Tickets just £4 per person and will be available soon. If you would like a stall for the event please contact the events team at, tables will be provided, free entry for the public, free car parking and stall prices start from £30.00.

Scariest Places: Episode 4.3.2 Return of the Dead Guy Greetings and Salutations, it is I Merrick Alora, the one and only. I say the one and only, there was another Merrick Alora, who sadly died back in 1947 so we should be safe in the knowledge that, at this present time, there is only one that I know of. If there were another, that would make us the two and only and that would be a silly claim to make!

‘Well Merrick .....’ ‘You just left’ ‘Well Merrick .....’ ‘Without a word’ ‘Well Merrick .....’ ‘I felt stupid’ ‘I’m sorry Merrick, it didn’t go to plan, it takes a lot of energy to communicate with the living so I hadto recharge and to do that I had to go back into the quintessence.’ ‘Quinwhatence? And what’s five got to do with it?’

We left our story, at an awkward part that was difficult to tell, its probably best to just skip a bit for now and that would be Boss. You see, this is a story about how my life got flipped-turned upside down and I’d like to take a while to get you to ‘Its sometimes referred to as the Aether, which is feel how I became the medium of a suburb called the fifth classical element.’ Anfield. ‘Classical? Music as well?’ We left off, as I realised that it would take a mountain climb to reclaim the heart of Karen (I’m starting to realise why some men are celibate) and also that Peter was back. ‘Where the hell have you been for the past few weeks?’ ‘Who? Me?’ ‘Yes Peter, You, who else?’ I started walking home, the life glow of the evening extinguished like a moth in a flame, a flame that had ignited anger and resentment but also an odd sense of relief that the Peter thing hadn’t been all in my mind, well it had been all in my mind but you know what I mean.

‘No, not music as well, but since you mention it, when I’m not around you, I can be found in a greatbar called Cloud 9. Every Thursday night myself and my a cappella band, The Pulsing Deadbeats, play there. We, are known as the fifth classical element.’ ‘You’re an acopella band that plays classical music?’ ‘Don’t be silly Merrick. We don’t play classical music, it’s just a nickname we have been given by the locals. I am one of the most famous Zubraphone players in the Aether though. But that’s a story for another day.

‘Ether? Whats the internet got to do with this? ‘Only to look it up in Wikipedia Merrick and regardless of what the Michelson-Morley experiment might say, not that I’ve ever known Wikipedia to be completely correct about anything but that’s what you get when you let simpletons edit online encyclopaedia’s. I have returned but not empty handed, we are…… ‘That still doesn’t explain, where you have been, or why you left, and why the hell did you return just before I got to second base! ‘Now now Merrick we both know you were not going to get to second base… or third for that matter!’ ‘Thanks for the vote of confi-dance. Not Boss!’ ‘I had to go Merrick, into........ in your case let’s call it ghost space! I didn’t think I would have to but after I realised that there was a ring missing from the back of the book I had to make a quick disappearing act. I was low on spiritual energy which if I hadn’t recharged, I would have burnt out into a thousand pieces!’ ‘Really?’ ‘No not really Merrick I’m clearly making this up for the readers benefit, which whilst I have your attention, my autobiography entitled “Living with an idiot” will be out for Christmas! And refers to you extensively!’ ‘Aww, thank you Peter that is Super Boss!’ ‘Indeed Merrick, indeed. Let me explain the Third ring. With three rings we can control the exchange of energies between us. From you, I get physical energies which allow me to stay in this plane longer and from me, you get psychic energies, which allow you to communicate with those who exist as spirits. It’s something I would not do without asking your permission and can be quite dangerous if done incorrectly. It’s a principle some of us have adopted, a rule if you like but as in life, so in death, some spirits are selfish and cruel or just plain ignorant and will tap energies regardless (be careful out there!)’

‘Wow! That sounds better than an xbox 360. When can we start and do all the cool stuff ’ ‘God’s save me from the corporeal! Didn’t I just say it was dangerous Merrick? You are going to have to be patient and allow me to train you before we get involved in the ‘Cool Stuff ’ as you call it. Anyway, we have a lot to be getting on with! First though, will you be honest with me and tell the truth and nothing but the truth?’ ‘Yes Peter’ ‘Your sure I can ask you and you will be nothing but 100% honest with me?’ ‘Sure, you’ve got it.’ ‘Did you bin all your tracksuits? ‘You were with me when I did!’ ‘Yes Merrick but I know what you are like. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a backup suit in a special glass case, with the words, Break Glass in Emergency, printed on it and a little silver hammer attached.’ ‘I went into town, and tried on all sorts of suits, I even tried on a few from the charity shops that once belonged to dead guy’s!’ ‘Yes, I heard all about that and received some complaints! One suggests you should stop wearing Hugo Boss, because, in your own words it’s Not Boss! If this is going to work Merrick, you need to change who you interact with and how you interact with them. Maybe more mature and intelligent people or indeed anybody who can string a sentence together without using expletives every few words. I think I know the place the start! Comb your hair Merrick, we are about to venture into a new world.’ ‘Will there be ice-cream?’ ‘No Merrick, there will not. There will however, be a new way of thinking and that my friend is far more exciting than ice-cream. ‘You clearly haven’t tried a Solero then.’ Until Next time! Much Love Merrick Twitter: @MerrickAlora

A Message from the mother of Scariest Places, Annette Pielding One thing with the Scariest Places Team is that we insist on having fun in whatever we do. Life is too short sowe make sure we enjoy everything we do. Easter is in fact an excuse to have a party! Last year’s Easter party resulted in Carl and Spaceman sitting with their feet in the pond singing the theme from the ‘Adam’s Family’! I hoped this year my fish would be spared the trauma of a repeat performance. So finding an offer in the local Supermarket for multi buying Easter Eggs I decided there had to be an egg hunt obviously; and with a certain amount of alcohol thrown in it should be fun. Knowing how Carl ALWAYS cheats at games I waited until he was out and then hid all the eggs. The rest of the team arrived and Simon insisted we kicked off the evening with a game of charades. If you have watched the episodes then you will know all about Simon’s strong Irish accent, well his spelling is unique too and trying to guess his clues is practically impossible. However, you have to humour him, Bless! As the evening progressed and food and alcohol were consumed in less than equal measures, Carl remembered the eggs I’d hidden. Simon instantly jumped up and exclaimed,

“Holy Feck! I’m finding those eggs!” And promptly starts attacking all my cupboards. Merrick was next, shouting out loud. “Peter get searching!” The rest needed no prompting and soon I had an empty lounge but the house resounded to the stampede of overgrown boys searching for chocolate eggs. I dare not disclose any more details because I have been sworn into silence never to retell the end of this night’s events. All I will say is try and imagine what a Medium would be like who has too much alcohol and on a huge sugar rush. I thought Carl was the biggest cheat I knew, but a Medium using his skills to find out where the Easter Eggs where hidden! Well I’ll leave you to imagine what the rest of the evening was like...... All my Love, Annette Pielding Twitter: @AnnettePielding

Comfort From Beyond to Grieving Pet Parents By Rob Gutro The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet parents. The love we share with our pets never dies, and there’s proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side, just as people do who pass. Pet parents like me think about and mourn the loss of their pets often. I think about my late dogs Buzz and Sprite every day, just as people mourn the passing of their human children. Why? Because, we taught them how to go to the bathroom, bathed them, groomed them, took them to (obedience) school and was excited at their graduation, watch them interact with others, take them to the doctor when they’re sick, play with them, teach them, make friends, learn, love etc. They share with us love, anger, fear, and excitement just like human children do. Event Dr. Stanley Coren tested dogs and proved many have the intelligence of a 3-4 year old child. Dogs know when we’re disappointed in them if they tear something up - and we come home, find out and they cringe. They know when we’re sick and stay by our side, like human kids do. The only difference to me is that our pets don’t do have careers, fall in love, move out and take care of us when we’re old. What’s more, and more is that we often have to make the decision to put our “pet child” to final rest, something human parents don’t really contend with unless in certain tragic circumstances and that is the hardest part of unconditional love. My dogs are my children. I am responsible for feeding, caring, loving them and keeping them healthy, just as humans are with human children. Anyone that has had dogs, cats, horses and some birds know they understand words and body language.

They have the intelligence and ability to send signs to the living after they pass. Learn about the different levels of intelligence that a pet develops and how they are used to communicate signs to the living after the pet passes away. I’m a dog owner, dog rescue volunteer, medium/paranormal investigator for Inspired Ghost Tracking of Md. and scientist. I wrote my new book “Pets and the Afterlife” to bring comfort to people (like me) who lost a pet. I’m a dog dad who lost two of my own beloved dogs and both have communicated with me, just as everyone’s pets are trying to get messages to their parents. The book provides a lot of different ways that pets can send us messages. As a scientist I’ve always tried to prove messages. So, I’ve included amazing new scientific studies that prove our pets have emotions and personalities. There’s also science behind why living pets can sense entities.

Do you ever see your dog or cat staring at an empty corner of the room? It may very well be because your Aunt Betty’s spirit has come to visit, or there may be a ghostly cat that never crossed over from the previous owner. Because pets have the ability to sense Earth-bound ghosts or spirits (who have crossed into the light) dogs are especially good on paranormal investigations, and I took my Weimaraner on one and she helped solve a mysterious canine mystery. Did you know that when it’s our time to go, that our dog or cat will be waiting for us? It happened to my mom and my dad when they passed. If you’re like me, you have your dog or cats ashes at home and they help keep your pet with you from time to time. One of the boxes of ashes is my late puppy Buzz, who turned out to be the world’s best canine communicator. His story, a story of our late dog Sprite’s butterfly message and stories from many others of how their pets gave messages from beyond are included. Three of the chapters are written by well-known mediums whose own dogs returned and communicated with them to assure them they were at peace. The book features medium Barb Mallon, Ruthie Larkin the Beantown Medium and Troy Cline.

A fellow dog rescue volunteer also provided an amazing story of how a ghost dog rescued her! I wrote the book to help others find hope, peace and comfort that our pets are still around, and that the love that binds lives forever. ***** The author maintains a weekly blog, Facebook and Twitter pages, where he posts about paranormal topics, and where people can share their stories or find other resources on the paranormal. The books, “Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead,” and “Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium,” are available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: Published by CreateSpace, Inc. For the author’s blog and upcoming appearances, visit: insightsfromamedium Medium

Coming up next month More articles from Jensen House, Jan Murphy, James Kemp Ashley Waterhouse, Kate Bowman, Becky Head, Justin Pearce, Scariest Places. NEW Upcoming Event’s Guide Email us your Event to have it listed in The Supernatural News* If you wish to get involved in The Supernatural News or advertise with us please email us at

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