Issue 6

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Issue 6 Featuring Andrew House Ashley Waterhouse Jan Murphy James Kemp Kate Bowman Becky Head Justin Pearce Scariest Places

Issue 3

In This Month issue UK Ghost’s Stories By Andrew House England History By Ashley Waterhouse Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy Guide to Supernatural By James Kemp Taroscopes By Kate Bowman Magic for you to do at home By Becky Head Guide to Mediumship By Justin Pearce Scariest Places Pendle Hill Special Part 2

Front Cover credits Designer - sandra foley, Model - Yrcanis Collado, Makeup artist and hair - Yrcanis Collado, Photographer - Jason Nappi

UK Ghost’s Stories By Andrew House Tudor House Southampton’s most important historic building, Tudor House reveals over 800 years of history in one fascinating location at the heart of the Old Town. Staff had told us that there was one room where Dogs refused to The timber-framed building facing enter and another room in which St Michael’s Square was built in many people, including members the late 15th Century, with King of the public, have had paranormal John’s Palace, an adjacent Norman experiences. house accessible from Tudor House We began by performing ‘base line’ Garden, dating back a further 300 tests, taking background readings years. on our EMF meter. We found no magnetic fluctuations. Tudor House gives a unique The first room we decided to invesand atmospheric insight into tigate was the green room, on the the lives and times of both its residents through the years, and of first floor of the house where apparitions had been seen and Dogs had Southampton itself. refused to enter. Andrew House spent one night in Tudor House, one of Southampton’s most Haunted locations.

A Few Members of the team used dowsing rods, it appeared they had contacted a spirit. The spirit indicated that it did not want us in the building and it was at this point that several members saw a dark figure at the other end of the room. In the upper Georgian room, we caught many orbs on our digital cameras and I felt something touch my head. It was in this room that the EMF reader detected strong magnetic fields. Remember - during the base line tests carried out earlier, no magnetic fluctuations were found.

The Children of one of the moment Reverends claimed The most impressive of to be surprised when they discovered that our investigation was when three Borley Rectory was being dubbed England’s of ushaunted heard house footsteps onthey thehad floor most because seen anythingus. paranormal at followed all. above This was by a loud bang. I ran upstairs to find out One former resident believed so much that it what it was. that As we around wasn’t haunted a TVlooked documentary had to the house, feltthreatened breathing my ear be halted afterIshe legalinaction its producers. She noted that be the found ghosts offor Borley but no reason could were not real. any of these paranormal events. However, there has also been a lot of support for Prices work including from renowned The investigation at Tudor investigation Peter Underwood whofelt stated House went well and we all that he believed Prices work was accurate and many paranormal experiences. that he did not create any phenomena.

Admittedly 90% of the experiences One question does alwaysbut come to mind. could be explained, 10% could Why was this house so haunted? The annot. It’s that 10% you have to worry swer lies with the history of the land it was about! built on. The house was built on the former grounds of a 13th century monastery and the reason for the Nuns was that there was a convent not too far away. It’s alleged the frequented the monastery.

Perhaps this is the reason why the house was believed to be doomed from the start. The house may have been burned down but it seems the ghosts aren’t in a rush to leave. Just take a look on Youtube and you can browse through thousands of videos of people who have tried to encounter the spirits of the rectory. Most seem to focus on the church which was left empty and locked by a metal chain. Those brave enough to approach the church have experienced its organ playing by itself, a ghostly choir singing and other strange phenomena which you have to admit it pretty firm evidence considering you couldn’t get in to the church itself.

England History by Ashley Waterhouse History of Torture and Executions. When you hear the words Torture and Execution what is the first thing that comes to mind? Tower of London, Witch Hunts, Dungeons and Gaols, the Inquisition, Hangings and Beheadings or even the words High Treason. Some of you may have heard the stories or even the history of fames people through time who have been Tortured or Executed to name just a few King Charles I who was beheaded in 1649 the same as Sir Walter Raleigh 1618. Guy Fawkes was Hanged, Drawn and Quartered after being Tortured for many days in 1605, and also Joan of Arc who was burned at the stake 1431 in the North of French by the English. The reason I wish to speak about Torture and Executions is because some of the location that paranormal group’s investigate still hold the remands of somewhere people were held as prisoners, tortured or even executed. this will give you an idea of

how they were operated but also how brutal they were when torturing people.

I know of many locations that hold objects that were used for Execution like the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham, Tower of London, Little Dean Jail, Warwick Castle and even Derby Gaol. I’m going to speak about some of the items which were used from around the world but also in England, this will give you an idea of how they were operated but also how brutal they were when torturing people. The Wickerman The Wickerman was devised by the Druids, they had many customs of law, punishment and executions within there traditions. As most of us has seen the wicker man film with Christopher Lee you will know how big the construction was but also there rituals. These giant wood and straw cages made in the shape of a man were filled with people which were sacrificial or criminals sentenced to death and then animals before being set alight. Could you imagine the smell of people burning and the sound of people screaming.

Crucifixion Crucifixion was so common in the 6th century BC and 4th century AD as a form of punishment for those who would wager war agents the Roman Empire. There were two types of crucifix’s one being the Christian cross which was in the shape of a (T) which Jesus was put on. Secondly we had the St Andrews cross which was in the shape of an (X), but the prisoner would have been strapped to the crucifix first and left to die from starvation. We then later nailed prisoners to the cross through there palms and there feet this would have been a slow and painful death. The Strappado The victim who was going to be placed on the strappado for torturing would have there wrists tied behind there back and then suspended in the air of a cell or a dungeon. The torturer would pull the rope from time asking you questions on what you know. If the torturer though you were holding back information he would of then added weights to you legs to the effect of increase more pain. Then with the weight on your body and arms this would dislocates both your arms if it did not then a short drop on the rope with a yank would.

The Wheel The wheel was so popular for punishment in Europe. The prisoner would have been lead to the scaffold in a clock to which the executioner would of ripped off to reveal the prisoner in a pair of lined pants and nothing else. The prisoner would then have to lay down on the wheel and stretched into place. The job of the executioner would be to smash every limbs one by one till they are broken with a large hefty iron bar. The wheel would be raised for the public to see the prisoner die with his last breath of air and the execution to deliver the finial blow to there chest to kill them.The wheel was also turned into a other forms of torture like a bed of nails, turning over a fire and many more. Pressing to Death A plea of guilty or otherwise was once essential in British trails. There was an advantage in maintaining silence, so the courts crushed the defendant until a response was forthcoming. (Taken from the history of torture and executions book) If you was sentenced to be pressed to death by a judge you would be take to the darkest deepest dungeon where you will be striped naked and tide spread eagle to the floor where you will receive a board placed on your chest and stomach. Everyday weights will be added till you confess, this would crush your ribs and organs which would kill you in the end.

The Brazen Bull The Brazen Bull went under a couple of names from Bronze Bull or Sicilian Bull. This device was deigned by the Ancient Greeks as a form of torture and execution. This device was the actual size of a bull it was made from bronze or other metals, it also had a door which was fitted to which the victim would have been placed inside the hollow shell of the bull and locked in. Then a raging fire would have been lit under the bull the heat of that fire would then start to make the victim feel very uncomfortable they would of started to scream out for help then they would start to dehydrate fast but also suffocate with the heat of the steam. The shell of the bull would have been so bright with the heat the body instead would have been roasted and the smell of cooked flesh escaping out the nostrils of the bull. Here are only a few punishments by Torture and Execution that were used around the world but in my next article it will be part 2 talking about Hangings Drawn and Quartered, Beheadings with the Axe or the Sword, and what Prisons would of wear in the cells or dungeons. If your wanting to know more about other history topics in your area for this magazine please write to the editor and let them know what you would like and I will try and sort it out.

Haunting’s of Australia By Jan Murphy Raymond Terrace- NSW, Australia Raymond Terrace is a town in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia, about 26 km by road north of Newcastle on the Pacific Highway. The town dates back to 1801 when Convicts were brought in by the government, and later, European settlers put down roots here also. It is said to be one of the most notorious Aussie towns to experience the wierd and the paranormal and there are allegedly several haunted houses and areas here were ghosts are believed to roam frequently! With many tales of murder, suicide, rape and crime in this region, it’s not surprising perhaps that this town seems to be rife with rumours of hauntings.

The main street in Raymond Terrace was originally King Street, however this all changed in 1955 when a massive flood engulfed the entire lower Hunter region, drowning many unfortunate people. The centre of the town then moved up into William Street to higher ground. The floods didn’t seem to bother the ghosts at all though as several of the timber One such rumour takes us to the town’s shops in King Street, which were built quaint little church, even this place in the late 1800’s, claim to have resident claims to harbour a restless spirit or two. We are led to believe that, tragically, ghosts in them. The Raymond Terrace the remains of aborted fetuses lie buried Masonic Hall, which is now a private within its walls and locals have reported residence, boasts to having two of its hearing the sounds of crying eminating very own ghosts. One, a lady who likes from the building’s old fireplace at night. to stand on the verrandah, the other, a gentleman who likes to finish off peoples On investigation, the crying ceases and drinks should they leave them alone for a nothing can be found to account for it. moment! He is believed to have haunted here since the 1870’s and is said to be benevolent and mischeivious.

The banks of the Hunter River at Raymond Terrace was once the scene of a brutal murder and since then this area has been stalked by the apparition of a woman known only as the “White Lady”. She presents herself in full period clothing as she wanders along, some say, in search of her attackers. Hunter Street, which runs parallel to the river, has two historic homes which are also reputed to be haunted by their former occupants- one of which likes to move things about the house during the night. And a large two storey federation home called “Cooee” is known to locals simply as “The Haunted House”. According to folklore someone committed suicide by hanging themselves on the stairwell here and an eerie presence has remained ever since. Some find the atmosphere in this house too uncomfortable to bear- fleeing as soon as they get the opportunity.

The Fremantle Arts Centre, Westerm Australia This imposing building in WA wasn’t always an Arts centre, in fact, prior to this, it was actually operated as an asylum for the mentally insane. The large stone building was built by convicts and dates back to 1864. Through the years it has also served as a women’s home, a naval base during WW1 and WW2 and a technical college before opening as Fremantle Arts Centre in 1972.

They claim to have their hair gently pulled or feel icy hands around their shoulders. Another tragic death to happen here was the murder of a woman, Mrs. Clifford, in 1900. She was unfortunately killed at the hands of a very violent patient. Could her spirit be responible for some of the activity experienced here? Moans and cries have been heard many times, accompanied by The historic site is believed to be one of the intense feelings of sadness and anxiety. most haunted buildings in the Southern Some visitors have had to leave the Hemisphere with literally hundreds of building due to an overwhelming semse reported paranormal incidents occurring of panic, only to feel competely fine again here in recent years alone. People report once outside. various phenomena such as; unwelcome feelings, cold spots, figures mysteriously The courtyard is also a hotspot for ghost appearing in photographs, feelings of sightings. Apparitions of men in old being touched and more commonly hair clothes have been witnessed walking being tugged! Doors open and close of through this area before promptly their own accord, and disembodied voices disppearing. Back inside the main have been recorded several times. building, heavy footsteps have been heard and recorded by ghost hunters, even The most notorious ghost to haunt this though the floors are now carpeted. building is that of a young mother who was placed in the asylum during the On the first floor people complain of being 1800’s after her child was sadly abducted. watched and some staff members feel they The mother never got over this awful are being followed around up there which incident and went mad as a result. She is quite alarming for them. One visitor later commited suicide by throwing herself reported having the sensation of being from one of the windows on the second kissed on the cheek while others claim to floor- people passing by the building claim have seen darting shadows in the corners to see her ghost standing at the same of their eyes, only to vanish when they window! It’s alleged that her child was a turn to look. On the main staircase people red haired little girl and it’s been reported have been “pushed along”, or shoved in that red haired people often tend be the back, some almost toppling down and targeted by her spirit when they enter the hurting themselves. buiding.

Menangle House- Sydney, Australia When the new owners of Menangle House arrived home from their holiday, they expected to find their friends house-sitting and awaiting their return. Instead, they found an empty house with the doors wide open, and dinner still laid out on the table. Confused, they called their friends to ask what had happened. The response was, “why didn’t you tell us the house is haunted”? Apparently they had fled the place, unable to bare the frightening and inexplicable activity any longer! Delving deeper, it was discovered that old Menangle House had a dark past of killings and suicide. Whether you are believer in ghosts or not, the history itself is enough to send a shiver down your spine. The property is situated on an empty stretch of highway, in south-western Sydney. Menangle House was built in 1834 by George Taber and his convicts. Divided by class, the house was used as a lodge and a bar that now holds the oldest servery in Australia. Apparently four children drowned by the river close by and a 19-year-old girl hung herself in the house. It’s also rumoured that upto seven babies are buried beneath the property. The old parlour, now part museum, has a heavy atmosphere and many people feel it too uncomfirtable to stay. The walls are covered with old photographs and the faces of the children look stricken and sad which adds to morbid ambience. Psychic mediums who have visited the property have all claimed that the grounded spirits of mis-treated convicts lurk here, apparenty unable to move on. Perhaps some of the recorded spooky experiences here can be attributed to them. With chairs moving, doors opening and closing, lights flicking off and on in the night, and the sounds of footsteps heard thudding about, it’s not surprising that many people would refuse spending a night alone here.

Guide to the Supernatural By James Kemp The Real exorcist story. USA Missouri in 1949. A teenager, who was given the name Roland Doe to protect his identity, was born into a German Lutheran Christian family and initially lived with his parents in Prince George’s Roland was awake. The shaking County, Maryland. ceased when Father Bowdern blessed the bed with Holy Water. As an only child, Roland was dependent on adults for company, in particular his Aunt Harriet, who was a spiritualist and introduced him to the Ouija board.

The boy’s parents began to notice strange occurrences such as his bed shaking, furniture moving across the room and scratching noises coming from inside the walls. When they called in the local Bishop’s Father Bowdern began the Litany of the Saints, as indicated in the exorcism ritual. In the course of the Litany, the mattress began to shake.

‘The prayers of the exorcism were continued and Roland was shaking violently that he began to struggle with his pillow and the bed clothing. Roland had to be held by three men by his arms, legs, and head. Roland body was badly scratched and branded including the word ‘HELLO’ was printed on his chest and thigh. Scratches appeared from Roland hips to his ankles in heavy lines, seemingly as a protest to Holy Communion.’

At first, the exorcism was hit with repeated failure, with one priest being slashed with a bed spring. An image of the devil’s face also apparently appeared on Roland’s leg. But the possession finally came to an end when during the final session the young boy unexpectedly cried out: ‘Satan! I am Saint Michael! I command you to leave this body now!’ After his body went into a violent spasm, he uttered: ‘He is gone!’ After his exorcism, according to Father Bishop’s diary, the boy became ‘a fine young man’ Roland apparently married, raised children and maintained a long and productive career with the US government before retiring, reportedly to suburban Maryland. He has never spoken publicly about the case.

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Taroscopes for July/August By Kate Bowman August September Tarotscopes Happy Birthday Virgo - Virgo sun starts from around 23rd august to September 22nd. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, to be exact, and that’s the way Virgos like it: exacting. Their ‘attention to detail’ is for a reason: to help others. They are industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by Virgos is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good. Virgos enjoy indulging their practical and logical side and poring over their projects to the nth degree. To say they are good at fact-finding almost understates the case, since Virgos revel in their exacting behavior and are a whiz with minutiae. Virgins are an asset in the workplace as they can be counted on to get things right the first time, every time and no detail will be overlooked. They are also balanced and fair in their assessments in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to this sign.

The Element associated with Virgo is Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the Earth, and in keeping with that, most communicator. A Virgo’s brain is in Virgos are grounded, salt-of-the-earth overdrive most of the time, which is types. The flash and dash can go to othwhy these folks get so much done. ers, since Virgos would much rather be Those born under this sign are also able humble and easy-going. That said, Vircommunicators and use their mental gins do enjoy material possessions and acuity to maximum advantage. Virgos are (dare we say?) picky about what they enjoy studying a situation in great bring into their lives. Some might even detail, whether it’s a work project or a go as far as calling them self-centered, friendship. Virgins are truly interested in but it’s really more of a desire to surunderstanding things. The bane of many round themselves with what’s right -- for Virgos is the perfectionism that can get them. This knack for discernment also in the way of their usual clear thinking. serves Virgos well in business, where Along those lines, Virgos are also neat their decisions are usually dead-on. and clean, save for the occasional sloppy Working out is elemental for Virgo, if Virgin (they do exist). Virgins are also only so they know intellectually that reliable and practical and oh-so-useful to they’re helping themselves physically. have around. See, the benefits of exercise are far more important to Virgo than the process itself. That’s why Virgos are likely to time themselves on their runs and get in those 300 sit-ups every day. When it comes to the game of love, Virgos are able to loosen up somewhat and are devoted to their lovers, even if they can be a bit jealous. Since Virgo rules the intestines, worried Virgos need to be wary of bowel upsets. Soothing relief often comes in the way of earth tones, which is why Virgos like to be surrounded by shades of tan and a warm yellow. The great strength of the Virgo-born is in their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail. When merged with their willingness to serve, Virgos become essential helpmates.

Virgo - This months card for you is Justice - Balance and doing things for the right reasons and fairness of justice taking place.It is time for you to do the right thing, make a big move that involves absolutes or to accept responsibility for some of your actions and move on, the Justice card represents a situation facing you that requires a decision. This indicates that your coming decision is an irreversible one and that your free will in making it will be a force that pours a foundation on which the rest of your life may be setting.The scales are balanced and the truth will come to light for the good a fairness of a situation. Judgements are to be made ad disputes should be resolved

Scorpio - This months card for you is 6 cups - Past emotions, people from the past coming back around you or are you living in the past too much? This is not a negative trait and you may need to do this in order to release pressure and stresses from the adult world of living.You may have mad a decision and been rather naive or if you about to make a decision be aware not to let your emotions rule. Enjoy playful energy of fun and freedom this month , don’t take things too seriously remember how children play the freedom the fun, that is what this card is reminding you to d this month. The need for healing on an emotional connection is also linked here maybe for a female relative.

Libra - This month card for you is the King of swords - There could be a new authority figure in your life, or you may be needing to seek or give constructive logical and practical advice.Good council is linked to this card. You may be in a position where you need to speak the truth and speak up for what you believe. This energy is sound advice and should be listened too. Focus on the important factors remove the emotional side of things to make clear choices.

Sagittarius - This month card for you is the 8 cups - let it go! - The time is coming when you realize what you want an do not want and you may be walking away from someone or a situation that no longer serves you. Your path way is now changing and you are going in search or new ventures leaving old ones behind. Don’t look back trust you are moving on the right path way. the old path has now crumbled and is no longer yours to walk while this new path is exciting and ventures to your own needs much more. Capricorn - Your card for this month is the Ace of wands - What a great card! New working ideas, new job prospects ,new opportunity’s all round. Ideas are coming at you like there is no tomorrow! you are gaining more confidence and maybe in a new field to allow your ideas and creativity to grow. Are you starting a new business?

The feeling of wanting to create something as a means of self-expression building up within you .The Ace of Wands is the ultimate card of revealing the creative path that one is on.This card Indicates your need to take a definitive stance. If you are torn about working in a rigid, confining, safe career or breaking out into the unknown and making your own way in the world, the Ace of Wands in the present position guarantees that it is time to abandon all drudgery and blaze a trail of your own. Aquarius - The card for you this month is the 6 pentacles -This indicates your identification with material wants and needs may be out of balance with who you really are, whether your needs are being met and what you really want anyway. You may be getting a bonus or a payout of money but it will be used for something like repaying debt, in one hand out the other. A loan of monies or a share out or material wealth. Trying to get a balance of material things here. It may be you who is loaning the monies or helping someone else balance their material needs This card here indicates that some forces are controlling your finances but by making better choices you can be in a better position. Be careful what you wish for you may just get it and the outcome may be not what you expected.

Pisces - Your card for this month is 8 swords - Frustrations and feeling trapped or hemmed in to situations you would rather be free from. You may feel like there is no let up or now clear view is in sight to the end of a frustrating time. But this will clear . Sometimes we trap our selves through our own mind sets and actions this means we can break free from this our selves. You may be holding yourself back because you fear moving into the future, or because you are wary of getting hurt by a new situation, or maybe for no reason at all. Think through what it is that you’re afraid of. The truth of the situations are probably much less frightening than your mind is making it out to be. Aries - Your card for the month is the queen of pentacles - What a strong card! You have been nurtured into a place of happiness or are bettering a person, yourself or a situation This card can represent you, your potential, or someone who appears at some point during this month to help advice and assist.The Queen of Pentacles signals that you are either enjoying a time now of being taken care of or are happily taking care of someone. Fortune and luck are smiling on you now, businesses are looking good.You should see your security balanced and a solid foundation for what you have built upon and worked hard to ensure stability for now and your future.

Taurus - The card for you this month is the 3 swords - Oh dear. Are you feeling alone? Abandoned? Betrayed? Have irreconcilable differences divided a once healthy relationship? The Three of Swords is a card that represents your pain. But this is also a card that appears to warn you that you may be inflicting cruelty upon others. Are you prepared to accept a neutral opinion of your contributions to an abusive or volatile situation?Release past hurts and betrayals, let go of what s holding you back emotionally so you can move forward more free. Operations may also be indicated around you or someone close.

Taurus - The card for you this month is the 3 swords - Oh dear. Are you feeling alone? Abandoned? Betrayed? Have irreconcilable differences divided a once healthy relationship? The Three of Swords is a card that represents your pain. But this is also a card that appears to warn you that you may be inflicting cruelty upon others. Are you prepared to accept a neutral opinion of your contributions to an abusive or volatile situation?Release past hurts and betrayals, let go of what s holding you back emotionally so you can move forward more free. Operations may also be indicated around you or someone close.

Gemini - The card for you this month is the Sun - Good news on a family front, fun laughter and being child like while enjoying yourself. The sun is an indicator that everything is going in the right direction for you. When you are feeling at your best emotionally, physically and psychologically, The Sun confirms that it is no illusion – things really are going well!The Sun is a card that indicates the universe is conspiring in your favor. The horse represents being taken along on your journey with less effort. Rebirth into a new phase of your life. welcome to a new you. Perhaps you are starting over. This is a card that indicates that your good choices are adding up to create a great life. You are having a good effect on others too. This is the concept of blending a built-in knowledge of your purpose in life with your intuition on how to maximize this purpose. The serene face of the sun in this card reflects the peace you are at when you know yourself.

Gemini - The card for you this month is the Sun - Good news on a family front, fun laughter and being child like while enjoying yourself.

The sun is an indicator that everything is going in the right direction for you. When you are feeling at your best emotionally, physically and psychologically, The Sun confirms that it is no illusion – things really are going well!The Sun is a card that indicates the universe is conspiring in your favor. The horse represents being taken along on your journey with less effort. Rebirth into a new phase of your life. welcome to a new you. Perhaps you are starting over. This is a card that indicates that your good choices are adding up to create a great life. You are having a good effect on others too. This is the concept of blending a built-in knowledge of your purpose in life with your intuition on how to maximize this purpose. The serene face of the sun in this card reflects the peace you are at when you know yourself.

The Angel card & message for the month ahead is... Angel Vanessa - To make your decision ask yourself what will bring you closer to your divine purpose? And which way takes me away from it? - By following your purpose you are on track and things will fall into place almost effortlessly, when things are a struggle or too many delays this a sign now is not the right time or life track. While we have many lessons to learn and do no wish for a simple bring life too many obstacles can be spirits way of delaying things and helping you to realize your natural path way journey. Bringing peace to yourself and to others is our divine purpose. Take some time out to meditate on the questions and see what pops into your mind as your first response this will be guides from your angels and guides. your indecision may come from a fear of the unknown or making changes - slowly introduce your new direction into your daily life and ease out of your old self. it wont appear to be so daunting and you will be more open to the positive vibrations Truly Blessings Kate Bowman Kate Bowman - Facebook - Trulytarot Twitter - TrulytarotUK

Magic for you to do at home. By Becky Head Once in a Blue Moon... It is a good idea to have a clear out. I don’t mean you should go through your wardrobe and throw away all the clothes you no longer wear or take them all to a charity shop (although that is also a good idea), instead I mean a clear out of all the junk stored in your mind that you no longer need and that doesn’t do you any favours. That excess baggage that ruins a good nights sleep. So for this spell you will need: A cauldron (or other suitable container for burning things in) Tea Light,Some pieces of paper, A pen Dragons Blood. To start this spell you may want to set the scene and prepare yourself. Light some candles, burn some incense, listen to some music and spend some time thinking about all the thoughts you have in your head that you don’t like but can’t seem to shake.

You could go into a meditation with this and that may help to release some extra thoughts that you may not have realised were draining you. This could be anything from wrong decisions you may have made that keep playing over and over in your mind and winding you up. The type of thoughts that usually creep in when your just about to go to bed, shattered, and then BAM, wide awake as they prevent you from sleeping. You know the ones...the what ifs and the whys and the how did that happen and the OMG’s. When you have your collection of junk thoughts, write them all down on your bits of paper, write as many down as your have, the more the better, get rid of as much baggage as you can, or until you get bored of writing them. Then light your tea light and place it in your cauldron, one by one start to throw each of your pieces of paper into the flame, you may have other things to add to the cauldron that go with these thoughts such as photos or letters that you may want to throw in as well. Anything that will burn that will help you to get rid of the thoughts.

If you wanted you could do this with an outside bonfire or if you have an open fire at home you can use that. When you have the flames throw in some dragons blood, then sit back and watch the fire consume your all your negative baggage. If you wanted to you could chant a few words such as: “Once in a blue moon, I cleanse my mind of negativity, These thoughts that I have keep me locked in captivity. Captive from the world and away from my dreams lost in a darkness full of my own screams. Once in a blue moon when this spell has been done, I’m free from my restraints a new happiness has begun I look in the flames and what do I see, My future filled with joy So mote it be.” Or if these words do not resonate with you, you can make up your own words to chant while burning your paper.

When all the paper has turned to ash it may be a good idea to go out to the forest or the sea and throw the ashes to the wind thinking all the time about the thoughts now being gone from your mind. Feel yourself being freed from your own guilt and punishment, let it all go and if need be, have a good cry to get it all out. Then go home and have a good scrub in the bath, cleanse your physical body too and take some time to relax and think happy thoughts, fill the space where the bad ones once were, fill it with happiness and joy and a whole load of positives that make you smile.

Join Becky Head on: TheSouthamptonWitches

Guide to Mediumship By Justin Pearce Opening the door I have recently set up a school to develop mediumship, healing and psychic abilities. The school is doing well with a little family atmosphere growing. One thing I have noticed and I remember from my starting point in this life was that you are always open. Once spirit have worked their magic and got it through to you that you have this ability and you find yourself in a group developing this gift. You then open up to this world. When I first started I would be walking through Sainsbury’s and be picking up all sorts of messages about people. I would be leaning in the freezer getting a joint for Sunday and I would hear someone say that the person next to me has lost their granny. It was all a bit much to be honest.

I also found that I had a lot of trouble sleeping at night with the voices and the people’s faces behind my eyes. But I did get really excited too about my new found world. I found that living with the spirit world was much for fun than living in this world and wanted to connect with them all the time. Even in the pub. But as much as it’s exciting to delve into this world, you must remember that you need to live here too. Not getting much sleep soon gets old.

Also, I got messages and people through that didn’t appear to be very nice. Some were angry and some said some pretty nasty things. I also saw accidents before they happened.

A way of stopping the negative and the unwelcome messages is when you are ready to work. Put yourself somewhere in your head to receive messages from spirit.

I put myself onto a railway bridge I was walking over a railway bridge and a train pulls up to the station one morning and it popped into with the spirit on board. They get my head that there would be a train off and speak to me and I give the crash later that day somewhere near messages on. It really works for me. London. That afternoon it was on I can then switch it off or on when the news that a train had crashed I want too and not in the middle of and lots of people were hurt. the night or in Sainsbury. It is possible to cherry pick what you are receiving from spirit and a good way to do this is to join a development class, or if you are in one already to work with the teacher to disable some of the information received. It’s not a nice thing to receive some of this information but it’s exciting too to get things through and be able to pass a message on. Just be careful who you pass messages too as well. Some people don’t believe or wouldn’t appreciate a psychic walking up to them in a pub or on the street with a message.

Justin Pearce is available for private and party Tarot, Palm and Mediumship evenings and private one to one readings in the daytime. Call 07723 406630 or go to and download his free book Love and Light Justin Pearce www.justinpearcepsychic.weebly. com

C. Daniel Chandler I’ve been writing the first book in what I hope to be a series called The Sceptic Truth. In preparing to write the series, I first had to understand my own stance on the supernatural, and even read a couple of books in the name of research to help build -hopefully- a somewhat believable universe. A universe that, regardless of personal opinion or fact, is home to spirits, demons, and anything else that goes bump in the night. Firstly, I am a sceptic. I will always consider any evidence to be incorrectly identified or fake. To me, it’s just more likely to be misconstrued than paranormal. But I am open to the idea that ghosts and everything else may actually exist to a degree. I only actually read one book in the name of research, and I didn’t make it past the half-way mark. I found it difficult because I expected the book to be serious. To focus on the factual side of the paranormal. When the author had finished describing the theory and moved on to his own experiences, I couldn’t help but feel that it was all purely in the name of entertainment. My sceptical side kicked in. I think if I were a believer, I would have taken the second half of the book to be the author putting the theory into practice. But to me, it was nothing more than storytelling. People have described their experiences to me, and all I can think is ‘your imagination is running away with you’. I’m in no position to tell anyone that what they believe happened is wrong. How could I possibly know? I wasn’t there. But to me, it is much more likely that at that moment you struggled to explain what happened and so the only possible solution was ghost! And I’ve been there myself. Even scrolling through pages like this, watching the videos and analysing the photographs, I get a shiver down my spine.

A creak in the hallway or the rustling of leaves outside becomes louder and grabs my attention. I’m suddenly aware that the door behind me is wide open, that someone or something could be standing behind me. Watching. But I know there isn’t. Emotion heightens our senses. I went on a ‘ghost walk’ in nearby Edinburgh for Halloween last year. We were all standing in a pitch-black room within a bridge where literally hundreds of people at a time were forced to live in horrible conditions. As the guide was telling us about a young boy who haunts the room and takes things from visitors pockets, the shadows began to take shape, to move. It felt as though someone was prowling the darkness. Later in the walk we were escorted into a crypt in a graveyard that was used to imprison heretics until their deaths. We were told about a vicious poltergeist that would descend from the ceiling. As soon as I entered I became overwhelmingly hot and began to sweat. I had a splitting headache. I felt like I was going to pass out. But upon leaving the crypt ... I was fine. Were these feelings and experiences real? Yes. I felt them. But they were developed by the power of suggestion. There was no ghost of a pickpocket lurking in the shadows. There was no poltergeist waiting in hiding. As a sceptic, I believe that my eyes brought the shadows to life rather than a spirit. I think it may have been Derren Brown (an English illusionist) who said that people who are being hypnotised will play along without realising it so as not to disappoint the hypnotist or the audience. Perhaps I didn’t want to disappoint the guide when he was building the atmosphere in the crypt? But in developing my book series, I have thought a lot about it. Opinion. I have chosen to interpret those experiences as suggestive, as imagination carrying me away. But could someone else just as easily interpret them as genuine paranormal experiences? Whether what I experienced was one or the other can never be determined beyond my own interpretation. And in saying that, could it mean that the paranormal is only as real as we want it to be?

Scariest Places: Pendle Hill Special Part 2 Hello everyone, it is I, Merrick Alora, hope you’ve all had fun since we last spoke. Now where were we up to…. That was it, myself and Dale Winton the scarecrow where on a mission to find out where the chanting was coming from and to also help Dale get back to London so he can continue his career with the BBC... Just another ordinary day I guess... We turned away from the hut to carry on down the path when we saw what We continued down the yellow path can only be described as a tin shaped heading towards a wooded area. It was woman, she was standing adjacent to beginning to look and feel spooky and the hut but she was lifeless.. She stood in my opinion it was turning into a not lifeless, as if time had stopped, well for boss situation, however I have been in her anyway. Her tin shaped features theses situations before and to be honest reminded me very much of a young I’m getting quite used to them. Myself Marilyn Monroe. and Dale Winton the scarecrow came across an odd shaped hut that looked She was made up of all different types like a lumberjack was living there. There of tin. Her top hat was made from a bin was chopped wood everywhere. We lid, her body was made out of an old peered through the window but there washing machine drum and her feet was no one home. Maybe they were out were made out of old cans, and what a chopping a tree down... Who knows? fine set of cans they where as well. After a few minutes of eyeing up her body,

myself and Dale began to hear a noise which seemed to be coming from her mouth. It was as if she was trying to talk to us but couldn’t open her mouth! We began to look around to see if there was anything we could find to help her. On the ground next to her feet was on old oil can with the word “FOOD” scratched onto the side so we picked it up and started squeezing the lever letting the oily substance drip round her mouth. Eventually she opened it wide enough to be able to communicate with us. “Oh help me, help me”, she cried, “I need some help, maybe you two could help me”. “What is it” I asked. She started to tell us that she was ever so upset. She said that she couldn’t go on anymore with life. At this point I was starting to feel really sad for this very attractive tin shaped vintage lookalike Marilyn Monroe.. She began to cry oil, yes very odd, but I assure you it was oil. “I am so very sad and heartbroken, my beautiful man who I had planned on being with for the rest of my life has left me, just gone off with the floozy from the neighboring village”.

“That is not “ I replied very abruptly. Do you want us to track him down and kill him” Noooo... I’m upset that he left me but nobody deserves to die. All I want is a brand new heart, so that I can finally move on and live a new life” “Well, myself and Dale are on our way to speak with my new spirit guide. Maybe if you come with us then he might be able to help you in finding a new heart” I suggested. “Really? Oh that would be amazing if you could. I am so very heartbroken here alone with only my thoughts. I do hope he will be able to help me move on. Thank you”. “Well then that’s sorted, right Dale, you grab the oil can and I’ll do the rest”. Dale looked at me as if I was going to mount the new arrival there and then. I laughed and grabbed herby the hand, “Let’s go everyone, Let’s go Marilyn and see if we can get you a new heart”.

Until next time!! Much Love Merrick

“But how can any guy leave such a lovely tin shaped woman like yourself ”. Twitter: @MerrickAlora I said. “He told me that he was trading me in for a younger model”, she sobbed.

A chat with Dan the Cameraman! Hi I’m Dan The Cameraman I started to help with the filming on Scariest places when Carl asked if I was able to help film the day the teams were heading to Pendle. The filming on the day was going great, when we got back to the editing suite to review the footage, the only footage we had of the show was of the historian Simon Entwistle. It turned out that as I was new to the filming scene I forgot to remove the lens cap of the camera and Merrick and Annette were not happy. You could say a rookie mistake. Merrick and Annette didn’t speak to me for a couple of days, until I brought coffee for the team, yes Starbucks coffee. Pendle was a great experience for my self to start filming with the team as Pendle has so much history. As it was my first show I had helped film I had to get use to how the team worked, and what they wanted to achieve in the way of the scenes we were filming.

It’s a fantastic journey myself and the team is on. Its been nice to meet Simon Entwistle who was are historian for the Pendle episode. Also to get involved in the radio show a short while after filming had finished. Twitter: @DanWithACam

And now a message from Mother Spook Pendle certainly had met my expectations during the day’s filming, the next question was, would it continue into the night! As the team and myself prepared for the evening’s investigation we have certain little rituals that we like to do. You may term them as superstitions, but there are very few industries more quirky than the acting community. However we had surprises awaiting us as we began our ‘things’. As far as I was concerned the ‘Pendle Witches’ must have been having fun at our expense. My husband Carl, has an obsession with Garfield and always wears his ‘lucky’ Garfield boxer shorts whilst we investigate at night. The boxer shorts were nowhere to be found! Merrick Alora has a ‘thing’ he does with his rings. He has to arrange them in a circle and I’ve heard him talking to them. Each ring has a number and it seems he got each one from a particular place, which he then recounts as he names them. Then he has a drink of a wine which he brings with him. The bottle of wine was gone! Simon Healy has a lucky pair of socks, that he claims were given to him whilst on his first paranormal investigation in Ireland by a Leprechaun. I have my doubts as they say ‘I was made in Ireland’ on one sock and, ‘I was made there too’ on the other sock; regardless of this, they were missing too!

Me, well I have a lucky pink bra which I got ... well you don’t need to know, but yes that was gone too! And I was NOT impressed... The others had various items moved but at least found them after a search that delayed our night’s timetable. However, upon arriving on Pendle Hill itself and hiking to our first location, we had the shock of our lives and confirmation that the Pendle Witches had a sense of humour. There, placed at the foot of a tree sat Merrick’s bottle of wine, Carl’s boxer shorts, Simon’s socks and my bra! Thank you Ladies for an amazing time and your interaction x Twitter: @AnnettePielding

When Simon met Leslie

After we introduced ourselves and we chatted she told me how excited Top Of The Morning, Evening or Night she was to be part of such an amazing programme and whichever it is where you are..... That she was so looking forward to While I sit with My Cup Of Tea I want working with the Scariest Places Team to tell you about the Day I met the Amazing Leslie WH Smith who is Our and all our upcoming Shenanigans,She Fecktastic Historain on #ScariestPlaces. also told Me her Dad Owns Bookshops across the It was a Monday Afternoon and as usual globe Called WH Smith and that she I was running a bit late as My Alarm did can get Me Discounts on Books on phenomolies.... not go off and I am not a Morning Person at all so getting out of bed was a struggle especially after an investigation from the night before with the #ScariestPlaces Team. I was on My Way to Chester to meet the wonderful Leslie who was gonna give Me a Tour of this Amazing City full of History and Ghostly Tales..... As I approached the destination I felt lots of excitement like a kid at Christmas and there she was this beautiful lady with red lips and long black hair with the Most Amazing fringe and eyes that I couldn’t stop looking at You can tell she won’t take no crap almost like if she was a Lion Tamer from a circus show..... I had to stop Myself looking at her beauty and focus on what she was Saying before it got obvious I was getting carried away.

I then Told her about My Very First Experience with the Scariest Places Team as We had Filmed in The Victoria Inn in Chester Itself which is #Scariest Places Series 1 Episode 1 The Victoria Inn Chester, a Pub that Leslie Herself likes to stop by from time to time for the odd Jacket Potato on her History Walks of the city so that was a throwback Holy Feck moment for Me and especially the fact she likes Potatoes....Moving On. We took a Walk around the City of Chester with My iPad in hand for selfies and to take notes Leslie told me that packed within Chester’s defensive walls, its narrow streets and alleyways, its crypts and cellars, are a host of welldocumented ghosts, hauntings, apparitions, spooks and poltergeists from almost every century.

She said there are significant and genuine grounds for claiming that compact and ancient Chester is actually the most haunted city in England... FACT!

Close by the Water Tower is the buried plague pit, containing the bodies of over 2,000 victims. A Roman officer has been seen pacing from the Amphitheatre to the Newgate - floating at the height of the original she carried on to tell me that the ancient wall. city of Chester has played a large part in Cavaliers and their ladies, dressed in the history of both England and Wales, their finery, have been seen promenadbeing as it was the focal point of ing close to Morgan’s Mount, a Civil England’s defensive War battery point.” (or offensive) system against the Welsh Really Amazing Stuff! raiders. As might be expected, there is now shortage of tales, legends, As Our Walk Came to a Finish I was reported sightings of extraordinary amazed By so Much History that Leslie events, apparitions and other Gave on this Amazing City. inexplicable occurrences in and around Perhaps she will write a Book One Day Chester that can be associated with past and who knows it May Be Number One events. Bestseller in Her Pappas Book Shop WH Smith One Famous Site in Chester is The now that would give people something City Walls That Today Can Be Walked to talk about..... around to enjoy the history and views of the City. So Here Folks My Story Comes to a Leslie gave Me some information on Close! them : So Please Follow On Twitter Myself @ SimonSPHealy and Leslie WH Smith @ “King Charles I watched his army LeslieWHSmith defeated at the Battle of Rowton Moor and Stay Tuned for Our Next Advenfrom the Phoenix Tower (more comtures on #ScariestPlaces monly known today as King Charles’ #HolyFeck’s at the Ready Everyone Tower). “Ouch.... I just spilled My Tea.... Wait From King Charles Tower to Eastgate Don’t Type That!” the walls sometimes resound to the noise of artillery and musketry, the Simon SP Healy clang of swords and the cries of dying soldiers. Twitter: @SimonSPHealy

Coming up next month More articles from Andrew House, Jan Murphy, James Kemp Ashley Waterhouse, Kate Bowman, Becky Head, Justin Pearce, Scariest Places. and much more. If you wish to get involved in The Supernatural News or advertise with us please email us at

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