Suri Network News | A publication of The Suri Network Suri Network Board of Trustees: Linda Kondris, President ( Tim Sheets, Vice President ( Patty Hasselbring, Treasurer ( Kristie Smoker, Secretary ( Cindy Harris, Trustee (
P.O. Box 1984 Estes Park, CO 80517-1984 Phone: (970) 586-5876 Fax: (970) 586-6685 Email: Web Site:
Suri Alpaca – Rarest of Breeds, Ultimate Natural Fiber Want to improve the quality of your Suri herd and fiber production? If you answered yes, you absolutely can’t miss this year’s Suri Symposium where the country’s foremost camelid experts will share their knowledge and assist you in taking your herd to the next level. It’s all about expanding your tool kit as you improve your herd and the quality of your Suri fleece. Learn how you can benefit from the recent advances in the Suri Herd Improvement Program and how you can use the SHIP database. Understand advanced reproductive techniques and participate in hands-on fleece skirting and sorting. Hear what all the talk about ‘fodder’ can mean for improving your bottom line and the latest in how to assure you are offering proper nutrition for optimum fiber results. Our featured keynote speaker will be Dr. Temple Grandin who is internationally know for her work in livestock management and behavior. This year’s symposium is simply packed with practical information you won’t find anywhere else. Plan now to prepare those special fleeces for the prestigious All Suri Fleece Show. Cottage Fleece competition has been added this year which combines scores from Spin Off and Fleece, and we will also have fiber arts and skein competitions. Friday night is a fun night as our often boisterous ring men take bids at the annual live auction featuring high quality items and top Suri herdsire breedings. There are a variety of sponsorships available offering opportunities for you to showcase your farm as the leaders of today’s Suri industry. Gather to share experiences, network and enjoy camaraderie with breeders from across the country. Don’t be left behind. REGISTER TODAY: pre-conference clinics, Thursday, August 15th followed by the main conference Friday and Saturday, August 16-17. Early bird discounts are back again and we will return to beautiful Estes Park, Colorado. Plan to bring the whole family and extend your visit to enjoy the beauty of the Rocky Mountains while hiking, fishing and sightseeing.
Suri Symposium is the one big, don’t miss, event for all serious Suri breeders. To register go to and click on the Symposium icon
PURELYSURI MAGAZINE CIRCULATION IS GROWING! We are also online! Yes, we will still have the printed issue. But, now the entire magazine is viewable on the internet including your AD! Further, if your ad has a website in it, any visitor can click on it and go straight to your website. PurelySuri will be available for the entire world. Act now and reserve your space and expand your marketing through our new online promotion by going to our website and click on Advertise in the left hand column. When a visitor to the website clicks on the cover, they will be able to view the entire magazine with your ads. Back issues will be included over time, where we are able to make the conversion.
Suri Network News June, 2013 —Page 1
.........Taking your Breeding Program to the Top This year’s Suri Network Symposium is focused on creating superior suris through proper nutrition, breeding, showing, and making the best choices relative to fiber.
— THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th — 8:00 am – 5:00 p.m. Registration 8:00 am – 5:00 p.m. Fleece Show Check-In Half Day Pre-Conference Clinics Clinic 1 – “From Fiber to Market.” - 8am to noon - Wini Labreque & Beth Brown, Instructors. Clinic 2 – “Using EPDs to Make Better Breeding Decisions.” - 1pm to 5pm - Tim Sheets & Dick Walker, Instructors. Clinic 3 – “Suri Skirting & Sorting.” - 1pm to 5pm - Donna Rudd, Instructor. Clinic 4 – “Basic Grant Writing, Crowd Funding & Other Sources.” - 1pm to 5pm - Alvina Maynard & USDA Rep., Instructors.
— FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th — 7:15-8:30
Continental Breakfast Suri Network Meeting, Election Results & Announcements Basics of Suri Alpaca Fiber - Judge, Jude Anderson Break Proper Nutrition for Superior Suris - Dr. Norm Evans Reduce Feed Costs While Improving Nutrition with Fodder - Dr. Wayne Dorband Lunch Using Objective Data to Breed for Improved Fiber - Dr. Norm Evans, Dr. Gail Campbell, Angus McColl Break Producing Quality End Products with Suri - Wini Labreque Using Data to Make Improved Breeding Decisions - Brett Kaysen Social Hour Fund Raising Auction Dinner on Your Own
— SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th — 7:15-8:30
Continental Breakfast Update, Marketing and Product Development Committee Suri Herd Improvement Program - Dr. Darrell Anderson, Dr. Dick Walker, & Tim Sheets Break Camelid Birthing and Reproduction - Dr. Richard Wheeler, DVM Understanding Animal Behavior - Dr. Temple Grandin Lunch Advanced Camelid Reproduction Techniques - Dr. Richard Wheeler, DVM Halter and Fleece Judging: Priorities, Decisions and Impact on Processing - Judge, Jude Anderson Shearing Practices, Processing Options and Terminology - Karl & Jan Heinrich Break Presentation of Fleece Awards and Judges Comments Close of Symposium
Suri Network News June, 2013 —Page 2
WHERE TO STAY The Host Hotel is Rocky Mountain Park Inn (formerly the Holiday Inn) $119.00/night single/double occupancy. 1-800-803-7837. McGregor Mountain Lodge: On Fall River. A variety of cabins, rooms and suites. 1-800-835-8439. Black Canyon Inn: A variety of units including 2-3 BR. 1-800-897-3720. Comfort Inn: Motel rooms & 2 BR, 2 Bath Loft Units. Call Choice Hotels 1-800-424-6423 or direct 970/586-2358. Castle Mountain Lodge: Cottages & Rooms on Fall River. 1-800-852-7463. Estes Park Condos - Upscale Condos. 1-800-349-1003 Streamside Cottages: On Fall River. 1-800-321-3303. For other accommodations, please visit Airport to Hotel Shuttle Service: Estes Park Shuttle ( or 970/586-5151)
ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES A. Business Card Ad on Notebook Tab – $50.00 B. Bag Stuffer Piece – $75.00 C. Suri Fleece Show & Symposium Sponsorship – $250.00 Includes A & B Above and web site recognition with link, recognition in Suri Network News, Symposium Conference Notebook, and on Name badge. D. Meal Sponsor (cost per farm; more than one farm may sponsor a day’s meal events): – $450 sponsorship for Friday’s meals. – $350 sponsorship for Saturday’s meals. These special sponsorships include the general sponsorship benefits of a business card ad in the symposium notebook, a symposium bag stuffer piece, and general sponsorship recognition. In addition, these special meal sponsorships will include: a. Recognition card on each table. b. Special thank you signage for the day. c. Recognition in the symposium notebook, Suri Network News, Suri Network web site, and introduction at that day’s events. d. AND, if you wish, an opportunity for you to place a handout at each place setting (business card, pen, flier, etc. handouts supplied by you).
SURI NETWORK’S “ENTER & WIN” $100 BONUS Enter the Suri Network All Suri Fleece Show 2013 and earn one or more of the following: • Suri Network News and web site recognition for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. • Suri Network News recognition for Color Champions and Reserve Championship. • Name badge recognition for attendees with fleece entries. • For each set of five (5) fleeces, spin-offs, or Fiber Arts/Skein entered by a single farm, RECEIVE a coupon worth $100 towards your next PurelySuri™ Magazine advertisement. Suri Network News June, 2013 —Page 3
The Suri Herd Improvement Program (SHIP) Reorganizes
The Suri Network is working to fine-tune the Suri Herd Improvement Program (SHIP). As you know, part of the value of the SHIP program comes from immediate feedback to Suri breeders through the hands-on classification. Longer term benefits are that Suri breeders will be able to access SHIP information from an online database in order to add solid information to breeding and purchasing decisions. Hands-on classification information combined with histograms from each herd classified provides the data for the database. Earlier this year, we completed the initial data analysis component. Our contracted geneticist, Justin Fix, Ph.D., has calculated the first round of EPDs. Justin’s analysis reveals that the results are very promising with respect to creating a selection program for herd improvement. Generally, the fiber traits are similar in distribution and have potential heritable potency. This data will be available soon to SN members in a searchable, online database. For the current EPD run, 1146 individual scored records were analyzed for the 5 traits – Natural Luster, Appropriate Fineness (for age), Suri Handle, Uniformity of Micron and Leg structure. There are 2815 animals within the Suri pedigree database for genetic relative comparisons. The Suri Network is committed to continuous improvement of the SHIP program. We have a few years experience now with SHIP, and as we evaluate the program we have seen that there is a need to strengthen several areas. An Advisory Panel made up of breeders within the Suri Network as well as experts from other livestock breeds was formed to review the program, create and action plan,
and to provide oversight of the program as it continues to evolve. This panel initiated the process in a face-to-face meeting in Denver during the National Show. The panel is comprised of the following individuals: • Dick Walker – SHIP Committee Chair and Co-owner Supersuris Alpacas • Kathleen Cullen – Co-owner Foothills Suri Alpacas, past SN board member and SHIP contributor • Tim Sheets – Suri Network Vice President, SHIP Liaison and Co-owner Heritage Farm Suri Alpacas • Kristina Flegel – Co-owner Dos Doñas Alpaca Ranch • Gail Campbell, DVM – Owner Ameripaca Alpaca Breeding Company • Linda Kondris – Suri Network President and Owner, Pines Edge Suri Alpacas • Justin Fix, PhD – VP Global Technical Service, National Swine Registry and geneticist for the SHIP program • Darrell Anderson – Independent consultant for livestock breed associations, camelid owner, auctioneer and retired CEO of the National Swine Association • Brett Kaysen – Professor of Animal Sciences at Colorado State, Suri Network advisor and AOBA Judge trainer The panel created an action plan during the Denver meeting and will continue to serve in an advisory capacity to insure the program moves forward with a sound, scientific perspective. Although further classifications are on hold until the new action plan is implemented, we encourage Suri breeders to continue to collect fleece samples and obtain histograms to send in to the Suri Network office so that objective data can be entered into the Suri Network database and will be there when the more subjective evaluations are completed. We will keep you informed as new developments materialize. As always, thanks for your ongoing support of this groundbreaking program.
Announcing the Jim Barker Suri Network Ambassador Award
The Suri Network is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the first Jim Barker Suri Network Ambassador Award. Many of you recognize the tremendous impact Jim Barker had on the Suri industry during his years as a Suri breeder, Suri Network trustee and along with his wife Gini, as the co-owners of Sweet Suri Alpaca Farm. Jim passed away suddenly last August leaving a legacy of contributions that will continue to impact the Suri Network community for a long time. The Suri Network would like to recognize a member who exemplifies Jim’s commitment to and enthusiasm toward the Suri alpaca industry and shares the Suri Network’s mission of promoting and preserving the Suri alpaca in North America. Do you know of an individual who has contributed to a project, service or event that has made an extraordinary impact on Suri Network community? If so, please nominate someone you feel has best modeled Jim Barker’s contributions and enthusiasm for the Suri industry by completing the nomination form on the Suri Network website
Suri Network News June, 2013 —Page 4
P.O. Box 1984 l 1140-A Manford Avenue (for UPS or FedX only) l Estes Park, CO 80517 Phone: 970-586-5876 l Fax: 970-586-6685 l l Clinic 1
Clinic 2
Clinic 3
Clinic 4
Name #1 (as it is to appear on your Badge):
Name #2 (as it is to appear on your Badge):
Name #3 (as it is to appear on your Badge):
Name #4 (as it is to appear on your Badge):
Farm Name (as it is to appear on your Badge): Address: City: Phone:
Zip Code:
Registration Fee includes ALL FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEMINARS (Other Thursday Pre-Conference Clinics are an additional charge and must be reserved in advance), Friday and Saturday Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Friday Social Evening and Live Auction. Member Non-Member Early Bird Registration (per person) - Must be postmarked by July 10, 2013 ...................... $195.00 ......... $220.00 .........$ Postmarked after July 10, 2013 Registration (per person) ...................................................... $235.00 ......... $260.00 .........$ On-Site Registration (per person) ............................................................................................ $275.00 ......... $300.00 .........$ Friday Only (per person) - Must be postmarked by July 10, 2013 ........................................... $125.00 ......... $150.00 .........$ Saturday Only (per person) - Must be postmarked by July 10, 2013....................................... $140.00 ......... $165.00 .........$ THURSDAY PRE-CONFERENCE CLINICS: Prior to July 10 After July 10 Clinic 1 - “From Fiber to Market” - 8am to noon................................................................ $30.00 ........... $40.00 .........$ Clinic 2 – “Using EPDs to Make Better Breeding Decisions” - 1pm - 5pm .......................... $30.00 ........... $40.00 .........$ Clinic 3 – “Suri Skirting and Sorting” - 1pm - 5pm ............................................................. $30.00 ........... $40.00 .........$ Clinic 4 – “Basic Grant Writing, Crowd Funding & Other Sources” - 1pm - 5pm ................ $30.00 ........... $40.00 .........$ Vendor Space (you must be registered; includes 1 skirted table & 2 chairs) .......................... $100.00 ................................$ Additional Vendor Table ........................................................................................................... $ 40.00 ................................$ Business Card Ad in Symposium Notebook .............................................................................. $ 50.00 ................................$ Bag Stuffer Piece (must be received at the office no later than August 14) ............................. $ 75.00 ................................$ Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunity.................................................................................. $250.00 ................................$ Meal Sponsor (circle sponsorship) Friday ($450) Saturday ($350) ........................................................................................ $ Registration Fee Total (U.S. Dollars): ................$
Enclosed is: Check Visa MC AMEX Discover Please check here if you require a vegetarian meal or have special needs Credit Card # Name on Card:
Expiration Date CVV (Security Code)
Address for credit card if different from above:
Cancellation/Refund Policy: $25.00 per person/max $50.00 per farm cancellation fee if cancellation made prior to July 20, 2013. No refunds after August 1, 2013.