“Wonders of theta healing done in lives of people”
Vianna started this unique healing process known as theta healing which is inter linked with the brain waves, they push you in state of extreme relaxation where you could feel that there isn’t any negativity in the world and mostly around you. Vianna herself has an amazing story how she cures her own cancer and how now she is living a healthy life serving the people of God. Vianna isn’t alone to find the cure in theta healing there is enormous number people who seek peace and healthfulness in this healing power. The stories are hard to believe but nonetheless they true to every core. People with extreme hopelessness and coming out of the mouth of death, the survivors have firm believe on this supernatural method. The story of Sally, one of the clients of Vianna tells us that miracles do happens. She was diagnosed with “malignant Melanoma”. Melanoma is the tumor forming in the melanin-cells, malignant tumor sort of a skin cancer, which don’t have any effective treatment. Even after the surgery and treatment the tumor spread through brain as it was malignant and it was expected that it is going to spread. But the problem was that it does not have any treatment and the exceptional life span is hardly 6 months which can be as short as 4 weeks. After that devastating news Sally get to know about Vianna through a family friend. And even though vianna has a very tough schedule she mange to arrange emergency sessions for Sally and just after the first session Sally started to find improvement right after the first session. Vianna remove the lesions and it was proved in “MRI’s” report after that she clear Sally’s blood making her blood pure from cancerous cells, without any chemo or radiation that’s unbelieving but Sally is the living evident we have. And now Sally is living a completely satisfied and health life. Not only Sally, Kyoko Yoshida is also one of the cancer patient with almost at the end of the life she came to Vianna, with the Breast cancer that wasn’t curable and left Yoshida with only few months life. It’s really difficult for a person to keep on going when he or she already knew that life going to end in the matter of few days, weeks or months. Anyhow Yoshida concerned Vianna and indulge in the Theta healing process. Not only she is cancer free now but she took all the classes from Vianna to become a theta healer herself and she practice theta healing to cure other. Vianna’s own daughter has a very interesting story about her tooth. She basically doesn’t have any tooth in her upper jaw after her milk tooth gone at the age of 12. The dentist clearly said that there isn’t any