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Community News

If you have ever experienced the frustration of faulty internet connectivity in the Clubhouse you will be happy to hear these men are installing new fiberoptic cable that will support the updated Information and Technology (IT) / Audio Visual (AV) proposal the Board recently approved. The includes AV equipment to provide everything needed to update and improve the internet and phone communication system, and the audio-visual capability needed for club presentations and entertainment in and around the clubhouse. Leo Cortjens, our resident technology expert, volunteered his career expertise to research and present the detailed proposals including:
• Control System upgrade by Phoenix Systems • Chandelier replacement with flush mount lights • Installation of AV gear in new rack in closet (CPAC team) • Install lighting control in rack in closet (CPAC team) • Upgrade in ceiling speakers • Dropdown platform/lift system for video projectors • Motorized dropdown video screen in back of ballroom • Upgrade front projector to 4k video • The improvements will benefit all and are expected to be completed early this year.
Following numerous complaints of lengthy delays and dangerous backups onto Montgomery Road, the HOA Board approved action to begin closing the Montgomery Gate entrance to all visitors and vendors who do not have gate reader access. Residents are asked to get in the habit of giving their visitors directions to use the Brown’s Bridge Entrance. Once the repaving of Cresswind Parkway is complete, the Montgomery Gate keypad will be removed and only residents with windshield stickers and/or card readers will be granted access through the Montgomery Gate. Windshield stickers, which automatically opens the gate upon approach, are especially encouraged and can be ordered at the front desk for a nominal fee of $20.
BUTTERFLIES…have long been associated with good omens, good things ahead, hope, and encouragement, etc. What better symbol to use to send good thoughts and Blessings to our CLL friends and neighbors. The CLL Random Acts of Kindness Project (RAOK) was conceived during the isolation and distress caused by COVID. Since mid-2021, a small team of us have been anonymously and randomly delivering “Butterfly Blessing” throughout our community.
You may have looked out your window at night and discovered that a solar powered lighted butterfly, accompanied by a lighted flower and/or a small garden statue “magically” appeared in your front shrub bed. And then found outside of your front door a note card adorned with a beautiful photograph of an ACTUAL Cresswind BUTTERFLY, born, fed, and freed from our own CLL Community Garden!

The card with its butterfly photo containing a poem and note inside, are meant for you to keep as a reminder that “Butterfly Blessings” have been sent your way. The “Blessings” reflected through the lighted butterfly in your shrub bed are for you and all passersby to enjoy. But know that it will soon “fly on magic wings” to Bless yet another of our Cresswind friends and neighbors!

As we spring into Daylight Savings and look forward to a little more sunshine, this is also a great reminder to check our smoke detectors and change the batteries. Most of us will be up mulling about the house (in a sleep deprived stupor) adjusting every clock that isn’t satellite or computer chip controlled – they do still exist – so, why not add changing those batteries to the list of To Dos when Daylight Savings arrives?