3 minute read
President’s Message
By David Shaffer
Welcome to 2022! I hope you and your heat pump survived the January winter storm. After the Annual HOA Meeting in January, your HOA Board of Directors elected officers for 2022. Your HOA Board Members for the coming year are:
Five of the six board members have one year or less experience on the HOA Board. The HOA Board is charged with the management of your HOA. General responsibilities of your HOA Board members include 1) establishing the budget, 2) establishing the collection policy for fees, 3) establishing and enforcing rules, 4) administering contracts, and 5) employing a management company to administer the day-to-day operations. The first full year your HOA was not controlled by the developer was 2021. The HOA Board spent a good part of last year getting a better understanding of the HOA governing documents and established a framework for managing the HOA in compliance with those documents. The HOA Board asks for your patience as it sorts through these documents in order to comply with them while balancing the attractiveness of the community with the cost associated therewith. As we begin 2022, your HOA Board will endeavor to protect the best interests of the community as a whole and maintain the value of our jointly owned assets. Some of the projects planned for this year are completing Cresswind Parkway paving and sidewalk repairing projects, negotiating landscape and pine straw agreements for 2023, evaluating grading and drainage issues throughout the community, and addressing traffic issues.
• Sid Jacobs, Treasurer • David Shaffer, President • Linda Furgerson, Secretary • Cheryl Thompson, Member at Large • Brian Olson, Member at Large • Brett Rayman, Vice President
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