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1 Visualize your plate with dividing lines. Half should be filled with fruits and non-starchy veggies. The other half should be divided in half, with one part containing a lean protein and one containing a whole grain.
2 Put down the salt shaker. This single change can make a huge difference for your blood pressure and overall heart health. Flavor your food with herbs and spices instead.
3 Choose healthy fats. Limit your consumption of saturated fats. Instead, choose healthier options, like the fats found in olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon or tuna.
4 Watch for added sugar. Not all sugar is evil. Most fruits and dairy products contain natural sugars. But you want to keep an eye out for added sugar, so carefully review nutrition labels to see how much is included. Limit your consumption to less than 25 grams per day of added sugar.
5 Cook at home when you can. When you’re preparing foods at home, you know exactly what ingredients go into the recipe and can avoid additives. You also have more control over your portion sizes.
6 Amp up your fiber intake. Besides keeping your GI system healthy and running at its best, fiber also helps lower your risk of heart health issues. Find fiber in whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetables, particularly those with an edible peel.
7 Watch your condiments. You don’t have to go flavor-free! But choose wisely when you’re adding a condiment. Try the low-fat or light version of products like mayo and choose oil-based salad dressings rather than creamy ones.
8 Look for hidden sodium. Most Americans eat too much sodium. But it isn’t all coming from the salt shaker—most of it comes from processed foods. Take a look at the label on any foods you’re buying at the grocery store, including foods you wouldn’t consider salty, like bread. Choose lower sodium options.
9 Drink up. But stick mainly with water! It’s important to stay well-hydrated, but many people drink a ton of calories in the form of sugary beverages. Water is the better option.
10 Indulge every once in a while. Allowing yourself to eat a food you crave without feeling guilty can help you stick with a heart-healthy diet. Eat the foods you love on occasion, in moderation.