15 minute read

Committee Corner Cresswind Education Committee
by George Maule
As the Clubhouse begins to open up, the Education Committee will begin to develop more programs. Until then, we will continue with Zoom conferences, meeting outside the clubhouse by the fireplace and the amphitheater. We now have permission to utilize these areas using social distancing, wearing masks, and bringing your own chairs. We can accommodate up to 75 people at these programs.
Ongoing Events for Medicare Open Enrollment, which begins
October 15th and ends December 7th, is the only opportunity for beneficiaries to change their Medicare plans. If you need help with this, the following contacts will provide assistance: 1. Legacy Link is available by phone to help walk you through the enrollment process or make changes to your Medicare plan. Medicare webinars to help also. Log on to https://www. mygacares.org and the Medicare link is on the right side of the screen.
Their phone number is 470 285-5936 or you may email ncdaugherty@legacylink.org We are still in need of 1 or 2 more Cresswind residents to volunteer to become Education Committee members. Please consider this opportunity and contact us if interested. 2. You can also contact our resident expert, Jerry Volante at 949 291-9767 to learn more about your choices. Jerry will also be offering a program on November 20th, 2020 by the grill/fireplace If you have any requests for educational programs or possible area from 11:30 - 12:30 pm. speakers, please contact us. 3. The state office of Georgia Cares has been offering monthly https://sites.google.com/site/cwlleducation/

Health & Fitness Committee
By Laurie Solomon
Over the past number of months, the Health & Fitness Committee in coordination with the Board of Directors has worked to keep residents safe and active. In addition to the gym, many classes have returned to the Georgia Room and Lanier Room. Residents may use Sign Up Genius to participate in Yoga, Ballet and Tai Chi classes by going to the Cresswind Webpage, click on the Lifestyle tab, and then select the Lanier Room or the Georgia Room. All other fitness classes are on a “first come first serve” basis.
In September, we coordinated a Flu Shot Clinic with Northeast Georgia Hospital partnered with Walgreens. Kudos go to Jackie Edginton and Elizabeth for making this happen and run smoothly. In October we held a Drug Drop Off to safely dispose of any unused or expired medications. It was a safe and expedient way to get those bottles out of our homes.
Pending on the opening of the Ballroom, The Geek Squad from Northeast Georgia Hospital Systems is scheduled to educate residents on the use of the My Chart App. It is a way for patients to securely connect with doctors, and access personalized health information at any time. Date TBA. Moving into the colder months we are confronted not only with the COVID-19 virus, but colds and the flu as well. Keeping these maladies at a distance will present a challenge. Many people question whether supplementation with vitamins and minerals can be beneficial. This has to be decided on an individual basis and discussed with your physician to make sure there are no contraindications with your health conditions and medications.
If you eat a healthy well-balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight, you should be able to get most of your nutrients through food. It is important for individuals who use supplementation to understand what you are digesting and their intent before taking them. You can access a wealth of information at labdoor.com. It is an independent company that tests, ranks, and checks that the supplements have in them what they claim. The average OTC supplement may have only 30% of what is on the label. Buyer beware.
As we enter this new season fraught with the chance of illness, please stay vigilant with frequent hand washing, social distancing, wearing masks, and staying home if you do not feel well. If we all work together, we can look forward to a spring of renewal.
Covenants, Rules and Regulations Committee
by Mario Russo
The newly approved Rules and Regulations Manual can be viewed on the Cresswind website. Go to the “RESOURCES” tab, then select “COMMUNITY RULES & REGULATIONS”.
Do you refer to or read the Rules & Regulations? It appears we as a community may not read the Rules & Regulations, however most of us read the ever-popular Waterfall Newsletter. With that, we will be selecting a rule or two you may not be aware of and share them here in The Waterfall in a “Did You Know?” (DYK)
This newsletter’s DYK are; Rule 5-3.2. ARC Approval Required (r) (2) Ingress and egress [page 62] 1. (A) Sectional garage or side garage doors are to remain closed except: 1. (i) For vehicles to enter or exit 2. (ii) While working in the garage 3. (iii) To allow movement of material into or out of the garage 2. (B) Sectional garage doors or side garage doors may be cracked open a maximum of six (6) inches to allow for ventilation. 1. Contents of garage may not be visible from the street or the neighbor’s yard.
Rule 6-3.3. Vehicle Operators [page 89] (a) Golf carts or motorized vehicle operators must be at least sixteen years of age and have a valid stateissued driver’s license and be able to provide proof of insurance. (b) The CA Management may ask to see a driver’s license and proof of insurance when stopping a golf cart for traffi c violation. (c) Failure to produce those documents within fi ve business days after being stopped will result in the vehicle’s registration being cited for violation of
Community Rules. (d) The Cresswind property owner shall be responsible for a CA citation regardless of who operated the golf cart.
If we can answer any questions about the Rules & Regulations, please feel free to contact a committee member. A committee member roster along with the mission statement is listed on the Cresswind website. Go to the “INFO” tab, then “COMMITTEES”, select “Covenants and Rules and Regulations Committee”.
Care Committee
by Judy Brannan The year 2020 has been a year of many changes and a “new norm” for everyone. As we begin a new year, the Cresswind CARE Committee would like to reacquaint you with the purpose and goals of our Committee. Many of you are new to the community and may not be aware of our existence.
Formed in August, 2018, we were created to serve the Cresswind Community by providing assistance as needed in times of crises with a respect for individual privacy. With this mission in mind, we can set up Meal Trains for those recovering from surgery or undergoing long term treatments. We also send sympathy and getwell cards to residents as needed.
Another well-used resource provided by the CARE committee is a list of available medical equipment that you can borrow as needed. This includes such items as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, shower stools, and benches, etc. A representative from the CARE committee will bring the equipment to you and pick it up when you are fi nished using it. For more information or to get help with a resource, contact Elaine Vetter. (elvetter@hotmail. com)
The CARE Committee has created a CARE information card for each household in Cresswind. Because of COVID, many of you have not received these cards, particularly in Phase I. If you are ready to have a representative bring you this card and explain our purpose to you, and you have not received a card, please call Judy Brannan (770-289-1073) to have this information delivered to you. This card will have the name of the representative for you to contact if you need help. You can also review this information on the Cresswind website at cresswindatll.com.
The contact representatives for the Cresswind CARE Committee are:
Phase 1 Judy Brannan (jrbrannan3352@gmail.com)
Phase 2 Maura Williams (johndouglaswilliams@yahoo.com); Rose Blum (rblum10@yahoo.com)
Phase 3 Dolores Richardson (dodayr@gmail.com
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Marina Committee Update By Warren Lange
A significant event occurred in August as Kolter formally turned over the Cresswind Marina to the Homeowner Association. This was important to the boat slip use right owners as this change allowed the HOA to finalize a process for handling slip resales. The Cresswind Marina Committee (CMC) worked closely with the Board to help assure that the slip resale process was in accordance with the governing documents of the community and policies related to slip use right ownership while also representing the interests of current use right owners. Those homeowners who were interested in slip ownership began submitting applications in late September. As of this writing, the first resale has been completed and others are in process. The waiting list exceeds the number of slips that are available for resale at this time.
Over the past several months, the CMC has been working closely with the Board on possible changes to the anchoring system that keeps Dock D in position. In the past year, the ramp has slipped off of the sidewalk several times requiring dock repositioning. The Board recently approved expenditure to improve Dock D anchoring. This should be completed by the end of the year.
A CMC work group was established in May to make recommendations on measures which can help with dock security. As a result of their efforts, several high quality new signs have been posted indicating that the docks have cameras in use. There are several temporary cameras in place at this time while the work group continues to evaluate quotes for permanent light/ camera equipment for the docks to improve security. The proposals include WI FI coverage for the marina area to allow remote access to the proposed cameras as well as providing free internet access as a benefit for any residents using the marina area.

Should anyone have questions or want to discuss subjects related to the marina, please contact any of the CMC members. The committee members for 2020 include:
Warren Lange Chairperson

Rod Quisenberry Vice Chairperson
Vickie Gassman Secretary
Randy Garcia Member at Large
Gene Evans Member at Large

By Linda Furgerson
For many years, homeowners have been discouraged and/or prevented from making improvements to the common property areas directly behind their homes. Specifically, homeowners were prevented from making any landscape and/or architectural type of changes/improvements on these areas. Starting in January representatives from the Landscape and Architecture Review Committees, with full support and involvement of the HOA Board, began the development of a consistent procedure to review homeowner requests to make improvements on common property. This procedure provides for the consistent and thorough review, approval, and authorization for these requests. Here is a rundown of the procedure: 1. Prior to making any improvements to common area property, homeowners must first submit a complete Landscape Request and/or ARC Request per the process outlined in the Rules and Regulations manual. 2. The applicable committee (s) will review the request. If the committee would normally approve the request, but it is determined the request involves common property, representatives of that committee would meet with the homeowner to clarify the following: • Despite the homeowner’s investment in the improvements, the property will remain common property, under the control of the HOA • The HOA reserves the right to have the improvements removed and the property returned to its pre-improvement condition • The homeowner must complete additional documentation Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant and submit to the HOA indicating their agreement to maintain the improvement to community standards • Homeowners are responsible for paying a small fee for filing the required documentation with Hall County 3. If the homeowner agrees to all of the conditions listed above, the applicable committee then forwards their approval of the request and all supporting documentation to the HOA Board for their review and approval 4. The HOA Board then reviews the original application and approval statement from the committee(s). If they approve, a representative from the HOA will supply the homeowner with the official Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant 5. This document must be signed and notarized by the homeowner and then returned to the HOA Board 6. The President and Secretary then sign and notarize the Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant on behalf of the HOA. The Cresswind Attorney then has the document recorded in Hall County. 7. The homeowner will receive a final copy of the Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant indicating it has been properly recorded in Hall County. Homeowners must be in possession of this final recorded document before they can proceed with their authorized improvements. 8. The homeowner is responsible for all fees associated with the cost of filling (approximately $50) the Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant, and must reimburse the HOA accordingly. While this may sound convoluted and difficult, it is in the best interest of the homeowner, their neighbors, and all the residents of Cresswind. Following this procedure allows us to ensure the improvements are in-line with established guidelines for Landscape and/or ARC improvements, but it also ensures that the improvements will be maintained by the homeowner. Additionally it also protects the HOA Board and all residents from any liabilities caused by the improvement. We ask for your patience as we rollout and implement this new procedure.