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hamilton mill
HOA Ann O uncements
Now that summer is upon us, and the pool is open we felt like this is a good time to remind all of our homeowners on the rules regarding use of the Hamilton Mill amenities. Please note that the below rules are those that cover all our amenities but may not include rules applicable to some amenities such as the gym.
■ All Hamilton Mill amenities are only available for use by Hamilton Mill residents in good standing and their guests.
■ Each household is allowed to have six (6) guests with them at the pool. Members under the age of 18 are allowed one (1) guest.
■ Tennis and Pickleball courts are allowed three (3) guests per household.
■ Volleyball and Basketball are allowed two (2) guests per household.
■ Fitness center members 18 years of age and older are allowed two (2) guests.
■ Children 12 and under are required to be accompanied by an adult with an amenity ID.
■ Any person over the age of 12 is required to have a Hamilton Mill amenity card on them when using our facilities.
■ Nannies with a valid amenity ID are only able to use our amenities when accompanied by the children they are caring for.
■ Any child over the age of 18 must provide proof of address to get an amenity ID.
As many of you know we have contracted with Gwinnett County Police Officers to assist with our amenity monitoring. In addition to being present within the neighborhood, they will also be checking to ensure people have valid amenity IDs with them. Please keep in mind that when Gwinnett County Police or our lifeguards ask you for your amenity ID’s they are doing so at the request of the Board of Directors. Please remember to be nice and do not take any frustration out on either of them regarding the policies or enforcement of our amenity rules.
If you have any questions regarding the above policies or if you or your child is in need of an amenity ID, please call the Property Manager’s office at 678-546-3737 to schedule an appointment. The first amenity card is issued at no charge, replacement cards are $25.00 payable online or by check or money order.
Thank you,
Hamilton Mill Board of Directors