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Message from the superintendent

We believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape bright futures. Our staff is dedicated to meeting each child’s academic, social, and emotional needs.

Our board of education and district leaders are committed to providing each school with the necessary resources to ensure success. We want our schools to be where students and families feel safe, supported, and valued.

We take pride in our strong sense of community and work to foster an environment built upon trust, transparency, and collaboration. Our schools are more than just buildings; they are the heart of our One Dawson Community.

We value our partnerships with parents, stakeholders, and business and community members. We can provide our students with the best education by working together with a unified purpose.

I am honored to serve as superintendent and look forward to a bright future for Dawson County students!

Sincerely, Mrs. Nicole LeCave, Superintendent OneDawson! Excellence Together!

To make our vision and mission become a reality, we are committed to:

• Graduating ALL students.

• Providing a safe, supportive learning environment.

• Cultivating relationships with students, families, schools, and community.

Letter From The Editor

Here at the Dawson County News, we are beyond grateful for the chance to partner once again with the Dawson County School System and to produce this year’s “1Dawson” magazine.

As a journalist who has worked closely with Dawson County Schools and covered education news in the county for more than three years now, I have gotten the honor of learning first-hand about the many amazing things that the school system does day in and day out for its students.

From expanding CTAE and work-based learning programs to adding new extracurricular activities and learning opportunities for Dawson County students, staff and administrators in the school system pour themselves into giving the children in the county the very best education that they can offer.

This year and every year, Dawson County students are encouraged by their school system to set goals for themselves and to do their very best to achieve those goals.

This level of rigor is clearly demonstrated through students and alumni of the school system, who consistently accomplish amazing things, from representing Dawson County and winning accolades in academic and extracurricular activities to graduating from Dawson County Schools and becoming successful, integral parts of the community here.

• Fostering a culture of engagement, innovation, and high expectations for student learning.

• Providing extra-curricular activities and other opportunities which develop life skills and positive personal growth.

In this magazine you’ll get the chance to learn more about the Dawson County School System, from its transportation and nutrition departments to its exceptional children and work-based learning programs.

As you read about everything the school system has to offer to the next generation, I hope that you’ll be proud of the goals that the school system has accomplished and is working towards to provide the very best education to your children.

Thanks for reading, Erica Jones Editor, Dawson County News

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