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Empty Nester’s Clubs
Ladies Bunco Group-Wednesday
What: Bunco – A simple Dice Game that is easy to learn!! When: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm Where: Clubhouse Cost/Why: $3.00 – money is divided and awarded to winners Bring a beverage of your choice and optional snack to share. Contact Person: Coleen Pecha at coleen_coey@yahoo.com
Ladies Canasta
What: Canasta Card Game- Currently looking for subs When: 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 1:00 pm Where: Clubhouse Cost: $5 annual dues from regular members (not subs) for equipment upkeep - cards, shufflers, batteries etc. Contact Person: Rita Williams at ritadwilliams54@icloud.com
Ladies Mexican Train Dominos
What: Mexican Train Dominos (No previous experience needed) When:1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays of each month at 1:00pm Where: Main Clubhouse Cost: $3.00; money is divided between highest and lowest scores.
Ladies Golf
What: Fun group playing 9 or 18 holes of golf When: Every Tuesday - 9:30 am is tee off time Where: Meet at Chateau Elan Golf Course Pro Shop Cost: Green fees are $37.45 for 18 holes (green fee and cart) and $18.75 for 9 holes. Contact Person: Sylvia Farris at sylviafarris99@yahoo.com
Ladies Walking Group
What: Walking at our own pace for health, fitness, and friendship When: 4th Wednesday morning of the month Where: We meet at the Clubhouse to carpool (Time announced in EN email) Paved trails in North Georgia parks followed by lunch at a local restaurant; special trips to places of interest in Georgia. Cost: Lunch Contact Person: Rose Marie Fagan rmfagan6923@gmail.com Lynn Agnes lynnagnes2224@att.net
Ladies Sewing and Quilting Group
What: Bring your sewing machine to work on a project, watch how it’s done or learn from other group members. Machines are available if you do not own one. When: 1st Thursday of the month at 9:30 – 12:00 noon Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Cost: Cost of your project (material/thread, etc) Contact Person: Faye Curlee at curleef0917@gmail.com
Ladies Knitting/Crochet Group
What: Bring a project, watch how it’s done or learn from the group members. When: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 10am-12pm Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Cost/Why: Yarn, knitting needles, etc. Ladies meet at the Lodge to either knit or crochet together. Bring your project or if you have always wanted to learn to knit/crochet, come watch and learn in an enjoyable setting. Contact Person: Gail Granata at gailgranta@me.com
Ladies Luncheon (Monthly)
What: Visit local eateries for culinary adventures and lots of lively chatter! A wonderful way to meet your new neighbors When: 2nd Wednesday of the month Where: Destinations change each month. Plan to arrive at the destination by noon. Cost/Why: Meal and tip – Separate checks and order from the menu Contact Person: RSVP is required for restaurant reservations! Glynis Watts at teacozy114@bellsouth.net Ilene Shurek at Ishurek@ymail.com Coleen Pecha at coleen_coey@yahoo.com
Ladies’ Night Out
What: Socializing with each other over a glass of wine or a preferred beverage and some snacks. When: Spring, Summer and Fall Where: TBA (Suggestions are welcome – Activities vary depending on venue) Cost: Drinks, Food, etc (Varies with each event) Contact Person: Scottie O’Toole at scotoole4559@gmail.com Sylvia Farris at sylviafarris99@yahoo.com
Men’s Breakfast
What: Large group of gentlemen meet at the Clubhouse for breakfast and great conversation! When: 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month (yearround) at 9:00 a.m. Where: Main Clubhouse Cost: Bring your own cup of coffee. The men take turns providing breakfast (usually teams of two). Contact Person: Rick Marzano at rmmarzano@gmail.com
Men’s Golf
What: Golfing for fun When: Every Tuesday Where: Chicopee Woods Golf Course Cost: 18 holes for $35/$40 Contact Person: Ed Asbridge at edasbridge@bellsouth.net
Who: Empty Nester Men What: Great chance to try different restaurants and meet new neighbors! When: Every Wednesday at 11:15 am to pick a restaurant Where: Meet at Main Clubhouse to pick a restaurant for lunch that day! Cost: Your meal Contact Person: NO RSVP – Just come on down and join us!
Men’s Tennis
What: Men’s Morning Tennis When: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9-11 am Where: Monday and Thursday –SOTL Courts 5/6 (4115 Lake Sterling Blvd.) and Saturday SOTL Courts 9/10 (6705 Winding Canyon Rd.) Cost: Free Contact Person: Aubrey Duke at adukedawg1@bellsouth.net
American Mahjong Group
What: Uniquely different from the Asian traditional play as it uses racks, jokers, “Hands and Rules” score cards and has some distinct gameplays. When: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursday of each month from 2pm–5pm Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Cost: Free Contact Person: Ilene Shurek at Ishurek@ymail.com
COMMUNITY GROUPS WELCOME YOU! Our Empty Nesters continue to stay engaged and enjoy life and diverse activities thanks to the residents who have volunteered to coordinate the groups! To join one of the groups listed below, either contact that induvial noted or attend an upcoming scheduled meeting or activity. Register as a user on our Empty Nesters Group page on www.Sterling-Life.com for updates on meeting times, new groups, activities and additional details for Empty Nester events!
Dominos (Co-ed)
What: Mexican Train Dominos (No previous experience needed) When: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm Where: Clubhouse Cost/Why: $1.50 – money is divided between highest and lowest scores. Contact Person: Jo Wochner at Wochner.jo@gmail.com
Euchre Club (Co-ed)
What: Trick-taking Card Game (No previous experience needed) When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Cost: Free Contact Person: Rose Marie Fagan at RMFagan6923@gmail.com
Hiking Group (Co-Ed)
What: Hiking for health, fitness and friendship (Faster pace than walking) When: 3rd Wednesday morning of the month Where: We meet at the Clubhouse to carpool (Time announced EN email) Trails in North Georgia parks followed by lunch at a local restaurant Cost: Lunch Contact Person: SueBarcus@gmail.com
“Singles Just Want to Have Fun” (Co-Ed)
What: Socializing with other singles (men and women) and enjoying fun activities. When: Event times/days vary monthly. Information will be sent out via EN e-mail. Where: Various venues that are determined by the group. Cost: Various, depending on event. Contact Person: Marie Schulze – amaries1970@gmail.com
Empty Nesters Travel Group (Co-Ed)
What: Neighbors Traveling Together When: Meet quarterly or as needed Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) This is a group of SOTL empty nesters who enjoy traveling the world and sharing the experience with one another. You don’t have to be an empty nester to join us but having the freedom to travel anytime makes it easier. In 2018 we traveled the Rhine and Danube rivers on two separate Viking River Cruises, and in 2019 we cruised the Caribbean with Oceania Cruises, the Mediterranean with Holland America, and the Nile/Egypt with Gate 1. In 2020 we're going to Ireland and the Baltic. We’re also planning local and regional trips with Nashville and Charleston in the works. Contact Person: Oliver McClellan at oliver.mcclellan@gmail.com, 770-265-9000
Adult Art Group (Co-Ed)
Who: This group is open to anyone that loves being creative. What: This group is for those that love being creative. We will be using paints, fabric, stenciling on clothes, ribbon, book making, and lots of mixed media fun. No experience needed. Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) When: 1st Wednesday of the month at 10am Contact Person: Deborah Piefke at dpiefke@aol.com
International Dinner Club (Co-Ed)
What: Do you enjoy traveling and trying the cuisines of the lands you visit? Why not join the International Dinner Club and travel to those exotic spots once a month via a neighbor’s dining room! Where/When: We meet once a month at a group members home. Contact person: Michelle Bergeson at mbergeson@mindspring.com or 404-931-4088
60’s-70’s Music Seminar/Roundtable
Who: Open to anyone interested in music of the 60’s and 70’s. What: Seminar/open discussion around a milestone record album or artist, including recording info, musical and social impact when released, general artist nostalgia, ect. Different album/artist discussed each month. Where: Main Clubhouse Theater Room When: Held monthly from 6:30pm-8:30pm Contact Person: Keith Guinn at kguinn@bellsouth.net
Music and Song Circle (Co-ed)
Who: Open to anyone who plays an acoustic instrument. What: Music styles include: folk, folk rock, country, bluegrass, old time, etc. When: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Contact Person: Ed Goss at gossedward@gmail.com
Pickleball (Co-ed)
What: A paddle sport like badminton, tennis and table tennis. When: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11 am and Tuesday and Thursday 6-8pm Where: Courts 7 & 8 (7406 Lake Crossing Dr.) Contact Person: Bob Hayes at bhayes2011@gmail.com
Sterling Reviews Book Club (Co-ed)
What: Books are chosen from a list members compile. When: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Cost/Why: Cost of book - Selections may be different genre/topics creating a rich discussion. Contact Person: Ginny Bateman, ginnyretired@yahoo.com Melanie Hutto, mhutto893@gmail.com
Steaming Mugs Coffee Club
What: Conversations surrounding the roasting of various coffee types and to try some new varieties. When: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7p.m. Where: The Lodge (6930 Flagstone Way) Cost: Event is free, but donations for supplies is encouraged. Contact Person: sotlcoffee@gmail.com or contact Eddy Oliver at egopiano@gmail.com
Theater and Music Group (Co-ed/Couples and Single Groups)
What: 2020 Season at the Gainesville Alliance Theater will include the following three shows:
Pippin, Sat @2:30PM, February 22, 2020 The Arabian Nights, Sat @2:30 PM, April 18, 2020
Those Empty Nesters new to Sterling who may have missed the spring sign up may still join Theater Group for fun, entertainment and meeting new friends. If you are interested in attending, simply call Leslie at the Gainesville Theater Alliance box office (678-717-3624) to inquire about seating availability. I would be happy to add you to our couples or singles groups once you have purchased your tickets. Please email me with your name(s), address, cell number and email address. Cost/Why: Cost of season tickets and dinner Contact Person: Merce Bolling at mercebolling@gmail.com, 404-784-1550