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Manager's Message
The Manager's Message
Dear Homeowners,
With fall approaching rapidly, we are hopefully getting closer to cooler day/night temperatures. With the change of season, I would like to give a little guidance on landscape items that will need to be implemented in the near future. • Warm season turf will need a fall pre-emergent to help prevent winter weeds. • Seasonal color beds will need to be changed out to fall/winter appropriate plants with seasonal color. • Leaf removal of fallen leaves. • Installation of new mulch to help plants and trees retain moisture and warmth for the fall/winter months.
If you are planning any fall projects, be sure to submit an application with the needed supporting documentation and review fee to the Design Review Committee prior to the start of work. If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Hawkins at bhawkins@cmacommunities.com.
The fencing along Lake Crossing and Blackjack Rd has been repaired and repainted. The Parkway trees along Lake Crossing and Lake Sterling Blvd will be limbed up in September.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience navigating through COVID19 and the pools operations. The last day the pools will be open is on Sunday, September 27th. Keep a look out for a pool survey in the upcoming months!
If you have any questions, please email me at tquinn@cmacommunities.com.
Regards, Tammy Quinn, Community Manager for Sterling on the Lake
Who to Contact for Quicker Responses
Clubhouse Main line is 770-965-3980
Property Administrator, Brittany Hawkins, bhawkins@cmacommunities.com Applications for Modification, general account and community questions.
Activities Director Maggie Shay, mshay@cmacommunities.com Information about activities and events, clubhouse and lodge rentals, marketing, Sterling-life.com questions and amenity access cards.
Community Manager Tammy Quinn, tquinn@cmacommunities.com All other community concerns, matters relating to the Board of Directors and the HOA.
Landscape - Greenwood Group sterlinginfo@greenwoodgroup.net
Tennis Committee
focused on a smooth transition from a developer financial records, tax records and audits. The needs. service providers such as landscaping and pool New Residents – Please be aware that the Sterling on the Lake Community Association has an exclusive contract with Gwinnett Tennis to provide individual and team coaching for residents. Residents may not employ an outside coach to provide private coaching on the Sterling on the Lake tennis courts at any time. This includes coaching for both adults and juniors. If you are interested in receiving tennis lessons in SOTL, please contact Chase Hodges at chase@gwinnetttennis.com (for adults) or Hannah Keeling at hannah@ gwinnetttennis.com (for juniors).
A complete list of rules for use of the tennis courts, as well as information about all current SOTL tennis programming and events, can be found on the Tennis page on the Sterling-Life
Transition Committee
The transition committee is focused on working contracts cannot be changed until after turnover, with Newland, our Board, HAC and all SOTL but our review will help us be ready for that after Committees. The Transition Team has met and is the turnover date. HOA to owner HOA. Here are a few of the items we c. Review and collection of all our governance have been working on. documents – the rules and regulations under a. Review and collection of all necessary at the closing process for our homes. We are documentation which we would need to have working with legal advisors and Committees to access to post turnover such as property and advise on potential changes before and after the building plans, permits, deeds, comprehensive turnover. list of documents being collected is long, and the d. Review and maintenance of the punch list of committee has the responsibility of having each of items we believe requires correction by Newland these reviewed to be sure they meet our ongoing prior to/and after turnover. b. Review and collection of all contracts in force Newland, the Board and Management, to prioritize between the HOA and external vendors and these issues. website. which we all live and which each of us signed The Transition Committee is working with maintenance to ensure this is comprehensive Joe Langford and that there are no surprises at turnover. Most Chair, Transition Committee