Sterling Life September/October 2020

Page 4

Association Manager’s Corner

The Manager's Message

Dear Homeowners,

any questions, please contact Brittany Hawkins at

With fall approaching rapidly, we are hopefully getting closer to cooler day/night temperatures. With the change of season, I would like to give a little guidance on landscape items that will need to be implemented in the near future. • Warm season turf will need a fall pre-emergent to help prevent winter weeds. • Seasonal color beds will need to be changed out to fall/winter appropriate plants with seasonal color. • Leaf removal of fallen leaves. • Installation of new mulch to help plants and trees retain moisture and warmth for the fall/winter months. If you are planning any fall projects, be sure to submit an application with the needed supporting documentation and review fee to the Design Review Committee prior to the start of work. If you have 4

The fencing along Lake Crossing and Blackjack Rd has been repaired and repainted. The Parkway trees along Lake Crossing and Lake Sterling Blvd will be limbed up in September. Thank you for your cooperation and patience navigating through COVID19 and the pools operations. The last day the pools will be open is on Sunday, September 27th. Keep a look out for a pool survey in the upcoming months! If you have any questions, please email me at Regards,

Tammy Quinn,

Community Manager for Sterling on the Lake


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