Thetis Auction CMS

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thetis W E B S O L U T I O N

Thetis Auction CMS Auction House solutions

+-x÷ Thetis professional solution

RESULTS FIRST. STEMMING FROM QUALITY, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Mission effectiveness. Thetis’ web systems have been designed as a marketing weapon in the customer’s hands. Being visible on the search engine pages and translating such visits into business contacts are the prerequisites of any marketing solution developed by our company. We look into and implement any solution for your website to always come up at the top of any search engine results. Once a visitor is on your webpage, quality becomes key to achieve the best results. A consistent design, where texts and images together are clearly linked to the contents and information the visitor is interested in. Aware that attractive artwork alone is not enough, Thetis brings in creativity too. Based on our extensive familiarity with all advertising media, this weapon is essential to add value to any project, to “break the mould”. Innovation, combined with marketing tools and creativity, is the trademark of any web system developed by Thetis.

Thetis Auction CMS

Thetis Auction CMS


The Auction House solution developed by Thetis is the only one of its kind in Europe. The Auction Houses that have implemented such solution are happy to see their bids remarkably increasing, just a few months after going online. Live Auction is a basic, flexible and customisable module, supported by Thetis’ Content Management System and adapted to the requirements of the auctioning world. It consists of multiple sections, specially designed to clearly and quickly lead users to those contents that are useful for business, and to enable the site administrator to update the pages in a simple, straightforward way through a user-friendly interface on a computer.

Thetis Auction CMS



The standard module is a “turnkey” system to build an efficient and dynamic website, specially designed for the specific requirements of the auction houses.

anyone having to step in. in addition, the system is based on Google guidelines, for the best possible indexing in the main search engines.

The module, which may be easily integrated with your company’s management system, can be used to manage the auction house’s website independently, without

The fact the module is standard does not mean it is not highly flexible too, so users may make all those changes that will perfectly suit them.

MULTILINGUAL The system has a multilingual management system for its dynamic pages, so the code may be separated from the descriptive sections, which are defined in an external catalogue. This means that any change to the catalogue will be quicker and more flexible, new languages may be implemented more easily, and the development process will be faster. NEWSLETTER By subscribing to the Newsletter service, users may receive regular notices about all the news and initiatives of the auction house/web administrator for free, straight into their mailbox.

CONTACT FORMS Users may use the contact forms to directly contact the auction house for enquiries or requests. REGISTRATION FORM All registration forms use a Secure Sockets Layer on a HTTPS encrypting protocol, which offers adequate protection from any kind of cyber-attack. STATISTICS THEY ARE AN EXTREMELY USEFUL TOOL TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WEBSITE TRAFFIC. STATISTICS MAY HELP GATHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE VISITORS’ ORIGINS AND THE WAY THEY INTERACT WITH THE WEBSITE.

Thetis Auction CMS



Keys may be used to explore the options available in the catalogue, above all to log in to the Live Auction or view the lots in 3D.

Key info about each auction is highlighted.

The Calendar section, at the heart of the website, provides details of the auctions and lots. In the Calendar section, users may consult the date and time of an auction, information about the collections, the time the lots are displayed, and above all what lots will be listed. Any information about the auctions may be dynamically managed in the backoďŹƒce of the website. Catalogues are classed according to the type of lot. Lots may be easily viewed through

an advanced search system, which queries the database when you enter the number or name of the lot. Every lot comes with a fact sheet, which mentions: 1. lot number 2. name of lot 3. description and origin with enlargement options, such as Zoomify (a technique that provides high-resolution views of details by simply moving the mouse) 5. estimated price/starting price.

Thetis Auction CMS



This system enables subscribers to bid in real time, with the bids taken in by the auction house. The auction house prints a catalogue of each sale, which shows all the items that will be put up for auction, inclusive of photographs and descriptions. Any catalogue may be bought in the “e-commerce” section of the website with a virtual shopping cart and paid for: 1. by credit card 2. bank transfer 3. cash on delivery. Details of each catalogue (name of auction, pictures, descriptions, prices, etc.) are dynamically managed by the website administrator who can change them in real time, any time. In addition, the E-Commerce section can offer discounts to people who buy multiple auction catalogues. Stock prices too may be managed from the back-office of the website. Catalogues may also be bought by fax by downloading and filling in a PDF form from the website.

HOW TO BUY A HARDCOPY CATALOGUE It shows detailed information about the catalogue for sale, such as number of pages and final price, depending on the country it must be shipped to.

HOW TO ORDER An online order begins with a traditional shopping cart and ends when you pay for and close the transaction.

Thetis Auction CMS



The bidding system lets subscribers bid on each lot. Their bids are recorded in the auction house’s management system and copied into the auctioneer’s account. On the day of the auction, the auctioneer keeps the user’s bid into account while selling the lot. A tool designed to replace faxed bids. In this case, the system sends an email to confirm every single bid, to avoid mistakes. In the “My Profile” section, users may view a summary of their bids and, when the auction ends, find out whether they have won the lot or not.

LOT TRACKING A lot may be added to a list of selected items to bid on them later on.

Thetis Auction CMS



“REMEMBER ME” LOGIN SYSTEM This system saves the user’s login details, so they will not have to be entered again.

MY PROFILE INFO PANEL All the services available to the user in one single page.

“My profile” is the subscribers’ restrictedaccess control panel.

The control panel has the following In addition, “My Profile” provides general features: information about:

To log into the panel, you must authenticate by entering your email and username in the “Sign In” box. Check “Remember Me” if you want the system to recognise you every time you log in the website without having to enter your details again.

1. change subscription details; 2. login and access to live auctions; 3. summary of personal bids; 4. payment of orders; 5. payment of invoices; 6. personal documents; 7. buy the catalogue; 8. preferred lots;

1. how to buy; 2. how to sell; 3. terms and conditions of sale; 4. ask for a quote; 5. Auction House’s bank details;

Thetis Auction CMS



The Community section of the Administration area manages the details of the customers who have signed in or have been imported from the management system. This panel may be used to manage all the customers’ rights, from permits to bid before the auction, to simply sending a newsletter. The system checks the taxpayer’s number when a user signs in and prepares the data so they can be easily imported from the management system.

Thetis Auction CMS


Closing date and time Time to go

‘Bid’ key

SYSTEM AUTO RECOVERY The user provides a maximum amount and the system raises his behalf up to the amount established when other users send back on the lot

Timed auctions have been popular for quite some time in the United States but they are gaining ground in Europe and in Italy as well. As in traditional auctions, in timed auctions too the price is the result of a negotiation, in which the bidders decide what price they are prepared to pay. It is easy: an item is put up for auction at a minimum starting price, below which it will not be sold. Bids are increased in increments based on the proportion of the “starting price”, which add up to the starting price.

If bidding on a lot, the person who has made the highest bid wins and gets the item. In addition to a minimum value, the negotiations are also conditional on a listing time, after which the bidding will stop and the auctioning conditions will be considered. The main difference between a traditional auction and an online auction is in the negotiations, which are virtual; actually, ICT technology and the company’s systems integrated with these new solutions provide access to the auction any time, anywhere, with no limits in time and space.

In addition, bidding is not necessarily done by the bidder, even if, in fact, the bid-monitoring systems work 24 hours a day. All through the auction, bidders are kept informed about any change in price or any outbid, so they can step in.

Thetis Auction CMS


How can you bid in a timed auction? Usually, timed auctions are split into two areas: the free-access sections, which are usually for information only, and the restricted-access areas, where users need to sign in and enter their profiles. To bid in a timed auction, the bidder must have signed in by entering a user ID and a password, which are assigned by the system. After entering the access details, the user may have access to any lot and may bid, using the ‘bidding’ feature of the timed system.

However, the bidding software will create automatic emails, or push notices if using an IOS app, to inform the bidders about the state of the auction. When bidding is over, the winners/buyers receive all the details they need to complete their purchases. Note that a 25% commission will be added by the auction house to the bidding price, according to the Terms and Conditions of Sale, which the bidders (at traditional and timed auctions) must state they have read and approved before they start bidding.

Summary of bids

Thetis Auction CMS



The ‘Browse The Catalogue’ service is a new quick and nice interactive feature for a virtual use of the catalogues. The quality of this solution is much better than any hardcopy catalogue. Note that the pictures are automatically reprocessed into very high-resolution photos, so even the smallest details of any item may be viewed.

The system offers the option to download 3D pictures of the lots you rate as most important. In this way, you can have a 360-degree view of any item, rotate it and look at it from every angle, while enlarging any detail. An experience that is very rewarding for users just because it gives them a chance to look at an item as if they were really holding it in their hands.

ROTATE You just need to move the mouse to rotate an item and look at it from every angle.

ZOOM Any lot may be looked at down to the smallest details with the 3D enlargement feature.

Thetis Auction CMS



“On Line Bidding” is a perfectly safe system whereby subscribers, wherever they are, may bid on the lots as if they were there, at the auction. With “On Line Bidding”, a potential buyer will feel the same excitement and the same atmosphere as in a real auction house. The system has a number of features that make bidding easier: 1. it shows the lot number, including a description and pictures of the lot; 2. it shows all the bids placed on a lot; 3. a log of previous bids, with the option to see the lot and a list of selected lots; 4. an hourglass icon, set to the bidder’s connection speed, shows up and tells how much time is left for raising a bid; Any bidder is tagged with a disc number, showing if the bidder is at the auction or online; However, the system may accept written bides from potential buyers, either by fax or by filling in a special web form, up to two hours before opening the auction. Through this system, a bidder may see how the bid goes and increase the bid if outbid by some other buyer.

EASY BIDDING The system features a number of automatic keys, through which the On Line Bidding system administrator can increase the bids without having to enter them.

LIST OF LOTS In addition to a fact sheet about the lot that is up for auction at that time, a user may view all the lots that come after that.

REAL TIME Live video and audio of the auctioneer all through the auctioning process.

Thetis Auction CMS


In the room, customers may follow the bidding process on large screens or video projectors connected to the Live Auction system, which are automatically updated.



Thetis Auction CMS

APP iPad - iPhone - Android


iPAD-COMPATIBLE Thetis’ Online Auction system has been designed so that all its contents might be available on iPad as well.



Thetis’ Auction CMS includes a link to a specific iPad app.

Thetis has developed a special app, which may be downloaded from the Apple Store and adapted to any auction house.

All of the system’s features are also available on iPad.

This app may be used to browse auction catalogues and view a full list of the lots, including high-resolution pictures and descriptions. In addition, the app interfaces Thetis’ Auction CMS, so subscribers may bid and take part in a live auction. Users may see a summary of their bids or search the lots in the auction catalogues by entering some keywords.


thetis W E B S O L U T I O N

THETIS SRL C/o centro direzionale olidor Via Oliveti, 110 - 54100 Massa (MS) Tel. +39 0585 790451 Fax +39 0585 790445 THETIS BOLOGNA Via Vittoria, 7 - 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) Tel. +39 051 7401624 Fax +39 051 7401625

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