The Towerlight (October 31, 2017)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

October 31, 2017

An in-depth look at the mental health resources available at Towson, pg. 7 Photo by McKenna Graham, Photo Illustration by Jordan Stephenson /The Towerlight


October 31, 2017



October 31, 2017

Editor-in-Chief Marcus Dieterle Senior Editor Jordan Cope Assoc. News Editor Bailey Hendricks Arts & Life Editor McKenna Graham Asst. Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Sports Editor Karuga Koinange Asst. Sports Editors Michael Mills Billy Owens Senior Staff Writer Sarah Rowan Staff Writers Desmond Boyle






Lauren Cosca Amanda Carroll Mary-Ellen Davis Michael Mills Jill Gattens Jessica Ricks Billy Owens Keri Luise Kevin McGuire Muhammad Waheed

Photo Editor Asst. Photo Editor Mark Dragon Senior Staff Photographer Alex Best Staff Photographers Jordan Cope




Lexi Thompson Brendan Felch Natalie Jeffery

General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Jordan Stephenson Webmaster Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz

Join us as we celebrate International Games Week. Enjoy a selection of games tabletop games in the lobby and a Rubik’s Cube speed challenge.

Take a hammer to a scale to show that you are more than just a number.

11 a.m., The Beach

Brittany Whitham

Proofreaders Kayla Baines


10 a.m., Cook Library, 3rd floor lobby

Joseph Hockey Simon Enagonio Joseph Noyes

The Towson University Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility is teaming up with prestige photography by Lifetouch.

8 a.m. - 4 p.m., University Union, Conference Room 307

Jesse L. Baird Natalie Bland

Sarah Van Wie



9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Career Center, Suite 206



Noon, Center for the Arts Atrium

Sign up for a 45-minute, stress-free session with an employer to practice your interview skills and receive personal feedback on your resume.

Experience the joy of being an artist at TU’s Community Art Center’s Family Arts Day. Drop in for a day of interactive art activities.

Dom Capparuccini Aisha Marfani Elissa Kenfack Alexa Biddle


TRENDING. 8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2017 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!


Out here getting spooky for TU Homecoming and Halloween

@Why_so_SARious Someone from Towson let Alyssa and I stay w them for Halloween!!






Bring your little monsters to celebrate Halloween at the Turtle!

@sarahacorn For Halloween we’re gonna be corny freshman that buy matching sweatshirts for fun... @ Towson...




October 31, 2017

Unchecked and A need for balance in class unbalanced in D.C. Blaine Taylor Towson alumnus, Class of ‘72

This is in response to The Towerlight’s report by Bailey Hendricks Oct. 17, 2017, entitled “Ehrlich urges students to define their terms,” covering former GOP Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s most recent appearance on campus. I think it's great that he comes, and I trust that he'll continue. That having been said, I note that TU was and is a state-funded educational institution, and that the former governor's host these past two decades-plus has been TU professor Richard Vatz, a state employee paid by the state of Maryland. As a TU grad of 1972, former SGA senator and presidential candidate, former Towerlight reporter, press aide to the former governor's predecessor in Congress, Democratic candidate, voter, citizen and former member of the TU Alumni Board, I now pose the same question to professor Vatz as I have in the past. That is: has he ever invited either a sitting or former Democratic Governor of Maryland to speak to his classes? I

think not. [Editor’s Note: Vatz has invited former Democratic Governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley to speak to his classes, but O’Malley never could attend. Additonally, Vatz has hosted Democratic politicians such as Senator Jim Brochin and Delegate Stephen Lafferty.] As it happens, we now have three living same whom he could invite and who might, indeed, come. They are: Harry Hughes, Parris Glendening and Martin O'Malley. If any or all have turned him down, then it's a moot point, but if they have not, then I suggest that the premise of equal time, fair play and the teacher's responsibility to expose his classes to both sides of the gubernatorial office far outweighs any parochialism or even laziness on the professor's part. He has an obligation that he is simply arrogantly ignoring in his usual bullheaded way. The fact that he is also partially the semi-official, public face of TU on TV almost weekly also makes it incumbent upon him to embrace fairness and equal time. Surely he must see this, but maybe not. Then there is this mantra-like state-

ment of his own in the article that I find simply amazing as to his possibly true feelings on the matter, and I quote: "Vatz said that Ehrlich has been his guest in his class twice a year for about 24 years, and that he likes him because his political views are similar to his own." There you have it. Inasmuch as TU now has a sitting president who both openly and publicly embraces condoning not enforcing federal immigration laws on campus as part of some wooly "sanctuary" extra-legality status for illegal aliens resident here, I am bypassing her in regards to getting first a legal opinion on the actions of professor Vatz, and then legal redress of same. I am already on record as stating that she has earned being fired. She should go. Accordingly, I have sent via email this same missive to the State Attorney General at Annapolis for a legal opinion and possible legal action. If there is no legal case or redress, fine, but if so, I suggest that professor Vatz open his class to former Democratic Governors or retire, now. We either have fairness or we don't. Right now, we don't. The ball is in his court.


Marcus Dieterle/ The Towerlight Editor-in-Chief Marcus Dieterle and Associate News Editor Bailey Hendricks attended the Mid-Atlantic College Newspaper Conference Oct. 27-28 at the University of Virginia. The conference was hosted by U.Va.’s student-run newspaper, The Cavalier Daily. This was the first time the conference was held.

Trump’s attacks on the press and courts harm our democracy RYAN KIRBY Columnist

President Donald Trump has been attacking American institutions since he became a prominent advocate of the birther movement. As a candidate, Trump attacked Judge Gonzalo Curiel for his Hispanic heritage, claiming that his race made him unable to rule fairly on the Trump University case. He also began his attacks on the press by threatening to open up libel laws. As president, Trump has attacked independent watchdog organizations, the press and the courts. These institutions are fundamental to checking presidential power. The investigation into Trump's connections with Russia has provided a major threat to the current administration. Trump sought to control the investigation into his own actions by forcing James Comey, then director of the FBI, to pledge loyalty to him. When Comey refused, he was fired shortly after. As a result, the Department of Justice created an independent investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Trump's attacks did not end with the firing of Comey. Trump has criticized the investigation as a "witch hunt" and attacked the members of the investigation as politically motivated. Attacking the press has become almost a daily occurrence. The press are a vital part of American democracy because they serve to check government officials in every branch. The term "fake news" has become a common label for news that the president disagrees with. Anti-press rhetoric coming the Trump administration and the president himself has only increased as time has gone by. He has called journalists "liars," "sick people," and "the enemy of the American people" just to name a few.

The judicial system has also fallen into Trump's crosshairs. On day seven of his presidency, Trump issued his first version of the travel ban. When U.S. District Court Judge James Robart temporarily blocked the travel ban, Trump took to Twitter to express his frustration by calling Judge Robart a "so-called judge." When subsequent rulings were made about revised travel bans, Trump continued his assault by making claims that some of the judges were stopping him for strictly political reasons. So why does all of this matter? Under normal circumstances, any one of those actions would not be acceptable by members of either party. It is the responsibility of the legislative and judicial branch to check a president when they begin to attack American institutions. Republicans in Congress have shown no indication that they will adequately defend the institutions vital to American democracy. There are only a handful of Republicans who are willing to speak against the president, and even then they offer a weak condemnation. The Founding Fathers created a system of checks and balances designed to stop an incompetent president, but what they did not account for was the incredibly high level partisanship. Trump is potentially the perfect storm for a constitutional crisis. Republicans control every branch of the federal government and they show no signs of curbing Trump's behavior. If Republicans continue to sit idly by while this president attacks fundamental American institutions, faith in them will continue to fade. There used to be a time where members would challenge a sitting president of their own party in order to preserve checks and balances, but it appears the Republican Party is choosing party over country.


October 31, 2017


The best of Uptown’s Standing up to Donald Trump Halloween costumes Jeff Flake launches attack on the U.S. president


Since announcing his presidential candidacy, Donald Trump has promoted an erratic political brand that is enthusiastically welcomed by millions of Americans. For Trump supporters who have long abhorred the watered-down, diplomatic dialogue of Washington, the president’s colloquial, anti-establishment political style serves as a refreshing change. For some prominent congressional Republicans, however, Trump’s discordant behavior is “dangerous to [our] democracy.” The ideological fissures in the Republican Party grew slightly wider last week after Arizona Senator Jeff Flake delivered a sharp rebuke of the president from the Senate floor. In fact, the description “sharp rebuke” does not properly depict Flake’s speech; Flake genuinely dismantled the president on political, intellectual and moral levels. He also targeted Republicans who have supported President Trump’s rhetoric, calling them “complicit” and “misguided.” Flake’s stunning criticisms came shortly after the release of his best-selling book, “Conscience of a Conservative,” within which he also very blatantly criticized the boorishness of the president. Flake’s speech last week was a remarkable show of dissent -- one which joined the likes of John McCain, Bob Corker, the occasional Lindsey Graham and others. Additionally, at the end of Flake’s critique, he announced his retirement from the U.S. Senate.

Prior to the speech, Flake’s approval ratings in Arizona were low. With truly nothing left to lose, Flake used his Tuesday Senate speech to make his final stand against the current administration and the increasingly unstable alt-right presence in Republican politics. Flake’s show of defiance also proved striking in the midst of Steve Bannon’s continued assault against congressional Republicans. Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, has turned heads in his pursuit of alt-right figureheads to lead the Republican Party towards nationalistic goals. Following Flake’s announcement, Bannon scoffed that Flake “went down without a fight.” Republicans, and all Americans in fact, should be exceptionally proud of Flake and his actions last Tuesday. Flake made it perfectly clear that his political popularity, a measure which ultimately determines his employment status, was not as important as defending American principles from the perverse antics of a narcissistic president. Flake put his head on the proverbial chopping block to defend the integrity of the U.S. presidency against Trump’s proclivity for tweeting, insulting and creating drama. Flake’s statement, although lauded by moderates and Democrats alike, received plenty of criticism from Republicans. Certainly, the president wasted no time criticizing Senator Flake, tweeting that he was retiring because he “had zero chance of winning reelection.” In addition to the president, Press Secretary

Sarah Huckabee Sanders condescendingly cited Flake’s popularity as justification for his retirement. And quite expectedly, House Speaker Paul Ryan offered a stale message for Flake, which he noted Flake’s support of limited government principles and constitutional doctrine, yet mentioned neither Trump’s behavior nor the content of Flake’s speech. While the significance of Flake’s speech is difficult to overstate, it is the reactions of the American voters and our elected officials following the speech that will ultimately make the most significant impact on contemporary political dialogues. McCain and Corker have both been highly critical of the president and will not seek reelection in the Senate. Now that Senator Flake has joined their company, we must wait and hope that other Republican lawmakers will condemn the president’s antics with as much vigor and resilience as McCain, Corker and Flake. As Flake clarified on Tuesday, “there are times when we must risk our careers in favor of our principles.” May more of our elected officials recognize this reality and continue to exercise arguably the most patriotic form of free speech -- dissent.

Republicans, and all Americans in fact, should be exceptionally proud of Flake and his actions last Tuesday.


Towson students didn’t disappoint with holiday flare this weekend JORDAN COPE Senior Editor @jordancope26

Wow, Halloween weekend was… AWESOME. Since we go to press on Halloween -- and since Halloween weekend is now behind us -- I thought it would be fitting to do a top-five list of the best costumes I saw at the bars uptown this weekend. So -- without further ado -- I present to you the big winners: 1. Sports Costumes: Okay, hear me out on this. I grew up at the sports desk, so obviously I’m going to rank these types of costumes number one. Jerseys are such a great conversation starter, and you can have a lot of fun with them. I even indulged and went as an average and concussed Joe Flacco. Anyway -- seeing all you damn New Yorkers in your Yankees and Rangers jerseys was painful for my eyes -- but fun to talk to you about. Well done, everyone. 2. Rosie the Riveter: I’ll be honest, I have never seen this costume before on Halloween. The idea was great, and the costume is inexpensive. I have never understood why people buy these expensive costumes to wear one day in their life, but that is beside my point. The timing of wearing this costume was perfect given our current political state. For the creativity and the message, Rosie

the Riveter takes second-place in our top-five.

3. The Brawny Man: Creative, my friend. I give you kudos for carrying around a 16-pack of paper towels through the streets all night, too. That is something I definitely couldn’t have dealt with. Great costume and great use of props gives you the No. 3 spot. 4. Superhero Costumes: Even though these costumes are super expensive, they are so cool. As Abram Fox, honors college coordinator, told me in an interview for a cover story that we ran this year, “Going to see superhero movies doesn’t mean you are a nerd anymore, it means you went to see some of the highest-grossing movies.” I couldn’t have put it any better myself. Just because you dressed up like a superhero, doesn’t make you a nerd, it makes you badass. Running in at our No. 4 spot, superhero costumes. 5. Prison Costumes: The only reason these costumes are in our top-five is because I don’t really remember anything else that I saw that stuck out to me, or struck me as particularly interesting. Most of these costumes were bright orange, which helps jog my memory, and fits into the Halloween color pallet. Going up with the No. 5 spot on our list is prison costumes, but only as default. Don’t get too excited if you wore these, because I don’t think highly of you. Have a fun and stay safe Halloween, everyone! If you are a freshman, sophomore or junior, live it up because it goes waaaaayyyy too fast.



October 31, 2017

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October 31, 2017


Mental health accessibility on campus MARCUS DIETERLE Editor-in-Chief @marcusdieterle

Over the past month, the Towerlight talked with members of the Towson University community about the mental health resources available at Towson, and about students’ own experiences with mental health care. We also sent out a survey to students online regarding wait times for mental health treatment. The results of the survey are not meant to be comprehensive but were gathered from those students who responded in time for our print deadline. As Towson University grows, so does the demand for mental health care among students. Towson enrolled 22,705 students for its fall 2017 semester. That is a 1.6 percent increase compared to the same time last fall; a 5.8 percent increase between fall 2017 and fall 2011. Counseling Center Associate Director Mollie Herman said the center, which is located at Ward and West, northeast of the Liberal Arts building, sees everything from adjustment issues and roommate conflicts to suicidal thoughts and behaviors, non-suicidal self-injury, eating disorders, and survival of sexual assault. “There’s almost nothing that you could probably think of that we haven’t at some point talked to somebody who was dealing with that issue,” Herman said. Steph Lietzau is the secretary of Active Minds, a mental health advocacy organization at Towson. As college students juggle classes, work schedules, other commitments, and their personal growth as young adults, Lietzau said anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses add to the challenges that students face. “I think the most prevalent one, nationwide but especially on college campuses, is anxiety just because we’re inside such a stressful time right now,” she said. “Our brain isn’t fully developed yet. That doesn’t happen until you’re 25. We’re still going through a bunch of changes, especially moving to a new college is really scary and a big change.” Herman said the Center has seen

an increase in students coming in to meet with clinicians. However, both Herman and TU President Kim Schatzel theorize that the increase in students seeking mental health treatment has not been caused solely by the growth of the campus. “It’s not just the size of the campus that’s impacting that,” Schatzel said. “Over the last probably [five to ten years], the stigma that was attached to behavioral health very fortunately is being removed. Folks that would not have necessarily sought support or treatment are now doing so. The number of incidents that we have of students seeking out counseling is on the rise and we’re really pleased to be able to offer that.” Despite the uptick in traffic coming into the Counseling Center, Herman said the center continues to prioritize quick access to mental health treatment. Herman said the average wait time for a student to see a clinician was 3.73 days, and that 90 percent of students were seen by a clinician in a week or less. According to The Towerlight’s survey, 55.2 percent of respondents have been able to meet with a clinician immediately or within six days of making their appointment. Of our survey respondents, 41.4 percent have waited one to two weeks between scheduling their appointment and the actual appointment date. Only 3.4 percent of respondents have waited two to three weeks, and no respondents have waited longer than that. Out of the The Towerlight’s survey respondents, 75.9 percent said they have not had to cancel an appointment with a mental health professional due to wait time. Lietzau said Active Minds is built on three main pillars: education, advocacy, and reduction of the stigma around mental health. “Reducing the stigma is probably the biggest thing to do right now just because it’s so bad around so many different mental illnesses,” Lietzau said. “We’re all just really passionate about that because for a lot of us it’s very personal and hits home.” While reduction in stigma has perhaps encouraged more people to seek treatment, Active Minds member

Abra Roberts said that the cost of mental health care is still an obstacle for many people. “Insurance and finances make it really really hard for some people to seek out help because therapy is really expensive… so I think they should make it more affordable for people to go [to mental health professionals] or at least give them services to go through to reach those services,” said Roberts, a senior psychology major. Herman said there is no fee for sessions at the Counseling Center, with the exception of some of the mandated drug and alcohol treatment services. Students seeking counseling meet with a clinician for a “intake meeting,” or initial appointment, and work with that clinician to determine a plan for further treatment. “At the initial appointment, the counselor will work with the student to determine if their concerns are appropriate within our short-term treatment model,” Herman said. “If they are appropriate, the counselor will work with the client to develop a customized plan of treatment. If the student needs longer term treatment than what we are able to offer, the counselor will work closely with the student to get them connected to an appropriate community referral source.” Herman emphasized that the Counseling Center will not turn away any student in crisis. During fiscal year 2017, 1,770 unique clients received clinical services at the Counseling Center; the center had a total of 7,597 clinical appointments during that same period, according to Herman. Herman said that Counseling Center clinicians’ clinical work with students constitutes about 60-70 percent of how those clinicians spend their time, depending on time of year. In addition to the clinical appointments, clinicians made 3,500 clinically significant contacts – such as telephone consultations and inquiries by people who are concerned about the welfare of others -- during fiscal year 2017. Between clinical sessions and consultations, the Counseling Center served nearly 2,000 unique individuals, according to Herman. The Counseling Center has 16 gen-

Marcus Dieterle/ The Towerlight

Towson University’s Counseling Center, located at Ward and West, provides mental health treatment and resources to students. eralist clinicians and two clinicians who focus on substance abuse concerns. The center also has 20 hours per week of psychiatry consultation, Herman said. While Herman said the Counseling Center tries to serve as many students in need of counseling as possible, she acknowledged that the center does not have the resources to be everywhere all at once. That’s where resources like the center’s mental health training program, Kognito, come in. Kognito is a self-directed module that teaches students, faculty and staff members how to respond to students who might be in crisis or students they’re concerned about, and to refer those individuals to the Counseling Center to receive the care they need. The Counseling Center also facilitates the Healthy Minds Peer Educators group which provides peer support to students seeking mental health resources. Lietzau is one of the Healthy Minds Peer Educators. She said she sees a particular value in students being able to speak with a peer about mental health. “I feel like especially for youth and people our age, they might listen to other people of our age more than adults…. We’re trying to relate to people our own age because that helps people a lot sometimes if they can relate to somebody who’s offering them help,” she said.

Lietzau said she appreciates the efforts by the Counseling Center and student groups to spread mental health awareness to campus. “Healthy Minds specifically focuses on mental disorders and everything, and Active Minds as well; just making it a place where nobody has to struggle alone…. That’s one thing we always say: nobody should suffer in silence. I think that Towson is really open with that and doesn’t really shame it all or anything,” she said. Roberts said she has found solace in being able to put a name to her bipolar disorder. “I want other people to be able to get that help because I know it’s not easy for a lot people because they don’t want to admit something’s wrong…. “Being able to say ‘hey, I’m a regular person and I happen to be schizophrenic or I happen to be bipolar.’ … We’re real people. It’s everybody you walk by. Anybody can have it, and it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.” Despite the stresses of college life, Lietzau said she has bonded over mental health with the members of Healthy Minds and Active Minds. “We all help each other,” Lietzau said. “It can be like a therapy session just because the majority of us either suffer from some sort of mental health issue or they know somebody that has one or are just really passionate about it…. That really brings us all together and doing all the work we do with events, it’s a really good feeling.”



October 31, 2017

Al Gore speaks on climate change TU safest in USM “An Inconvenient Sequel” movie screened ANTHONY PETRO Contributing Writer

Towson students gathered in the Liberal Arts building Thursday night to participate in a nationwide live webcast with former Vice President Al Gore where he discussed climate change and his newest movie, “An Inconvenient Sequel.” “We are experiencing more climate related weather events than ever before,” Gore said. “The devastating hurricanes, floods and fires are all examples of this. We need to get together and be part of the solution.” The Office of Sustainability hosted the live national web-event and screened the film afterward. Over 120 colleges were logged into the online question and answer session with the former Vice President. Campus Planning and Sustainability Manager Paddy Watson said she hoped that this event would help spark conversation about climate change. “We are trying to tap into the movement of climate change and awareness here at the University,” Watson said. “This event will hopefully provide a dialogue, awareness, and hopefully incite action.” Astronomy professor Christian Ready went to Colorado over the summer to participate in a leadership conference where he learned how to give the climate change presentation that Gore gives. Ready is part of the Climate Change Reality Project,which Gore is the founder and chairman of. “We need to get the word out about climate change and persuade

people who have misconceptions,” Ready said. Ready was going to give the presentation, but when Watson received the login code for the web-event, the two decided the Q&A with Gore would be better. Gore answered pre-selected questions that were sent via video and asked by college students around the country. “Student voices have been in the vanguard of social issues in the past,” Gore said. “College age students are starting to lead the way to solutions now.” Dance major Xedera Townsend emphasized that climate change is real. “I don’t see how people still say its fake,” Townsend said. “People need to pay more attention and help the effort to make changes.” Towson joined the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment in 2007 The ACUPCC is a large group of colleges and universities that are signed onto a plan to reduce their greenhouse gas use and expand research into solving climate change. Gore said that universities around the country are pushing toward becoming completely carbon neutral. “I got into [climate change] in college,” Gore said. “I didn’t know at the time that it would take over my life, but I’m glad for it. I dedicated and still do dedicate my time to trying to find out how the science of climate change or global warming can be explained more easily to those who need to know.” According to Ready, solving cli-

mate change starts with education. “We need to educate about the climate crisis and brainstorm solutions to stall and eventually fix the issue,” he said. Gore laid out a few ways that the average person can help the climate issue. “Individuals can make a difference,” Gore said. “Use your voice; don’t be mean or hostile. Use your vote; persuade your candidates. Use your choice; persuade businesses to make climate conscious choices with what you purchase.” Gore said attempting to solve the climate crisis has spurred the economy and created jobs. “Solving the climate crisis has created more jobs and more affordable energy,” Gore said. “Solar and wind turbine technician jobs are rising in number, in fact, they are skyrocketing. These jobs help decrease economic inequality.” Gore’s first movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” was released in 2006. It showed Gore’s efforts to explain the climate crisis and describe ways to help curb the destructive effects on the environment. The film won Gore an Oscar. After the Q&A, Watson played Gore’s second movie, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, where he shows viewers the effects of climate change, how it can be changed and how the efforts of the past 11 years have helped. “Please become a part of the solution,” Gore said, before ending the Q&A session. “It is the right, the necessary thing to do, and you can make a difference.”

Courtesy of

The Office of Sustainability hosted an event to show a national, live webcast Q&A session with former Vice President Al Gore Thursday. His movie “An Inconvenient Sequel” was screened afterward.

File photo by Marcus Dieterle/ The Towerlight

Police Chief Bernie Gerst credits TU’s low crime rates to educating the public and making students aware of safety protocols. KEVIN MCGUIRE Staff Writer

Towson University once again topped the list as the safest school in the University System of Maryland, according to the latest statistics report. Uniform Crime Reporting, a report published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, compiles official data on crime in the United States. For eight of the past nine years, Towson University has been named the safest campus in the USM. “We’re very pleased with the numbers,” said TU Police Chief Bernie Gerst. “However, we would love to have zero crimes on campus.” Specifically, Towson University has the lowest number of Part I crimes per 1,000 students: there were 3.49 crimes per 1,000 students, with University of Maryland, Baltimore County, hitting 5.79 and University of Maryland, College Park, with 9.19 crimes. Part I crimes are classified as more violent, and range from simple theft to greater crimes like assault, rape, motor vehicle theft or homicide. Gerst credits the low numbers to doing what a college does best: educating the public. “It’s hard to educate a college campus, because the community turns over completely every four to five years,” Gerst said. “However, we try to make sure every student is aware of basic safety protocols: locking car doors and residence halls, and protecting their property at all times.” TUPD uses a multi-faceted approach when it comes to policing campus. The police force works with maintenance and renovations to ensure the campus is safe in ways one might not think of. “We want to make sure everything maintenance-wise is in order,” Gerst said. “Even something like overgrown shrubs can make it easier for an attacker to conceal themselves.”

Another creative measure by TUPD is their “GOTCHA” program. If an officer spots personal property left in public that would potentially be a target for thieves, the officer will confiscate the equipment, and leave a notice so the property can be picked up later by its owner. “We are extremely proud of the efforts of everyone in the Towson University community to help keep TU the safest campus in the University System,” said President Kim Schatzel in a statement Friday afternoon. “Keeping our campus safe makes Towson University a better place-a place that is more welcoming and inclusive for all of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests.” Students seemed surprised but pleased to hear that TU had not only earned the title of safest campus in USM, but also that the campus has a record of being one of the safest schools. “It opens your eyes to how safe our campus truly is,” junior Leia Adomanis said. “It’s calming to know that everyone on campus is doing their part to keep our campus and students safe.” “I’m very surprised,” senior Sarah Thompson said. “I get updates to my email almost every other day about reports of crimes happening at Towson, so it’s surprising to me that Towson has the fewest.” While TU has the fewest part I crimes, less serious crimes, like liquor law violations or simple assault, are classified as part II crimes and are not measured by the statistics. However, Gerst and the TUPD say they treat every crime with timely responses and the utmost professionalism. “We jump on this stuff as quick as we can,” Gerst said. “We try to identify the criminal as quick as possible and bring him to justice.” “Towson Police are everywhere and always ready to respond,” senior Phil Marshall said. “Our campus is very well covered.”


October 31, 2017


Business competition begins Novel discusses Nigerian experience AMANDA CARROLL Staff Writer

In the style of the popular ABC show “Shark Tank,” eight students came together Wednesday, Oct. 25, for the qualifying round of the Tiger Cage pitch competition to see which business idea would make it to the finals. Judging the competition was a panel of two entrepreneurs, Grace Caltrider and Jinji Fraser. Caltrider is the Vice President of Digital Marketing for Zest Social Media Solutions, a digital marketing agency whose headquarters is located in downtown Towson. Fraser is a local chocolatier who owns the Pure Chocolate Shop by Jinji at the Belvedere Square Market, and whose products can be found around the area in grocery stores and coffee shops. The competition’s rules were simple: each student had two minutes to pitch their business. No visual aids could be used, and only the top three students could move on to the final round. The business pitches ranged from an eco-friendly apparel company and an informational interview podcast, to an electric longboard rental company and a company focused on connecting content creators. On the line was a grand prize of $500 and the winner’s pick of a consulting package from one of three companies: The StartUp, EdTech and the Student Launch Pad. Second prize would be $300 and a consulting package from the remaining companies after the winner made their selection. Judging was based on overall presentation, persuasiveness and content. The three finalists selected were Trey Mick, Ken Musika and Kendall Gant. Mick’s company, The Green Light

Experience, is focused on educating people around the legality and usage of medical and recreational cannabis. He came up with the idea for this company after “noticing the lack of knowledge and negative stereotypes surrounding cannabis,” which made him want “to change people’s views on this.” An app to connect university clubs and organizations onto one platform - VENUE - was the focus of Musika’s pitch. Noticing that “many students and faculty have the same problem.” of not knowing what events are being held on campus, Musika described how he would base his app on a subscription model and “intend[s] for the app to reach to other campuses and firms across the nation.” Gant’s business proposal was The Local Bean, a café and marketplace in Talbot County where she would sell local products. According to her, working at a local ice cream shop in high school “inspired me to create a community-based business idea” because “making connections within our community is easily one of the best parts about working for a small business.” In selecting the three finalists, Caltrider acknowledged that all participants “had great ideas.” “We both were surprised how it [deciding the finalists] shook up in the end,” Fraser said. All three finalists described the experience as a mix of excitement and fear. Musika admitted that pitching his idea in front of “experienced people in the entrepreneurial field kept me on my toes.” “When you pitch in front of judges and a crowd, you have to be vulnerable in sharing something you feel passionate about,” Gant said. “It felt like a huge risk for me. Leading up to it I was very nervous but once I started pitching, it just flowed and felt natural.” Mick said it was through his class-

mates’ support that it got easier to pitch his business model. “It gets a little easier each time I have to pitch my ideas,” he said. Caltrider closed by saying that she did not have an experience [like Tiger Cage] at her university, and that she would have benefitted from an experience like this. Tiger Cage project lead and Enactus member Garrett Thorne agreed that Tiger Cage gives students a platform to showcase and improve their business ideas. “[Tiger Cage] is a great opportunity to get your idea out there and get feedback to use in the future,” Thorne said. The competition was hosted by Towson’s Enactus chapter, which promotes opportunities for students to use entrepreneurship to design and implement projects to solve problems on campus and in the community. According to Thorne, the idea for the pitch competition came from an Enactus member who has since graduated. “Every year the pitches have gotten better,” said Enactus Vice President of Projects Meredith Price “This year the students were very prepared with great speeches and great ideas.” Thorne describes the experience of managing the competition as “rewarding” because Tiger Cage has made an impact on many students since its start. “I look forward to seeing what will happen in the final round and where these students will take their ideas,” he said. The final round of the competition is open to the public and will take place Nov. 1, from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Stephens Hall, Room 310. Finalists will pitch their business for five minutes, then answer judge’s questions for an additional five minutes. Price added that “there will also be free food and entertainment groups in the next round.”

Amanda Carroll/ The Towerlight

Entrepreneurs Grace Caltrider and Jinji Fraser are the judges for this year’s Tiger Cage competition. The final round will take place Wednesday, Nov. 1, where the top business pitch will win the $500 grand prize.

“Purple Hibiscus” wins One Maryland One Book award

David Fisher/ The Towerlight

Cook Library hosted a discussion regarding the award-winning book “Purple Hibiscus” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Oct. 25. SOPHIA BATES Contributing Writer @sbrookebates

The One Maryland One Book winner for this year, “Purple Hibiscus” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, is being recognized at Towson University. Set in postcolonial Nigeria, the book follows protagonist Kambili Achike and focuses on themes of violence and silence. Cook Library hosted a book discussion Oct. 25, where students, faculty and staff were invited to share their ideas and opinions about the book, or learn about the book for the first time. Free bookmarks, reading guides and copies of the book were available to pick up throughout the discussion. “Purple Hibiscus tells a really good tale of growth because the main character really undergoes quite a change throughout the book,” Librarian for Outreach and Student Engagement Eden Parks said. “And it’s great to see a character develop like that in a book, as well as fit the theme of home and belonging,” Political science professor Donn Worgs opened up the discussion with the themes in mind. “Given my perspective as I was reading, I just kept thinking about race, religion, and

gender, and the complexities of these themes,” Worgs said. Senior Osaretin Sesebor said she connected with Adichie based on their shared cultural backgrounds. “The author is very important to me, because she’s Nigerian and I’m Nigerian,” Sesebor said. “She’s someone that I grew up reading and I really enjoy listening to her perspectives and Ted Talks as well.” The importance of the author’s race was vital to Parks as well. “This was a great selection because it has a different perspective on those topics than what a lot of western literature is exposed to,” Parks said. “The author is African, and it’s a really great perspective on what these themes mean and how universal they are. I think one thing we don’t always assume is how universal some of these themes really are.” For Sesebor, the book opens up important discussion that might have been uncomfortable in our society. “I really like the book, it’s different” Sesebor said. “It touches on domestic violence and the issue of ‘keeping quiet’ and I think that’s important. The more you talk about it, the more you reduce the stigma of not talking about it.”

12 October 31, 2017

Arts & Life


Homecoming Week heated up Thursday, Oct. 26, with the Royally Rad Pageant, which featured a wide variety of talents, personalities and 90s-themed decorations; from Rugrats pictures, to CDs, to slap bracelets, attendees were able to take home. “This is one of our most popular events,” said senior and Homecoming C o m m i t te e C h a i r Kristen Zdon. “It’s a long-time tradition, we always have t he [Homecoming] Court compete in a pageant.” Homecoming king and queen, Leroy Hyson II and Lauren Dell’Arciprete, were announced and crowned at halftime during the football game against the University of Delaware on Saturday, Oct. 28. Before the royals were crowned on Saturday, the Homecoming Court showcased their brains, beauty and talent during the Thursday pageant. “Think of it as a ‘Miss America’

since it includes a Q&A portion, talent, evening wear and a small comedy bit,” Zdon said. “The talent portion is my ultimate favorite; they don’t just do the basic singing or dancing routine, they add their own flair to it.” The event went on for two hours and the event coordinators did not spare a second to let the crowd simmer. Instead, the coordinators had the audience play Kahoot! with 90s-themed questions in the beginning of the show, v o l u n teers jump onstage to have a dance battle, and the alumni judges reminisce about 90s memories for the best Throwback Thursday. It was a good opportunity for Towson’s community to come together and grow closer. “When I learned that Leroy [Hyson] was running for court, I just had to come support him,” said junior Tyler Halliwell, who is in Men’s Chorus with Hyson and attended to hear Hyson sing his version of John Legend’s “All of Me.”

The talents did not just stop at singing; there was an interpretive dance, a cheer routine, a poetry reading, five-minute art painting, magic tricks, lip syncing, tips on how to do the “perfect” push-up, and even tips on how to survive at Towson. Homecoming Week is meant to be a time for everyone to come together and build new memories for the year. Freshman Morgan Heion did just that when she came to support her Resident Assistant DJ Burke. Heion said that Burke was “very welcoming” and “supportive,” so she wanted to return the favor. When each nominee came out to introduce themselves, they kept their heads held high and put their hearts into the festivities. All of them put their senses of humor on display to keep the crowd warm to them. The young men and women on the stage brought in culture and laughter, made serious points, and represented diverse aspects of the Towson community. Towards the end of the pageant, each nominee gave their thanks to their supporters and their reasons for being on the stage, which drew appreciative reactions from the audience. The committee and contestants wanted to specifically thank Royalty Director Makensey Schuchart for all her hard work.

Photo by Deb Greengold/ The Towerlight

Towson’s 2017 Homecoming Court posed together at the pageant, where they showcased their talents.

Courtesy of Leroy Hyson II on Instagram

Towson crowned its Homecoming King, Leroy Hyson II, and Queen, Lauren Dell’Arciprete, at halftime during the homecoming game.

ColourPop makes its in-store debut KERRY INGRAM Asst. Arts & Life Editor

Happy Halloween, Tigers! The beauty industry decided to give you a little treat just in time for the holidays – ColourPop will officially be launching in Sephora stores Oct. 31! ColourPop, the affordable makeup brand that has taken the internet by storm in the mere three years of its existence, announced its partnership with Sephora in August of this year. The company originally only sold its products online, marketing largely through social media as a way to reach their target audience of younger millennial consumers. The move to high-end retailer Sephora will not only be beneficial for the companies (Sephora will add to its trendy reputation, while Colourpop will potentially gain more credibility), but for shoppers as well. Now, customers can try before they buy, while saving their pockets (or at least getting more for their money) when shopping at such a prestige store. Sephora is known for being on-trend, but isn’t so wellknown for its prices, so this looks

like a welcome change for those of us with thinner wallets. The news of the collaboration finally arriving is only about to get more exciting. Not only is the regular line of products being made available at Sephora, but the two companies also decided to extend their collaboration by releasing a limited-edition line of products. The line will include the “Golden State of Mind” eyeshadow palette, with 15 fall-appropriate eyeshadows in a range of finishes; the “Semi Precious” eyeshadow palette consisting of eight glitter-metallic shades; and a “Feelin’ Fine” lip gloss trio that contains three new duochrome lip colors. Definitely try to get those before they’re gone, because you probably won’t see them again. Thank goodness Sephora has finally found a way to introduce a more affordable option in its stores for college students who want high-quality products with low-quality budgets. Have fun today, but don’t load up too much on the Halloween candy – you’re going to need to be well-energized for your busy shopping day tomorrow at Sephora, as it seems they’re feeling a little less trick and a little more treat this Halloween.

Arts & Life

October 31, 2017


Weezer’s identity crisis TIMOTHY COFFMAN Columnist

Weezer has had the most uneven career arc I have ever seen. The band started out in the 90s with their highly successful eponymous “Blue Album.” After a few years, they dropped “Pinkerton,” which was panned but everyone thinks is awesome now. After the release of decent albums throughout the 2000s like 2002’s “Maladroit” and 2010’s “Hurley,” as well as disappointing albums like 2009’s “Raditude,” the band has been strong recently with the crowdpleaser “Everything Will Be Alright in the End” and their fourth self-titled release, “White Album.” Going into the release of their newest album, “Pacific Daydream,” I was

not sure what to expect, with the band’s shifts in style from 90s emo to pop punk to mediocre pop music. Upon first listen, I found that the album doesn’t have tons of rock influence and is instead going for a pop-oriented sound. At first this seemed disconcerting, since their last pop outing (“Raditude”) left a lot to be desired. However, upon further review this seems to be taking the pop production of today and combining it with the classic songwriting of the traditional pop-rock artists of the past 40 years. The first single, “Feels Like Summer,” is an electronic dance rock song which sounds like the happiest song Joy Division may have recorded. There are also songs such as “Weekend Woman” and “Mexican Fender” which show a more modern pop sound that sounds so happy in comparison to the ethereal sounding pop direction that have come

from artists like Adele or Drake. Also, while this album is released the weekend prior to Halloween, this album takes you out of the fall for a half-hour and back into summer with songs like “Beach Boys” and the aforementioned “Mexican Fender.” It seems that the beach pop of their last album “The White Album” has not left quite yet. While the album is very listenable and enjoyable from start to finish, I don’t think it will hold up as one of the band’s better albums. Albums such as “The Blue Album” and “Pinkerton” are magnificent pieces of rock music, and nothing that the band does on this album can measure up to their peak years. However, Weezer is a different band than the one we got to know back in the 90s. For better or worse, the band has grown to become a band that is consistent with melody but inconsistent in

go to anything on campus,” said Joanna Morganelli, another presidential ambassador who helped run the event. “What we do as presidential ambassadors is encourage students to practice philanthropy and donate back to the University. Towson really thrives on student donations.” Student Philanthropy Manager Conor Reynolds from the Office of Development expanded on this. “Without state funding, we’d only be able to operate a certain number of days in the week, with tuition and donations,” Reynolds said. “Even though we are a state institution, private donations are essential for us to continue operating.” This is the third year that the Great Pumpkin Smash event has been held. In the past, there were guest appearances by the deans of the colleges and Doc, Towson’s mascot. The ambassadors shared that their overall goal is to educate students about philanthropy while hosting a fun fundraiser, and some Towson students felt that this was the perfect way to do both. “It was so much fun,” said Amanda Bendel, a psychology major. “It was nice to get your stress out, especially with midterms

being over and it being homecoming week. It’s a good event to get to know more people.” Celeste Kagarise, a math major with a track in secondary education,

Courtesy of

The cover of Weezer’s newest studio album, “Pacific Daydream.” tone. They are trying to find variations on writing the three-minute catchy rock song while also trying to keep the music interesting for themselves. While they have suffered from somewhat of an identity crisis in recent years, this seems like a genuine experiment in pop music

that the band is trying, and I had great time with it. For any fan of Weezer, this album will probably be a solid entry in your collection and a good starting point for the anyone who is even mildly interested in the group. Pretty. Solid.

also had a good time at the event. “I really enjoyed it,” Kagarise said. “It’s not everyday you get to smash a pumpkin, but it was a good way to end a stressful week,

for sure.” The ambassadors hope to continue and grow the engagement the event brings, and plan to hold it again next year.

Pres. ambassadors host a smashing good time KERRY INGRAM Asst. Arts & Life Editor

What better way to relieve yourself from mid-semester stresses than to break open pumpkins with a giant wooden mallet? Towson students did just that Oct. 26, at the third annual Great Pumpkin Smash event held on campus. The event, put on by Towson’s presidential ambassadors, was held at the Beach in front of Cook Library from noon to 3 p.m., where students and faculty could donate $5 to smash a pumpkin. According to Jenny Buchanan, one of this year’s presidential ambassadors, the activity was not only a way to help students release stress after midterms, but also to encourage students to give back to Towson University. “For a $5 donation, you can smash a pumpkin and your donation goes to the Towson Fund, which is a fund that they take money from to do projects on campus,” Buchanan said. The donations will go to the areas and groups of Towson’s campus that need the most funding. “The donations are unallocated, so the money that we raise here can

Kerry Ingram/ The Towerlight

Math major Celeste Kagarise takes a Towson-themed mallet to her pumpkin in order to destress.

14 October 31, 2017

Arts & Life

“The Snowman” is Celebrating with the departed Day of the Dead event promotes cultural education much too frosty LUKE PARKER Columnist

It is an enigma as to why “The Snowman,” a film which managed to assemble a group of first-rate Hollywood talents, turned out so slushy. It had all of the components for a hit thriller – a strong, Michael Fassbender-led cast, an artistic director, and a renowned Jo Nesbø novel to work from – and yet the final takeaway is nothing more than a feeling of dread towards the egregious and bountiful missed opportunities. Fassbender plays Harry Hole, a gifted Norwegian investigator who now faces the fate of a has-been and the consequences of alcoholism. The only great mysteries he now encounters in the city of Oslo, Norway revolve around where exactly he is going to awake from his drunken slumbers. His personal life is also a mess; having never really detached from his ex-girlfriend, Rakel, (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and their estranged son, Oleg (Michael Yates), he quickly gets tangled up in false promises and fits of jealousy. Based on the seventh novel in Nesbø’s best-selling series, “The Snowman” expects its audience to know of Hole’s accolades and abilities beforehand. He is, in fact, a great detective; a Sherlock Holmes from the north. New recruit Katrine Bratt (Rebecca Ferguson), who later becomes Harry’s “unofficial” partner, tells him that his past cases are studied at the academy. But that is all the background information we get. Having this be the first of Nesbø’s novels to reach the big screen, it is foolish for director Tomas Alfredson to have put such emphasis on its hero’s home life, of which any non-readers have zero context. Rather, if its two-hour duration had spent more time focused on the crimes at hand – whose hideous and gory nature reign nearly all of the film’s tension – “The Snowman” could have easily absolved one of its numerous faults. Hole is a genius, but who would

have guessed given his drunken, pill-popping demeanor? If the upcoming “Murder on the Orient Express” has even a shred of the storytelling abilities its source creator Agatha Christie had, it will avoid a complete biography of Poirot and focus on the rest of the express. The mystery here – involving a serial killer who sticks women’s heads on the top of snowmen – is carelessly marginalized by needless distractors which manage to muffle out any sort of suspense pretty much instantly. Actually, many of the problems stem from the storytelling, which moves carelessly between its puzzling number of incongruent plot lines – included within the investigation and Harry’s troubled life are two separate flashback timelines, and Arve Støp’s (J.K. Simmons), one of Oslo’s most “generous” sponsors, campaign to host the Winter Sports World Cup. These pieces never quite form a cohesive whole, and thus, like its titular figure, the film will fall apart come springtime. Perhaps even sooner. This should have been a success. I can’t wrap my head around it. Everyone involved in its production should have known better. There is an all-star supporting cast featuring the likes of Val Kilmer, Simmons and Toby Jones. The screenwriters include Oscarnominees Peter Straughan (“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”) and Hossein Amini (“The Wings of the Dove”), and Martin Scorsese is the executive producer. Even Academy Award-winning cinematographer Dion Beebe (“Memoirs of a Geisha”), who admittingly incorporates landscape images of notable beauty, isn’t entirely on the mark, as some kind of experimental effect is implemented that made me think a fly was shooting around in the projector room. That was a bad choice, indeed. “The Snowman” reeks of disappointment, and any entertaining moment it pulls off is soiled by the reminder of the film’s wasted potential. Harry Hole’s movie career could not have gotten off to a worst start, ending with a, “You can have a sequel if you want it” vibe. Don’t expect a sequel.

MEGHAN HUDSON Contributing Writer

Towson University’s Center for Student Diversity hosted its second annual Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, celebration on Oct. 26. Día de los Muertos is a traditional Mexican holiday that honors the lives of those who have passed away. From Oct. 31 to Nov. 2, families will set up altars, light candles and gather together to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on. In days leading up to the event, altars were set up throughout campus that displayed various offerings traditional to the culture. In the College of Liberal Arts, one altar included coffee beans, amaranth seeds, squash and more. Such altars are usually set up in the homes of families honoring the departed, and are topped with favorite meals and drinks to feed their souls. The event, headed by Associate Director of Student Diversity and Development Mario Rodriguez, drew in hundreds of students and families from throughout the community.

“I’m always interested in bringing different communities together, so I think this event is a way to see so many different cultures and people who are not only interested in Latin American culture, but those who embrace new traditions and new customs,” Rodriguez said. Towson student Nevillia Cole, who is half-Filipino and half-Sierra Leonean, shared her experience. “I think it’s great what they’re doing, letting us know and understand what the Day of the Dead is,” Cole said. “It’s not just about food, there’s more to it, there’s a culture behind it and I think that’s important.” Attendees heading through the doors of the Potomac Lounge in the University Union were greeted by the bright colors, upbeat music and savory smells of traditional Mexican dishes. The line extended out the doors as attendees received pupusas, tacos, Mexican-style rice, refried beans and churros. Within 15 minutes plates were gone, but event coordinators brought more. Around the room were organizational tables that promoted support and

inclusion for people of all orientations, backgrounds and religions. Some tables included the LGBTQIA+ Alliance and other groups which focus on providing support for young minority students through mental health therapy. Other tables provided activities such as skull decorating, paper flower making and face painting. In addition to performances by Towson University students, a ballet group named Nepantla travelled all the way from New York to perform a series of dances that integrated contemporary ballet with traditional Mexican folklorico. One recurring theme of the night that Rodriguez highlighted was intersectionality. “I think intersectionality is really important,” Rodriguez said. “A lot of times, we focus on just one checkbox, so I think it’s important for us to really see who we are as individuals. So, not only race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation but also status – being undocumented, being born in the U.S. and how immigration plays a big role. I think for me that’s what this event is all about.”

Photo by Meghan Hudson/ The Towerlight

The altars for the Day of the Dead celebration featured marigolds, food offerings and photographs.

Arts & Life

October 31, 2017



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AFTER SCHOOL SITTER/DRIVER NEEDED 4 Kids ages 4-14. M, T, W, Th 3:30-6:30, But days/times flexible. Greenspring Valley area. Competitive pay ($15/hr). text or call Courtney 443-838-9979.

y t l m d l Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

t Hyun-woo Park coached students in writing their names in Hangul. s

y f o e y w r

Experiencing culture through immersion SARAH VAN WIE Staff Writer

The Asian Arts & Culture Center hosted the dynamic K-Fest event in the West Village Ballrooms Oct. 24 to spread awareness about Korean culture. “Our theme in the art gallery is Korean Wave, and it was strongly influenced by K-Pop,” said Nerissa Paglinauan, the center’s program manager. “K-Pop is becoming wellknown all around the world, so we wanted to present to the students and community what they’re interested in and can relate to, as well as introduce K-Pop to people that aren’t aware of it.” To kick off the event, the Student Government Association and Asian Arts & Culture Center talked about diversity, the history of Hallyu and the Korean wave, or the diffusion of Korean culture. “If you know anything about K-pop and K-culture, it’s really about participating,” said Director of the Asian Arts & Culture Center Joanna Pecore. “Having this kind of event that people were engaged in it and producing it themselves was the best way I could think to express what Korean pop culture is all about.” While Brian Ho performed live K-Pop music, guests had the chance to enjoy traditional Asian food from Soo’s Kimchee House and Nak Won Restaurant. Their buffet featured sushi, orange

chicken, soy noodles, bulgogi and mandu, accompanied by other popular Asian foods and desserts. “The mandu was one of my favorite foods here because it tastes similar to the Philippines’ spring rolls, which is where I’m from, but with different filling on the inside,” said Justine Guevarra, senior MB3 major. Attendees also learned how to write their name using the Korean alphabet, Hangul. The lessons were taught by Hyun-woo Park, who lived in South Korea for about 18 years and was taught the Hangul alphabet at his school. “I’m spreading Korean culture to other people, so it’s good and fun,” Park said. The Hangul alphabet does not have the same sounds as the English alphabet, so when Park converted the guest’s names into the Hangul alphabet he also shared how their name would be pronounced in Korea. “What we really liked about the event was that it was student-produced and student-focused,” Pecore said. “It was the natural outgrowth of an opportunity for people to really get to know different aspects of Korean contemporary pop culture.” The event also featured a K-Dance demo and workshop as well as a K-Dance performance. “We have an exhibit about the Korean Wave [in the Asian Arts & Culture Center],” Pecore said, “so all of our exhibits and programs [aim] to engage students and the public in getting in touch with and more familiar with and more appreciative of Asian culture.”

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16 October 31, 2017


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18 October 31, 2017


Towson Baltimore dominates in all three phases against the Dolphins KARUGA KOINANGE Sports Editor

The Baltimore Ravens snapped their two-game losing streak with a convincing 40-0 victory over the Miami Dolphins Thursday night at M&T Bank Stadium. Despite some uninspiring play on offense the last two games, Baltimore (4-4) moved the ball efficiently against a talented Miami (4-3) defense. The Ravens consistently stuffed the run and held their opponents to just 45 yards on the ground. On the other side of the ball, quarterback Joe Flacco got off to a nice start as he connected with wide receiver Jeremy Maclin for a 34-yard touchdown bomb early in the first quarter. Running back Alex Collins also impressed as he was able to break off solid gains on the ground. Kicker Justin Tucker also put up points. He drilled two field goals early in the second stanza, including a 55-yard kick, to put Baltimore up 13-0. However, the complexion of the game changed completely on a single play just before halftime. With the Ravens in the red zone,

Flacco scrambled outside the pocket on a long third down play and headed for the first-down marker. Linebacker Kiko Alonso knocked Flacco’s helmet off with a devastating hit to the head as the quarterback was in his sliding motion, which drew an unnecessary roughness penalty. Flacco was visibly shaken up, and immediately left the game to enter concussion protocol. The team called

on backup quarterback Ryan Mallett to take over, and he was clearly prepared for the opportunity as he hit tight end Ben Watson on a two-yard touchdown just three plays after the injury. The Ravens took a 20-0 lead heading into the break. Baltimore played keepaway throughout the third quarter as it kept the ball on the ground to chew clock. The defense delivered the play that

sealed the game early in the fourth as linebacker C.J. Mosley picked off a pass from quarterback Matt Moore and returned it 63 yards for a touchdown. Cornerback Jimmy Smith added a second defensive score as he returned an interception 50 yards down the sideline late in the game. Baltimore returns to action against the Tennessee Titans Sunday, Nov. 5, at Nissan Stadium. Kickoff is at 1 p.m.

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Wide receiver Jeremy Maclin catches a 34-yard touchdown pass (top). Linebacker C.J. Mosley returns an interception for a score (bottom).

places in seventh MUHAMMAD WAHEED Staff Writer

Towson finished seventh out of nine teams with 180 points in the 2017 Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Cross Country Championships hosted by Elon on Saturday, Oct. 28. Senior Emily Johnson, sophomore Erica Israel and junior Abby Gauthier were the top performers during the meet. Johnson finished first for the Tigers and 21st overall with a time of 22:25.10. This was the third fastest time of Johnson’s career. Israel finished just three spots behind Johnson, while Gauthier finished 36th overall. “Emily Johnson had a great day,” Head Coach Mike Jackson said. “[This was] her first time being the top runner on the team. Erica Israel has been consistent all year, was normally our top runner this year. This meet she was second. And then Abby Gauthier was third so those were our top three.” Towson placed fifth in the CAA Championship meets last year and Jackson noted some reasons for dropping two spots this time around. “I think anytime you go backwards in place it’s disappointing,” Jackson said. “We graduated some pretty good people last year, and we’re young in many areas and I think it’s just a learning experience for us and we’ll move forward.” The Tigers have two weeks to prepare for the NCAA MidAtlantic Regional in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The event begins at noon Friday, Nov. 10. “I just think being able to run well at championship meets,” Jackson said. “That’s what we need to get better at in cross country and everybody needs to understand that they play a part in what we do as a team so you know we had some gaps from our third to fourth runner, but you know I’m confident that we’ll get better as time goes on.”


October 31, 2017

Tigers drop final game Towson finishes the season with a 1-15 record



David Fisher/ The Towerlight

Freshman attacker Beira Ho battles for the ball near midfield. She finished with one shot on goal.Sunday marked the final game for several seniors, but the team looks to come back revitalized next season.


Towson dropped its final game of the season, as the team fell to Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival James Madison 7-2 Sunday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. The Dukes (12-6, 5-1 CAA) scored 3:17 into the contest with a rebound off the post to take an early 1-0 lead. James Madison scored three times in the span of two minutes to take a 5-0 lead late in the first half. “In the second half, we started playing our game,” Head Coach E.A. Jackson said. “In the first half, we came out and were a little bit flat and at halftime, the team got together and decided they could do better than we were and shifted the energy.” The Tigers (1-16, 0-5) jumped

on the board when junior midfielder Katie McNeel scored her team-leading sixth goal off of a penalty corner. With less than two minutes remaining in the first half, the Dukes scored again to take a 6-1 lead at halftime. In the second half, the Dukes picked up where they left off and found the back of the cage in the opening two minutes to add to their lead. Sophomore midfielder Jenna Johnson scored in the 43rd minute to cut into James Madison’s lead. The goal came off a pass from sophomore midfielder Paige Zaleppa. “There are a lot of little things that are going better than they had been,” Jackson said. “We’re connecting passes, generating attack and we finished against JMU. We got those incremental victories.” Senior goalkeeper Emilee Woodall tallied 11 saves in the game, while Johnson and Zaleppa

each collected a defensive save. Friday, Towson fell 4-1 to non-conference opponent La Salle at Hank DeVincent Stadium in Philadelphia. The Explorers (9-7) got on the board early thanks to a breakaway goal to take a 1-0 lead 9:36 into the contest. The Explorers scored again in the 26th minute to take a 2-0 lead. However, McNeel scored off a blast from the top of the circle to cut the Explorers lead in half 2-1. La Salle controlled much of the second half and scored twice to secure a 4-1 victory over Towson. Woodall tallied nine saves in the contest. “We have a great recruiting class coming in next year,” Jackson said. “I’m really excited about the spring to work with the group that we have and further develop our hockey IQ.” The Tigers finished 1-15 and 0-6 in conference play. Next year’s schedule is still TBD.

We have a great recruiting class coming in next year. I’m really excited about the spring to work with the group that we have to further develop our hockey IQ. EA JACKSON Head Coach

Redshirt freshman quarterback Ryan Stover threw the game-winning touchdown with just 35 seconds left against Delaware Saturday afternoon. He finished the game going 20-of-32 for 187 yards and two touchdowns.


December 2017 Graduates





20 October 31, 2017


Tu hands delaware the blues Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Redshirt junior wide receiver Sam Gallahan pulls down the game-winning catch with one hand against arch-rival Delaware on Homecoming at Johnny Unitas Stadium.


Towson pulled off a dramatic 18-17 victory in its Homecoming matchup against Delaware Saturday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. The Tigers (3-5, 1-4 CAA) trailed the Blue Hens (5-3, 3-2 CAA) for most of the game, but rallied thanks to crucial defensive stands and late heroics from redshirt freshman quarterback Ryan Stover. “We won the battle as a team to score the winning touchdown,” Head Coach Rob Ambrose said. “Offense didn’t win this game. Defense didn’t win this game. Special teams didn’t win this game. The Towson Tigers won this game.” The Tigers executed a strong first drive with a good blend of run and pass plays, leading to a 33-yard field goal from sophomore kicker Aidan O’Neill to take an early 3-0 advantage.

Delaware was forced to punt on its first drive, but pinned Towson on its own goal line. The visitors forced a three-and-out and got the ball back in TU territory, looking to capitalize on the good field position. Delaware went to work quickly as redshirt junior quarterback J.P. Caruso connected with redshirt senior wide receiver Diante Cherry for a 17-yard gain to put his team in scoring position. Caruso capped off the drive with a three-yard touchdown strike to redshirt junior tight end Charles Scarff to put the Blue Hens up 7-3. On the Tigers next drive, Stover threw an interception. He put the ball on target for the receiver, but the ball was bobbled into the air and snatched by junior defensive back K.C. Hinton near midfield. Towson’s receivers had several drops throughout the day. Stover threw another interception just before the half, as he overshot a receiver on a downfield pass. Junior defensive back Nasir Adderley made

an impressive one-handed grab to force the turnover, but the visitors couldn’t convert and took a 7-3 lead into the break. The Blue Hens came out of the half looking to pound the ball as they gashed the Tigers for some big running plays from junior running back Kani Kane and redshirt junior running back Kareem Williams early in the third. Kane compiled 32 yards on Delaware’s first drive in the second half to put the team in scoring position. Williams finished the drive with a 30-yard touchdown run on a handoff to the outside. Towson responded on offense just before the final quarter as Stover marched the team downfield on a methodical five-minute drive. Redshirt sophomore running back Shane Simpson led the team into Delaware territory through a strong rushing effort, and Stover capped off the drive with a 39-yard touchdown pass to senior wide receiver John Tsimis.

Following a successful two-point conversion, Towson narrowed the score to 14-11. The team made a strong stand on its next defensive possession, but a muffed punt gave the ball right back to Delaware. However, Delaware couldn’t get in the end zone and had to settle for a field goal to extend its lead by six. “We talked about this on the sidelines,” Ambrose said. “If we force a field goal, we knew we were going to win.” Stover led the team downfield with a mix of short passes and scrambles outside of the pocket. He completed the late comeback with a 14-yard touchdown throw to redshirt junior wide receiver Sam Gallahan with 35 seconds remaining on the clock. “As quarterbacks, we talk about it being a new play every play,” Stover said. “We had 30 seconds to score a touchdown and we did that. I gave Sam a chance and he made a great play.” Towson carries its momentum from this emotional win into a road

matchup against Elon Saturday, Nov. 4, at Rhodes Stadium. Kickoff is set for 2 p.m. “For the young ones who haven’t experienced what it’s like to beat a ranked team, to beat a team that you’re not supposed to beat, [this win] takes a sledgehammer to the glass ceilings in their minds,” Ambrose said. “Once you crush the ceiling, anything is possible.”

NEXT@ 11/18 HOME 2:00pm

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