The Towerlight (Feb. 10)

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Towerlight Today

Towson’s campus and community news source

Feb. 10, 2015

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The Towerlight

Lift up the mask and take a peek at this yearʼs most eligible dance partners. Pgs. 14-17. Photo illustration by Elizabeth Bonica/ The Towerlight


February 10, 2015



Fabruary 10, 2015


Social Media







Week of 02/03


Although we’re in the middle of winter, this was a big sports week for TU. Wednesday, the football team announced its 2015 recruiting class, which included Miami transfer Kevin Olsen. Saturday, the men’s basketball team played a very exciting game against James Madison in their annual Austism Awareness game. #TowsonMBB Tough loss for @Towson_MBB, hopefully @CoachPatSkerry is proud of leading a national effort for autism awareness day.


Tough ending today, but we will be back. Big thanks to everybody who came out today to support the team and Autism Awareness.


Gotta love the Autism Awareness uni’s Towson’s sporting.


#TUrecruiting Happy 2 officially welcome Kevin Olsen! The Miami transfer was a 4-star QB out of HS & 2013 Under Armour AA #nexTUp15


Kevin Olsen comin to Towson to start


Very excited to see what Kevin Olsen can do at Towson. Miami transfer was a 4 star QB a couple years ago.



February 10, 2015

Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Munshaw Senior Editor Cody Boteler News Editor Sam Shelton

From The Editor’s Desk


Handling sexual assault on campus

Arts & Life Editor Carley Milligan Assit. Arts & Life Editors Annie Sragner Robert Wood Sports Editor Matt Hamilton Staff Writers Daryllee Hale Payam Agha-Ghassem James Greene Tyler Beard Paige Sudol Jordan Cope Tyler Young Nilo Exar Kristen Zdon Christine LaFrancesca Caitlin Wolfarth Kati Day Devorah Roberts Photo Editor Sarah Hugel Assist. Photo Editors Abby Murphy Patrick Burke Staff Photographers Daryllee Hale Glen Banks Symone Garvett Elizabeth Bonica Video Producer Sarah Chmielowiec Staff Videographers Gabby Slocum Devorah Roberts Patrick Burke Joseph Hawkins Proofreaders Desmond Boyle Laura Antonucci Kira McCall Kayla Baines Kaitlyn McKay Chris Petrides Social Media Staff Adam Butt General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro Assoc. Art Director Sydney Adamson Production Staff Brooke Basta Alison Requa Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Christopher George Glen Banks Ian McIntyre Travis Duppstadt Jasmine Edwards 8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  classified advertising & display — Monday, noon for Thursday; Thursday, noon for Monday. Line classified ads will only be accepted online at www. Call (410) 704-5153 for more information. We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorial content expresses the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2014 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

When I asked Interim President T i m o t h y Chandler what pieces of legislation he was Jonathan Munshaw looking out Editor-in-Chief for during the @jon_munshaw current legislative session, the only issue he mentioned was sexual assault on college campuses. “The one area that we will watch carefully, I think, is in the area of sexual assault. There’s a great deal of discomfort all across the country about how we deal with those issues. Do you legislate for them? Or do you educate for them?” he said. “We can legislate all sorts of things, but they don’t change behavior as much as we would like. … We’ll support legislation that we think is good, and we’ll question it when we think legislation isn’t terribly helpful in the bigger picture.” First of all, I would like to commend Chandler for mentioning sexual assault. All too often, we think that these sexual assault anecdotes coming out of other colleges in the country are confined to those schools. The most recent example was at the University of Virginia, where one student’s story ended up in the magazine Rolling Stone, and was later changed when the magazine found

some holes in their source’s story. In the aftermath, the national sorority chapters made a strange public relations move and told their chapters at UVA that they were barred from attending any fraternity parties during rush weekend. I agree with Chandler that even though Maryland hasn’t necessarily any sexual assault cases that have made it into a national magazine, sexual assault legislation is still necessary. Yet Chandler didn’t specifically mention any course of action. He just said that they would monitor the situation and react as necessary. That’s not how the University should be addressing sexual assault. They need to be ahead of the curve and try to be proactive about sexual assault legislation rather than reactive. I think it’s worth bringing up the bill again from last session that the University actively fought against that would have required all

University System schools to give out a mandatory sexual assault survey every three years to all students to try to get a more accurate count. Vice President for Student Affairs Deb Moriarty gave testimony against the bill, and the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Government Relations for the USM Andy Clark sent in written testimony that basically shot down the bill for being too vague. The Student Government Association also voted down a resolution that would have given their support to the bill. Not all surveys are constructed well. But in this case, universities truly don’t know how prevalent sexual assaults are on campus. If an assault occurred in the University Village, which is only a few feet away from the West Village Commons, it wouldn’t fall under TUPD jurisdiction, and the University wouldn’t have to “count” it toward their numbers. If the state isn’t even trying to get

At this point, universities should be willing to do anything to address this. Even if it might be inconvenient, or it may not be the perfect solution, we won’t know what the perfect solution is until we try everything and see what does and doesn’t work.

a count, it’s impossible to ever institute a real plan. As Chandler mentions, it’s necessary to educate students and to do something, anything, to address this problem that has become a national initiative and has even been addressed by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. At this point, universities should be willing to do anything to address this. Even if it might be inconvenient, or it may not be the perfect solution, we won’t know what the perfect solution is until we try everything and see what does and doesn’t work. A bill can be so outrageous that the University can fight against it, but my hope is that Towson works with the general assembly to develop legislation that helps to get a more accurate count of sexual assaults on campus. In 2010, there were only two reported sexual assaults on Towson’s campus. I find it terribly hard to believe that’s the true count. I back Chandler’s stance that this should be Towson’s No. 1 legislative priority this year. But I hope the University is more open to any bills that are brought to the floor this year. Much like any issue (legalization of marijuana, taxes, etc.) there’s never going to be a perfect solution or piece of legislation, and the University needs to realize that. After all, we live in an imperfect world.


February 10, 2015

Dealing with different opinions

“Beck. I was pretty surprised, but it’s totally deserved.”

inform -- Aaron Dailey


with my privilege, working with kids like Nyeema is the answer that fits. I didn’t decide to teach because I think I’m going to be a hero. This work will be incredibly challenging and humbling, and I will have to push myself harder than I ever have to give my students the education they deserve. I will need to work in close partnership with the parents, teachers, and community members who have been working toward justice and equity long before I arrived. But I don’t want a job that lets me turn a blind eye to the injustice kids face every day. I want one that forces me to look injustice in the face and fight it with all my heart. I want one that holds me accountable for the injustices that plague our communities because, although I did not create them, I’d still bear responsibility if I chose not to address them. As I become a Teach For America corps member after graduation, I’ll be joining a network of more than 47,000 people working relentlessly to make access to opportunity equitable. It’s a network of leaders vastly diverse in background and experience, engaged across sectors to create change. But we are all united around the fundamental belief that a quality education is not a privilege – it is a right. We can fight to ensure all students get to enjoy that right. As you think about what in the world you’re going to do after you leave here, I hope you’ll join us.

“John Coltrane”

-- Seth Michael Coveyou


“Well the Grammys are a sham, but Beyonce, obviously!” -- Sean Noy


“Not Beyonce. I’m glad she lost. She’s overrated, in my opinion.”


here in Baltimore, raising their children, working two part-time jobs or putting in tiresome hours at their full time jobs. I worked hard to get to and through college and faced struggles along the way, but I also know that it was the dedication of many others that got me to this point. If just a few things were different — a different teacher, a different financial aid worker less deeply invested in me, lack of access to the organizations that provided me with incredible support — and I might not be a Towson student. But I also know this isn’t just true for Baltimore families like mine. Across the country, too many kids growing up in diverse communities don’t get the opportunity to imagine a bright future for themselves. For students growing up in our lowest-income communities, just 6 percent will graduate from college by the time they’re 25. I applied to Teach For America because I believe that privilege is a responsibility. I didn’t have grants and scholarship money and an unlimited meal plan because I was exclusively entitled to them. I had all that because I was born into the resources and support I needed to secure them. But I didn’t ask for that privilege any more than Nyeema, the local sixth grader I mentored, asked to grow up with incarcerated parents and have to move from house to house growing up. When I think about what I can and should do

named Album of the Year?

-- Amy Leigh Katz



the Grammy’s, what would you have


When I think about my time here at Towson, I think about a whirlwind of incredible experiences: Phi Sigma Pi induction ceremonies welcoming in new members, Towson homecoming games filled with cheering students and breathtaking performances by Alvin Ailey dancers held yearly on campus. But I also think about that gnawing question that always lurked: What in the world am I going to do after I leave? Although the question is the quickest way to get any senior’s heart pounding and palms sweating, I actually have several ways I could answer it. I could look for a job in marketing. I could stop toying with the idea and just apply to law school. I could move to Africa and teach English. I have choices. But the question of what I could do after graduation actually has a second part — what should I do? And as I turned each choice over in my head, none of them felt quite right. The truth is, as an African-American woman with a college degree, I now have access to opportunities that many kids growing up like me don’t. I think of my cousins and brother. Their ambitions were just as great as mine and their intelligence often greater, but our lives look very different now. As I worried with preparing for final exams and decorating my graduation cap, they’re

Kaleena Weathers

4” x 6” square Fifth Page If you were in control of all the votes for


Letter: Responsibility of privilege


long way. Patience is a virtue, and it is frequently necessary for avoiding or resolving misunderstandings with differently-experienced individuals. Instill empathy in your words and actions with others to discover where they are truly coming from. Words are only sound waves that we use to connect with others, and it is important to govern them with care. We each construct our own individual character and tendencies based on what we have experienced to date. You may know much more about certain things than others do, and others know more than you. Individuals must keep open minds in order to learn as much as possible during this short life. Don’t negate, investigate. See their visions of others and ask them questions. How different could things be if we heard and listened?

conversation community

impossible for any one person to know everything about everything. But sometimes we believe we do. Even something as mindless as driving can reveal our dark side. Our commutes are probably the most dangerous part of our day. Most of us believe we are the best driver on the road while everyone else is less capable and automatically a deserving target of road rage. However, in reality, all of us have about the same skill set on the road. It is the “my way or the highway” beliefs in perception and expectation that are often the core catalysts of conflict. Almost any misunderstanding can be boiled down to someone acting one way and someone else expecting something else. These two persons’ histories have left them on different pages without effective communication. But, as with driving, a little patience goes a

Word on the Street


This past Assit. Arts&Life Editor week, I had @a_swaggner an experience with a newlymet person that changed my perspective about how I understand others. I was in class and we were discussing a topic that I am close to and feel passionately about. After I contributed my opinion, a fellow classmate said he felt completely differently, and then shared his thoughts. At first, his words left me a little miffed, maybe even disrespected, but sense and a little decency returned as I considered what he was saying. His experience on the matter differed from mine because we had very different backgrounds, which affected what we thought. But that does not devalue or invalidate either of our opinions, nor does it make either of us a jerk. At least it shouldn’t. Ideally, education is essentially the process of catching everyone up with what the rest of humanity already understands. We all see the world with different eyes, and it is

Annie Sragner


“‘Now That’s What I Call Disney XD’” -- Zachary Lucas


current towson




February 10, 2015


7500  TU  Students  will  be  randomly  selected  to  take  the                                             National  College  Health  Assessment  Survey Â




By  participating  you  will  be  entered  into  the  raffle  4  randomly  selected  winners  will  receive  $50  on  their  TU  OneCard  your  winnings! Â



Make  sure  to  participate  and  remember  responses  are  strictly  confidential Â

Your  responses  will  help  guide  important  decisions  regarding  healthcare  needs,  Â

Contact  either  Donna  Cox  or  Allison  Frey  Â


February 10, 2015


New grad program New science building proposed announced for Fall Timothy Chandler talks potential projects College of Fine Arts introduces MAIAI degree PAIGE SUDOL Staff Writer @PaigeSudol

The College of Fine Arts and Communication has announced that it will offer a new master’s degree program in interdisciplinary arts infusion, or MAIAI, starting fall 2015. Program Director Kate Collins said that the creation of this program has been a two-year-long process involving several talented professionals. “[The new program] builds upon and responds to the success that Towson has been enjoying since 1999 when it began a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in arts integration. More and more across the state of Maryland and the nation, education leaders invested in transformation in schools are looking to the arts and arts integration,” Collins said.

There are only a small number of graduate programs focused on arts integration in the country, but they are more commonly situated in colleges of education. KATE COLLINS Program Director

According to Collins, the purpose of the program is to prepare teachers and artists to make art education in the nation’s schools more collaborative and engaging. The program includes flexible options to accommodate working students. It offers night classes, electives in three specialized areas, and different requirements for students with varying levels of preparation. “For students who have already received the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate [since 1999], they only need 18 more credits to complete the degree. For those starting new, the degree program is a total of 36 credits where students will complete six required courses including two capstone courses and then they may

select from a range of elective courses to complete the degree,” Collins said. Collins herself will teach Drama in the Classroom and Interdisciplinary Research classes. She said that the faculty for the program will come from different disciplines in the College of Fine Arts and Communication to give students a far-reaching arts education. Collins said that the program stands out because of this. “There are only a small number of graduate programs focused on arts integration in the country, but they are more commonly situated in colleges of education. By being situated in the College of Fine Arts and Communication at Towson, the MAIAI program is uniquely positioned to offer its students a very strong breadth and depth of knowledge from the various arts disciplines,” Collins said. Junior Samantha Nachlas, an art education major, recognizes the quality of her education at Towson as well. She is planning to apply to art therapy programs at Florida State University and George Washington University. According to Nachlas, Towson’s art department has greatly prepared her for the next step in her career. “I have had amazing professors who have turned into mentors,” Nachlas said. “I feel as though leaving Towson I’ll be ready to take on the world as an art educator thanks to my education.” Students interested in applying to the Master of Arts in interdisciplinary arts infusion program must have a 3.00 GPA, 2.75 for conditional admission, and submit a resume and essay. People with teaching experience are especially encouraged to apply.

JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-in-Chief @jonmunshaw

Although the University System of Maryland’s allocation in the fiscal year 2016 budget was a 1.3 percent increase, the University has put a spending and hiring freeze in place. In the budget, Towson’s portion was smaller than the FY 2015 budget. For the time being, that has placed a freeze on the construction of a new science building between 7800 York Road and Stephens Hall. However, interim president Timothy Chandler has asked for $5.95 million out of Governor Larry Hogan’s capital projects budget to continue the planning and construction of the building. That money was deferred last fiscal year, so the project has been on hold. “In terms of the capital projects, we have three projects on that list: Science building, the health professions building and the renovations to Smith,” Chandler said. “We haven’t gotten a chance of getting all three, I doubt we’ll get two. We’ll be lucky if we get one, and we want that to be the science building.”

Smith Hall, which was opened in the 1960s, was listed in the 2009 updated Campus Master Plan as needing an expansion “toward the amphitheater [that] will add 70,000 [gross square feet] of lab and classroom space, and will feature a multi-floor atrium.”

The case I’m trying to make is that if you really believe that STEM is an area that’s incredibly important to the future of the state, and you want to be as efficient with your resources as possible, don’t stop now. TIMOTHY CHANDLER Interim President

Chandler said the University is placing a higher priority on the newer building because it’s cheaper

to construct a new building than to renovate Smith, but it still provides the University the opportunity to add new labs and similar workspaces on campus. “You can’t do 21st century science in a 20th century building. You can’t do 21st century health care in seven 19th century buildings,” Chandler said. “When you go out as a forensic chemist, you need to know that the lab you worked in here will be similar to the one you’ll work in out there. The technology has moved forward, we need the facilities and equipment so that students know they’re well prepared.” The University is competing against other colleges from the state for their capital projects as well, but Chandler said he hopes the fact that the project is already in the planning stages will give it a higher priority. “The case I’m trying to make is that if you really believe that STEM is an area that’s incredibly important to the future of the state, and you want to be as efficient with your resources as possible, don’t stop now,” he said.

Spring Involvement Fair

The first Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts Infusion, or MAIAI, Open House will be Saturday, March 14 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Interested parties can contact MAIAI representatives at maiai@towson. edu to RSVP.

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Students gathered in the University Union Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to meet with over 150 student groups and organizations and learn how they can get involved in on-campus activities.



February 10, 2015

Towson Row raises concerns Community members list space, parking NILO EXAR Staff Writer @niloexar

Jan. 29: At William Paca House, a resident student was referred to OSCCE for threatening to harm another resident student. Jan. 31: In the University Union, an unknown person drew a swastika on a Jewish Student Life poster board. There were no witnesses or suspects. Jan. 31: At William Paca House, a resident student was cited for alcohol possession. Jan. 31: At the University Union, an unknown person was caught stealing books from the bookstore. Store employees let the subject leave after retrieving the property. The investigation is ongoing. Feb. 1: At William Paca House, a resident student was cited for alcohol possession. Feb. 4: In the Liberal Arts Building, an unknown subject removed items from a professor’s message board. The investigation is ongoing. Feb. 4: At the Glen Circle, the victim recieved counterfeit currency as payment for goods advertised on Craigslist.

Caves Valley Partners held a town hall-style event at the Sheppard Pratt Hospital Conference Center to gauge public sentiment over the planned Towson Row project last week. The development, expected to be completed in May 2018, includes a Whole Foods, hotel, student dorm housing, apartment housing and other smaller retail locations that add up to 1,654,740 square feet, not including the 145,000 square feet for underground parking. It will have Chesapeake Avenue to the north, Towsontown Boulevard to the south, York Road to the east and Washington Avenue to the west. The development would feature 1,435 total parking spaces, including underground and ground level garages. Parking became a topic of contention in the town hall, with many residents worried that there would be a lack of parking and that the prospect of stu-

dent residents having to pay for parking might force them to park in Towson residential neighborhoods, where parking would be free or cheaper. “The thing that I don’t think we’ll get relief from is parking, student parking,” Mary-Carol Bruff, president of the Aigburth Manor Association, said. Each student dorm will have one parking space per every four beds, and each regular residence will have 1.25 spaces for every apartment. The issue of “green space” in the development was also stressed, with many Towson residents worrying that there will be no place for both college students and the families of the residences to play outside. The Caves Valley spokesmen countered by saying that there will be internal amenities, such as rec rooms and music rooms. According to Caves Valley, there will be 374,000 feet of “green space.” Traffic congestion and the impending development’s impact on that was also brought up to an extent at the

town hall. Caves Valley Partners said that there was a traffic impact study in progress and that its details would be shared at a meeting that would be held later. Paul Hartman, the immediate past president of the Greater Towson Council of Community Associations, brought up the point that traffic in the area is already congested and the nearby intersection at Burke Avenue and York Road is categorized as “failing,” when all the cars have trouble making it through the light. “If you can’t get through a light, it’s failing. How much will this contribute to more [congestion?]” Hartman said.

Interested parties can follow the project at The site includes a flythrough video and a mockup of the area.

The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

Feb. 9 $2.12


E. Joppa Road

Goucher Blvd.


E. Joppa Road


E. Joppa Road

$2.19 York Road



February 10, 2015

Beyond Baltimore Alabama State chief justice inhibits gay marriages On Monday, Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore ordered officials to not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. This was an “open defiance of a January federal court ruling,” according to Moore said that officials should not “issue or recognize a marriage license that is inconsistent” with the state constitution or state law. Bibb County Probate Judge Jerry Pow expressed confusion about the decision and said that he would not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. “I don’t know whether I want to defy the chief justice of the state supreme court or a federal judge,” he said. According to Reuters, “Couples in at least 22 counties were denied or otherwise unable to get marriage licenses on Monday.”

Cairo, Egypt 40 killed in police confrontation Forty people were killed Sunday night when supporters of a local football team met police before a Premier League game. An investigation into the incident has been ordered and the Egyptian Premier League has been suspended indefinitely. The incident occurred when team boosters tried to enter the armyowned stadium without buying tickets, according to representatives from the Egyptian interior ministry. In response, police set up barricades and fired tear gas at the boosters. “The police were in front and behind the gate. They fired tear gas,” said one witness. “This caused panic and people fell on top of each other. We started to leave quickly. There were old people in the crowd and they were crushed by other fans.”

Washington D.C. Obama considers sending arms to Ukraine The United States may send additional forces and lethal arms to Ukraine in order to “bolster its defenses,” President Obama said Monday. This would be done at the risk of creating a divide between the U.S. and some European nations. Germany, for example, strongly opposes the build-up of arms in the area. “It is true that, if in fact diplomacy fails, what I’ve asked my team to do is to look at all options,” Obama said. “And the possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that is being examined, but I have not made a decision on that yet.”

Join the 2015

Tryout For the Co-ed Stunt & Female Dance Team.* Saturday, March 7th

Want a Leg up on the Competition? Join the current Cheerleaders and coaches for clinics. Saturday, Feb. 14th 10:30AM - 1:00PM Tuesday, Feb. 17th 6:00PM - 8:30PM *must be 18 years or older by April 1st

Stories compiled by Sam Shelton Stories from The Daily Beast

More information:




February 10, 2015

Students compete for job JAY GREENE Staff Writer @jgreene93

The 11th annual College of Business and Educations’ case competition, “The Associate,� will officially begin Feb. 10, when this year’s candidates are introduced. A spin-off of the business innovation show, “The Apprentice,� Towson’s competition has blossomed into a once in a lifetime opportunity for business and accounting graduating seniors to showcase their business wit and knowledge in a competition where the last businessperson standing receives a job offer. This year, the competition is partnered with 1st Mariner Bank, as it was in its inaugural year in 2005. 1st Mariner Bank president and chief

operating officer, Robert D. Kunisch Jr., will serve as the competition’s presenting executive and “Donald.� Kunisch will oversee the competition, serve as the lead judge and join a panel of other judges to decide who will progress and who will be eliminated each week. “I’m sure choosing the winner will be a difficult task, but I’m confident 1st Mariner Bank will be a better institution for adding the talented graduate to our workforce,� Kunisch said in a Dec. 3 press release. The competitors, all graduating seniors, will be split into teams to work on four cases throughout the following month – these “cases� will be real situations posed by businesses and corporations in the area, including 1st Mariner Bank.

Last year, participating businesses included WallMonkeys, Carchex, the Better Business Bureau Greater Maryland, Target and Berry Plastics. As in previous years, the student teams will have one business case per week for four weeks. Business cases could include making plans for expanding to a new market, planning round table events or formulating a business plan for marketing a new product. After four preliminary cases, finalists will be announced on March 24. Final presentations will take place on March 31. The presentations or “boardroom sessions� will take place at 5 p.m. in Stephens Hall, room 216. The final presentations, however, will be in room 310.



Brand Ambassador Hire@TU Job ID: 43511 Company: Big Open Door Marketing Job Description Big Open Door Marketing is the leading beauty branding/marketing company in the Baltimore area! We are seeking individuals who are outgoing, self-motivated, great with the public and in teams, and have a great image to represent our new clients in the beauty and hair industry. We will train these representatives in the areas of marketing, promotions, visual merchandising, sales, and management. Primary Duties: -Execute marketing strategies on site -Work with teams and leads groups in the promotion of the hair related and beauty related products

-Work with venue management in order to help coordinate product launch -Grow into being a part of the creative team for our test markets Qualifications: Requirements: -Ability to work well with others or individually -Ability to be self-managed and selfmotivated -Constantly looks for solutions rather than problems -Great positive attitude in the face of challenges -Coachability – ready to be a part of classroom teachings and on site training Application instructions: Apply through email:

!"#$%&"'(%&"')%'*%+,"-.'/%-,"'012-)&"3).4''''''' Marketing Intern

! reports to ensure accuracy Hire@TU Job ID: 38477


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Company: Pepsi Beverage Company Job Description Pepsi Beverages Company (PBC) is PepsiCo’s largest beverage manufacturing, sales and distribution operating unit in the United States, Canada and Mexico. PBC handles approximately 75 percent of PepsiCo’s North America beverage volume. Its diverse portfolio includes some of the world’s most widely recognized beverage brands. The Towson Intern acts as a dayto-day liaison between The Pepsi Beverages Company and Towson University’s Corporate Services. The position’s main focus is driving marketing programs, driving Vending business at and other activities on campus. Primary responsibilities include: -Auditing monthly commission

-Facilitating refunds to customers -Inspecting equipment to assess condition and coordinate repairs -Reviewing volume reports to evaluate product mix and equipment location -Preparing presentation material for review by Pepsi Account Management & Towson University -Supporting Marketing & Sampling Events Qualifications: -Must be at a Rising Sophomore or Junior -Strong computer & analytical skills -Strong communication skills -Able to work independently -Available to work a minimum of 2025 hours/week Application instructions: Please send all resumes/cover letters to

Video Production Assistant Hire@TU Job ID: 43844 Company: Radio Broadcast Communications Job type: Paid internship Job Description The expanding network is looking for someone creative that is interested in gaining exposure to the various aspects of a variety of video projects including TV shows, commercials, video features, chromokey and more. Qualifications: *Knowledge of Macintosh based nonlinear video editing program Final

Cut Pro *Must be a detail-oriented and collaborative team player and possess strong time and self-management skills *Excellent organizational skills with a strong commitment to quality, accuracy and on-time delivery *Strong time/project management abilities and follow through, including strong troubleshooting and problemsolving skills with a results focus. Application instructions: Send resume, cover letter and sample to


February 10, 2015

help wanted ASSISTANT POSITION At Kumon of Lutherville we are looking for energetic, motivated individuals who are team players. A love for children is required. We are open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3pm thru 8 pm. Flexible work hours. Contact Nadia @ 443 882 2135. COMMUNITY OUTREACH REP Expanding chiropractic Wellness Clinic seeking dynamic person to meet business owners, represent our office at health fairs and community events. Ideal candidate MUST love helping others without the use of drugs or surgery. Pay $10-15/hour. Hours flexible. Some Saturdays 8-12. Email interest to

AFTER SCHOOL CARE Afternoon sitter needed to pick up children from school 2 to 3 days /week. Must have own car, safe driving record, excellent references and stay until about 6pm. First child gets out of school at 2:20pm. Competitive pay Please email at or call 443-202-7490


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Towson’s Most Eligible

February 10, 2015

The streamers have been strung, the lights set to dim and the music ready to play, all that is missing is your partner. Yet never fear, The Towerlight is here to help you find that special someone to spend Valentine’s Day with. Photos by Sarah Hugel and Abby Murphy/ The Towerlight

Josephine Hill

Sophomore, Mass Communications Major

How would you decorate your mask for the ball? Burgundy with black lace and gold chain embellishments. What dance move must your partner be able to do at the ball? No particular dance move. My partner should just know how to work his body. Be able to groove with the music and dance with me without having to be on me.

What is your preferred method of transportation to the ball? A sleek car or my own boat “Lady Josephine.” What snacks would you be munching on at the ball? Coconut macaroons, fresh cantaloupe and lil’ cocktail wieners in honey barbecue sauce. Would you be royalty on the dance floor, or would you stick to the sidelines? I am the Queen of the floor! My dancing captivates every being in my presence. My engulfment in the dance experience radiates from my soul. What would be your dance floor anthem? Oooo so many options. “The Anthem” by Pitbull or “I’m the Ish (Remix)” by DJ Class, Lil Jon and Kanye gets me hype. “Where have you been” by Rihanna is a great song for me to get into character with. “Electric Lady” by Janelle Monae is my theme song for life. Do you bail out early, or are you the last one to leave the party? Always the last to leave. I came out to have a good time so why would I rush to go home? Home is going nowhere, but the night is young and fleeting oh so quickly. After the ball, where do you head for the after-party? Somewhere with water, fireworks or a garden. Do you believe in love at first sight? Love at first conversation is much more my style.

So don your fanciest dress or swankiest suit, throw on your dancing shoes and get ready to bust a move at this year’s Towson’s Most Eligible masquerade ball.

Towson’s Most Eligible

February 10, 2015


Leah Strauss

Junior, Early Childhood & Special Education Major

How would you decorate your mask for the ball? I would decorate it in giraffe print with some horns on the side. What snacks would you be munching on at the ball? I would munch on whatever food is provided because a lady never says no to food but preferably pizza. What is your preferred method of transportation to the ball? Since there are no giraffes in this area, I suppose a car with four wheels would be appropriate and suitable. Would you be royalty on the dance floor, or would you stick to the sidelines? I would be the first one on the dance floor and the last to leave. After the ball, where do you head for the afterparty? The police station because I’ll be arrested for my killer dance moves.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, I have looked in a mirror many times. Do you bail out early, or are you the last one to leave the party? I will stay until the lights go out and the janitor comes in with with a broom to sweep up all of the confetti and walk away as “Don’t You Forget About Me” plays in the background.

Janet Carlson

Junior, English Secondary Education Major

Sam Martin

Junior, Theatre Studies and History Major

How would you decorate your mask for the ball? Somethin foxy. ;) What dance move must your partner be able to do at the ball? Foxtrot. What is your preferred method of transportation to the ball? Hovercraft. Would you be royalty on the dance floor, or would you stick to the sidelines? I wouldn’t be king of the dance floor, but I’d be your prince. ;) What snacks would you be munching on at the ball? A bag of nacho doritos. What is your drink of choice? Pint of Guinness.

How would you decorate your mask for the ball? Sequincey and glittery like my homegirl Ke$ha. What dance move must your partner be able to do at the ball? The sprinkler and the shopping cart are under appreciated art forms. What is your preferred method of transportation to the ball? Roller blades. What is your drink of choice? Slurpees! Lots and lots of Slurpees. Never ending Slurpees. Slurpees. What would be your dance floor anthem? “C’Mon” by Ke$ha because I don’t wanna think about what’s gonna be after this I wanna just live right now!

What would be your dance floor anthem? Mama by Alabama Shakes.

Do you bail out early, or are you the last one to leave the party? Well I gotta dip out for some Taco Bell at some point.

After the ball, where do you head for the after-party? Kent House, definitely!

Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe we gotta make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young.


Towson’s Most Eligible

February 10, 2015

Tim Kinsella

Senior, Physical Education Major

How would you decorate your mask for the ball? Like nothing else you have ever seen.

What is your drink of choice? Sweet Tea.

What dance move must your partner be able to do at the ball? The Wobble.

What would be your dance floor anthem? “Dance, Dance” by Fall Out Boy.

What is your preferred method of transportation to the ball? Limo. What snacks would you be munching on at the ball? Anything. Would you be royalty on the dance floor, or would you stick to the sidelines? I would be royal so I would be asked to play baseball for Kansas City.

Do you bail out early, or are you the last one to leave the party? Depends on how good of a time my partner is showing me. After the ball, where do you head for the after-party? Usually I head to bed. Do you believe in love at first sight? No, but I also believe rules can be broken.

Roses are red, violets are blue, this Towerlight personal is just for you!

If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, if you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain, if you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape, I’m the love that you’ve looked for, write to me and escape. Laura Johnson! You’re a beautiful lady and you do so much. Keep your chin up because you’re almost finished with college! Also, blood orange is such a pretentious color. To my cachi, I hope this makes you smile. Love, Yellow Ariana Vong and Shalini Balram are some of the best girls I’ve ever met! They will always be the BEST lunch buddies ever! Congrats on getting into the Nursing program Shalini! You’ve worked so hard to get where you are today! And Ariana, keep doing what you’re doing! You are an inspiration to people who want to graduate on time! I love you both! -K Hail to the Lake god. Happy Valentine’s Day to my two favorite girls, Ariana and Klarenz! Love you both! Keep it classy to my best girls out there... And stay out of trouble. Kisses -A

Klarenz, I’m so glad that we kept in touch even after high school! We’ve gotten so much closer over the years especially from attending all the Towson events together. I wouldn’t want to attend events with anyone else but you since you make everything more fun with your excitement! HAPPY SNAILS FOR LIFE LOVE YA! Shalini, YOU’RE OFFICIALLY IN NURSING SCHOOL! I couldn’t be more proud of you & I’m so happy that we are constantly talking over text or random phone calls about anything from school to TV shows :) love ya twin! PS. I love our group texts <3 I don’t have any friends so I figured I would say hi to myself. Happy Valentine’s Day! To those without a Valentine: I love you. There will always, ALWAYS, be people in your life that love you. Your family, friends, pets (yes, even cats) all care for you. You are adored and valued and don’t EVER think that you aren’t. You matter and are significant and can accomplish anything you want in life. Believe in yourself like Kanye believes in himself. Be your own Kanye. Love, Melmkayyy To all the people on the street. You the real MVP.

Laura Johnson, my love for you has grown stronger and I am so honored to have you in my life.

To The Towerlight staff, You all are the best friends/co-workers I could ever ask for. I’m so sad this is my last Valentine’s day with you all, but I’m sure when I’m homeless and unemployed, I’ll always be able to come back and see you all doing amazing things. Thanks for making the past four years of my life the best I could ask for, and for making my job easier every day. - Your secret admirer. You’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever met. Not because of just your looks, but because of your kind heart and willingness to help anyone. I’m lucky to have met you, Kristen. Marcus, Thanks for being the most amazing best friend someone could ask for. Can’t wait until conquer New York (or wherever life may take us). Always and For Good, Amanda Jean Ann Westlake & Katalina Castillo, You’re my favorite little star shines :’) Happy Valentines Day, sloots! With mucho love, Lesly Dear SASA, I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon. Have a great Valentine’s Day All the best, Ro

Macy, You may be small, but you are fierce. Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you, Mommy To Rachel... You are my Unicorn. bright shining, super weird Unicorn :)


My one and only DIngus! Editorial Board friends: I said that y’all were all going to get one of these, and well, I’m too lazy to type one out for everyone. So. To all y’all -- thanks for being so neat all the darn time. God. This is lame. I wish I hadn’t done this. This Google form is saying that I can use this to find a date, so...anyone want to pay for my dinner? ‘Cause you can totally do that. Vicky & Amanda are my best friends. I’m so happy I met them and we got so close :) I love you, Danni! You’re a sweet, caring girl. Happy Valentine’s Day! True love’s high-five! <3 Dan, you are a hilarious, warm-hearted, uplifting boy, and I enjoy being in your presence. Any current problems I possess seem to vanish when I am around you, and you truly give me a lot to look forward to in each and every day. Will you be my valentine? And if not, would you still be my valentine? You know who you are, Dan B.

Towson’s Most Eligible

February 10, 2015


Greta van Veldhuisen Junior, Art and Design Major

How would you decorate your mask for the ball? Masks represent an ancestral spirit or supernatural being, so mine would look like a cat. What dance move must your partner be able to do at the ball? Honestly if you can dance half-decent that’s pretty cool. What snacks would you be munching on at the ball? Cheez-Its. Or just cheese. Specifically gouda. Would you be royalty on the dance floor, or would you stick to the sidelines? I would be the Beyoncé of any club. Me and Blue Ivy will wreck. Sike, I try. What is your drink of choice? Blue Moon or water. What would be your dance floor anthem? Pledge of Allegiance. Do you bail out early, or are you the last one to leave the party? I’ll probably stay an uncomfortably long time. After the ball, where do you head for the after-party? My apartment. I’ll make everyone green bean casserole.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Only on Tinder.



February 10, 2015

Art of tattooing ANNIE SRAGNER Assistant Arts & Life Editor @a_swaggner

Towson is aiming to abolish some of the negative stereotypes that surround body art by introducing the exhibition “Perseverance — Japanese Tattoo Tradition in a Modern World.” “Students will become exposed to different styles of tattooing and the history of it to know how this art works, where it comes from, what the symbolisms are and how this amazing artwork is evolving,” Associate Professor Nahid Tootoonchi said. The exhibition features a synthesis of Japanese art forms with the abundantly rising American custom of tattooing. “It is a good part of art history, art form and expression of the styling of tattooing,” Tootoonchi said. “The exhibition is quite rich.” The exhibition presents art displays as well as a computer featuring a website where the artists talk about their work, where they come from and how they got involved with this art form. “This exhibition of photographs by Kip Fulbeck explores the master craftsmanship and ongoing influence of traditional Japanese tattooing,” Director of the Asian Arts and Culture Center Joanna Pecore said. The exhibition, curated by master tattoo artist and author Takahiro Kitamura, presents the work of seven internationally acclaimed Japanesestyle tattoo artists: Horishiki (Chris Brand), Horitaka, Horitomo, Junii, Miyazo, Shige, Yokohama Horiken and

Abby Murphy/ The Towerlight

The Perseverance - Japanese Tattoo Tradition in a Modern World exhibition is free to view from Feb. 5 - May 2 in the Asian Arts Gallery in the College of Fine Arts room 2037 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday – Friday and Saturdays 1-4 p.m. more. “With a unique display designed by Fulbeck to reference the craft’s roots in ukiyo-e and other Japanese art forms, the exhibition showcases both the splendor and the intricacy of modern tattooing,” Pecore said. The display concentrates first on the influence from Japan, and then also features other styles and their relationship to Japanese art and culture. Tootoonchi said that the exhibition itself was also constructed with a focus on education. “All of this information is available in the exhibition. … Students

should take their time and read behind all of the symbols which have been explained,” Tootoonchi said. It is the hope of these artists that this spotlight on tattooing as art eliminates common presumptions about tattoo culture and showcases the beauty in the permanence of body art. “Many of our youth gets tattoos, one-fourth of our youth gets tattoos and many women do more so than men,” Tootoonchi said. “Having [this exhibition] in the gallery gives it some value to look at tattooing differently and to not think negatively about the art.”

The Towerlight welcomes...

Progressive awards I’m going to get straight to it and say that The 57th Annual Grammy Awards that happened Sunday night is something that’s going to be talked about for a long, long time. But more for the message behind the night than for the music. Yes, there were some incredible performances and amazing collaborations: I think I’ll be watching the video of Gwen Stefani and Adam Levine on repeat all week. And just like all award shows, there were some unusual surprises such as Beck beating out Queen Bey for Album of the Year, or when we all thought that Kanye West was going to pull a Kanye West and re-live 2009. I’m also pretty sure there was a collective gasp of confusion heard around the nation when people began to realize that it was Kristen Wiig dancing in Sia’s performance of “Chandelier”. All of these things are what make watching award shows so much fun, you never know what is going to happen. So when President Obama first appeared on the screen, I was slightly confused, but highly interested in what the president had to say that was relevant to The Grammy’s. And let me be the first to say that he did not disappoint. Bringing the “It’s On Us” campaign to the music world and giving it national recognition is going to completely change the game. Instead of waiting for others to look into the campaign or make a pledge,

Caitlin Moynihan

Columnist @cmmoynihan

Obama went to where the people would be and challenged them to make a difference. Quoting statistics that, “nearly one in five American women will be raped and that nearly one in four American women will experience domestic violence” was something that made people watching focus on what he was saying and realize the importance of the campaign. Obama ends his video by challenging the artists there to pledge and to encourage their fans to do the same to, “help create a culture where violence isn’t tolerated, where survivors are supported.” After the PSA, Brooke Axtell, a survivor of domestic violence, took the stage with an empowering spoken word about her experience. Although her voice may have trembled, her message was strong and clear stating that, “authentic love does not devalue another human being. Authentic love does not silence, shame, or abuse.” Axtell was in a relationship where she was oppressed, beaten and threatened, and in doing this she gave so many other survivors hope that they are not alone and that they are more than what their abusers labeled them as. When Axtell left the stage everyone watching the show in my dorm was on their feet applauding her for her bravery. While Katy Perry went on to sing a beautifully simplistic and artistic version of her song “By the Grace of God.” - To read the full column visit

Starving Student and Dear Doc!

Two new columns have arrived on Starving Student offers unique and delicious recipies and cooking tips for everyone from the dorm kitchen newbie to the apartment head chef. Dear Doc is The Towerlight’s very own advice column where students can find tips and tricks for managing college life. Feel free to send questions of all kinds, shapes and sizes to

Courtesy of Wfuv

Artist Sam Smith won four Grammy awards last night at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards.


February 10, 2015


Nick’s 2015 Oscar Predictions

Save the ‘Best Picture’ for last NICK SALACKI Contributing Writer

The category for Best Picture comes down to the best of the best for this year, eight movies that achieve everything you could ever want in a feelgood film. But there has been a lot of talk and some controversy among most of these films, more in one season than I believe I have ever experienced in my lifetime. Whether it was justified or not when choosing the nominees, this year has made for one hell of an award season, filled with such talented actors, beautiful story telling and much deserved praise for this year’s Oscar newcomers. The nominations for Best Picture are “American Sniper,” “Birdman,” “Boyhood,” “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” “The Imitation Game,” “Selma,” “The Theory of Everything” and “Whiplash.” Such a surprise entrance “American Sniper” took this year. I believe the

Clint Eastwood picture holds a similar position as “The Hurt Locker” held in 2010, except in “Sniper,” it seems to have a contrarily conveyed sense of propaganda. While it holds the place of this year’s cookie-cutter presentday war drama, it is not likely to win for Picture as “Locker” did, partially due to the negative stigma by the media that followed its wide-release. It’s a film I did not personally select for my top five in this category. “Birdman” seems to be hot on the trail of possible big winners this year, statistically speaking, between second or third place to win for Picture, and has a strong possibility of winning for Original Screenplay and Cinematography. “Birdman” is this year’s “American Hustle” when it comes to the previously stated categories as well as the legacy that comes from all members of the main cast, becoming the year’s top recognized cast/ensemble. The film portrays the human body and mind and its

limitations splendidly, with the aweinspiring performance of Keaton as the icing on the cake. “Boyhood” will win for Best Picture. It is my official selection and I do believe that the Academy will make the same choice. Director Richard Linklater truly encompasses the human condition through this 12-year project, based around the growth of young Mason (Ellar Coltrane) from age 5 to 18, perfected through the passion and perseverance that should be an example to filmmakers everywhere. This win will create a bigger wave of recognition throughout the entire independent side of the film industry. Director Wes Anderson is a friend to the Academy, and with “Hotel,” he has a good chance of going home with the big award. “Hotel” won the Golden Globe for Best Picture — comedy or musical, so on paper, this is where Anderson has a shot. But while this film was one of his best, it may

surprise “Birdman” with the Original Screenplay win and it could win for Production Design, but most likely not for “Hotel.” “The Imitation Game” is this year’s best British/Historical biopic. All season, the Benedict Cumberbatch led film has kept up with this year’s frontrunners in the race for Best Picture, always being brought up on broadcasted reviews. It’s personally one of my favorites this year and all definitely should experience it. The legacy and achievements of WWIIera mathematician Alan Turing was once repressed from the public spotlight, turning down the possibility of a homosexual war hero, but this Morten Tyldum directed picture helps brings his name back to life. Sadly, Best Picture is one of only two nominations “Selma” has received this year (the other being Original Song), and even though it greatly deserves this spot, through Ava DuVernay’s gripping style and

snubbed David Oyelowo’s breakthrough portrayal of Dr. King, I feel its spot was given out of charity, as if this achievement was realized with such ease due to its positive stigma, following the likes of last year’s winner “12 Years A Slave” and Oprah Winfrey’s major support. “The Theory of Everything” achieves what it was set out to achieve, to retell the love that once was between Jane and Stephen Hawking. This made for such raw beauty and emotion as portrayed only through the eyes of Felicity Jones’ Jane Hawking. The film’s nomination is an amazing feat but it would definitely not be in my top five picks for this category. The 87th Academy Awards will be hosted by Neil Patrick Harris and take place on Sunday, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m. on ABC. - Critic’s Note: This critic has not yet attended a screening of “Whiplash” (nominee for Best Picture).



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February 10, 2015

Green weeks A Towson surprise CHRISTINE LAFRANCESCA Staff Writer

Recyclemania, a friendly competition between universities to promote waste reduction, originated in 2001, as a motivational tool to encourage Miami and Ohio University students to recycle more. It has now reached over 400 schools nationally. “Over an eight-week period each spring, colleges across the United States report the amount of recycling and trash collected each week,” Campus Planning and Sustainability Manager Patricia Watson said. “They are ranked in different categories based on who recycles the most, as well as which schools have the best recycling rate as a percentage of total waste.” Towson has also created its own social media contest, “Recycle This” which started last week and will be ending on Feb. 13. “Students are asked to like ‘Towson Goes Green,’ our Facebook page and take a selfie of themselves recycling something and post it to that page with the hashtag, #RecycleThis,” Watson said. “Everyone who posts will be put into a raffle and on Friday the 13th, we’ll draw a name and that person will win a prize.” Additionally, starting next Monday Towson will start another social media campaign called “Caught Green Handed” in an effort to keep the competition going. “There will be eco representatives walking around and if they see you doing something environmentally friendly, they’ll take your picture and post it on the page,” Watson

said. “Students will receive a freebie for their efforts.” Watson is focusing on eliminating trashcans as a part of a campuswide effort to reduce Towson’s carbon footprint and the amount of waste produced. Instead of trashcans, Watson hopes to replace them with recycle bins that have a smaller trash receptacle attached to the side. “The Administration Building already has them, but we want to take them campus-wide,” Watson said. “This will help eliminate mistakes when recycling. We don’t want to get rid of trash cans all together, just centralize them.” Watson hopes to see Towson students share her enthusiasm as the semester continues. “I would love it if every student did one little thing to help us make it within the top ten schools involved in Recyclemania,” Watson said. “I think we can have an impact not only on Towson but our county as well. We’re trying to build a community.”

Tucked away Columnist off of York Road @GoodEatsMD is where the next GoodEats location lives. Pete’s Grille is a 28-seat counter serving up huge portions for a fraction of the cost. For over 50 years now, Pete’s Grille has served up breakfast and lunch to hungry diners. Open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. daily, this restaurant is worth waking up early for.

Taylor Seidel

Courtesy of Towson EcoReps

The restaurant is small and with only 28 seats available, on weekends you should expect a wait. Once seated and greeted, making the decision between breakfast or lunch takes effect. Pete’s is known for their fluffy pancakes topped with blueberries or chocolate chips. They are also

Courtesy of Taylor Seidel

known for their huge hand-patted burgers. Lucky for you all, I was able to enjoy both breakfast and lunch. For breakfast I highly recommend the blueberry pancakes. Huge, fluffy pancakes topped with blueberry compote. The blueberries aren’t overly sweet and compliment the pancakes perfectly. The omelets are massive as well, topped with whatever you like, and the home fries served with the eggs are fantastic. They are perfectly seasoned and crispy. As for lunch, you have to go with a burger. Whether you like just a plain burger or something a little fancier, the patty, hand packed and grilled to your liking, made it delicious no matter what toppings you choose. I went with the patty melt topped with caramelized onions, Swiss cheese and Thousand Island on rye bread. It’s a great version of an American classic. Make sure to also take a look at the daily specials; a lot of them are delicious for not a lot of coin. Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with Pete’s Grille. Pete’s provides big portions, big flavors and does so at a reasonable price. Remember, they are only open until 1 p.m. on Sundays (only breakfast served on Sundays) and 1:15 p.m. every other day. Also, Pete’s only accepts cash so make sure to stop by the ATM before heading down York road. Until next time. I wish you GoodEats! - Edited by Jared Kurlander.

The day of the dead comes to life Released in October last year, “The Book of Life” begins during the Day of the Dead (a Mexican holiday where relatives gather to honor and remember deceased loved ones), when the spirits La Muerte (Kate del Castillo), ruler of the Land of the Remembered, and Xibalba (Ron Perlman), ruler of the Land of the Forgotten, witness two children, Manolo (Diego Luna) and Joaquin (Channing Tatum) fight to win the heart of Maria (Zoe Saldana). The two spirits make a wager over the three: La Muerte bets that Manolo

Kaitlyn McKay Columnist

will marry Maria, while Xibalba bets on Joaquin. If La Muerte wins, Xibalba will no longer interfere with the human world, but if she loses, then the two will switch realms and Xibalba will be the leader of the Land of the Remebered. Years later, Manolo is a bullfighter as per family tradition who wishes to be a musician, and Joaquin, who received a medal from Xibalba granting him immortality, is the town hero. While the two continue to fight for Maria’s hand in marriage, Manolo becomes trapped in the Land of the Remembered and is determined to leave to reunite with his beloved.

If you don’t remember the name of the movie, you should at least recall the visuals from commercials or trailers: it’s the Day of the Deadinfluenced animated film, with a distinct Mexican art style, where the characters look like wooden puppets and visuals are bright and colorful. Above all else, that is the film’s strong point: its animation and art style. The scenes in the Land of the Remembered are especially gorgeous to look at, with its candy-like

colors and attention to detail. The animation is great, but everything else? The main focus of the movie, the love triangle, is tired and conventional. If there is something positive to say about any of the uninteresting leads, it’s the writers’ decision to keep Joaquin a “good guy” throughout the entire film. He does not become a villain a la Gaston from “Beauty and the Beast”: he’s a decent person who just happens to be vain. The voice actors

are interchangeable, but I appreciate at least the attempt to have a decent chunk of the cast voiced by Mexican actors. The most surprising part of the film is the fun relationship between La Muerte and Xibalba, as they are the only characters that have any sort of entertaining chemistry with each other – certainly more so than our leads, Manolo and Maria. The absolute most worthless part of the whole film is the fact that the entire film is told by a museum tour guide to a group of rowdy kids on a field trip. - To read the full column visit


February 10, 2015


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with the number in the top-left corner. KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2014 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS.



Tuesday, February 17 7:00PM AMC White Marsh

To download an admit-two pass visit /THEDUFFTOWERLIGHT NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW. Passes and prizes are available while supplies last. One admit-two pass per person. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis and not guaranteed. Employees of all promotional partners and Towson University are not eligible. Void where prohibited by law. The film has been rated PG-13 for crude and sexual material throughout, some language and teen partying.


21616 THE DUFF TOWER LIGHT 5.75" x 6.75" 4C



February 10, 2015


Johnson’s 27 points propel Tigers to victory TYLER BEARD Staff Writer @tylerbeard2




72-64, on Sunday, as junior guard Dominique Johnson led the team with 27 points. “It’s always great to get a good


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team win like today,” Johnson said. “Offensively, I was comfortable, but our defense created those opportunities.” Both teams kept even in the first few minutes until senior guard Ciara Webb made a three-pointer that gave the Tigers (10-14, 6-6 Colonial Athletic Association) a 12-9 lead. Freshman center Daijha Thomas made a layup the next possession and freshman guard Breonn Hughey made a jumper after that, which extended the Tigers’ lead to 16-9 over the Huskies (4-18, 1-11 CAA). Towson controlled the rest of the first half and had a 15-point lead with less than two minutes left after backto-back three-pointers from freshman guard Shanea Butler and Hughey. Northeastern scored four points before the half ended, but Towson went into the locker room with a 38-27 lead. The Tigers shot 48.5 percent from the field in the first half, including 6-for-11 from beyond the arc. Butler had nine points off of a trio of threepointers. Northeastern opened up the second half with a three-pointer that cut Towson’s lead to eight points.

Towson didn’t score in the first four minutes half until Johnson scored six straight points and a three-pointer from Webb extended Towson’s lead to 47-32 with less than 15 minutes left in the game.

It’s always great to get a good team win like today. Offensively, I was comfortable, but our defense created those opportunities. DOMINIQUE JOHNSON Junior Guard

The Huskies chipped at the Tigers’ lead and trailed by seven points with less than eight minutes left. However, Hughey scored off a jumper the next possession and Johnson made a threepointer one minute later, which gave the Tigers a 62-50 lead. The Tigers controlled the rest of the

game and finished with a 44.4 shooting percentage. Johnson’s 27 points came off of shooting 10-for-21 from the field, including four three-pointers. She also finished with five steals. Hughey finished with 10 points and nine assists, and redshirt senior LaTorri Hines-Allen led the team with 14 rebounds. “This will be a tough week, as we face [James Madison] one more before the tournament and Drexel, who we haven’t played yet,” Johnson said. Towson plays the James Madison Dukes (20-2, 11-0 CAA) on Thursday at 2 p.m. Then, it will face Drexel Dragons (14-9, 8-4 CAA) on Sunday at 2 p.m. Both games are at SECU Arena, where Towson lost to Elon last week, “We go into this week with confidence and we just have to build off from that,” Johnson said.

72 64




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February 10, 2015


Tom Brady belongs in top 3 JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-In-Chief @jon_munshaw

I’ve always hated trying to do rankings in sports. It’s all subjective. There’s no way we could come up with a definitive list of the 15 best quarterbacks of all time, or the 10 best games ever played. Everyone is going to have a different opinion, and all of these rankings are done through the eyes of that particular person and their experience. For example, I was only 13 when the 2006 Rose Bowl between USC and Texas was played. I hardly remember that game, and certainly wasn’t old enough to truly appreciate what I was watching. For someone about 10 years older than me, though, that game is one of their all-time favorites in any sport. The same goes for quarterback rankings. Now that I’ve explained to you why I hate ranking quarterbacks, I’m going to make this following statement anyway: Tom Brady is unquestionably one of the three best quarterbacks of all time. I wasn’t even alive to see Joe Montana play, and my only memory of Dan Marino is using him in the very first “Backyard Football” game. (Unfortunately, Hocus Pocus is not an

acceptable play call in the real NFL, I think.) So, for my money and using my experience, the three best quarterbacks of all time are Montana, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. I know I just said I wasn’t around to see Montana, but I also wasn’t even close to being alive to see Bill Russell play, and I’m fully convinced he’s the third best basketball player ever. Deal with it.

6879124502476 3923543705457 93759993575985 25576933856202 3475623460017 72774650309622 545965418347 TALK NERDY TO ME (Also, there’s a 99.9 percent chance that in two years, I’m willing to bump Montana for Aaron Rodgers, and there’s a 50 percent chance that in 10 years, I’ll bump one of them for Andrew Luck.) But, if you’ll think back to my columns last year, I love to use the “End of the World Games” example. If humans had to assemble a football team and beat a race of aliens in a game in order to ensure the earth’s survival, I’m mak-

Courtesy of Keith Allison

ing sure Touchdown Tom is my quarterback. Here’s why. All of these numbers are from, unless otherwise noted. Brady’s 2011 season ranks third all time in passing yards per game in a single season. He’s currently fifth all time in career passer rating, and still probably has at least two more seasons to go. He’s third all time in gamewinning drives (46) behind only Marino and Manning and tied for third all time in fourth-quarter comebacks. Brady is also one of only six quarterbacks to throw for over 50,000 yards in his career, and his 2007 campaign (please come back, Randy Moss) ranks fourth all time for passer rating in a season (oddly enough, Nick Foles’ 2013 is third best). And, not to be “that” guy, but Brady does have four Super Bowl rings. Statistically speaking, Manning is the better regular season quarterback, there’s no doubt. But going back to the alien scenario, I’m putting 2007 Brady in there over 1980s Montana and 2013 Manning. Brady has done a bit of everything in his career. While he’s not first in any of those statistical categories, he is one of the most well-rounded passers of all time and ranks in the top 10 in almost any quarterback category you can come up with (except interceptions). Even though Brady has won more Super Bowls and playoff games than Manning, Brady goes out there every game (regular or postseason) and plays with an intensity that my end-of-theworld team wouldn’t get from anyone else (except maybe Tim Tebow, but I don’t like the human race’s chances in that scenario). But this is why sports are crazy. There’s a number of things that broke right for Brady that catapulted him into this position, but there’s a number of things that worked against him that prevented everyone’s favorite quarterback to hate from having six Super Bowl rings. In Brady’s two Super Bowl losses to the New York Giants, the Patriots took a lead into the final five minutes of a game, but the defense couldn’t hold up their end of the deal. In last weekend’s Super Bowl, they did. When the Giants won in 2012, they needed a crazy catch from Mario Manningham and another improbable Eli Manning comeback. Brady still finished that game with 276 yards, two touchdowns, one interception and a passer rating of 91.1. - To read the rest of this article, visit

Tyra McKellar Gymnastics

The freshman recorded three career highs in the bars, floor and all-around competitions in Towson’s thirdplace finish at New Hampshire this weekend. She finished with a 9.900 on the bars, 9.900 on the floor and 39.175 in the all-around, which put her third overall.



February 10, 2015


Curry clutch at the buzzer JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-In-Chief @jon_munshaw

The Towson Tigers looked to be in control of Saturday’s game against James Madison on two different occasions. Both times, they gave up the lead. Both times, they fought back to at least tie the game. However, the Dukes had the final strike, as junior guard Ron Curry made a buzzer-beating jumper with no time remaining to hand Towson its eighth conference loss of the season, 63-61. “We’ve lost a half dozen really close games, and that’s on me,” Head Coach Pat Skerry said after the game. “I don’t have them where they need to be to win close games.” JMU (14-11, 7-5 CAA) got out to an early 5-0 lead, forcing Skerry to call a timeout. A jumper from freshman guard Byron Hawkins, who made his 14th start of the season Saturday, eventually tied it up again. The Tigers (11-14, 4-8 CAA) took their first lead of the game with 11:27 remaining in the first, as Morsell sunk a three, but JMU quickly grabbed it back with a three of their own. Junior guard Four McGlynn snatched the lead back by sinking his first three of the game over two Duke defenders, making the game 19-18 with 10:43 remaining in the half. By the under-eight timeout, the

Tigers, who were wearing a new alternative light blue uniform for autism awareness, had pushed their lead to 23-20 after freshman forward Mike Morsell drove into the lane and made a fingerroll layup, and a John Davis dunk put them up 27-20 with about six minutes remaining. The seven-point lead was Towson’s largest of the game. JMU went on to tie the game up at 29, but sophomore forward Walter Foster had a put-back layup with 1:45 remaining to put them back up by two, and a pull-up shot by Hawkins from the elbow pushed the lead back to 33-29. On the Dukes’ final possession of the half, though, they were able to regain the lead after a foul from Hawkins put Curry on the line. He made his first free throw and missed the second, but sophomore forward Yohanny Dalembert, the brother of NBA center Samuel Dalembert, collected the rebound and put it in as time expired, making the game 35-33 at half. The Tigers stormed out of the half and scored five straight points to regain the lead. With 16 minutes left in the game, Towson had out-rebounded James Madison 24-15 and Davis had five. Graduate forward Alex Gavrilovic scored his first four points of the game to extend Towson’s lead to 45-39. JMU started to push back again, but Morsell took an inbounds pass from Hawkins

the length of the floor and made a layup to give the home team a four-point lead again. The Dukes took back the lead on a 5-0 run, making the game 54-50 with 7:31 remaining, but a technical foul on James Madison put McGlynn on the line, who came in ranked third in the country in free-throw percentage, only made one of his two attempts, pulling the Tigers to within three. The Tigers finished shooting just 11-for-22 from the line for the game. “No one tries to miss them,” Skerry said. “We have guys who work hard at it in practice.” McGlynn finished the game with just four points in 21 minutes, but came in second on the team averaging 11.4 points per game and shooting 37.6 percent from three. McGlynn has seen a drop-off in minutes lately, playing just 18 minutes on Wednesday in Towson’s loss to Northeastern. He’s attempted four or fewer shots in four of his past six games as well, after scoring in double figures in eight out of his first 10 games this year. Skerry said McGlynn isn’t dealing with any injuries. “You want to get him shots, but he is small and he’s got to work harder off the ball and has to run better in transition,” Skerry said. “It becomes, ‘Can we do a good job of finding him [on offense?]’

File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Sophomore forward John Davis had 16 points and 10 rebounds in Towson’s 63-61 loss to James Madison on Saturday at SECU Arena. And does he work well enough in spacing? He’s a good player, an intelligent player, but I wonder what you have to do when you can’t get shots. He did a lot today. We become a different team when he scores the ball, but this team wasn’t going to just let him score. It’s something we’ll have to study on tape.”

Towson’s offense stagnated for the remainder of the game. Foster, junior forward Timaj ParkerRivera and Davis all played in the final three minutes of the game, making offensive spacing a problem. - To read the rest of this article, visit to

Q&A with Head Men’s Basketball Coach Pat Skerry While Head Men’s Basketball Coach Pat Skerry deals with five men on the basketball court at a time and is finding a way for the Tigers to win the Colonial Athletic Association this year, he’s facing an entirely different battle at home. His 5-year-old son has autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts nearly one out of every 42 boys and one in every 189 girls, according to Autism Speaks. Every year, the basketball team works with the University to produce programs to help raise awareness for autism. The Towerlight spoke with Skerry after practice Thursday about the struggles of parenting a child with autism.

What are some of the struggles you face as a parent of a child with autism? Every parent has worries. My wife does a lot more than I do, but it’s like coaching a team. In order to get the output you want, you have to put in the work. You have short-term worries. How’s his day going at school? How’s he doing with his speech? And then you have long-term worries. As the parent of an autistic child, you wonder if he’ll have a job. How he’s going to do. Is society going to accept him? That’s part of raising awareness. Prevalencey [sic] rates are so high that everyone knows someone who is on the spectrum. No two people on the spectrum are alike, but people need to know that there are high intelligent people and highly functioning people who are on the spectrum.

File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

[Thursday], you held a basketball clinic with members of the University’s Hussman Center for Adults With Autism. Is that something you’ve done before? We’ve done a couple clinics with them before. We have really good guys on our team and on our staff, so they’re more than happy to work with people at the Hussman Center. It really teaches life skills, and it’s a place where adults on the spectrum can feel comfortable and get the services that they need.

What does it mean for you as a parent that the University offers these kinds of services for adults with autism? It’s important. When kids become men and they age out of certain services, we need to make sure they’re valuable members of society. It’s just another one of the great resources they have at Towson.

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