The Towerlight (March 10, 2015)

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Towerlight Today

Towson’s campus and community news source

Mar. 10, 2015

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Photo by Sarah Hugel, illustration by Abby Murphy/ The Towerlight


March 10, 2015


Social Media

March 10, 2015




T OWSON # TRENDING Week of 03/03


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After a number of delays and almost-delays, Towson students’ prayers were finally answered last Thursday when campus was closed due to another snow storm. Some areas in Towson saw up to seven inches of snow on the grass. The storm caused classes to be canceled Thursday, and there was a delay on Friday. Here’s the best of social media from the snow day.


Never thought I would see the day when Towson got a snow day!


Towson Kronum Club



Snow day means extra lane space #howugettoncaas

Kanji Takeno





March 10, 2015

Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Munshaw Senior Editor Cody Boteler News Editor Sam Shelton Arts & Life Editor Carley Milligan Assit. Arts & Life Editors Annie Sragner

From The Editor’s Desk Get rid of tunnel vision, explore community

Robert Wood Sports Editor Matt Hamilton Staff Writers Daryllee Hale Payam Agha-Ghassem James Greene Tyler Beard Paige Sudol Jordan Cope Tyler Young Nilo Exar Kristen Zdon Christine LaFrancesca Caitlin Wolfarth Kati Day Devorah Roberts Photo Editor Sarah Hugel Assist. Photo Editors Abby Murphy Patrick Burke

Staff Photographers Glen Banks

Video Producer Sarah Chmielowiec Staff Videographers Gabby Slocum Devorah Roberts Patrick Burke Joseph Hawkins Proofreaders Desmond Boyle Laura Antonucci Kira McCall Kayla Baines Kaitlyn McKay Chris Petrides General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro Assoc. Art Director Sydney Adamson Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Christopher George Glen Banks Ian McIntyre Travis Duppstadt Jasmine Edwards

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  classified advertising & display — Monday, noon for Thursday; Thursday, noon for Monday. Line classified ads will only be accepted online at www. Call (410) 704-5153 for more information. We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorial content expresses the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2014 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

When I’m walking to class, there’s a 100 percent chance I have my headphones in listening Jonathan Munshaw to music. Editor-in-Chief I walk @jon_munshaw with a slight tilt to my head. I have it low enough that I don’t have to make eye contact with those who walk by me, but I keep it high enough that I can see where I’m going next. This is the kind of tunnel vision that we (college students) can develop, especially when we’re at the busiest points of the semester. Right now, students are looking at taking midterms, starting to research their final papers (assuming they want to get ahead) and seniors are trying to map out their lives after graduation. I get it. There is a lot to take on. And I’m guilty of just wanting to escape when I’m walking on campus or I’m in my apartment complex. I don’t want to be bothered by anyone else, and I want to

focus on myself. It’s part of human nature. But there are certain situations when it really is beneficial to take the headphones out for once, look straight ahead and embrace the community you’re in. In this week’s cover story, we decided to broach the topic of community, specifically as it relates to campus and the Towson community. From the interviews I did, I came to learn that Towson students frankly don’t realize they have a role to play in the community. It becomes all too easy to walk from class to class, get in your car or onto a shuttle, drive home, and shut yourself in your apartment for the rest of the day. But I challenge students to start thinking outside of that tunnel. This week, when Towson had

its second big snowstorm of the winter, I actively went out into the parking lot of my apartment complex and just shoveled. I cleared off the steps leading up to my building, cleared part of the sidewalk and in the morning, while I was shoveling out my girlfriend’s car, I helped others clear some space so that they could leave. It didn’t take a lot of effort or time (and, on a snow day, I honestly didn’t have much else to do) but it did take me taking out my headphones and actively looking for people to help. Usually, I would have just gone out there to do my thing and focus on whatever was directly impacting my life, but it was nice for a chance to actually help others. I didn’t get any huge rewards out of it and no one tipped me — which would be a strange thing to do,

anyway — but it did force me to go out of my comfort zone. I had to actively think about the people in my community. The complex that I live in has a mixture of Towson students, but it also has families, working singles and some older folks. They all need help in different ways. Some students don’t have shovels to be able to dig their cars out. Some of the elderly can’t brave icy sidewalks and risk slipping. It’s worth your time to actively build community. Trust me, I know it’s much easier to only think about Towson in the context of your four years here. Most students will likely graduate from Towson and never move back here. But try to be a member of the community. After all, you do live in Towson, whether you live on campus or off. Help your neighbor dig It didn’t take a lot of effort or time (and, on a snow day, I honestly out the ice from under their car. Just see if didn’t have much else to do) but it did take me taking out my headsomeone needs help carphones and actively looking for people to help. Usually, I would rying groceries into their have just gone out there to do my thing and focus on whatever was apartment. Take your headphones out and walk directly impacting my life, but it was nice for a chance to actually with a sense of purpose, help others. surveying all that is going on around you.


March 10, 2015

it doesn’t directly affect my everyday life. I never thought about what I would do if I didn’t have a comfy bed to crawl into. Are the folks on the streets safe? Do they have any resources? I always assumed that the government simply collected everyone in need and took them to shelters. But living on or near a college campus, it is easy to get stuck in the mundane details of your own personal, everyday circumstances. How many of us are living comfortable lives? It’s an extremely fortunate circumstance. Think about how differently your life would look if you were unsure about where you were sleeping, eating or bathing next. Homelessness has many faces. Its spectrum stretches from sleeping on the street to couch-surfing among friends’ places. Homelessness especially affects children, who are less able

to control and change their situations. I learned at the meeting that children make up about one-third of the shelter populations in the Baltimore area. It is important to consider life from a communal mindset. We often succumb to an anthill mentality, leaving us to ignore the bustling lives or dreary days of those we pass along the way. Everyone has their own crosses to bear, some heavier than others, but we should live with empathy and consideration for others. What kind of world would this be if we didn’t help each other out every once in a while? Life is about people. We all share the same basic geographic area, and we are probably more allied than we realize. Be aware of the environment and take note of, or even help, individuals around you. By loving others, we keep our own love alive. Remember, we’re all in this together.

inform I would have to say the friendly atmosphere. I eat dinner at west village each night and generally get pasta. The pasta lady, Miss Dee, is a really nice lady and will always make an effort to start a friendly conversation. She’s da bomb!

tiger -- John Saxton

Knowing that it’s temporary. -- Rich Bell sports


-- Jeannette White





Being close to Baltimore and some of the big events that happen here like the May Festival.

It’s a completely different atmosphere from living in rural New Jersey where I’m from. At home, I have to drive everywhere, but in Towson I can walk to so many places like Starbucks or the mall. -- Alex Andre

Photo courtesy of Cody Boteler

Senior Editor Cody Boteler took this photo from 7800 York Road while on a hunt with some other members of The Towerlight staff for the perfect cover image.


In recent weeks, the Ice Ageesque snowfalls in Towson have been nothing short of treacherous. It is easy to take the environment around us for granted, but this weather makes you take notice of the surroundings. Recent snowstorms and plunging wind chills took their toll, but imagine having to endure this wintery life without the comforts of warm pajamas and indoor heat. I recently attended a community meeting that rattled my perspective on my environment. The topic was homelessness in Baltimore. I found out that although several shelters in the area take in many of those in need, there are still thousands of individuals that face a frozen life on the streets. I realized at this meeting how seldom I consider homelessness because Assit. Arts&Life Editor @a_swaggner

What’s your favorite thing about living in Towson?


Annie Sragner

4” x 6” square Fifth Page


Caring for the homeless, others

Word on the Street





current towson



March 10, 2015

The dividing line

Understanding the tension between students and area residents CODY BOTELER Senior Editor @codyboteler JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-in-Chief @jonmunshaw

Professor Andrew Reiner teaches a class in the Honors College on building community and civility, but he says most of his students in the class don’t have the Towson community “on their radar.” The final project for the class — titled Mr. Rogers 101 — is an experiment or exercise that a group of students must complete in order to build community in the Towson area in some way. Reiner said most of the projects focus on Towson’s campus, and not the actual community. “There’s been very few, if any, students who have been able to speak with any insight or awareness into Towson University and the Towson [city] connection,” Reiner said. The relationship between the University and the Towson community has sometimes been contentious, new projects have brought the relationship between the two sides back into view. Towson’s new softball field borders the Rodgers Forge community, causing concerns over lighting and noise at night. The 101 York Road student housing project has been continually delayed due to concerns over parking in the community. And most recently, the Towson Row project, which includes a planned Whole Foods market and student housing further up York Road, met resistance at a town hall-style meeting when residents raised concerns over parking and traffic congestion. Jerry Truelove, a member of the Rodgers Forge community association and of a three-person committee that works as a go-between for the association and the University, said when he brought up concerns over the softball facility “there was no changing what was going on.” “[The relationship] is always contentious, but there is continuing dialogue and outreach going between the two [sides],” Truelove said. In one of the sections of his Mr. Rogers class, Reiner said he remembered one student who lived in the Rodgers Forge area complaining about the lighting from the basketball arena, an issue that Truelove said is only

going to get worse when games are played at the softball stadium. “I remember [the student] saying that in his experience, a lot of people in the Rodgers Forge community had a very negative feeling about the University because of the strong degree of ambient light and ambient sound sometimes from games that they felt was very, very disruptive,” Reiner said. For the other two construction projects, the main concerns from the community involve parking and traffic congestion. “The thing I don’t think we’ll get relief from is parking, student parking,” Mary-Carol Bruff, the president of the Aigburth Manor Association, said at the town hall meeting for the Towson Row project. Maureen Flanigan, a Towson resident and attendee of the Towson Row meeting, said that students too often park in communities they don’t live in. “[The parking issue] has gotten worse, I would say, in the past two years,” Flanigan said. Rich Reinhardt, the assistant to the president for governmental relations, said the University usually doesn’t formally speak out for or against off-campus construction projects. So far, they haven’t released any official position on the Towson Row project. Last year, then-President Maravene Loeschke submitted a letter of support for the 101 York Road project. “In terms of any real public acknowledgement or support, that’s been one of the leading and one of the only pieces of examples that I can refer to to show any mild participation in this project,” Reinhardt said. Reinhardt and other administrators regularly attend these community interest meetings. Between Towson Row and 101 York Road, Reinhardt said community members would rather have student housing be physically on campus. “The feeling was that… if there’s going to be residential housing, it should remain on campus, not off campus,” he said. “We were hearing that they wanted to make sure our students have the opportunity to live on campus. [But] traffic issues, party issues, student conduct issues, some of the things we’d usually get as complaints and concerns [were coming up].” When that type of separation hap-

File photo by Matthew Hazlett/ The Towerlight The new softball complex is located near the Rodgers Forge community, the apartment complex of which is pictured here. Residents have worked with the University in the past on the placement of buildings. pens, though, Reiner said the sense of community is lost between students and the community because they’re forced to be separate. “When you have college students living close by, you may be living the life of a college student, it can be frustrating to someone who’s not at that place in their lives,” he said. “And being so close to that community exacerbates the tension that’s going to be there already. I think that we’re not communicating as neighbors nearly as much as we used to.” Sophomore Joemese Malloy, who lives in University Village, says that she goes into the surrounding community “every so often, mainly because [her] friends lure [her] into it.” She has never experienced any kind of conflict with area residents or officials, and said that she would like to get better acquainted with the community in the future. Commuter students Marili Lemus and Deja Bean said that they don’t feel connected to the community. Their area activities are limited to campus. “We don’t spend a whole lot of time out in this area. It’s not like I don’t care about the community, besides here on campus, but it doesn’t really have much of an effect on us,” Lemus said. “We come to school, we leave,” Bean said. Over the past few years, Truelove

said student behavior hasn’t been much of a problem for his community. “I don’t think we have as many issues with students per say as we do with the policies and decisions of the University,” Truelove said. Truelove said that during The Big Event, scheduled for April 25 this year, students will come into the community and help clean up. “We have a dumpster day, and I think last year there were several people from some of the teams who came over and loaded things into a dumpster and helped us on that community cleanup day,” he said. Outside of those larger events, though, students will get “tunnel vision” when it comes to the community, Coordinator for Off-Campus Student Services Joyce Herold said. “They were looking for someplace to live that’s quiet, that’s affordable and that’s safe and then they come to campus and do what they’ve got to do, and then go home and just want to get some rest,” she said. In an effort to improve the relationship between students and the community, Towson includes a number of things during new student orientation and other programs that are a part of what Herold calls a “continuing education.” During orientation, students attend sessions on bystander intervention and

the student code of conduct, which every student is supposed to follow, whether they live on or off campus. There is also a session that focuses on civility, diversity and safety, according to Assistant Director of New Student Programs Sylvester Gaskin. “It’s an ongoing thing that happens,” Gaskin said. “Once orientation ends, that’s not the end of the lesson of what it means to live in a community.” A part of that continuing education is the upcoming Building our Community Dinner on Thursday, April 16, at 5 p.m. “The goal of the Building our Community Dinner is to provide a platform and opportunity for neighbors, permanent residents living in the community, and students – whether they live on campus or off campus, particularly if they live in the same communities as permanent residents, to come and sit down and have a great evening together,” Herold said. “They can learn about ways to increase their community engagement.” This year, Executive Director of the Baltimore Collegetown Network Kristen McGuire and Executive Director of the Towson Chamber of Commerce Nancy Hafford will be featured speakers. --Nilo Exar and Sam Shelton contributed to this article


March 10, 2015


Towson alum, photojournalist delivers J-Day keynote Dubs early photos “successful failures” SAM SHELTON News Editor @sam_tweets_now

Award-winning photojournalist Patrick Smith never imagined he would be where he was Wednesday evening: Speaking as the keynote during the Mass Communication Department’s annual J-Day event. “I knew photographers I wanted to be like, but I don’t think I could ever picture really being where I am,” he said during the March 4 event. “I was just picking up a camera and trying to do my best at portraying what was in front of me, and technically [his early photos] weren’t always the best.” During the keynote, Smith, a 2009 Towson graduate and former Towerlight photo editor, warned students that those in the room with them will eventually become their coworkers and, with that, their competition. He said that finding the line between the two relies on having good judgment. “I learned to lean on [peers] enough to get the information that

I needed and know that after the day was over, I was going to go out and have a beer and hang out with them,” he said. “But at the same time they’re going to leave me in the dark because they’re trying to accomplish the same thing, if not better.” Currently working as a staff photographer with the Baltimore-based Getty Images, Smith had previously worked in Utah. He is a two-time Utah Photographer of the Year and, in 2013, was named Still Photographer of the Year by the White House News Photographers Association. He says that the best part of his job are the connections he makes with his subjects. “It’s rewarding when someone opens their life to me,” he said. “Just to have them say, ‘Come over, sit down,’ and know that they’re OK with me taking pictures of their lives.” According to Smith, journalists often get the unique opportunity to see people at both their greatest moments and worst days. He said that experiences like those foster the empathy necessary to be a successful journalist.

“You need to know what your subjects are feeling to portray that yourself,” Smith said. “Because if you can’t feel it in your words or your pictures, your readers aren’t going to feel it either.” In addition to the keynote address, J-Day also included a panel discussion. Moderated by Towson professor Megan Gilbert, the “Sports is Their Beat and Business: Ethics in the Modern Media Landscape” panel held earlier in the day included ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” feature producer Greg Amante, Managing Editor of the Baltimore Business Journal Ryan Sharrow and TU assistant professor of kinesiology Tyler Sigmon. Breaking news prevented WBAL-TV I-team lead investigator Jayne Miller from attending as planned. The panel, advertised as one for sports journalism, covered a wide range of topics including viewership, sourcing, investigative journalism and integrity. -To read the rest of this article, visit

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight Award-winning alum Patrick Smith gives March 4’s J-Day keynote.



March 10, 2015

URG Elections Tomorrow CODY BOTELER News Editor @codyboteler

University Residence Government elections will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, March 11. This year, there are

two tickets running for executive positions – this is the first time in two years that the race has been competitive. URG serves as a representative voice for on-campus students. Each residence hall has its own building

council, and general assembly meetings for the whole of URG are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Chesapeake Rooms. Read below for some information about the two tickets competing for votes.

Team Phoenix Nominee for president: Jon Connelly Nominee for vice president: Peter Gallagher Nominee for treasurer: Wayne Nichols Nominee for secretary: Brittany Whalen

Feb. 17: In Linthicum Hall, an unknown person caused damage to a stairwell door. An investigation is ongoing. Feb. 20: In the Center for the Arts, a faculty member’s computer was taken from inside their office. An investigation is ongoing. Feb. 20: In the Liberal Arts Building, a faculty member’s ring was taken after it was left in the restroom. An investigation is ongoing. Feb. 20: In Residence Tower, a student was cited for alcohol possession. Feb. 24: In the West Village Commons, a contract employee’s cellphone was taken while it was charging. There were no witnesses and are no suspects. Feb. 26: In Douglass House, a resident student was cited for alcohol possession. March 3: In Tower A, a resident student was cited for CDS possession. March 4: At the Glen Complex, a resident student’s TU one card was taken and used on campus. An investigation is ongoing. March 5: At York Road and Burke Avenue, a student was arrested for assault. The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

Why Connelly decided to run: “I don't want to leave our organization at ‘well enough.’ When I think about how much of my personal development I owe to URG, and think that we might be missing opportunities to give those opportunities for growth to other students, I believe I have to do something to change that. And the best way to do it, really the only sure way to do it, is as president.” Goals for next year: Connelly wants to set the vision of URG as one that is more intentional and focused on student advocacy, event-planning and Image courtesy of Jon Connelly leadership development. Gallagher wants to create a marketing committee to increase visibility. This would include hiring a student graphic designer and videographer. Nichols wants to establish a more flexible grant system for building councils. Whalen wants to move the URG website to its own domain and off of the main Towson website. Qualifications: Connelly served two years as a Douglass House building representative and a semester as a building representative for Towson Run Apartments. Last semester, he stepped in to serve as director of resident advocacy for URG. Gallagher is currently serving as a building representative for the Richmond/Newell Building Council. Nichols currently serves as the secretary for the Richmond/Newell Building Council and is on the Student Government Association Community Outreach Committee. Whalen is secretary for the Residence Tower building council.

Team URGreat Nominee for president: Dan Bowley Nominee for vice president: Tiffany Merson Nominee for treasurer: Frankie Núñez Nominee for secretary: Kayla Defoe Why Bowley decided to run: “I care deeply about this organization and bringing it to new heights. I’ve experienced firsthand the benefits of URG and of getting involved – I want to bring those benefits to our residents so that we can create a Towson University experience that everyone supports and believes in.” Goals for next year: Bowley wants to make URG a more collaborative and tight-knit organization by getting the 13 building councils to work more closely to create better events and more impactful programs. He also wants to establish a connection between the URG president and the president of the university. The ticket wants to increase involvement with the National Residence Hall Honorary and the SGA in addition to revamping the URG website to make it more user-friendly. Qualifications: Bowley served as a Douglass House building representative and currently serves as national communications coordinator for the URG Executive Board. Merson has served as a building representative, a community center assistant and is now Tower C’s president. Núñez has served as secretary for Prettyman/Scarborough. Defoe has experience as a building representative for Tower A. Image courtesy of Dan Bowley

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March 10, 2015

Comedian talks ethnicity, disability Women in Science Maysoon Zayid calls for acceptance KRISTEN ZDON Staff Writer

Maysoon Zayid, a Palestinian comedian known for her viral TEDWomen talk, came to campus Wednesday to discuss her cerebral palsy and her ethnicity and how they have affected her views on society. “The disability community is the largest minority in America. We cross all classes, genders, races, it doesn’t matter,” Zayid said. Center for Student Diversity Associate Director of Women’s Resources Mahnoor Ahmed said that Zayid has “a very important message of resilience” that the CSD wanted to bring to campus. “She has the unique advantage of addressing topics that are important and serious with a comedic flair. But she doesn’t minimize those issues,” Ahmed said. “On the contrary, she compels her audience to engage with her intersectional identities and her journey, and invites them to keep

thinking about those things long after her program is done.” As an actor, Zayid said a large issue she faces is receiving roles because of her appearance. “My agent and I sit there every time we get rejected and we are like, ‘Is it because I am disabled? Is it because I am Muslim? Because I am not a size zero? Or is it because I am a woman?’ And believe me, the overlying thing that is always there is being female,” Zayid said. “It’s like when you shed everything else, being a female in comedy, being a female in politics, being a female Arab voice that people do not want to empower.” Zayid said there are times where her disability is not a factor. They not will select her for a role because she is not a stereotype that they are trying to sell. “We are only allowed to play two roles,” she said. “Either you can’t love me because I am disabled, or heal me. That is not my story.” Zayid discussed “Glee” and how producer Ryan Murphy cast an ablebodied actor in a wheelchair role.

“He didn’t even let us get through the door and then Ryan Murphy tries to make it up to us by having the most populated show with actors with disabilities,” Zayid said. “You know what we played, freaks. That is not progress to me.” According to Zayid, society has not accepted the disabled community and still likes the idea of using them as an inspiration. “I think that TV is thought of as an escape, as a place as a fantasy world and that it makes them feel better,” she said. Sophomore political science major Omnia Shedid took part in organizing the event, along with the CSD. “I loved how [Zayid] made light of her misfortunes instead of letting them get her down and that’s something I will definitely try to do more often. I feel like we all need to do that more often, honestly,” Shedid said. “She’s a very bold and strong person, who seems to challenge life as much as life challenges her, which is also something we need to get into the habit of doing.”

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight Margaret Chandler, a scientific review officer at the National Institutes of Health, gives her “One Size Does Not Fit All: One Path to a Career in Science as an Academic Researcher” presentation at March 7’s Women in Science Forum.




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March 10, 2015



help wanted

Q&A with Shay Ogundiran Alum creates invention while in grad school After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in health science in May 2011, alum Shay Ogundiran started her own business and invented a unique product. A community health education major, Ogundiran can be reached at or through her website, What did you major in at Towson? When did you graduate? I graduated in May 2011 with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science. I majored in Community Health Education.

You mentioned inventing a product and starting up a business. What is your product? What do you do?


Make $$ I

While working full time at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences I started my business, Chocberry Kreations, LLC. I invented a Dipping Tray, a silicone tray that will allow you to make perfect, gourmet chocolate covered strawberries in the comfort of your own home without going through the process of hand dipping. I also wanted to create a simple yet versatile product which will allow the average person to create beautiful desserts without putting in too much time or effort. The great thing about this dipping tray is not just for chocolate covered strawberries, you can make virtually anything, whether it’s your own truffles, chocolate molds, no-bake desserts and mini desserts. I want to inspire people to dare to create.

How did your time at Towson impact your life after graduation?

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My time at Towson has had a great impact on my life and who I am today. Towson did prepare me for the real world and life after graduation. I’ve made great connections through Towson, whether it was keeping in touch with everyone from my previous internship site or developing some of my closest friendships. Towson has fostered my ability to think creatively, develop and utilize my leadership skills, and embrace my intellectual ability.

APPLY NOW for the FALL semester.

Interested? Email for more info:

What inspired you to invent your product?

The idea for my product honestly just popped in my head while commuting home from work. I knew there wasn’t a product out there like this one and I knew that if I could benefit from this then so could others. I mean what lady doesn’t like getting a box of chocolate covered strawberries for a special occasion?

What advice would you give to current students?

The advice that I would give to current students is to go after your dreams and no matter where life takes you there will always be an opportunity waiting for you. Even if it means creating an opportunity for yourself.


March 10, 2015

g d t l


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March 10, 2015

Knit to keep kids warm Space for music CODY BOTELER Senior Editor @codyboteler

HELEN GRAFTON Contributing Writer

A pair of knitting needles or a crochet hook is all you need to join a new group on campus. Project Tiger Cubs is a club that aims to create gifts for kids at local hospitals through the arts of knitting and crocheting. With assistance from English professor Michelle Chester, the club was made official by the Student Government Association over winter break. The founding members have been working since the fall 2014 semester to get the club up on its feet. “I’m a member of TU Reads, which is a book club, and at all the club meetings we sit around going, ‘Man I wish we were knitting during book discussion.’ So we were like, ‘OK, let’s start a knitting club,’” founding member Amanda Carroll said. The new club held their first official meeting on March 4 in the Liberal Arts building. “Our meetings are structured as just a free knit that will have knitting books, knitting or crocheting YouTube videos that people can polish their skills and then work on their projects at the same time,” Carroll said. The goal of Project Tiger Cubs is to make anything from blankets, booties, hats, scarves and gloves to

Adriano Cassoma/ The Towerlight

Students knit and crochet winter wear like scarves, blankets and hats as a part of Project Tiger Cubs. The club meets every other Wednesday at 5 p.m. in room 3203 of the Liberal Arts Building. just anything you can make with yarn, according to Carlysha Isaac, the club’s president. All of the projects they make will be donated to newborns, premature infants and children in local hospitals. Although they have not chosen a specific charity yet, they would like to keep the foundation local. They plan to donate to organizations such as Johns Hopkins Children’s Center or the Ronald McDonald House. Although many of the members already know how to knit or crochet they said that new members do not need to know how to do either of these to join the club.

“We were planning on having a social-type thing where people just bring their projects, learn, get help or just sit here and knit, or crochet, with each other,” Carroll said. One member, sophomore Emily Whetstone, even has her own Etsy page where she sells some of her completed projects. One can find crocheted hats, beanies, blankets and headbands for sale in her Etsy shop, “EmCrochets”. For more information on how to get involved in Project Tiger Cubs, visit their page on Involved@TU. Project Tiger Cubs meets every other Wednesday at 5 p.m. in room 3202 of the Liberal Arts Building.

Music is everywhere. Songs play during advertisements, streaming services continue to pop up and students listen to music on their phones as they walk across campus. For all of the music available, though, there may be at least one shortfall. “I realized there was this glut of music, which is wonderful, we’ve never had this kind of exposure before,” Thom Lieb, a professor of journalism and new media said. “I was listening to new music constantly but there was no depth to the listening experience.“ This realization is what led Lieb to create his new website, Sit Down Listen Up ( Sit Down Listen Up has the goal of creating a relationship between the music and its listener that goes beyond the superficial. Contributors will sit down and listen to an album all the way through, and then write about their connection to the album – hence the name. The last album Lieb listened to that may turn into a post on the site is “Engravings,” by the group Forest Swords. “Music is such a powerful force and something that gives us so much energy,” Lieb said. “We use it for mood control, we use it for all sorts of things.” The site went live in mid-February

and has a number of contributors, including Mark Sullivan, an adjunct faculty in the mass communications department and Denise Tillman, a 2014 Towson graduate. Sullivan and Tillman both said that they want to share music with others. “Basically, I miss hanging out in record stores and chatting about music with other fans,” Sullivan said. “This gives me a way to do so virtually.” Every writer has his or her own style, and Lieb said that all of the contributors have their own interests related to music. “It’s becoming less of my project and more of our project, which I like,” he said. The site is not currently generating enough revenue to compensate contributors, although Lieb said that he would like to find some kind of way to pay those who work on the site. As a professional, Lieb is focused largely on writing about journalism, but the project is bringing Lieb back to his roots as a writer. “I’ve just become myself in high school again,” he said. While University rules currently prevent Lieb from offering internships for students to receive credit, he said that he would like to start offering opportunities to students. He encourages students who may be interested in contributing to the site to reach out to him.

An education on the other side of the world This week in my ongoing inter-cultural, cross-continental investigation, I am going to write a little about the differences between the Australian and US education systems. Let’s start with the correct terminology – “college” in Australia is referred to as “uni” and nothing else. We chop off the end of words and add “ie”, “y” or “o.” For example: barbie (BBQ), arvo (afternoon), Brissie (Brisbane, one of Australia’s sunniest beachside cities on the east coast), Chrissy (Christmas) or sunnies (sunglasses). There is no middle school, elementary school, high school or senior year. We have just two school

Stef Foster Columnist

levels: primary school (from prep to sixth year) and secondary school (from seventh to twelfth years). “College” is the word we’d use to describe an expensive, private secondary school. If you graduate from secondary school, you get your high school certificate (HSC). Depending which state you live in, the academic process and scoring system for getting your HSC varies enormously. Every year a fresh debate rises about the benefits of developing a standardized Australian HSC system. However, each year every state stubbornly clings to its idiosyncratic methods and nothing changes. In the November of their final year of secondary school, Aussie

students apply to enroll in their chosen course of study for the following year. The degree program is chosen right from the outset. For example, you might choose to enroll in a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in economics or finance. There is some room to switch majors or swap to a double degree during the first or second year of studies, but certainly not the flexibility to be “undecided” like here in the U.S. A standard Bachelor’s degree takes three years. Some profes-

sional degrees such as engineering or law take four years. Veterinary and dental degrees take five years and medicine takes six or more years. Students are accepted into their chosen degree if they achieve the minimum entrylevel HSC score, which changes every year. Interviews and written applications are rarely required. Enrollment period continues right through into March the following year. The Aussie academic year is split into two semesters, creatively called “semester one” and (you

guessed it!) “semester two.” The big summer break runs from midNovember to early March and a shorter winter break runs from late June to late July or early August, depending which uni you are at. The big summer break includes Christmas and New Year’s, so most students go on holiday with their families or travel with friends during this time. Some students take up summer work, but most students use this time to chill out and work part time jobs. Next week… learn about how uni students are assessed in Australia, how classes are taught, how our professors and lecturers are addressed and more. Happy studies, Towson!


March 10, 2015


Women share gender equality on stage CARLEY MILLIGAN Arts and Life Editor @CarleyMilligan

Dressed in black, Tori Markham stands before the microphone on the dimly lit stage with her eyes closed. Though the story she tells is not her own, the way in which she tells it shows the audience that this is not a fairytale. Markham, a junior and psychology and electronic media and film major, read the true and powerful story “My Vagina was My Village” for her part in this year’s performance of The Vagina Monologues on Friday night in the University Union. “I really respect what the Vagina Monologues are trying to get at,” Markham said. “And I think the Vagina Monologues are a really informative way to know of what goes on in the form of violent acts against females, and also the everyday struggles that women face from gender differences.” The monologue she read was based off of the accounts of women from Bosnia and Kosava who were held as refugees and raped as a warfare tactic

during the war in Yugoslavia. Educating people about, and working toward eliminating these kinds of crimes and other acts of violence against women and girls, are the primary focus of The Vagina Monologues and the global activist movement, V-Day. “I just think that the conversation needs to be happening all of the time … there is just so much that needs to be said about it,” Emily Walsh, senior and co-director of The Vagina Monologues at Towson, said. The monologues that were performed came from “The Vagina Monologues,” a play written by activist Eve Ensler who also began the V-Day movement as a response to the feedback she received from her play. “[Ensler] interviewed all of these women about their experiences, so you see all kinds of different cultural influences, all kinds of different backgrounds that people are coming from,” co-director Sarah Murray said. “You really get to see the whole picture.” In 2012 V-Day launched the “One Billion Rising” campaign, the biggest

Positive vibes CHRISTINE LAFRANCESCA Staff Writer

A ray of positivity has found its way to Towson’s campus in the form of a new club. The Optimist Club hopes to inspire and enhance the lives of children in the Towson community, and their president, Carol Kamerosky, is dedicated to making this an impactful semester filled with positive community service events. “We are all about improving the lives of children,” she said. “We want to help make their day a little better.” Optimist International is a worldwide volunteer organization made up of around 2,500 local clubs. The community service-based club hosts events that highlight the optimist club’s core goals and aim to improve community morale about once a month. “Each month we try to do something different but with the same underlying theme,” Kamerosky said. They will host their upcoming Oratorical Contest where middle school students can be awarded scholarships for the essays that they write. For another event, they travel

to Johns Hopkins to cook dinner for the families of children with cancer. “The kids we come in contact with are amazing,” Kamerosky said. “We love being there to help.” The Optimist Club has made efforts in assisting children with emotional and/or behavioral disabilities by working closely with St. Vincent Villa Catholic Charity, located in Baltimore City. “We just try to throw fun events for them, stuff we think they’d be excited about,” Christina Alms, secretary of the Optimist Club, said. The club has established themselves through a plethora of events created for the neighboring communities such as “Shop with a Cop,” one of Alms’s favorite events. “Kids who are from households that aren’t as well-off get paired up with a cop,” Alms said. “The cop picks them up in their cop car and takes them to Walmart ... they love it.” The Optimist Club, chartered in 2007, is currently looking for new, ambitious members. Optimist Club meetings are held in Hawkins Hall, room 122 at 7:30 p.m. every other Monday.

mass action to end violence against women in history. It began as a call to change the statistic that currently one billion, or every one in three, females on the planet have been beaten or raped during her lifetime. “I think this whole thing is really important and is even bigger and scarier than we ever thought it was, but if we bond together we can do a lot to work against it,” Walsh said. The Towson Feminist Collective, an on-campus organization that promotes equal rights for women, helped to organized the event with the women’s resources department in the Center for Student Diversity. Walsh said that these organizations focus on eradicating the culture that causes gender inequality both worldwide and on campus. Walsh and Murray both said that another purpose of The Vagina Monologues is to give women a safe space and encourage frank discussion about subjects such as their sexuality and their bodies. “I think in our media you see what people want you to see,” Murray said. “There are not really people

talking about, ‘What’s the woman’s take on how they are having sex,’ or about how their sexuality is being portrayed.” Providing The Vagina Monologue performers the opportunity to speak openly about these topics helps them to get in touch with their own sexuality. Murray said that this helps them to understand and resonate with the stories of the women in the monologues. “I feel like actually being in the monologues and doing them is a very liberating experience as a woman, to be able to talk about sexuality, and it helps them find their own sexuality in the end of it too,” Murray said. Markham said that after reading and discovering the sadness inherent in her monologue, she felt that learning about the experiences of the women from Bosnia and Kosovo helped her to become less judgmental in her life. “You really don’t know what other people are going through, somebody can be walking around and have something terrible happen to them and they have no way of conveying

that and I would have no way of knowing that,” Markham said. “I think it has just made me be a little more accepting in my everyday life and wanting to be more involved in the movement for the end of inequality.” All proceeds from the event were donated to TurnAround and House of Ruth, domestic violence and sexual assault centers in Baltimore.

Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

Students perform in The Vagina Monologues on March 6 in the University Union.



March 10, 2015

Tune for awareness Caitlin Moynihan

This past week I decided that I needed some new music in my life, especially after going through my whole iTunes library while snowed in, and was unable to find anything particularly exciting. I ventured off into the swirling black hole that we call the Internet and hoped for the best. My results showed that there are amazing things happening in the music industry and somehow our favorite artists just get better every time. The one song that I can’t get out of my head is “Lay Me Down” by Sam Smith featuring John Legend. Yes, you read that correctly. John Legend and Sam Smith, aka two of the biggest artists of the year, collaborated to create something truly magical. As if the song wasn’t enough to get the tears flowing, their reasoning behind the song definitely will. Legend and Smith came together for the Comic Columnist @cmmoynihan

Relief charity organization, where 100 percent of the profits from the song will go. The music video features the two in the studio while also showing clips of the children and families in Africa that will get supported through Comic Relief, so be prepared to feel all sorts of feels. The only bad thing about it is that the duo will only sing it live for the first and last time on “Comic Relief – Face the Funny” which will air on BBC One on March 13. God bless that we have YouTube so I can rewatch it every day and cry into my bowl of cereal. After watching the video just once, I felt a need for change in my life. I immediately looked up local organizations that I could volunteer at and wrote a letter

to my sponsor child who I haven’t talked to in a while. Comic Relief can cause a chain reaction and if everyone felt the way I did, something huge could happen in Towson’s community. Although Comic Relief is focused on helping out those who are suffering in third world countries, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t people who need help here. I encourage everyone to look up companies and non-profits that support causes you are passionate about and learn how you can do your part. Whether it’s simply donating money or volunteering your time, a little can go a long way. Our community needs us just as much as we need our community, so let’s go out there and make a difference.

A ‘brunch’ of restaurants Brunch has been a growing fad in the Baltimore area over the past year. Whether you are looking for buffet style or a-la-carte, Baltimore restaurants offer their spins on brunch options. I have compiled my list of the top five restaurants, in no particular order, serving brunch in Baltimore. Hopefully you will see some of your favorites on the list. Enjoy! 1. Woodberry Kitchen (2010 Clipper Park Road) – Spike Gjerde’s flagship farm-to-table restaurant. If you’ve had dinner here, the brunch is just as good. With everything from creative breakfast sandwiches to eggs benedict and original concoctions. Make sure to splurge a little and have a cocktail made with locally sourced liquor

Taylor Seidel Columnist @GoodEatsMD

Courtesy of Taylor Seidel

GoodEats columnist enjoys brunch at Johnny’s Downstairs on Roland Avenue.

and homemade inclusions. Brunch is offered on both Saturdays and Sundays. Reservations can be made through OpenTable. 2. B&O American Brasserie (2 North Charles St.) – Chef Michael Ransom lets his passion for fresh food and local seafood shine through in his brunch menu. Offered Saturdays and Sundays until 2:30 p.m., this brunch features all of your favorites with a twist. B&O also offers $15 bottomless flavored mimosas during brunch. Reservations can be made through OpenTable. 3. Blue Moon Café (1621 Aliceanna St.) – This eclectic restaurant offers breakfast specials all day Saturday and Sunday. Open 24 hours on the weekends, this Fells Point favorite has some fantastic brunch offerings. Known for their spin on classic dishes and huge portions, Blue Moon was even featured on “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” for their breakfast options. Reservations are not offered. 4. The Food Market (1017 W. 36th St.) – One of my favorite brunch restaurants in Baltimore. Offered Friday, Saturday and Sunday until 3 p.m., chef Chad Gauss just has fun with

this brunch menu. The menu offers several different seafood inspired benedicts, omelets and specialty items. Reservations can be made through OpenTable. 5. Wit and Wisdom (200 International Drive) – An absolutely beautiful and exquisite brunch buffet offered by executive chef Zack Mills. Only offered on Sundays till 2 p.m., this buffet offers everything you could want for brunch. With interactive cooking stations, the brunch is quite the spectacle. Reservations can be made through OpenTable. Other notable brunch restaurants include: Johnny’s Downstairs, Little Havana, Miss Shirley’s, The Nickel Taphouse, Slainte Irish Pub and Restaurant, Spoons Café and Cunningham’s. Though this list is not exhaustive, these are some of my favorite brunch restaurants in Baltimore. With the weather getting nicer, ask about outside seating. Nothing beats a great breakfast, a few good drinks and a table outside in the warm Baltimore sun. Hope you enjoy! Until next time, I wish you GoodEats! - Edited by Jared Kurlander

Amazing actors, average movie In “The Judge,” Hank Palmer (Robert Downey Jr.) is a successful defense attorney. After he returns to his sleepy hometown in Indiana where his mother dies suddenly, he attempts to leave as soon as he can. But just as he’s about to leave, Hank is informed that his father, Judge Joseph Palmer (Robert Duvall), has killed a man in a car accident. Soon it’s revealed that the victim was a criminal who Palmer mistakenly gave a light sentence to, something Palmer views as his greatest failure. Palmer therefore has motive to kill him, despite his insistence that he doesn’t remember hitting anyone with his car. Eventually, Hank takes it upon himself to represent his father in court to prove his innocence. “The Judge” is another case of having one or two great performances stuck inside of an average film. In this case, it’s the leading actors Downey Jr. and Duvall. The film is, at its core, about the relationship between an estranged father and son. The two are complete opposites, with Hank who has no conscience and Palmer who plays a morally sound, righteous figure who sentences punishments befitting of the crime committed. In character driven drama like “The Judge,” acting is key, and the two leads pull it off. In a film where a defense attorney represents his estranged dad in trial

Kaitlyn McKay Columnist

for murder, one would think that would be enough to fill the entire run time. Alas, the screenwriters felt the need to pad the film with subplots that add little to nothing to the film as a whole. And there isn’t just a romantic subplot, there’s an incest subplot. Yes, “The Judge” has an actual incest subplot. Earlier in the film, Hank makes out with a young twenty-something at a bar, who later turns out to be the daughter of his high school sweetheart, Sam (Vera Farmiga). It’s strongly hinted at that she is in fact his daughter from his relationship with Sam, and is incredibly distracting, comes out of nowhere and literally adds nothing to the plot. As far as other subplots go, there’s Hank’s divorce, his relationship with his youngest daughter, his relationship with his brothers, and the countless other relationships that the writers could have chosen to focus on to help Hank grow as a character. As ridiculous as it sounds to talk so much about a single subplot that doesn’t negatively affect the main plot, it honestly prevents me from recommending this movie to anyone, even to someone who likes a good character-driven drama about parent-child relationships. If by any chance this doesn’t bother you, it’s a decent movie to check out, even with my complaints. Otherwise, find something else.

Courtesy of Warner Bros Pictures


March 10, 2015





aug 11


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Service of Shadows, Audile Cataclysm, The End is the Beginning


How many people will YOU have to apologize to in the morning?

UPCOMING SHOWS 04.26 05.02 05.16 05.24 05.31 06.13 06.25 07.02 07.19 08.26

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For a full listing, visit : PIERSIXPAVILION.COM



March 10, 2015



March 10, 2015


Crossword Sudoku

? ?

Turn to page 20 for answers to today’s




outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.

● Each row and each column must

contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.

● The numbers within the heavily

● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages

with the number in the top-left corner. KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2014 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS.

INVITES YOU AND A GUEST TO AN ADVANCE SCREENING For your chance to win a complimentary pass, log on to: and enter the following code: TowsonWin

The screening will be held on Monday, March 16th at a Baltimore-Area theater

No purchase necessary. Supplies are limited. Two passes per winner. Each pass admits one. Seating is NOT guaranteed and on a first-come, first-served basis. Employees of all promotional partners, Lionsgate and The Towerlight are not eligible. All decisions are final. This film is rated PG-13. No one under 13 will be admitted without a parent or a legal guardian.




March 10, 2015

Interested in: Winning again in Baltimore MEN’S LACROSSE

TYLER BEARD Staff Writer @tylerbeard2

No. 14 Towson defeated UMBC, 11-7, on Saturday at UMBC Stadium. “This was a nice way for us to rebound,” Head Coach Shawn Nadelen said. “We had our opportunities against Navy that we didn’t capitalize on, but we came out strong against a well-disciplined UMBC team.” Redshirt senior midfielder Andrew Hodgson led the Tigers (4-2) with four goals against the Retrievers (2-3). “It’s massive to come out and get this win,” Hodgson said. “The biggest thing we talked about was to have a quick turnaround. We wanted to hop right back on the horse and get back out there.” Hodgson scored the first two goals of the first quarter, which were followed by goals from sophomore attacker Joe Seider and junior attackman Spencer Parks. The offensive output gave the Tigers an early 4-0 lead and the defense shut the Retrievers out in the first quarter.


Join the Towerlight Today! Apply online, or in room 309 in the Union.

contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.

● The numbers within the heavily

Solutions to Puzzles appearing on page 19.

outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.

● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages

with the number in the top-left corner. KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2014 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS.

● Each row and each column must

the best such record against those teams since 2006. Towson finished with 32 ground balls in the game and sophomore midfielder Alec Burckley won 15-of-21 face-offs. “You just have to keep playing as hard as you can,” Hodgson said. “Overall, our motto is to take the hill and take it one game at a time. You got to keep climbing up the hill as a team and keep climbing even if you sink at times.” Towson’s next game is at home against the Hobart Statesmen on Saturday. “We’re going to approach every game the same way,” Nadelen said. “We have some new opponents we haven’t faced in a while so we need to be ready to play them.”

11 7


Barely second at Brown KATI DAY Staff Writer @katianneday


UMBC rallied and scored three straight goals in the second quarter, but were answered back by a couple of goals from Towson. Sophomore attacker Ryan Drenner scored the last goal of the quarter and Towson went into the half with a 6-4 lead. “It helps when you start the scoring first,” Nadelen said. “Our guys were able to capitalize on their chances in the game and I was happy for them.” Towson out-shot UMBC 20-10 in the first half and only turned the ball over three times. Seider started the third quarter with his third goal of the game and the Retrievers scored the only other goal of the quarter five minutes later. “I think the offense was just clicking today,” Seider said. “The [midfielders] really broke down their defense and worked the ball very well.” The Tigers pulled away with four straight goals at the start of the fourth quarter and came away with its third road-win of the season. They finished 2-1 against Baltimore teams,

Towson defeated Lindenwood in a tri meet on Sunday, but fell short to Brown, the host team. The Tigers concluded the meet with a total score of 193.125, just a few points shy of Brown with 193.400. Lindenwood finished with 192.775. The team began on vault, led by juniors Lydia Thompson and Katie Sassa, who tied for the Tiger lead with matching scores of 9.750. Freshman Tyra McKellar finished third for the team and eighth in the event with a score of 9.625. Freshman Lauren Cahalan finished just behind with a score of 9.600. The team had a total score of 48.300. “Lydia Thompson has been working back from her ACL injury

last year,” senior Lauren Ross said. “This was her first meet back on vault, and she came in second place. We’re all so proud of the progress she’s made.” McKellar took charge for the Tigers on bars, placing first with an impressive score of 9.825. Junior Vicky Vesecky finished second for the team with 9.725 and tied for fifth in the event. Senior Samantha Lutz and Thompson both scored 9.700 to tie for seventh. The Tigers finished with a team score of 48.525. Ross placed first on beam with a score of 9.825. McKellar finished in a tie for second with 9.725 followed by senior Janis Konkle with 9.675 for sixth. Sophomore Bridget Steffen and Cahalan finished with matching scores of 9.175 to round out the team. The Tigers finished with a team score of 47.575.

Senior Nicolette Vignola placed first for the Tigers on the floor exercise and third in the event with 9.825. Lutz took second on the team with 9.775, followed by Cahalan with a 9.750. The Tigers boasted a final score of 48.725, the team’s highest for the evening. McKellar took first in the allround competition with a total score of 38.850. “Even if we have mistakes, we always try to keep the energy up for the rest of the meet,” Ross said. “As a team, we have been working a lot on the mental aspect of the sport. We have mental cues that we tell ourselves before and during our routines so we can stay focused no matter what has happened.” The Tigers will host George Washington this Friday, March 13, at 7 p.m. in SECU Arena.


March 10, 2015

s i t h g i l r e the Tow

r o f g n looki s r e h p a r g o t pho line n o y l p p a r o , 9 visit room 30 m o c . t h g i l r e w o t at the




March 10, 2015


Tigers struggle at ECACs JORDAN COPE Staff Writer @JordanCope26

Towson sent four competitors to the Eastern College Athletic Conference Championships over the weekend in Boston, Massachusetts. The action began on Saturday, March 7 when junior sprinter and hurdler Kaitlyn Davis finished sixth in her heat and placed 26th out of 28 competitors in the 60-meter hurdle preliminaries with a time of 9.08 seconds. Sophomore sprinter Zanae Freeland then finished fourth in her heat and placed 17th out of 25 competitors in the 200-meter dash with a time of 24.82. While Davis and Freeland didn’t qualify in their events earlier in the day, the Tigers still had a chance to qualify with senior captain Emily Wenger and junior pole vaulter Maggie Rampolla competing later in the day. However, in the pole vault event, Rampolla was one of eight competi-

tors who couldn’t qualify after missing the 11-foot, 7.75-inch height three times and Wenger withdrew from the 500-meter dash due to illness. Rampolla said that missing the last two weeks of the season because of the snow hurt her performance in the championships. “Having three weeks off makes competing that much more exciting, but it is a totally different environment,” she said. “I know for me as a pole vaulter, there’s so much more adrenaline so I need to be on a bigger pole which I wasn’t able to transition to during the meet yesterday.” Wenger said that she was disappointed that she could not participate in her last indoor meet of her career. “Sometimes things are out of your hands. I was trying to rally enough to run but I didn’t have the energy in me,” she said. Although Towson didn’t earn any ECAC qualifiers, Wenger said that she is very proud of the team’s efforts this season.

“I am very proud because I see firsthand how hard these girls work every day and how we earned our spot to get here,” she said. “We’re ready for the weather to clear up and take our momentum into the outdoor season which starts next weekend.” Towson will begin its outdoor season on Friday, March 13, in Wilmington, North Carolina at the UNCW Seahawk Invitational. “I am very excited,” Rampolla said. “I am bummed that we will have a very short week of practice, but like I said I love competing more than practice. I am able to really put together the technique and everything I have worked on in practice together.” After competing in the UNCW Seahawk Invitational, the Tigers will return home to host the Towson Invitational on Sunday Mar. 29. “We look forward to our home meets all year long, so we’re very excited” Wenger said. “Most of our meets our relatively far but we have two home meets our friends and families can come to.”

File photo by Rachel Candela/ The Towerlight

Towson sent four competitors to Boston, Massachusetts for the Eastern College Athletic Conference Championships on Saturday.




March 10, 2015



Tigers burst out for 13 goals Raymond fuels 13-10 win, TU will play No. 1 Maryland next MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

After getting past Monmouth last week in a 4-3, grind-it-out game, Towson burst out for 13 goals in a win over the Georgetown Hoyas on Saturday in Washington, D.C. Senior attacker Andi Raymond scored four second-half goals, the first four of the season, to hold off a late Hoyas rally and secure the 13-10 win. She also had two assists in the breakout victory. “Andi really broke open the game and started playing her ball,” Head Coach Sonia LaMonica said. “Andi is a tremendous player. She puts a lot on her own shoulders. I think [Saturday] she just loosened up and went back to playing the type of lacrosse that she’s capable of playing. That allowed her to shoot better and make better opportunities.” Towson got on the board quickly, taking the lead just 58 seconds into the game. Junior midfielder Brenna Hamm got the opening draw control and senior attacker Sarah Maloof scored her first goal of the season a few seconds later to make it 1-0.

The Tigers kept the pressure up, but could not get another quick goal. Instead, it was the Hoyas who turned the deficit into a lead in less than a minute. Attackers Caroline Tarizan and Colleen Lovett (man-up goal) tallied Georgetown’s first two goals, with a draw control in between, to give the home a 2-1 lead with 22:53 left in the first half. Towson didn’t waste time responding to the Georgetown rally, grabbing the lead again with less than 20 minutes left in the period. Freshman attacker Erika Cavallo scored her first career goal and Maloof followed with her second of the game to take the 3-2 lead. After a Hoyas goal from senior attacker Sammy Giordano, the Tigers went on a 3-0 run to take control of the game with less than 10 minutes left in the half. Senior midfielder Paige Duncan got the streak started with a shot between the legs of Hoyas goalie Maddy Fisher for the goal. Sophomore attacker Gabby Cha continued the run with two goals of her own within a minute of each other. Cha came from behind the goal to beat

File photo by Abby Murphy/ The Towerlight

Senior attacker Andi Raymond tallied four goals and added two assists in Towson’s 13-10 win over Georgetown on Saturday.

Fisher and scored her second goal off a pass from Raymond to make it 6-3. Cha, Cavallo, Duncan and Maloof each finished with two goals. “It’s a good thing that we have seven offensive players on the field that have a scoring mentality and are ready to capitalize on an opportunity,” LaMonica said. “That’s what you want. That makes you hard to defend.” Georgetown put the pressure on after the Towson goal, but could only manage one goal before halftime. Attacker Corinne Etchison cut the lead to 6-4 with 2:41 left in the half. Depsite being outshot, 10-8, at the break, Towson held a two-goal lead with the help of eight draw controls. Another draw control from Hamm gave the Tigers the momentum to start the second half. After a missed shot, Raymond scored her first goal of the season just over a minute into the half to push the lead back to three. Towson had control of the ball and the game until a turnover lead to a Georgetown goal from midfielder Kristen Bandos. However, sophomore midfielder Michelle Gildea answered back less than a minute later with a free position goal to make it 8-5 with 26:28 left. A few minutes later, Cavallo made it 9-5 with a man-up, free position goal. Raymond continued the rally with two goals in a minute-span to increase the lead to 11-5. For her second goal of the game, she came from behind and beat Fisher. Then, she took a pass from freshman midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano and fired it into the goal for the hat trick with 13:30 left. “We wanted to keep our foot down and stay aggressive and push our transition,” LaMonica said. “I think we did a good job of coming out strong and going hard. That allowed us to get Georgetown on their heels and force them to make mistakes.” The next 10 minutes belonged to the Hoyas. Bandos, Lovett and midfielder Mollie Caputo got past Tigers goalie Kelsea Donnelly to cut the lead to 11-8 with 3:28 left in the game. However, Raymond tallied her fourth goal of the game to stop the late run and give Towson the four-goal lead with 2:31 to play. She capped off the day with an assist to Duncan, who scored on an empty net to give Towson the 13-10 victory. - To read the rest of this article, visit

Andi Raymond Women’s Lacrosse

Raymond scored four second-half goals to hold off Georgetown and help Towson win 13-10 on Saturday. She also contributed two assists. She now leads the team with eight points through two games.



March 10, 2015


Order of the Phoenix


Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

Towson found itself in an all too familiar spot Friday night at Royal Farms Arena. Having played in 15 games decided by five points or less this season coming into the game, many expected the same outcome as the No. 9 Tigers took on the No. 8 seed Elon Phoenix in the first round of the Colonial Athletic Association tournament. In a game that featured 10 lead changes and no lead larger than six points, Towson (12-20) fell to Elon (15-17) in overtime, 74-69, to end its season. Head Coach Pat Skerry said the ability to be in close games with anyone is nice, but he wants more. “We just had a lot of records in my tenure at Towson,” he said. “I think this year we set a record for most close losses, which isn’t a record you want to have. … Being so close and knowing that we can play with any other team, that’s great. That’s not good enough.” The teams went back and forth through the five six minutes, with neither team taking a bigger lead

than three points. Elon guard Elijah Bryant scored five consecutive points, hitting a lay-up with 14:19 left in the half to give it a 15-12 lead. The Phoenix continued their hot shooting from the three-point line, adding two more three-pointers and tacking on a free throw to take a 22-17 lead with 10 minutes left in the half. The Phoenix finished 13-for-29 from three-point range, including 7-for-13 in the first half. The Tigers shot 2-for11 from three-point range. Junior forward Timajh Parker-Rivera imposed his will on the game toward the end of the first half, grabbing four rebounds and scoring five points in less than two minutes to help the Tigers tie the game at 26-26 with 4:15 left Parker-Rivera finished the game with 12 points and seven rebounds, tallying nine points and six rebounds in the first half. He said he told the team to focus on defensive to get back in the game.

with two baskets to pull within one at halftime. Parker-Rivera hit a jumper and freshman guard Mike Morsell made a lay-up to make it 33-32 at the break. Sophomore guard A.J. Astroth’s late lay-up attempt which would have given the Tigers the lead came just after the buzzer. Despite leading in rebounding, 25-13, at half, Towson was not able to grab any momentum to regain the lead. As a team, Towson shot just 14 percent from three-point range in the period. The teams traded buckets to begin the Illustration by Danille Frater second half, with Morsell, freshman guard Byron Hawkins and sophomore forto give Elon a 33-28 lead with two ward Walter Foster each hitting a minutes left in the half. He finished shot. After a dunk from Elon guard with 21 points on 7 of 16 shooting. Christian Hairston, Hawkins hit a “[Bryant] got going early,” Skerry three-pointer to tie the game at 39-39 said. “He’s really good. He made with just over 15 minutes to play. some tough threes, but he’s such a The momentum continued to good driver. … He’s a weapon, he’s shift through the next five minutes. got good size. He’s a [post-graduate Morsell had four points over that school] kid, so his body is a little time period and Foster finished a more developed. He’s versatile, he’s a three-point play to make it 48-48 with tough guard.” nine minutes left in the game. However, the Tigers responded “It’s all about stops, when you’re in that situation,” Parker-Rivera said. “I was just telling the team ‘We need stops.’ Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get some of them and a couple calls didn’t go our way near the end. It’s tough.” Bryant got hot after Towson tied the game, hitting two three-pointers

Morsell finished with a team-high 18 points in his first CAA tournament game. “I think this experience was great,” Morsell said. “We’ll definitely come back next year better. I’ll be better.” Elon forward Cullin Luther scored five straight points to make it 53-48, but sophomore forward John Davis answered with four points of his own to cut the lead to one again with 6:38 left. The Phoenix pushed the lead to 60-55 with 3:51 remaining, but couldn’t close the game out. The Tigers pulled within two points with 1:02 left and junior guard Four McGlynn hit two free throws to tie the game at 62-62 with 19.9 seconds left and send the game to overtime. Locked at 64-64 in overtime, Elon hit two consecutive three-pointers to take its largest lead of the game. Towson cut the lead to three points on three-point play from McGlynn, but could not comeback all the way. Towson will graduate just two seniors from this year’s team and will welcome Arnaud-William Adala Moto, a transfer from Wake Forest for 2015.

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