The Towerlight (April 28)

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Towerlight Today

Towson’s campus and community news source

April 28, 2015

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Photo illustration by Patrick Burke and Abby Murphy, photos by Patrick Burke and Sarah Hugel, graphic courtesy of Erlon Brasil/



April 28, 2015

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Social Media

April 28, 2015




T OWSON # TRENDING Week of 4/21

# #

The first official sign of the semester winding down: Tigerfest. For two days, students celebrated the spring. On Friday, there were three different concert stages in and around the Union, along with inflatables, games, food and activities. Saturday was the big event, drawing students into SECU Arena for a concert with G-Eazy and Krewella.


You know it’s Tigerfest when they open two registers at the liquor store.


Was it really Tigerfest if the shoes you wear to class the next day don’t have alcohol all over them


Can’t wait to see @G_Eazy tomorrow at Tigerfest


This kid sitting behind me in Susq is talking about how he crapped his pants during TigerFest. So there’s that. #HappyMonday



Normally I’d be all about going to Tigerfest, but our daughter Grace will be singing “Never Grow Up” at her school talent show tonight!


Just slept for 12 hours. Tigerfest weekend has officially come to an end.




April 28, 2015

Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Munshaw Senior Editor Cody Boteler News Editor Sam Shelton Arts & Life Editor Carley Milligan Assoc. Arts & Life Editor Annie Sragner Assit. Arts & Life Editor Robert Wood Sports Editor Matt Hamilton Staff Writers James Greene Payam Agha-Ghassem Paige Sudol Tyler Beard Tyler Young Jordan Cope Kristen Zdon Nilo Exar Caitlin Wolfarth Christine LaFrancesca Kristin Helf Kati Day Photo Editor Sarah Hugel Assoc. Photo Editor Patrick Burke Assist. Photo Editor Abby Murphy Staff Photographers Glen Banks Adrilenzo Cassoma Cody Boteler Carley Milligan Video Producer Sarah Chmielowiec Staff Videographers Gabby Slocum Devorah Roberts Patrick Burke Joseph Hawkins Proofreaders Desmond Boyle Laura Antonucci Kira McCall Kayla Baines Kaitlyn McKay Chris Petrides General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro Assoc. Art Director Sydney Adamson Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Christopher George Glen Banks Ian McIntyre Travis Duppstadt Jasmine Edwards

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  classified advertising & display — Monday, noon for Thursday; Thursday, noon for Monday. Line classified ads will only be accepted online at www. Call (410) 704-5153 for more information. We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorial content expresses the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2014 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

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The Towerlight senior editorials

It’s been “really friggin’ cool”

W h e w. I’ve waited as long as I can to do this. I’ve never been a big fan of change, Matt Hamilton which in Sports Editor turn makes @MattHamiltonTU me a pretty crappy person when it comes to any sort of goodbye. But to the Towerlight? How do you say goodbye to not only a person, but a group of people, a position, an office, an inflatable dinosaur, and a tradition that I’ve been a part of for four years? They always say it’s Tower-Light, not Tower-Life. It’s Tower-Life. I came into Towson thinking college would suck, and to be honest, it wasn’t far off from my expectations. I walked into the grand ol’ Residence Tower with a grandfather I idolized, a girlfriend I thought I’d marry and a blissful ignorance carried over from my awesome high school years. All of that went away over the course of these four years, along with some other things that added to the turbulence. Like I said, I’m not a fan of change, so they weren’t my favorite moments of all time.

The only things that remained for all four years are my friends, Going Ham F.C. (Imma let you finish, but they are the best intramural team of ALL TIME!), and this newspaper called the The Towerlight. My first week at Towson, I found Andrew Constant and Sam Smith at the Involvement Fair and immediately signed up to write. It took a few weeks of refining my awful writing and I was ready to be a reallife college newspaper writer. I covered the field hockey team for my first beat and I loved it. Not the sport necessarily (just a lot of whistles), but writing every week. From there came softball and Head Coach Lisa Costello yelling at me for wearing a Maryland jersey to a game. Silly, Matt! I loved it and kept going. Field hockey again, Gymnastics, Softball again. By the end of my sophomore year, I was in unknowing competition for the Assistant Sports Editor spot. Apparently, my shyness and lack of skill in InDesign won them over. It was probably my boyish charm. Whatever the case, that might have been the best thing that happened to me in college. Entering the office was scary, but it opened me up to a world of awesomeness. Without the Towerlight, I wouldn’t have met the King of

Swag, a.k.a. Jesse Jones. I would have never understood what “straight yamsin it” or been subject to playing my rap videos to anyone new because Jesse must have loved them. I mean, have you seen my rendition of Love the Way You Lie? Without the Towerlight, I would have never had the chance to cover Rob Ambrose and Towson football. Yes, Rob, you get your own paragraph. We’ve been through some good times and bad. You’ve yelled at me once or twice, but I think, deep down, we had a nice friendship. The football team was nice enough to make the National Championship game. Abby Murphy and I got to go to Texas and cover it. We literally drove into the sunset after the game. Ask Abby. For the five seconds before we went blind, it was so beautiful. I’ll miss Texas and its countless water towers. After that, I moved into the Sports Editor position and became part of a group of editors that I will call friends for a long, long time. Where do I start? Writing longwinded emails to Cody when I send articles to him, losing Sam behind Nort, talking about how to talk to women with Carley (I still can’t, but I’m single, ladies!), raving over Ed Sheeran with Sarah Hugel, hearing “honey” a num-

ber of times when I got on Sarah Chmielowiec’s nerves and asking for intricate designs hours before deadline with Kara and Sydney. Let’s not forget talking sports and forcing Mike Raymond to take his headphones out. m Did I mention I over-write every-t thing? I’m here to tell you this isg the first time I don’t feel bad aboute it. Sorry that you have to lay thisI out, Cody. a No offense to anyone else at theT Towerlight, but the person that hasC taught me the most is JonathanI Munshaw, or Munch, as we all call him. Munch is the best journalistc at Towson and I get to watch him go to work every day and somehowa have time to write for 6 million dif-p ferent websites and publications. IB look at Munch any time I get over-T whelmed and I say “If he can dow that, I have no excuse.” The onlyo problem is that he’s a Browns fan.f Otherwise, he’d get a 100 Maddend rating from me. At the risk of taking up thisa entire page, I’ll stop. It’s hard to sum up four years in half at page. The Towerlight was one ofm the most loyal things I’ve had at Towson. No matter what happened, it was always there. It’s either stalking me or just really friggin’ cool. Here’s a hint: It’s the latter. Thank you.


April 28, 2015


Four lessons from four Towerlight years

I have been working for The To w e r l i g h t since I first moved on campus — even before Jonathan Munshaw that, really. Editor-in-Chief When I @jon_munshaw was a freshman, the news editor, Jordan Russell, thought I was a sophomore and even gave me a story to work on before I even moved in. That story was awful. I wrote something like 600 words on a new traffic safety initiative that TUPD had. I called Anne Arundel County Police for God’s sake. Why? I don’t know. The Towerlight makes you do crazy things. As I look back on my four years at the paper, I simply cannot comprehend how much I have done. But readers don’t care about my Towerlight memories. Instead, I want to take this final column space of mine to pass on some advice to future Towerlighters and any students who might be reading this. 1. Real world experience should always be valued over class I don’t mean to disparage any of the amazing professors I’ve had in my time at Towson (Jenny Atwater,

Stacy Spaulding, Elia Powers, Thom never be afraid to look past your cur3. Don’t be afraid to question Lieb, John Kirch) but if you’re ever rent group of friends. authority presented an opportunity to earn Because I opened myself up to It can certainly be intimidating to some real-world experience over your the folks in The Towerlight office want to question your professors at class, please, skip class. as a freshman I formed lifelong relatimes. After all, you’re the one payIf I was hung up on perfect attentionships with a number of people. ing them to give you an education. dance in all of my classes (journalThese are relationships that I still But whether it’s your professor, ism or otherwise) I never would cherish, and they will likely remain an administrator on campus, stuhave been able to cover the man who some of my closest friends for the dent leaders, what have you, don’t rammed his truck into the entrance rest of time. My roommate next year be afraid to question their decisions. of WMAR last semester, the arrest is likely going to be our current art As a freshman and sophomore I of Barry Freundel (who also hapdirector, even. always took everything that every pened to be a professor of mine), the It would have been easy to come leader on campus said as gospel, unity rally against the White Student into the office every day and do my assuming they never had anything Union in 2013 and even Washington work and leave. But you never know to cover up. Capitals practices (that one was nonwhere you might meet your new best After a few months under my belt Towerlight related). friend. as Editor-in-Chief, I began to quesMaking sure you don’t fail is Special shoutout section to tion more. This often led to some of always awesome. But that kind of Lauren Slavin, Jeremy Bauer-Wolf, my best stories, quotes and features. experience is even better. No matter Andrew Constant, Jesse Jones, Matt There’s a lot of things your superiors what field you’re in, you’ll always Hamilton, Brandi Bottalico, Megan don’t want you to know, and don’t learn more actually honing your Flannery, Sydney Adamson, Daryllee be afraid to find out what they are. skills and getting practice in the field Hale, Matt Hazlett, Cody Boteler, 4. YOLO over sitting in a “physics of light and Sam Shelton, Carley Milligan and Seriously, you only live once. It color” lecture. Danielle Frater. Squad runs deep. can be easy to want to freak out 2. Be open to about a midterm or a making new friends final and Tweet about It can be easy to #TheStruggle, but fall into a rut of wantYOLO. ing to hang out with Over the past four Over the past four years, The Towerlight has the same five people years, The Towerlight that you met freshtaught me to take risks, to meet new people and has taught me to take man year on your risks, to meet new to go with my gut. floor. Scarborough people and to go with family will always run my gut. deep with me, but I’ve spent time with

a white supremacist who was so racist his Catholic church in Indiana had to tell him to calm down. I’ve had to straight up ask administration members why their national championship-winning cheerleading team was being suspended for an entire year. I’ve quite literally run almost headfirst into dangerous situations (an active shooter situation at Morgan State, plus the aforementioned crazy guy at WMAR). Throw your inhibitions behind you. The Towerlight has taught me so many things I can’t even begin to list them. There are so many people I want to thank I wouldn’t even know where to start. I do want to thank Mike Raymond for being the guiding force behind The Towerlight at all times. He’s the real reason this paper is still around today and is as successful as it is. I would like to thank everyone that I’ve ever worked with on staff at The Towerlight, the administrators who put up with my prodding questions and constant emails, the student leaders who work with The Towerlight to pitch us story ideas and anyone else who has helped me along my journey these past four years.

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April 28, 2015



Tiger Tickets: Elections held April 29, 30

April 28, 2015


Who’s running for SGA and what they stand for

Students can vote online at, or in person at one of the polling locations on campus. Polling stations will be open in Freedom Square and the Union both days.

The Roar


President: Kurt Anderson. Currently a junior and SGA Director of University Communications. Vice President: Taylor James. Currently a sophomore and SGA Senator. Treasurer: Rebecca Ellison. Currently a junior and SGA Senator. Attorney General: Vanessa Agbar. Currently a junior and ADC president Chief of Staff: Jamal Washington. Currently a junior and presidential ambassador. Brother of Alpha Kappa Psi.

President: Gayon Sampson. Currently a senior and SGA Chief of Staff. Vice President: Kyle Bamberger. Currently a senior and SGA Director of Athletic Affairs. Treasurer: Sam Figueroa. Currently a junior. Former SGA Director of Civic Engagement. Vice President of Committees for Phi Mu. Attorney General: Maia Williams. Currently a junior and secretary of the Black Student Union. Chief of Staff: Brandon Wharton. Currently a sophomore and SGA Deputy Chief of Staff.

Why do they want to run?

Why do they want to run?

Kurt: “For me, I looked at it and saw that I’m coming up to my senior year and I was looking at it and saw there were some things that needed to be changed. I also feel that some people are in S G A for themselves, to better serve themselves, and I don’t think that’s everyone and it’s not a rampant issue, but I want to see a culture shift in the SGA.”

Gayon: “The reason I want to be President is quite simple, I had a lot of great opportunities on campus. A lot of them. And I’ve been fortunate enough to meet with a lot of great people, work with them. And a lot of the opportunities I’ve been afforded, I want to make sure that every student on this campus gets the same opportunities. And I think by being President I’ll be able to shape that vision so that everyone on our campus will be able to have the opportunities I’ve had.”

Taylor: “I came in as a freshman, really excited to participate in leadership. I interviewed for a freshman senator position and didn’t get it but still stayed involved in SGA. That taught me that unless you were in an elected position no one really noticed you. Being in SGA I saw this. Serving as vice president, I would want to include not only every senator but every person on campus. It shouldn’t be consolidated to these certain elected positions on campus. I want to empower more students.” Rebecca: “I’ve realized that as part of the SGA you have so many connections, whether it be with your peers or in the administration. They work with you, they come to you and ask them to help. And it’s unfortunate to me that students who aren’t in this organization don’t receive that. That’s something that really drove me. We should be helping them, we should be aiding them, we should be providing them those same connections that we have.” Vanessa: “A lot of why I wanted to run is because I’m on the side. But I saw that it shouldn’t be sides. It should be working together. But I know what it feels like to think the SGA isn’t on your side and that your needs aren’t being met by the people you elected to represent you. … It’s important to know that you have an SGA here to work on the things you find important.” Jamal: “I want to run, just going back to Kurt’s point about changing the culture. As a senator, I witnessed what the SGA was like, the isolation and the exclusivity. I wasn’t a fan, so I didn’t come back. As a senator I felt like my voice wasn’t heard as much as it should have been. Coming in on this exec board they allow me to have a voice and it would give students on a campus a voice.”

Initiatives: Kyle: Create a President’s Council where leaders of student groups get together and discuss issues. Taylor: Rework Tiger Stripes and make senators more accountable for the program. Rebecca: Make all Greek chapters eligible to apply for the collaboration fund. Online banking for student groups. Vanessa: SGA Diversity training. Oversight committee to hold SGA spending accountable. Jamal: A “meal bank” that students can donate to for students who fall on hard times to draw from. Image courtesy of Kurt Anderson

Kyle: “When you talk about vice presidency, when you’re president of the senate, one reason I love the senate is just representation and being the voice of the students. I think it’s phenomenal that we have a group of students that is a direct voice of the students, of the student groups in particular.” Sam: “I want to run because I do believe that students have great ideas, and I really think that the Student Government Association allows students to take their ideas to the next level and a big part about that is budgeting and finances. And you might have a great idea, but it might be slightly out of your budget, so I think that identifying with the student groups - or even just a student, if you have a really great idea come into the Student Government Association.” Maia: “I would like to be AG because I really feel like there needs to be fairness and equality for all student groups and all students in general at Towson.” Brandon: “I want to be the Chief of Staff because really what I think we need to focus a lot on is advancement. A lot of things we’ve been doing as a University and an as SGA that have been really good, but I really think we could make it exceptional. And so that’s what I want to do.”

Initiatives: Gayon: Keep the SGA discount cards, reevauluate the plus and minus system, bring Greek Housing to campus. Kyle: Raise the value of a meal to $6.00, expand the senate to 29 students. Sam: Launch a philanthropy fund that students and student groups can access, create a fundraising catalogue for student groups. Maia: Establish a fund for TUPD and SAFE at SGA-affiliated events, reform SGA financial policy to make funds more accessible to students Brandon: Allow student groups more space in academic buildings for meetings, partner with local business to create student job and internship opportunities. Image courtesy of Gayon Sampson

Senatorial, Judicial Board candidates share their stances TAYLOR BAMBERGER My name is Taylor Bamberger and I am running for SGA Senator. I am a Freshman and my major is Pre-Mass Communications and Art & Design. I am so excited to have the chance to run for this position! As a freshman it is hard to find ways to get involved, so I looked for every opportunity. I am currently on the Homecoming Committee, Tower C Building Counsel through URG, and an Orientation Leader for the incoming freshman next year with New Student Programs. I want to use my pride for this school to connect with the student organizations on campus and find new and creative ways to let their voices be heard! I thoroughly enjoy helping others and what better way to do that than through one of the largest organizations on campus. I am also supporting the OHANA ticket and all that they stand for. Check out and for more details! Vote Taylor Bamberger for Senate Towson Tigers!

ROSE-ROMAINE BIKOY Hey TU! My name is Rose-romaine Bikoy and I am running for senator. As a first year student here at Towson, I recognize the importance of a memorable college experience and would love to play a part in bringing this to you! I have four years of experience in student government as President of my high school’s senior class, and Vice-President three consecutive years prior. If elected, I will utilize this to be an innovative, productive, and lively member of Towson’s SGA.



April 28, 2015

MARY CROWE THE ROAR MOVEMENT: We're bringing the roar back to you! I am taking a stand for the betterment of the SGA and Towson University. My name is Mary Crowe and I am running for SGA Senator. I am very passionate about ensuring that every student has a voice at this university, and that their voice is heard. I believe even the smallest student groups deserve proper representation and everyone should benefit from the work of the SGA. As a freshman justice on the SGA this past year I saw the issues student groups had with the budgeting process and am confident that if elected I can implement a solution to these communication problems. This is just one of the many initiatives on The Roar Movement's platform so please read more at

TREYVOND DAVIS Hello fellow Tigers, my name is Treyvond Davis. I am a Junior Art and Design major, EMF minor. I am running to be an SGA Senator for 20152016. Since my freshman year, I have always been involved with multiple organizations. I was part of CSA, worked for the Towerlight, and as an RA. I am currently President of my chapter for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Public Relations Chair for BSU, working as a Multimedia Designer for Campus Rec, and as an Orientation Team Leader for NSP. With my diverse background of involvement, that is what I bring to the table. As a Senator, I plan to represent all of the organizations I have been involved in, and bringing their needs to the forefront. My goal is to shape Towson through leadership and innovation, and the way to do that, is through setting the standard for those around me.

DONALD FINLEY I am an advocator for significant change amongst diverse organizations within our student body. If elected, I am committed in supporting all student organizations, equality for minority groups, and religious based associations. These organizations represent an undervalued diverse portion of our student body and assist in bridging the gap between the students and neighboring communities. I hope to gain your support in this upcoming election and promise to always remain the voice of the people.

XIOMARA GONZALEZ Hey Tigers! My name is Xiomara Gonzalez and I am an Elementary Education major. Having prior experience on an SGA board from high school, I have a sense of what is asked of me as a perspective senator. I am willing to put in the work and time to ensure all students voices are heard and will promote unity among all student-lead organizations. Being a Resident Assistant on campus and holding the Recruitment and Retention position for Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. has allowed me to acquire the skills needed to be successful in the senator position. I plan on having more modes of social media where students can voice their opinions on change they want on campus. In addition, more opportunities for students to get involved on campus through fun and interactive events. HELEN GRAFTON My name is Helen Grafton and I'm running for Senate. I am a freshman and a double major in Political Science and Mass Communication with a track in Public Relations. THE ROAR MOVEMENT: We're bringing the ROAR back to you! I am taking a stand for the betterment of the SGA and Towson University. We are a group of students who believe in a better future for Towson. I have written for the Towerlight (Arts & Life) and I am also a member of TigerTHON. I am running as part of the ROAR Movement because I believe that there needs to be change within the SGA. A vote for the ROAR is a vote for a better future!

DAVIS KELLOGG THE ROAR MOVEMENT: We're bringing the ROAR back to you! I am taking a stand for the betterment of the SGA and Towson University. Hi! My name is Davis Kellogg, a Business Administration student, and this year may have been my first at Towson, but I have seen many things that I know we can improve for our students. With your help we can put the right people in positions that will be able to do what is right for all of us. This movement is focused on putting the student back in Student Government, by making sure student groups get the funding they need to improve their experience. I joined this movement to serve you, the students. I have served as a senator this past year, the Theta Chi Fundraising Chair, a Member of Alpha Phi Omega, and a committee member for the 2015 Homecoming Week. I hope you vote on April 29th and 30th for the students who understand your needs and concerns, so that we can voice them to our administration and work together to find the solution.

Senatorial, Judicial and Executive profiles compiled by Cody Boteler. Jonathan Munshaw and Sam Shelton contributed to the Executive profiles. Candidate profiles continue on Page 10.

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April 28, 2015

Checking the facts about SGA CODY BOTELER Senior Editor @codyboteler

Unlike last year, when current Student Government Association President Kevin Kutner and his ticket faced no opposition for the executive board, this year, the election is contested between two tickets: The Roar and Ohana. Both tickets are headed by presidential candidates currently in the SGA. Kurt Anderson, director of university communications, heads The Roar and Gayon Sampson, chief of staff, is on top of the Ohana ticket. This election has brought with it rumors and accusations lobbied against both tickets. In an effort to better inform campus voters and create an atmosphere where Towson students can cast an informed ballot, The Towerlight has spent the past two weeks working to collect and fact check as many of those rumors and accusations as possible. In no particular order, this article will discuss the claims that have been made. The SGA Exec Board receives free parking on campus This is partially true. According to Pam Mooney, director of parking and transportation, the SGA president receives free parking on campus because the SGA president is a member of the Board of Visitors. No other member of the SGA Executive Board receives free parking, however, members of the executive board, if they have purchased a parking permit, can park in faculty spaces in the Union Garage or the Admin building parking lot “when they are doing business,” according to Mooney. Members of the SGA took expenses-paid trips to Arkansas and to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, including the cost of alcohol. Again, this is partially true. First and foremost, nobody in the SGA was reimbursed for money that they spent on alcohol. SGA money was spent on trips, but no SGA money was spent on alcohol. The trip to New Orleans was for the American Student Government Association conference. Conference fees, paid for by the SGA, according to Business Services Specialist for the SGA Vicki Young, totaled $945. Kutner, Vice President Becky Wiacek, Treasurer Joanna Enoch, Attorney General Bayan Rusom and Sampson departed on Feb. 19 and returned to Baltimore on Feb. 22. Mardi Gras 2015 was on Feb. 17. The

total spent on airfare by the SGA, according to receipts acquired from Young, was $1,563.50. For three nights in two rooms at a Hilton in the French Quarter of New Orleans, SGA spent $1,990.38. Over $440 was reimbursed to the executive board for food. The SGA spent over $2,000 on a flight for five students to Little Rock, Arkansas and over $1,000 on three hotel rooms for three nights. According to Jon Connelly, director of community outreach for the SGA, the trip to Arkansas was about Greek Housing (an initiative that both tickets running for the SGA executive board are in support of). Connelly said that the University of Central Arkansas recently started Greek housing, so the students went “to talk with them [about] how they got the initiative off the ground.” SGA Internal Spending If student groups want SGA money, they have to go through a budget hearing process with the SGA. Internal SGA spending – money spend by members of the cabinet or senators who have their own initiatives – does not have to be reviewed as thoroughly. The money goes to the person’s direct supervisor for review before going to the SGA president who can ultimately say no to the spending, according to Brandon Wharton, current deputy chief of staff for the SGA. This year, SGA had over $20,000 approved in its budget for internal and discretionary spending. Website The SGA website has not been updated and the “Meet the SGA” page is not complete, with several members lacking a photo or listed office hours. One of the largest links on the front page is to “Dear Doc,” a platform that was launched by the SGA to hear student concerns, but that has not been largely used. Part of Anderson’s duties as director of university communications for the SGA is to run the SGA website. In contrast, The Roar website was launched within days and does not appear to have the sorts of technical issues that the SGA site has. Anderson said that The Roar website was easier to launch and maintain because it is hosted on a private server, and that the SGA website has not been updated because of coding issues and issues with the server that the SGA website is hosted on. - To read the rest of this article online, visit




April 28, 2015


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JAMES MILEO THE ROAR MOVEMENT: We’re bringing the ROAR back to you!! I am taking a stand for the betterment of the SGA and Towson University. My name is James Mileo and I am running for the position of Senator. I am involved in Habitat for Humanity and the YesImAlive campaign to prevent suicide. As a Senator, I wish to bring SGA back to the students and student organizations. In the past years, SGA has become a machine that is no longer serving the students of Towson; my goal as Senator is to end the alienation of student groups and to bridge the gap between Towson Administration and students. So lets bring the ROAR back to Towson! This is your ROAR, this is your MOVEMENT! SCHNEINA PINCHINAT THE ROAR MOVEMENT: We’re bringing the ROAR back to you! I am taking a stand for the betterment of the SGA and Towson University. My name is Schneina Pinchinat, and I am currently a sophomore, majoring in Accounting. Being a student on campus for two years, I have always complained about the need for change, but never took any action. Gathering up the courage, I decided now was the time to be that change, and run for SGA Senator. Being Treasurer of the Towson Naturalistas and an Alumnus of Leadershape 2015, I have been presented with many opportunities to develop myself as an effective leader. With the skills that I have acquired, I would like to put them into action to shift the focus of SGA back to the students. Vote The Roar for SGA! KIRSTEN WACH I’m running for SGA Justice because I want to make sure that students and student groups are being treated fairly. Currently, I serve as the SGA Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs, where I helped run our 16th Annual Tiger Pride Day, a lobbying an advocacy event in Annapolis. I met with legislators to defend Towson’s state funding and with alumni to share how Towson University is continuing to evolve. If elected Justice, I will continue efforts like these that make an impact on our university!

KRISTEN ZDON THE ROAR MOVEMENT: We’re bringing the ROAR back to you! I am taking a stand for the betterment of the SGA and Towson University. I’m Kristen Zdon, and I am running for the SGA Senate to take a stand with the ROAR Movement. Currently serving as a Senator, I am passionate about students’ rights for their voice to be heard, but also to be valued and respected. Towson students will always be our first priority, and I am confident that as your SGA Senator, I will ensure faithfulness to our Towson students, and we will be held accountable for our decisions. As the ROAR Movement, we are starting a reaction. We are standing up for what is right, and what is best for our highly respected Tiger Town. Making students our first priority is why I ROAR, and why you should too!

OMNIA SHEDID My name is Omnia Shedid and I am running to be a Senator in the Student Government Association as a part of the ROAR Movement! I am a Political Science major with an international studies minor. I am currently a Senator in the SGA as well as Chair of the Organizational Development Organization. I am the President and founder of Maryland's first Middle Eastern Student Association which has become a home to so many diverse students on campus. I am also the associate coordinator of the PreLaw Society. When I transferred to Towson, I wanted to contribute to the well being of the university as much as I can. I plan on continuing the reform through the ROAR Movement. It exemplifies strong, bold visions that will bring the SGA to the student body. We want students to ROAR as loud as they can for what they believe in and it is up to us to listen to each other to create a better Towson.

The Towerlight contacted all SGA Senate and Judicial Board candidates via student email last week. The responses printed were the only ones received.

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April 28, 2015

ANNIE SRAGNER Associate Arts & Life Editor @anniesragner

In the past, Tigerfest was concentrated into a one-day event with a large concert at the center. The last two years have taken the Tigerfest experience and stretched it into a weekend-long celebration to create more of a festival feeling. “We had multiple stages, just like a real music festival, and inflatables and food all over the union,” Campus Activities Board (CAB) Director Emily Walsh said. “There were students constantly heading in and out, walking around, seeing what was up and having a great time.” Day one kicked off the weekend on Friday, April 24 with numerous free activities, live performances, food and more. “I think Tigerfest brings a sense of community to Towson because this is the time where everyone gets together. It’s fun and it is a way to bond,” junior early childhood education major Meghan Schiller said. The University Union was packed with activities and offered students the opportunity to visit two different stages, one in Paws and another on Potomac Patio, both of which featured live music. Maryland-native cover band Under the Covers brought some familiar pop tunes to Paws for listeners to jam to and to hopefully provide students with fond memories to look back on. “If you’re in college, you are making your own new experiences and that is priceless,” lead singer Brian Bourne said. “This is such a great place to be in the spring, thinking about the college days with young people who are living it.” The Paws stage also featured performances by Dale Z and the ZDubs, Dunson, Have Mercy and RDGLDGRN. Corrine Kneis, and junior and clinical psychology major, said that the band’s sound reminded her of what she listened to when she was in high school. “It was kind of like pop-punk,” she said. “I really liked his voice, it was raspy.” As students moved out of Paws they were lured upstairs by snow cone stands and a table where students could bedazzle themselves with body art. Inside of the main entrance commemorative Tigerfest t-shirts were available for sale. Just past that, students munched on hamburgers and hot dogs in the Loch Raven room. In the Susquehanna Terrace, students played water gun games and took turns riding the wild mechanical shark. Freshman elementary education major Carolyn Haynes gave into the peer pressure of her friends and took her first ever ride

on the shark. “It’s harder than it looks, and I cheated, I held onto its butt,” Haynes said. Across the Union in Potomac, the room buzzed with students enjoying cotton candy, taking photos with friends, playing old-school Pac-Man games, shooting hoops and vying for raffle prizes. Students even got to take part in some human bowling where one fearless individual would get into the giant red spherical cage and friends could roll them down a lane toward giant pins. On the Potomac Patio just outside, a stage was set up to feature those student artists who won the Battle of the Bands contest in February. DJ Matt G. Holden began the show just as the sun was beginning to warm up the patio. Hunter Hooligan took the stage next to play a few of his original songs like “Be Young” as well as a cover of “Drunk in Love” by Beyoncé. “I am really thankful for any opportunity to play, and it is always good to meet some new people, and when family and friends come out it is really nice,” Hunter Hooligan said. The rap group HNE was next to take the stage and ran through the excited crowd to hype them up. “We want to give the experience that we would want to have at a show,” member of HNE, Eman the Heartbreak, said. After their set, Baltimore rock group 3PM closed out the show with both original pieces and covers like Taylor Swift’s “22.” The massive festival event featured outdoor venders as well on the path between the Union and Burdick Hall. According to Walsh, 35 to 50 CAB volunteer staff members were stationed throughout the festival to help things go as planned. “Honestly, it wouldn’t have been possible without them,” Walsh said. “I am so grateful for their support and time, and they are the reason day one was the amazing success that it was.”

Photos by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

CARLEY MILLIGAN Arts and Life Editor @CarleyMilligan

It wasn’t long after Krewella was announced as the Tigerfest 2015 headlining artist that senior and electronic media and film major Olivia Joseph heard from her friend in Minnesota, Anna Ballman. “I flipped out when I saw that they were going to play here,” Ballman, who used to attend Towson through the National Student Exchange program, said. Ballman, who continued to follow the Towson Campus Activities Board (CAB) Facebook page after leaving Towson, immediately contacted Joseph and the two set out to purchase tickets. Joseph waited in line for two hours the day she purchased her ticket, and was able to get the few floor tickets still available. On Saturday their waiting paid off as Ballman and Joseph raced into SECU Arena when doors opened at 6 p.m. sharp. For the next hour and a half, students and fans of electronic dance music duo Krewella and rapper G-Eazy poured into the arena for Tigerfest 2015 day two. “It’s always amazing to see the way the whole arena moves together,” CAB Director Emily Walsh said. “You’ve got the floor and the lower bowl absolutely packed, and they’re all enjoying themselves and really getting into it.” According to Walsh, an estimated 3,000 tickets were sold for this year’s concert. For many who bought tickets, like freshman Jessica Crisostomo, it was their first Tigerfest experience. “There’s a lot of people here,” Crisostomo said. “I’ve been waiting to see Krewella since I bought my ticket, so this is awesome.” At 7:30 p.m. the lights in the arena dimmed, and the crowd cheered and screamed as music exploded out of the speakers. Fans of G-Eazy danced and sang along with songs like “Let’s Get Lost” and “Tumblr Girls” before the rapper closed his set with one of his most popular hits “I Mean It.” G-Eazy spoke about how excited he was to be in Towson while also reminding the audience that, as a California native, he represents the “Bay area” in his songs like “Almost Famous.” While many students like freshman Michael Castera felt that G-Eazy’s set was “insane and amazing,” others did not. Junior and criminal justice major Sara Saez said that she “liked G-Eazy until today.” From her place in the stands, she said it was difficult to hear his lyrics over the heavy bass. She also said that because G-Eazy’s music following is much larger in the West Coast than in Maryland, his set did not connect well with the Towson audience. “He is bringing it to the wrong crowd, this is not

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

his scene and he is not popular here yet,” Saez said. Between sets, there was a 30-minute intermission where students were able to purchase food or use the restroom. There was an increased number of S.A.F.E guards stationed around these concourse areas, and throughout the venue, to keep students mobile. Wristbands were also issued for each of the three levels of seating in the area. “We decided to increase it because we’ve realized Tigerfest takes a good amount of crowd control and we wanted to avoid issues while allowing students to have a safe and fun experience,” Walsh said. The security was much stricter than last year’s and made to accommodate a very large crowd. Freshman Elizabeth Walls said she was surprised by the amount of people in attendance at the concert. “It’s really fun because of all the people that are here,” freshman and family studies major Marie Ellen Kemp said. “I’ve never seen this many Towson people together at once before, it’s pretty awesome.” Saez said, however, that the concert attendance and setting was not what she expected. “I think it was crazy that the floor tickets sold out and less than half of the floor was full,” she said. “The environment of the concert would have been more lively if people were allowed to come down from the stands.” As Krewella band members Jahan Yousaf and Yasmine Yousaf came on stage, the arena came to life with flashing lights and heavy bass. Students in the stands and on the floor crowded together to jump and dance to the upbeat music. Between their own original songs, the duo incorporated clips of other well-known tracks like “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes, “No Type” by Rae Sremmurd, “7/11” by Beyoncé, and even “Chop Suey!” by System of a Down. As the night drew to a close, Krewella ended their set with their newest single “Somewhere to Run” while students wildly screamed the lyrics. “I really truly believe Tigerfest 2015 was the best CAB has done so far,” Walsh said. “We are so proud and excited about it all, and we feel that it was an amazing experience for students.”


April 28, 2015

Enroll in summer courses at La Roche College in Pittsburgh, Pa.



While many Towson students were in the University Union last Friday enjoying the Tigerfest Day one activities, others were observing the student performances at the Tiger Plaza stage. In between the Liberal Arts building and Burdick Hall, individual students performed with a number of clubs also associated with the International Student Association. Pasión, a Latinbased dance team and one of the first groups to perform, exited the stage as the crowd cheered powerfully. “Pasión’s dance was pretty awesome, I love the music they used,” freshman and Tigerfest attendee Leah Therres said. “Inside the Union was fun but we wanted to be outside while it was nice out.” After Pasión was Towson’s own allfemale a capella group Tiger Tones. Jessica Maddy, President of Tiger Tones, was excited that the result of their hard work was seeing the number of students who came to see them perform. “I’m really glad this Tigerfest was our first,” Maddy said. “The only thing that was a little difficult for us was choosing our songs. We just kind of get everyone to throw in their own ideas and we listen to other a capella groups to find stuff.” When K-Pop Dance Squad took the stage, they entertained the crowd with popular Korean music and a strict dance routine. “We didn’t have long to rehearse,”

biology major and K-Pop dance team member Linda Njonkou said. “Some of the girls are going back to their home countries and we wanted to show Towson what K-Pop is about. We chose a lot of popular Korean songs, we wanted people to know that there is good, fun Korean music.” The African Diaspora Club brought performances from both their dance team, Les Hommes D’Afrique, and La Voix Celeste, their a capella group. “We want to promote cultural competency,” junior and La Voix Celeste member, Vanessa Agbar said. “Creating a supportive community for all African ethnic groups is really important to us. Performing at Tigerfest was a chance for us to broadcast our voice and have a good time all in one.” The last portion of the International Festival ended with a performance from Kassim Okusaga, followed by the Towson Hoop Club who donned spandex outfits and light up the night with their LED hoops. Okusaga brought a large crowd out to the stage where he and his live band 20NVR collaborated with HHO. The live music combined with electronic beats and fiery lyrics warmed up the crowd in the chilly night air. “Everything was awesome today,” Abgar said. “Towson did a good job of getting student performances together and giving us performers a chance to show everyone what we’re all about. It’s hard to get up on this stage and have people watching you but I think everyone had a great time today.”

Courtesy of Kanji Takeno

Tigerfest 2015 day two concert on April 25 in SECU Arena.

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April 28, 2015

Grey’s tragic episode Caitlin Moynihan

Raise your hand if you have ever felt personally victimized by Shonda Rhimes. (Raises hand for the rest of forever.) I would say ‘spoiler alert’ but I’m assuming that everyone and their mother and their neighbor’s dog already knows what I am going to talk about. Whether you’re an avid fan, an occasional watcher or have never seen an episode, everyone knows all about this past weeks’ shockingly heartbreaking episode of “Grey’s Anatomy.” I am going to be honest and say that I haven’t been checking in on my pals at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital as regularly the past few seasons. Yet that didn’t stop my heart from breaking into thousands of little, tiny pieces when I found out that Derek Shepherd, aka McDreamy, aka the reason as to why girls everywhere have exceedingly high standards, has died. I was innocently scrolling through my Twitter timeline when Columnist @cmmoynihan

it happened. I was bombarded with furious fans and dozens of magazines, blogs and news accounts expressing their thoughts about the episode. So naturally I Googled what happened and before me was the truth I never thought I would have to accept. Derek has been such a constant, consistent and occasionally moody character for so long that I never thought I would see the day that he wouldn’t be right by Meredith’s side. Although the two characters have had their fair share of fights, arguments, grief and mistrust, they also had love, joy, companionship and a bond that has made them one of the most well-known fictional couples out there. I knew that I had to force myself to watch the episode, so I grabbed my Pillow Pet and my Ben &

Jerry’s to properly prepare myself. Although I knew what was going to happen, it didn’t stop me from sobbing into my pint of ice cream. Derek’s death came way too soon, and yet, it was perfect. His whole life, Derek’s primary goal was to save lives, and that’s exactly what he was able to do moments before his life came to an end. Most television shows wait until season finales to have a major character die off, but Rhimes shocked us all by having Derek die while there are still three episodes left of season 11. Rhimes always has a way to keep us on our toes and just when we start to get comfortable, she throws a major curveball. Life at Grey-Sloane Memorial Hospital is never going to be the same, but I know that Rhimes has something amazing in store for us.

Caring for community

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Students take part in “The Big Event 2015” on campus and off on Saturday, April 25. The event began on Newell field where roughly 2,000 volunteers gathered to participate in various community service projects.


April 28, 2015

Televised spies The television series “TURN: Washington’s Spies” is a fictionalized version of a true story. Based on Alexander Rose’s book “Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring,” the series follows the formation and actions of the Culper Ring. The ring, a group of childhood friends who are sent information from the British-occupied New York to General Washington, help turn the tide of the American Revolutionary War. The center of the spy ring and the show is Abe Woodhull (Jamie Bell), a farmer in the British-occupied town of Setauket, New York. In the show, Abe is recruited to become a spy by his childhood friend Major Benjamin Tallmadge (Seth Numrich). “TURN” was a strange viewing experience for me. I binged watched the entire first season in two days, because I was genuinely invested in

Kaitlyn McKay Columnist

the action and what would happen next. Yet on the other hand, the main characters are pretty boring. Abe is too uninteresting to be the center of a love triangle between his wife, Mary (Meegan Warner) and Anna Strong (Heather Lind), his former fiancée. This triangle alone takes up far too much screen time than it should. Likewise with Anna, who is also too bland to be part of the primary love triangle (or a love square if you count her imprisoned husband) with Abe and the overthe-top evil Captain Simcoe (Samuel Roukin). I’m not exactly sure how much of this is the writing, and how much of it is the actors. “TURN” is a situation where the bad guys are much more fascinating to watch than the good guys. Simcoe is a two-dimensional villain, but he’s fun to watch in just how evil he is. - To read the rest of this article, vsiit

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April 28, 2015

Twisted tale at the CFA ROBERT WOOD Assistant Arts and Life Editor

When senior Caitlin Weaver was little kid, she attended a high school production of “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.” Her father was the technical director of the production, and from that point on “Sweeney Todd” quickly became one of her favorite musicals growing up. Now Towson’s theater department has brought the musical to the Center for the Arts Mainstage Theatre from April 23 to May 2, and Weaver is starring in the musical as Mrs. Lovett. According to the director of the musical and associate professor Stephen Nunns, this classic musical is “based on this sort of apocryphal story about a barber in the 1800s who murdered people.” After its opening on Broadway in 1979, the musical by Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler spread internationally. It became even more popular after the 2007 film adaptation directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. Just as the film adaptation brought its own flair to the piece, Towson’s stage production is no different. Firsttime musical director Nunns said that because he ran the graduate program in the theater department and has a background in experimental theater, he was able to find more of a connection to musical theater than he thought he would. “I’m more interested in the formal elements like accents and how fast something needs to be said,” Nunns said. “That’s more interesting for me.” Nunns also collaborated with music

professor Philip Collister for the show. “Since I didn’t have a lot of experience in working with musicals I thought it would be helpful to have someone who knows what is going on,” Nunns said. Together Nunns and Collister sought after different skills in the actors who auditioned. “They had to sing pretty well, it’s very hard music,” Nunns said. “Both Philip and I kind of did the audition together. I was concentrating on the theatrical acting elements and Philip was ideating what their voices sound like.” When casting was completed last semester, some the actors decided to get a jump on the rehearsal process right away. “This is a beast of a musical in every aspect of the word,” acting major Matthew Acquard, who plays Judge Turpin, said. “There is no way we could’ve done this musical if we had only spent a few months per say.” These early rehearsals were primarily vocal rehearsals set up by Collister to prepare James Ruth for the lead role of Sweeney Todd. “He was getting private tutorials with Philip because it’s really hard to sing, so he started working and some other people that far back,” Nunns said. Acquard said that Sondheim’s wellwritten songs and dialogue made it easier for the actors to tap into the emotions of the show and their characters. “As actors it is our job to take the given circumstances that we are given and to feel really how that emotions arrives within you,” Ruth said.

The actors have embraced the darker mood of the show. “The gore made sense, it never creeped me out,” Weaver said. “You kind of brace yourself and know what you are getting yourself into.” As a result of the extensive preparation for the show, both actors and the director said that they felt an internal change in themselves. “Mostly I learned that I am capable of doing Sondheim and that I was something I was terrified of,” Weaver said. “I didn’t think I could do his music because he is incredibly complicated and I always loved his music but I thought ‘I can actually do this’.” In the end, Weaver wants audiences to take one thing away from the show. “I want them to be thoroughly, thoroughly entertained,” she said.

Adrilenzo Cassoma/ The Towerlight

James Ruth and Caitlin Weaver perform in the musical “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” in the CFA’s Mainstage Theatre.

Review: “The Age of Adaline”

Just a number NICK SALACKI Staff Writer

I have never seen the unique form of story telling that appears in the new film “The Age of Adaline.” The movie attempts to create a fantasy San Francisco love story, fronted by Gossip Girl alum Blake Lively. Her title character has a special condition where she doesn’t age, and is complicated by a mysterious unnamed narrator who explicitly explains the science behind her condition. This Lee Toland Krieger picture is quite breath taking in its diverse form of screenwriting and story telling. Lively stars as Adaline Bowman, a 29-year-old woman who, when she was in a severe vehicle accident, was electrocuted and given the special ability to stop from aging any further. Although she tries to prevent herself from getting too close to anyone who might expose her secret, fate has a different plan for her. Watching Lively perform as this character, and seeing her face on the posters was quite refreshing compared to her role in “Green Lantern.” One fault I found was within the love Adaline had for Michiel Huisman’s character Ellis Jones. The trailers are full of his character, so his involvement in the story makes sense. Unfortunately, the chemistry between both actors is completely non-existent. However, it should be noted that Huisman is not just a pretty face with a rockin’ body. It seems he also can act, in both this film and in “Game of

Thrones” and “Orphan Black.” The romance the two characters shared was supposed to (or at least seemed to) structure the entire story along with Adaline’s condition. However, I believe that the film did the exact opposite. What the audience should take away from the film is the phenomenon that Lively portrayed and which kept her from ever loving again. Although it wasn’t until one of her past lovers who she once rejected due to her condition (Harrison Ford), came back to change the course of her endless life. I also didn’t like the fact that, even though I love Lively in this, I feel like she’s just another “pretty white actress” used to take the audience’s eyes further away from the current issue on diversifying film characters. Regardless, Lively is incredibly charming as the non-aging Adaline Bowman and the film is such a perfect introduction for more films to come. Perhaps ones where she leads the story and doesn’t just act as the damsel in distress. Overall I give this flick 3.5 our of 5 stars.

Courtesy of Lionsgate

Blake Lively as Adaline Bowman in “The Age of Adaline.”

Tasmania: The home of the little devils To quote that iconic Australian song by Men At Work; I come from “a land down under.” However, I am a stickler for specificity and therefore have to tweak that statement to say that I come from the land down under the land down under. That is, I come from the island of Tasmania, located off the far south east coast of mainland Australia. What does the average ‘Merkun know about Tasmania? Not terribly much as I have discovered. However, it is an awfully long way away, and rather small in the scheme of world matters, so I can’t really blame you lot. One thing that many of my acquaintances

Stef Foster Columnist

here have heard about Tasmania is a thing called the Tasmanian devil. Is the Tasmanian devil real? Yes it is! While it does share some of the traits of its Looney Tunes counterpart, Taz, most people are surprised when they see one in real life. The real devil is a carnivorous marsupial found only in Tasmania. It is about 25 to 30 inches in size, and is predominantly black with some white markings on its chest and back. It also has round, red bear-like ears and a long, thin tail. It can be aggressive if provoked but most often is shy when encountered in the wild. The devil is known for it’s characteristic wide yawn that exposes its sharp, flesh-eating

teeth. Pound for pound, the devil also has the strongest jaw pressure of any mammal. It crunches through entire carcasses, consuming bones and fur in the process. Does it really spin around in circles when it gets mad? No it does not! I am not sure where Warner Brothers got that idea, however the animal does make eerie, demonic growls and lets off spinetingling screeches and screams while feeding. When it feels threatened, the devil is capable of omitting

the foulest stench you can imagine to discourage predators. And yes, I have smelt it. All these characteristics contributed to early European settlers’ highly negative perception of the creature and subsequent naming. Do you see them running around everywhere? No, like many marsupials Tasmanian devils are secretive and typically stay hidden in the wilderness. They scavenge during the day and hunt at night. Since the 1990s, the devil popula-

tion has been drastically reduced and is now in danger of extinction due to the rampant spread of a deadly facial tumor virus. The disease is spread when devils eat together or come into close contact with one another. Researchers have been searching for a cure but in the meantime, conservationists are working to maintain healthy devil populations in secluded conservation sanctuaries such as Maria Island, about three miles off the east coast of Tasmania. You can see a Tassie Devil at the San Diego Zoo and the Albuquerque Bio Park Zoo, or you can jump aboard a 30-hour plane trip and come see one in the wilds of Tasmania!


April 28, 2015


Crossword Sudoku

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with the number in the top-left corner.

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DATE28, 2015 April


Come back and bid for No.1 falls short McCarthy scores four goals, Towson falls to Drexel, will travel to Fairfield for CAA tournament TYLER BEARD Staff Writer @tylerbeard2

No. 17 Towson failed to complete its comeback attempt against the Drexel Dragons and lost, 11-10, dropping the team to the third seed in the Colonial Athletic Association tournament. Towson (9-5, 3-2 CAA) trailed Drexel (7-7, 3-2 CAA), 7-2, at halftime, but managed to score six straight goals and had an 8-7 lead with less than 12 minutes left in the fourth quarter. “I was real proud of our guys on their effort at the end,” Head Coach Shawn Nadelen said. “It was a situation we shouldn’t have been in but I asked for more out of them at halftime and to play how Towson lacrosse should be played and they responded.” The Tigers began their rally with a man-up goal from redshirt senior attackman Max Siskind and sopho-

more midfielder Mike Lynch added a goal of his own a minute later which cut the Dragons’ lead to 7-4 with less than 12 minutes left in the third quarter. Junior midfielder Ben McCarty took over for the Tigers after that, scoring three straight goals, which tied the game at 7-7 three minutes into the fourth quarter. Siskind scored his second goal of the game 35 seconds later and gave the Tigers an 8-7 lead. Drexel had two straight goals to regain its lead but Siskind scored once again to tie the game at 9-9. The Dragons went on another twogoal streak though and had an 11-9 lead with four minutes left in the game. Senior midfielder Justin Mabus scored off an assist from sophomore attackman Ryan Drenner and cut the lead to 11-10 with less than three minutes left. However, the Tigers managed just

one more shot the in the last three minutes and couldn’t tie the game. McCarty led the team with four

I was real proud of our guys on their effort at the end. It was a situation we shouldn’t have been in but I asked for more out of them at halftime and to play how Towson lacrosse should be played and they responded.

Towson outshot Drexel, 45-38, but both teams had 22 shots on goal. The loss dropped the Tigers out of first place in the CAA and set them up with a rematch against the Dragons in the CAA tournament. With a first place finish, the Tigers would have hosted the tournament. “Any team is going to be difficult when you have to face them two games in a row,” Nadelen said. “They’ve played well against us and we’ve made our mistakes but they’ve also made their mistakes against us.” The winner of the matchup will play against the winner No. 1 seed Fairfield and No.

4 seed Massachusetts in the CAA Championship game. Nadelen spoke about what the team needs to in order to win the CAA Championship and said the team needs to play better lacrosse. “We need to be more efficient and shoot more efficiently,” he said. “Alec (Burckley) needs to continue to do well at the face-off and we have to hold opponents down defensively. We need to show competitiveness and come out with passion and confidence.” The Tigers face-off against the Dragons on Thursday at 4 p.m. at Fairfield University.


goals and Siskind had three goals. Seider also had a goal in the first quarter and finished the regular season with a team-leading 27 goals.

File photo by Joseph Noyes/ The Towerlight

Junior midfielder Ben McCarthy scored four goals en route to an 11-10 loss to Drexel on Saturday in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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April 28, 2015

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File photo by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight



Freshman right fielder Colin Gimblet went 2-for-5, drove in two runs and scored a run in Towson’s 8-7 win over James Madison on Sunday afternoon.

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April 28, 2015


Relay team makes ECACs for the first time JORDAN COPE Staff Writer @JordanCope26

Towson competed in the Penn Relays on Thursday at Franklin Field in Philadelphia and in the Delaware Classic on Saturday at Stuart and Suzanne Grant Stadium in Newark, Delaware. It was the 121st Penn Relays and the Tigers competed in four events: the 4x100-meter relay, the 4x400-meter relay, the pole vault and the high jump. “I am just so proud of the girls. We did it, you know,” Head Coach Roger Erricker said. “They stepped up and did what they needed to do. So that was special for us, very special for us.” The highlight of the day for Towson was the 4x100-meter relay team qualifying for the Eastern Colleges Athletic Conference Final for the first time in school history. Led by junior Kaitlyn Davis, junior Kelsey Fiddes, sophomore Zanae Freeland and freshman Brittany Shields, the Tigers placed 29th out of 98 teams with a time of 47.71 to clinch their spot in the ECAC Final.

“We worked and worked and worked on the baton exchanges, and they practiced so hard getting those down,” Erricker said. “They got them down, we had four great exchanges, and that’s what did it for us.” In the ECAC Final, the Tigers finished ninth in the 12-team heat with a time of 48.26. Led by senior captain Emily Wenger, sophomore Amanda Famularo, Davis and Freeland, the 4x400-meter relay team won their heat and finished with a time of 3:56.19. “The experience is amazing. Everyone is there for track and it’s super exciting,” Wenger said. “The atmosphere is so fun and positive, but very competitive.” In the field events, junior pole vaulter Maggie Rampolla placed 38th in the pole vault event while junior Emerald Vickers placed 64th in the high jump event. “There were some really good teams. Just to be able to go out there and see the best was super,” Erricker said. “For us to be right there, that was really great for our experience and

moving forward.” In the Delaware Classic, Towson recorded 16 top 5 finishes and placed second with 112.50 points behind host and Colonial Athletic Association rival Delaware (318.50). “It was very big for us. We had some women that really came through, got there spots for CAA Championships, and they will get to compete,” Erricker said. “It was a big day for us, a very big day for us.” Freshman distance runner Colleen Cook highlighted the meet for the Tigers finishing first in the 3,000meter run with a time of 11:01.25. Behind Cook in the 3,000-meter run was fellow freshman Emma Harrelson with a time of 11:08 and junior Karen Cohen with a time of 11:38.40. In the 800-meter run, senior middle distance runner and Towerlight contributor Kara Bucaro finished second with a time of 2:18.59 while junior distance runner Kelsey Kollar placed third with a time of 2:29.05. Freshmen Emily Johnson was the runner-up in the 3,000-meter steeplechase with a time of 12:11.08.

Junior hurdler and jumper Wilhelmina Austin highlighted the field events for Towson, placing second in the triple jump with a distance of 37 feet, 10 inches and third in the long jump with a leap of 11’3.75.” “Wilhelmina is a great example. She is going to the CAA Championships no matter what and she is one of our best athletes,” Erricker said. “But she just felt that she needed the extra meet and she wanted to get an extra meet in.” Freshman thrower Taylor Weiss placed second in the discus event, recording a throw of 131’11.” In the high jump event, junior multi-event performer Michelle Keller tied for third in the high jump with a

height of 4’11.” The Tigers would also see a pair of third-place finishes from freshman Emily Waldron and sophomore Brynn Washington in the pole vault event, recording a height of 11’3.75.” Behind Waldron in Washington in the pole vault event was sophomore Courtney Rose, who placed fifth with a height of 10’10.” Towson will look to carry its momentum from the previous two meets into the two-day CAA Championship meet which will take place May 1-2 in Williamsburg, Virginia. “Everyone will really have to be on their top performance,” Rampolla said. “It is good competition and it is an exciting meet.”




47.71- Qualified for ECAC Final 48.26- 9th place overall

4X400 RELAY 3:56.19- 1st place overall

M. Rampolla- 38th place overall


E. Vickers- 64th place overall


vs Help us raise donations for breast cancer! First 50 students will receive a free pink sno ball!


April 28, 2015

Saturday: A fight for the ages JORDAN COPE Staff Writer @JordanCope26

On Feb. 20, Floyd Mayweather Jr. announced via social media that he had signed a contract to fight Manny Pacquiao on May 2 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. I think I speak for all boxing fans when I say, it is about time. The whole saga between the Mayweather and Pacquiao fight is a complex timeline that started in 2009, when Mayweather came out of retirement. In 2007, Mayweather walked away from boxing after a 10-round technical knockout victory over Ricky Hatton. Just two years later, however, Mayweather came out of retirement and fought Juan Manuel Marquez in 2009. Prior to his fight with Marquez, Mayweather had reportedly named Pacquiao as the fighter that he wanted to come out of retirement to face. Pacquiao’s campaign had confirmed that Mayweather was interested, and it seemed as though the two would be squaring off in the ring. However, what transpired was a bitter six-year back and forth argument between the two sides. The argument was spurred by a crude comment made by Bob Arum about his former client, Mayweather. Arum, a boxing promoter who used to represent Mayweather, was now representing Pacquiao. When Arum made the comment about Mayweather, the fight was foiled.

Just one month later, the two sides looked to be on the verge of coming to an agreement on a fight, but an argument over a 60-40 or 50-50 split would derail any possible bout. In Sept. 2009 when the two sides seemed to be on the brink of an agreement, Floyd Mayweather Sr., who was representing Mayweather Jr., claimed that Pacquiao was on steroids, which would become another hurdle for the two sides in coming to an agreement on a fight.

IN THIS CORNER Just three months later, the two sides were again on the verge of coming to an agreement on a fight, but this time a discrepancy about the weight and glove size would be a barrier for the two sides. In Jan. 2010, when it looked as though Mayweather and Pacquiao had agreed to terms on a fight, Arum declared that the fight was off between the two sides, claiming that Mayweather had rejected the terms that Pacquiao had agreed to. On Jan. 27 at a Miami Heat game, negotiations between Mayweather and Pacquiao once again resumed. This

time, an actual agreement came a little less than a month later. Now, here we are. Mayweather and Pacquiao are set to square off in what is being deemed The Fight of the Century in just four days. So, what can we expect to see? The last time Mayweather was in the ring was on Sept. 13, 2014 against Marcos Maidana. In his last fight, Mayweather moved to 47-0 on a unanimous decision with scores of 116-111 twice and 115-112. The last time Pacquiao was in the ring was Nov. 23, 2014 against Chris Algieri. In his last fight, Pacquiao advanced to 57-5-2 on a unanimous decision to retain his World Boxing Organization Welterweight Championship. While Mayweather (38) is two years older than Pacquiao (36), he has a slight height (5’8” vs. 5’6”) and reach advantage (72” vs. 67”) over his opponent. Mayweather has also fought 44 less rounds in his career than Pacquiao, which has the potential to give him an endurance advantage. However, just how much does that mean? It has been argued by boxing critics that Mayweather has not fought a quality opponent in his 47 matches. While it will likely be a close match, I have Pacquiao handing Mayweather his first ever career loss. Pacquiao’s southpaw stance and 38 career knockouts has the potential to give Mayweather fits in the ring. Although my prediction may not be accurate, this fight will certainly live up to its name, The Fight of the Century.

Courtesy of Oliver Petalver

Manny Pacquiao is preparing to fight the undefeated Floyd Mayweather in what many call the the fight of the century. The two will go at it at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday night.


USTORE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Sarah Maloof Women’s Lacrosse

Maloof scored a career-high four goals in Towson’s 11-10 loss to Johns Hopkins on Senior Day on Saturday. They were her first goals in two games, moving her season total to 13 goals on the season.



April 28, 2015


Called back

Raymond’s game-winning goal negated, Towson loses to Johns MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

It happened again. Less than two weeks after senior attacker Andi Raymond’s game-winning goal against Hofstra was called back in overtime, a similar scenario played out on Towson’s Senior Day on Saturday at Johnny Unitas Stadium. In a 10-10 game with three seconds remaining, Raymond fired a shot past Johns Hopkins goalie KC Emerson for what Towson thought was the gamewinning goal. However, a shooting space call on Johns Hopkins negated the goal and the game went to overtime. “It’s a tough call,” Head Coach Sonia LaMonica said. “… I was arguing that, at times, teams’ strategy is to kind of step into shooting space intentionally because they want to have the foul to call back the goal. It’s part of the game. It’s a frustrating situation to occur when you break through and you score. It definitely feels like you’re getting hit in the gut.” Johns Hopkins scored with 1:18 remaining in overtime and made a game-winning defensive stop on sophomore midfielder Samantha Brookhart with less than 10 seconds

remaining to seal the win. “Those are just some of the challenges that we’ve had to see this season,” LaMonica said. “We’ve got to keep fighting at the end of day and use this game, as much as it hurts. I have a lot to be proud of with this particular team and the seniors. We’ll use it as motivation moving forward.” Johns Hopkins took an early 2-0 lead just over five minutes into the game. Attacker Jen Cook scored from close and midfielder Shannon Fitzgerald converted from father out to give Johns Hopkins the advantage. Towson responded quickly, though, scoring two goals in the next four minutes to tie the game. Senior attacker Sarah Maloof had both goals, with the second coming off an assist from fellow senior attacker Andi Raymond. The assist moved Raymond to 200 points on her career, making her the fifth Tigers player to do so. Fitzgerald wasn’t in the celebratory mood, though, making her way down the field and beating Towson goalie Kelsea Donnelly to give the Blue Jays a 3-2 lead just 13 seconds later. The lead was brief, however. Less than a minute later, freshman midfielder Emily Gillingham got a pass from Raymond in front of goal and

File photo by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

Senior defender Michelle Dufault set the school record for career starts on Saturday, making the starting lineup for the 74th time in Towson’s 11-10 loss to Johns Hopkins. at Johnny Unitas Stadium. tied the game at 3-3. After the teams traded chances, sophomore attacker Gabby Cha beat Emerson to give Towson its first lead. The back-and-forth game continued when Blue Jays midfielder Dene’ DiMartino beat a Tigers defender and fired a shot past Donnelly. Maloof made it 5-4 less than a minute later, giving her a hat trick with 15:10 left in the first half. “[Maloof] had a couple games pass where she was struggling within her-

File photo by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

Senior attacker Andi Raymond tallied her 200th point on an assist to fellow senior Sarah Maloof in Towson’s loss on Saturday. She also had a game-winning goal called back at the end of regulation.

self,” LaMonica said. “She just really took it upon herself to step up and break through. … I’m just really proud of the way she’s responded in the last couple games.” Johns Hopkins added a late goal to tie the game going into halftime. The away team led, 18-14, in shots, but Donnelly made nine saves to keep the game level. Donnelly finished the game with a career-high 16 saves on her Senior Day. “I was kind of emotional when I first stepped onto the field because I realized this is going to be the last time I’m actually playing on this field in a game,” Donnelly said. “… I have to give a lot of credit to my defense because they’re keeping the shooters out and giving the angles that I want the shots at.” Maloof opened the second half with her fourth goal, tying her careerhigh and giving Towson another lead. Four minutes later, the lead was gone after a goal from midfielder Haley Schweizer. The Tigers controlled possession for the next few minutes, but couldn’t convert. However, Raymond gave her team the 7-6 with 17:05 left to play on a hard shot from the right side to beat Emerson. Towson added to its lead with 12:22 left to play when freshman midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano worked through a hole in the Johns Hopkins defense and scored from up close. However, Johns Hopkins prevented

Towson from pulling away, scoring less than two minutes later on a hard shot from attacker Alexis Maffucci. Sophomore midfielder Michelle Gildea pushed the lead back tot two goals 28 seconds later. Towson took its first three-goal lead with 7:08 left in the game when Maloof tried to pass over Emerson in goal, but the ball hit Emerson’s stick and landed in the goal to make it 10-7. Johns Hopkins took the draw control and cut the lead to 10-8 just 10 seconds later. The Blue Jays continued to press the Tigers defense, eventually making it 10-9 off another goal from DiMartino. Less than a minute later, midfielder CeCe Finney tied the game on a shot that beat Donnelly low. Towson held possession over the last two minutes and Raymond made her pursuit with less than 10 seconds left, but had the potential goal called back. The Tigers will now look toward the CAA tournament, where they will face the first-seeded Hofstra Pride with a chance to redeem the loss earlier in the season. The game is set to start Friday at 4 p.m.

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