The Towerlight (September 18, 2018)

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Towson’s campus and community news source


September 18, 2018



Path to the polls TU offers various voting resources, pg.7



Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/The Towerlight

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September 18, 2018

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September 18, 2018

Editor-in-Chief Karuga Koinange Senior Editor Bailey Hendricks News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor Alex Helms Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editors Muhammad Waheed Jordan Kendall Staff Writers Jessica Ricks Rohan Mattu Keri Luise Deb Greengold Sophia Bates Meg Hudson Albert Ivory Anthony Petro Suzanne Stuller

Photo Editor Brendan Felch

Staff Photographers Simon Enagonio

David Fisher Brittany Whitham Lacey Wall Lexi Thompson David Kirchner Katerina Duerr Isaiah Freeman Isabelle Bartolomeo Owen DiDonna



Circulation Staff Scott Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack


Outdoor Adventure Center

20 21

Learn the basics of indoor climbing at Campus Rec! Top Rope Belay Clinics cover the foundations of top rope climbing and belaying. Participants will learn about the different types of equipment used while climbing, how the rope system functions when climbing, how to tie in, and how to belay.


Art Lecture Hall, CA 2032


Smith Hall, Room 521

General Manager Mike Raymond





Art Director Victoria Nicholson



SECU Arena

Lokuta, artist George Segal’s longtime collaborator, is a photographer, painter, teacher and historian. He has published widely on photography and his work has been included in over 300 exhibitions. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition George Segal in Black and White: Photographs by Donald Lokuta and Drawings by George Segal.

We now know about more planets outside our solar system, than in it. Surveys of nearby stars extrapolate to the exciting result that there are probably about as many Earth sized planets in our Milky Way galaxy, as there are stars. We will look at a few of the nearer ones, including one around the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri.


Come cheer on your fellow Tigers at 7 p.m. The Tigers will be playing against Northeastern.

In memory of well-known mezzo-soprano, Bette Hankin (1923-2017), col-

BETTE leagues and friends will perform a varied program of her favorites. Hankin HANKIN was a TU voice faculty member for 28 years in addition to being a leading MEMORIAL performer with the Baltimore Opera Company. MORE EVENTS CAN BE FOUND AT CONCERT

Recital Hall, CA 3066



8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!


@JasonHButt Towson beat Villanova, which beat Temple, which beat Maryland, which beat Texas. So Towson > Texas obvi

@lean_whittit Temple loses to Villanova. Temple dominates Maryland the following week. (Maryland also beat Texas btw) Hours later, Towson beats Villanova. College football is a crazy, crazy sport.




@FreshprinceBMD So since Towson beat Villanova and Villanova beat Temple, who just beat maryland today, then Towson better than maryland #TowsonIsMarylandsTeam @BaltimoreJoeyP Great news on the Towson football front: Tigers get road win at Villanova, 45-35, for first CAA win... Tigers have five of last eight at home with a bye next week. Good things could happen here...



September 18, 2018

Your parents are growing old too Turning 20 is a big change; take no relationship for granted BAILEY HENDRICKS Senior Editor

This summer I turned 20. Ever since I was young, birthdays have been very emotional for me. They have always served as a reminder of what I’ve accomplished in life thus far, what I still h a v e left to accomplish, and how t he time we have on Earth is so limited. Sometimes during my bir t hdays my dad would ask me if I felt different now t hat I was one year older. I would always laugh, t hinking t hat’s a silly question. But turning 20, was t he f irst time in my life I ever felt like t here may be some validity to my dad’s question after all. Turning 20 meant a whole phase of my life had off icially ended and t here was not hing I could do about it. The teenage chapter of my biography h a d o f f i c i a l ly a l re a d y b e e n written. The years people had told me t hat were supposed to be “t he best years of my life” were now off icially over. “Where do I go from here?,” I t hought. When I turned 20 I t hought of all t he t hings I d i d n ’ t d o i n my te e n a ge years. I was never really a rebellious kid, so I had some guilt and regret t hat I wasn’t more angsty, as arbitrar y as t hat sounds. Turning 20 was t he f irst time I ever felt like t he expiration date on my life was actually real. I always knew people died, of course, but

when I turned 20 t hat expiration date felt one year closer to reality. People who are older t han me may t hink I’m being irrational, a n d t h e y ’ re p ro b a b ly right. But for me, turning 20 was a w a ke u p call t hat I couldn’t just keep sitting around w a i t ing fo r my life to start. That I had to star t living it. That’s one of t he reasons I decided to star t dating again. As morbid as it may sound, t his reminder t hat my life isn’t inf inite was also a reminder t hat my loved ones lives aren’t inf inite eit her. As I’m getting older and I see more gray hairs on my parents’ heads, hear more complaints about their hurting backs and joints, it serves as a reminder to take no relationship for granted as life is constantly everchanging. It served as a reminder t hat I need to call my dad and tell him t hat I love him more. And t hat I need to be patient wit h my mom and f inally let her teach me how to crochet. If not now, when? A s a p e r s o n w h o h a te s change, I sometimes wish t he complexities of life wouldn’t be so hard to f igure out. But as life evolves wit h time, just re m e m b e r to b e f i l l e d w i t h l ov e a n d g ra t i t u d e i n e v e r y re l a t i o n s h i p y o u fo r m a l o n g t he way. Don’t forget to tell y o u r l ov e d o n e s h o w m u c h t hey mean to you. And listen to your parents when t hey tell you “it’ll go by in a blink.”

Overall economic uncertainty in U.S. Revenue shortages project spikes in national deficit CONNOR McNAIRN Columnist

Revenue shor tages project spikes in national deficit, overall economic uncertainty The Republican Par ty has long centered its tax and spending policies on t he ideals of fiscal responsibility. Namely, responsible fiscal policy encompasses levels of taxing and spending that are complementar y, meaning t hat tax revenues should be greater than or equal to levels of spending as to avoid l a r ge deficits. But the U.S. federal government has, since t he inauguration of President George W. Bush, spent more money than it has brought in from revenues. And given the current administration’s aggressive tax agenda, recent repor ts indicate that the deficit is on pace to balloon in the near future. Budget deficits are measured through the span of a fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1 and concludes on Sept. 30. Last year, the budget registered at $674 billion, and has, according to the Treasury Department, increased to $898 billion in the 11 months since its last calculation. More narrowly, in August 2017, the federal government ran a $107.7 billion deficit, but in August 2018, the gap swelled to $214 billion, marking a 30 percent increase. An important piece of the budget calculation is domestic

tax policy, which the Trump administration has touted since Republicans rammed through major tax overhauls last December. For Republicans, the plan marked a significant achievement in slashing corporate tax rates – a strategy which, according to the GOP, will naturally increase corporate investment back into the economy a n d

cons e qu e n tial job creation. But this has not been the case. In fact, since the bill’s implementation, all statistics show that companies have been giving increased cash and dividends to shareholders rather than investing in capital and equipment that might be utilized to more directly boost economic growth. The Treasur y Depar tment indicated this past week that overall government spending during the fiscal year rose a striking seven percent to $3.88 trillion, while revenues lacked at just $2.99 trillion. One key component of this metric is corporate tax revenue, which, in large part due to the Republican tax bill, fell $71 billion from the year prior. According to the Congressional Budget Off ice (CBO), an independent calcu-

lator of budget f luctuations, the federal government is on track to run a $1 trillion deficit by the year 2020, which is two years sooner than its previous projection. Although it is still too early to see long-term trends in tax cut benefits to the economy, reports from the Labor Department have also recorded stagnancy in wage growth. Although the economy itself has marked strong growth numbers and full employment under President Trump, middle class wealth and average pay for workers have failed to demonstrate any substantial gains. Ac c o rd i n g to a June Monmouth Poll, the Republican tax plan received only 34 percent approval. Given bot h recent and impending economic trends, this number will likely not increase. Before t he countr y lie a series of fiscal challenges that have only been exacerbated by Republican prioritization of boosting corporate revenues and slashing taxes for upper class Americans. As both federal reports and independent studies reach the same conclusions – t hat our current economic approach readies the nation for greater deficits and overall economic precariousness – midterm voting in November becomes all the more vital.


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o t s e e y h t e r -

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a t y f s r t t e d s r

September 18, 2018

Speaking out on mental health KAYLA HUNT Columnist

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, meaning all month long people around the world are coming together to promote suicide prevention awareness. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline organization is hosting a social media campaign this month with the hashtag #BeThe1To. The purpose of the campaign is to help spread t h e w o rd of how we can all take actions to prevent suicide. The organization has a list on their website of ways that people can take part in promoting suicide prevention awareness not just this month, but every day. The organization also provides a list of risk factors and many other resources to help people become more educated on the topic. Many people have been afraid to speak on their mental health because there has always been an assumption that it was deemed as not serious. However, it seems that the stigma around mental health is beginning to loosen. Many more companies are starting to allow their employees to

take mental health days aside from physical health (“sick”) days; this is disseminating the idea that people’s mental and physical health are of equal importance. Also, many institutions are equipping mental health centers, which is beginning to send a message that mental health can require treatment and there should be no shame in that. At Towson, the Counseling Center provides mental health screenings to help students and inform them on whether or not they may need to reach out to a mental health p ro fe s sional. The Counseling Center provides many resources to students, even to those who may be there on behalf of concerns they have for someone they care about. The center is also providing meditation sessions all semester long as a way to help students cope with stress. More information is given on the Towson University website. There are many more resources that are becoming available to those who may struggle with their mental health. Everyone should ke e p t h e m s e lv e s informed on the resources and tools around them because it will build a stronger community and increase actions of healing and hope.

“Fear” leaves Trump defenseless Bob Woodward’s new book calls out Trump


With the release of Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear,” I was wondering who would defend President Donald Trump the man? Trump, the symbol I can completely understand, a symbol of the destruction of career politicians, of stagnation, of protocol. Trump: the leader I can completely understand: a leader w h o doesn’t mince words, w h o doesn’t fear anything, and who candidly acts without any regrets. Even I can see the charm in those perspectives. But Trump the man? Over the past nearly two years now, let alone the other two during the campaign, we have

seen front and center who Trump the man is. I cannot name a single demographic that Trump hasn’t disrespected or hated outright. Trump doesn’t even really like his own base aside from their votes. When Trump goes to a rally in Arizona, do you truly think he stays there, or does he leave as soon as possible to return to his ivory tower? When Trump meets miners in West Virginia, do you t r u l y think he sees them as fellow Americans, or cogs in the machine? When Trump meets soldiers at a United States military base, do you think he’d ever leave the safety of his own home to give a morale speech at their base camps? Trump has always been look-

ing out for number one. He has never showed genuine admiration or respect for anyone, if you ask me. He isn’t even as intimidating what some people, even his critics, make him out to be. A common theory is that Trump is a fascist. I think there is one flaw to that theory: fascism is about centralizing under a strongman; Trump is instead a showman. A showman is a person who keeps the audience entertained and captivated while the real talent does all the real work. A showman is always the star of the show, no matter how many true talents exist on the field. Trump does nothing, but keep us engaged in his antics, all for us to never question what he actually does, but instead be dumbfounded and stunned by his antics. He sees everyone around him as weights in his balloon powered by his infinite flow of hot air. If there is any turbulence, he throws them off the side. His only goal is to get further, not to benefit America. But the air is thin that high up, and I don’t think it’ll be long before he chokes on his own ambitions without anyone around to help.


Many people have been afraid to speak on their mental health because there has always been an assumption that it was deemed as not serious. However, it seems that the stigma around mental health is beginning to loosen. KAYLA HUNT Columnist


Karuga Koinange/ The Towerlight Karuga Koinange’s mom, Carol Machua, hiked up a mountain in Virgina while on vaction this summer. To be next week’s photo of the week, email a photo to


September 18, 2018




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September 18, 2018


Towson gears up for elections MARY-ELLEN DAVIS News Editor @Mel_Davis_1998

With the midterm elections coming up, Towson University offers numerous ways for students to get involved in the election process, including speakers, events, and voter registration. According to the Campus Vote Project, young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 make up nearly 21 percent of the eligible voter population. Despite this, the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement reported that, in the 2014 midterm election, of the 20,537 Towson students who were eligible to vote that year, only 15,704 students were registered to do so. The number of students who voted amounted to 4,265. Sophie Bertrand, a Towson student and ambassador for the Vote Everywhere chapter of the Andrew Goodman Foundation, said that there are many reasons why she believes students do not vote and are not politically engaged. “People think they’re too busy,” Bertrand said. “People think there’s no reason to vote. They think their voice doesn’t matter. People think that it’s too complicated to vote, that they don’t understand how to vote properly.” Students and student organizations can also get involved in the voting process by volunteering, or setting up their own registration drives. To do so, there is an application form on the Voter Registration and TurboVote page at Towson’s website that students can fill out. “We can support them in that work and if they have ideas or an event they want to put together they can also fill out that form,” Sierra said. “It’s very flexible so that we’re making it fit for their schedules. For individuals, they

can also sign up.” Founded in 1966, the Andrew Goodman Foundation is an organization meant to support youth leadership, voting accessibility, and social justice initiatives on campuses across the country by providing giving “mini-grants” to some institutions of higher education. The foundation also provides other financial assistance to students in support of their initiatives. Jonat han Townes, also an ambassador for the Vote Everywhere chapter of the Andrew Goodman Foundation and a political science major, added that “a lot of people see the system as ineffective.” “I’ve had conversations with people who’ve voted previously who just said that they’re not going to vote anymore because they just feel their voice isn’t being heard,” Townes said. Some students would agree and feel that even if they did vote, at the end of the day it would not matter. “When it comes to voting, I sometimes think it’s unnecessary because the way the votes are counting and just the consideration is not really your vote that’s being counted,” said pre-nursing major Averi Brunson. “You’re mixing up [your vote] with other peoples and you’re not really getting your voice heard or anything. So, I sometimes think it’s a waste of time because I don’t think you’re truly going to get who you want.” Sociology and spanish double major Celine Yakoumatos said that while she’s registered to vote, for her it seems like a complicated process. “I’ve gotten a lot of emails about it but I don’t really know what exactly they want me to do so I’m confused,” Yakoumatos said. Bertrand and Townes both stressed the importance of being engaged in politics and voting

despite student doubts in the TurboVote is that it’s not only process. For them, it’s more than about voter registration,” Sierra standing in a line to push a few said. “You can change your buttons and cast a ballot. address and also apply for an “I think it especially important absentee ballot and TurboVote for college students to become will guide you through the procivically engaged, especially cess.” now,” Bertrand said. “Millennials The program keeps track of all are kind of the largest voting of the rules and regulations surpopulation, and we aren’t voting. rounding registration, absentee, So I think that the current trend and vote-by-mail ballots in all of politics won’t change until we states to make keeping up with become more engaged in it, and voting and registration easier. so to kind T u r b o Vo t e of shape will also t he counsend out text messagtry we need to be more es and email engaged in reminders it.” about reg“It’s realistration deadlines, ly impor tupcoming ant, to like elections, t he tent h and voting d e g r e e , locations. that everyT h e one votes department in every is also holdelection,” Townes said. ing St a r “Because if Spangled you’re parS e p t e m b e r, w h i c h ticipating in includes a democracy events such and you’re SOPHIE BERTRAND not voting, Ambassador for Vote Everywhere as a celethen you’re bration for forfeiting Constitution your right to be heard and have Day and National Voter your opinions taken into account Registration Day. when policy is being created.” According to Sierra, Star To help students get engaged, Spangled September began Towson’s Depar tment of because, as a federally funded Civic Engagement and Social institution, Towson is required Responsibility offers various ways to celebrate Constitution Day, to become engaged in the voting and other key days for political process. Luis Sierra, Assistant engagement fell within the same Director for Civic Engagement, month. noted that Towson University The month of events have is partnered with a program included Thursday’s New York called TurboVote. According to Times Talk and the Sept. 11 Sierra, TurboVote walks students memorial. Some of the main through the process of registerevents of the month are Constitution Day on Sept. 17, ing to vote. National Voter Registration Day “TurboVote is the tool that on Sept. 25, and a campus conwe use to get people registered, but the important thing about versation with ambassador Ira

I think that the current trend of politics won’t change until we become more engaged in it.

Shapiro Sept. 20. Sierra said the events “make sure students, faculty, staff, the entire community are starting off the semester ready, informed and engaged.” For Sierra, it is important that everyone feels their voice is heard and matters. “I recognize the fact that not everyone in the university is able to vote, and because of that, we want to make sure that even those who are unable to vote know that their voice still matters and knows that their voice can still be used,” said Sierra. Townes said that students can also get involved and be politically engaged by opening up discussions on politics. “it’s very important to exploit yourself to others opinions without getting upset,” Townes said. “That’s why it’s very important to talk to your friends and see how they’re feeling and just have that type of debate because it’s always good to exercise your brain politically.” Bertrand also encourages staying in tune to current events through “credible news sources.” Towson will also host both early voting as well as regular voting. Early voting will be held in the Administration Building and regular voting will be in the University Union, Sierra said. Towson Community members can early vote beginning Thursday, Oct. 25 and lasting through Thursday, Nov. 1 from 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Regular voting will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 6. For Sierra, the message is that Towson is a community that votes. “We are working to make it as easy as possible for everyone to be involved,” Sierra said. “Which is why we have tried our best to streamline everything into one message, a simple call to action… it begins with that simple message, and not only a message but a call to action that that is who we are, that is what we do.”



September18, 2018

Professor talks immigration Presentation focuses on use of term “illegal” ALBERT IVORY Staff Writer @Intellectu_Al

An on-campus presentation, titled “Brown-Skinned Outlaws: The Rhetorical Move to Criminalize Immigrants,” focused on an extension of previous research on the use of the term “illegal” as it applies to immigrants. An on-campus presentation, titled “Brown-Skinned Outlaws: The Rhetorical Move to Criminalize Immigrants,” focused on an extension of previous research on the use of the term “illegal” as it applies to immigrants. The event was presented by Jennifer Potter, an associate professor and chair of the Communication Studies Department. This past Wednesday, The Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity sponsored the Multiculturalism in Action Brown Bag Series in the College of Liberal Arts. Candice Aston, an assistant professor from the psychology department and one of the coordinators of the event, said that the series “is an opportunity for faculty members to present knowledge with the community on studies that they have researched.” Potter provided some history on her work and how the public discourse have discussed immigration and the term “illegal.” She displayed a project timeline on the study which included some important dates such as the Border Protection, Antiterrorism and

Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. There were subsequent protests of that legislation by pro-immigrant rights groups. The protest was successful and the bill never passed in the Senate. The phrase “no human being is illegal” was coined and popularized in protest language. Potter studied this significant protest for her work and completed her dissertation in 2008. Then in 2010, there was a “Drop the I-Word” campaign, which was vamped by pro-immigrant rights groups to combat using the term “illegal” to describe undocumented immigrants. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that was launched by former President Barack Obama in 2012 was mentioned as well to introduce ways to handle people that have been in the United States for a long time. “We were still moving in the same direction in how we understood undocumented immigration from a rhetorical perspective, in terms of public discourse,” Potter said. 2015 was started talking about building a wall on the US-Mexican border and attaching it to illegal immigration and how it was significant due to his national presence. Potter then quoted Chief Justice Earl Warren “citizenship is man’s most basic right because it is nothing less than the right to have rights.” This, she said, was the premise for her research. Potter wanted to know

Albert Ivory/ The Towerlight

Associate Professor Jennifer Potter discussed the use of “illegal” to describe immigrants during the Brown Bag Series on Wednesday.

“how we made rhetorical language choices about who belong and who didn’t belong.” Potter also discussed Michael Calvin McGhee’s framework for ideographs, which explains the correlation of words for rhetorical and ideological contexts. The words she used to apply this theory are “illegal” as the ideograph and “immigrant.” How the word is discussed in a particular way in a collective is how it’s thought of in a particular way. Other examples of ideographs are equality, heritage, life, liberty, choice, and war on terror. During her study, Potter looked through Washington Post articles that range from Jan. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2007 and studied the changes of the term “illegal.” In the mid-2000s, Potter noticed people use the term “illegals” instead of “illegal immigrants” to describe undocumented immigrants, making the adjective “illegal” into a noun. Media outlets afterwards were using “undocumented immigrants” when that was pointed out. The primary way in which the phrase “illegal immigrants” was used was to describe an influx or infestation, coming from Mexico, Latinx, brown-skinned, Mexicans, criminals, and potential or actual terrorists. Potter also looked through Trump and other politicians’ tweets, White House documents, and speeches. She paid attention to a June 24 tweet from Trump in particular that relates to the children separated from their families. “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents…Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years! Immigration must be based on merit - we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!” Potter pointed out that the nativist rhetoric and reasoning that those who don’t come “legally” doesn’t have the right of due process, meaning the Fifth Amendment wouldn’t apply. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

TU removes straws, trays SOPHIA BATES Staff Writer @sbrookebates

Towson University has removed straws across campus and removed trays from three dining halls this year part of the campus efforts to be more environmentally efficient. According to Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services Daniel Slattery, the change started with the Chartwells team. “Chartwells operations team asked me that we consider both of these conservation efforts as they were being asked to do the same at other accounts,” Slattery said. “Since the University is committed to such initiatives and regularly seeks areas where we can be more sustainable, compost more, conserve more, recycle more and remove items from the waste stream, it seemed to make sense.” Some students are reacting positively to this change. “I think this is amazing,” junior Kristina Lopez said. “I’m a big supporter of trying to keep the environment cleaner, healthier, and safer for people and animals.” The change is projected to lead to a reduction in water usage in dish rooms as well as plastic going into our waste stream, according to Slattery. Slattery added that trays were

removed from Newell Dining nearly two years ago and the university felt it was necessary to make the change in the other two halls too. “Not having to run trays through the dish machines saves water, not having trays to pile food that may go uneaten will reduce food waste,” Slattery said. For sophomore Joshua Diaz, straws do not seem like the core issue of environmental stability. “I think it would only help a little bit,” Diaz said. “I don’t believe that they [straws] are the main source of pollution for colleges and the world.” Slattery brought up the “gostrawless” campaign that’s working across the nation currently. The campaign started in the Northwest and has generated a lot of national interest lately, according to Slattery. “The state of California had made it a priority, as has Starbucks, and locally- Greene Turtle,” he said. “An estimated 500 million straws are discarded annually in the U.S alone, many of which end up in our ocean waters.” Lopez brought up the discomfort that students may feel asking for a straw. “It will probably be a little unusual to hear someone ask you if you want a straw,” Lopez said. Slattery hopes that discomfort doesn’t affect how students view the change. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Mary-Ellen Davis/ The Towerlight

TU has removed straws and trays from various dining areas on campus. Metal straws have become an alternative for some.


September 18, 2018


Advice on healthy eating Peer educator gives tips on eating well

FLORENCE DEVESTATES CAROLINAS WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA Tropical Storm Florence has caused massive destruction through the carolina’s during it’s slow crawl up the coast. With rivers threatening to overflow, authorities are encouraging residents in many communities to evacuate their homes. Florence has dumped more than 30 inches of rain in some areas, causing massive flooding. Meteorologist Ryan Maue said that it is the the equivalent of at least eight trillion gallons of water, and that number is expected to triple by the time Florence leaves the area. The storm has also been linked to at least 17 deaths across the Carolina’s. Mary-Ellen Davis/ The Towerlight

Body Image Peer Educator Staff Coordinator Jamie Kaplan discussed the benefits of having a varied diet. She encourages students to eat three meals a day with some snacks to supplement them. Healthy eating is a concept often practiced to maintain a healthy lifestyle and mindset. Towson University’s Body Image Peer Educator Staff Coordinator Jaime Kaplan sat down with The Towerlight to discuss healthy eating and its ties to body image. This has been edited for brevity and clarity. Q: How long have you been in the field of Body Image Peer Education, and what got you interested in the field? I have been in the field for over 10 years. I have an interest in body image education because it is so important to counteract the negative stereotypes we see in the media. In addition to the thin ideal for women (or muscle ideal for men), there are many negative portrayals of eating disorders and eating disorder treatment. I also hear about incorrect nutrition and exercise tips that students learn from other students or from social media, which they believe to be true. My goal in educating others is to provide people with healthy ways to take care of themselves and their bodies, and to promote healthy body awareness that focuses on aspects other than appearance. For example, focus on what their body can do rather than on what it looks like. Q: In your view, how do body image and healthy eating partner with each other? People with poor body image can sometimes go to extremes to try and

change what they see in the mirror. They may think that they are eating healthier, but eating less and cutting out entire food groups is actually quite unhealthy. The problem, however, does not lie in the mirror but rather in the mind of the person. So even if they lose or gain weight, it is never enough. I try to help individuals change how they see themselves rather than what they see. Q: Do you feel as though healthy eating is realistic on college campuses, despite popular opinion? Absolutely! Healthy eating is multifaceted. It consists of eating enough for one’s body and stopping when one is full. It also consists of eating a variety of different types of food, which includes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. We often encourage people to eat three meals with some snacks in between. So yes, healthy eating is absolutely realistic on college campuses. I think this type of thinking becomes distorted because people think of healthy eating as only eating fruits and vegetables. Both are readily available on college campuses and while fruits and vegetables are healthy, only eating from these food groups is not healthy eating. Furthermore, the stereotype for college is free pizza at every event. Eating pizza does not make you unhealthy. Eating pizza for every meal everyday is unhealthy but simply eating it once in a while is fine. Health is in balance and variety. Q: From what you’ve seen, do

you think that there are enough viable healthy eating options on Towson University’s campus? Yes. The dining halls and restaurants on campus all offer a variety of food options. Q: What advice would you give to those who want to begin eating healthy, but aren’t sure how to start? I would remind people that restricting entire food groups is never smart and that making a lifestyle change is much healthier than going on a diet. Going on a diet implies that you will eventually go off of it because it is not sustainable. For example, if someone goes on a diet that only involves eating vegetables, they will not get all of the required nutrients they need and will eventually go off this diet, with a likelihood of overeating. Changing a lifestyle, however, is done in small changes and includes sustainable goals. For example, eating more fruit and less baked goods throughout the day. However, I would never tell someone not to eat the baked goods! Not allowing yourself to eat certain foods will only make you crave it more. I would also encourage people to become more aware of serving sizes and less about counting calories. Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. It takes about 20-30 minutes to digest your food. Try not to go too long between eating. - Compiled by Ave’on Laine

NYC INCLUDES GENDER-NEUTRAL ‘X’ ON BIRTH CERTIFICATE NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK A bill in New York City will soon allow non-binary people born in the five boroughs to obtain a gender-neutral “X” on their birth certificates. The bill was cleared by the City Council Sept. 12, and is headed to Mayor Bill de Blasio for a formal signature. The bill will also make it easier for New York City citizens to change the sex listed on their birth certificates. West Coast states also offer ways to have their birth certificates marked as non-binary, and Canada allows for a non-binary “X” are permitted on the country’s passports.

MASSACHUSETTS GAS EXPLOSIONS DESTROY HOMES LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS Thursday afternoon more than 40 gas explosions created what officials called an “Armageddon-like” scenario in various Massachusetts towns, including Lawrence, North Andover, and Andover. Thousands of people served by Columbia Gas were forced to evacuate, 12 people were injured, and one person died as a result of the explosions. Investigators are currently looking into the possibility that the Columbia Gas main was over-pressurized during the upgrading of gas lines. According to gas safety expert Bob Ackley, when utilities try connecting gas mains of different pressures it can result in dangerously uncontrolled gas flow, especially when pressure-regulating devices aren’t working or installed.

-- Stories compiled by Mary-Ellen Davis. Stories from The Daily Beast.

12 September 18, 2018

Arts & Life

Makeup on the fly Beauty bargains worth buying KERRY INGRAM Arts & Life Editor @Glaminista08

I have a love-hate relationship with this time of year. On one hand, I absolutely adore the fall and winter seasons. The cooler temperatures bring along a lot of glamour: more opportunities to wear layered and cute outfits; trends that lean more towards special occasion makeup looks; tons of fun activities. There’s a lot to look forward to. On on the other hand, all the new clothes, makeup launches, and festive events can add up to be a pretty penny. When you’re living a full adult life, with a salary job and responsibilities in check, this may be alright. As college students, this time of year just means the struggle is most definitely real. I can always count on spending tons of money on seasonal things during the latter half of the year, but this year, some beauty brands have decided to make our lives a bit easier (and our glamorous faces more obtainable). Here are three beauty brands that are determined to have you looking your full best this season for only a fraction of the price. Kylie Cosmetics Despite being a near-billionaire, Kylie Jenner is still a college-aged kid at heart. The beauty mogul recently announced that her makeup empire, Kylie Cosmetics, would be finding a new home in all Ulta stores

come Holiday 2018. The announcement caused much excitement - the brand, which had previously only been accessible online, will now be readily available to more people in person. Although Jenner has yet to announce any holiday price drops for her products, the move to Ulta itself is a big win for college buyers. It will allow for shoppers to be able to trybefore-they-buy (something that can actually lead to saving a ton of money if you are an avid makeup shopper), and with Ulta regularly producing mass coupons, it will allow customers the opportunity to save some type of money. Additionally, us college students can say bye-bye to the annoying habit of having to spend a minimum amount in order to avoid paying for shipping. Kylie Cosmetics is following the footsteps of other e-makeup brands, like Morphe and BH Cosmetics, by coming to Ulta, and I’m sure the move will be mutually beneficial for both Jenner and her consumers. Sephora Guess who decided to be more generous this year? Sephora, the mass prestige cosmetics retailer under the umbrella brand of LVMH (meaning the bougiest and most glam of retailers) recently decided to switch things up in terms of coupons and rewards. The retailer previously only gave out coupons to its “Beauty Insider” card holders, and those coupons were only available about twice a year, with a week-long time limit of when it could be used. This year, Sephora updat-

ed their coupon policy (which can be viewed through their “terms and conditions” page on their website), allowing for Beauty Insiders to have a secret extension on coupon usage if they hadn’t seized the opportunity to use it at all during the main week-long sale (I was shook when I got an email telling me I had an extra week to use my coupon; I was so proud of my former employer). Additionally, Sephora still holds its “Weekly Deals,” in which different prestige items go on sale for half-off each week. The major change, however, is with Sephora’s rewards program. Previously, any shopper at Sephora who was a part of the Beauty Insider program received a point for every dollar spent on items. These points would then be save up in order for shoppers to use them to redeem for free sample items (which earned many a joke and meme throughout social media). However, Sephora recently announced the the points can now be used as cash to get money off of purchases! Although the current pointsto-cash tradeoff only works for Rouge members of the Beauty Insider program (the people who spend at least $1,000 a year at Sephora), only time will tell if Sephora makes the decision to expand that perk to all members. Ipsy A special shoutout goes to our art director, Tori Nicholson, for this piece of news. In late August, the subscription service Ipsy announced its plans for major expansion. - To read the rest of this column online, visit

Courtesy of

Ipsy’s “Glam Bag Plus” will feature at least five full-sized beauty products a month for subscribers.

MD’s mobile makeup bus SOFIA COLEMAN Contributing Writer

When it comes to mobile businesses, Takia Ross wants to give the essence of work-on-wheels a whole new meaning. Ross, the owner of a Baltimorebased makeup studio called Accessmatized, came to Towson to speak on her entrepreneurial experience Sept. 11. Her lecture, which took part of the ongoing Entrepreneurship Unplugged series held at TU, was full of advice on work, business, and life. The Accessmatized makeup studio was started by Ross in 2013 “by accident,” according to the owner herself. Ross shared on her business’ website how the business began as an outlet for her creativity while also serving as a source of encouragement for those she worked with. That exact passion for expression led to Ross owning the business of her dreams. Accessmatized provides various services, including makeup for special occasions, photoshoots, and auditions, as well as classes for those wanting to learn new techniques or just looking to establish a personalized routine. Additionally, the makeup studio also offers the option of mobile appointments, allowing for customers to easily receive aid with their makeup needs. The mobile service Accessmatized provides, “Pretty Mobile,” takes place aboard a deep purple refurbished MTA bus, complete with red-carpeted steps and plush interiors. During her presentation at Towson, Ross talked of the various trials involved when it came to securing mobility for her business. She recalled risking everything by bidding on the old bus, how it was having to learn how to drive a vehicle of that size and do various maintenance tasks, and the process it took to fully reinvent the old MTA bus into a tasteful makeup studio. After recounting her long road to success, Ross began to impart the lessons she learned onto the Towson students attending her lecture. Ross asked the students, “Are you gonna do it anyway?” when talking about starting up a business. She referenced having to give up several things, like her job and some relationships for her

business, and that it was incredibly difficult to make ends meet at some points. Ross also told students to “do it scared,” in reference to the destructiveness of fear and self-doubt. Paying homage to a Will Smith YouTube video on fear, she explained that making scary decisions in business was healthy. According to Ross, making those fearful decisions will be risky, but no loss comes from trying an avenue and having it not work out. Being okay with failure was another one of Ross’ larger points. She told students to “fail forward” in business endeavors, because every failure counts as a learning experience to better your business practices. Without failure, she hinted, she would not have gotten as far as she did with her business. On the more technical points, Ross urged students to leverage what they had at any time they could. She explained how plugging your business and getting the rights to the name are incredibly useful in building a company. She also told those attending that “your network is your net worth,” citing that networks keep a business going and help it to grow. Her own network, a BAIL team (which stands for Banker, Accountant, Insurance agent, and Lawyer), helped her business grow by sending pitch competitions, where you pitch business ideas and are awarded with cash prizes. Her team also helped Ross to book clients and speaking gigs. Nyjah Armani, an attendee of the lecture who owns a plus-sized clothing store called Nazw, spoke of the positive impact Ross’s lecture had on her. “Now I feel more motivated,” Armani stated. “I have tips that will help me move forward.” Professor Jan Baum, director of the minor in entrepreneurship and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Towson, described how Entrepreneurship Unplugged provides future entrepreneurs with “experiential learning,” and that, “these speakers are live case studies for what they’re reading.” You can follow Ross, her team, and her journey with Accessmatized and Pretty Mobile on social media, through the handle @accessmatized, and on the business’ website

Arts & Life

September 18, 2018


Jam and Paint brings creativity AEPi fights off hate MEGAN CLARK Contributing Writer

Deb Greengold/ The Towerlight

Towson students enjoy each other’s company during CAB’s Jam and Paint night held last Friday. DEB GREENGOLD Staff Writer

With the semester settling in, Towson’s Campus Activities Board (CAB) has begun hosting events to preoccupy students during the weekends at TU. This past Friday was no exception. CAB hosted a late night Jam and Paint session for students in West Village Ballrooms, in collaboration with TU’s Housing Residence Life (HRL). Some students who attended the event, like sophomore and biology major Sofia Pramagioulis, found out about the paint night through social media. “So I follow CAB [on social media],” said Pramagioulis. “[I also] like painting and I said I needed something new for my dorm room.” Pramagioulis decided to attend the event with the hopes of creating artwork she could use as dorm decor. In addition to obtaining the

DIY piece, she also obtained new additions to her social circle. “There are so many different opportunities to make friends with people that you have never seen before on campus,” Pramagioulis said. “Then all of a sudden, after you see them at the event, you see them everywhere.” At the Jam and Paint night, students were able to walk in, grab a canvas and sit at a table with fellow TU students to mingle with one another until given further instructions. Various finger-food options, like onion rings, tater tots and meatballs, were available to the attendees as they waited. There was also a DJ playing music that brought some nostalgia to the event, blasting early 2000s tunes like The Proud Family theme song, NSYNC hits, and Cupid Shuffle. According to Pramagioulis, all of these factors tied together to create a relaxing and fun night. “Barely anyone knows how to [paint] really well, so we can all kind of come together and be bad

painters together,” Pramagioulis said. “The event takes away a lot of stress especially from the first couple weeks of school.” According to CAB’s marketer and TU junior Raquel Hernandez, CAB’s main goals are to create events for everyone and to encourage student engagement throughout the school year. “There was a large turn out for this specific event,” Hernandez said. “It was great to see all the students. You can tell that a lot of them were freshmen, so it’s good to see them coming out to some of the events.” “We would really appreciate people coming out to more of these events,” Hernandez added. “That is how you meet people and found out [about] things that you are interested in.” The Jam and Paint night is just one of the events that both CAB and HRL planned to hold this semester. Both groups advise Towson students to check social media to be updated on upcoming events that could make for a nice weekend experience.

The Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity hosted a rally in support of inclusion at Towson University. The rally, which was held Sept. 13, featured different speakers tackling topics of hatred and acceptance, and came only months after anti-semitic occurrences near Towson’s campus. On April 29, a group of AEPi brothers were assaulted just off campus due to their Jewish heritage. Although Towson University administration and Towson police enforcement acted quickly, some still felt strongly that the problem should be more directly addressed. The rally, dubbed “TU Combats Hate,” had a large turnout in Freedom Square. Students of many orientations and identities gathered to spread the word of acceptance and love at TU. Towson University President Kim Schatzel spoke about diversity on campus. She recounted movein day, stating that she witnessed students from 28 states and 18 countries help each other move in and console one another. “[Students] come to Towson to be part of what we are all about,” Schatzel said. “We cannot have a high quality classroom, a high quality university, without inclusion.”

Schatzel asked participants at the rally to look around at everyone in attendance and accept each other, regardless of skin, sexual orientation, gender pronouns, or religion. Dean Shilo, a TU alum and former AEPi Master, reminded those in attendance to “spread love and acceptance,” and that “strength and love will always overpower hate.” Shilo said that hearing about the anti-Semitic attack on his brothers was the first time he “felt scared for being a proud Jew.” While Towson University’s student population is nearly 44 percent nonwhite students, speakers at the rally stressed how TU still must be conscientious of language and how to build bridges between communities. When Reverend Mitchell Johnson stepped up to the TU Combats Hate podium, he had one question for those in attendance: “What do you stand for?” As a religious leader, Rev. Johnson spoke about catastrophe, such as the AEPi brothers’ attack, and how the way one reacts to issues is what defines them. He preached that “hate and intolerance are the children of ignorance,” and that education is the greatest tool and asset against such things. After all testimony was given, AEPi handed out custom tee shirts and had a photo-op in front of a mural to showcase and remember the event.

Megan Clark/ The Towerlight Deb Greengold/ The Towerlight

Towson’s CAB hosts weekend events on campus to bring students together during their off time.

Students come together at TU fraternity AEPi’s inclusivity rally to ward off hate after last year’s anti-semitic attack on students.

14 September 18, 2018

Arts & Life

Albums to anticipate

REEL REWIND Balancing romance and death

Old classic thriller flick still a modern hit LUKE PARKER Columnist

Murder goes unpunished and adoration goes to waste in Woody Allen’s “Crimes and Misdemeanors,” a relentless series of causes and non-effects which leaves a killer unscathed, a creep in love, an honest man heartbroken, and a Rabbi blind. It’s also really funny. Who else could do this but Allen? The prolific director flawlessly intersects his witty and dramatic styles for this film, with no genre taking away from the other. Mere minutes separate a scene in which Allen’s character finds out his sister was used as a bathroom on a blind date and another where the details for a hit are sketched out. Paper-thin connections combine what are essentially two separate stories. The plots – a theologically contemplative melodrama starring Martin Landau and a simpler, amusing love tale with Allen – cross paths eventually, but are mostly detached from one another. The glue that keeps them together in one production comes in the form of old film clips that Allen’s character watches

during mid-day matinees. They are strikingly relevant to Landau’s plotline. “This only happens in the movies,” Allen says at one point. While accepting a community award, ophthalmologist Judah Rosenthal (Landau) speaks of science and his reluctance towards, as well as his fear of, God’s existence. He considers himself a moral man, but that doesn’t stop him from prolonging an affair with flight attendant Dolores (Anjelica Huston), who’s tired of hiding. Judah cannot stand to see his life topple before him, so he calls his hoodlum brother Jack (Jerry Orbach) for advice, and is repulsed when murder is brought into the discussion. “What did you want me to do when you called me?” Jack asks. Judah pretends he doesn’t know. Meanwhile, Clifford Stern (Allen), a filmmaker of documentaries no one watches, is hired by his pompous brother-in-law Lester (Alan Alda), a prosperous TV producer, to direct a documentary about the man’s success. Cliff can’t stand the guy, and he bonds with Halley Reed (Mia Farrow), one of the documentary producers, over degrading jokes and cheap champagne, the only prize his films ever won. When Halley says Lester is an “American phenome-

non,” Lester replies, “so is acid rain.” A bit quirky, this tale is the more natural of the two for the director to tell. As Cliff, Allen is the eccentric romantic audiences like best, who has now evolved in his older age from a man interested solely in sex to one who also seeks romantic love. He’s more mature, which makes the stakes of his emotional pursuit all the more absorbing. But though Allen is not known for his murder capers, “Crimes and Misdemeanors” is a film any of the genre’s director would be proud to attach their names to. Landau leads what really is an ensemble piece with a terrific somber fear. After the deed is done, Judah is haunted by the memories of his father’s religiosity, and Landau watches from the outside – quite literally in one scene – shocked by what he’s been proven capable of. Allen’s picture is hardly a tug of war between these two engrossing stories. It rather lies peacefully on a new middle ground between romance and evil we pleasantly discover exists. They are masterfully structured, handled, and balanced, and finally brought together in a final scene that reminds us we are watching only one great movie.

Courtesy of

Woody Allen stars alongside Martin Landau in the 1989 classic film “Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Courtesy of

Childish Gambino’s “This is America” sparked tons of conversation after its debut, leading many to hope for an album to follow.


There have been some standout albums released throughout 2018 in all genres of music. From hiphop to electronic, to rock, to even soundtrack music, there have been many standout albums that are going to end up on many listener’s albums of the year list. However, the year is far from over and some big names in music have been dropping hints of upcoming releases before the year is out. Here are the top five most anticipated new releases for the fall and winter season. Paul McCartney- The former Beatle has been touring for the past few years and is now gearing to release “Egypt Station,” his first album since 2013’s “New.” While many rock artists of McCartney’s age will settle into content retirement, McCartney has enjoyed a respectable string of albums in the latter half of his life. With pop mastermind producer Greg Kurstin behind the scenes, it will be interesting to hear the latest from one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. To see a full review of this album, check out The 1975- The hype over this album is overwhelming but is certainly justified. The 1975 is a group who has yet to have a major musical misstep, and their 2016 album “I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It” was one of the better pop rock releases of the decade. While there may be surprises here and there, only

time will tell if The 1975 will be able to top themselves and maintain their hot streak of albums. Childish Gambino- Okay, this may be cheating since it hasn’t been announced, but the signs are all there. While Donald Glover seems to have hundreds of things going on in his acting and writing career, he did consider retiring the Childish Gambino name. However, if “This is America” and “Feels Like Summer” are foreshadowing a future album, this may be able to outdo his previous Grammy nominated “Awaken, My Love!” Muse- These sci-fi rock wizards have been very vocal about their new record across their social media platforms. While some fans were cold to their last album “Drones,” this next album seems to be running with the 80s trend that began with “Stranger Things,” with a supposed double of acoustic and electric songs. While a lot of material, the singles “Thought Contagion” and “Something Human” have shown encouraging signs that one of the last power trios have created something truly spectacular. Twenty One Pilots- This may be the most anticipated record on this list because of the monumental success this duo had with their previous efforts “Vessel” and their breakthrough album “Blurryface.” The new album “Trench” will most likely be their most eclectic to date with the latest singles ranging between funk, rap, pop, and rock, just to name a few. While “Stressed Out” is still all over the radio, this next record may have the versatility and power to blow their previous effort out of the water.

Puzzles Puzzles

15 15

September18, 18,2018 2018 September

Crossword Sudoku

? ?

See page 19 for answers to this week’s



16 September 18, 2018


Pushing forward

Alexis Brown/ The Towerlight

The Towson Tigers defeated the Villanova Wildcats 45-35 this weekend at Villanova Stadium. Despite an early 14-0 deficit, the Tigers scored 35 consecutive points in an impressive comeback win. Next, the Tigers have a bye week before returning home to host the Citadel on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Johnny Unitas Stadium. Kickoff is slated for 4 p.m.

JORDAN KENDALL Assistant Sports Editor

T h e To w s o n Ti ge r s t r a v el l e d to Ph iladelph ia to fa c e t h e 10 t h r a n ke d V i l l a n ov a W i l d c a t s . To w s o n l a s t b e a t t h e Wildca t s in 2 015 , dro p p i n g t h e la st t w o m eet in g s. After Villa n ova g o t o ut to a 14-0 l e ad, Towso n respo n de d w i t h a r un by redsh ir t jun io r r unni ng ba ck Sh a n e Simpso n a n d a 76-y ard pa ss to redsh ir t j u n i o r w i d e re c e i v e r S h a n e L eat herbur y to t ie t h e ga me . O n t he kickof f fo llo w in g t he Leatherbur y score, senior

d e fe n s i v e b a ck Troy V inc ent re c ov e re d a f u m b l e a f te r a b i g h i t a n d took i t i n to give t h e Ti ge r s t h e l e a d . T h is lead e n d e d t h e f i r s t qu a r te r and ca r r i e d ov e r to t h e s e cond. T h e W i l d c a t s s t a r te d t h e s e con d wi t h a n i n te rcept ion by K e o n Pay e w h i c h l e d to S i mp s o n ’s s e con d tou chdown o f t h e ga me . The Wildcats responded wi t h a p u n t t h e n d rov e down t h e f i e l d 8 6 y a rd s . R y an Bell ca u g h t o n e of h i s two touc hd o w n s , t h e n A i d e n O ’ Ne i l l m i s s e d a 51- y a rd f i e l d goal to e n d t h e f i r s t h a l f . C oming out o f h a l f ti m e Je ff Ste e b inter-

c e p te d To m F l a c c o ’ s p a s s i . V i l l a n ov a qu a r te r b a c k Z a c h Bednarcyzk found Jarrett M c C l e n to n to c u t To w s o n ’ s lead to a touc hdown. Flacco responded with a 63-yard drive and a 14 - y a rd to u c h d o w n p a s s to L eat herbur y. A f ter mak ing it a t wo sc ore game, Villanova sc ored on a r u n by G u d z a k , c u t t i n g t h e lead to seven. O’ Neill made a 2 6 - yard f ield goal to make t he sc ore 4 5 - 3 5 . W i t h t h r e e m i n u te s l e f t , V i l l a n o v a f a c e d a fo u r t h d o w n , b u t w e re d e n i e d by R i c k y D e b e r r y. F l a c c o to o k

a few k neel do w ns and

t he

Ti ge r s u p s e t t h e 10 ra n ke d Wildc at s 4 5 - 35. H e a d C o a c h R o b A m b ro s e s a w w h a t h e w a n te d f r o m Flac c o, “he needs to play w it h more c onf idence under center and play like las t w eek.” Flacco impressed again, c o mp l e t i n g 2 7 - 3 7 fo r 3 2 0 yards and t hree s co res . He also realiz es t he s ignif ic anc e of t he v icto r y, “Anytime you c an go to Philly and beat a ranked oppo nent it’s go o d for t he c hemi s tr y and future.” Towson has a bye w eek next week before t heir ho me o pener against t he C itadel at Jo hnny

Unitas Stadium. K icko ff is at 4 p.m.

NEXT@ 9/29 HOME 4:00pm


September 18, 2018


towson drops two consecutive games GLENN KAPLAN Staff Writer

Towson was thrashed by non-conference opponent VCU 9-0 on Sunday afternoon at Cary Street Field in Richmond, Virginia. Sophomore midfielder Maite Sturm scored a goal 7:30 into the game for the Rams (3-3). Senior forward Emily McNamara scored 1:54 later for VCU off a penalty corner. Freshman defender Litiana Field scored a goal with 13:18 remaining in the first-half. Graduate midfielder Shannon Pereira scored a goal with 9:37 remaining in the first-half for the Rams. McNamara scored her second goal of the game 10:43 into the second-half. Sturm scored two consecutive goals for the Rams with 15:12 remaining and 9:16 remaining in the second-half. McNanamara scored her third goal of the game with 7:19 remaining in the second-half. Shannon Pereira scored her second goal of the game with 3:14 remaining in regulation for VCU. “I wouldn’t say the defense was so

bad,” Head Coach E.A. Jackson said. “It was that the other team was so skilled.” The Tigers (1-6) were outshot 35-4. Senior midfielder Katie McNeel led Towson with three shot attempts and freshman midfielder Kerri Thornton was the only other player on the roster that attempted a shot. “When we had possession of the ball we needed to take care of it,” Jackson said. Freshman goalkeeper Mackenzie Peacock made 16 saves for the Tigers. “We need to clean up our corner defense,” Jackson said. “MacKenzie Peacock made a number of great initial saves and the defense has to do a better job of clearing once the initial save is made.” Freshman goalkeeper Sasha Elliott made one save for the Rams. Towson lost another game against non-conference opponent Rider 2-0 on Wednesday night at Johnny Unitas Stadium. This is the second time this season that the Tigers have been shutout in a game. “I don’t think fatigue was a factor today,” Jackson said. “I think it was us taking care

of the ball when we had possession of it that was really our achilles heel today.” Sophomore midfielder Marion Waterkeyn scored a goal off a penalty corner for the Broncos (3-3) with 5:48 remaining in the first-half. Freshman midfielder Kat Conroy scored a goal off a rebound for Rider with 9:18 into the second half for Rider. “Our defensive corner unit saved our buts a couple of times,” Jackson said. “They scored on one corner that I think if we went back and watch on video I don’t think the ball came all the way out of the circle so it shouldn’t have been a goal.” The Tigers only generated six shots on net and the Broncos produced just three shots on net. Freshman attacker and midfielder Kasey Bubel led the Tigers with two shots on net. Peacock made one save for Towson. Sophomore goaltender Lena Vandam made four saves for Rider. Up next for the Tigers is a matchup on the road against the Temple Owls on Sunday. Game time is set for noon.

File photo by Brittany Whitham/ The Towerlight

The Tigers fell 9-0 to VCU Sunday afternoon at Cary Street Field.

Tigers tame salty dog invitational Tigers finish behind Navy and Maryland, but in front of UMBC, Loyola, Bowie


MUHAMMAD WAHEED Assistant Sports Editor

Towson’s cross country team finished in third place with 84 points at the Salty Dog Invitational in Annapolis on Saturday, Sep. 15. Junior Erica Israel was the first Towson athlete to cross the finish line placing eighth timing 23:38.74. “Yeah I mean you know it’s a better place than she had last year and through two miles she was somewhere in the mid 20s and really worked hard and have pushed through that final part of the race and you know we’re just encouraged that she’s really taking to the training and believing in herself,” Head Coach Mike Jackson said. Freshman and Annapolis native

Olivia Janke took part in her first collegiate race and placed 11 with a 23:49.6 time while senior Abby Gauthier timed 24:12.96 placing 20th. “Abby is always consistent,” Jackson said. “She had a seven second personal best. She didn’t do her best so we’re just excited about how she’s going to finish the season once she starts feeling even better and then Olivia she’s a great runner. This is her first race just cause she wasn’t feeling to well coming into the season. She loves running, loves competing, loves the team, loves Towson and she’s just the person who always has a smile on her face enjoying the opportunity that she gets...we expect her to be one of our top runners this year and for the next four years.” Towson finished the event behind Navy and Maryland, but in front of

UMBC, Loyola and Bowie State. “I thought it was very encouraging,” Jackson said. “We got fourth last year at that meet and this year we got third. We have a very strong mixture of freshman and seniors

so just excited about how things started.” The cross country team’s season opener was the Towson Invitational at Oregon Ridge Park in Cockeysville, Maryland on Friday, Aug. 31.

Gauthier won the event timing 15:56.84. Towson will compete next at the Paul Short Invitational on Saturday, Sept. 29 with competition starting at 10 a.m.

Courtesy of

The Tigers placed third in this year’s Salty Dog Invitational, finishing one spot higher than last season.

18 September 18, 2018


tigers triumph win streak snapped TU wins two out of three at home MUHAMMAD WAHEED Assistant Sports Editor

Towson’s women’s volleyball team finished 2-1 as redshirt senior Anna Holehouse had a record-setting performance during the Tiger Invitational at SECU Arena this past weekend. Towson defeated UMBC 3-2 on Saturday as a fifth set was forced by the Tigers. Towson won the first set 25-16 followed by UMBC taking the next two sets. Towson took the fourth set forcing a fifth eventually taking the match with a 15-6 final set. Ball State University swept Towson in its only loss 3-0 earlier on Saturday. BSU won the first and third set with 25 points and were challenged by Towson in the second set where they beat the Tigers 27-25. Towson defeated La Salle 3-1 as the Tigers took the first, second, and fourth sets with 25 points

each. Holehouse’s performance makes her the all-time digs leader in program history. Paige Sekerak, who played between 2011 and 2014, previously held the record 1,869 digs. Towson will host the University of Delaware this Friday at SECU Arena and then will also host Northeastern University on Saturday. Towson will then play host to Hofstra University on Monday, Sep. 24.

Brittany Whitham/ The Towerlight

Towson’s three-game winning streak came to an end Sunday afternoon as the team fell 1-0 to the University of Pennsylvania at the Tiger Soccer Complex. Next, Towson faces Hofstra Thursday night.

NEXT@ 9/9 HOME 1:00pm

JOHN HACK Contributing Writer

The Towson soccer team’s 3-game winning streak came to an end on Sunday afternoon, as the Tiger’s offense was stymied by the University of Pennsylvania in a 1-0 loss. The Quakers (6-1-0), entered the contest as a tough opponent with a three-game winning streak of their own. In the first half, the game seemed to take a transitional shape as both teams exchanged good chances early on. Off a free kick from the right side of the field, Justine Stoner whipped in a low cross that was run onto by McKenzie McCaul, who controlled the ball with her body. She was able to then corral it towards her feet and find a opening on the right side of the box while running parallel to the goal. McCall struck the ball well,

“ Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Junior middle blocker Silvia Grassini skies for the ball against La Salle sophomore middle blocker Reilly Lowe.

but it went right towards the Penn goalie who was able to catch it into her stomach. Just a few minutes later in the first half, Midfielder Sarah Quick maneuvered her way with the ball to just outside the box where she struck the ball low, swerving to the left side, but the goalie was able to dive and stop the ball. The two squads went into halftime scoreless with Towson outweighing Penn in shots on goal, 5 to 1. However, the 2nd half proved difficult from the start for the Tigers as the Quakers struck 2 minutes and 4 seconds into the half. So, as the game went along, Towson continued to press their defensive and midfield players farther up the field to increase a chance in a high danger scoring opportunity. Senior goalie Meghan Collins

had another great game, this time helping keep her team in the game with 4 saves, including one in the 69th minute where she made a fantastic one on one save off a a breakaway that was caused from a thorough ball, exploiting a tight gap in the Tiger’s defense, who also had another good game keeping the ball out of the net, especially in times when it seemed that Penn would certainly capitalize. When asked about her thoughts on the teams overall performance, coach Vettori said, “We didn’t finish our chances and I think a series of errors resulted in their goal…”. When asked about the improvements she has seen in her team over the past week, Vettori said, “Especially the first half, we had the better of the shots and shots on frame. So we just need to have a little more composure in the box and stick it in the back of the net.”

Especially the first half, we had the better of the shots and shots on frame. So we just need to have a little more composure in the box and stick it in the back of the net. KATHERINE VETTORI Head Coach


September 18, 2018

USTORE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Tom Flacco Football Redshirt junior quarterback Tom Flacco had an impressive performance in Towson’s 45-35 victory over Villanova Saturday afternoon at Villanova Stadium. Flacco finished with 320 passing yards and three touchdowns on the day. He also posted 66 yards on the ground.




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PLAY CENTERS SEEKING HELP for Before & After School Child care. Flex scheduling available. Towson / Timonium / Sparks locations. Availhrs: 7-9 AM and/or 3-6 PM. Please contact

AFTER SCHOOL SITTER/DRIVER needed for fall/winter 4 kids, ages 5-15. M, T, W, Th 3:30-6:30, but days/times flexible. Greenspring Valley area. Competitive pay ($15/hr). text or call Courtney 443-838-9979. AFTER SCHOOL CARE for 3 boys (8, 6, and 4 years-old). Reliable, fun person to pick-up from school 3:15P, take to after-school activities, homework, and play. Generally 3-7pm Monday-Friday. Call/text 443-956-2009. PT BABYSITTER/NANNY for infant needed W/TH in Towson. Addt’l hours maybe avail. Must be qualified/responsible. Email Megan,

AFTER SCHOOL BABYSITTER for 1 child (7 years old) Hours are Monday through Friday 3:30PM-6:30PM. Pick child up at school and take to activities/help with homework. Timonium area. Competitive pay ($18/hr). Must be at least 21+ with a good driving record. Text or call Debbie at 914-708-7871 PART-TIME DRIVER needed to help transport my 17 year old son to appointments and other activities some afternoon and evenings. A graduate student in psychology or SW with a good driving record is preferred.Text Kathleen at 443-653-5555 if you are interested.

AFTER SCHOOL SITTER - Need help driving kids (13yo and 10yo) to activities and with homework. Must be dog friendly (black lab) and be free MW. 3.30 – 8.30pm. Pays $15/ hr. Home is in Phoenix. If interested, email contact information and references to

Solutions for

Puzzles on page 15

AFTERNOON SITTER/DRIVER needed three days a week, Baltimore. 2 kids, ages 11 & 15. $16/ hr plus gas $$. Text or call Ellen 410-963-5161 or ellen.c.persons@ You can contact me at or 410963-5161 for any questions.

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