Archive (1930's)

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TH Vo l . 3 , N o . 1 5

Grosse Pointe High Scliool, Crosse Pointe, Michigai.





The Girls Aciuatic Club is at work now on its second annual pageant en t i t l e d . " T h e P i r a t e ' s P l u n d e r. " w h i c h

will be presented Friday night, May 15 at 8:15 o'clock.

"The Pirate's Plunder" will be imich more elaborate than last year's pag eant. "The Water Wedding." It is to

be full of cut-throat pirates, lovely maidens, blood-thirsty cannibals, and scintillating niennaids.

Popular Billy Minor to Play for Varsity The N'arsity Clul) is about to give its ammal Yarshy lilrag, that it always iilooms out with in the spring of the y e a r. B M i n o r a n d h i s m e r r y B - M i n o r Melodians will ftirnish the music.

.Vnticipalion runs high ahrouglunit the school in expectation of the com ing \'arsity event, which is to be held here May 8. .Admission will be 75c a


The pageant presented last year was t h e fi r s t o f i t s k i n d t o b e d i s p l a j ' e d b y the club. Prince Neptune, ruler of t h e s e a . r e c e i v e d h i s fi a n c e e , a d e s e r t m a i d e n w h o g r e a t l y f e a r e d t h e w a t e r. Moping that she would learn to love swimming and in order to i)ersuade her to remain as his bride, Neptune displayed the different stages in the history of swininiing. from the cave called for dcjuonstrations of ?RPY hgl woman to the modern girl. This pageant was a financial success, as well as excellent entertainment. Tlic

money was used to purchase rubber t o y. s f o r t h e s w i n i n t i n g p o o l , a n d a troj)hy to he presented each year to the best all-around girl s^\imlne^ in the . cbool, Helen Mason, a mcniber of the .\(|uatic Club who graduated last June, w a s t h e w i n n e r o f t h e t r o p h y.

The purpose of the Grosse Pointe .•\t(i]atic Club is to stimulate interest in water sports, to pass emblem re-

(juirements, to prepare for exhibition I nee a year, and to develop a Iiigli

i'lcal in sportsnianship. The motto is

"Sw'in to Succes'S," and the colors arc bright green and white. Costumes for this year's pageant are

mnv being prepared and, from all rc-

ports, they will be colorful and cffcclivc. Specially designed sccnerv will .give the pool a veritable South Sea at mosphere.

400 Pupils Expected For Summer Session .Approximately 41H) ]>upils are exn e c l e fl t o a t t e n d s u m m e r s c h o o l t h i s year, as compared with the 301 of last y e a r, a n d t h e 1 9 3 o f t h e y e a r I i e f o r e ,

according to Mr. S. .\[. Brownell, sup erintendent of schools.

The sunmier school will oi>cii on Momlay, June 22, and will continue for eiulit weck.s.

There are several reasons why one .should attend the summer .session, ex-

p l a i n s D r. B o r w n e l l . ' J ' h e y i n c l u d e :

1. Pupils are able to make up back work at a lower cost per pupil to the district than during the regular term. 2 St.udenls who failed can make up their work i;i eight weeks where otlicrw i ' e i t w o u l d t a k e a h a l f y e a r. 3. Puiiils interested in advancing more rapidly may do so by going fo smimier school.

4. If one is taking a sijecial course and desires to take subjects not in cluded in his course, lie can do it dur ing the suimner. 5. It i-s a worth while activity for those who stay at home. Last summer the estimated cost per impi! was $15. .Although the enrollment

is expected to be larger. Dr. Brownell


believes the summer school can be run

at apiiroximately the same total ex pense this year.

.\ Mother and Son Ban(|uet is being

l)lanned by the members of the Grosse

Pointe chapter of the Hi-Y organization, The exact date for the baiu|uet has not been definitely set. but it has

been proposed tliat it be held May 7. A now junior branch of the Mi-Y i.s going to I>e organized. It will be com

posed of tlic seventh and eighth grades of the high school, and will be allowed to participate in this banciuct if it i< organized in time.



The resignation of four teachers has been accepted. elTective at the end of the present term. Th.ey are Miss . M a c i e I ' a r k e r, l i b r a r i a n ; M i s s M a r y

Martin, I'rencli; Mrs. Marguerite I.ind, d o m e s t i c s c i e n c e t e a c h e r ; a m i . M r. George Platls. ICnglish and spelling t e a c h e r. M i s s . A n n e S i m a . g i r l s ' a d vi>()r. lias leave of absence until h'ebniary 1932.

April 24, 1«J31

Junior Prom Will Be F i e l d H e r e To m o r r o ' w The Junior Prom will be held in the

bi)ys' gymnasium tomorrow niglit. Only ll.A's. 12B's, 12.A"s ami teachers are






guest. The iuumc will be furnislu-d I)y 111 Steed's Commodores and the dance lakes place from 8:30 to 11 :30 o'clock. The decorating conimittce consists of G e o g r e L U » y d , L o i s P o u c b e r. E s t h e r Kaplan. Thomas Groeiin. Edward Kelt e r e r a m i J o h n E r a s e r. M i s s E l i z a b e t h ilarrinian lias charge of the punch. Following are some of the iiupils and their guests who will attend the prom


Wright (iedge—Mary Ann White Wiliiaiii Munrv>—Dorothy Dilible EIuut Henzin—Eileen Bowman

X'irginia Jay—Francis LeBloml CliiUoii Knox—A'irginia Sweitzer .Siiirley Snow—Mary Sibley Ly m a n H o o k e r — H e l e n M a s o n Eleanor Rngcnsticn—Milton Boos Ldaml Symons—Margaret McLaclil a n

.\ndrey Mahimeister—^\Vesley Sweet IvKvard Kelterer—Betty I'ennen Dniald .Sliepard—Dorothy Snyder Marguerite Neuineyer—.\lbert Hill Helen Sinirf—Herbert Burgess Beverly Downs—John Schmitkc .\l argaret .Adams—Paul Taube D o r o t h y W i l s o n — To m B o y d Dorothy Gamble—Jack Sonmiervilie William Lloyd—Eunice FIcwitt i-'ultun Bennett—Leila Price

(jeorge Rovin—Bonnie Stiibbs Jack Weaver—Dorothy Wernet Charles Haiineinan — .Mary Dispennette

'I'liurston 'I'tieppen—'Dorotliy Huiner .Mired (irc.w—lletty Price Thiomas (Jroebii—Helen Schreck With tile aid of Miss .Amie Shiia and

. M r. D o n a l d C a m p b e l l , t h e d e c o r a t i n g c o m m i t t e e , h i d . K e l t e r e r. c h a i r m a n , Ti'.onias Groelm. Louis Poucher. Leona Kaplan. GeiTge Lloyd, and John I ' r a s e r. t h e b o y ' s g y i n u a s i u m w i l l b e traiisfonned into a garden. 'J'lie ceiling u i ' l b e d r a i i e d w i t h d a r k b l u e p a p e r, the istar efTect by yellow onion paper, a m i t h e m o o n b y y e l l o w p a j i e r. T h e orchestra will be on a platform repre senting a porch, while around the sides of the room garden choirs, colorful innbrellas, and palims will aid to work ou the scheme of a garden. Home







ketball cbampionsbip and banner. The Inns who made up the team were: J . W e a v e r , F. B a r t o n , J . F r a z e r , L . H e i t m a n . F. B e n n e t t , S . M o o r e a n d G. Rovin.



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