Q & A with the Freshmen Force
With Jimmy Burton ’20
HOW DO YOU THINK THE FRESHMEN FLOAT PARTIES HAVE GONE SO FAR? Pretty well, we have been very productive with the float and the posters are all done, and the banners are working pretty well. DO YOU THINK A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE SHOWED UP AND HELPED OUT? I think that the attendance since the first float party has been decreasing and now we are at like 20 people per party. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR THEME? DOES IT SEEM LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE IT? I feel like the theme is pretty good.
D E P T.
With Danielle DeCoster ’20 HOW DO YOU THINK THE TURNOUT FOR THE FLOAT PARTIES HAS BEEN? The float parties have been really fun and there’s been a lot of people actually, more than I thought would come up to the float parties, especially in the summer. And we’re doing a lot of work, and a lot of stuff has been done already. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR THEME? DO A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE YOUR THEME? I think the theme can apply to boys and girls because it’s unisex, and we have hats and then the t-shirts, so just some stuff that incorporates firemen and police. CAN YOU TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE BANNER YOUR GRADE HAS BEEN WORKING ON? The banner has police, ambulance drivers and firemen on the right, and to the left we have those kinds of cars.
SOUTH 1927
Graphic by JD STANDISH ’18
So far, we have kind of taken it in steps. First we did all the posters. We have started the float, but it’s not finished yet. So far, it's going pretty well. We are hoping to get a lot done at the next few float parties so the last ones won't be so hectic.
I don't know for sure because I'm trying to do all the banners because I'm not very good with mechanics.
We are making it a wave, and we have the wave cut out. I think they have stuffed it all and put the tissue paper in it, and there will be a surfer.
SURFER SOPHOMORES| Tim DeGrand ’19 poses with a surf board at a sophomore float party. Their float will be a wave I think a lot of people are comparing it to “Seawith a man surfering on it. PHOTO BY GRACE REYES ’19 side Sophomores,” so we are trying to stray away from that as much as we can. We are trying to go more of the lusu Hawaiian route and trying to stay away from beachballs and crabs to be original. I like it, but I am kinda biased. I just think there is a lot to do for it. I just bought some grass skirts to really amp up my spirit wear. I think this year our class has gotten a lot more done than we did last year. I think we will be way more into it. Not that is was bad last year, I just think this year will be better. I'm excited for years to come and hope that we keep getting better. GRAPHIC BY JD STANDISH ’18
Sophomores Surf into spirit week ALYSSA COLE & GRACE REYES ’19| Staff Writers Sophomores are riding the waves into spirit week this year with the theme “Surfer Sophomores.” “The turnout for float parties has been great, our class has gotten at least 20 people to come to every party,” sophomore vice president Tim DeGrand ‘19 said. Although the sophomores don’t seem to have as many students attending float parties as the other
classes, there are still students and parents who volunteer that persevere to provide all of the festivities necessary for an enthusiastic spirit day, according to DeGrand. “I think the theme is a good theme; there have been a lot of good posters to make, and I have a feeling that people will be able to be creative with this one and make it their own,” DeGrand said.
BI ’1 8
ELENA RAUCH ’18 | Page Editor
CAN YOU PLEASE TALK ABOUT HOW YOU ARE HOSTING THE FLOAT PARTY AT YOUR HOUSE? I’ve been involved in student council since freshman year, and my older sister hosted the float parties for three years when she was at South, so my family is very experienced in it I guess now. And so I just kind of signed up, and now they are at my house. DO YOU LIKE HOSTING IT? Yeah, it is fun to have a lot of people here and have the whole class be involved. DO YOU LIKE THE THEME THIS YEAR? Not really, I’m trying to learn about it to be honest.
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE THEME THIS YEAR FOR JUNIORS? I like it a lot, it’s never been done before to my knowledge. I think it’s good we are doing something creative. Overall I think a lot of kids who like it really like it. HOW DO YOU THINK THE FLOAT PARTIES ARE COMING? DO YOU THINK THERE IS GOOD TURNOUT FOR ALL OF THEM? I think the float parties are coming great. We are doing a new thing this year, we are doing a raffle, where you come to a float party every hour you get a raffle ticket for prices like a GoPro, Polaroid camera, blue tooth speaker and some other stuff. I think that has intrigued a lot of students to come and help. And we’ve been encouraging people and things like that. So I think overall it’s going really well. We are having a good turn out.
DANI DULWORTH ‘18 CLASS TREASURER WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE THEME THIS YEAR FOR THE JUNIORS? At first I was a bit like I didn’t want to do it, but now I think it’s cool. All of the different things we are doing with the float and posters I think are cool, and they’ll come along well.
FEELING THE FORCE | Sydney Yonkus, Muriel Steinke and Grace Brandon, all ’18, paint at the float party. The junior float parPHOTO BY GRACE REYES ’19 ties were hosted by Julia Rapai ’18.
HOW DO YOU THINK EVERYTHING IS COMING WITH THE PEOPLE COMING TO THE FLOAT PARTIES? ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE COMING? IS EVERYONE GETTING INVOLVED? I think we have a lot of different people from different groups coming. We have good turn-outs for every float party, so we are doing pretty well with all that. ARE YOU A STAR WARS FAN? I have only seen four of the seven movies so not particularly.
ERYKAH BENSON ’17 | Editor in Chief This year, seniors chose to embrace the city of Detroit for homecoming, dubbing their spirit slogan “Seniors Hustle Harder”. With everything from the Spirit of Detroit to the local sports teams, seniors are celebrating the culture and history of the city of Detroit, Jenna Roebuck, advisor for senior student council, said. “The theme is embracing the coming up of Detroit because Detroit is on its way back up, so we’re celebrating all things Detroit and we’re looking at all the iconic things of Detroit,” Roebuck said. “Anything that’s from Detroit and all the brand things from Detroit.” Roebuck said that at first, progress was a little slow in the summer, but while making pom-poms and doing posters, her team of students and parents were brainstorming. “Then a couple weeks in, we actually start working things out,” Roebuck said. The theme’s colors are black and white and the spirit packs, which were
The theme is embracing the coming up of Detroit because it is on its way back up, so we’re celebrating all things Detroit and we’re looking at all the iconic things of Detroit. Anything that’s from Detroit and all the brand things from Detroit. JENNA ROEBUCK Senior Class Advisor
handed out on Friday, Sept. 30, contained a black sports jersey, sports cap and athletic eye black stickers. Lucy Loch ‘17 said she feels that overall, float party preparation this year was a success. “In my mind, even though sometimes we don’t get the turnout we want, it all always ends up great,” Loch said. “It’s such a great positive thing when we see all of our hard work pay off on spirit day,” Loch said she is most excited for the senior spirit day, and for everyone to see the posters, the float and for the banner to get raised in the morning over the front of South’s building. “It’s fun watching it all come together and it’s a great way to interact with the other students in my grade,” Addison Enders ‘17, the senior class president, said. “It’s fun watching it all come together and it’s a great way to interact with the other students in my grade,” Addison Enders, the senior class president, said.
HUSTLE HARDER | Courtney Mestdagh ’16 paints one of the senior class posters. Seniors prepare for their spirit day at PHOTOS BY GRACE REYES ’19 their float parties.
Wednesday, Oct. 5 , 2016
Volume 89
Issue 4
ooking Glass, South’s art and literary magazine, is looking this year to continue the changes implemented in their last magazine. “We, throughout the year, compile student created arts that could range from graphic designs, painting, pictures of sculptures, to writing,” Maren Roeske ‘18, Looking Glass Editor-in-Chief said. “So, its prose, it’s essays, it’s stories, it’s poetry, it's pretty much anything and everything collected into a magazine that students design and publish at the end of the year.” Roeske said one of the changes Looking Glass decided to puruse this year involved switching printers to publish a higher quality magazine. “We decided we really wanted to step up the content, the amount of content we include and the quality of the final magazine,” Roeske said. “We are working harder to get better quality work from students to produce the magazine.” In addition, last year's changes also included a completely different layout, Danielle Peck, Looking Glass adviser and English teacher, said. This year, the club wishes to continue this new format, as well as including written music in the magazine. Last year, two music composition pieces were published in the magazine. “We want to continue being innovative with the magazine,” Peck said. “We are also always open to different kinds of writing, so we want to get different genres, and different genres of art too...we are looking to expand our boundaries.” One of the main goals for Looking Glass is to present student work, Roeske said. “The reason Looking Glass exists is to showcase students and to give them a chance to get published and support their artwork,” Roeske said. “We tend at our school to be focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and this is one major program that is really here for students; to support what they are doing. There are so many creative and talented people at this school that don’t really get a lot of time showcasing. Looking Glass emcompasses all forms.” This year, Looking Glass is also looking to include more controversial art and writing in order to stimulate more emotion, according to Looking
Grosse Pointe South 11 GP Blvd. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236
Reflections: RACHEL HARRIS ‘18 | Supervising Editor
A weekly tradition since 1928 PAGE DESIGNED BY CHASE CLARK ‘18
With new leadership, art and literary magazine “The Looking Glass” plans a new volume
Glass Publicity Director, Harry Susalla ‘18. “One of the goals is to make it a very diverse magazine, so we can have multiple people submit to Looking Glass, not just the typical art and poetry kids,” Susalla said. “We want everyone to be able to share their ideas in the magazine so we can evoke change and have a positive impact on the school.” Peck said that Looking Glass provides the op-
from people around the building,” Peck said. “And then we put together a publication that comes out near the end of the year.” Roeske remembers joining Looking Glass as a freshman without knowing much about art, poetry or photography. “It’s really great because it makes you smarter,” Roeske said. “You go to this club, and you hear peo-
“It’s so easy to do it (submit); every student should do it,” Roeske said. “The reason you should submit is because it gives you an opportunity to be part of something that is really wonderful. We are showcasing student artwork, and that could be you, and it very well might be you if you submit.” Submissions will go along with this year’s theme, “Dynamics,” Roeske said. The magazine and submissions will go along with the idea of change. “We picked this theme because this year politically, for America and the world, is just so dynamic,” Roeske said. “There is so much change going on in the world and we wanted to reflect that here in our school and what students would be producing out of that chaos.” During the school year leading up to May, when the magazine is published, students meet every week to gather and discuss the the submissions sent in thus far, Roeske said. Staff members discuss the piece and whether or not they should include it in the final magazine. After submissions close in February, staff members then proceed to pairing pieces and designing pages to put together the final copy of the magazine. Both Peck and Roeske said that students are able and encouraged to join Looking Glass anytime. Students with interests in art and English will especially enjoy Looking Glass. “If you have different interests that's great because we do want to get more genres into the magazine,” Peck said. “It's a really fun club in general, and a great way to make friends and talk about stuff you are interested in because we have discussions about the pieces of art and writing..” Susalla hopes that students either join or submit to Looking Glass so that all are able to share their ideas with others through their art or writing. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE LOOKING GLASS “Looking Glass allows people to use what they think and put it into words or art and be able to show that with ple speak and what they are doing and you under- others,” Susalla said. “As we have seen, so many kids stand creativity. It’s a way to connect with students have different ideas and opinions about issues or life who are interested in the same subjects as you, in general, and this is a great way to express those and have your thoughts get out to the world.” which is really important.” Looking Glass meets every Wednesday after Students are also able to enter submissions to the magazine through the South homepage, Roeske school in room 244. said.
portunity for students who enjoy their English or art classes to review and have discussions about different pieces of art and literature submitted by students. “Looking Glass is a great community for students if they like art or writing to come and hang out with people who have the same interests and to see work
AP Bio, AP Environment class to embark on Florida trip to explore marine studies
LAUREN THOM AND KAITLIN NEMEH ‘18| Staff Writer ver mid-winter break, AP biology and AP environmental science students from both South and North, have the opportunity to travel to the Florida Keys and spend five days at Sea Camp, held at the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute. AP environmental science teacher, Shawn McNamara, said Sea Camp is a great opportunity for students to learn more about marine biology. “We will be doing all kinds of cool stuff:, sea kayaking, snorkeling, and all kinds of marine studies, both in the water and in the lab, and kinds of cool things you’ll be experiencing, all things you’ve never seen before,” McNamara said. “Probably things you’ve read about but never got a chance to see in person.” McNamara said the group will be studying a many enviro topics, including coral reefs, sponges, man grown forests, algae, seagrass, shark anatomy, as well as squid, fish, and crab anatomy, and possibly dissections. “A lot of science but a lot of fun, and there is some free time involved,” McNamara said. “It’s a really a cool experience, probably something that you’re not going to get anywhere else but at sea camp as part of a group.” AP Biology teacher Shelly Rothenbuhler has been on this trip before with students from North, and she said it is a great experience for the students, and she enjoyed seeing how much they took away from the trip.
“One of the coolest things I think with the man grows is we actually got to go snorkeling through the man grown and barracuda fish are just swimming by you as you go through, and I thought that was really cool,” Rothenbuhler said. Carl Griffin ‘17 is an AP environmental student interested in going on this trip. He said he likes marine biology and sea life, and thinks it would be an interesting place to visit. “I hope to learn more about the sea life in the area and how to identify different things,” Griffin said. The group will leave for Florida over midwinter break on Tuesday, and return on Sunday. The cost is $1,500, which includes air fare, transportation to institute, housing, and almost all meals. There will be an informational meeting in the library next Thursday night at 6 p.m. for parents to learn more about the trip. There are only 30 spots to fill between the two high schools and all the classes., any questions please contact Mr. McNamara, Shawn McNamara can be contacted for further information.
Bold trip to China encourages immersive cultural experience ANTON MIKOLOWSKI ‘17 | Supervising Editor Whether it be a soiree in Shanghai or a tour of the mythic chambers that hold The Terracotta Army, this year’s cultural excursion to China has something to interest every student. Group leader of the China trip and social studies teacher, Kendra Caralis, says she has high expectations for the weeklong trip to China this February, which she is ecstatic for. I love to travel and I’ve been to many places-- but I’ve never been to Asia,” Caralis said. “I think it is a lot easier for a lot of students to just fly to Europe, more than Asia.” Caralis says that the students who participate in the trip, which costs just under $4,000,
will be able to explore three of China’s grandest cities: Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an. “I want (the students) to get outside of their comfort zone, to experience the culture, the language and, of course, the food,” Caralis said. “I teach world history, and a lot of that ties into what we do in the classroom.” The trip currently has eight students signed up to venture out on Feb. 24 2017, but they are looking for 15, according to assistant group leader and fellow social studies teacher, Dennis Pascoe. “It is going to give us (and the students) a better perspective,” Pascoe said. “It’s gonna be a completely different world experience, completely out of our comfort zone.”
The homecoming pep assembly will be this Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. in the main gym
The homecoming parade will start from the Maire Elementary parking lot at 6:30 p.m. this Friday
Varsity football will take on Anchor Bay in the homecoming game this Friday at 7:00 p.m.
The homecoming dance will be held in the main gym this Saturday from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m.
Unity Day strengthens South student body S outh’s strength and community is what sets us apart from any other high school in the state. Throughout this week, let’s acknowledge the people that make unity something to stand behind and something that we can continue to strive for. South hosts many events that support various clubs and organizations. One of these events was “Run the Pointe” last month, with the whole reason for the event to help fund South’s athletic teams. On the day of the event, South students from every sport imaginable were in attendance. Even students who weren’t part of a sports team were in attendance, and those are the ones that really make a difference in the school. They have no incentive to be there. Their hobby or organization wasn’t receiving any money. They seem crazy, until you take into account that they care about the school as a whole and not just about themselves. Those are the students who have taken South unity to heart. More people need to follow in their footsteps and put the school first. Some people that we would like to acknowledge are the hard working people in the front office. Like the students who ran the Pointe with no incentive, the administration is taking homogeneity to heart, especially with their “Character Corner” campaign on the announcements. This campaign is inspiring in that it will act as a good stepping stone throughout the rest of the school year. A suggestion we have to keep this monthly character trait alive is to have a monthly school discussion during lunch, much like the one we had last year on race. This
would be a great way to keep the specific character trait on student’s minds. The people in the Student Association (SA) and Student Council have put hundreds of hours into service for South. They have worked tirelessly for all of us, the student body, to have an enjoyable Homecoming experience, from early mornings spent setting up to late nights making sure everything is ready. We can’t thank them enough. But the contributors who don’t get enough praise are the parent organizers. Parents have had countless float parties at their houses for years. Without them, classes wouldn’t have a space to create floats or posters. We wouldn’t have anything. It is not just people that are currently involved with the school that believe in unity. Thousands of alumni and local neighbors line Kercheval to cheer on South as they parade down the street-- it’s a community tradition. Individuals who volunteer their time during the school year, especially during spirit week work to make it a memorable one. Without their neverending effort and support for us, we wouldn’t have this week, the student body wouldn’t have any of anything-- no school dances, no fundraising runs, no student organized clubs, no teachers and no counselors. The only reason this school functions is because of its unity. Individuals who put the school first have the type of attitudes that we all need to adopt. This will aid in the continuation of success for years ahead.
D E P T.
Something That’s Political
Homecoming week explained by student staffer MY O ut
grade and help decorate the school. You also get the opportunity to run e v e r y t h i n g throughout the school with your that is offered entire grade and eat wonderful during Spirit breakfast food that is put together CAM SMOLEN ‘18 week, my by parents lending a hand. PAGE EDITOR favorite part However, I’m still having would have to to wake up around two hours be the parade that precedes the earlier than I usually do (which is Homecoming game. definitely a bummer and screws up Even though it is usually cold by my already awful sleep schedule). this point in the year, the chance to During the end of the week pep come together as a school, dress up assembly, the pie eating contest and go march in the parade is not takes place, the football team something I would miss. It is made does their little show as they walk more special due to the droves of out into the gym, the tug-o-war community onlookers that come between students and teachers out to watch the parade. happens and much more. Students get Though that the chance to is fun and all, participate in the Going into the stu- pep assemblies annual theme of dent section during the in my mind are the Homecoming football game is always warmups for the game by wearing big event later an exhilarating expe- that day. In this their own spirit rience because you are case, it is the day clothing to both the parade surrounded by all your parade and game. and the game that As much of a friends cheering and follows it. great way to close getting hype over your From personal out Homecoming team. experience, week as the CAM SMOLEN ‘18 most of the best assembly is, the memories I have chance to be able had during spirit to participate in week have come during either an event that brings together an the game or the parade-- going entire community then followed into the student section during up by a football game where you the football game is always an can cheer on your fellow students exhilarating experience because is definitely the icing on the cake you are surrounded by all your and is an amazing way to end the friends cheering and getting hype week of festivities. over your team. Sure, the morning of your assigned spirit day is usually a really fun time to bond with your
Hillary Clinton re-takes lead in presidential run after first presidential debate. She now has a five point lead against competetor Donald Trump.
Chipotle is adding a new item to their menu: the chorizo. This is said to be done in attempt to regain lost customers from an E-Coli breakout last year.
Hurricane Matthew threatens to damage Haiti as well as other islands as it moves along the Carribbean Sea. CNN.com
Student staffer shares personal experience of close encounter O
ne mistake, one moment in the abyss of time, and now I have to bear scars that DONALD MCGLONE will last a lifetime. All ‘19 because of one moment STAFF WRITER and one mistake. Needless to say, multitasking is never a good idea while on a bike, but not wearing a helmet is even worse. I acquired this wisdom through poor decisions and many injuries, and very For many years, I sudden impact with a parked was highly opposed to car. helmets because it was In a rush to attend an “uncool,” but with age impromptu football practice, I sped down St. Paul Street comes experience, and until I felt the back brake of with experience comes my bike rubbing against my wisdom. wheel. I turned to inspect DONALD MCGLONE ‘19 the problem and only mere seconds later, I was launched over my handlebars and then smashed into the ground.
Editor-in-Chief Erykah Benson* ’17 Associate Editor Jack Holme* ’17 Supervising Editors at Large John Francis* ’18 Liz Bigham* ’18 Supervising Editors Anton Mikolowski * ’17 Rachel Harris*, Riley Lynch*, Ray Hasanaj*, all ’18 Page Editors Claire Hubbell* ’17 Cam Smolen*, Chase Clark*, Elena Rauch*, JD Standish*, Katherine Bird*, Liam Walsh*, all ’18 Claire Koeppen* ’19
For many years, I was highly opposed to helmets because it was “uncool,” but with age comes experience, and with experience comes wisdom. Upon smashing into the ground after colliding with a car, I was unsure of the amount of damage to my face. In an awestruck daze, I realized how stupid of it was to try and do that. With colorful language and cries for help, I was quickly assisted by people passing by. EMS arrived shortly after. Right after my accident I was retold a story about my uncle, and how he almost lost his ability to function due to an injury he suffered after a motorist struck his bicycle, leaving him with an internal head injury. Although my uncle’s accident was much more severe than my own, many people in my family still attribute his survival to the helmet he was wearing. My father has always tried to use my uncle’s story to enforce the importance of bike safety, but until you experience it first hand, you never truly understand its importance. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), two percent of motor vehicle crash deaths are bicyclists. The deaths of male cyclists below the age of 20 are on the rise, according to the IIHS. There has never been a greater need for helmet usage. In short, whether it’s four blocks or ten miles, wear a helmet. It’s worth it.
Copy Editors Madeleine Glasser*, Lily Kubek*, both ’17 Alyssa Czech*, Sylvia Hodges*, Bianca Pugliesi*, all ’19 Business Managers Cameron Francis* ’17 Asst. Olivia Sheffer* ’17 Photo Editors Lauren Thom* ’18 Phoebe Miriani* ’18 Online Editor-in-Chief Ariana Chengges* ’17 Web Editors Erica Fossee*, Henry Ayrault*, Kathleen Carroll*, all ’19 Multimedia/Social Media Editors Emma Andreasen* ’17 Abigail Due* ’18
Staff Writers
irresponsible or obscene material. “The Tower” is the weekly publication of the Errors Adam Cervone, Charlie Denison, Conner Advanced Journalism classes at Grosse Pointe Factual errors will be corrected on the McQueen, Emma Russell, Gillian Eliot, Jack South High School. It has always been a or in news briefs written upon Froelich, Jack Roma, Mac Welsher, Mary designated public form of student expression. opinion page request and verification. Grace O’Shea, Michael French, Sydney Stann, The Tower is located in room 142 in Thomas Sine and William Muawad, Grosse Pointe South High School. Please Letters all ’17 contact us at 313-432-3649. Letters to the Editor are encouraged and will be screened for libel, irresponsibility Arianna Pagenette, Alex Acker, Blair Cullen, and obscenity. The Editorial Board may edit Opinion Pieces Evan Skaff, Evan Theros, Griffin Jones, Ian or shorten letters as long as the meaning is Editorials represent the majority opinion of Dewey, John Schulte, Harper McClellan, unchanged. All letters must be signed and Kaitlin Nemeh, Maren Roeske, Margot Baer, the Editorial Board and are left unsigned. a telephone number for confirmation. Mollie DeBrunner and Piper Eschenburg, Columns represent the opinions of individual include Request to withhold the writer’s name all ’18 staff members and outside contributors. from publication for good reason will be considered. Letters can be sent to the above Allison MacLeod, Amelia Turco, Audrey Editorial Board email address, or dropped off in “The Tower” Whitaker, Caroline Baratta, Donald Room. An asterisk * denotes Editorial Board editors. McGlone, Grace Reyes, Sarah Bellovich, Sarah Stevenson, and Olivia Mlynarekn, all Advertising Professional Associations ’19 Member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Display adverising is sold at a rate of $7 per Association, National Scholastic Press column inch, with discounts for large or Association, Quill and Scroll, the Society frequent advertisers. Advertising may not Adviser for Newspaper Design and the Michigan advocate illegal activities or contain libelous, Kaitlin Edgerton Interscholastic Press Association.
ANTON MIKOLOWSKI ’17 & JOHN FRANCIS ’18 | Supervising Editors From a comprehensive tax plan to gun control, last Monday’s debate had it all. It’s only 34 days until the general election and Americans all over the country, even those who generThe nationally televised, event hosted by NBC’s Lester Holt, was reported to have over 80 million ally don’t come out to the polls, will be choosing who they believe to be the lesser of two evils. viewers-the most in debate history. Donald Trump is working to get the media and undecided voters to take focus off his performance. The dynamic 90 minute debate kicked off with courteous mannerisms displayed by both Clinton and The first 30 minutes were Trump’s best, which can be attributed to his temper being in check and even Trump, but it quickly escalated, taking a fiery tempo. presenting facts for Secretary Clinton. Among themes discussed were “America’s Direction,” “Achieving Prosperity,” and “Securing AmeriAfter that, things for Donald went down hill. He took the bait Hillary set out and she successfully ca. ” made herself look less scandalous and more presidential. This advantage to Clinton can be associated The first segment yielded in discussions of federal taxes-- one of Clinton’s principal platforms. Trump with her three days off of the election trail while prepping for the desaid that he planned to lower taxes and keep corporate taxes low, bate. while Clinton proposed a raise in corporate taxes to motivate big One of the biggest controversies to emerge from the first of three WEEKLY MICHIGAN business to keep their companies on American shores. debates was when Hillary brought up Trump’s attacks on a former Ms. Clinton said that one of her chief objectives was to “(Bring) POLLS Universe, Alicia Machado. Clinton played this well according to CNN, back money stranded overseas.” In a continuation of considering that she did have evidence to back this up and knew the discussion involving foreign policy, the gaze shifted to 21st century media would take this out of proportion and away from policy issues. Via realclearpolitics.com warfare and defense with a focus on technology and surveillance. Minor take aways include a barrage of Trump sniffles and hillary Clinton pointed out that America’s rivals, such as Iran, shimmying with a sarcastic smile. Critics from both sides call out the Russia and China, should not be able to hack into United States databases as easily, wanting to improve candidates, including former presidential candidate and campaigner for Hillary, Howard Dean. Dean technological defense, but Trump seemed more distressed about cyber interference on States’ shores. suggested that the numerous sniffles must be due to Trump’s use of Cocaine. This is a comment that In relation, he pointed out the purported sabotage of the Bernie Sanders campaign by Democratic comes with no other evidence aside from Trump’s ability to stay up and tweet into the early morning National Convention (DNC) chairman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who resigned in July. hours. Gun violence and control was also addressed, where Clinton referred to the recent violent outbreaks Looking forward with almost a month to go, a Real Clear Politics poll has Clinton winning currently on American soil as an epidemic and a plague that must be resolved by common sense gun laws-- requirat 43.8 percent and Trump with 41.0 percent. In some key states like Florida, the polls show Clinton with ing background checks and a purchase ban of individuals on the terrorist watchlist. 45 percent and Trump just behind her with 43 percent. In relation to domestic security, law enforcement controversies were also addressed, where Clinton According to the Trump campaign,If he plans on winning, like he says he always does, his task is to said that reforms must be made in order to restore trust in the American public perception of police, for keep on message, and find as much about Clinton as possible to show how he is the pick for Presidency. “(Poor law enforcement) has put too many people away for too long for doing too little,” as Clinton said One thing that did resonate from the debate was when Trump actually called Clinton out for being a part Monday night. of the government for 30 years and only now wanting to put forth all of her campaign promises. The debate ended with a thunderous applause and a brisk handshake as the candidates left the stage to join their respective families. The parties now gear up for the vice-presidential debate on Oct. 4.
College visits offer more than just information WILL MUAWAD ’17 | Staff Writer As the college application season unfolds, South’s yearly college visits are coming full circle. These visits are offering mainly juniors and seniors the option to learn about a school of higher-education that they are interested in right in their backyard. South college visits are weekly beginning in the fall, counselor Beth Walsh-Sahutske said. Come springtime, some schools will speak to the juniors examining their college choices. “The vast majority of the visits are in the fall,” Walsh-Sahutske said. “So, the initial run of presentations is in September, October and maybe a bit into November. Then, in the spring, sometimes we will have kind of the ‘looking for the next crop of kids’ coming up, so that would include the current juniors having some opportunities, along with our College Night as well.” What benefits students during the South visits, as opposed to visiting a college campus, is the fact that most presentations are given by admissions officers, Walsh-Sahutske said. On a campus visit, you are not directly speaking with the officer who will accept or deny your college application. “The people that are here on the visit, are the very same people that are going to review your applications,” Walsh-Sahutske said. “So, when students have questions about admissions in particular, they have the right person to answer those questions because they are the ones that will be a critical component in deciding if that person will get in. There is a great advantage being able to talk to the decision makers.” A student showing an interest in a visiting college and acting inquisitive during the visit is important to the presenter, Walsh-Sahutske said. It is helpful to talk to someone that is informed on all aspects of their college or university. “Because these people are essentially professionally marketing their school, they know the schools very well in order to answer questions,” Walsh-Sahutske said. “They are a very knowledgeable person to ask about all of the questions a student might have.” Since the visiting schools send a representative with a role of importance in the application process, it is necessary to seem intrigued, Elizabeth Naporano from the College Resource Center said. “It is nice to get a one-on-one with these people, because they do make decisions as to whether you
get into their college or not,” Naporano said. “So it’s always good for the kids who come to make a good impression -- don’t chew gum, put your phones in your backpack and on silent, don’t come with earbuds in your ears, sit up straight, look them in the eye, shake their hand, ask lots of questions and seem interested.” College visits at South are helpful and much more convenient than traveling to the school itself, Zoe Evans ‘17 said. It is a great way to learn whether or not you truly want to apply to the school being presented. “I don’t regret a single South college visit I attended, because they are so informative and helped me narrow down the list of the schools I ended up wanting to apply to,” Evans said. “It is a great opportunity to be able to just go down to our library or counseling center, and have a college admissions officer speaking directly to you about their school. It is such a simple way to be able to get your name in that schools system.” It is nice to get a one-on-one with these Speakers usually touch on all aspects of people, because they do make decisions the school they are representing, Naporano as to whether you get into their college or said. From their graduate programs to their campus food, they provide information on not everything a future student would need to ELIZABETH NAPORANO know to make their decision. College Resource Center “They talk a lot about their majors and which ones they offer, dorm life, campus life, their Greek system and their sports programs,” Naporano said. “They have about 45 minutes to talk so they do talk all about the school.” Students interested in attending South college visits must first sign up through their Naviance account prior to the meeting. A list of the available visits is under the “Colleges” tab. “If these visits didn’t help, we wouldn’t offer them,” Walsh-Sahutske said. “I think it helps the students to sort of broaden their horizons and and just get more information. Sometimes it is a matter of narrowing down what are already options for each student looking ahead.”
More than just a float party: WILL MUAWAD ’17 | Staff Writer It’s Thursday night, the last chance students have to finish their float before the parade the next day. All of a sudden, it begins to rain; it is getting late and it seems like the float will never get finished, but they don’t give up. The students working dig deep and work even harder, finally coming together and putting the last pom-pom on the float. With the float finally done, some students start crying and everyone cheers, looking back as they stare at their amazing work. This is the kind of moment that former float party host, Cynthia Sohn, will never forget, she said. Sohn decided to host her first float party when
Float parties are a fantastic way for students to get involved in a very casual environment TOM AND BETSY ENDERS PARENT-HOSTS OF SENIOR FLOAT PARTY
her daughter’s class (2015) needed a float host house, she said. “Our oldest daughter was a class officer and they needed a float house, so we said that would be fine,” Sohn said. “I waited to see if anyone else wanted to host, because I knew that sometimes my kids didn’t like me being around their activities all the time. But when our daughter wanted us to do it, then I stepped forward.” Tom and Betsy Enders also decided to host their first float party out of necessity for their daughter, Addison Ender’s class. “We heard that the class was looking for a host home the summer before our son started at South. Living so close and with the perfect float building
driveway we thought, ‘why not?’,” the Enders said (via email). Now, after hosting three float parties, Sohn also said she sees just how much of an impact float parties and homecoming can have on the students. “Float parties are a great time for the class to come together and be unified in a single project,” Sohn said. “(Most) of the year the kids are going in so many different directions with different sports and different activities. Homecoming is the one event that they all rally together for one goal.” As a result of bringing the grade together, float parties can also lead to new friendships, according to the Enders. “Float parties are a fantastic way for students to get involved in a very casual environment,” Tom and Betsy Enders said. “It gives students the opportunity to meet and work with others in their grade who they may not have known. We have seen over the years where it leads to new friendships being developed.” In addition to bringing the students together, the float parties are a time where students can learn new skills they can use for the rest of their life, according to Bill Rapai. “You never know when you will have to call upon a skill you learned earlier in your life,” Rapai said. “If I can give them the opportunity to learn how to use a drill or a saw so they know the basics, hopefully that is something that will stick with them and they can call upon when they get older.” To help them learn these skills, the students must be supervised and shown first, especially when using the power tools, Rapai said. “When the kids are using power tools, I always supervise,” Rapai said. “I want to make sure that they are wearing safety goggles. I want to make sure that they have measured everything twice before they cut. Just really basic stuff that are important skills.” Besides helping kids with the tools, the host
A closer look into float parties, as told from the parents who host them
Grace Brandon ’18 painting a poster at float party in preparation for the Jedi Juniors spirit day. The junior’s spirit day took place on monday. house also needs to have enough room for the kids to work on the float, Sohn said. “We had a backyard that was also large enough that it could hold a large group of kids and could be easily accessed by the kids so they could build out in the back by the garage,” Sohn said. “We also didn’t care if the kids ran through our yard and ruined the grass.” All of the sacrifice and work put into the float parties by parent hosts doesn’t go unnoticed, according to Julia Rapai ’18. “I know that my parents put so much time and effort into making sure the float parties are a success for everyone in our grade, which is really amazing,” Rapai said. “They are super dedicated and it is really awesome and I am so thankful that I have them.” Poster parties involve lots of hard work and time, but they also include fun times and surprises,
according toPHOTO COURTESY OF GRACE REYES ’19 the Enders. “We have had numerous paint fights, water fights, glitter fights on our driveway and lawn,” the Enders said. “And a few years ago we had a couple of football players walking by after their practice stopped and offered to help with clean up, they stayed for two hours making pom-poms and talking about life after high school, dreams and goals.” All of this hard work, time and fun put in by both the parents and students is something that the Enders’ will never forget. “It has been awesome having the opportunity to have had many great students, parents and teacher class advisors over past eight years spend their falls at our home,” The Enders said. “We would not trade it for anything.”
Chris Takis welcomes a new face into the world
SARAH STEVENSON ‘19 | Staff Writer
prepared, Christopher said. “As far as it being difficult to adjust, it wasn’t terribly hard, it’s just a matter of knowing that you’re on somebody else’s schedule and his (the baby’s) needs are always going to come first,” Takis said. “But, it’s okay, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.” According to Takis, the hardest thing to adjust to was his sleep schedule. He knew
Even though the baby is very dependent on his parents, Takis has explained to his students that the baby doesn’t do much. Christopher Poleski ‘19, a student of Takis, added that Takis said the baby just eats, sleeps and poops, and that currently, the dog has more personality than the baby. With the busy performing season for marching band and now a new baby, Takis said he doesn’t have as much time for himself anymore, but since Lisa is able to stay home with the baby for quite some time, he said he feels lucky that he’s able to get Christopher Takis | Band Director the time he does to accomplish as much as he can. time and you have a lot of time to be ready for it as he wasn’t going to “She (Lisa) is well...you’ve got several months to plan,” Takis said. be able to get tons very understanding According to Christopher and Lisa, they planned of sleep and that EARLY BIRD | Nicholas was born on Aug. 31 at the name of the baby--Evangelos means “The Good he would often 3:30 a.m. His parents are Christopher and Lisa about the fact that the fall with me is Messenger.” They planned the timing with being be quite tired. pretty busy with able to take time off from work and they made But overall, both Takis. marching band, so sure they would have the necessary things in order Takis and his wife PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS TAKIS my time is already before having the baby. realized that they Due to all of this planning, it wasn’t hard to would no longer be on their own schedule and be spread pretty thin and I try to be home as much as I adjust to having a newborn in the house and making able to do everything they were able to do before, can,” Christopher said. Christopher said his drive to work is usually sure the time was right helped them both in being due to the baby’s needs. After lots of planning and finding the right time to have a baby, band and orchestra director Christopher Takis and his wife Lisa decided to start a family and begin their journey of parenthood. On Aug. 31 at 3:30 a.m., Nicholas Evangelos Takis was born, and a new chapter of life began for the Takis family. Takis said they were excited for the arrival of their first born and prepared for the responsibility of a child. They planned everything out and made sure this decision was what they wanted and that they were willing to change their lives forever. “This is something you prepare for quite some
“This is something you prepare for quite some time and you have a lot of time to be ready for it as well... you’ve got several months to plan,”
his time where he can think about everything that is going on. He also enjoys coming to work because he’s able to get out of the house for a little bit and understand everything that is happening in life. “My drive (allows me) to get a little bit of me time to kind of decompress and think of what I have to do for the day and what I have to do when I get home,” Takis said. ”I try to get home as quickly as I can with my wife and with my son as well, but I’d say there’s a bit of a balance there. I like to have my own time to get away from things, but at the same time I know what’s important as far as priorities.” Takis said even though this is his first child, being a dad is what he expected. He also said he realizes that as Nicholas grows older, parenting is going to get a lot harder because Takis and his wife will be responsible for everything their son decides to do. Since he was able to plan so much before the baby came and he knew what parenting was going to be like, Takis said he wasn’t scared of having a child and being a parent. Shreya Rana ‘19, one of Takis’ students, was happy for Takis and his wife with their new baby. “He should...be patient, I know babies can be a pain and they’re up all night and that’s not fun, but he should be patient.” Rana said. Overall, Takis was happy with having everything laid out and having everything timed perfectly. He said he’s pleased with the decision he and his wife made on when to start a family and that they weren’t forced into this adjustment. “Thankfully, I was really happy that we were able to plan this out well and make the choices that we did and everything worked out okay,” Takis said.
TRICKS & TIPS: Ten ways to better handle the SAT KATHERINE BIRD ‘18 | Page Editor
1. Look for wrong answers instead of right. You will have a higher chance of getting the question right if you can eliminate some answers that are definitely wrong.
2. Know your personal order of difficulty. The SAT isn’t set up so easier
problems come first and hard ones later on. You’re not scored on how many questions you answer, you’re scored on how many you answer correctly. It’s important to identify which questions you find easy or hard.
3. Write in your test booklet. You paid for the test booklet, so own it. Scratch work is crucial to your thought process on the SAT. 4. For reading: skim the passages first. Read the introduction, the conclusion and the first and last sentence of each body paragraph. This will give you a good understanding of the main idea of the passage without reading it carefully. 5. For math: underline what you need to find. A common math mistake is solving for the wrong variable, so before you begin solving, identify what you’re trying to find. 6. For math: memorize formulas because you’ll lose time and momentum if you are continuously flipping back and forth from the formulas sheet to the problem you are working on.
7. For writing: be weary about NO CHANGE answers. Only about 20 percent of the writing portion is NO CHANGE, so if you’re getting this for a large portion of the questions, go back and reevaluate the question. 8. Test day: get ready the night before. Have all your materials prepared and get a good night’s rest. Eat some breakfast before you take the exam to wake your mind up. 9. Test day: skip difficult questions. If time is of essence to you on standardized tests, skip questions you’re stuck on for too long and move on.
10. Test day: if you have extra time at the end of a section, double check your answers. Use this time to your advantage.
Do you think SAT scores accurately represent academic aptitude?
YES: 31% NO: 69%