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Daylight Savings Time begins March 9th with...







WHAT'S INSIDE Local Author Speaks at Library Page 2

Rowley Celebrates its 375th Birthday By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

NEF Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament Fundraiser Page 2 Greenleaf Supportive Day Program Page 2 Girls Playoff Game Page 2 Rowley Kindergarten Information Night Page 4


March 5 - 11, 2014 Vol. 10, No. 18

Photo by Stewart Lytle

Rev. Ezekiel Rogers statue on Town Common.

ROWLEY – It was 375 years ago that the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of St. Peter's Church in Rowley, England, got handed his walking papers from his congregation and in his words was “driven into New England.” The 24th pastor of the Yorkshire church organized 20 families and sailed on the John of London ship for the new world. It dropped anchor in Boston harbor, and the new settlers arrived in Salem in the fall of 1638. Gaining in numbers as the Rogers party worked its way north, a total of 59 families arrived to settle an area that encompasses much of the North Shore from the Atlantic Ocean to the Merrimack River. Today, what was then known as Ezechi Roger's Plantation included Boxford (Rowley Village), Bradford (Merrimac Lands), Georgetown (New Rowley), Groveland and a partContinued of Middleton, on page 3

Cyberbullying Goes On Trial TRITON – Rhonda goes on trial this Wednesday afternoon, accused of bullying and cyberbullying her classmate Sue in a dispute between the girls that escalated from kicking books in the hallway to posts on Facebook and Twitter. The trial, held in Courtroom No. 3 at the Newburyport District Court, is part of the second annual Mock Trial course, an after-school, 21st Century program at the Triton Middle School, taught by attorney Nicole Reilly and history teacher Justine Benson. Twelve students will act as the prosecutors and defense attorneys. The jury of 12 in front of Presiding Judge Peter Doyle will be made up of teachers, administrators and school committee members. The 12 students in the course that began last December selected the crime to prosecute. They chose bullying and cyberbullying because it is “something that could happen,” Bowman said. “We wanted to keep it real.” Two weeks ago, the students, which included Matt Blouin, Jonah Davis, Eric Fournier, Amanda Bowman,

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Photo by Stewart Lytle

Nicole Reilly (far right) and Justine Bowman (far left) with their Mock Trial teams.

Jacob Gabrian, Abigail Wing, Owen Heffernen, Liam Gay-Killeen, Justin Flodman, Chris Brennan, and Molly MacInnis, got a first-hand experience with the justice system for real. They visited the District Court and met with two judges, Doyle and Judge Alan Swan. The students watched two real arraignments – one for violation of a

restraining order and one for driving without a license. They also toured the holding cells for prisoners. Judge Swan told them he decided to become a lawyer after participating in a similar mock trial program when he was a student. “I am so proud of these students,” Continued on page 3

Church Tour GEORGETOWN - St. Mary’s Parish in Georgetown held their Annual Church Tour for the 2014 First Communion Class on Saturday, February 8. Fifty 2nd grade students joined their family and friends to learn about important areas of the church. The tour is a part of St. Mary’s ECE program that educates children about the important role the physical church plays in the Mass. Parish volunteers described the Sacristy, Stations of the Cross, Baptismal Font, and Choir area. The children were especially happy to see The Town Common Courtesy Photo St. Mary’s new priest, Fr. Paul Aveni, teaching them about the Altar and Tabernacle. Afterwards, the children shared snacks and discussed how the colors of their priest’s vestments mark the religious calendar, the promises made during Baptism, and possibly joining the Children’s Choir. Preparation for receiving First Communion has also included the Mass of Belonging in October and First Reconciliation in December. Students come together from Georgetown, Boxford, Byefield & Rowley to learn and prepare together. For more information regarding St. Mary’s ECE program, please call 978-352-6540.

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Good health begins with a great doctor. Meet Angela Barnes, DPM – a board-qualified podiatrist who provides a range of treatment options for adults and children. Dr. Barnes is welcoming new patients at the Newburyport Office of Dr. DiResta & Associates. ÎÇÊ£ÉÓÊ ÀÀiÃÌiÀÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊÊUÊÊ iÜLÕÀÞ« ÀÌ]Ê ÊÊUÊÊ Çn {Èx Ó£ÓÓ

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