Ttc 09 25 13 vol 9 no 47 p1 16 ver1

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Another great edition of...

The Town Common







WHAT'S INSIDE The Grace Factor Opens in Salisbury Page 2 Birthday Bash for Priscilla Leonard, Now 100! Page 2 Local Mayors Face Tough Re-Election Campaigns Page 3 Community Calendar Page 7 Classifieds Page 15

FREE Triton Vikings Visit Dana-Farber

September 25 - October 1, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 47

Historic Bradstreet Farm Being Renovated By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

So when Sabatini, now a Rowley resident and renovator of historic homes, saw the opportunity to acquire the second oldest continually operating farm in America, Photo by Stewart Lytle he jumped at Michael Sabatini in front of the Bradstreet house. the chance. He bought seven ROWLEY – Michael Sabatini acres of a 123-acre The Town Common Courtesy Photo grew up on a Beverly farm where property the town of The Triton Viking Football team visited The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute on September 18th. his father raised cows, chickens Rowley had acquired in The team is planning a fundraising event for their first home game vs. Newburyport on Friday and fruit trees. Continued on page 2 October 11th.

Craft Beers Are Popular

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Photo courtesy of Amesbury Sports Park

A large crowd of beer drinkers at the Brew Fest.

AMESBURY – The North Shore is known for many things, but of late one could add craft beer. In recent years the number of local breweries and bars that showcase locally brewed beers has proliferated. Cody Brewing has opened in downtown Amesbury. The Ale House also here showcases a variety of craft Continued on page 8

Local Author Combines Love of Horses and Writing

By Susan Winslow, Reprinted with permission, Massachusetts Horse, ––––––––––––––––– ROWLEY - Connie terrifying glimpse into the Johnson Hambley’s first clandestine terrorists in our book, The Charity, reads midst that will keep readers like a wild cross-country glued to the pages of this ride at Rolex Kentucky, thriller. That’s exactly what complete with twists and Rowley author Connie turns, stomach-lurching Hambley envisioned when drops, and the steady the story about Jessica was thrum of adrenaline. Set in just an idea. “My life was very Hamilton, Boston, and Perc, full with a husband, kids, and Kentucky, The Charity tells a career, but this story was in the story of Jessica Wyeth, my head and it wanted to be whose privileged life on her written,” she says. “I hired family’s idyllic Hamilton sitters to watch my kids and estate, Wyeth’s World Wind carved out time to write. Thoroughbreds, takes an It was a gift to myself, and unexpected and horrifying the story just poured out of departure from all she’s me. The fun and satisfaction known, leading her into a came in just completing the The Town Common Courtesy Photo tangled web of international Connise Johnson Hambley story. Publishing it was an terrorism, survival, and questions as the touchstone of Jessica’s life, afterthought.” even when it spirals out of control, about her past. Fast-forward 16 years. Connie Riders everywhere will respond but it’s the thrill of the unraveling picked up the manuscript again to the underlying theme of horses mystery, a hint of romance, and a Continued on page 10

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