Enjoy the Fall Season with...
The Town Common
FREE Together We Play And Build
October 2 - 8, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 48
WHAT'S INSIDE “Giving Back to Our Community” day expands to Newburyport & Georgetown Page 2 Amesbury Hopliday Program Page 4 Annual Fall Open House at the Old Sawyer House Page 5 Coats for Kids Project Page 8
Hundreds of volunteers helped build the playground.
Photo provided by Together We Play
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– IPSWICH – It was one of those days of nearly around-the-clock hard bright fall days last week, perfect for work by more than 500 community playing outside. And the students at volunteers and support from dozens Winthrop Elementary School here of local businesses and organizations were taking full advantage of it. — Winthrop Elementary School has They climbed up the side of the a new playground,” announced the replica of an Ipswich clam shack. Together We Play Winthrop School They zipped on a zip line, swung on Playground Committee. swings and slid on slides, chattering In place of old and increasingly and cackling as they played on the unsafe equipment on a playground newly constructed, long-awaited that frequently flooded, the playground. community came together to raise “After a year of planning and $250,000 and to build a playground Continued on page 2 fundraising — capped off by six
Local Elementary School Student Creates a Peace Button to Promote Non-Violence at Home, Work, School & World
NEWBURYPORT – The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center has selected the artwork of 3rd grader, Jasmine Khatib to adorn its official peace pin that will be distributed at its 22nd annual Walk Against Domestic Violence on Sunday, October 6th. Jasmine’s artwork was selected from over 50 entries submitted to the “What Peace Means to Me” art contest sponsored
by the center. “’What Peace Means to Me’ is a community campaign aimed at young people that promotes the idea of peace and hope at an age they are most receptive. It is important that we reach out to them with a message of nonviolence,” says Suzanne Dubus, CEO of the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center. The Town Common Courtesy Photo Jasmine is an eight- 8-year-old's winning art.
year-old, third grade student that attends the Immaculate Conception School in Newburyport who enjoys horseback riding, gymnastics, karate and loves the beach. She is a resident of Newburyport and lives with sister, Aiya, age 6, and her parents Matt & Karyn Khatib who own local jewelry store, MK Benatti. Jasmine’s winning artwork entitled “Peace
Fly’s” depicts a butterfly which represents flying free and being at peace. The button will be distributed to the participants at the end of the Walk in the Center’s recyclable tote bags that hold an abundance of tchotchke’s, coupons, and information from localarea businesses. Children can enter the 2014 What Continued on page 3
Farming the Sun Looks Promising Again
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– NEWBURY – The idea of using In the next couple of months, some under-utilized private and American Renewable Energy and public land as solar farms has been Sustainability Solutions (AmRESS) is on hold in recent months. planning to ask the Newbury Board But the concept of farming the sun of Selectmen to approve proposals for is far from dead and appears ready two new solar farms here that would to pick up steam by the year's end generate close to 10 megawatts of as state agencies finish designing a power, AmRESS managing director new solar incentive program to meet Bob O'Brien said last week. Governor Deval Patrick's latest goal O'Brien is hopeful that Newbury The new solar array in Groveland. for solar panel installation. Continued on page 3
Photo by Stewart Lytle
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