Fall is in the air at...
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What's Inside Maria Miles Attends Open House Page 2 $50,000 Gift to Anna Jaques Hospital Page 10 Triton is Haunted Page 11
Toward Zero Waste Newburyport Textile Recycling Newburyport - In the process of sorting closets and discarding old clothes many of us will mistakenly discard materials that have real monetary and recycling value. Also, diverting instead of disposing of recyclable textiles, clothing, shoes and linens reduces unnecessary pressure placed on municipal disposal costs. Newburyport’s Recycling and Energy Coordinator, Molly Ettenborough, wishes to inform the public that roughly $25,000 could be saved by the city each year if all the textiles eligible for recycling were diverted instead of discarded. Roughly 6%, or in Newburyport’s case, 360 tons, of all discarded contents are composed of textiles and over 85% of these materials Continued on page 2
Antiques Appraisal Night Page 12
FREE Halloween Is Just Around the Corner
October 17 - 23, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 50
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– NEWBURYPORT – It is looking a lot like Halloween around here. The annual night of trick or treating may be two weeks away, but this week one can see a lot of grown-ups dressed up like witches and warlocks parading around the streets of town in quest of spirits, trinkets and a lot of fun. The annual Witches Night Out, celebrated from 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 19, is now in its fifth year. And it seems to be hitting its stride as an town-wide event. On Saturday the town is holding its second annual Pumpkin Lighting in Market Square. Families are invited to bring a carved pumpkin that will be lit and placed on the steps. Each family bringing a pumpkin gets a votive candle that will be lit at dusk, approximately 6:15 p.m. Kevin Riley, owner of The Partridge in a Bear Tree shop, said there were about 150 pumpkins last year and he expects more the second year. MK Winston Jewelers is providing drinks for the event. After the lighting, attendees may stroll around downtown to see the pumpkins designed by local businesses. At the end of the evening the chamber is asking the families to take their pumpkins home for safe keeping. The Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce also has hung more than a dozen scarecrows on the lampposts downtown in an annual fall event. The scarecrows are put together by local businesses and charities. Photo by Stewart Lytle Witches Night Out, an adults-only Halloween-themed
A pumpkin scarecrow built by the Orange Leaf shop.
Continued on page 3
Firehouse Offers Students Six New Programs
Salisbury Lions Club Participates in Cleaners Coats for Kids Page 15
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL – Tired of all the political ads, the candidate debates and the news media talking about the national and state campaigns? Maybe Theatreworks USA can make all this politics fun. The nation's largest and most prolific non-profit theater for young and family audiences, Theatreworks is presenting a new musical, We the People, for the students in North Shore elementary schools to teach them about government and politics. “Students will have a blast learning about the three branches of government, the First Amendment, presidential elections, democracy, the judicial process,” the show's web site says. Using rock, rhythm-and-blues and hip-hop music, We the People makes civics class anything but boring. The hour-long musical, performed two days after the national elections on Thursday, Nov. 8, is one of six shows being presented this year for school students by the Firehouse Theater in Newburyport. Students come from the school districts around Newburyport, but also from Haverhill and as far away as southern Maine. “The students have a good time,” said Evelyn Kovach, who is the coordinator for the Firehouse's school series. Continued on page 3
Photo courtesy of the Firehouse Theater
We the People is one of six musicals performed for area students.
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