Ttc 10 30 13 vol 9 no 52 p1 16 ver2

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FREE Waterfront Remains Top Issue

October 30 - November 5, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 52

A Very Special Birthday Gift By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– NEWBURYPORT – The Authority the central issue. election on Nov. 5th to decide “I am really suspicious of what who will be this city's mayor for is going on with the waterfront,” the next four years might just as Sullivan said last week at a debate well be a referendum on what with Holaday at the Newburyport to do with the Merrimack River High School. He said three of waterfront. the five members on the NRA Despite Mayor Donna board have donated to Holaday's Holaday's best efforts to campaign and to some candidates campaign on her record for for city council. the last four years, she has had A supporter of keeping difficulty changing the subject the waterfront open with no from the waterfront. She would development, Sullivan said he much rather talk about the city's wants the five-member NRA Double A bond rating or the board to give the 4.2 acres it owns $100 million the city is spending to the city and then disband. for new schools, senior center, “On the first day I am in office, waste water and water treatment I will sit down with the NRA and plants. start negotiating,” Sullivan said. Her opponent, Richard Sullivan, If the NRA is not willing to a two-year city councilor, long- donate the waterfront land to time firefighter and son of former the city, the candidate, who mayor, has made the proposed has campaigned on being waterfront development and the “collaborative,” said he would Continued on page 2 Newburyport Redevelopment

Letters to the Editor Page 2 Community Announcements Pages 4 & 5 Community Calendar Page 6 - 9 John A. LeBlanc Joins Institution for Savings as Vice President of Loan Operations Page 8 Classified Ads Page 15

Logan Nyman and the K-9 dog Kaybar.

Photo provided by Allyson Nyman.

AMESBURY – Logan Nyman's 18th birthday party this month was not your typical one. He did have a cake, and more people came to his party than he or his mother expected. He got a lot of cards, but he chose not to have any presents in lieu of contributions to one of his favorite organizations, the Amesbury Police Department's K-9 unit. But for the Amesbury High School student, it was the best birthday party ever. Nyman, who has special needs, was sworn in by Town Clerk

Bonnijo Kitchen as an honorary K-9 officer. Nyman was fitted by Ben's Uniforms in Amesbury with a donated K-9 officer's uniform. And K-9 officer Thomas Nichols pinned on Nyman the pin that was Nichols' first one. The police presented him with a real badge. Mayor Thatcher Kezer presented him with a certificate. And the police association presented him with a plaque for his “unselfish” act of giving up his birthday money. He has always been a happy Continued on page 3

Mayoral candidates Richard Sullivan and Donna Holaday.

Photo by Stewart Lytle

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