Happy Halloween...
The Town Common
FREE Watered Down Local Historic District Goes to the City Council
WHAT'S INSIDE 2012 Triton Viking C-Squad Wins North Shore League Title Page 2 Purple Sage Pottery Fall Open Studio Sale Page 2 Crane Beach Update Page 5 NEF 5th Annual Lighthouse Auction Page 5 Volunteers Needed in Salisbury Page 9
October 31 - November 6, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 52
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– NEWBURYPORT – Calling the issue of creating a local historic district “the most divisive she has ever seen,” Mayor Donna Holaday proposed last week that the City Council limit the scope of the new district for only downtown. That would remove the cherished High Street historic mansions from the proposed district and its power to control changes homeowners make to the homes and structures, including tearing them down. The mayor's suggestion was strongly opposed by champions of the new LHD. In a meeting of the council's planning and development committee where a couple of hundred residents gathered to debate the issue for two hours, the mayor pleaded for passage of the measure to create the more limited district. She said her proposal would allow residents to watch how the commission operates for a couple of years. Then the City Council might expand the district to include High Street and possibly other parts of this historic seaport town, which speakers compared to historic seaport cities like Savannah, GA. Continued on page 3
The crowd that gathered at Newburyport City Hall.
Photo by Stewart Lytle
Julia Child Comes to Cook By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
AMESBURY – Julia Child, the famous chef, cookbook author and TV personality, would have been 100 years old this year. To celebrate, she is coming Monday to this quaint New England town to demonstrate once more her techniques and recipes for French cooking. Well, sort of. Fran Baron and Lynne Moulton are bringing the legendary high-pitched, wobbly Child's voice and bigger-than-life personna to the Amesbury Senior Center at a fashionable 12:30 p.m. “I've always loved Julia. Since I was a young girl, I have followed her recipes” said Baron, the playwright for Delvena Theatre Company's Julia Child production. “I have always admired her.” The Town Common Courtesy Photo To prove it, she still has her Lynne Moulton - "Julia Child" in Delvena Theatre Company's production of tattered and taped copy of Child's first cook, Mastering the Art of Meet Julia Child!, which we will be performing at the Amesbury Senior Center on Monday, November 5, at 12:30 PM.
French Cooking. In what Delvena calls an edutainment, the one-hour play will inform the audience about Child's life and provide a cooking demonstration, although Moulton, who plays Child, does not really know how to cook. “I play her assistant and I show her a few things,” Baron said. The Delvena Theatre Co. is no stranger to the Merrimack Valley or the Amesbury Senior Center. Last year, the on-the-go theater company performed a play about famed Massachusetts murderess Lizzie Borden and her 40 Whacks. That and Julia are two of many plays the prolific theater group performs for senior centers, libraries, historical sites and private clubs. Last week the company performed five different plays. “We get around,” Continued on page 3
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