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FREE Elks Deliver at Thanksgiving
November 28 - December 4, 2012 • Vol. 9, No. 4
Ipswich U Offers World-Class Education for Free By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– IPSWICH – Have you wanted Collins Room of the Ipswich Public to attend a university like Stanford, Library. The first meeting to discuss Princeton, Brown or Duke, but you the information is on Dec 6. don't have the truckloads of cash, the Participants are also invited to grade point average or the time? hold additional Dis-Courses on what No worries. The town of Ipswich Ipswich U calls its Hippo Campus. has eliminated all of those obstacles. It was so named after the major You don't even component of need to buy the brain that books. plays important C a l l e d roles in the Ipswich U, the consolidation curriculum is of information being offered from short-term by the town's memory to longreCreation term memory Department. and spatial With a navigation. universityHumans and looking logo, other mammals but no campus have two – other than the hippocampi, Hippo Campus, one in each side Ipswich U was launched earlier this of the brain. year in partnership with the Ipswich The Ipswich U's Hippo Campus Public Library and other public and can be found in coffee shops, church private institutions. basements or park benches – wherever Together they are offering on- participants in the program gather to line courses from some of the most discuss the course they are taking, said prestigious universities around the Kerrie Bates, the town's director of country and the world. Parks and reCreation and founder of One course is already complete, Ipswich U. but another one is starting this week, The Think Again course currently followed in January by a third. has 138,171 students from around the The courses last about 12 weeks world registered, and that number is and include six in-person meetings to increasing daily. discuss the material. The courses are Upcoming in January is another paced to accommodate busy people. course, the Introduction to Philosophy, They are free. And anyone, not just provided by the University of Ipswich residents, may attend. Edinburgh, Scotland. The next course is called Think Bates calls Ipswich U “part of the Again offered by Duke University. revolution” that is on-going in higher It started this week, but anyone education. interested can still join in. The revolution is being driven Participants meet every other week in large part by Coursera, a social Continued on page 3 from 4 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays in the
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Photo by Stewart Lytle
Sharon Holmes shows off a box of rolls as her team, (from left) Rick Wymot, John Stomboly, Jeff Fogel, Mike Kent and Mark McKiniry, looks on.
REGIONAL – Sharon Holmes arrived at the Elks Lodge in Newburyport about 6 a.m. last Monday to begin putting together the “baskets,” actually tall cardboard boxes filled with everything needed for Thanksgiving dinner from turkeys and stuffing to peas and pies. She and her team of Elks Lodge members, plus other volunteers, assembled the 85 baskets for delivery to area schools and ultimately for families who are struggling financially.
Almost on cue, at 10:30 a.m. the school vans and personal vehicles started rolling into the Elks parking lot and the team began loading in the turkeys and fixings. It was hard to say who had the bigger smiles – the Elks who have fun loading the vans or the school van drivers who got to take the food back to their schools. The Elks team that included John Stomboly, Mike Kent, Jeff Fogel, Mark Continued on page 3
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High Risk Pregnancies Bring Added Concern. That’s Why We Bring In Dr. Karen O’Brien. Anna Jaques welcomes Dr. Karen O’Brien, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine physician from BIDMC. Dr. O’Brien partners with the OB/GYN team at Women’s Health Care to provide specialized care to women at risk for pregnancy complications. Now seeing patients in Newburyport. For more information, visit
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