The Trailblazer Publication Tabloid 2012

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Music for the Soul - MUST introduces first Pop Idol Page 2

Sway Me Contemporary Dance stirs emotion from the crowd Page 2

Volume 4 No. 1

Pass It On Fiesta Games go all the way! Page 3

September 19 - 22, 2012

4 Pages

Risen Legends Remain on Throne in Intramurals 2012 Irene Joy B. Dayo

the champion of the CheerleadingCompetition. The cleanliness of their moves,organizationofthe tosses and attractiveness of the costumes were their inputs closing the chance for other units to be the champion. They were also the champion in Futsal and in men’s division of Table Tennis and Chess. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Green Wizards remained their wits and grace as they champed the Contemporary Dance Competition.


i c t o r s w e r e ultimately happy while the ones left behind were cheerless and challenged. Various college units may have felt disappointed or may have been in high spirits. Amidst the mixed emotions that enveloped involved people, this year’s Intramurals was undeniably successful as it for once more rolled down the red carpet for the ever undefeated and unconquered overall and extra-curricular division champion, College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA).Conquering seven out of 17 events, Risen Legends maintained their selves on throne and remained undisputed, leaving the other six units as it paved its way to championship. Legends reigned in the pageant as its student representative John Ronald Seno was crowned Mr. MUST. Legends also claimed victor in men’s division of Basketball, Badminton and Dart and grabbed the same title in Chess women’s division. They were also the overall winners in Amazing Race and Band Competition. Though crowned as the champion, Legends really had a hard time hitting the target point as the College of Policy Studies, Education and Management (CPSEM)

S a t e l l i t e campuses also did not let themselves be left behind. The Oroquieta Campus grooved to the top as they championed Volleyball, both men and women category. The Panaon campus dominated in Fiesta Games and Sepak Takraw,mencategory.The Jasaan Campus, on the other hand, hit the target spot as they champed Dart, women category.

gained supremacy in sports being Sports Division champion. The Blue Phoenix grabbed the Ms. MUST 2012 and MUST Pop Idol in person of Precious Alyana Apalisok and Christopher Ian Filipino respectively. They were the champion of other five events namely Basketball, Table Tennis and Badminton, all in women’s division, in Dance Sports, in both Latin and Standard category and in

Saludo Competition as well. The College of Industrial and InformationTechnology(CIIT)hassomehow failed to grab another hold on their trophy as the overall champion. Nevertheless, they showed everyone that still, when it comes to stunts and moves, they are still the best. BlazingGuardiansremainedtheirspotbeing

The University Intramurals 2012 has been anunforgettableexperiencetoeveryonewho laughed, cried and frowned with the event. Perhaps, the results may be a satisfaction or not to various students, faculty members, coaches or even to spectators but to those who really understood the true essence of Intramurals,itisbutasimpleknow-how.The eventprimarilyaimstopromotecamaraderie, unityandsportsmanship.Withitssuccessful end, may the prime purpose lives as it is. Kudostoall!

By the Power of Your Cheers! Roshelle Novie L. Cabrido and Trexy Jemimah Macabasa

Photo by Josel A. Lim

heerdancing has long been an effective C medium to motivate the athletes and the audience. The audiences and athletes felt alive while seeing the cheerdancers’ awesome stunts as they, too, feel the lingering fear and excitement whenever a dancer is hurled in the air. Everyone participates – be it the cheerdancers, the athletes, or the viewers – in his or her own way. Everyone was out of breath and excited for the talents to clash once again on the dance floor. Here are the chronological details of each unit for the information of everyone.

Rise of the Legends

With the black and white motifoftheiroutfit,theCollege ofEngineeringandArchitecture (CEA)cheer-dancersstartedthe competitionshowingoffwhat they have practiced for weeks. Theyemphasizedtotheviewers how tough this competition wouldbebyhavinga“booming” start; clearly making the point that they are not there to lose this competition. Even though they placed 3rd, they gave memorable moments to the audience who watched their performance. Maybe, with a little bit more pour of their best movements to touch the taste of the judges, they will rise from their current state and be legendary in the Intramurals cheerleading competition.

Roar of the Tigers Lastyear,theOroquietaCampusWhite Tigers did not participate in the Cheerleading competition. So, you can imagine the “whoa” for some old students because they just popped-in for this year’s cheerdance. Still, the audience did not fail to praise the confidence of their cheer captain because of his energetic performance. Wearing blue jerseys for the boys and blue outfits for the girls, they had their few lifts and tosses, and more of their performances on the floor. They placed last in the competition, but they will not be discarded for attention because they sure gave their all to the audience. Maybe if the White

Tigers tried harder and became more organized and flexible, like their fearsome Bengal and Siberian counterparts, they will surely be able to catch up and be the top predator in the rank list.

Spell of the Wizards Performing the dance with magic in the air, the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) cheerdance group showed the viewers what they got. They had an organized formation with lots of daring flips and tosses, making the audiences’ stomachs drop. They wore neat outfits in: white, yellow, and green. The performance was certainly great, but they was not able to please the judges that much to place them on top. Instead, like last year’s result, they were announced as the 3rd placer inthecompetition.However,duringtheawarding ceremony last September 22, 2012, Kenneth Asuncion committee head for extra-curricular activities, announced that it was not the CAS who placed in the 3rd spot but CEA. Next year, with morepotions,spells,tricksandvialsofconfidence, their magic just might take them to the top.

Rebirth of the Phoenixes Before their performance started, all actually thought they were going to perform after Unit 7 because of some technical problems. Luckily, everyone was able to continue the way it was planned before. Wearing blue, white, and black,theCollegeofPolicyStudies,Educationand Management(CPSEM) cheerleading competitors wowed the fans with their feats and stunning flips and tosses. From fourth place last year, the Blue Phoenixes emerged as 2nd placers this year.

Rage of the Cougars “There will be no more ‘mediocre’ performances…” announced the Jasaan Campus representativeduringthecheerdancecompetition, and they impressively proved it. The Jasaan delegates, bearing the new title Raging Cougars, hadtheirmajorcomebackthistime.Theyhadmindblowing jumps, throws, sudden lifts, and flips in theirperformancethatreallyshowedtheaudience that they are better off than being called mediocre. Wearingcuteblackandneongreenoutfits,theygave alltheyhadanditdefinitelypaidoff.They,however, made it only on the 5th place in the competition. Whenaskedhowshefeltabouttheresult,theRaging Cougarscheercaptainanswered,”Questionmark.”

Defense of the Guardians TheGuardianshavedefendedtheirtitle as cheerleading champ last year. The competitors from the College of Industrial and Information Technology(CIIT)showedasmoothandwonderful performance, clearly pointing to all that they will nothanddownthetrophy.Themotifsoftheiroutfit arewhiteandblackwithtingesofyellowandred.In theirchestliesastaranditshowedoffquiteelegantly as they performed lifts and throws and more tosses that really scared yet entertained the crowd. Despite the controversies and hullabaloos of the cheerleading result; indeed the audience had a great time watching each unit performed. Thisyear,CIITfiercelydefendedtheir title as the cheerleading champion, proving thatall units mustfear thepoweroftheircheers.

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