Thank You To All Our Sponsors
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2017 AOTC
Schedule of Events
3 pm to 5 pm 6 pm to 9 pm
7 am to 8:50 am
8:50 am 9 am
11 am to 4 pm
Friday, April 7
Warm-up ride led by Carmichael Training Systems (CTS) cycling coaches. Be at the CTS office, 11 Mamas Way, Suite B, in Pisgah Forest (by Walmart, next to The Hub bike shop) 15 minutes prior to the start time. Early check-in, Rider packet / T-shirt pick-up at the American Legion, 56 E. Jordan Street (1 block south of start line in downtown Brevard).
Saturday, April 8
Check in and rider packet / T-shirt pickup at 56 E. Jordan Street (1 block south of start line). No day-of registrations.
Ride announcements/rider line up, E. Main Street. Ride start.
Meals for riders provided.
11 am to 4 pm
Post ride massage therapy.
11 am to 4 pm
Music provided by Class & Sound Entertainment/DJ Sound coordinated by Looking Glass Entertainment.
End of ride celebration.
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AOTC 2017
The Story of The Assault
Transylvania County residents and multi-year riders are often familiar with the history of the Assault on the Carolinas. This is the 18th year for the ride. Organizers, riders and the community have watched the bike ride grow and change over the years. The Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest hosts the ride each spring and has been preparing for the Saturday, April 8, ride for the past year. Jay Coan is a member and a past president of the club. While he wasn’t involved in the first ride on April 1, 2000, he became involved early on and has watched the AOTC develop into one of the finest rides in the Southeast. He and other club members were thrilled a few years ago when www.active.com recommended the Assault on the Carolinas as one of the “12 must-do rides.” Coan and others want to continue to share the story of the ride, especially 0 4 2017 AOTC
for new riders, visitors and those who appreciate watching an idea grow through hard work and generosity. The ride got its start when club member (now honorary member) Tom Whitesel was looking for a fundraiser to take the place of the labor-intensive pancake breakfast. The idea for the bike ride came about. There were under 50 riders for the first event in 2000. Over the next several years the ride grew with expected challenges and opportunities. Coan mentions the move from the high school to downtown as quite beneficial. Coan has ridden several times (even the 100K), so he recognizes both the challenges of riding the course and hosting a premier ride in the “Cycling Capital of the South,” Transylvania County.
The true spirit of the ride is evident by the generosity of the sponsors, the volunteers and the Transylvania community that welcomes riders and visitors from across the country and Canada. Rider information indicates that most find out about the ride from past riders or from family and friends. Proceeds for the Assault on the Carolinas benefit nonprofit organizations in the community and support the four avenues of Rotary service projects: community, vocational, international and youth. If you would like to volunteer or support this great event, contact AOTC at www.assaultonthecarolinas.com.
“The AOTC’s downtown location showcases all that Brevard has to offer: an amazing downtown, beautiful scenery and great people!” - Jay Coan
coming to main st. may 2017
AOTC 2017
The Riders Of The 18th Annual Assault
From its beginning in 2000, The Assault on the Carolinas has grown from 48 riders to the present limit of 1,000 riders, with more trying each year to score a ticket to ride. This year, registration opened on Oct. 22 and sold out on Dec. 12, almost four months before the ride on April 8, 2017. The participants in this year’s ride hail from 23 states, as well as 28 riders from Ontario, Canada. Some are coming from as far away as California to join their friends on the ride. The Assault has three routes – 40K (25 miles), 60K (37 miles) and 100K (65.8 miles). The 40K ride meanders through the scenic French Broad River Valley of Transylvania County, featuring rolling hills and great scenery. This year, 43 people will enjoy this scenic ride. Another 144 will enjoy the 60K, adding a 1.1-mile uphill pull on Walnut Hollow Road with grades reaching 15 percent. But what possesses 911 people to tackle the popular 100K? The 15 miles of curving descents down N.C. 178 to South Carolina? The grueling 6-plus mile climb up Caesar’s Head on U.S. 276? Chris Susko and Dave Ellefson are the oldest registered female and male riders this year. Dave, who was also the most senior rider last year, admits to turning a sprightly 83 on April 19! He started cycling more seriously when he retired and joins cycling friends in the Brevard area for the Assault each year. Dave says, “I am most thankful for being able once again to join friends and fellow cyclists for this year’s metric century. Thankful too for all the people who do all the hard work to make such a great event possible. Looking forward to AOTC 2017!” Chris writes, ”I have done the Assault ride several times in the last few years. It’s a nice challenge for me. I first did it at the urging of my husband who is a dedicated rider of long tours like cross country, etc., so with only a few rides under my belt, I attempted it and felt gratified by the achievement. I have gone on week-long tours over the last several years with a group made up of mostly over 75 year olds who do incredible rides all over the world and I am humbled by what they do. “I think the reasons I am able to complete the ride, despite being an onagain, off-again rider, are twofold. I am an avid tennis player (3-4 times a week) and have played on a team in New Jersey for at least 20 years. Also, I work out with a trainer twice a week and do some cycling occasionally on a stationary bike at the gym. I feel biking rounds out my fitness regime. “You all do a fabulous job with hospitality and insuring a wonderful experi0 6 2017 AOTC
ence. We travel frequently to North and South Carolina and enjoy everything it has to offer.” First-time rider and part-time Brevard resident Jim Hedgpeth was the very first rider to register this year, clocking in at 4:09 a.m. on Oct. 22. Jim says,
“I’m so looking forward to participating in this first-for-me AOTC! I’ve ridden 11,000 miles of “flatland” Nebraska…but it is not really flat. For me, now to ride in the beautiful Transylvania County countryside and mountains is pinch-me-Imust-be-dreaming! spectacular every time I get on my bike! “The AOTC’s one-day, three-route/mileage options ride is a marvelous cycling event – so well organized by Pisgah Forest Rotary, wonderful cooperation by all agencies involved for clarity and safety and the outpouring of local businesses to welcome and serve all the riders, families and friends. As a rider, thank you!” Art Weatherford and his wife live in Amador County in the Western Sierras of California. He writes, “I am definitely coming to your very beautiful and bikerfriendly area to ride again this year. I am looking forward to the 2017 Assault. We already have our plane tickets and have arranged to have my bicycle sent to our very close friends’ house near Caesar’s Head. “Our friends told us about the Assault on the Carolinas in 2014, so I immediately registered for 2015. I thoroughly enjoyed riding in the Assault and was sorry I had to miss it last year. I ride with a group of retired friends between two-to-four times a week. We ride anywhere from 40 to 70 miles a day. We aren’t fast, but we ride. “This year we are flying our two granddaughters and daughter-in-law to visit the area with us. We will be there for a long week and look forward to taking them on some short hikes in the Pisgah and DuPont Forests and around Caesar’s Head. More importantly, I want them to have some very good North Carolina pork barbeque. But, I digress. I am hoping to hire a fly fishing guide for a day. My wife won’t mind as she knows I have Zen moments when I fly fish.” Rotarian Dean Read and his wife ,Penny, come to Brevard for a month in the spring every year. He writes, “We live in Bar Harbor, Maine, and started visiting Brevard 10-12 years ago as a result of an article in “Where To Retire” magazine. In addition, Brevard is right off the Blue Ridge Parkway. I have ridden the Assault ,many of the years we have been in Brevard. It is a very well organized ride over a challenging route and is the culmination of my preparation before returning to Bar Harbor. “A group I am involved with has ridden a self-supported, self-directed tour of the Parkway and Skyline Drive six times, usually every other year in early May. We do other tours in other years and to other routes in early August. All the other riders are from the southeastern U.S. and bicycle nearly year around, while I am stuck in Maine where winter riding is very difficult. Four or five weeks in Brevard’s early spring gives me time to get in shape to do the May tours. I’m a Rotarian and enjoy meeting with the Pisgah Forest Rotary Club and supporting their great fundraiser and all the good work it enables.” Scott Stephenson from Hickory, N.C., will be tackling Caesar’s Head this year with his riding partner, 15-year-old son, Will, who had a conflict last year after riding with his dad for the three previous years. Scott says, “This will be my sixth and Will’s fourth AOTC. Brevard is a great place to ride, and I can think of no better place to start the season. “I know this is a ride and not a race, and my son and I will work as a team for the first 99 kilometers. But as we approach downtown Brevard I’m sure it will become an all-out sprint to the finish line. My son Will’s desire to finish ahead of me is to claim cycling supremacy in the Stephenson family! My desire to finish ahead of him, on the other hand, is to not have to hear about it every day for the rest of my life! See you next month!” Three generations of the Diestel Family are coming from Sonora, Calif., this year, although 9-month-old Aurelia won’t be making the ride quite yet! They write: “We are looking forward to joining everyone including our good friends, Joe and Nancy DePippo, who initially connected us to this great adventure. The timing was perfect for our family to join you as we typically look for an athletic event annually to participate in together. “We are excited to experience the gorgeous scenery and all that Brevard has to offer. While we are sure the ride will be challenging, the cause to benefit the Rotary Club, as well as time with friends, family and great food will help get us
across the finish line.” Riders often say that part of the reward for finishing the ride is hanging out in downtown Brevard after the ride, enjoying the hot lunch, as well as the great music and Oscar Blues brews at the after party. Cycling is a lifelong hobby that can be enjoyed at many levels. Cyclists participate in fundraisers like the Assault to maintain good fitness, to enjoy the scenery and camaraderie of other cyclists, and also to give back to local communities. The Assault on the Carolinas is the annual fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest. All proceeds go to local projects and charities. The Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest offers a heartfelt “Thank You!” to all our riders for supporting our work!
Lunch • Dinner
www.TheFallsLanding.com 18 E. Main St., Brevard (828) 884-2835
Ride Bikes • Drink Beer • Eat Well 2017 AOTC 0 7
40 K Ride
MILE 0 .36 .42 2.14 3.95 4.05 5.14 5.30 6.96 7.84 8.30
8.30 12.39 12.81 14.92 15.12 16.16 17.58
18.06 20.11 21.21 23.05 24.33 25.17 25.83
0 8 2017 AOTC
LOCATION Main St. (Water Oak Suites) Oaklawn Ave. Probart St. Cashiers Valley Rd. U.S.64/Rosman Hwy. (stop sign) Illahee Rd. Country Club Rd. (stop sign) S. Country Club Rd. Island Ford Rd. Walnut Hollow Rd. Rest Stop #1 at corner of Walnut Hollow Rd. and Hannah Ford Rd. (food drinks and rest room) Hannah Ford Rd. Calvert Rd. (T-intersection, stop sign) Whitmire Rd. U.S. 64/Rosman Hwy. (T-intersection, stop sign) Green Rd. Hannah Ford Rd. (stop sign) Walnut Hollow Rd. (stop sign) Rest Stop #2 (same as #1) at Walnut Hollow Rd. and Hannah Ford Rd. (food, drinks and rest room) Island Ford Rd. (stop sign) U.S. 276/Greenville Hwy. (stop sign) Barclay Rd. Barclay becomes Country Club Rd. Gallimore Rd. US. 276/Greenville Hwy. (becomes Main St.) Water Oak Suites
Healthy Harvest Natural Foods, Brevard, NC 2017 Assault on the Carolinas Sponsor
29 W. French Broad St., Suite 105, Brevard (828) 885-2599 â&#x20AC;¢ healthyharvestnaturalfoods.com
60 K Ride
(Blue Arrows)
MILE 0 .36 .42 2.19 3.95 4.05 5.14 5.30 6.96 7.89 8.30
11.16 14.53 15.65 17.48 17.72 19.75 20.81 22.99 23.20 24.23 25.65
25.65 26.13 28.18 29.27 31.07 32.38 33.22 33.88
LOCATION Main St. (Water Oak Suites) Oaklawn Ave. Probart St. Cashiers Valley Rd. U.S. 64/Rosman Hwy. (stop sign) Illahee Rd. Country Club Rd. (stop sign) S. Country Club Rd. Island Ford Rd. Walnut Hollow Rd. Rest Stop #1 at corner of Walnut Hollow Rd. and Hannah Ford Rd. (food, drinks and rest room) East Fork Rd. Middlefork Rd. U.S. 178/Pickens Hwy. Main St. in Rosman (traffic light) U.S.178/Pickens Hwy. (stop sign) Calvert Rd. Whitmire Rd. U.S. 64/Rosman Hwy. (T-intersection, stop sign) Green Rd. Hannah Ford Rd. (stop sign) Rest Stop #2 (same as #1) at Walnut Hollow Rd. and Hannah Ford Rd. (food, drinks and rest room] Walnut Hollow Rd. (stop sign) Island Ford Rd. (stop sign) Greenville Hwy. (stop sign) Barclay Rd. Barclay becomes Country Club Rd. Gallimore Rd. U.S. 276/Greenville Hwy. (becomes Main St.) Water Oak Suites
! Our perfect location next to ! Pisgah National Forest is ideal ! for cyclists, hikers, waterfall ! seekers and anyone else ready to enjoy the outdoors. ! !
" ! !
100 K Ride
MILE 0 .36 .42 2.14 3.95 4.05 5.14 5.30 6.96 7.84 8.30
11.16 14.53 15.65 30.10 30.15
30.35 36.62 40.32 40.47 40.92 42.25
42.26 48.79
53.19 61.00 62.81 64.10 64.25 65.60 1 0 2017 AOTC
LOCATION Main St. (Water Oak Suites) Oaklawn Ave. Probart St. Cashiers Valley Rd. U.S. 64/Rosman Hwy. (stop sign) Illahee Rd. Country Club Rd. (stop sign) S. Country Club Road Island Ford Rd. Walnut Hollow Rd. Rest Stop #1 at corner of Walnut Hollow Road and Hannah Ford Road (food, drinks and rest room) East Fork Rd. Middlefork Rd. U.S. 178/Pickens Hwy. Cross S.C. 11 Rest Stop #2 Holly Springs County Store on left (food, drinks and rest room – closes at noon] S.C. 288/Moorefield Memorial Hwy. S.C. 8/Pumpkintown Hwy. (4-way stop sign) S.C. 8 and S.C. 11 (stop sign) Exxon gas station S.C. 8 – Caesar’s Head Highway Rest Stop #3 Intersection of 276 & Hwy 8 (food, drinks and rest room – closes at 1:30 p.m.) U.S. 276/Greenville Hwy. (stop sign) Caesar’s Head State Park on left (public rest rooms and water) Rest Stop #4 Cedar Mountain Community Center on right (food, drinks, rest rooms – closes at 3 p.m.) Barclay Rd. Barclay becomes Country Club Rd. Gallimore Rd. U.S. 276/Greenville Hwy. (becomes Main St.) Water Oak Suites
Pisgah Forest 828-877-5790
112 Hendersonville Hwy, Pisgah Forest, NC Monday- Friday 7:30am-6pm Saturday 7:30am-5pm Sunday 9am-4pm
Hendersonville 828-693-1776
146 3rd Avenue East Hendersonville, NC Monday-Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday Closed
Get Your Free Assault Cowbell
Cowbells are a popular way to support and inspire riders at cycling events. Why cowbells? The tradition has origins with snow skiing in the Swiss Alps, where the proliferation of cows provided race fans with an abundance of these unique noise makers. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen a televised bike race, or watched Olympic snow skiing, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve undoubtedly heard the unmistakable ring of a cowbell. Now you, too, can inspire the riders in the Assault on the Carolinas with your own cowbell, courtesy of The Transylvania Times. Bells will be available for free (while supplies last) on Saturday morning at the Pisgah Forest Rotary Club Information Booth and during registration Friday night. A limited number of bells will be distributed ahead of time at The Transylvania Times office at 37 North Broad Street in Brevard and at Sycamore Cycles at 112 New Hendersonville Highway in Pisgah Forest. Everyone who plans to watch the race is encouraged to grab a bell and show their support by making some noise!
2017 AOTC 1 1
AOTC 2017
Break Out The Lawn Chairs!
If you’ve never watched a major cycling event, you don’t know what you’re missing. Aside from the excitement of watching the riders, there’s typically a great sense of community among the people watching the race. It can be a fun way to meet new people, and a great way to spend a few hours outdoors. And because you’re pretty close to the athletes, they can hear your shouts of encouragement, and appreciate it. Watching a race can be a truly fun, relaxing and rewarding way to spend a few hours. Looking for a great spot from which to view the Assault on the Carolinas? It will start in Brevard at 9 a.m., and riders typically finish the loop between 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Here are some suggestions of good spots from which to watch the race. The Start One of the best places to see the race is downtown during the start, when one thousand cyclists will ride down Main Street. Riders will begin at Water Oak Suites on East Main, cross the center of town at Broad Street onto West Main, and turn right on Oakdale, then left on Probart Street, heading out of town toward Cashiers Valley Road. 1 2 2017 AOTC
Main and Probart are typically lined with people cheering the cyclists as they depart en masse from town. It’s a spectacle you won’t soon forget. Walnut Hollow Starting at about 9:15 a.m., the cyclists will begin heading up the steep grade on Walnut Hollow Road as they make their way toward East Fork Road. As one race organizer says, “It’s a good spot to view people really suffering.” Please keep in mind that you need to get there before the cyclists arrive. If you try to watch the start and then head out to Walnut Hollow, you won’t be able to get around the riders.
U.S. 178 Although this section is not as popular a vantage point as Walnut Hollow, U.S. 178 heading out of Rosman provides plenty of opportunities to watch the race go by.
AOTC 2017
Best Vantage Points For Viewing
Caesar’s Head The cyclists will return from South Carolina on U.S. 276, and many people enjoy watching them come back across Caesar’s Head. The last part of the climb from South Carolina is one of the toughest legs of the 100K, and the riders really appreciate the support and encouragement. If you watch the race start in town in the morning, you can drive to Caesar’s Head without getting stuck behind the riders, who will be heading down U.S. 178.
Barclay and Country Club Roads As the riders return to Brevard, they’ll cut off U.S. 276 onto Barclay and Country Club roads. Anywhere between the turn at Barclay Road and The Brevard Health and Racquet Club will make a great place to watch the riders.
2017 AOTC 1 3
Pisgah Forest Rotary Club
Community Grants Program
The proceeds of each year’s Assault on the Carolinas are used during the following year to fund Rotary service, including grants which support numerous charitable and nonprofit organizations in Transylvania County. This year, the Pisgah Forest Rotary Club will award over $30,000 in targeted financial grants to support community needs in three areas – children and youth, education and health. The funds for these grants were raised during the 2016 Assault on the Carolinas. The total grant money available each year is completely dependent on the success and profitability of the previous year’s Assault on the Carolinas Grants are awarded to meet specific needs and to have a direct and immediate impact. Among the 2016 recipients of Pisgah Forest Rotary grants, all of which were used within Transylvania County, were: •The Cindy Platt Boys & Girls Club of Transylvania County •The Sheriff’s SHIELD Youth Camp •The Dolly Parton Imagination Library •Community College scholarships •The Haven of Transylvania (homeless shelter) •Transylvania Heritage Museum in-school education program •Arts in Schools •SAFE (domestic and sexual abuse response/prevention and shelter) •The Rise & Shine Freedom School •The Children’s Center •The Rotary Youth Leadership Camp •Transylvania Youth Strings •VIZ Transylvania youth leadership program •Brevard Music Center Transylvania Student Scholarships •Muddy Sneakers •Sharing House The riders and sponsors of the Assault on the Carolinas make our community grants program possible each year, and for that the Pisgah Forest 1 4 2017 AOTC
Rotary Club is deeply grateful. Thank you for joining us in applying Rotary’s guiding principle of “Service Above Self.”
Net Proceeds from the previous Assault on the Carolinas fund all 4 avenues of service projects for the next year.
Community Service Examples: Hunger Coalition - Box Truck Food Drives Back Pack Buddies St. Nikolaus Tag Shoe Drive Local Grants Silvermont Bike Racks (w/district) SAFE The Haven Free Rein BSA The Daniel Boone Council Randy Buford Brevard HS Theatre Memorial Transylvania Youth Strings Transylvania Heritage Museum Muddy Sneakers
The 4 Avenues of Service Ȃ the foundation of our Club.
International Service Examples: Gift of Life Polio Plus Shelterbox
2016-17 Rotary Fiscal Year www.pisgahforestrotary.org
Vocational Service Examples: Vision Transylvania BRCC Scholarship Brevard College Scholarship
Youth Services Examples: 5th Grade Expo Interact RYLA Local Grants: The Cindy Platt Boys & Girls Club of Transylvania County Rise & Shine Freedom School ǯ ȋ Ȍ Davidson River School Scholarship Imagination Library Brevard Music Center ǯ Vision VIZ TC Arts 2017 AOTC 1 5
& A with
AOTC 2017
Ride Director John Buford
Buford is a current member and a past president of Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest. He has served as Ride Director – Assault on the Carolinas for the past several years. Last year, the weather caused some last-minute planning adjustments. What considerations do you take regarding adverse weather?
Road cyclists are a hardy bunch, so the ride happens rain or shine. That said, if severe weather occurs — snow, ice, driving rain, lightning — we maintain the option of canceling the ride, or delaying the start up to two hours in consideration of rider and public safety. As the proceeds from the event go to charity, we don’t offer refunds if this occurs. We keep a close eye on the weather starting a few weeks before the event. Last year, beginning about 5 days before the ride we realized it was going to be a
1 6 2017 AOTC
cold and windy day — 30 degrees at ride start and 20-25 mile winds! So, we made a few accommodations. First, we emailed and Facebooked our riders with the forecast and encouraged that each make a personal judgement on whether riding in these conditions was the right decision for them. Second, for comfort more than safety, we switched the after-party venue from the Water Oaks parking lot to inside the BLT/American Legion. This was a significant logistical hurdle for us but all the volunteers and riders pitched in and made it happen without a hitch. What advice do you have for first time Assault on the Carolinas riders?
Safety is first and foremost! The start is somewhat like releasing a dam from a lake into a small stream—1,000 riders funneled into two lane roads through town. It’s shoulder to shoulder through downtown, out Probart, and onto Cashiers Valley
per hour for 6 1/2 hours over 65 miles of hilly terrain (grades up to 15 percent, over 3,700 ft. of ascent). This pace will enable them to finish by 3:30 p.m. If a rider doesn’t believe they can meet these criteria, they should consider doing the 40k or 60k route this year and prepare to complete the 100K next year. What advice do you have for folks wishing to watch the Assault?
Main Street, anywhere from Gaston all the way down to Oaklawn. Be ready to cheer at 9:00 a.m. Anywhere along Probart, Cashiers Valley, Illahee and South and North Country Club are great places to watch as well. Folks all over the county sitting on their front yards with cowbells and other noise makers are greatly appreciated by the riders — especially the several hundred who pass through Rosman. Cheering the finishing riders is fun as well. From about 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. riders will be entering Brevard from the High School down Gallimore to the finish line on East Main. What keeps you busy on ride day?
Most of my work is done when the riders pass the start line. After that, I mostly monitor progress and problem solve. However, there are hundreds of folks who work hard all day to make the ride a success: the Brevard Police Department, the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Department, rescue squads and EMS, Pickens and Greenville County Sheriff’s departments, Rotary Club members, volunteers driving SAG vehicles, manning rest stops, serving food and beverages, playing music and giving post-ride massages. Retailers, restaurant and lodging owners, and folks cheering the riders also contribute significantly to making the AOTC a great experience for our visitors.
John Buford
Road. Riders should be patient, ride friendly, and keep in mind that the AOTC is a “ride,” not a “race.” As the riders cross the Rosman Highway, head down Illahee, over South Country Club, onto Island Ford, and then especially over Walnut Hollow, the pack spreads out significantly. This is when ‘rules of the road’ really apply. Safe driving applies to both gas burners and calorie burners! Vehicle drivers should be patient and wait for a safe opportunity to pass bikes. North Carolina statute allows a driver to pass a bicycle if the cyclist is moving in the same direction, going straight and not turning left or signaling a left turn. When passing, the driver must provide at least 4 feet between his or her vehicle and the cyclist, or the passing driver must completely enter the left lane of the roadway. Cyclists must also follow rules of the road and should obey all traffic control signs — the exception being when a uniformed officer is directing traffic, which will be the case in and around Brevard. It’s especially important for cyclists riding in pairs or groups to ride single file when cars are wanting to pass. Always use hand signals to indicate your intent to change directions. We will have chase (SAG) vehicles and rest stops along the route assisting tired riders and broken bikes. Nevertheless, riders should choose a route — either the 40K, 60K, or 100K — that matches their ability. For the 100K route, a rider should be reasonably confident he or she can average at least 10 miles
Here to serve you.
Charlie’s Tire Center Inc. 828-883-2815 177 N. Caldwell St. Brevard, NC 28712 2017 AOTC 1 7
AOTC 2017
Photo courtesy of Terry Maros
Sponsor Generosity A Big Factor In Growth
1 8 2017 AOTC
The Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest thanks and appreciates each of the Assault on the Carolinas sponsors. Their generosity and commitment to the annual event makes a significant contribution to the community organizations that benefit from the support. These sponsors contribute cash, goods, services and facilities that have contributed to the growth and success of the annual bike event. Jim Cruickshank is the current president of Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest. He has been a member of the club for four years. Early on he was a committed AOTC volunteer working the rider registration process and then jumping in wherever he was needed during the event. He appreciates the generosity of the community and the sponsors. “Sponsors enable us to take the ride to the next level,” he said. “They enable us to make the Assault on the Carolinas an exceptional ride for the participants. Through their generosity, the Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest is able to invest more funds back into the community by funding not-for-profit organizations.” One of the returning sponsors is the Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority (TCTDA). The organization recognizes the growth of the ride and the benefits of off season riders and visitors. “The Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority is proud to sponsor the Assault on the Carolinas through our grant program,” said TCTDA Executive Director Clark Lovelace. “Biking is an important part of our local brand and this event has grown over the years to impressive levels. Plus, since it occurs away from the busy summer months, it is particularly beneficial to our tourism economy.” The Assault on the Carolinas’ proceeds are provided to local charities, service organizations and scholarships. In addition, the ride has more than $250,000 in immediate economic impact and a significant long-term promotion of our local businesses, restaurants, hotels and natural resources. Please take the time to visit these businesses and thank them for their tremendous contributions to our community. 2017 Assault on the Carolinas Sponsors: ESG/Operations, Gary Daniel Builders, Oskar Blues Brewery, Sycamore Cycles, Carmichael Training Systems, Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority, The Transylvania Times, Blue Ridge Adventures,
Photo courtesy of Bob Horstman
Photo courtesy of Jack Christfield Connestee Falls Realty, Healthy Harvest Natural Foods, Meredith Baldridge Insurance, Pisgah Fish Camp, The Sunset Motel, SylvanSport, The UPS Store, Transylvania Regional Hospital, Water Oak Dental Group, WSQL, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, Brevard College, Brevard Music Center, D. D. Bullwinkelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Domokur Architects, Entegra Bank, First Citizens Bank, Fisher Realty, Headwaters Outfitters, Keystone Camp, Skratch Labs, Blue Ridge Bakery, Brevard Insurance, Cedar Mountain CafĂŠ, Connestee Falls POA, Hampton Inn Brevard, Heart of Brevard, Joan VanOrman Focused Marketing, Main Street Ltd., Mayberryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Moody-Connolly Funeral Home, Steve Owen & Associates and Elevate Physical Therapy. For more information on sponsor packages, email assaultonthecarol inas@gmail.com.
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2017 AOTC 1 9
AOTC 2017
Scenes From AOTC Over The Years
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From white squirrels to bike trails, from coming events to breaking news, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find it all in The Transylvania Times.
Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no better way to get to know Transylvania County than with The Transylvania Times Our thorough coverage of local news and government, our vibrant Opinions of the Readers section, and our human-interest features provide an unparalleled glimpse of life in Transylvania County. Weekly features such as Arts & Entertainment, Outdoor Recreation, School News, Sports, Church News and LIfestyles help cover the many aspects of this diverse and growing community. And our comprehensive community calendar is a must read for both Transylvanians and visitors. The Transylvania Times is published twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, and is available in print and online. www.transylvaniatimes.com 37 North Broad Street Brevard, NC 28712 (828) 883-8156
2 0 2017 AOTC
AOTC 2017
Scenes From AOTC Over The Years
B r e v a r d ’s N e w e s t G a l l e r y
Fe a t u r i n g a r t w o r k o f l o c a l a r t i s t s , c u s t o m f r a m i n g , an d u nu su al ar t -in sp ir e d gift s r an g in g fro m b o u t i q u e c l o t h i n g , j e w e l r y & h o m e d e c o r.
“ We h a v e a l i t t l e s o m e t h i n g f o r e v e r y o n e ”
7 2 S. B r o a d S t . , B r e v a r d , N C 2 8 7 1 2 8 2 8 . 9 6 6 . 5 0 9 9 H o u r s : T- S a t . 1 0 - 5 C l o s e d S u n . & M o n . 2017 AOTC 2 1
AOTC 2017
Volunteer Appreciation
Alice and Mark Gibson are new volunteers.
The annual Assault on the Carolinas is an event that requires year-round planning with substantial preparation before ride day. The 18th annual bike ride is Saturday, April 8. Work on the event, hosted by the Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest, demonstrates the Rotary motto “Service Above Self.” Planning, organizing and executing the annual bike ride takes many dedicated volunteers working throughout the year. Registration set-up and processing, ordering rider jerseys and t-shirts, mapping the route, ordering food and scheduling entertainment for the after party, stuffing rider bags – and the list goes on. Rotarians, family of Rotary members and volunteers in the community pitch in to make this a fun and successful event fundraiser. After all the planning, the riders can check in and pick up packages beginning Friday evening. Volunteers assemble early to organize and then provide the rider packets efficiently and with a welcome smile. Ride day begins early for many volunteers. Rider check-in and packet pickup begins Saturday morning at 7 a.m. The after-party team is already assembling and the volunteers for parking, rest stop and chase vehicles (SAG) are working and preparing for the day ahead. Once the ride and after-party conclude, volunteers stay to clean up the area and begin preparing for the next event. Amber Webb is past president of Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest. She has been a volunteer at AOTC for many years, most recently as the chair of the after-party – a party for 1,000 plus attendees. “Volunteerism and the AOTC go hand in hand,” she said. “Every year we depend on dozens of volunteers to make our event successful. Come to think of it, we’re all volunteers! It’s exciting to work with new faces every year. You see their enthusiasm and the glow in their eyes after realizing just how many cyclists they’ll be working with.” Two of these new faces are Alice and Mark Gibson. They recently joined the Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest and are anticipating a great day working as volunteers on April 8. 2 2 2017 AOTC
Don Mozley signs up to volunteer.
The Gibsons moved to the area from Ruston, La. Alice is a retired hospital pharmacist and Mark a retired college professor. They are enjoying their new home and are enthusiastic members of Rotary. Mark said they attended a few meetings and were attracted to the service aspect of Rotary. “We wanted to serve and to be involved in Brevard,” he said. Both Alice and Mark plan to welcome and serve riders at Rest Stop #4 (the Cedar Mountain Community Center) on the 100K route. Alice recently had rotator cuff surgery and says “I figure I can hand out water!” They are looking forward to meeting the riders, seeing the rainbow of colors, and experiencing the excitement of the day. Whether it’s a first-time experience or the 18th – all volunteers are welcome and Rotary is thankful for their time and participation. Volunteers – you are appreciated!
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2017 AOTC 2 3
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