The Triangle Dog vol 4 issue 1

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Volume 4 T Issue 1



- Prepare Your Pup -C hoose the Right Dog for Your Family - Know How to Say Hi



The Triangle Dog

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Brehmer Barks WOW—2014 is already here! Sometimes I think publishing four times a year is what makes me feel like time flies, since I seem to say it is a new year every four issues. To start this year out right, we are going to highlight two of the most important things in many of our lives: dogs of course, and this time, kids, too. Yes, The Triangle Dog is going to focus on dogs AND kids for this issue. For example, you’ll learn how to introduce your child to a new dog and vice versa: how to introduce your dog to a new child. We will also touch on breeds that are best for families. In addition to kids and dogs, we still have our normal columns such as Breed Basics, where we are focusing on the Border Collie; Safety 101, with advice on how to run with your dog; and Dogs @ Play, where you can read about the fun of Agili-O. In addition to the great issue we’ve put together for you, we want to remind you that if you have not seen our new website, you should stop by and check it out. While you are there, be sure to sign-up for the digital issue of The Triangle Dog and have it delivered straight to your email inbox. And last but not least, be sure to visit us on Facebook and “like” our page. Finally, regardless of what year it is and how fast time flies, we hope you and your fur-babies enjoy each and every day of this year! And remember that we love to hear from you and welcome any and all comments and suggestions so that together we can create a better life for your dog. I would like to send a special THANK YOU out to Tara Lynn, owner of InBetween the Blinks, for allowing us to use so many of her photos in this issue. Sincerely, Chuck & Angie Brehmer (and Millie, Elsie, and Cindy Lu) Publishers/Editor-in-Chief


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T The Triangle Dog


Cindy Lu

Founders: Chuck Brehmer and Angela Brehmer Sign up and get the latest issue delivered right to your inbox! If you have missed any issues, you can catch up on all Past issues!

“Helping You Create a Better Life For Your Dog”

Volume 4 • Issue 1

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Eetie Kent Bandy and Jackie Larson “Eetie is Everyone’s Favorite” Diane Lewis Photography

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The Triangle Dog magazine is published 4 times per year. Entire contents are copyright 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means without prior written consent from the publisher. Publication date: Januaray 2014. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, the publisher makes no warrant to the accuracy or reliability of this information. Views expressed by editorial contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 4 • ISSUE 1 Departments: 4 Publisher's Note 5 Masthead 6 Table of Contents 7 Bark Back! 8 Contributors 24 Ask the Groomer 30 The T-Dog ‘Round Town 34 Ask the Vet 38 Picture This!

Cover Story:

12 Eetie is Everyone’s Favorite by Angela Brehmer

Columns: 14 Breed Basics: Border Collie 16 Shelter Spotlight: Carolina Border Collie Rescue 22 Dogs @ Play: Mix It up with Agili-O! 28 The T-Dog 10…Topics to Explore at the Veterinary Medicine Library

32 Nutrition: Dog Gas: Is There Any Way

42 Training: Puppies and Babies, Oh My!

Need to Know

9 Dream Dog: How to Select Your New Four-Legged Family Member by Barbara Shumannfang, Ph.D., CPDT

18 One Big, Happy Family by Sean Drummond

Allergic Children

37 Safety 101: Running With Dogs: What You

Tails from the Heart: A Dog Like None Other


to Stop It?

36 Animal Health & Wellness: Achoo! Pets and


39 “Look! A Doggie!” The ABCs of Saying

Hello to a Dog by Barbara Shumannfang, Ph.D., CPDT


“You are awesome! Love this magazine and read it cover to cover! Think I have every issue!” Lynn B. (Facebook)

What’s your favo

rite pass time wit

1. Watching TV –

2. Going for a wal


3. Visiting the dog

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park – 10% 4. Other – being ou tside – 30%

“I hope many pet owners in the Triangle will see this issue (Fall 2013) because you’ve included several excellent educational articles. I will certainly point my clients to several of them on my Facebook page.” Erin C. (email)

“What a great issue Angie and Chuck. So happy to see Jada Jarillo’s piece “Be a Hero for Zero”! Thank you!” Donna E. (Facebook)

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CONTRIBUTORS CHARLES ABNEY, ABCDT Charles Abney is a Raleigh transplant—by way of the Marine Corps—from Illinois. He lives in Wake Forest with his wife Stephanie and their pack of four rescue hounds. During his time in the service, he began volunteering with local rescues and saw all of the behavioral issues that can come from such environments. Upon exiting the Marine Corps, he completed the Animal Behavior College Certified Dog Training program and then started Headstrong Dog Training to help the Triangle area’s dog owners solve behavioral problems and create peaceful households.


Photo by Wendy Savage

Kristine Alpi joined North Carolina State University Libraries as Director of the William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine in 2008. She has a Master’s degree in library science from Indiana University and a Master’s in Public Health focused on Community Health Education from Hunter College, City University of New York. As Adjunct Assistant Professor of Population Health & Pathology in the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, her interests include knowledge management and One Health, the intersection of animal, human, and environmental health. She lives with Pooh Bear, a rescued bulldog, who frequently visits the veterinary college.

SUZANNE KALAFIAN, ABCDT, CATT Suzanne Kalafian owns and operates Superior Dog Training, Inc. She is a Certified Dog Trainer through Animal Behavior College. She is also a Certified Treibball Trainer with the American Treibball Association. Relocating from PA in 2005, she reopened her business here in NC and has followed her goal to educate humans in the positive care and training of their canine companions. Kalafian believes that dogs need a positive lifelong commitment from their humans and strives to help people communicate in a positive manner with their dogs. She continues to become educated in new sports. Superior Dog Training, Inc. currently offers Agili-O, Treibball, Nose work, Rally-O, Trick certification, mix-it-up classes, and many obedience options.

CLARE REECE-GLORE Clare Reece-Glore is owner of YAY dog!, a Durham company that provides in-home coaching services for people and their dogs, as well as dog care seminars. Clare holds an M.S. in adult education and has worked in a veterinary clinic and volunteered with animal rescue organizations for many years. A lifelong equestrian, she brings her knowledge of natural horsemanship techniques to her work with dogs. YAY dog!’s spokesdog Andy came from the Animal Protection Society of Durham.

PAULETTE PRIDGEN Paulette Pridgen recently retired as communications director of a local church. Previously, she worked in business development for several organizations and is currently pursuing freelance writing endeavors. She received an A.B. degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a M.A. from Duke University. When her dog Blackie died in 1996, she went over to the “dark side” to become a cat owner. Currently, she serves at the whim of Duke of Marmalade, a Bengal, and Shepherd the Good, an orange tabby rescue. Duke and Shepherd have not been told that a dog is in their future. 8    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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Photo by Kristen Beck

Barbara Shumannfang shares dog training tips and lessons we can learn from dogs at Her new book is Puppy Savvy: How to Raise Your Dog without Going Bonkers. She is also the author of Happy Kids, Happy Dogs: Building a Friendship Right from the Start and is a Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S.) evaluator. Her teachers include a bossy, extremely adorable terrier mix and a Border Collie that makes a sound like a vuvuzela. She can be reached at


e can’t choose our relatives, but adding a dog to our family may be the next best thing. Most parents want a dog that will get along well with their children. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help your child and your dog enjoy life together. Look for the following qualities when you visit with doggie candidates you are considering. Friendliness A dog that prefers to be close to children is likeliest to be a safe, fun companion. One that voluntarily wants to be in the kids’ space is less likely to take offense when one of them gets on his or her nerves. You’re likelier to bond with a people-oriented dog and therefore help him or her with training challenges that crop up. And a dog who loves to connect with people will be a joy to include in family activities. If your doggie candidate enjoys toys, romps with another dog, or has an adorable appearance, it may look like friendliness because those qualities make us smile. But the key is to look for a dog that approaches your kids and maintains contact. Look for loose, open body language and a tail held at spine level or lower. Pet the dog and then stop, and have your child do the same. A friendly dog will ask for more by stepping closer. No matter where you get your dog, friendliness should be the top priority. Maturity Ideally your new family dog will be a young adult. Parents with young kids usually find it stressful to housetrain a puppy, teach him or her to accept confinement, learn the right objects to chew on, and sleep through the night. It is challenging to teach children to interact gently and safely with a teething, energetic puppy. By selecting a more mature dog, you’ll be able to see the dog’s grown-up personality when you meet, making a successful match that much likelier.

Settles down easily Children have a lot of energy, come and go throughout the day, and have emotional ups and downs. When evaluating a dog, run around, play with a toy, or lavish the dog with excited attention for a couple of minutes. Choose a dog that simmers down when you become quiet. Attentive to you outside Interact with the dog outside. If the dog pulls moderately on the leash, training can turn that around. But if the dog fails to check in with you (without you coaxing), tunes you out when you try to get his or her attention, gets the leash twisted into a spiral, nearly drags you over, or leaps and mouths incessantly, he or she may be much harder to integrate into your family. Relaxed around other dogs Picture your new dog walking beside your kids as they tell you about their school day, and imagine how stressful this will be if your dog habitually barks and lunges at other dogs. Arrange a mock leash walk with a helper who will walk one or two different dogs past you to see how your candidate reacts. Whether the barking is out of aggression or frustration, helping a dog overcome this issue takes more time and training than most people would care to invest. Choose from candidates that are blasé about canine cousins they see coming down the pike. Not overly possessive of food, toys, or personal space Snacks, toys, and invasions of personal space are a normal part of family life, so choose a dog that is not upset by a person reaching for valued items or sensitive body parts like ears or paws. While you will coach your child not to exhibit these behaviors, it is impossible to always prevent your child from disturbing your dog. It is risky to assess a dog for The Triangle Dog

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Photo by Tara Lynn, owner InBetween The Blinks Photography

possessiveness and body handling issues, since he or she may escalate quickly from a frozen, hunkered body posture, to growling, snapping, or biting. It is best to get professional assistance, or follow the tips in the book Successful Dog Adoption. Easygoing about everyday situations An easygoing dog will take in stride household routines, play dates, and outings. Try to assess how calm or jumpy your candidate is. For example, drop an item like some keys when the dog is looking away. Have someone knock and enter wearing a hat or holding an open umbrella. Sit quietly and simply hold the dog by the collar for a minute. Choose a dog that remains nonplussed by these common events. Consider your children, too Are they rough-and-tumble or quiet? Do they typically follow instructions or do they have trouble following through? Try to match the personality of the dog such that he or she can enjoy your kids. If they are well matched, your job will be so much easier, and their friendship will be much likelier to flourish. After You Bring Your Dog Home… No matter which dog you choose, be a kid-canine 10    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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coach. Successful kid-canine coaching requires that you: 1) Guide your child to respectful, kind behavior. That means no approaching the dog when he or she is resting or chewing, and no imposing on his or her space by following, sitting on, or hugging him or her. Dogs may tolerate hugging, but unlike human family members, they rarely like it. Coach your child to play games like fetch and tricks, to read to the dog, and to show affection by kissing a palm and petting the dog on the chest; 2) Monitor your dog’s signs of relaxation and tension. Loose, open body language, a partly open mouth, and choosing to be close to your child are good signs. Stiff body language, a tense mouth, or turning away from your child are signs you should separate them. Otherwise your child may learn it’s okay to touch someone who is saying “no.” Your dog may defend him or herself when the pleas for space go unheeded; 3) Use a Safety Zone when it’s not a good time to coach their interactions. Visit or see the book Puppy Savvy: The Pocket Guide to Raising Your Dog without Going Bonkers for easy instructions on when and how to use a Safety Zone. Choose your dog wisely and be a kid-canine coach, and the friendship between your child and your new family member will be off to a dreamy start.

The Best Dogs for Kids: Myths and Facts Myth: It’s better to get a puppy and mold him or

Fact: You cannot raise a puppy to have a certain

her how you wish.

personality. Puppies are no more blank slates when they are born than people are. Nature and nurture are both at work.

Myth: Some dogs are hypoallergenic.

Fact: There is no such thing as a dog that poses no allergy risk. All dogs shed hair and dander, so talk with your doctor before getting a dog.

Myth: Shelter dogs have too much baggage.

Fact: It is possible to get a really great or a really difficult dog or puppy from any source. Carefully assess any dog or puppy you’re considering, no matter the source.

Myth: Certain breeds are better with kids.

Fact: Certain personalities are better with kids. Get a friendly dog, teach your child the dos and don’ts, and monitor your dog for stress. You can’t judge a book by its cover.

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Photos by Diane Lewis Photography

etie is a special dog; at 3.5 years old, she is a small Chihuahua that was rescued by Anne Almand from an absent traveling owner who was given the dog as a “gift.” Now, almost 4 years after her rescue, she lives with Jackie Larson (Almand’s mother) and is on the cover of The Triangle Dog magazine, thanks to Larson who bid on the auction prize at Second Chance Pet Adoptions’ 13th annual Auction for the Animals that was held on July 27, 2013 at the Prestonwood Country Club in Cary, NC. When Eetie was as young as eight weeks old she was left in a bathroom for days at a time. In June of 2010, at six months of age, Eetie was finally rescued from the situation by Almand. Larson, Eetie’s co-owner, explained, “because of this experience, Eetie has severe separation anxiety if she is left anywhere other than with our other pets at home. She is just like a child who was left a lot: she is terrified, left wondering when we will come back, so she sneaks into her travel bag every time she thinks she might get left alone. Then she shakes if she sees she is going to be left alone.” “When we leave and tell her ‘stay home,’ she puts 12    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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her tail between her legs, ears down, and goes to her bed,” continued Larson. Larson’s daughter Anne maintained a pet sitting business in high school; as a result, she was introduced to Eetie. And when Almand left for college, Larson was blessed by their new fourlegged family member. Larson added that what they love most about Eetie is “how smart, gentle, and quiet she is. The only time she barks is if someone is at the door. She loves everyone in our family equally and as the college kids come and go, she re-attaches.” Eetie also has a large vocabulary: she understands talk, sing, what is that?, are you thirsty?, and get in the bag (when traveling)—just to name a few. These commands are in addition to the normal obedience words that she understands like come, sit, down, and roll over. In her spare time, Eetie enjoys chasing squirrels and seagulls. She also loves to “sing and talk” when her family members come home. Larson believes this vocalization is her way of telling them how much she missed them. Currently Eetie lives with a sheltie, a Himalayan cat, and two

has spent most of her time over the last 3.5 years with my husband and me. As soon as Anne arrives home for a college break, they are soul mates once again, like she never left,” Larson elaborated. “What is amazing to us,” noted Larson, “having never had a small dog before, and one that had little socialization from two months to five months, is how smart she is. We have always had shelties, which are very bright working dogs, and our little Eetie is smarter than any other dog we have had.” She may have begun life alone, but today, Eetie is surrounded by a loving family who has given her a second chance.

other part-time foster rescues from Second Chance Pet Adoptions. “She has brought SO much joy to our family. All my grown children, when they are back home, fight over who gets to sleep with Eetie, who takes Eetie. Interestingly enough, her favorite is her “rescuer,” my daughter Anne. There is no question that she remembers who ‘saved’ her, even though Anne left for college shortly after we adopted her, and Eetie

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BREED BASICS by Clare Reece-Glore

Border Collies

Border Collies are one of the most recognizable breeds of dogs, but they rank 45th in AKC breed popularity. And that’s good. This lovely dog is bred to work, not relax, and if you want to live with one, you should be quite certain you are up to the job. Border Collies come from herding dogs bred for hundreds of years along the border of England and Scotland. The countryside is rough and hilly, with lots of rocky, broken ground, large hills, and little dips where sheep can hide. The terrain demanded dogs of great endurance, intelligence, intensity, and independence. They work to a shepherd’s commands, often at a great distance. These dogs were not bred for looks or conformation, but for their herding abilities and hardiness. About half are rough (longer) coated, and about half have a short, smoother coat. We think of the Border Collie in “black and white” terms, but they may also be brown, merle, or mostly white, though the latter is uncommon. The dogs are medium-sized and may range from 3560lbs. Stockmen look for intelligence and an interest in work and cooperation. Some Border Collies may be reserved; they are not “I love everyone” dogs. They become incredibly loyal and bonded to an owner. 14    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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Border Collies are generally healthy. Hip dysplasia is rather common and the other serious problem for the breed is Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA). CEA is not a progressive disease, and some dogs have only slight loss of vision. However, CEA is hereditary, so breeders must be careful. I often find that rescue groups give excellent, honest information about the breeds they love. For example, the Carolina Border Collie Rescue ( explained: “Unique behaviors can stem from the Border Collie’s herding instincts. Even the most wellstimulated Border Collie, if its herding instinct is strong, can develop obsessions with fish, ceiling fans, flashing lights, passing cars, or running children.” Looking at several different rescue and breed sites, I see the following cautions: • The dogs will herd anything, including your children. They may nip heels, which is not an aggressive act, but rather the dog using its herding instincts. However, children and parents may not appreciate this behavior. • The dogs may need up to two hours of hard exercise a day, particularly younger ones.

• The dogs may develop obsessive behaviors, especially if they are not exercised enough. • They need space and running room and may not do well at all in an apartment. • Border Collies love structure, and they demand work. If you don’t give them a job, they may invent one, like tearing up your house. • Border Collies need a lot of physical and mental exercise each day, and they need to work closely with people. So, where does the Border Collie fit in modern, nonfarm life? I think this breed fits in the homes of active people who truly enjoy working with a dog. Border Collies excel at obedience, agility, flyball, Frisbee, or other competitions that require the use of their bodies and minds. They may also do well at tracking or therapy dog work. Border Collies have even been trained to herd birds away from golf courses and airport runways. However, if you want an intense, incredibly smart dog who needs lots of your time, a Border Collie may be the right choice. If not, enjoy them in literature and movies.

Resources: Here is a great short video from the UK about living with a Border Collie:

Area rescues: Carolina Border Collie Rescue Blue Ridge Border Collie Rescue

Literature Author Donald McCaig lives in Virginia and has written fiction and non-fiction about Border Collies. He works Border Collies on his farm.

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Carolina Border Collie Rescue (CBCR) began in the late 1990s when a few women agreed that there was a need for a service that would help match new owners with abandoned Border Collies (BC), as well as give advice on the breed and on appropriate care for their needs. This informal aggregation (the word, appropriately, derives from Latin aggregat—“herded together”) coalesced into a certified non-profit very quickly, when one of the women was approached to participate in an event (“a huge pet thing”), which required proof of 501(c)(3) status. In two weeks, the women did an online search for a pro bono lawyer, worked out the details for incorporation, and, voila! CBCR was born. At that time, CBCR became the second breed rescue site in the country with browse-able adoptables and the first with a “live” online application. According to a founding member, Rebecca Shouse, this group formed “right after Babe, the movie. BCs were practically unknown. Agility was just starting. BCs were still AKC ‘miscellaneous.’ It was the days of the BC AKC wars!” The “huge pet thing” included a flyball demo, but no participating dogs could complete the course. Founding member Laura Slusher ran over with her flyball dog, Casey (her first BC—a rescue herself) and did the demo for them. Slusher recalled that “It was a mad rush to get everything ready for that demo. Jennifer Bartz had a nice banner made up really quickly. She was our 3rd member.” Shouse remembered, “… flyers, an information backboard, the rescues all prettied up for meet and greets, applications for adoptions and, more importantly, volunteering! People were shocked it was just the two of us.” Fifteen years later, CBCR is an energetic, fully functioning rescue organization with 62 members, 10 active foster 16    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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homes, generous rescue discounts from cooperating veterinarians and close ties to animal shelters scattered all around North Carolina. The Border Collie, bred specifically for herding livestock, can be a challenge to the pet owner. Serious breeders have strenuously resisted pressure to produce dogs complying with confirmation standards in an effort to preserve instinct and “eye,” a mesmerizing combination of hypnotic effects, which can intimidate and control anything from a single sheep to a substantial herd of cattle. These traits, combined with a bright mind, a strong prey drive, and an implacable work ethic, require most Border Collie owners to provide something to do, every day, for a lifetime. CBCR fosters provide food, shelter, socialization, and basic training to rescued Border Collies. When possible, foster dogs are instinct-tested by professionals to determine suitability for herding, agility, and reliable companionship. The crucial aspect to matching a dog with a new owner is to be certain that an adopter is prepared to take on a level of athleticism and intellect not often experienced in the popular hunting or lapdog breeds. Even after adoption, owners are supported and encouraged by the dog’s foster person in their new undertaking. If things don’t work out, a dog may be returned to CBCR at any time during its lifespan. CBCR’s Mission Statement declares that the group “exists to provide animal rescue, education and counseling for the purposes of preventing the mistreatment and neglect of Border Collies.” Thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers, this mission is attained, dog by dog. Facebook: Carolina-Border-Collie-Rescue-CBCR/241751821171

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SEAN DRUMMOND Sean Drummond is the stay-at-home parent of three human children and two canine kids. The dogs are both rescues from different organizations. In the midst of childcare and dogcare, he attempts to maintain a freelance writing career. You can read his blog about his adventures in the Triangle with his children at


o you’ve assembled the crib, painted the nursery, and mapped out the quickest route to the hospital. But what is your four-legged baby going to think of this new biped interloper? If you’re like most new parents, you bring the baby’s blanket home from the hospital for Fido to sniff and hope you’ll soon have that Disneyesque scene of big brother doggie lying peacefully, guarding junior’s crib. “Parents want that picture,” quipped Jennifer Shryock, a mother of four and certified dog behavior consultant (CDBC). Frustrated by the number of dogs surrendered by expectant parents, Shryock created Family Paws to help families and dogs transition to a household with children. Family Paws focuses less on the dog and more on parent education. “I want it to be about the family and take it off the dog” she explained. The goal of Family Paws’ educational program is to provide parents with as much information as possible about canine needs and behaviors. The program begins by teaching the family how to prepare with their dog for the coming changes, continuing with ongoing support for including their dog in the new routine. Expectant parents can begin their journey with Dogs & Storks. Using exercises and role play, parents learn how Rover might respond when their attention is focused elsewhere. One of the exercises Shryock recommends is laying a blanket on the floor and watching how the dog responds. Does the dog try to take the blanket, thinking it’s time for tug-of-war? The parents can then put a baby doll on the blanket and interact with it as if it were real while observing their dog’s response. Most dogs are excited when their owners sit on the floor with them. Now is the time to teach calm behavior and new responses to floor activity before baby arrives. Shryock explains that these are all “simple ways to allow the dog to adjust to the upcoming changes gradually.” 18    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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The program also helps parents identify behaviors that might require retraining. Some dogs are used to getting attention in ways that are no longer safe or appropriate with a baby in the house—a jumping greeter can be difficult to handle with an armload of infant. Dogs need to be taught new ways of getting attention, now that baby is here, before they resort to disruptive and destructive behaviors, since even negative attention is welcome attention for a transitioning dog. One of the ways to prevent negative-attention-seeking behaviors is to focus on inclusion. In those instances when the parent’s attention is unavoidably diverted— like a four-alarm child meltdown—Fido can be given something calm to do. Shryock likes to make her dogs work for their food instead of pouring it into their bowl every morning. She uses the dogs’ pre-measured food as training treats or as rewards in a challenging puzzle to work their minds. Some examples: kibble ice cubes hidden in the yard, or a DIY roll-a-treat ball made out of a milk jug with holes cut in it, and frozen treats stuffed inside a Kong work too. A dog engaged in a food challenge is less likely to be frustrated by the momentary decrease in attention. Even older dogs can be, and should be, prepared for the new arrival. Families with older dogs may even benefit more from the lessons of inclusion taught by Family Paws. “A lot of people forget how to have fun with their pets once they have children and they lose that relationship,” lamented Shryock. Giving parents ideas for incorporating their older dog into the new family structure can help alleviate the guilt parents may feel about missing their dog’s twilight years because they had children. According to Shryock, the follow-up program is the one that “most parents

don’t know they truly need the most!” Dog and Baby Connection continues the journey by focusing on safe dog and toddler interactions. Toddlers can be a hard adjustment for dogs. Dogs rely on predictability. Toddlers lack spatial awareness and move unpredictably, which can make even the most docile dog uncomfortable. Dogs communicate that discomfort through body language. A dog in conflict will often make eye contact with a trusted adult, indicating a need for praise or guidance. Shryock “considers this checking in a gift.” If the parent is attuned to this body language, he or she can offer the dog an escape to a kid-free zone. Providing a crate or using baby gates to block off an area can create a safe zone where dogs are able to observe children from a distance without feeling threatened. Allowing the family dog to gradually become familiar with a mobile child is important. The risk of aggressive behavior is greater when the dog has been secluded outside and is unfamiliar with the child.

Parents can also run into trouble using the DIY approach to prepare Rover for a small child. An adult tugging on a tail or playing with the dog’s food bowl often give parents a false sense of security, since their dog may not respond the same way to a child that they do to a trusted adult. People also tend to generalize dogs, assuming that if their dog did fine with one of their children, then it won’t have any problems with the next child. Good behavior with one child does not mean that the dog will get along with every kid. Parents know that having another child when they’re older can be different (and hard), but they may not realize that it can also be a new experience for their dog. Every child is different and what the family dog tolerated with the first child could be intolerable now that the dog has aged. Whether or not parents attend a Family Paws presentation or consult with one of the many licensed trainers, they can still get help if The Triangle Dog

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their beloved companion struggles with the transition. Help is certainly warranted if the dog growls at the baby or toddler. Growling is a sign of doggie distress and is usually the last cry for help before a dog bites. Although it’s a parent’s natural response to protect his or her child from danger, Family Paws trainers do not recommend correcting the dog for growling since it is a cry for help (it would be like punishing a child for crying). Instead, parents should separate the dog from the stressful environment, and then identify everything that was going on at the time of the growl or bite: time of day, who was around, where it happened, what was the dog doing before it happened, etc. Contacting a certified dog behavior consultant or trainer to share all of this information with is the next step (Family Paws operates a support hotline staffed by licensed trainers exactly for this situation). The dog behavior consultant or trainer can then identify the stressors in the situation and provide resources to increase safety and decrease stress. It’s important to remember that a dog’s response to baby in the first few days is not an indication either way of the dog’s long-term behavior. A negative response simply means you need help from a trained professional. It does not mean it’s time to send Rover to a farm. Shryock

maintains that it is a very rare occasion that a dog needs to be re-homed. In the 12 years that she has been providing this training, only a handful of dogs have needed re-placement, and in those cases, it was in the best interest of everyone. Uncertainty and fear are common for new parents, whether it’s their first child or their seventh. Readjustment to the new normal is hard enough without the worry of how dog and baby will get along. Having gone through it herself, Shryock admitted that there is “no more vulnerable time than bringing home an infant.” But with the right preparation and ongoing training, parents can create a safe environment where their children will experience the blessings of canine companionship. Jennifer Shryock is certified through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (www. and is a Professional Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers ( She has created helpful webinars, podcasts, and a blog that can be found at The Family Paws Parent Education programs began locally in Cary, NC and are now in over 40 states and 8 countries. The Dog and Baby Support hotline can be reached at 1-877-247-3407.

Photo by Tara Lynn, owner InBetween The Blinks Photography

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by Suzanne Kalafian, ABCDT, CATT

Mix It up with


Agili-O is a fun way to spend quality time with your dog. It brings together the world of learning and fun into one great sport. When I developed this class, it was a combination of Agility and Rally; however, it has grown to become so much more over the years. We teach many new skills, but in a very relaxed manner. During training, a dog will learn how to push a ball, both to and away from a person (these are Treibball skills). The Rally signs from the Canines and Humans United venue are taught, along with a jump and a tunnel. We learn tricks and—oh yes, how can I forget the targeting—it’s so much fun. And let’s not leave out the teeter and dog walk; they are very important, especially when the dog conquers fears and learns to sit and lay down on the dog walk. So in a typical class, you may combine two to three different sports in one. Other times, we may totally single out a certain sport and teach some of the skills for that specific sport. One of my favorite courses is the zig-zag. This course has a row of jumps/tire, a row of rally that might include a sit/down/sit, front/finish and a down walk around, then the Treibball pushing challenge: they must push a ball through the ladder or figure-eight through cones and end on the table with a special trick. No, a sit won’t count as a trick; it must be something special, like sit pretty, high five, dance, etc. 22    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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One of the comments I hear the most is “Who is this class for? Us or the dogs?” The people are challenged almost as much as the dogs. I don’t mean physically; I mean mentally—remembering courses, what a sign means, how to teach a skill, and much more. Trainers give clear instructions and help you through problem areas. For example, you can practice a trick or Rally sign while waiting for your turn, and you can make exercises as challenging or simple as you want. All levels can be taught in one class, and I love to have folks come in and request that we do something new. This class is such a special way to bond and learn how to communicate with your canine friend in the most positive way. If frustration starts to build, let’s make it a bit easier and do something you all can succeed at! Come one, come all, bring your human, bring your canine, and join in on the fun! You will both benefit from this fun class, and the relationship you have with your dog will grow stronger as you learn how to listen to each other. This class is unique to Superior Dog Training, Inc., so check us out on the web at!

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What are some “must have” grooming items that every dog owner should have at home?


Great question! In general— and this advice can vary with some breeds—you should plan on having a soft slicker brush to remove tangles and debris from your dog’s coat. These brushes are also quite useful for removing undercoat; they can remove objects like briars, leaves, and even insects! If you have been for a walk, particularly in wooded areas, your dog may have picked up pests like ticks that have not had the time to attach yet and could be crawling on your pet’s topcoat. So as soon as you return from your walk, grab that slicker and get to work. I recommend doing this grooming outside so you are not brushing off pollen, debris, or bugs into your home.

BETH JOHNSTON Beth Johnston is a life-long animal lover who, at 10 years of age, first groomed the family dog in the driveway and has been grooming animals for over 20 years, working with dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses. She has also successfully competed in canine events including conformation, rally obedience, and agility. She was a foster mom for the Central Carolina Poodle Club and helped rehabilitate and place poodles in forever homes. She is a certified member of the National Dog Groomers Association of America and is certified with the American Red Cross in Canine First Aid and CPR. Beth currently owns, and can be found grooming her canine friends at, Beth’s Barks N Bubbles, LLC in Durham. 24    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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Fine to medium toothed combs are also excellent tools to identify and help remove tangles. Combs are not necessary for fine and smooth coats like Greyhounds, Beagles, and Dobermans. But for heavy-coated breeds such as Goldendoodles, shelties, lhasas, cockers, Collies, bichons, poodles, and others, this tool is a must to prevent painful conditions associated with tangled fur. You should be able to take your comb and work it all the way down to the skin, and work it all over the body, head, and legs. And don’t forget those fuzzy feet! Depending on where you live and the activities you and your dog

harmful chemicals and could help repel ticks and other insects; a few quick sprays on the way out the door could go a long way in keeping your dog insect free. It is best to lightly spritz the areas that come into contact with tall grasses and other vegetation such as the legs and chest, or perhaps that long, dragging tail on a Collie.

engage in, you may want to also have a tick remover. There are many varieties to choose from, and they are readily available in most pet stores and online. Ask your groomers or veterinarians if they have a favorite, how to properly use the tool, and what precautions should be taken to avoid injury and the transmission of disease. Never touch a tick with your bare hands and always take care to remove the entire tick in one smooth move. It should also be mentioned that there are many gentle sprays on the market that do not contain

Ear cleanser should be used weekly or on your veterinarian’s advice. We clean our ears regularly, and your dog should get those ears attended to as well! Ask your veterinarian or groomer what your individual pet’s needs are and how to clean those ears. Never use water to wash your dog’s ears out; use cleansers that are designed for your dog, and never stick objects in your dog’s ears to avoid the chance of injury. These are just a few grooming items that every pet owner should have at home. Please consult with your groomer or veterinarian for more detailed information on what tools you need and how often to use them!

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T-DOG 10...

By Kristine Alpi, Director, William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine

Ten Topics to Explore at the

The William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine is based at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine near the NC State Fairgrounds. As one of the NCSU libraries, we are open to the public for research, reading, and viewing resources onsite. We welcome visitors seeking quality information to promote and preserve animal and human health. For hours and directions, or more information, visit us online at

1. We’re your source for cutting-edge

veterinary medicine. We have the latest books, videos, and scholarly articles on diseases and health conditions for all species. And we can help you narrow your search through thousands of items on canine health. Learn more about causes of illness and strategies for prevention, diagnosis, or treatments such as surgical procedures, drugs, or other therapies. One classic is the Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine: Diseases of the Dog and the Cat (Ettinger & Feldman, Elsevier, 2010). Find out what research is being done to improve outcomes for

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dogs by reviewing the latest veterinary journal articles on topics such as cancer, heart disease, infections, and orthopedics.

2. Wellness and overall health maintenance

are key. We love keeping healthy dogs healthy. Dental health, exercise for your pup’s mind and body, and keeping skin, eyes, and ears healthy through grooming are just some of the areas you can explore. Check out Doc Halligan’s What Every Pet Owner Should Know: Prescriptions for Happy, Healthy Cats And Dogs (Collins, 2007), and for senior dogs, Eternal Puppy: Groundbreaking Veterinary Advances To Enrich Your Senior Dog’s Life (Willard, Kennel Club, 2008), both written by veterinarians. A new, well-illustrated work is Healthy Mouth, Healthy Pet: Why Dental Care Matters (Banyard, AAHA, 2013).

3. Feeding picky eaters or pudgy pets? The libraries can help. Pet food safety, nutritional requirements, weight management

Veterinary Medicine Library strategies, and special diets for dogs with chronic health conditions are just some of the questions you can research in our collections. References include Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats (National Academies Press, 2006) and Practical Weight Management in Dogs and Cats (Towell, Wiley, 2011) with a chapter on exercises by NC State orthopedic professor Dr. Denis Marcellin-Little. Fun recipes for meals and treats are also popular. An oldie but goodie is Real Food for Dogs : 50 Vet-Approved Recipes to Please the Canine Gastronome (Moore, Storey Books, 2001).

4. Behavior problems are some of dog

owners’ most frequent concerns. Our collection reflects the large body of research and practical problemsolving efforts for dogs and their owners. Do you have a dog with anxiety or one that barks, bites, or wets in the house? Books and videos can help you try things at home and let you know when to ask a veterinarian or trainer for help. Single-topic books include Help! I’m Barking and I Can’t Be Quiet (Estep & Hetts, Island Dog Press, 2004) and Feeling Outnumbered? How to Manage and Enjoy Your Multi-Dog Household (London & McConnell, McConnell Pub., 2008).

athletes of all species healthy—for recovering performers, consider Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (Zink & VanDyke, Wiley, 2013).


The Human-Animal Bond is a beautiful thing. Whether you and your dog are working on your AKC Canine Good Citizen test, working together for your day job, moonlighting as a therapy team, or just hanging out together, we have books and videos to inspire you both. Two examples are The Power of Wagging Tails: A Doctor’s Guide to Dog Therapy and Healing (Marcus, Demos, 2011) and Paws & Effect: The Healing Power of Dogs (Sakson, Alyson, 2007).

8. Living or working with children and want

to help them build healthy relationships with dogs? Our collection spans introducing dogs to new babies, instructional and entertaining dog books for children, videos and games, and educational materials on safe interactions between family members of all species. Start with The Original Dogs for Kids! (MehusRoe, BowTie, 2007). Safety and bite prevention are the focus of many materials for teachers and parents such as The Blue Dog: Parent Guide and CD (2008).

5. Think positive and train for the behaviors

9. Puppies and their mothers need special planning and care. The science of animal reproduction is called theriogenology. Our collection covers all aspects of reproductive health and decision making from spaying or neutering your pets to selecting the healthiest and best-tempered dogs for breeding. Depth of health coverage varies from works meant for breeders—Canine Reproduction: The Breeder’s Guide (Holst, 3rd ed. Alpine, 2011)—to advanced veterinary pediatrics for puppies (and kittens) in Small Animal Pediatrics: The First 12 Months of Life (Peterson & Kutzler, Elsevier, 2011).

6. Going for the Gold with your dog? Prepare

10. Considering a career with canines? In additional to career guides about all aspects of animal health and care, we have dog specific guides such as Careers with Dogs: The Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Dream Job (Thornton, BowTie Press, 2010). Whether your passion is grooming, designing dog products, kennel management, or pet-sitting, our how-to resources and potential client demographics can help you plan your pet business.

you would like to see! With Dr. Barbara Sherman from the NC State Behavioral Medicine Service (www., we focus on positive behavior and training books and videos. See step-by-step how to teach your dog the basics. Puppies, rescues, and urban dogs have special guides—see Puppy Start Right: Foundation Training for the Companion Dog (Martin, Karen Pryor Clicker Training, 2011), Do Over Dogs: Give Your Dog a Second Chance for a First Class Life (Miller, Dogwise, 2010), or Metrodog: A Guide to Raising Your Dog in the City (Kilcommons & Wilson, Warner, 2001). for the CVM Dog Olympics with books and videos on agility, dog sports, tricks, and other special training. Recently, we added Do-it-yourself Agility Equipment: Constructing Agility Obstacles for Training or Competition (Hutchins, Clean Run, 2008) at the request of agility fans who like to build their own courses. Videos include Game On: Engagement and Drive Training for All Dog Sports (Friedler-Cooper, Dog Sports Video, 2012). Keep

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THE T-DOG 'ROUND TOWN Photos by InBetween the Blinks Photography

Release the hounds! Sunny Acres Pet resort hosted the Triangle Beagle Rescue (TBR) the first weekend in October. The fundraising event celebrated all things Beagle! Owners were able to memorialize their pup’s paw prints in paint, have their family photo taken, and enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. Triangle Beagle Rescue also hosted a reunion for the “Corapeake Beagles.” This group of pups was rescued by TBR in 2011 from a lab in North Carolina. It was shut down following the release of an undercover video by PETA that showed animal abuse at the facility. In fact, the editors of The Triangle Dog magazine adopted one of those pups, Cindy Lu, who now lives a much deserved relaxing life.

BeagleFest 2013

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Dogs had a chance to get squeaky clean September 14, 2013 at Dogtopia of Raleigh. The facility opened its doors to the Coalition to Unchain Dogs for a charity dog wash. The group works to build fences for dogs that often spend their entire lives on chains. Volunteers gave dogs a good scrubdown, and then the pups had their photos taken in the “photo lounge.”

Coalition to Unchain Dogs Dog Wash

Dogs of all shapes and sizes gathered in North Hills in September for the annual Barks and Recreation celebration. The sun was shining as dogs and their owners enjoyed contests, beverages, and food, and entered to win a great list of prizes.

Midtown Barks and Rec

The Triangle Dog

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NUTRITION by The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association

Dog Gas: Is There Any Way to Stop It?

Just like humans, your lovable canine can suffer from flatulence (bouts of gas) from time to time. Although gas formation is a normal result of some digestive processes, it can be extremely unpleasant for both the dog and its owner. Fortunately, the formation of gas can be attributed to four main causes that are easily prevented and managed. Excessive bacterial fermentation Just as some humans have digestive sensitivities, some dogs cannot eat foods that other dogs may tolerate. Adult dogs often have trouble digesting soy products, beans, pectin, and lactose. Diets that are high in fermentable fiber, such as oat bran, can also cause flatulence. If your dog frequently passes gas, try feeding it a simpler, easier to digest diet that is low in fat and fiber. If extreme gas persists, regardless of what your dog eats, digestive enzymes may help alleviate the situation. These enzymes are sold at pet care stores and can be given with the dog’s food. Excessive swallowing of air (aerophagia) Dogs that eat quickly tend to swallow abnormally large amounts of air with their food, which creates excess gas in the intestines. Timing of meals becomes important in these situations. To reduce gas that is caused by eating too quickly, feed your dog small but frequent meals. If you have multiple dogs, feed them in separate areas so they do not compete with one another for food. Wait at least an hour after vigorous exercise to feed in order to avoid gulping of food. Eating too fast for some breeds can cause bloat, which can lead to serious complications or even death. Using raised feeders to elevate a dog’s food and water bowls is thought to reduce intake of air when swallowing. 32    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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Photo by Tara Lynn, owner InBetween The Blinks Photography

However, this has yet to be substantially proven. Another suggestion is to place a large toy in the food bowl (big enough that it cannot be swallowed), to force the dog to eat more slowly. Dietary changes or indiscretion Dogs often develop gas when their diets are changed, especially if those changes are not gradual. They also tend to be gassy after episodes of so-called “dietary indiscretion,” when they ingest things that are not part of a normal canine diet. To help your dog’s body adjust, always introduce new foods slowly. Begin by mixing a small amount of new food with the old food. Slowly increase the new food over time and reduce the old food. Restrict your dog’s access to foods that are not part of its regular diet, like table scraps, cat food, or garbage. Gastrointestinal diseases If frequent bouts of gas continue in your dog after diet remedies, it could be a sign of serious health concerns and warrant a trip to the veterinarian. Flatulence can be painful for your dog, and the symptoms could indicate inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal neoplasia (cancer), internal parasites, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, small intestinal inflammation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Always consult your veterinarian before you undertake any changes to your pet’s diet or medication. The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (NCVMA) is a professional organization of veterinarians dedicated to compassionate animal care and quality medicine. For more information, visit, follow us on Twitter at @NCVMA, or call (800) 4462862 or (919) 851-5850.

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Dear Dr. D., I recently had my dog to the vet for her yearly exam. Her heartworm test came up showing positive for Ehrlichia. I have 2 questions: Why would a heartworm test show something different than heartworms, and what is Ehrlichia? ~ Betty, Smithfield, NC


Dear Betty,

I certainly can understand why that would be confusing. Heartworm tests used to test for heartworms only, but now with new technology, our heartworm tests actually check for four different diseases. Three of those diseases are tick-borne diseases and the other is heartworm. The tick-borne diseases are Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichiosis. Of these three, Ehrlichia is the most common in our area. Ehrlichia is a type of bacteria that lives within the white blood cells of a host and was first described by Dr. Ehrlich (hence, the name). There are several types of Ehrlichia, and the different types can infect different hosts—human, pet, or wild animal. The Ehrlichia organism is spread from host to host by ticks. The organism cannot be passed from dog to people or vice versa. There are several stages of the Ehrlichia infection. The acute stage occurs within 1 to 3 weeks after a tick bite and can last for 2 to 4 weeks. A dog may exhibit fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and some bleeding due to a decrease in platelets in the bloodstream. The second stage is known as the subclinical stage and may have no outward signs. During this time some dog’s bodies are able to rid themselves of the organism. Subtle symptoms may include an enlarged spleen and elevated protein

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levels in the blood stream. Many of these proteins are antibodies that the body is trying to make against the organism. The third stage is the chronic stage. Up to 60% of dogs in this stage will have abnormal bleeding due to reduced platelets. They can also show a severe inflammation in the eyes called Uveitis. Neurological effects and kidney damage can also occur. German Shepherd dogs are particularly sensitive to this organism and can show a decrease of all the blood cell lines.

Dr. Diane Deresienski , VMD, DABVP A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Diane Deresienski has been with Bowman Animal Hospital since 1993. She has also been an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences at NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine since 1997. In 2011, Dr. D. became Medical Director of Bowman Animal Hospital. She enjoys surgery, internal medicine, and dermatology cases. She is certified in PennHIP radiographic technique and in Canine/Feline Practice through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners since 2000. She has also been featured on Animal Planet’s “Pets 101.” As an exotic animal veterinarian, she sees a variety of pets ranging from birds and reptiles, to small mammals such as rabbits, ferrets, and guinea pigs.

Most of the time when we find a positive Ehrlichia test within the heartworm test, the dogs are showing no symptoms. It is often helpful to run a CBC and blood panel to determine the level of disease the pet has, but often we simply treat for the disease with an antibiotic called Doxycycline, which kills the organism. It should be given for 28 days to ensure the full effect against the bacteria.

the importance of your pet’s yearly heartworm testing and veterinary exams. It also conveys the importance of monthly tick preventative medication. The best way to beat this disease is by never letting a tick bite your dog. Topical monthly flea and tick preventatives and/or a Preventic collar can really be lifesavers!

Betty, it is a good thing that they found the Ehrlichia in your dog with the heartworm test. This discovery underscores

Dr. D.

Best of luck with your pup!

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Pets and Allergic Children Many of us grew up with a beloved childhood pet, so it is only natural that we wish to provide the same experience for our own children. However, 15% of adults with allergies are allergic to animals, and these allergies are often hereditary. If your child is allergic to the family dog, there are many preventive measures that can be taken. Diagnosing Allergies If you notice that your child is coughing or sneezing, or has a skin rash, runny nose, or itchy eyes when around the dog, he or she may be allergic. Symptoms of a pet allergy can show up within 30 minutes of contact, but may take 8 to 12 hours to fully surface. If you are unsure the cause of the symptoms, wait for a full 24 hours to make sure the pet is the cause and not mold or another allergen. A doctor can determine specific allergies with a skin or blood test. Your doctor may advise that you find another home for your dog if your child is allergic. However, this measure is not always necessary if the allergy is mild. Dog Shopping Dog breeds known as “hypoallergenic” have become increasingly

by The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (NCVMA) is a professional organization of veterinarians dedicated to compassionate animal care and quality medicine. For more information, visit, follow us on Twitter at @NCVMA, or call (800) 4462862 or (919) 851-5850. popular as the number of adults with dog allergies has risen. However, no breed is truly hypoallergenic. Some breeds shed their skin fewer times a month than others, and dogs with a single layer coat also produce less hair than dogs with a double layer coat, thus producing less dander. Individuals with mild allergies should consider breeds with these characteristics, as they are less likely to aggravate allergies. Some breeds that produce less dander and hair include the Airedale Terrier, Bichon Frise, Italian Greyhound, Maltese, poodle, Schnauzer and Shih Tzus. What If You Already Have a Dog? There are many ways to reduce the allergens in your household. For example, keeping your animals groomed, bathed, and frequently brushed outside are the first steps to controlling pet hair and dander in the house. In addition, instructing your children to wash their hands after coming in contact with the dog or creating “allergy-free zones” in the house that the dog cannot visit can also help ease allergy symptoms. Around the house, it is important to vacuum and dust frequently to remove dander. Consider replacing the carpet in your home with wood or other smooth flooring and replacing draperies with wood or metal blinds. If these replacements are not possible, have your carpet and upholstery steam cleaned several times a year. Air conditioner filters should be replaced frequently, and windows and doors should be opened in mild weather to increase ventilation. If the allergy is mild, your child may be prescribed antihistamines or given allergy shots to reduce his or her symptoms. Remember that some children outgrow their allergies, and if you are committed to keeping a pet, there are many ways to reduce pet dander and keep your child safe and healthy in your home.

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by The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association


Running with Dogs: What You Need to Know There is a reason that dogs carry the prestigious title of man’s best friend. They are known and loved for their loyalty and natural athleticism, qualities which make them great exercise companions. However, not all dogs are suited for running. A dog’s age, build, and medical condition, as well as the local climate, are all important factors to consider in deciding if your dog can be a good running partner. Basic Considerations about Your Dog Most dogs can run for some distance, but certain breeds have greater natural running ability than others. Dogs with a medium build can run longer distances than smaller or heavier dogs. Leaner dogs are fast runners, while dogs with larger bodies usually run more slowly. Veterinarians recommend walking puppies and waiting until they are older to begin running. Small dogs can usually run around six months, but to allow full joint formation, larger dogs usually need to wait until they are 12 to 18 months old. Dogs between ages 7 and 10 should run less or walk instead.

Observe your dog’s behavior. Foaming at the mouth, heavy panting, glazed eyes, and a slower pace indicate that he or she is tired, and it is important to always give your pets a rest when they need it. After the run, check your dog’s paws for cuts or damage, and be sure to clean the pads with a warm, soapy rag following your run to get rid of any debris. Running with your dog on a leash is the safest option. Choose a 3- to 6-foot leather leash rather than a retractable leash to keep your dog closer to you and out of harm’s way. Leash running is also easier when dogs are trained with cues that tell them when to run and when to walk. Even if you and your dog are not distance runners, it is easy to keep your pet in shape. In addition to providing your pet with a good diet and plenty of water, dogs can stay healthy with daily exercise, such as playing fetch, climbing stairs, or taking long walks.

Just as humans are advised to consult their doctor before starting a new exercise program, dogs should also visit their veterinarian before beginning exercise. Dogs that will be running should especially have their heart, lungs, and joints examined. Keep Weather Conditions in Mind Avoid extreme heat and humidity when running with your dog. Dogs do not dissipate heat as efficiently as humans, which makes heat stroke a real danger. Run with your dog only in the early morning or evening during hot weather. During cold weather, select a time of day to run that avoids extreme conditions for the dog’s safety. Caring for Your Dog during Your Run Make sure your dog is hydrated throughout your entire run. This precaution may mean carrying enough water for both of you or running where water is readily available, like in a public park or designated running trail. The Triangle Dog

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lia Vogel Photo by Ju

Photo by Julia Vog el


Ch l o e Photos by John Bartle

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* If you want to submit your dog’s photo for one of our next issues, visit us on Facebook and post your picture, or send it to 38    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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Photo by Bubba Wilson

Photo by Bubba Wilson

G inge r

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Photo by Kristen Beck

Barbara Shumannfang shares dog training tips and lessons we can learn from dogs at Her new book is Puppy Savvy: How to Raise Your Dog without Going Bonkers. She is also the author of Happy Kids, Happy Dogs: Building a Friendship Right from the Start and is a Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S.) evaluator. Her teachers include a bossy, extremely adorable terrier mix and a Border Collie that makes a sound like a vuvuzela. She can be reached at


ou love dogs. Your child loves dogs. In fact, when you see a complete stranger with a dog, you can hardly wait to pet his or her pooch. “Look! A doggie!” you say to your child, who is probably already pulling you by the hand toward the dog. If you are like most well-meaning dog lovers, however, what you do next is not a loving gesture to potential new canine buddies. If you have taught your child the wrong way to approach a dog, you may well be passing on outmoded advice that isn’t helpful for the child or the dog. Quiz yourself to be sure. Which of these is correct? The right way for a child (or anyone) to meet a dog is to: A) Ask for permission to pet the dog, then stand and wait for the dog to approach. Pet under the chin or on the chest. B) Ask for permission to pet the dog, then extend the back of your hand for the dog to sniff it. Pet on the head or back. C) Ask for permission to pet the dog, then squat down and offer an open palm to the dog. Only one of these answers takes the dog’s perspective and feelings into account. Only one models for the child how to ask the dog whether he or she wants to be touched. Think about it this way: if you were on a crowded elevator, would you want a friendly stranger to say hello to you by smiling and then feeling the fabric of your pants or touching your hair? Most of us prefer to choose who touches us. Dogs are no different. “Just because you feel like it” is not a good reason to touch someone who is telling you they are not interested. What valuable lessons to impart to your child: it is okay to say “no” to being touched, and it is important not to touch others who say “no.” Even if we really want to.

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These days most people have gotten in the habit of asking the dog’s person whether it is okay to pet his or her dog. This habit is a terrific trend, because if the dog is feeling uncomfortable, the human in charge can say, “Thank you for asking, but today Buddy is not feeling well, so please don’t pet him.” However, even if they say yes, your next step is always to ask the dog whether he or she feels like being touched by you. Simply stand still, and make sure your child stands still. If the dog would like to interact, he or she will move closer. If not, please respect the dog’s feelings and do not touch. If the dog says “no” by not coming closer to you, you and your child can still enjoy being near the dog. Ask the dog’s person how old the dog is, what he or she likes to do for fun, or if the dog knows any tricks. Your child may count the dog’s feet or spots, or admire his or her collar. Then say thank you and be on your way. If the dog approaches you, it is a great sign that the dog would like you to touch him or her. Ask the dog’s person how his or her dog prefers to be petted. However, be aware that many people do not know the answer to this question about their own dog. The most universally inviting type of touch is to stroke the dog under the chin, on the front of the chest or on the side of the face. Give it a try, and then stop and put your hands at your sides to assess whether the dog likes it. The dog will let you know whether or not he or she wants you to continue touching by standing still, moving closer to you, or turning away. If the dog stays put or comes in for more, keep petting under the chin and reassessing periodically, giving the dog a chance to break off the interaction. If the dog turns away, stop touching him or her. Someone in ancient times, before we knew how powerful dogs’ sense of smell was, decided that if the dog could get a whiff of the back of our hand the dog would feel at ease. As we now know, dogs

Photo by Tara Lynn, owner InBetween The Blinks Photography

can sniff out cancerous cells, they can track a weeks-old trail in the woods, and they can detect a single drop of urine in a gallon of water. If you are close enough to ask the person if it’s okay to pet his or her dog, the dog has already smelled you and assessed you more intensely than you can imagine. Not only that, but if you have enough space between you to extend your hand, by definition the dog has not come right up to you, which means you have not waited for the dog to approach. You are thereby encroaching on the dog’s space. The dog may be able to overcome such an intimidating gesture on your part, but instead of imposing what you want on the dog, gain the dog’s trust by using your hands in a non-threatening manner. Pet under the dog’s chin or on his chest only after the dog says “yes” by voluntarily approaching you. As you may have guessed, the correct answer to the quiz above is A. Ask for permission to pet the dog, even if the dog looks friendly or cute, and even if you already know the dog. (If there is no one around to ask because the dog is tied up, please don’t touch the dog.) Next, be a tree; always ask the dog by standing and waiting for the dog to approach. After all, it is respectful to ask before touching others. (If the dog’s owner prevents the dog from approaching you by making the dog hold a position like a sit stay, or by holding the dog in their

arms, don’t touch the dog. To teach dogs to greet people calmly, see Puppy Savvy.) Finally, if the dog comes close to you, the chin or chest is where you should pet. Your child can “give a kiss” by kissing the palm of his or her hand and then petting the dog on the chest. If the pooch doesn’t come closer, don’t touch. Be a real dog lover by taking dogs’ feelings into account. Teach your children to use the ABCs of saying hello, and make it easier for a dog to love them right back.

The ABCs of Saying Hello to a Dog:


sk permission of the dog’s owner. No one around to ask? Don’t touch.

Be a tree. Stand still with your hands at

your side. Ask the dog by allowing the dog to approach you if he or she so chooses. No approach? Be kind, don’t touch.


hin or chest is where you should pet. If dogs don’t come close, count their spots or admire their collar, but don’t impose yourself on them.

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TRAINING by Charles Abney, ABCDT, owner of Headstrong Dog Training

Puppies and Babies, Oh My!

Puppies and babies! What could be cuter? Almost nothing, but many dog owners don’t consider the fact that without some simple training, there could be potential issues. Babies, like puppies, learn by touch, so their hands go everywhere! They pull and tug on whatever is available—like a dog’s tail or ears. That is why it is important to train your canine friends to accept such behavior long before they are introduced to their new infant siblings. Using the power of food and affection, you can train your dog to accept the baby’s “rough” handling. This training should not be attempted with any dogs that have a history of aggression or biting without first contacting a behavioral specialist for help. Start off with a bag of tiny pea-sized treats and sit on the floor with your dog. Then, very lightly, start to tug on the 42    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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dog’s ears while slowly feeding him or her the delicious treats, one at a time. Switch to gently grabbing his or her tail and continue feeding the treats. Repeat the same routine while grabbing your dog’s paws, neck scruff, jowls, and anything else you can imagine your baby might grab onto. The important thing is to start off very gently so your dog does not become frightened and is able to accept the treats you are offering. When dogs become frightened or anxious, their appetite becomes suppressed so the willingness to take treats is a good indicator that your dog is comfortable. Do this training multiple times a day for about 5 to 10 minutes. After a few weeks of using the same level of intensity, continue the process, but increase the intensity ever so slightly. It is important not to move too fast because most dogs generally don’t do well will with rapid

change. Repeat this process for 8 to 10 weeks until you reach the level of intensity your baby would probably use when “playing” with his or her canine companion. Another thing to consider is that most dogs, regardless of size or disposition, have enough mass to knock over a baby. That is why it is pertinent to teach your dog how to properly act when in the presence of a baby. If a dog is going to be around children, I suggest having a solid down/stay in your dog’s bag of tricks. One way to practice this command involves asking friends with children to assist you in training for a polite greeting. With your dog on a leash, have a young child approach with his or her parent and stop just short of greeting you. Ask your dog for a down/stay and then allow the child to approach, give a treat to, and pet your dog. Repeat this process over and over again until your dog starts to offer the behavior without being asked. By completing these two training processes, you can feel comfortable that you are well prepared to ensure a safe and enjoyable interaction between your four- and twolegged children!

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by Paulette Pridgen

A Dog Like None Other

Blackie was a scrawny, short-haired, bouncing 4-monthold pup when I first saw him in a corner kennel at the Chapel Hill Animal Shelter in July 1987. For me, it was love at first sight, but I thought I should at least check out the other dogs that had been surrendered or picked up. In the hour or so I walked through the shelter, I found myself returning to his kennel many times. The other dogs didn’t stand a chance—he’d hooked his paws into my heart too deeply to be removed. Because of special circumstances, I was allowed to take Blackie home with me that day. I put him in a cardboard box in the front seat of my car and drove to my Duke Park home in Durham, NC. He slathered me with kisses all the way home. At home, he demonstrated his first talent—untying shoe laces. When anyone—workers, friends, or I—wore shoes that laced up, Blackie would nose around the shoe and untie them. It’s when I first learned to tie and knot my running shoes. Over the next few months, Blackie grew. And grew and grew. His beautiful short black coat grew too, revealing his genetic background. Hair grew around his head, neck, and body—everywhere except his tail, which remained covered in short black fur, long, flowing, curly black hair, with a thick, short undercoat. His tongue was black and red when he smiled at you, and his eyes laughed at you. One day that first summer, I looked at Blackie and said, “You’re so beautiful with your curly black hair. I wish your tail was curly and long-haired, too. Because then it would match the rest of you.” Blackie didn’t always do what I wanted, but one day that fall I looked at him anew and gasped. Almost overnight his tail had caught up with the rest of his body and he had grown gorgeous long, curly hair. And Blackie’s genetic makeup? Newfoundland and chow was the closest guess his vet could give. It was 44    Volume 4 • Issue 1

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pretty accurate, I think. My sweet boy weighed between 60-70 pounds when full grown and had the personality traits of both breeds. Ninety-five percent of the time, the Newfoundland personality dominated, and he was loving, playful, and a joy to be around. During the first snowfall the next February, the kids in the neighborhood came to my door to ask if Blackie could come out and play. I allowed it, but wondered why, since they’d never sought him out other than to pet him when we went on one of our thrice-daily long walks. An hour or so after Blackie left with the kids, I looked out over that snowy landscape and laughed when I saw that they were sledding down the hill with Blackie running next to them and barking all the way down; the reason for their request was clear as I watched them hook Blackie to the sled to pull it back up the hill. After that day’s romp, he lay in front of the fireplace and slept for hours. However, when the chow’s willful personality came out, you knew it. His face and his eyes morphed, and you’d be looking into the face of a challenging chow, not a good-natured Newfoundland. Blackie would challenge me. Not fun. Not nice and not to be tolerated by an otherwise indulgent and tolerant human—me. So that fall we enrolled in obedience school. He learned to walk beside me on a leash, sit, stay, and come—but only if he really wanted to come—when I called. Eventually, my mischievous pup proved to be too much of a distraction to the well-behaved Golden Retrievers in the class and Blackie was singled out to demonstrate poor obedience skills. I think I was the real target though. Blackie didn’t give a hoot. He just kept playing. Despite this scorn, I loved and adored him, and continued to reinforce the behaviors we’d both learned in obedience classes. Eventually Blackie came when called; sat when told; stayed when commanded; and most importantly, did not steal food off my plate when he was given the command to “Sit. Stay.” As I was lazy, I taught Blackie to retrieve my

newspaper each morning from the bottom of my very steep driveway. He learned this trick quickly, and I was so pleased that I heaped praise on him and rewarded him with treats. Over the next few days, I began to find 10 or 12 papers on my doorstep each morning. My neighbors were not happy. The hardest lesson I had to teach him was to retrieve only my newspaper each morning. And we were successful. Over the years we lived together, Blackie was my hiking companion, rode shotgun with me wherever I went, chaperoned my dates, and protected me and my house. We camped on the beach, and I’ve never seen joy so perfectly embodied as when Blackie first encountered the ocean. He chased crabs, jumped after the seagulls, and ran bouncing into the ocean, retreating just as quickly from the waves. You’ve never lived until you’ve spent a week in a tent with a wet dog who knows he has as much right to that sleeping bag as you do. On one camping trip, a German medical student accompanied us. Of course, as the human, she took the shotgun seat. Blackie barked at her in protest throughout the 3-hour trip, never threatening but certainly indignant. As my self-appointed chaperone, Blackie made his feelings quite clear about my various male companions through the years. Blackie particularly disliked one of my dates. During his last illness, Blackie walked over to the couch where my date was sitting, lifted his leg, and urinated on my date’s leg clarifying, just in case

there was any doubt, his utter contempt and disapproval of this man. I refused to see this man after Blackie’s death, finally trusting Blackie’s instincts, which were unerringly right. Blackie’s instincts were so right, he knew he was sick before I fearfully admitted it and before the vet could diagnose him. I knew that he was getting slower, and he had begun to breathe laboriously on our walks. As I write this paragraph, tears are flowing, and I am reliving the pain, sorrow, and rage I felt when I got his diagnosis of multiple inoperative liver tumors. With that devastating diagnosis, I went to the grocery store and bought him a T-bone steak. I cooked it rare, just like he preferred it, and fed it to him. The next day, I held him as he was euthanized and told him what a good dog he was and how much I loved him. I kept his last bone, his leashes, and bowls until a couple of months ago when I decided it was time to let those things go. I also kept a lock of his beautiful black hair. I lost him when he was 9, but his ashes have moved with me from Durham, NC to Chapel Hill, NC to San Francisco, CA and back to Wilmington, NC. And he remains as firmly in my heart today as he was the first time I saw his smiling face and wagging tail. For years, I’ve been unable to make room in my heart for another dog. But recently, I’ve acknowledged how much I want another dog. He won’t be Blackie, but he’ll be special. The Triangle Dog

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