Minnis pledges to ‘keep digging’ on details of Bahamas Moorings deal
Tribune Business Editor nhartnell@tribunemedia.net
AN ex-prime minister yesterday warned Philip Davis KC that “he won’t get off that easy” over the Bahamas Moorings deal as he pledged to “keep digging” into the now-terminated lease agreement.
Dr Hubert Minnis vowed to maintain the pressure on his successor, who he said needs to “brace himself” for a barrage of further questions over the 21-year deal that would have effectively privatised all viable anchorage and mooring sites in the Exumas by granting a monopoly to a private company whose
A CHINESE cybersecurity report has listed The Bahamas among countries allegedly used as part of a covert surveillance strategy by the United States and its intelligence-sharing allies. The 91-page report, released yesterday by the China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance, details the workings of “IRRITANT HORN”, a surveillance programme previously exposed in 2015 through documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. The programme, allegedly operated by the Five Eyes alliance — comprising
By LYNAIRE MUNNINGS Tribune Staff Reporter lmunnings@tribunemedia.net
WOMEN’S rights activist Alicia Wallace has pushed back against calls to raise the age of consent, arguing
instead that The Bahamas must ensure teenagers who are legally allowed to have sex can also access reproductive healthcare without barriers.
Her comments come in response to public backlash over the sentencing of 26-year-old Ale x Simmons, who was convicted of abducting a 17-year-old girl but was not charged with a sex-related offence.
By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Chief Reporter lrolle@tribunemedia.net
THE Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation (BCCEC) is urging lawmakers to reconsider a proposal to create a public holiday in honour of former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling, warning that the move could strain
businesses already burdened by high costs. Their statement came after Progressive Liberal Party chairman Fred Mitchell announced on Monday that he had presented a draft resolution to the PLP caucus proposing that Sir Lynden’s birthday — or a date near it — be declared a national holiday.
ROUGHLY 400 pounds of debris — mostly lightweight silica tiles — have been recovered near Ragged Island following the March 6 explosion of SpaceX’s Starship 8 rocket, the Office of the Prime Minister said yesterday. OPM said the debris is being transported to the United States for disposal, with all clean-up costs covered by SpaceX. The company launched the operation under the supervision of the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection (DEPP) and environmental consultants SEE PAGE SEVEN
Sir Lynden, The Bahamas’ first Prime Minister and a central figure in the country’s independence, would have turned 95 on March 22. Mr Mitchell said the resolution will be presented to PLP supporters on Thursday and encouraged them to rally behind the idea.
While the BCCEC said it supports recognising the contributions of national leaders, it cautioned that the economic impact of another public holiday must be taken into account.
“The challenge with
implementing another holiday has to be considered in the broader context,” the group said. “We must consider the opportunity and direct costs of the same for businesses, the bulk of which are MSMEs, struggling with various increases in costs which are not being offset by more sales and productivity.”
The chamber noted that National Heroes Day and Majority Rule Day already commemorate the country’s political and social pioneers. It warned that adding another holiday could result in reduced productivity, higher labour costs due
to overtime obligations, and lost revenue for businesses that close while continuing to incur operating expenses.
“We must appreciate that The Bahamas is among the top three countries in the region for the high cost of living and in the top ten for the most public holidays,” the BCCEC said. “We must also look at things such as the rate of productivity in the country, further compounding the declining ease and rising cost of doing business.”
The organisation hopes policymakers will carefully consider these factors when debating the proposal.
the US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand — involved hijacking mobile app downloads from platforms such as Google and Samsung to implant spyware into users’ devices. According to the report, the operation targeted app servers hosted in third-party countries, including The Bahamas. The document does not suggest that Bahamian citizens were directly targeted or that the Bahamian government played any role in the operation. Instead, it names The Bahamas as one of several countries — alongside France, Switzerland, Cuba, and Russia — where internet infrastructure may have been exploited to facilitate surveillance activities
The report claims this tactic allowed Five Eyes agencies to conduct intrusive operations while avoiding domestic legal restrictions on spying on their citizens. The report says that non-Five Eyes countries like The Bahamas were targeted in part because they fall outside internal agreements prohibiting domestic surveillance within the alliance, making them more accessible for such operations. It remains unclear whether any app servers physically located in The Bahamas were compromised or whether routing paths through Bahamianbased infrastructure were used. The report does not identify specific servers, companies, or dates connected to the country.
The report, which does not appear to have been subject to external peer review and does not have a detailed methodology section, is part of a broader effort by Chinese entities to spotlight US surveillance, though its reference to The Bahamas draws attention to the risks facing smaller nations that may unwittingly serve as digital staging grounds for global intelligence operations.
The report’s release comes just days after the United States unsealed multiple indictments against a group of Chinese nationals — including alleged government officers and employees of a private contractor — for a years-long global hacking campaign. US authorities accuse the group of targeting
By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter
BISHOP Simeon Hall
is calling on Bahamians living illegally in the United States to return home, warning that they could face arrest and deportation if they remain.
His appeal was a pastoral response to rising fear and confusion among some Bahamians following the start of a new US administration and heightened immigration rhetoric during the 2024 election cycle. While there has been no official announcement of changes to deportation policy, immigration remains a politically charged issue in the United States, particularly in southern states where many Bahamians travel or reside.
Bishop Hall, former president of the Bahamas Christian Council, is pleading to those Bahamians who do not have legal documentation to live in the US to come home.
“I join my brothers and sisters of the cloth to make a pastoral call to any and all Bahamians in the United States without proper documents to return home before facing arrest and deportation,” he said in a message. “Any infraction of US immigration laws will follow you and your family the rest of your days.”
He said that America’s judicial and prison systems are sometimes worse than ours, adding that there is little mercy shown to foreigners breaking their immigration laws.
“America has a right to
enforce its laws,” he said.
“So, I say to all undocumented Bahamians in the US — Come home! It’s supper time!”
When contacted for comment, the Bahamian Consul in Washington, D.C., Wendall Jones, acknowledged concerns about Bahamians overstaying their visas in the United States.
“We understand there are about 400 Bahamians in this situation. We have no way to verify that number, but that is the information that has been circulated, so that is a guesstimate,” he said.
figure appears to reference a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) report released in late 2024, which said 426 Bahamian citizens were under final orders of removal as of November.
These people had not been detained at the time but were part of a broader list of over 1.4 million people from various countries facing deportation.
Mr Jones said there is a relatively small Bahamian diaspora in the United States compared to other countries in the Americas.
“Contrary to what some believe, Bahamians like to stay home,” he said. “There is a very small number of Bahamians living in the US.”
“We are simply asking Bahamians to obey the law, to respect US laws, and if they wish to return to the US not to overstay their time.”
Mr Jones said people are normally given six months and should not extend their time without proper
permission from US immigration authorities.
He said people requiring to stay longer for medical reasons should apply for an extension.
“There are Bahamians who now find themselves unable to travel to the United States because, when they attempt to return, they realise they overstayed their time on previous visits and are not able to get a visa.”
“We are asking Bahamians to follow the United States laws just as we expect foreign nationals in The Bahamas to follow our laws.”
Mr Jones said officials have not seen any changes in the types of requests they get from people visiting or contacting the embassy since the change in the US administration.
“It is business as usual,” he said. “There are a lot of exaggerated claims being made, but we have not observed any changes whatsoever.”
A Bahamian woman believed to have been living illegally in the US for a decade was recently arrested at Fort Lauderdale airport.
While he said he has no direct knowledge of it, Mr Jones said if the story is true, she simply overstayed her time and had no legal rights to protection and should have been deported.
“You simply do not come to the United States and disobey the laws of the country,” he said. “You do not have a right to a visa if you overstay your time or exceed the period allotted to you.”
government agencies, journalists, religious organisations, and critics of the Chinese Communist Party, including a cyberattack on the US Department of the Treasury in late 2024. The indictments, sanctions, and infrastructure seizures were described by US officials as part of a broader effort to dismantle what they called a “hacker-for-hire” ecosystem operating at the direction of China’s Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of State Security. In 2014, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was secretly intercepting, recording, and archiving the audio of virtually every cell phone conversation in The Bahamas. This surveillance was
conducted under a classified program called SOMALGET, a sub-program of MYSTIC, without the knowledge or consent of the Bahamian government.
By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Chief Reporter lrolle@tribunemedia.net
WITH six suicides recorded in The Bahamas in under three months, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville says the government is testing a digital platform to allow people to access online mental health consultations from home.
His remarks followed a suicide attempt on Guana Cay, Abaco, on Monday, where police said a 45-year-old man ingested a quantity of over-thecounter medication in an apparent attempt to take his life. He was taken to a clinic for medical attention.
Dr Darville said the increase in suicides underscores the urgency of the government’s mental health agenda.
The Mental Health Bill, passed last year, is now being implemented with the deployment of trained community mental health nurses across the country.
He said 41 nurses were trained in 2024 and are now stationed in various islands to assist individuals with psychiatric conditions. Patients with more severe illnesses are stabilised at Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre before being re-integrated into the community with continued support.
“We will be working closely with Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre, where most people who have severe psychiatric illnesses are interfaced with our psychiatrist, and once they’re stabilised, they’re brought back into the
community,” Dr Darville said.
The minister added that officials are piloting a platform to connect people with mental health professionals for virtual consultations, particularly those battling depression and anxiety.
He also pointed to collaboration with the private sector on early detection strategies, especially among children and adolescents, noting the importance of identifying warning signs in schools and at home.
“There’s much discussions going on in the private sector on how important it is for early detection. We have children, we hear of kids who are normal, and then all of a sudden, you have no signs and symptoms, or you couldn’t read them properly, and the next thing you know, they’re a suicide case,” he said.
“And so how do you do these early detection? How do you pick it up in school? How does parents understand and know more about what’s going on with the kids.”
Support organisations like the Bahamas Crisis Centre have long called for more targeted action on mental health. The centre has reported a rise in distress calls this year, particularly from young boys experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings of isolation.
Dr Darville said the government is committed to improving mental healthcare services, and will continue leveraging public-private partnerships to expand access and enhance early intervention.
By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Chief Reporter lrolle@tribunemedia.net
THE Ministry of Health and Wellness is partnering with the Ministry of Education to encourage more young Bahamians to pursue careers in allied health, aiming to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign workers and address long-standing shortages in the healthcare system.
As part of this initiative, the Health Professions Council will host its first annual Allied Health Careers Fair on Friday, April 4, from 10am to 2pm at the Ministry of Health. The event targets senior students and other Bahamians interested in entering the field.
At a press conference yesterday, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville described the promotion of allied healthcare professions as critical, noting that these workers — who include radiographers, physiotherapists, optometrists, audiologists, dietitians, and others — are as vital
Man’s abduction sentence sparks debate over changing age of consent from page one
The case sparked debate, with many on social media calling for the age of consent — currently 16 — to be raised to 18. Critics argue that if the age were higher, Simmons could have faced a more serious charge, such as unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, and possibly a tougher sentence.
“We know that young people explore sex and sexuality, and it is the shared responsibility of parents, guardians, healthcare providers, and educators to ensure that they are equipped with information and services to make the best decisions for themselves,” Ms Wallace said yesterday. “This duty is being shirked by all, and
it is a disservice to young people and endangers them. Raising the age of consent does not solve the problem and would likely lead to more prolonged burying of heads in the sand.”
“Comprehensive sexuality education is critical to healthy relationships and sexual behaviour. Young people need to learn about consent, laws about consent, sex, and sexual assault, and the predatory behaviour of adults. Changing the age of consent does not address the main issues here — that men continue to prey on girls, groom them, separate them from their families, and exploit them, and that young people are not equipped to make decisions about their bodies, sex, and relationships.
We are in need of policy changes, curriculum transformation, and expansion of healthcare services, without exception, to all who can legally consent to sex.”
Although The Bahamas does not have explicit legislation specifying the minimum age at which people can access sexual and reproductive health services without parental consent, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has emphasised that in practice, that age has been 18. CEDAW has recommended that girls aged 16 have free and adequate access to contraceptives and sexual and reproductive health services nationwide. Ms Wallace’s comments follow renewed debate over
to the health system as doctors and nurses.
Dr Darville said the country, like many others, continues to experience shortages in these specialities and must recruit from abroad to fill the gaps.
“So this whole drive now is to get Bahamians interested in the careers so that we can start training in the short term, while we are beginning now to find the resources so that we can expand our healthcare workforce that will be able to populate these new clinics, new hospitals, and to be able to provide services to our people,” he said.
He also pointed to partnerships with tertiary institutions in New Providence and Grand Bahama to expand allied health training. He highlighted the Public Hospitals Authority Academy, launched in 2022, which has trained pharmacy technicians, patient care technicians, and clinical nurses. The academy will graduate its latest cohort next month.
Dr Darville added that the government is preparing to launch a new programme at the Bahamas Baptist University College for informatics-trained clinical nurse professionals and is finalising a curriculum that will lead to a pharmacy degree.
Education Minister Glenys Hanna Martin said the push is urgent, given the number
the age of consent, sparked by Simmons’ sentencing. Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans arraigned Simmons on a charge of abduction. The court heard that he kept the teenage girl at his residence in New Providence between February 14 and March 18. Simmons claimed she came to his house after an argument with her mother. He admitted to the court that he was “waiting” to have sex with the underage girl.
The magistrate admonished Simmons, who was unrepresented, saying he was “out of line”. She noted that while the teenager referred to him as her “boyfriend”, he, as the adult, should have corrected the situation. She said he failed to act responsibly and instead encouraged the teen’s actions, knowing she was underage and still living with her mother. The
of work permits issued annually for allied health roles.
While specific figures were not provided, she attributed the trend to the lack of a sustained national training and certification strategy.
She said talks with BTVI are ongoing to help address the gap and added that the government intends to increase scholarships in this area.
“This is a big day, and we are grateful for this exposure, which we hope will lead to more longterm engagement for our young people and the building of capacity on a more permanent basis in our health care sector,” she said.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan underscored the need to expand the allied health workforce and noted that the Health Professions Council does not yet regulate several professions.
“We have various other allied health professions that are currently not yet under the council,” she said. “Right, we actually oversee many of them, but we are going to have them actually regulated fully, in short order, as the regulations are updated.”
The careers fair is part of a broader effort to create a sustainable healthcare system that relies less on work permits and more on homegrown talent.
magistrate warned that the court would not tolerate the sexual abuse of minors and referenced the number of missing children in the country. Although Simmons was credited for his early guilty plea, the court considered his prior convictions, though none similar. He was sentenced to one year in prison and informed of his right to appeal.
Meanwhile, a lawyer, speaking on condition of anonymity, questioned whether the facts supported Simmons’ conviction. He expressed doubt that the charge of abduction was appropriate, noting that based on the details reported, the girl appeared to have stayed with Simmons voluntarily and was not physically restrained. The lawyer also pointed out that Simmons was not convicted of a sexual offence, suggesting
that the ongoing debate about the age of consent was misplaced in this context. In 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper said the age of consent should be raised to 18 to “further protect minors”. At the time, Mr Cooper argued that if 18 is the legal threshold for responsibilities such as voting, opening a bank account, and joining law enforcement, it should also be the minimum age for consenting to sex. He noted that any law allowing minors to consent to sex with adults is inconsistent with societal standards and should be changed.
Bahamas Christian Council president Bishop Delton Fernander has also supported raising the age of consent, saying that if 18 is considered the standard age for adulthood in other aspects of life, it should also apply to sexual consent.
By EARYEL BOWLEG Tribune Staff Reporter ebowleg@tribunemedia.net
THREE years after the death of public school teacher Jay Roosevelt, his mother says she is still unable to access gratuity and backpay owed to him — despite being listed as his sole beneficiary.
The prolonged delay has left H Guillaume-Thompson, Roosevelt’s mother, financially strained and at risk of losing her home as she struggles to settle outstanding debts.
A signed beneficiary form obtained by The Tribune shows Roosevelt designated his mother to receive 100 percent of the entitlement. She said the document had been submitted to the Ministry of Education in 2020 and was intended to ensure that any unpaid salary and gratuity could go toward clearing her son’s mortgage.
“I can’t get beyond the first stage of grief because I have to keep dealing with his name on all this paperwork,” she said. “These are funds that are his, and I don’t see why I have to go through all of this.”
Roosevelt, who died at 53, had been teaching electronic engineering at AF Adderley Junior High School and had served in
the public education system since 2009.
His mother said she has had ongoing correspondence with the Ministry of Education and other government departments to obtain the necessary approvals to release the funds. She said the matter was even brought to the attention of the Office of the Attorney General but remains unresolved.
According to Ms Guillaume-Thompson, the beneficiary form was meant to be processed through the Ministry of Education and forwarded to the Public Service Commission before payment could be issued by the accounts department. She said although the Ministry of Education signed and stamped the relevant paperwork, the process stalled after Permanent Secretary Lorraine Armbrister declined to authorise the release and redirected her elsewhere.
She expressed frustration, noting that insurers had already accepted the same beneficiary form to process her son’s life insurance claim.
Roosevelt was her only child. Educated in the United States, he returned to The Bahamas but struggled to find employment in
his field. He worked at a gas station for six years before retraining as a teacher at the then College of The Bahamas. His mother said he was passionate about teaching and particularly focused on helping young men improve their maths skills.
“He wanted to see his students be the top in math, especially the men, because he felt that the girls were very good and the young men were somewhat behind,” she said.
When contacted, Permanent Secretary Lorraine Armbrister declined to speak on the specific cases but said there are standard procedures in place for handling gratuity matters. She explained that the Ministry of Public Service will process the payment if a beneficiary is named. If no beneficiary is listed, the matter must go through probate, and letters of administration must be provided before any funds can be paid out.
She added that the final determination on payment is made by the Ministry of Public Service, not the Ministry of Education or any other line ministry.
Public Service Minister Pia Glover-Rolle said the matter was referred to the Pension Unit.
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net
AN officer testified that her partner shot and killed 27-year-old Deron Okoye Wilkinson on Independence Highway in 2018 after the deceased allegedly pulled out a gun during a traffic stop.
The officer also claimed that an EMS worker moved the weapon during efforts to treat Wilkinson, after questions were raised about the gun’s position in the aftermath of the incident.
Sergeant 3749 Deandra Forbes gave testimony before Coroner Kara Turnquest Deveaux as the inquest into Wilkinson’s fatal police-involved shooting continued.
It is alleged that a police officer shot Wilkinson on March 19, 2018 after he allegedly pointed a gun at officers. However, Wilkinson’s family maintain he was unarmed and was only waving his phone at officers. Police Constable 3620 Lee Dormeus is the subject of the inquest. He was not present during yesterday’s proceedings.
S ergeant Forbes told the court that shortly after 4pm on the day in question, she and PC
Dormeus were on mobile patrol when they tried to stop the deceased, who was driving a right-hand drive purple Nissan Skyline along Beaumontia Avenue in Garden Hills. The stop was initiated because of non-transparent tinted rear windows.
She said PC Dormeus, who was driving the lefthand drive police vehicle, used the siren and foghorn to signal Wilkinson to stop. Wilkinson initially continued driving north before eventually pulling over.
According to Sergeant Forbes, the deceased failed to get out of the vehicle when instructed, which aroused their suspicion. As she approached the car from the right with her firearm in a ready position pointed at the ground, PC Dormeus approached from the left. Sergeant Forbes testified that she saw Wilkinson reach into his glove compartment. Moments later, she heard PC Dormeus shout “gun” once before firing a single shot at the deceased.
After the shooting, she said Wilkinson’s vehicle rolled down a hill, crashed through a wooden barricade, and came to a stop in the median near the Bahamas Public Service
Credit Union on Independence Drive.
Sergeant Forbes said she pursued the vehicle on foot and, upon reaching it, saw Wilkinson slumped over in his seat with a firearm in his lap.
Although she believed the weapon still posed a threat, she said Wilkinson appeared lifeless. She told evidence marshal Angelo Whitfield that she did not see PC Dormeus again until after she reached the vehicle and that he remained at the top of the hill and contacted dispatch. She said EMS arrived before Crime Scene Investigators and that EMS personnel moved the firearm while attending to the body. She claimed not to recall anything else being in Wilkinson’s lap.
Photographs shown during the hearing depicted Wilkinson’s body slumped in the driver’s seat with blood running down his face. Bloodstains were also visible on the front passenger seat, and a mobile phone was seen resting on his lap.
Another photo showed a firearm near Wilkinson’s left hand, with his fingers touching the handle. However, the gun appeared free of blood despite extensive staining
throughout the car’s interior.
Mr Whitfield pointed out a discrepancy in Sergeant Forbes’ testimony, noting that the glove compartment was closed in the photos while the centre console was open.
Sergeant Forbes said she could not explain who had closed the glove compartment or where the firearm had come from but maintained that she saw the weapon in Wilkinson’s lap when the vehicle stopped.
Valerie Wilkinson, the deceased’s mother,
also gave testimony. She said her son was righthanded and that she was informed by police that he had been shot near the credit union. She recounted identifying her son’s body at the morgue, saying she saw him lying on a slab behind a glass window. She said her son was buried on June 23, 2018 at Woodlawn Cemetery.
Mrs Wilkinson told the court that her son had no physical or mental health issues and described him as quiet and studious.
He had been an honour roll student at Faith Way Academy and CV Bethel. She said she was unaware he was married at the time of his death, though he had told her days earlier that he was staying with his girlfriend. He worked at Island Wholesale. Mrs Wilkinson wept in court after a graphic image of her son’s bloodied face was shown. She recoiled and tearfully said: “That was my son.” The deceased’s father was also present for the proceedings.
“Being Bound to Swear to The Dogmas of No Master”
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IN yesterday’s Tribune, we reported on questions being raised by former Environment Minister Romi Ferreira over the cost of the clean-up after a SpaceX rocket exploded over The Bahamas.
It was a fair question – and yesterday’s editorial amplified those calls.
In response, the government last night issued a statement addressing our lead story. Guess what, though? Still no cost revealed.
The statement stated that under the Space Liability Convention Treaty 1972, “SpaceX or any other entity experiencing an incident” is obligated to cover the cost of environmental remediation.
We were told that the director of the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection had provided “numerous updates” about the clean-up of the “SpaceX Starship 8 anomaly”. That description of an “anomaly” is a very delicate way to describe an explosion that could be seen across the skies and which rained debris down on the nation. It is true that there have been updates from the director – but no price tag as yet. Who sets that price tag is worth clarifying as well. By the sound of it, it would cover the cost of whatever flights and shipments and searches were carried out. Remediation also implies the cost of any damage to the environment might be covered – who decides that?
The statement went on to say that about 400 pounds “predominantly of lightweight silica tiles” were recovered near Ragged Island and are to be transported to the US. The statement said: “The tiles are comprised of silica – primarily sand.”
Predominantly of course does not mean all – and indeed The Tribune has received pictures of debris that is very much not just sand.
However, the statement concluded again by reiterating: “We confirm that all costs associated with this exercise
are being borne directly by SpaceX.”
Good. So should be the case. But there still dangle those few questions of how much the total bill will be, and who decides the total. Also, is there any fine imposed or simply the costs and nothing more?
The government insists in the statement that is committed to full transparency – which is to be welcomed – so addressing those final few matters should be a formality, should it not?
While the government remains committed to full transparency, will it also hold that stance when former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis raises questions of his successor, Prime Minister Philip Davis, over the Bahamas Moorings issue?
After Mr Davis looked to close down further questions on the issue, Dr Minnis has warned his successor that “he won’t get off that easy”.
Indeed, there do remain open questions there – to start with, what was the outcome of the internal review that was promised over the involvement of an Office of the Prime Minister employee signing as a witness to a deal that she was a principal in?
Dr Minnis’ questions shall come in good order – but we would highlight one crucial thing he says in today’s Tribune
He points out who the prime minister works for. “He is an employee of the Bahamian people, who hired him. An employer asks the questions, and the employee must answer.”
The same holds true on each of these matters where transparency is called for.
Each politician, each public servant ultimately answers to the people. Note those words – “public servant”.
When the public asks, it should be expected that answers be given.
We truly hope the government embraces its promise of full transparency, and eagerly await the final bill over the SpaceX explosive “anomaly”.
EDITOR, The Tribune.
AS the next election approaches, it is imperative for Bahamians to consider not only the Vision of the Political Party expressed through its Leadership but also their capacity to lead our nation into a future defined by innovation and digital progress. In today’s interconnected world, our success hinges on embracing digital transformation, a goal that requires visionary leadership supported by a team that embodies the best of our collective talent. The digital era offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance public services, stimulate economic growth, and improve the overall quality of life for every Bahamian. However, these opportunities will remain unrealised unless our future leader is capable of assembling a team capable of driving this change. We need leaders who not only understand the transformative power of technology but are also committed to
recruiting experts and surrounding themselves in digital strategy, cybersecurity, data analytics, and cloud computing. A diverse and dynamic team will be essential in navigating the challenges and harnessing the full potential of digital innovation. Moreover, a team with a strong grasp of technology must work in tandem with professionals from various sectors, like our public administration, finance, banking, hospitality & tourism, and education, to create integrated solutions that benefit all citizens.
A leader like Michael C Pintard, who values collaboration and inclusivity, is someone who resonates with me and the digitally immersed Gen Z and Millennial Generations. He has the potential to empower our nation to compete on a global stage while ensuring that every Bahamian feels included in this transformative journey. In the upcoming election,
EDITOR, The Tribune. I FIND it curious and somewhat comical that Fred Mitchell wants a public holiday to commemorate Sir Lynden Pindling’s birthday. One can only guess at Mr Mitchell’s political motives over the years.
His suggestion is a bizarre form of hero worship given his previous disdain for Sir Lynden and his fallout with both the PLP and the Pindlings in the years past.
The main international airport is already named for Sir Lynden and his image is on the one-dollar bill. We have both Majority Rule Day and National Heroes Day. Sir Lynden’s contributions along with others may be remembered on these holidays.
we need to support a leader like Michael C Pintard and his candidates, who are equipped and capable of building such a strong team. Leadership today is not measured solely by individual prowess but by the collective strength of the team they assemble. As voters, we must advocate for a future where the government not only adapts to this digital age but also leads it, transforming the Bahamas into a beacon of progress and innovation in the Caribbean and beyond.
I urge Millennials and Gen Zs to re-engage in the political process, register to vote, encourage their peers to do the same, and most importantly, exercise this right when the election bell is rung. Remember, we will get the change we vote for, not just wish for.
JOHNSON Freeport, Grand Bahama March 25, 2025.
Sir Lynden left a mixed legacy. While he made an enormous contribution to The Bahamas, he also did considerable damage to our country and politics. By calling for a national holiday to commemorate Sir Lynden’s birthday, Mr Mitchell is inviting further examination of his own political history and that of Sir Lynden.
More than 40 years ago in a December 3, 1981, newspaper story, under the title “Mitchell Calls for Pindling’s Resignation”, Fred Mitchell showed his disgust with Sir Lynden and Lady Pindling: “Fred Mitchell, Leader of the People’s Democratic Force (PDF) called last night for an emergency meeting of the country’s major church leaders to persuade Prime Minister Pindling to resign from office and leave the country with his wife.”
Not only did he want Sir Lynden to step down, he wanted both Sir Lynden and Lady Pindling to leave the country! No other opponent of Sir Lynden ever went that far.
Mr Mitchell has said many other nasty things
about Sir Lynden. A decade later in a Tribune story of July 16, 1991, Mitchell showed that he was still determined to attack Sir Lynden at every turn: “One would expect that the Prime Minister of The Bahamas should spend the national day of The Bahamas with his people and not in another man’s country. The fact that surgery was performed on his bad eye is irrelevant. The eye was bad for years. The surgery was elective surgery.”
He went on to say that, “Sir Lynden’s absence showed nothing but contempt for the Bahamian people.” Would Mr Mitchell care to explain this vitriol and contempt for Sir Lynden?
While Sir Lynden made his contribution, many Bahamians remembered his cult of personality, the victimisation on his watch, his brutal attacks on his opponents, his autocratic behavior and harm to our democracy.
Many remember his cruel and mocking remarks about Carlton Francis who had participated in a public demonstration. Sir Lynden said of Mr Francis, who was dying from cancer, “… And all I could see was suit!”
Perhaps Mr Mitchell would speak to the poisonous drug era and the PLP’s role in this period. He might cite the “A Nation for Sale: Corruption in The Bahamas” series run by The Miami Herald which reported: “During the past 12 years, foreign investors in the Bahamas channeled nearly $17m to Bahamas Prime Minister Lynden O Pindling or to companies in which he had a secret interest, records show.
“The money took various forms: gifts, unorthodox bank loans, direct payments to Pindling creditors, unusual stock deals or generous home mortgages.
“It came from businessmen who depended on the goodwill of the Pindling government, sought approval of governmentregulated ventures or contemplated investments in the Bahamas.
“The largest chunk, $14m, came from a Bahamian bank controlled by fugitive financier Robert Vesco. The bank financed companies in which Pindling had an undisclosed one-third interest.”
The Miami Herald report noted: “Since 1977, Pindling spent $4m – eight times his reported total earnings during that time according to a Bahamas Commission of Inquiry. …
“Hundreds of thousands of dollars contributed by foreign businessmen went for the construction of Pindling’s new house, a lavish lakefront home east of Nassau that his attorney says is worth $3m.” Former Anglican Bishop Drexel Gomez issued a minority statement for the Commission. He noted various unidentified and identified deposits in Sir Lynden’s bank account.
“It is certainly feasible that all of these payments could have been made from non-drug related sources. But in my opinion, the circumstances raise great suspicion and I find it impossible to say that the payments were all non-drug related,” he said.
If Mr Mitchell wants to have a public debate about his public record and actions and that of Sir Lynden, let the discussion begin. There is much that will be exposed that a new generation will find curious and indeed distasteful.
STALWART March 25, 2025.
By JADE RUSSELL Tribune Staff Reporter jrussell@tribunemedia.net
MANY Family Island businesses are unaware of the steps required to operate legally and maintain good business practices, according to Department of Inland Revenue (DIR) officials.
A compliant business must have the necessary documentation, a valid business license, and other required certifications.
The DIR hosted a financial symposium yesterday at the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium to address this. The event aimed to educate entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small business owners on compliance requirements in The Bahamas.
DIR’s communications and training manager, Beaumont Todd, said the department has noticed a growing number of people eager to start businesses but frustrated by unclear requirements.
The symposium featured officials from the Bahamas Customs Department, Bank of The Bahamas, Ministry of Works, Colina Insurance, the National Insurance Board (NIB), and other agencies to assist business owners.
Mr Todd said a common concern is understanding the documents needed to start a business. The first step is obtaining a passport to register the trade name. Alternatively, a voter’s card and birth certificate can be used for registration.
DIR has been hosting pop-up events nationwide to educate business owners on compliance. While Mr Todd did not specify which Family Island businesses are frequently non-compliant, he noted that some cookout vendors often lack the necessary
documentation. “What we do find with a lot of businesses, sometimes on the Family islands, is persons are not familiar with the process of what they need for them to be compliant. So, this is a part of why we’re going through this process to assist persons,” he said.
In the past, some business owners have also expressed frustration over delays in renewing business licences. Mr Todd acknowledged that the department has a backlog to a “certain extent” but is working to reduce it.
“If you take consideration, there’s about 60,000 plus businesses throughout the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and that is growing every day,” he said.“We are in the process of trying the best of our ability to cut that down, but we are a small department, but we’re still determined to make sure that these persons not just get their business license renewed, but new businesses come in.”
In February, Department of Inland Revenue operations manager Dexter Fernander told Tribune Business he hoped that 80-85 percent of Bahamian businesses met the business licence filing deadline to minimise financial penalties.
He noted that many companies waited until the last minute to submit their 2024 turnover figures and 2025 estimates.
“It’s been a typical pace, including coming at the last minute and changing their representatives. A lot of people are switching the representatives they have in their system; a combination of accountants and lawyers, and asking for them to get access to the system themselves,” he said.
— and stressed that SpaceX is obligated under the 1972 Space Liability Convention to cover environmental remediation costs.
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net
A 32-YEAR-OLD man was granted bail yesterday after he was accused of molesting a 15-year-old girl in New Providence.
Marckenson Petithomme appeared before Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans on a charge of unlawful sexual intercourse.
Prosecutors allege that the defendant had unlawful sexual intercourse with the teen sometime between October 1 and 31, 2023.
Petithomme was not required to enter a plea, as the matter will be transferred to the Supreme Court by way of a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).
Petithomme’s bail was
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter
A 37-YEAR-OLD man was granted bail yesterday after he was accused of molesting his underaged niece over a three-year period.
Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans arraigned the defendant, whose name is being withheld to protect the identity of the victim, on four counts of indecent assault.
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter
A MAN was granted bail yesterday after being accused of attacking another man with a blade in Eleuthera last week.
Glenward Styles, 33, appeared before Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans on a charge of grievous harm.
Prosecutors allege that the man touched the girl inappropriately on four separate occasions between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023. The child was between eight and eleven years old during that time. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges.
He is accused of wounding Lasanto Styles with a bladed weapon on Bay Street in Tarpum Bay on March 17. The victim reportedly suffered several lacerations and required hospitalisation. Although the defendant initially pleaded guilty, a not-guilty plea was recorded after he disputed the prosecution’s summary of the incident.
BRON. The statement came after former Environment Minister Romauld Ferreira criticised the government in The Tribune yesterday, saying the administration had failed to reveal how much SpaceX would pay for clean-up. He questioned whether the government had conducted any scientific evaluation of the debris and said residents had a right to know whether hazardous material had fallen on Bahamian territory.
set at $9,000 with one or two sureties. As part of his bail conditions, he must sign in at the Carmichael Road Police Station every Sunday and Wednesday by 7pm. He will also be fitted with a monitoring device. The voluntary bill of indictment (VBI) is scheduled for service on June 23.
Assistant Superintendent of Police S Coakley served as the prosecutor.
He was granted $7,000 bail with one or two sureties and ordered to sign in at the Fox Hill Police Station every Sunday by 7pm. He was also warned to stay at least 300 feet away from the complainant or risk having his bail revoked.
He is expected to return to court on April 7.
Assistant Superintendent of Police Lincoln McKenzie served as the prosecutor.
Bail was set at $9,000 with one or two sureties. He must sign in at the Rock Sound Police Station every Monday and Thursday by 5pm. He was also ordered not to come within 300 feet of the complainant or risk having his bail revoked.
Styles is due to return to court for trial on June 4.
Assistant Superintendent of Police S Coakley served as the prosecutor.
OPM said the tiles recovered were made primarily of silica — essentially sand
Officials reiterated that the Starship 8 rocket, which exploded minutes after launching from Texas, was not part of The Bahamas’ regulated partnership with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket programme. Instead, the rocket was operating under the authority of the US Federal Aviation Administration and was intended to pass over multiple countries before splashing down in the Indian Ocean.
THE 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women—an annual meeting held at the United Nations in New York City in March, Women’s History Month, and close to International Women’s Day, closed on Friday last week. This year, the theme focused on the Beijing Platform for Action, reviewing its implementation since adoption 30 years ago. In Beijing, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, this landmark agreement was made among States.
In the agreement, States declared their determination “to advance the goals of equality, development and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity”. They also recognised that “the status of women has advanced in some important respects in the past decade but that progress has been uneven, inequalities between women and men have persisted and major obstacles remain, with serious consequences for the well-being of all people.”
In 1995, the States said they were “convinced” of a number of facts including that:
1. Women’s empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society, including participation in the decision-making process and access to power, are fundamental for the achievement of equality, development and peace;
2. Women’s rights are human rights;
3. Equal rights, opportunities and access to resources, equal sharing of responsibilities for the family by men and women, and a harmonious partnership between them are critical to their well-being and that of their families as well as to the consolidation of democracy, and;
4. The explicit recognition and reaffirmation of the right of all women to control all aspects of their health, in particular their own fertility, is basic to their empowerment.
The States, at that time,
“ “
How many people who claim to care about people, whether in terms of human rights, pastoral care, medical aid, or any other area, are conversant in human rights and the commitments The Bahamas has made to protect, promote, and guarantee access to them?
By Alicia Wallace
committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls, encouraging men to participate in the action taken toward gender equality, promote the economic independence of women and addressing related structural issues, centering people in sustainable development efforts, and ensuring respect for international law, especially those that protect women and girls. In the final paragraph introductory to the Beijing Platform for Action, States said: “We hereby adopt and commit ourselves as governments to implement the following Platform for Action, ensuring that
a gender perspective is reflected in all our policies and programmes. We urge the United Nations system, regional and international financial institutions, other relevant regional and international institutions and all women and men, as well as non-governmental organisations, with full respect for their autonomy, and all sectors of civil society, in cooperation with governments, to fully commit themselves and contribute to the implementation of this Platform for Action.”
The Beijing Platform for Action was a landmark agreement and plan that captured widespread attention. It is important to remember that it is
the result of advocacy by women from all over the world who found ways to articulate the national and regional issues, identify the global issues and their relationships to those at the national and regional levels, work together to develop solutions and form demands that would bring those solutions to fruition, and be present in as high a number as possible to watch the negotiation process, participate in it, and ensure that as little meaning and substance were lost as possible when the final words were inked. This is how it happened then, and such documents come together now in ways that are similar and very different. Engagement on the issue of gender equality and women’s rights has not been the same over the course of the last 30 years. The issues, as evidenced by the continued relevance of the Beijing Platform for Action and the introductory statement, remain very much the same, and the environment has changed multiple times as have our tactics.
Today, we talk about the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) which is an older document and commitment and upon which the Beijing Platform for Action is based, along with the Nairobi Forwardlooking Strategies for the Advancement of Women. Advocates used CEDAW to draw attention to the rights of women and the obligation that States have to ensure that we have full access to every single one of those rights, and without exception. This is critical to our work and will certainly continue. The Beijing Platform for Action, however, is not often mentioned, and it needs more attention.
The Beijing Platform for Action clearly states: “The objective of the Platform for Action, which is in full conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, is the empowerment of all women. The full realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all women is essential for the empowerment of women. While the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
It is worth noting that the drafters and all who committed to the Beijing Platform for Action
acknowledge the differences among States and made explicit that no circumstances in any sphere constitute an excuse for the failure to promote all human rights and take action toward the advancement of all women. We see governments use economic conditions, religion and their fear of religious (mis) leaders, and “culture” to distract people from and excuse their deliberate inaction. This is not a new tactic by governments. It is at least decades old and drafters saw the indicators that it was necessary to clearly state that there are no exemptions as a result of circumstances or conditions within a State.
Twelve Areas of Critical Concern were identified in the Beijing Platform for Action and strategic objectives and actions were elaborated for each one. The 12 areas are:
increasing burden of poverty on women
equacies in and unequal access to education and training
equacies in and unequal access to health care and related services
women or other kinds of conflict on women, including those living under foreign occupation
structures and policies, in all forms of productive activities and in access to resources and women in the sharing of power and decision-making at all levels at all levels to promote the advancement of women
inadequate promotion and protection of the human rights of women and inequality in women’s access to and participation in all communication systems, especially in the mediaties in the management of natural resources and in the safeguarding of the environmenttion against and violation of the rights of the girl child
Our attention is called to each of these areas today, 30 years later. States have not followed through on their commitments. The identified issues not only persist, but have intensified while action to address them has not.
responsibility to clearly communicate with the public about its
decision-making processes, actions taken, and participation in a wide range of fora and intergovernmental spaces. In The Bahamas, we have seen the hefty travel bills for politicians, especially in the current administration, and not been given the details of the activities and outcomes. Is it better, worse, or the same as it was in the 1990s? How many people who were politically activated in 1993 are familiar with CEDAW? How many people who were politically activated in 1995 are familiar with the Beijing Platform for Action? How many people who claim to care about people, whether in terms of human rights, pastoral care, medical aid, or any other area, are conversant in human rights and the commitments The Bahamas has made to protect, promote, and guarantee access to them?
The Bahamas would be in a much different place if people were at least aware of the commitments being made in international spaces, understanding that those commitments are not to the United Nations or to other States, but to us, and that we need to hold governments accountable. The people of The Bahamas would be in a different position if the government had actually done its job, involving people in decision making processes and sharing information on and from global events, and that is likely the reason it does not do its jobs. It is left to nongovernmental organisations, the media, and individuals advocates to monitor, report on, and provide detailed, accessible information for the public.
If you have never heard of the Beijing Platform for Action, or if you have heard of it, but do not know anything beyond the title, now is a good time to look into it. It is indicative of the work that women did decades ago to secure these commitments. It is an explainer on the disappointment and exhaustion that so many women feel after doing this work, having this success and the hope that comes with it, and seeing the commitments ignored. It is evidence of the inaction of many governments. It is a sign of the work ahead and the time and effort that it requires in order for us to see and feel success. It is a reminder that words and signatures are not enough. Integrity, which is obviously lacking in government, is desperately needed, as is the ceaseless advocacy of rights-minded people and a fully engaged, demanding electorate.
ATLANTA Associated Press
MORE states are moving to ban or restrict cellphones in school, a trend that continues to win bipartisan support in legislatures.
Senators in Georgia voted 54-2 on Tuesday to give final approval to a bill that would bans students in grades K-8 from using phones or other personal electronic devices during the school day. The measure goes to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp for his signature or veto.
Currently, nine states ban phones in school, but that number will likely soon rise. Similar bills this year have passed by wide margins in New Mexico, Tennessee and Utah and await action by those states’ governors. Measures are also progressing rapidly in other states.
The push for cellphone bans has been driven by concerns about the impact screen time has on children’s mental health and complaints from teachers that cellphones have become a constant distraction in the classroom.
“This bill isn’t just about academics, it’s about students’ well-being,”
Republican Georgia state Sen. Jason Anavitarte of Dallas said during debate
Tuesday on House Bill 340. “Studies link excessive phone use to mental health issues, decreasing social skills, and an increase in bullying. We want students engaged in school, socializing with friends during lunch and focusing in the classroom.” Nationally, 77% of US schools say they prohibit cellphones at school for nonacademic use, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. But that number is misleading. It does not mean students are following those bans or all those schools are enforcing them. Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia have enacted measures banning or restricting students’ use of cellphones in schools.
The specifics of the measures vary widely. Georgia’s bill says students can’t access their personal devices at any time during the school day, but enforcement is up to local school districts. Some Georgia districts are already using locking pouches, but schools could also just tell students to leave their phones in their locker, to turn them in to a teacher, or disable them using an online application. Students who need devices to
monitor medical conditions or to help overcome intellectual disabilities would still be able to use them.
Some other states would still allow phones or other devices to be used in some situations. For example, the Utah bill lets schools permit classroom use under local policies.
Georgia isn’t providing any extra funding, although supporters suggested districts might be able to use yearly school safety grants if they need to buy pouches or other equipment. New Mexico’s bill sets aside $10 million in aid for local schools to help fund adoption
Objections to the proposal often center around concerns that students and parents won’t be able to contact each other in case of emergency. In September, when a student killed two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School northeast of Atlanta, many students communicated with their parents and with emergency services using their phones.
Sen. Rashaun Kemp, an Atlanta Democrat, said he was voting for the bill. But he pleaded with Republican colleagues to restrict guns to stop school shootings.
“What if that phone could save lives in an active-shooter situation?”
Kemp asked “These are true concerns as a parent that all of us will typically think about. What if that phone is the last opportunity for my child to communicate with me?”
But supporters of the bans have noted that students’ phones could pose additional dangers during an emergency by distracting students or by revealing their location during an active-shooter situation.
Republican Sen. Randy Robertson of Cataula said a parent’s job is to “sit down, be responsible and trust the school to follow their emergency action plan. Their calls will go unanswered because their children’s phones will be locked away.”
For others, though, the bill doesn’t go far enough. They want to see the ban extended to high school.
Republican Rep. Scott Hilton of Peachtree Corners, the bill’s sponsor, said that was likely in a future session.
“This bill is a step in the right direction, but let it be the beginning and not the end,” said Democratic Sen. Jason Esteves of Atlanta. “Let’s ensure that every student from kindergarten to 12th grade has the opportunity to learn free from unnecessary distractions.”
PHOENIX Associated Press
“ T HE new AI cameras act as powerful extra sets of eyes. When minutes matter, early fire detection provides real-time information so firefighters can respond faster and we can make critical operational decisions about our energy grid to help keep communities safe,” said Scott B ordenkircher, APS Forestry and Fire Mitigation D irector.
“Our wildfire mitigation efforts over the past 10 years, strengthened by partnerships with federal land managers, the Arizona D epartment of Forestry and Fire Management and local fire departments, is key to delivering safe, reliable energy to customers.”
“The Arizona D epartment of Forestry and Fire Management knows the capabilities of the AI cameras and the critical asset they can be for the state when it comes to D FFM’s wildfire response. We will have the ability to tap into the cameras and those feeds will help increase
our situational awareness as well as provide our dispatching center with timely information to relay to our boots on the ground,” said Tom Torres, Arizona D epartment of Forestry and Fire Management D irector.
“We appreciate the collaboration with APS to enhance our fire suppression response efforts so D FFM can better serve and protect our residents and communities.”
THE NEW TECHNOLOGY FROM PANO AI I S HELPIN G M ITI GATE WILDFIRE RI S K THROUGH A VARIETY OF FEATURES, IN CLUD IN G: More than 30 APS AI cameras mounted in elevated locations across Flagstaff, Payson, Prescott, Sedona, north Phoenix and southeastern Arizona by this summer.Smart AI that evaluates and detects fire smoke optimally within a 10-mile range and studies the way smoke looks to prevent mistaking other images like fog or dust as signs of wildfire.Connected satellite data that
produces information on the size and location of the fire and 24/7 live stream using ultra-highdefinition cameras with 360-degree views that can zoom in on a specific location.
“Arizona faces a growing threat from wildfires, and early detection is critical to protecting communities and infrastructure,” said Arvind Satyam, Pano AI Cofounder and Chief Commercial Officer. “ B y partnering with APS, we’re bringing cuttingedge technology and real-time intelligence to the frontlines of wildfire response. These AI-powered cameras spot smoke from miles away and provide actionable insights that help the utility and emergency responders move quickly and decisively.”
D ecember 2024:
The Horton Fire, caused by human activity, ignited in the Tonto
N ational Forest during a time of year when wildfire risk is typically low. An AI camera in Payson notified APS fire mitigation specialists of the smoke. (WATCH VI D EO).APS fire mitigation specialists worked with first responders and because of weather conditions and APS’s previous removal of overgrown and unwanted brush, firefighters were able to use power line corridors as fire breaks to help keep flames from spreading.Firefighters used the cameras to help monitor the fire’s growth overnight.
February 2025:
An AI camera in the Prescott N ational Forest detected smoke from the B rady Fire when it was less than one acre in size. (WATCH VI D EO).Installed on a communication tower, in partnership with the US Forest Service, the camera system immediately notified APS and the forest’s dispatch center.Firefighters’ swift and tactical response helped contain the fire’s
YORK Associated Press
A BRAND that was notoriously connected to music piracy before reemerging as a subscription music service has been sold to Infinite Reality for $207 million.
The tech startup announced Tuesday it had bought Napster in hopes of transforming the streaming service into a social music platform where artists can connect with fans and better monetize off their work.
“The internet has evolved from desktop to mobile, from mobile to social, and now we are entering the immersive era. Yet, music streaming has remained largely the same. It’s time to reimagine what’s possible,” said Napster CEO Jon Vlassopulos in a blog post.
Among its plans to update Napster, Infinite Reality said it will create virtual 3D spaces that will allow fans to attend concerts, and give musicians or labels the ability to sell digital and physical merchandise. Artists will also receive a wider range of metrics and analytics to better understand the behavior of platform users.
“We can think of no better use case for our technology than putting it in the hands of music artists who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible,” said Infinite Reality Chief Business Officer Amish Shah.
Napster was launched in 1999 by Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker and quickly became the first significant peer-to-peer file-sharing application. It shuttered in early 2000s after the record industry and popular rock band Metallica sued over copyright violations. Rhapsody later bought the brand in 2011 and relaunched it as a music streaming service. NAPSTER
spread and, due to the fire’s distance from power lines and the camera’s early detection of smoke, the fire did not impact APS equipment or service to customers.
APS takes an in depth, multi-layered approach that spans across many teams from fire mitigation specialists with experience working as wildland firefighters to tree experts, meteorologists, lineworkers,
engineers, data analysts and drone pilots to keep power flowing safely and reliably through more than 38,000 miles of power lines.The APS Wildfire Mitigation program includes regular power line inspections, preventative upgrades, clearing hazardous brush and vegetation from power lines and wildfire monitoring technology, like weather stations, fire modelling software and high-definition cameras, utilized to help prevent, reduce and respond to wildfire risk.