03282025 WEEKEND

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A culinary tribute to

Bahamian roots

FOR Chef Britney “Chef Bri” Bullard, food is more than just nourishment, it’s a form of artistic expression. The Bahamian-born, Canada-based chef brought this philosophy to life last Saturday at the Edible Art Showcase, her first-ever foodie event in The Bahamas.

CLOCKWISE from top, lobster salad forced shrimp, grouper truffle mac ’n cheese, oxtail rangoon, peach cobbler cheesecake and conch confit.

Held in the Wine and Art Gallery located at the Nassau Cruise Port, the immersive dining experience treated guests to a meticulously curated seven-course tasting menu, blending bold Bahamian flavors with global influences. Though Chef Bri has spent years cooking and traveling abroad, hosting this event in The Bahamas was deeply personal. It was her way of honoring her roots while sharing the refined techniques she’s mastered on the international stage.

Bringing her “Authentique Delights” brand of signature flavours and techniques home was a heartfelt tribute to the place that first nurtured her love for food.

Despite her experience in hosting soldout dining events across the world, Chef Bri admitted that putting together the Edible Art Showcase in The Bahamas came with its own set of challenges.

“Honestly, just putting this event together was so nerve-wracking for me. I travel all over the world, and usually when I post a link to my events, the tickets are gone. But Bahamians are last-minute, so even up until the ninth hour, we just had a few tickets left,” she told Tribune Weekend.

However, her worries melted away as she watched the venue fill up with excited guests, all eager to taste her creations.

“Seeing everybody leave so satiated and so happy, it really warms my heart, because this is home, and I feel like home is the toughest crowd to please. For me to really please this crowd, it means everything,” she admitted.

More than just a dinner, the Edible Art Showcase was a fully immersive experience. The evening included Junkanoo dancing performances between courses, a soulful music set by Bahamian artist Xavy, and an atmosphere that encouraged lively conversation.

As an attendee myself, I found the experience both engaging and unforgettable. The carefully crafted dishes, paired with interactive moments where Chef Bri personally introduced each course, made for an intimate and dynamic dining event.

The menu featured an impressive line-up of dishes, including: oxtail rangoon, lobster salad with shrimp, conch confit, guava passion lime sorbet, bourbon coconut lamb, grouper truffle mac ’n cheese, and peach cobbler cheesecake.

Of all the courses, Chef Bri’s personal favorite was the lamb dish.

“I like sweet and savoury, and it was cooked to perfection,” she said.

One guest, clearly delighted by the flavors, jokingly called Chef Bri over to her table and said: “I’m looking for your foot and hands, because you must have left it in the delicious lamb meal.” - a nod to the Bahamian expression for an exceptionally well-cooked dish.

For Chef Bri, this event was just the beginning. With a growing clientele in The Bahamas, she plans to return for more pop-ups and private dining experiences.

“This is my first event, but first of many. We’re definitely going to be back, especially here at the cruise port. They love us, and we have a great relationship,” she confirmed.

In the coming months, Chef Bri will take her talents on the road, with pop-ups scheduled in

Toronto, New York, Texas, and at Essence Festival in New Orleans. But no matter where she goes, she remains an advocate for Bahamian and Caribbean cuisine, proving that island flavors can be elevated to fine dining status.

“I just want people to know that you can have fancy food without going far. You can get it all right here in The Bahamas. Trust local culinary artists. We’re really out here grinding to bring you guys the world,” she said passionately.

Despite her international success, Chef Bri felt it was important to bring her brand home. “ I just wanted to pay homage. I’ve been all over the world, and I hadn’t done anything at home in The Bahamas. I felt like that was an injustice. So, I was like, let’s do it. Let’s just jump in. Let’s get it out. And that’s what I did,” she said.

With The Edible Art Showcase, Chef Bri not only introduced a new level of fine dining to the Bahamian food scene but also reinforced the idea that Caribbean cuisine belongs on the world stage. And with her growing presence both locally and internationally, this is only the beginning of what promises to be a flavourful “Authentique” journey.

Adelia Major

You wouldn’t know it from her TikToks, but Adelia Major is a world away from the characters she portrays. She spoke to CARA HUNT about her life, her beliefsand how she became a social media star.

BECOMING a social media star has been a huge surprise for Adelia Major.

After all, the school music teacher claims she is nothing like the characters she portrays on her Relatable Bahamian social media accounts.

But her humorous takes on simple everyday life have made her a household name and one of the most popular social media stars in the country having gained more than 25,000 followers and two million likes.

Adelia comes from a family with music in its blood and has spent the past two decades working as a music teacher.

“I have been a music teacher with the Catholic Board of Education for 20 years and I also started my own music business as well.

“I love teaching and working with children, children are the future and they are joy to work with. At times it can be a bit hard I won’t lie to you, but someone took the time to teach me and so I want to take the time help the next generation,” she said.

About two years ago, she started posting TikToks “just for fun”.

“I had no idea it was going to end up like this, not at all,” she said.

“At first it was just about expressing myself and having a good time, but then I realised that people started connecting with the content that I was creating. And so then I started focusing on making more relatable videos that we as Bahamians understood - whether it was about our culture or our daily life or shared experiences.

“And then just seeing how people enjoyed and engaged in the content motivated me to keep going over time.

Adelia says she “pretty much goes with the flow” when it comes to chosing what topics she covers.

“I do my personal experiences and the personal experiences that my family or close friends

went through, I had a series going on now office drama shorts, people believe that I work in an office and I do not work in an office, I also had a series called government teachers and I never taught in a government school or a government office, there are a number of series I had mainly on TikTok, but just last summer I started posting on Facebook. I was hesitant at first.

“Both social platforms are very different. I would say that the more older generation is on Facebook and I didn’t think that they were really going to respond to it how the TikTok audience did and so when I saw the response on Facebook I was really surprised.”

Despite her larger than life social media presence, she admits that she is way more introverted than the characters she portray.

“I am quite the opposite I am very much an introvert, I am not, believe it or not, an outgoing person. People may think that I am, but I am not.”

While she has always been the type to make jokes with a small close circle of friends - this is new for her.

“I am very different in person and I feel like when persons watch the videos they feel like that’s you and part of it may be my personality, but really and truly I am a quiet person, I don’t bother and I am a homebody, I go to work and I go home.”

Living up to the demand of her fans

this weekend in history

March 28

1854 - France and England declared war on Russia, joining forces with the Ottoman Turks in the Crimean War. 1930 - Built as Byzantium about 657 bce, then renamed Constantinople in the

‘I am very much

an introvert, I am not, believe it or not, an outgoing person. People may think that I am, but I am not’

for constant updates and new material has been challenging.

While she is delighted at the interest of her fans and their demands for more content, she says it does place pressure on her.

“I guess, I would say to whom much is given much is required, I have to constantly be thinking what are we going to do next, I don’t always have a plan, but as soon as I finish an episode, people are like ok when is the next episode and I am just thinking this as I go along, I don’t have this already planned at all.”

4th century ce after Constantine the Great made the city his capital, the Turkish city of Istanbul officially received its present name.

March 29

1973 - American troops evacuated Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) as the United States ended its involvement in the Vietnam War.

1974 - Farmers drilling a well near Xi’an, China, found a subterranean chamber that led to the discovery of the terra-cotta army, 8,000

She explained that she is not a full-time content creator and so she has to juggle that with her fulltime career and her duties as a single parent.

Her fans have become truly vested in the tales she weaves - whether it be the office drama between Mackey, Thompson and Secu, the stress Celeste brings her mom or what happens in the classroom.

“The last episode of the last season (office drama shorts) was like six minutes and people were upset, this is too short, but I was like listen, you know how long it takes to record this and edit this put this all to plus I don’t do this full-time, I am a working single mom who has to do everything else.”

Adelia says there is just something special about Bahamian culture that lends itself to satire.

“I know some people make the response like boy Bahamians don’t take nothing serious. We can find the most serious situation and somehow find humour in it to lighten the mood in a way that only us as Bahamians can understand. I do have boundaries, there are certain things that I don’t believe in, I always want people (especially her students) to be able to watch my videos and not have to worry about obscene language or content.

As her following has grown, so has the opportuntity for sponsorship and ad deals.

“I am honoured by it. It’s fun and I get to meet more people.”

She is equally careful with the sponsorships she accepts.

“If it is not something that I personally feel is appropriate then no, I still have my standards,” she said.

Adelia was coy about her next series of videos.

“I don’t like to tell people extactly what I am working on.”

But she says that service at local businesses may be on her radar next.

“Whatever I do, I will always keep it vague and not call a specific company’s name because I would not want to bring negativity to anyone.”

And while she loves her social media content, she says that we may soon see her doing live in-person events.

While she admits she is nervous about such ventures, she says she won’t ever say never.

You can check out Adelia’s videos on Relatable Bahamian on TikTok and Facebook.

life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

March 30

1981 - Barely two months after his inauguration as the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan was shot and seriously wounded by would-be assassin John W Hinckley, Jr in Washington DC 2003 - A law banning cigarette smoking in all places of employment, including restaurants and bars, went into effect in New York City.

Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Kakuro increases from Monday to Sunday.

Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so the each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday

HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown here?

In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word. No plurals. Verb forms ending in S permitted.

Yesterday’s Sudoku Answer

FIND where the fleet of ships shown is hidden in the grid. The numbers to the right of and below the grid indicate how many of the squares in that row are filled in with ships or parts of ships. The ships do not touch each other, even diagonally. Some squares have been filled in to start you off. Solution on Monday

CAN you crack the Alphabeater? Each grid number represents a letter – or black square. As in Alphapuzzle, every letter of the alphabet is used. But you have to complete the grid too! Use the given letters and black squares below the grid to start. The grid is ‘rotationally symmetrical’ – in other words, it looks the same if you turn the page upside down. Solution on Monday

Yesterday’s Kakuro Answer

Jordanna Kelly and Jenna Chaplin’s NELEVEN installation invites Bahamians to confront the water 95%collection & Into The Transformation” (1987) by

communicates the alsolovethe for the paradise in went to much my enthus,theinspiration Exhibition11 was years,theNaisaspace artists reflect the ourcommunity, grounded practice, socialengagement. consid11th Naago, we forward

other on the islands.

IT IS dark in the hallways of the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas. Our new exhibition, NELEVEN: INTO THE VOID is filled with shadowy walls, provocative artworks, and conceptual ideas that challenge what the Bahamian future could look like.

movementof contemporaryBahamian art and sought to encourage artists to think aboutour future as creatives in a nationthat is currentlynegotiating itssurvivalin this new ecological reality.

Jolyon’s piece exemplified this thinking. The pieceis futuristic in content: it is arobot caricature on what lookslike a ship.When you firstlook atthepiece, younotice that the robot’s heart is disconnected, and the bird of paradise is outsideof theship, behindglass; something, it seems,that the robot isreaching outto. Thesesymbols communicatethatthe robotispossiblydevoid ofconnectioneven though he desires to connect to somethingreal – amessage thatI was extremely interestedin understanding more about. Richardo had

When co-curator Richardo Barrett and I sent out the call for works last year, we asked the art community to think about this future: what resources would we use? How would we survive in this new ecological reality?

Held every two years, the National Exhibition (NE) is a space for Bahamian artists to show contemporary work that reflects the current ethos of our community, and honours work that is grounded in the advancement of practice, dialogue, and social engagement. For the 11th iteration of the programme – NELEVEN – we hoped to see innovative artwork that represented a turn, in not only contemporary Bahamian art practices, but in the many ways we think about how we relate to each

thewonderfulidea tospeakto Jolyontolearn moreaboutthe piece,andin Octoberof2023, Richardo, Jolyonand Italked about it.

The result of our call is an exhibition of artworks that explores what it means to survive in a Caribbean space, especially when so many things are out of our control – including our environment.

Richardoand Isettled uponthe title INTO THEVOID. We wanted tousethisNE toexplorethisidea of “connection” as a process of survival. In our own history, how do we connect with each other despite the “isms” thatwe live through? How do we survive? What can that looklike inthe Caribbean,despite our changingsocial andenvironmental landscape? This year, 21 artists willexplore themesthat Jolyon outlined in “Transformation” andattempt toanswerthese questions. NELEVEN: INTO THE VOID willopen itsdoors for peopletoexplore thenewinnovative ways that artists imagine how we connect and survive on these islands in the future.It’s opening reception starts at6.30pm on Thursday, March 13.

A running theme throughout the exhibition is water: our history with it, how we deal with it, and the ways we can nurture our aquatic spaces so that they can become healthy, thriving ecosystems for future generations.

The conversation was illuminating. Jolyon told us that the inspiration forthe paintingcame from

Jordanna Kelly and Jenna Chaplin’s interactive installation is a good example of this. Viewers are invited to take off their shoes and walk through a pool of water, surrounded by plexiglass sculptures of coral and fish.

The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas(NAGB) isacontemporary art museumdedicated to collecting and celebrating Bahamian artthrough exhibitions, public programmes,and community collaborations.The NAGB is hometo adiverse collectionof Bahamian art that encourages selfexploration and discovery. Admission is free for residents of The Bahamas every Sunday. Get all the information foryour nextvisit at nagb.org.bs/admission. Stay connected: National Art Gallery of The Bahamas West & West Hill St., Nassau @nationalar tgallerybahamas

Titled 95%, the piece is meant to confront the reality that a large percentage of Bahamians are unable to swim, and therefore unable to engage with a significant part of our ecosystem.

“95% of The Bahamas is ocean, and nearly the same percentage of the population cannot swim well enough to experience it,” the label reads upon entering the installation. “This interactive exhibition asks you to confront the water and experience the void. No lifeguard on duty.”

The installation poses a lot of questions to the viewer, especially those who cannot swim. Jordanna and Jenna ask, “what does a lack of swimming mean for our future in terms of Bahamian culture, in terms of our ecosystems, of our land and seascapes in times of climate change?

“How much longer will it be that most Bahamians can only see a coral reef or seagrass bed in videos instead of being able to experience them firsthand just outside their door?

“Can people genuinely appreciate something enough to protect it from over-development or pollution if they have not had the opportunity to engage with it in a positive way?”

During the actual exhibition, floods of people took off their shoes and braved the water, getting their feet wet, posing for photos, and ultimately

having fun in the water. Jordanna and Jenna were very pleased with the turnout; and they are hopeful that the experience will encourage more people to learn how to swim – or at least engage more thoughtfully with the water that surrounds these islands.

• The National Exhibition Eleven (NELEVEN) opened on March 13, and will be on view until December 31.

• The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas (NAGB) is a contemporary art museum dedicated to collecting and celebrating Bahamian art through exhibitions, public programmes, and community collaborations.

The NAGB is home to a diverse collection of Bahamian art that encourages self-exploration and discovery. Admission is free for residents of The Bahamas every Sunday. Get all the information for your next visit at nagb.org.bs/admission.


A culinary adventure infused with Japanese tradition and Bahamian flair

NESTLED in the vibrant Mall at Marathon, Okiniiri is more than just a restaurant — it’s a fusion of culture, flavour, and innovation.

With a name that translates to “favourite” in Japanese, Okiniiri aims to be exactly that — a favourite destination for sushi and seafood lovers seeking a dining experience that’s as exciting as it is comforting.

This sleek, newly rebranded eatery is the brainchild of Da Back Yard Management and Events, a team committed to curating a unique dining adventure.

Inspired by the cherry blossom tree, a symbol of renewal and hope, Okiniiri embodies the spirit of transformation. The restaurant embraces both Japanese tradition and Bahamian influence, blending them into an atmosphere that feels fresh yet familiar.

Okiniiri’s menu is a playground for the adventurous palate. While it stays true to classic Japanese cuisine, it infuses local flavours that make each dish a delightful surprise.

For first-time visitors, the appetiser platter is a must-try. It’s a shareable selection of panko shrimp, calamari, wings, and spring rolls — perfect for those who want a little taste of everything. If you’re feeling bold, the jalapeño shrimp or lobster bites with pan-fried gyozas deliver a satisfying kick.

When it comes to sushi, Okiniiri doesn’t hold back. Signature rolls like the Bizzness Roll, the Lobster or Shrimp Dynamite Roll, and the Eleuthera Roll showcase creative combinations of fresh seafood, rich sauces, and just the right amount of crunch. For a different take on sushi, the spicy salmon sushi tacos offer an explosion of flavour wrapped in crispy shells.

If sushi isn’t your thing, the teriyaki salmon with vegetables and stir-fry noodles are hearty, flavourful options that still reflect the restaurant’s Japanese-Bahamian fusion.

And for those who love to stay ahead of the curve, Okiniiri is always evolving. This year, they’re introducing the Big Back Roll, also known as the Seafood Explosion Roll. This showstopper is a decadent mix of tempura shrimp, conch, lobster, crab meat, cream cheese, and avocado, all topped with their signature Conch Dream sauce.

The Cat Island Roll is another upcoming addition, promising to add even more local flair to their sushi lineup.

What sets Okiniiri apart isn’t just the food

— it’s the experience. From the moment guests walk in, they’re met with a warm, welcoming energy. The staff treats each visitor like family, and that sense of community extends beyond the restaurant’s walls.

“We believe in creating and delivering a betterthan-best customer experience,” the proprietor Johndal Bowe shared. “From your first point of contact to your last, we want every moment to exceed expectations.”

Whether it’s their signature cocktails, themed events, or weekly specials, Okiniiri goes the extra mile to keep things exciting. Despite still being in their rebranding phase, the restaurant has already seen a surge in customers, a testament to its growing reputation as a must-visit spot.

“We are still in our restructuring and rebranding phase however, we’ve seen a significant increase of customer during our weekly specials and themed events.”

Running a restaurant is no small feat, but for the Okiniiri team, it’s a passion project driven by collaboration and vision. “My staff and I are like a family.

No decision is made by just one person,” the proprietor explained.

“I guess you can say we are focused on the bigger picture and what it takes to get there. We keep that picture present and in our core.

“We also consider the views of our guests, and we take into consideration each compliment but more importantly constructive criticism.”

This commitment to growth and customer satisfaction ensures that Okiniiri isn’t just another sushi restaurant — it’s a culinary experience that keeps guests coming back for more.

So, whether you’re a sushi connoisseur or just dipping your toes into Japanese cuisine, Okiniiri welcomes you to indulge in flavors that are as bold and dynamic as the culture that inspires them.

Photos: Chappell Whyms Jr

— it’s the experience. From the moment guests walk in, they’re met with a warm, welcoming energy. The staff treats each visitor like family, and that sense of community extends beyond the restaurant’s walls.

“We believe in creating and delivering a betterthan-best customer experience,” the proprietor Johndal Bowe shared. “From your first point of contact to your last, we want every moment to exceed expectations.”

Whether it’s their signature cocktails, themed events, or weekly specials, Okiniiri goes the extra mile to keep things exciting. Despite still being in their rebranding phase, the restaurant has already seen a surge in customers, a testament to its growing reputation as a must-visit spot.

“We are still in our restructuring and rebranding phase however, we’ve seen a significant increase of customer during our weekly specials and themed events.”

Running a restaurant is no small feat, but for the Okiniiri team, it’s a passion project driven by collaboration and vision. “My staff and I are like a family. No decision is made by just one person,” the proprietor explained.

“I guess you can say we are focused on the bigger picture and what it takes to get there. We keep that picture present and in our core.

“We also consider the views of our guests, and we take into consideration each compliment but more importantly constructive criticism.”

This commitment to growth and customer satisfaction ensures that Okiniiri isn’t just another sushi restaurant — it’s a culinary experience that keeps guests coming back for more.

So, whether you’re a sushi connoisseur or just dipping your toes into Japanese cuisine, Okiniiri welcomes you to indulge in flavors that are as bold and dynamic as the culture that inspires them.

Discover the Rewilding

THERE is going wild - and then there is rewilding.

The Rewilding of Aquabotanica is a new solo exhibition by London-based Bahamian oil painter Lynn Parotti, pictured

The show runs until May 11 at the Current Gallery at Baha Mar.

Parotti is known for her evocative explorations of environmental themes.

In this new exhibition, the gallery says, she “continues her investigation into the Anthropocene and the resilience of nature in the face of human impact”.

The gallery said: “The Rewilding of Aquabotanica shifts focus to the spellbinding density of botanical life — bridging her personal experiences of urban gardening in London with the vibrant ora of The Bahamas. Her work reflects a transcontinental perspective, where the structured beauty of Kew Gardens intersects with the organic wildness of island landscapes.”

The work is inspired by the binomial classification system developed by 18th-century biologist Carl Linnaeus.

Parotti incorporates scientific naming conventions into her compositions.

This new body of work expands upon themes from her previous exhibitions, including Inherit the Earth (2019), and continues her exploration of landscapes both above and beneath the water.

The gallery said: “Parotti’s latest paintings are dynamic and fluid, blurring the lines between abstraction and representation. With a fresh palette of magentas, reds, and purples, her layered compositions celebrate the regenerative power of plants and their ability to reclaim and transform environments. The exhibition also reflects a deeply personal journey — meditating on themes of survival, cyclical renewal, and the emotional signi cance of botany in times of change.”

“Once again, shifting to botany has provided comfort and symbolism, signifying where we are right now — facing the mortality of loved ones around us, and, of course, our own,” said Parotti. “There is a natural progression toward more lushness and positivity, with themes of survival and cyclical reinvention of self through the power of nature.”

Through The Rewilding of Aquabotanica, Parotti invites viewers to reconsider their relationship with the environment, to witness nature’s resilience, and to find enchantment in its capacity for renewal.


Hard workbut worth it

GOOD day, gardeners! What’s blooming this week? I have noticed guinep trees flowering, which is a welcome sign of fruit to come.

The pink poui, or Tabebuia rosea, is flowering in the garden that I am sitting in to write this. Desert roses are flourishing with the dry weather we have been having, although I did drive through a heavy isolated rain shower this week, it is still quite dry.

Bougainvillea enjoys the dry as well and tends to flower more profusely when it is dry, if you have a bougainvillea that is not giving as much color as you may wish, try cutting down on the watering and see if it helps.

I am currently working on two of my favourite things (jokes) in a client’s yard, irrigation and turf grass.

Solid preparation and planning leads to a relatively effortless installation and establishment when it comes to putting down lawn grass. A nice fresh layer up to a couple inches in depth of straight sand or a mix of sand and topsoil is ideal for a foundation to put down fresh sod.

How does the breeze move through?

Where does the water settle? If I can, I spend time in the garden at night to observe the aesthetics as everything can change with a few carefully placed lights. Highlights can be created where one may least expect at times. The current project I am on is also in the process of setting up a fruit tree orchard, granted though it is on a microscale.

One does not need acres of property to set up a viable fruit orchard or a garden that is a net producer of edible fruits, vegetables, and plants. When the trees are carefully placed, even a small lot can host several valuable fruit trees.

Just watch out for the fence or wall hoppers. Cameras, dogs, barbed wire, maybe some hidden dangers are often needed to deter those pests.

We are burying pipes and setting up solenoid valves for connection to a timer to automate the system.

This is not a task that I often choose to take on but, in this instance, it is one that I have committed to as it is leading into more enjoyable garden management and other areas of property management and maintenance.

I enjoy creating hardscapes, terraces of concrete and wood, gazebos and sitting areas. I am leading into setting up swings in an arch of bougainvillea overlooking the ocean or a view of the garden. The entire goal other than to pay some bills is to see the faces of my clients beaming with satisfaction at the creations that I leave behind.

It takes time, all of it. I spend lots of time on properties that I deem worth my time to engage in, I observe the light in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings.

When I initially engaged in the current project, the owners of the property had planted citrus trees, oranges, lemons, limes, etcetera, along the low wall against the road. I laughed. I explained. We laughed. The trees were transplanted away from the roadside deeper into the property in the hopes to avoid tempting the wall hoppers that can decimate a beautiful crop overnight.

Fortunately for me, most particularly for the guys that are doing the labour, the current project is on a sandy lot, and it is easy to dig trenches for the pipes and wires. If you have a lot that is rocky, there aren’t many options to go down, so in that instance I always recommend going up, adding a couple feet of sand, fill, topsoil etcetera to raise the ground level. It is all worth it in the long run. Has anyone had any luck growing potatoes? Not sweet potato which grow easily and fine, but the Irish potatoes that we buy in the stores. Sure, they grow well, as seen from above, but do they produce the edible tubers? I have not grown them successfully and I wish to hear from anyone that has! As always, I wish you happy gardening.


THE sixth annual Elevation Awards will celebrate the rich legacy of Bahamian music by honouring one of its most influential pioneers, Geno D, pictured, with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.

Recognised for his 30-year career of shaping the sound of Bahamian music and inspiring generations of artists, Geno D’s contributions will take centre stage at the highly anticipated awards ceremony.

Set for Saturday, April 5 at 6pm at the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium, the Elevation Awards will bring together the best in Bahamian entertainment for a night of show-stopping performances.

Comedian and media personality Sawyerboy will host the event, which will feature a stellar line-up of local talent and a special tribute performance to the late John ‘Peanuts’ Taylor.

Born Eugene Davis in Abaco, Geno D has cemented his place in Bahamian music history with iconic hits such as Dat Gal Look Good, Keep the Vibe Alive, We Jammin’, and Drunk Again. His influence extends beyond the microphone, as he has also made his mark as a songwriter, music producer, and mentor to countless young artists. His dedication to preserving and evolving the authentic Bahamian sound has earned him multiple awards, including two Cacique Awards in 2003, and performances across The Bahamas, the United States, and Cuba.

Organisers of the event are eagerly awaiting the moment the curtain is pulled back on the awards.

The event, will once again honour outstanding talent in Bahamian entertainment, music, and media. As the nominees have been revealed, this year will see an exciting lineup of talent, with Jonny Cake leading the pack. Other notable artists with multiple nominations include I’ronn Storr, Nishie LS, Blaudy,

Wendi242, and Jay Shephard, all earning three or more nods.

One of the most competitive categories, Entertainer of the Year, features nominees Nishie LS, Jaquay Adderley, Jonny Cake, Sawyer Boy, Wendi242, Blaudy, and Shaad Collie and VIPs.

Meanwhile, in the gospel category, the Gospel Artist of the Year nominees include Colyn Kristopher, Edison Sumner and VoP, Eman, Shannette Hepburn, I Am Stacs, Akeem Gardiner, and Mericha. Gospel Song of the Year contenders include tracks like “Fill This Room” by Mericha, “Follow” by Colyn Kristopher featuringSherwin Gardner, “Marvelous” by Edison Sumner and VoP, and “Everytime I Look Around” by Shannette Hepburn.

Comedy also takes the spotlight, with nominees for Sketch Comedian of the Year including Davante ‘Dank’ Strachan, Z’haneo Newbold, Latoya Laughs, Jaquay Adderley, Myz Giggles, and Sawyer Boy.

The Music Producer of the Year category highlights talented producers such as Sketch Carey, Orthneil Humes, FreddiegotStykes, Dillon ‘D-Mac’ McKenzie, Benje Alexander, and Elrico Gardiner. Over in television, nominees for TV Talk Show of the Year include Beyond The Headlines, Bahamas at Sunrise, On The Record, A Closer Look, The Legal Brief, and Struggles and Dreams.

Fans will get the chance to make their voices heard by voting in select categories, including the People’s Choice Award and Radio Personality of the Year, where audience favorites will compete for top honors.

With the countdown to #EA25 officially underway, excitement is building for what promises to be an unforgettable night celebrating the best in Bahamian entertainment.

Tickets are available for $100 and can be purchased online at www.thelevationawards.com.

Fans and attendees can join the conversation using the official hashtag #EA25.

THE ELEVATION Awards have returned - and stars set to perform include, from left, top row, Rycon Bahamaa, Nishie LS, Madio, Ilsha, middle row, Wendi242, Tarai Rolle, Sharade Taylor, Agajuan Culmer, bottom row, Jonny Cake, Nevandria, Eman and Jay Shepherd.



WILL Smith releasing his first new album in 20 years and “Mufasa: The Lion King”, Barry Jenkins’ photorealistic prequel to the 1994 animated classic, are some of this week’s new streaming entertainment releases are some of the new television, films, music and games headed to a device near you.

Also among the streaming offerings worth your time as selected by The Associated Press’ entertainment journalists: and Seth Rogen stars in a new Hollywood satire called “The Studio” for Apple TV+, and Timothée Chalamet plays Bob Dylan in “A Complete Unknown”.


• “Mufasa: The Lion King” started out a little like a cub in theaters but ultimately roared to $717m in worldwide ticket sales. On March 28, Barry Jenkins’ photorealistic prequel arrives on Disney+. In it, Mufasa (Aaron Pierre) tells the story of how he was washed away from the pride lands by a flood but returns years later to to fulfill his destiny. In her review, AP Film Writer Lindsey Bahr wrote that “Mufasa” “isn’t simply checking off fan services boxes and overexplaining origins that never needed them: It’s actually good”.

• James Mangold’s Bob Dylan drama “A Complete Unknown” (debuted Thursday on Hulu) might not have won any of the eight awards it was nominated for at the Academy Awards, including best picture and best actor for Timothée Chalamet. But was a hit in theaters and managed a possibly even more elusive prize: the blessing of Dylan, himself. The film charts Dylan’s arrival in New York in 1961 and leads up to his infamous Newport Folk Festival appearance four years later. In his review, AP Entertainment Writer Mark Kennedy praised “A Complete Unknown” as more about the Dylan effect than a revealing portrait of enigmatic musician: “It’s not who Dylan is but what he does to us.”

• The second 2024 Luca Guadagnino film penned by Justin Kuritzkes and scored by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, “Queer,” arrived yesterday on Max. While drastically different from Guadagnino’s “Challengers,” his William S Burroughs’ adaptation, starring Daniel Craig as the

Burroughs alter ego Lee, is likewise concerned with the mysteries of romantic connection. “‘Queer’ is best when it’s a character study of Lee, who in Craig’s hands is charming, selfish, arrogant, abrasive, foppish and sometimes unable to read a room,” Kennedy wrote in his review.

— AP Film Writer Jake Coyle


• Today, Will Smith releases the 14-track “Based on a True Story.” Previously released songs may offer some hints about what fans can expect. The record will include “You Can Make It”, which Smith debuted at the 2024 BET Awards alongside Kirk Franklin, Fridayy and the gospel choir Sunday Service. Then there are the rap tracks “Tantrum,” with Joyner Lucas, “Beautiful Scars” with Big Sean and “Work Of Art” with Russ and his son Jaden Smith.

• Perfume Genius, the musical moniker of Mike Hadreas, creates at a tension point. On “Glory,” out Friday, March 28, his latest collection is at the conceptual intersection of external ambition and a predilection for isolation. On the single “It’s A Mirror,” he makes the stress known in a familiar twang: “What do I get out of being established?” he sings, “I still run and hide when a man’s at the door.” This is sinewy, expansive indiefolk, where domesticity is both scary

and sexy and everything in between. — AP Music Writer Maria Sherman


• Shows about high-speed racing like Formula One and NASCAR have helped boost the popularity of motorsports but female racers have typically been overlooked by the genre. Just this month, Katherine Legge became the first woman to compete in a NASCAR Cup Series race since Danica Patrick in 2018. A new docuseries from Prime Video called “First to Finish” is dedicated to women in motorsports. It follows Heather Hadley and Sally Mott — both female drivers — and Shea Holbrook, a female team owner as they compete in the Mazda MX-5 Cup Championship. “First to Finish” debuted Tuesday on Prime Video.

• Seth Rogen stars in a new satire called “The Studio” for Apple TV+. Rogen plays Matt Remick, the new head of The Continental, a storied Hollywood studio. Remick loves moviemaking and his romanticised version of the business is often at odds with its need to make money. Rogen is a cocreator on the series and also its writer, director and executive producer alongside his partner Evan Goldberg. Ike Barinholtz, Kathryn Hahn, Catherine O’Hara, Chase Sui Wonder also costar as industry executives. The show also has guest appearances including

Martin Scorsese, Ron Howard, Anthony Mackie, Ted Sarandos and Olivia Wilde — all playing exaggerated versions of themselves. It debuted Wednesday.

• The sequel series to Prime Video’s “Bosch” called “Bosch: Legacy” launched its third and final season on Thursday. It stars Titus Welliver as Harry Bosch, a former LAPD detective now working in the private sector. The character was first introduced in novels by Michael Connelly. And here’s a fun fact, in Connelly’s books Bosch is the half-brother of Mickey Haller, who is the subject of Netflix’s “The Lincoln Lawyer.”

• After one of their closest friends dies, three gay men move in together in Palm Springs in Hulu’s new comedy, “Mid-Century Modern.” It stars Nathan Lane, Nathan Lee Graham and Matt Bomer (as the Rose Nylund of the group if this were “The Golden Girls,” of which there are similarities.) The show debuts today and also features Linda Lavin in her final role.

• Guy Ritchie’s new mafia series “MobLand” comes to Paramount+ on Sunday. It features an all-star cast including Tom Hardy, Pierce Brosnan, Helen Mirren, Joanne Froggatt as series regulars. The show follows two rival crime families whose middle-man is played by Hardy.

— Alicia Rancilio

Here comes the summer...

AS the weather gets warmer, we need to be mindful of so many things that influence us to sometimes cast caution to the wind just because it is such a beguiling time of the year.

The water will start to warm up as we approach summer causing us to want to spend more time enjoying beach activities and swimming in the sea or going out in the boat.

Places such as Rose Island will become as crowded as a busy train station with boats anchored off the beach in a line resembling parking spaces at Walmart as people of all walks of life enjoy the cathartic experience of wallowing in the warm, clear Bahamian sea…. Or not?

Music will blast from each individual boat, creating a cacophony of sounds, beer bottles, soda cans, food wrappers, straws and other foreign and dangerous objects will find their way into those pristine waters. One drink will turn into several drinks and angry words can turn into unsightly brawls as we have seen in prior years.

Hanging out on a crowded beach with a few hundred others does not grant you immunity from some of the many dangers you and your family could experience nor does it protect the environment from all the harm you might inflict on Mother Nature, inadvertently or carelessly. What damage could you possibly inflict on nature you ask yourself? It all depends how mindful you are.

Clearly, it is a no-brainer to clean up after yourself and your family. The big obvious items are the easy part, but the little straws or pieces of plastic

that fell into the water or on the beach could cause death to a marine animal, something you didn’t see or thought “oh that is just too small to worry about” - it probably isn’t!

ELIZABETH and her siblings are a trio of black and white terrier mix pups, about five months old. They’re friendly and sociable and hoping to find a home of their own very soon. Elizabeth is smart and outgoing and seeks a human who will keep her entertained and busy. Have you been looking for a pup to keep you on your toes? Elizabeth might be the perfect fit for you! Come in to the Bhamas Humane Society to meet her (and her siblings) or call 323-5138 for more information. Elizabeth looks forward to meeting you!

Think about how fragile our coral reefs are. They are delicate living creatures all living in structural harmony. The coral reef is an intricate and masterful construction of how living entities can coexist successfully… that is until somebody drives their pleasure boat, catamaran, tug or barge up on to it with such force that there is no way to remove it and it will sit there getting buffeted about by the waves as the vessel gradually falls apart.

It’s almost time to Party for the Animals! Saturday, April 5, at the BNT Retreat on VIllage Road, 7pm. Tickets are $45 and are available at Fox Hill Nursery or the BHS. Bring your own glass and get ready to party!

Just yesterday a catamaran sailboat ran up on a reef in Abaco, that is just what will happen to the boat, but what happens to the reef below? - how much damage is done and how many years will it take before the reef recovers.

As the sun gets hotter so we worry about getting sun burned, cancer is a constant concern. So we slather our bodies in all sorts of SPF sun blocks and then jump into the water when at least 50 percent

of that lotion will dilute into the sea. We will diligently re-apply and continue the process as we fill the sea with invisible but ever present sunblockyou don’t see it but what damage is it causing the creatures who are ingesting that all important SPF 50 (or more) As we swim in our pristine seas. If we stop to notice, we may make note that sharks appear to be coming in closer to shore more frequently. Sharks have always been known to do that sometimes but now it seams like a very regular occurrence. Does that mean that we need to exercise more caution? I don’t know the answer but I do believe that we need to be aware of our surroundings and be sensible as to where we swim.

Since I can remember it has always been recommended to not swim from dusk to dawn. The penumbra at both ends of daylight marking the most ill advised times to frolic in the sea, however nighttime is not to be recommended either. It is hunting time for predators and the shark is king amongst them. Swim when the sun is high in the sky, I like to swim where it is nice and sandy so I can see if anything large and dark is swimming my way.. I am not paranoid, just cautious.

If your family outing includes the dog remember they need lots of fresh cool water, salt water is not good for them, just as you do not drink salt water, not do they. Bring a bowl and a bottle for Fido, keep the water in the shade, avoid sand being kicked into that bowl, would you like sand in your water?

Did you know that Fido is susceptible to heat stroke and sun burn. Make sure your pup has generous access to a shady spot, goes into the sea for a total cool off and drinks copious amounts of water. We can all share this planet and have amazing summer days together if we just take a little time to think our behaviour through a bit.

Photo of Elizabeth by Linda Gill-Aranha.

The long path of the law

FOR Bahamian author and retired law enforcement officer Welbourne Bootle, documenting his experiences in policing was not just about sharing his personal story, but about preserving critical lessons for future generations.

His new book, ’Til The Road You Trod: Enhancing Law Enforcement in The Bahamas, sheds light on the evolution of law enforcement in the country, highlighting both its successes and the need for continued reform.

“My journey in law enforcement has opened my mind to the positives and the ills of a developing nation. I have seen so many great plans and recommendations for law enforcement, however, they fizzled away shortly thereafter,” Mr Bootle shared.

He was inspired to document these experiences because he believes there is a challenge in finding basic information on important matters. Due to this, he wanted to educate younger officers on historical facts.

Mr Bootle’s journey began with the strong values instilled in him by his parents - principles of honesty, integrity, and respect that would serve as his moral compass throughout his career. But it was a tragic loss that deeply shaped his drive to serve.

“The loss of my baby brother Sydney at the tender age of two years old, by drowning, kept me pushing and striving realising that life is so uncertain. That realisation became even clearer when we traveled by sea crafts, helicopters, and fixed-wing aircrafts, spending nights on isolated cays and airports on Family Islands, never knowing if we would return,” he recalled.

of modern policing. The challenge before I left was the lack of personnel training and equipment - DNA, fingerprint, and crime scene specialists,” Mr Bootle emphasised.

In his book, he offers several recommendations to enhance policing in the Bahamas, including restructuring the role of the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP), implementing grid patrols for better coverage, and acquiring a police helicopter to assist in crime-fighting, traffic navigation, and emergency response.

“The DPP should take on the exclusive responsibility for prosecuting all criminal matters in the Magistrates’ courts of The Bahamas. This will allow police to focus exclusively on investigations and enforcement, freeing them up to get involved in crime fighting,” he suggested.

Additionally, he believes dividing New Providence into five mobile patrol districts - East, West, North, South, and Central - would improve response times and increase police visibility.

“A single officer to a unit will provide more units on the street thereby offering a wider scope of patrol. Response time to any officer needing assistance will be rapid. This will also apply to members of the public needing the police,” he said.

One of the defining moments in Mr Bootle’s path toward law enforcement came during a political meeting in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, where he witnessed an act of violence that solidified his decision to join the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF).

He said the fear of “possible injuries or even deaths to innocent people woke up a spirit in me that propelled me to join the RBPF”.

That decision led to a distinguished 40-year career, including a moment he considers the highlight of his life - serving in the Honour Guard on July 10, 1973, during the official hoisting of the Bahamian flag at independence.

“I cannot express enough how blessed and grateful I am to God for having chosen me to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime moment,” Mr Bootle reflected.

He said the real feeling cannot be expressed on paper. It was a sense of pride, with tears running down his face, realising that as a teenager from Abaco, he was now a Bahamian.

Mr Bootle played a pivotal role in advancing forensic science in The Bahamas, particularly with the introduction of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) in 1999. However, he notes that the lack of continued investment in personnel training and equipment remains a challenge.

Since its release, ’Til The Road You Trod has received a positive response, with readers, including both current and former officers, showing great interest. But for Mr Bootle, the book is more than just a memoir - it’s a call to action for law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and the Bahamian public.

“I hope in some way this book wakes up the consciousness of the policy makers and discussions will take place on the way forward,” he said. Mr Bootle believes the organisation should take a comprehensive look at current strategies and analyse their effectiveness in today’s policing. And implementing some of the recommendations in this book could help in the fight against crime.

“The field of forensics is a strong component in crime-fighting. Investment in equipment and personnel training is paramount to the advancement

Mr Bootle’s book is available at Bellevue Gifts and Bookstore in Freeport and on Amazon. Readers can also contact (242) 807-6094 for more information.

WELBOURNE Bootle and his new book, ’Til The Road You Trod.

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