04282017 weekend

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Friday, April 28, 2017

entertainment books film fashion music gardening animals


escape to syrah Page 7

Little princesses Fun styles for young girls Fashion, pages 14&15

02 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


Earth Day fair celebrates the Bahamas By ALESHA CADET Tribune Features Writer acadet@tribunemedia.net


he Bahamas National Trust last weekend celebrated Earth Day in a way that was both fun and educational for young and old. The BNT Family Fair was held at the Bonefish Pond National Park and featured several educational activities, including scavenger hunts, snorkelling, kayaking and more. When they first launched the fair last year, BNT officials said they did not know what to expect in regards to turnout, but both the inaugural event and last Saturday’s fair saw a great number of Bahamians come out to mark Earth Day. Steffon Evans, navigators coordinator for BNT’s Discovery Club, said: “We intended to get the local people of the Bahamas more involved in what Earth Day entails. With hosting at Bonefish Pond National Park on Cowpen Road, one of our most visited parks by students, we wanted to get more of the local communities involved to see what we have here in the Bahamas as it relates to our natural resources. The BNT is responsible for managing the national park system of the Bahamas, and although our work is very diverse, predominantly we are dealing with the environment and protection of natural resources.” He said while persons visit Bonefish Pond on a regular basis to see the mangroves, fish and various plants, they do not always recognise the true worth of these things. “We really want to get persons out there to acknowledge what we have. A lot of people actually enjoy when we talk about the land plants and their medicinal values, so we are taking it from that cultural standpoint as well.

Families enjoyed a day out on Bonefish Pond during BNT’s Earth Day fair. The Strong Back plant is a pretty good example of one – it is good for the blood,” said Mr Evans. He said the BNT intends to engage further with Bahamians, even after Earth Day, through their various programmes. “We always capitalise on people

taking responsibility and becoming active within their own local communities. We also have high hopes for the fair. And what we are hoping for in the future is to continue to expand and get more partners and supporters on board. We also want to get the message out that these parks are here. We have 32

parks throughout the country and they cover millions of acres of land and sea. Our hope is that people will begin to embrace and appreciate them; things that are significant to our history. While everyone may not necessarily be passionate about it, it is something that is uniquely Bahamian,” said Mr Evans.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Inside Weekend Interview

4-5 Cara Hunt talks to Keisha Ellis about her efforts to make the Constitution accessible to all

Food 7 Escape to Syrah Wine and Tapas

Music 8 - 12 World-renowned conductor leads Bahamian students in concert, Music Master contestants gear up for their showdown, plus award-winning choir comes to Nassau

Fashion 13 -15 Colourful styles for little princesses, plus Islands of the World Fashion Showcase brings local an regional designers together in Nassau

Celebrity 16

My perfect Bahamian weekend Princess Abdiel PR consultant and event coordinator Q: Saturday breakfast or Sunday lunch?

there forever and a day.”

Q: Wine, Kalik, rum or cocktail?

Q: What could you not do without?

“All is rum lol. I’m a true Caribbean girl at heart, I absolutely love a good dark rich aromatic rum infused with spices and berries and different plants and that add flavourful and cultural spirits to it’s smooth rich essence.”

Q: Beach or sofa?

“Beach! There’s really no place I’d rather be. If I had it my way I’d live


Gardening 19


Books 18

Jack Hardy on how to keep your papaya plants healthy

Motivational 20 - 21 Young girls learn to be purposeful in pink

Literary Lives 22 - 24 The life of Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American female poet Forgotten Facts 25 The bountiful Bahamas of the 18th century

Puzzles 26 Animals 27 Kim Aranha on what to do when you witness animal cruelty, plus Pet of the Week Cover photo | Agatha Christie

“Music. Music is life. Nothing can exist without it. Music is science, mathematics, spirituality, the universal language, frequency and vibration. Nothing rests, everything vibrates, everything makes music, everything is music. I was conceived, nurtured, cultivated, brought up and raised in music. It is embedded in my DNA as I come from a musically inclined family that goes back

“I’d love to go Andros. It’s an enchanting island shrouded in mysticism and folklore. I’d like to learn more about her stories and the ancient mythological island creatures that inhabit that vast piece of land, the biggest of all our Bahama islands. Swimming the blue holes are a must of course , but my affinity for adventure and old Bahamian stories has also led me to believe that Andros has an untold legacy that has yet to be told that is concealed in the shape of a pyramid, Andros the Kemet of the Bahamas.”

Things 2 Do this weekend

Caitlyn Jenner reveals all in new memoir

Film 17 ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ returns and it’s better than the first

Q: Weekend away: where would you go?

“Sunday brunch, curled up like a cat in bed watching movies with my love.”

• FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Bahamas 2017 Time: 3.30pm (continues until May 7) Venue: National Beach Soccer Arena at Malcolm Park The Bahamas will welcome the region’s top beach soccer national teams to the Caribbean. Visit www. fifa.com/beachsoccerworldcup for the full schedule and more information.

The hits and misses of the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2’ red carpet

generations. As my musical fate would have it, my life-long musical journey led me to Ubuntu. I joined the group initially as a dancer but the drums kept calling, after much hesitation and trepidation, I finally answered and listened intently as they spoke, and transferred the language, wisdom and healing power of the ancient drum to me.”

• Zion Baptist Community Fun Run/ Walk Time: 6.30am Route: From the Zion Baptist Church to Saunders Beach and back The fun run/walk is for people of all ages and fitness levels. Special prizes will be awarded. • Glowrage Teen J’ouvert Time: 6pm - midnight Venue: Botanical Gardens Get ready for a teen-friendly fete with paint, powder and water. Music by Lil Giant, DJ Ovadose, Muggles, Kannon and Steel. Tickets are $15 in advance at Bahama Ink and Exquisite Cutz. • BHS ‘Flower Power’ Party Time: 7pm - 10pm Venue: Nassau Yacht Club Join the Bahamas Humane Society for a groovy evening celebrating the

‘60s and ‘70s. There will be prizes for the Best Dressed individual male and female, couple and group, as well as a silent auction and raffle prizes. Tickets are $75, which includes one glass of wine, and are available at the BHS. • Kingdor National Parkinson Foundation Gala Ball Time: 7pm Venue: Meliá Nassau Beach Resort Join Grammy Award-nominated singer/songwriter Jeffrey Osborne and his band LTD as they peform at the elegant fundraiser which is being held under the theme “Keeping Hope Alive”.

Sunday • Eat, Move n’ Groove Time: 12noon - 7.30pm. Venue: National Art Gallery of the Bahamas SEEDlings’ Place and NaturaLife present a wellness extravaganza featuring vegan cooking classes and interactive dance demonstrations hosted by both local and international experts. Register at Eventbrite.com for $49.99 per person; admission it $60 at the door. Call 376-1213 or e-mail Seedlingsplace2007@gmail for more information. • Spring Palooza at Ardastra Gardens

Time: 1pm - 5pm Venue: Ardastra Gardens Bring the family to enjoy a Springtime celebration. Adults are $10; children and members $5. • Family Paint Party Time: 3pm - 5pm Venue: Big Picture Paint & Sip Studio, Sandyport Join the family friendly paint party; no prior painting experience required. Book to reserve your spot at www. bigpicltd.com. Light refreshments provided complimentary. • The Pretty Little Popup Shop Time: 3pm - 7pm Venue: Mario’s Bowling & Family Entertainment Palace The Curvy Closet presents its shopping soirée featuring local vendors offering clothing, jewellery, henna tattoos, makeup and skincare products, shoes, sweet treats, and more. • A Garden Party at The Retreat Time: 4pm - 7pm Venue: BNT headquarters, Village Road There will be Bahamian bush teas, hot and cold teas, specialty tea cocktails, sweet and savoury treats – all topped off with a fashion show, live music, live auction, raffle, and more.

04 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017

interview She loves taking her readers on fantastical journeys, but her most important work to date is far more grounded. Keisha Ellis tells Cara Hunt about her new book which seeks to make the Bahamian Constitution accessible to all, as well as her efforts to get former colonial powers to consider reparations towards the Bahamas.

Keisha Ellis


eisha Ellis is as creative with her writing as she is passionate about helping advance her country. The local writer/political scientist holds a masters degree in International Political Economy. She is a political science lecturer at the University of the Bahamas, and is a member of the Bahamas National Reparations Committee. Just recently, she completed what she described as her most significant work ever, her book ‘The People’s Constitution: A Layman’s Interpretation of the Constitution of the Bahamas’. She initially got the idea for the book when she realised that many of her students were not familiar with the country’s constitution. “Few citizens understand the Bahamian Constitution,” she said. “It is not taught in schools and even most adults have never actually read it. Because it is written in legal terms, many people find it difficult or tedious to read.” “Releasing the book was a pretty big deal for me,” she told Tribune Weekend. “The idea to do it came as a flash – that was the moment of inspiration. However, once I sat down and began, that inspiration quickly left me. However, because it something that I wanted so badly to complete, I worked on it even when I questioned whether or not anyone would be interested in it.” Keisha said the process of writing the book is a good example of the process most writers go through as they turn initial ideas into reality.

“With the internet and social media, we really are running out of excuses about why we aren’t sharing more of our work.” “I think I knew I was a writer probably as soon I learned how to read and write. I remember playing with my sister as a child and wanting to write stories as a game,” she said. However, it became less of a game and more of a reality when she got her first article published at the age of 19. “I was still very shy about writing. I anonymously submitted a story that I had written in high school to an online writing community. I was shocked when they published the story and was even more amazed at the responses that people had to it. This was still in the early days of the internet so there were not very many online writing spaces. Yet there were still hundreds of people from all over the world who read and enjoyed my work. Realising that strangers, people who had no reason to spare my feelings, actually

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Friday, April 28, 2017

liked my work gave me the courage to continue writing and to begin sharing my work with others.” That confidence has propelled her forward as a writer, and several of her writings have appeared in publications in the Caribbean and the United States, including ‘Tongues of the Ocean’ and the anthology ‘A Sudden and Violent Change’ by Poinciana Press. She said it is difficult to limit her style to a specific genre. “I guess I write literary fiction, but I love to include elements of magical realism as well. I’d like to think that my work deals with broad philosophical questions and sometimes such questions are more easily tackled using elements that are outside of the ordinary.” Keisha said she writes with both herself and the reader in mind. “I definitely begin with knowing what story I want to tell or what message I want to impart. When I complete a draft I then begin to wonder how effective I was with sharing what it is I actually meant to share. At the end of the day you have to trust your readers to either get where you are coming from or allow them to derive their own meaning from the work. Both are OK. Once a story is out in the public, I think the writer must then step back and let it belong to the reader.” Keisha said in her view inspiration is grossly overrated. “When it happens it’s great, and it’s important to write down any ideas that come out of those flashes of brilliance. For the most par, though, writing – or achieving anything – is about putting the work in, even or especially when you don’t feel like it. I’ve tried to incorporate this realisation into all areas of my life. I try to set big goals for myself and then break it down into manageable segments – the smaller the better. Looking at a blank MS Word document is intimidating, and revising drafts four or five, or more, times is exhausting. It’s not inspiration that gets you through these moments, it’s a conscious desire to achieve a goal that you have set for yourself,” she explained. Writing, she added, can be difficult no matter where you live. “I don’t think that any kind of artist feels like their work is as recognised and appreciated as it should be. I feel like the responsibility is ours to make our work good enough and be relevant enough that people seek it. It’s also up to us to make the work accessible. It is up to us to create the spaces that pres-

“It is unfair that England and other former colonisers are permitted to continue to reap the benefit of the wealth and power created by our enslavement and oppression, while we are left to pick up the pieces.”

ent our work. And with the internet and social media, we really are running out of excuses about why we aren’t sharing more of our work. That’s not easy to hear for some people, and to be honest, it’s not easy for me to say. I’d love it if people came up to me begging to read my stories, but that’s just not how it works. Art is subjective and even if there were more programmes that exposed the public to writing, they wouldn’t do much good unless the work that we produce resonates with them.” Keisha has been inspired by noted Bahamian writers such as Marion Bethel and Helen Klonaris, who organised the Bahamas Writers Summer Institute. “They are two important influences for me. Ian Strachan and Nicolette Bethel are two writers whose voices and dedication to the craft continue to inspire me. My three favourite Bahamian writers are actually my contemporaries – Emille Hunt, Sonia Farmer and Christi Cartwright,” she added. In her spare time, she admits that she is “pretty useless” to any other form of creative expression. “Words are the only tools that I have any ability to manipulate and use to create anything that remotely resembles art.” But besides her passion for writing, she is also passionate about social justice and helping those less fortunate than her. She serves as the communications director for Hands for Hunger and is a member of the Bahamas National Reparations Committee (BNRC). “The BNRC is working toward repairing the lingering traumatic effects of slavery in the Bahamas. We are a part of the CARICOM Reparations Commission which has committees in various nations all working toward the same goal. We believe that true development of the Bahamas and Bahamians must consider the facts of our history,” she said. “It is unfair that England and other former colonisers are permitted to continue to reap the benefit of the wealth and power created by our enslavement and oppression, while we are left to pick up the pieces. We aim to address the lingering issues that we face with health, education, technological advancement and knowledge of self. We accept the role that we must take fixing our issues, but at the same time demand that England, too, accepts their responsibility as well.”

06 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


The Tribune | Weekend |07

Friday, April 28, 2017


A shared escape

Eggs Benedict

Jerked mahi mahi burger on a brioche bun with French fries. By CARA HUNT cbrennen@tribunemedia.net

W Mushroom fritters with paprika aioli sauce

Photos/Shawn Hanna

Tenderloin tagliata

HEN one steps inside Syrah Wine and Tapas it’s easy to think for a moment that you have arrived for an intimate meal at a vineyard in Napa Valley or Italy, rather than a restaurant on East Bay Street in Nassau. With its cosy, inviting atmosphere, and walls covered in shelves of tempting wines, Syrah is the perfect venue to enjoy a tapas-style menu and glass of vino with a significant other or a small group of friends. It’s also the kind of environment which encourages lingering long after the meal has been finished. It is the exact vibe that the owners and managers dreamed of when they first opened the restaurant last March. “We are located in the space that used to be the Balduccino Fine Wines shop before they closed,” Tim Jenkins explained to Tribune

Weekend. “And so when we decided to use the space for a restaurant we resurrected a lot of the décor such as the original shelving for the wine.” The idea was to pair the wine offerings with tapas – small plates of appetizer-sized treats – so that guests can share different selections with their dining partner. “We also offer grilled selections such as flatbreads and sandwiches. We do a filet mignon sandwich which is amazing and comes second to our top seller which is the tenderloin tagliata, which sells three times more than other menu dishes, And we also do egg dishes like eggs Benedict all day long,” said Mr Jenkins. “So if people don’t want to go the tapas route, they can create their own full meal from the other menu offerings.” And if you wish to forgo the wine, the delicious food can also be washed down with a choice of fruit juice or a speciality cocktail instead. “Since we have opened, we have enjoyed a steady business with a lot of repeat custom-

ers and we are establishing a regular crowd. People love the atmosphere and the relaxed setting, it really feels like you have gotten away from Nassau when you step through the doors. We hope we can encourage persons to visit by not making the prices so exorbitant that you can’t come and enjoy a meal at a reasonable price,” he said. As the demand grows, Mr Jenkins added that they will now offer the option to pre-order items from their website, and while guests are not required to do so, he suggests making reservations if you want to dine during peak hours. “We offer live music on certain nights, usually one weeknight and one weekend night, and that has been a very popular feature. People really enjoy the option to enjoy their meal while listening to a live performer,” he said. Syrah is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 12noon to 10pm. With the restaurant’s increasing popularity, it will soon also be open on Mondays.

08 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


World-renowned conductor leads students in concert


S prodigy Marlon Daniel led Bahamian students and members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the National Symphony Orchestra in a week-long workshop which culminated in a successful concert at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Kirk last Sunday. The students who participated in the Bahamas National Orchestra Workshop, which ran from April 17 - 22, are members of the Bahamas Music Academy (BMA) and comprise the youngest and largest string orchestra in the Bahamas. Maestro Daniel is considered one of the most dynamic conductors of his generation. His artistry has been described as “fabulous and exceptional”. He is also one of the foremost exponents of music by composers of African and African American descent. In addition to holding many prestigious positions at international music festivals, Maestro Daniel also heads the Global Outreach Initiative for the Ensemble du Monde, an American chamber orchestra hailed as “the future of classical music”. This outreach effort aims to inspire, innovate, and educate communities around the world by providing its virtuoso performers, who are also high level educators, to schools, music organisations, collegiate institutions, music festivals and concert halls. Maestro Daniel regards education as one of his passions and is a strong advocate for the dissemination of quality music education. Rehearsing with the renowned conductor was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the BMA students and their guest members from the RBPF band and the National Symphony Orchestra. Bassist Giovanna or “Gigi” Eneas noted: “It was a lot of hard work – some of the music was really difficult – but we learned so much from Maestro Daniel and we had fun too. He often made us laugh. I really enjoyed the workshop.” Another BMA member, 16-year-old Celine Walkine, said she enjoyed learn-

Maestro Marlon Daniel conducts the BMA Orchestra

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Friday, April 28, 2017

ing and practising more in what she described as “a professional environment”. She also liked Maestro Daniel infusing his sessions with laughter. The students’ hard work resulted in a concert that was enjoyed by all in attendance and served as a display of their musicianship. The “End of Workshop Concert” featured such pieces as Edward Elgar’s Serenade in E Minor, Op 20; Ralph Vaughn Williams’ The Lark Ascending, and Astor Piazzolla’s Two Tangoes – pieces that proved challenging for many. Maestro Daniel observed: “Every year they (the orchestra musicians) get better. You can see and hear the improvement.” Concertmaster for the workshop and concert was violinist Yanet Campbell Secades. Ms Secades is an accomplished soloist, chamber and orchestra musician who has performed throughout the Caribbean and Europe. She joined the BMA in 2016 to assist Sydney Campbell, the music director, and coincidentally, her father. She teaches violin and the solfége method while leading the school’s junior orchestra. She practises for five hours every day – a fact that helps explain how her playing creates a feeling of awe in everyone who sees her perform. Other teaching artists for the Spring workshop included Ensemble Du Monde members Lisanne Bendig and Achim Melzer of Germany and Dr Hristo Popov of Bulgaria/the United States). For Dr Popov, this was a return visit, while for Ms Bengig and Mr Melzer this was their first time in the Bahamas. Their enthusiasm about working with Bahamian musicians translated into lively and productive sessions with the string musicians whom they taught. A non-profit organisation, the BMA has demonstrated, in the relatively short period of its existence – it was founded in 2014 – its commitment to the development of the musical skills of its members. These students come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, but all share a deep love of music. The BMA offers instruction in strings (violin, viola, cello and bass), brass and woodwinds, and its students are prepared to take the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). Annually, BMA students receive some of the highest scores in the country. This year, they received over one quarter of the distinctions awarded in the practical exams, and of the 12 students nation-wide who received distinctions, nine were students of the BMA. The BMA Orchestra has performed at notable events such as the opening ceremonies of the IAAF World Relays and the centennial celebration of the Bahamas Girl Guides Association under the patronage of Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling. It has also performed during the Bahamas/Cuba Cultural Week at the College of the Bahamas and at the ninth annual Empty Bowls fundraising event to help fight hunger in the country.

10 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


Music Masters ready to throw down on stage By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer jgibson@tribunemedia.net


AHAMAS Junkanoo Carnival will kick off in Grand Bahama with 15 artists who will battle their way through the semifinals of the Music Masters competition tonight. The festival promises to once again amp up the music while treating patrons to the newest, hottest Bahamian hits for a grand party at Taino Beach. It all starts at 8pm. The two-day event, which ends on Saturday, is the debut of this year’s Music Masters. Each artist will take the stage and perform their song/songs that made the cut. Ten songs will then be selected to advance to the finals. Performers of the 10 final songs will have the opportunity to perform during the Nassau leg of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival, to take place May 4-6. The eager artists who intend to put on show-stopping performances include Qpid, Thin Ice, Tebby, Sketch ft Benji, Sugar, Ratrice, Patrice, Lisa Jayne, Iisha, Str8 Face, Ebony, Bryan Cee, Lil Joe Cartwright, Muzikal and Bantangy. Artist Ebony can almost be called a veteran of the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival. She was among the finalists in the 2016 festival and is looking forward to gracing the stage once again, this time hopefully clinching the winning spot. She will perform her song “Road Survivor”. “I felt overwhelmed to be chosen. I am expecting to be chosen again at the semi-finals in the top 10,” she told Tribune Weekend. While Ebony has last year’s experience to draw from, singer Qpid is a newcomer to the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival stage. Nonetheless, he believes he is more than capable of leaving a

lasting impression on the judges and concert-goers. “Last year, the marketing and public relations for the artists was nothing other than world-class. I sat back and watched as Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival revitalised the music careers and aspirations of many artists, known and unknown, who have not been active in the music industry prior to the event,” he said. “I always wanted and sought out opportunities to showcase my talent and love for Bahamian music to as much people as possible. Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival inspires me to be great and to keep growing in my craft, and now that I have been awarded the opportunity, I get to showcase my brand on very awarding platform.” Qpid said he can’t wait for fans to witness his performance of “Fusion of Vibes”. “I don’t know exactly what to expect from the competition aspect, but the fans and my competitors can expect for me to bring out my absolute best to the forefront,” he added. After entering numerous songs in the competition, Muzikal finally has a chance to hit the stage with a performance of his single “My Carnival”. “This year, I was inspired by many fans, family and international producers. In addition, it was mainly the love of music and the fusion that is involved in this process called Junkanoo Carnival,” he said. Muzikal said he is looking at the bigger picture and the opportunities he is certain will come out the Music Masters event even if he does not win the competition. “The artists in this year’s line-up are all fairly young, although many of them have experience on stage. Unlike myself, the younger ones are just coming out. I expect a huge experience in artists’ development. I also expect to see the artists form new friendships and networks. Personally, I am expecting to

Newcomer Qpid will perform “Fusion of Vibes” win this competition. Should that not be God’s will, then I expect to place no lower than second place,” he said. “My song is doing well on social media, especially on YouTube, with 98,000 plus views. The comments are all rolling in from around the globe. My market-

Ebony will take the stage with her song “Road Survivor”. ing team, led by my wife Tesha DamesSmith, is holding it down well. I wish all of the contestants well. I encourage all artists to market their music within and outside of the Bahamas. The wider you spread your musical scope, the more attention and exposure you receive.”

The Tribune | Weekend |11

Friday, April 28, 2017


Serenading Spring Awardwinning choir performs at free concert


HE music department of Christ Church Cathedral will host the award-winning Clover High Choraliers for a special Spring concert which commences this Saturday at 7pm. “We are absolutely thrilled to have these very talented young women and men to our cathedral for this concert,” said Adrian Archer, director of music at the historic church. “Only two years ago the choir, led by noted choral direc-

tor and clinician Jay Forrest, wandered into the cathedral on a tour and so impressed our dean that he invited them to return to do a formal concert.” The Clover High School Choraliers, hailing from Clover, South Carolina, is an auditioned, 100-member SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir founded in 1994. They have been awarded the title of State Champions of the South Carolina Choral Concert Festival 12 consecutive times. The choir’s repertoire spans choral literature from the classics and master works, to jazz and show tunes. The Choraliers have performed for the South Carolina State Administrators Conference, the South Carolina School Board Conference, the National Education Association SC Conference, and for the governor of South Carolina. The group has appeared at choral

The Clover High Choraliers boast 100 members festivals in Atlanta, Orlando, Williamsburg, New York City, Washington, DC, and on the Bahamas/Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, and as a special guest with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra. Course curriculum includes rigorous solfege training, music theory, vocal production, and ensemble skills. The Choraliers perform two fulllength productions every year, each featuring a formal concert portion and a fully costumed, staged musical revue or Broadway show. The group also appears in two to three regional competitions and for area civic and philan-

thropic organisations. Students conduct a toy drive during the winter and a food drive in the spring in association with the Clover Area Assistance Center to benefit local needy families. “We hope that lovers of choral music of every gene will come out and listen to this outstanding group. The concert has a free admission and we will take a free will offering to support the music department of the cathedral,” said Mr Archer. For additional information, contact Mr Archer at 322-4186 or e-mail adrianarcher26@gmail.com

12 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017

entertainment The Ultimate Rejects, soca hitmakers from Trinidad


Can you survive the ultimate party weekend? By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer jgibson@tribunemedia.net


f you take your partying seriously, the best way to get the most out of the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival season is to attend as many fetes as possible. It is a strategy that involves dancing the night away at every Carnival focused event you can find, soaking up the energy, vibes and fun being offered. Over the past three years, Survival Weekend, an event presented by KO Productions, has positioned itself as the essential party before the party, and is always held the week prior to Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival, which takes place May 4-6 this year. This year’s installment of Survival Weekend starts on Saturday at 9pm at the Q E Sports Centre, and continues on Sunday with the Cooler Fete at

Coral World Beach, starting at 2pm. Survival Weekend will feature more than 20 local and international soca artists, including Trinidad’s Road March winners Ultimate Rejects, whose song “Full Extreme (We Jammin Still)”, is currently number one on the soca charts. Other artists featured are Lyrikal, Skinny Fabulous and Mavay. The event will be hosted by Giselle Di Wassi One, and music will be provided by Bahamian DJ Ovadose and international soca deejay, DJ Stephen. For the 2017 edition, organisers decided to cut the event down to two days as opposed to the usual three-day weekend. “The reasoning for this is because in the past Survival Weekend was held one weekend before Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival. However, this year Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival in Grand Bahama clashes with this year’s Survival Weekend date. We decided to eliminate

the Friday night. Also, this year’s Sunday beach Cooler Fete will be held at a new venue and location on Coral World Beach,” said Princess Pratt. “We are aware that some of the younger generation are unfamiliar with Coral World Beach, so what we’ve done, thanks to the innovation of technology and social media, was to pin the location of the Cooler Fete on the flyer for persons to follow via their phone’s built-in GPS location services. We are excited about this new venue as we feel it adds a new element and vibe to the event, especially how the Cooler Fete being at this new location allows for boaters to partake in all the fun festivities as well,” she added. Those who are familiar with Survival Weekend know the event always has a few surprise performances in store. “(We have) an amazing line-up of diversified talented Caribbean artists all sharing the same stage, fusing

Giselle Di Wassi One, the host of Survival Weekend culture language and music, bridging gaps, bringing together communities of soca revellers from all age groups and diverse backgrounds, in a friendly and safe party environment for one affordable price that really can’t be compared. Survival Weekend has become a staple in the carnival industry internationally, and persons look forward with much anticipation and excitement for the event,” said Ms Pratt. “Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival is the entrée and Survival Weekend is the mouth-watering appetiser sure to appease your carnival palate and leave you wanting more.” Another reason Ms Pratt said partygoers should attend Survival Weekend is to “break in their year-long worked on carnival bodies and build soca stamina”. “Survival Weekend is the ultimate soca warriors’ challenge and test. So the question is, will you survive?”

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Friday, April 28, 2017


Love in the islands By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer jgibson@tribunemedia.net


ITH its model casting call wrapping up over the weekend, organisers are now putting the final touches on the 2017 Islands of the World Fashion Showcase (IWFS) to be held in Nassau next month. The IWFS – which brings local an regional designers together for creative displays – will be held on Saturday, May 20, at the Graycliff Hotel & Restaurant. The show begins at 7pm. Owen Bethel, the event’s founder, said this year’s IWFS will see a continuation of awe-inspiring talent from international and island-based designers. “The venue for this year’s event, Graycliff Hotel & Restaurant, reflects a shift in the setting and ambience to better project the theme for this year: ‘The Colour of Love’. The theme derives from the vibrant colours prevailing in the biodiversity in marine life existing in our flora and crystal clear waters, and which parallels or symbolises the diversity of love around and among us,” he said. This year, there will be four segments to the show, with presentations by seven apparel designers and four accessories designers: Sun, Sea and Sand by Persida Louison of Haiti; Rock That Style by Greg Williams of Barbados; Exiles, which encompasses the collective work of designers Brynda Knowles and Renaldo Johnson of the Bahamas; Saint George Fashion House by Kazz Forbes of Turks & Caicos, and Raymond Brown of the United States. Accessories are being provided by Caroline Anderson, Aidan Anais/Haus of Assembly, Harl Taylor BAG, and Mistura Watches for Exiles. Since its inception, the IWFS has been a platform for local designers to showcase their talents and skill set. Mr Bethel said with each passing year, the IWFS continues to “improve and refine the experience for both designers and attendees.” “With a greater emphasis on the business aspects of the fashion industry, the organisation of the event has prioritised the selection of designers

who are ready and can deliver their products to retailers, smoothly and in accordance with international trade and industry standards on a consistent basis. Accordingly, the designers presenting at this edition, either independently or through collaboration with the label, have the ability to manufacture, package, market and deliver their creations on a commercial scale,” he said. “In 2014, the showcase featured the group of Cuban designers who fused art and fashion under the title ‘Arte y Moda’. We have adopted the concept and this year we take delight in launching our version under the title ‘Haute Arte Couture’. We commissioned and challenged the budding young Bahamian designer Renaldo Johnson to interpret the artwork of two noted visual artists, Bahamian John Edward Cox and Cuban Alberto Lago, within the framework of the theme ‘The Colour of Love’. Mr Johnson will present his two creations in a special segment.”

One of the most important aspects of IWFS is its ability to attract the interest of international designers. “The event continues to attract new talent from various islands around the globe, but especially islands throughout the Caribbean seeking to benefit from the media and trade exposure afforded by participation,” said Mr Bethel. To-date, the event has hosted 72 designers from 17 island nations and three non-island countries. “From a Bahamian perspective, we are proud to consider ourselves as having been the launching pad for the successful journeys on the international stage of two Bahamian designers – Theodore Sealy and David Rolle – in their respective triumphs in the Caribbean regional competition, ‘Mission Catwalk’. We look forward to supporting more Bahamian talent in the fashion industry, while simultaneously fulfilling our mandate by encouraging the growth of the fashion sectors as vi-

able economic contributors and foreign exchange revenue generators in the process of diversification of the economies of island nations,” he said. Ultimately, the IWFS will offer attendees a “wow experience” in that the pieces showcased will reflect the limitless creativity of designers. “The fashions, with an emphasis on resort wear, should resonate with attendees as an ideal island lifestyle, ranging from resort-cut minimalist men’s underwear made from unique bamboo fabric, to robes and bridal gowns for the destination bride and groom made from locally-crafted Bahama Hand Prints fabric. It will truly be a night to remember and to consider a revamping of one’s wardrobe and dress style,” said Mr Bethel. Tickets are $30 ($20 for students with valid ID) and may be purchased online from www.islandsfashionweek.com beginning May 1 or at the door on the day of the show.

16 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017

celebrity With Karin Herig and Cara Hunt





Zoe Saldana “Gamora”

Karen Gillan “Nebula”

Elizabeth Debicki “Ayesha”

Taylor Ann Hasselhoff

Karin says: “Nope. Don’t like it. This is a custom-made tangerine disappointment. Mostly because of the weird placement of the sequined panels at the front (and back) of the dress. Also not a fan of the fringed skirt.” Cara says: “I have questions. One, did the bodice of the dress somehow get damaged before she wore it? Two, was the premiere of the movie at some extremely isolated location where there was no access to any decent clothing? Because this is a disaster.”

Karin says: “Normally I hate this kind of ensemble, but I love this! I love that she almost looks like a walking warning sign. It’s feminine and girly, yet also ‘dangerous’. And she fully committed to the theme with those awesome striped pumps.” Cara says: “I have to say those shoes are AMAZING. I love the whole look. It’s edgy without being too costume-y. It just looks awesome in every way. Love, love, love it! A really fun ensemble.”

Karin says: “She looks like an alien, but a pretty one (and considering she plays one in the movie...). It’s a very simple dress, but being so tall and svelte of figure really helps makes this gold lamé gown stand out more than if it were worn by a mere mortal.” Cara says: “I am usually not a fan of the foil paper dresses, but the simple design helps this not look too cheap and shiny. The dress itself is very elegant and fits her statuesque figure. She let the dress speak for itself and kept the styling simple.”

Karin says: “Tragique! First of all, this dress is just plain tacky, not sexy. It just looks cheap (but check out The Hoff’s other daughter at this event; her outfit is even worse). The biggest crime here, however, is that makeup. It’s like she’s wearing a face she stole off a Madame Tussauds’ wax figure.” Cara says: “Let’s start with saying something nice. That shade of blue is lovely. However, the fabric is tacky. Why does it look so threadbare? Is that supposed to be sexy? And the mesh at the top just looks cheap.”


The Weekend Fashion Report ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2’ premiere

The Tribune | Weekend | 17

Friday, April 28, 2017



‘Guardians’ returns and it’s better than the first GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 2 RUNNING TIME: 136 MINS


n James Gunn’s sequel to his swashbuckling space Western, the Guardians of the Galaxy do their version of “The Empire Strikes Back,” complete with daddy issues but with a considerably more anarchic spirit and enough acerbic interplay among its interstellar gang to make Obi-Wan blush. The wild whiz-bang of the first “Guardians” and its gleeful upending of superhero conventions was, I thought, not the second-coming others felt it was. Having sat through a meteor shower of imposingly well-made Marvel products, the too-pleased-withitself “Guardians” felt to me like an intensely scripted politician trying to smugly crack wise. When the motley crew of scavengers reunites in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2,” many of its tricks — the anachronistic ‘70s hits, the exotically foul-mouthed creatures — are not the sneak attack they were in 2014. But that turns out to be a good thing. No longer so busy advertising his movie’s genre transgressions, Gunn, who wrote and directed the sequel, is free to swim backstrokes through his cosmic, CGIspiced gumbo. Gunn’s film also shares George Clinton’s goofy extravagance (and includes his song “Flashlight”), and a neoncoloured cast with its own Mothership. There are two types in the universe, Dave Bautista’s muscle-mound Drax declares early on: “Those who dance and those who do not.” In the “Guardians” universe, which blithely mocks just about everything, this is close to a mission statement.

(l-r) Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Star-Lord/ Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Drax (Dave Bautista) and Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) Whereas the first film featured Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill on a faraway planet bopping to Redbone’s “Come and Get Your Love,” the early scenes of “Vol 2” find the Guardians battling some giant monster while Baby Groot — the extraterrestrial tree turned sapling (voiced by Vin Diesel) — grooves to ELO’s “Mr Blue Sky.” The “Guardians” universe, made up of such ironies and oddities, worships at the altar of incongruity. Referenced within are “Cheers,” Mary Poppins, Looking Glass’ “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl),” David Hasselhoff and Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain”. It’s the kind of wacked-out tapestry that even Lindsey Buckingham would find headspinning. While Quill resembles a classic Han Solo-like hero, his fellow Guardians — Zoe Saldana’s green-skinned Gamora, the caustic, Bradley Cooper-voiced raccoon Rocket, Drax and Groot — are a multi-species band of outsiders. No two are alike in temperament or genetics. Though they bicker endlessly, they’re a cobbled-together, multispecies family, just one more likely to trade insults than hugs. And the nature of family is at the center of “Vol 2”. Quill, having lost his mother as a young child in the first film, learns that his father is a “celestial,” or deity, named Ego (Kurt Russell), with a

planet of his own creation. The Guardians meet him after fleeing the remotecontrolled pods that pursue them when Rocket steals batteries from Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki), the High Priestess of the golden-hued Sovereign race. Returning is Michael Rooker’s excellent Yondu Udonta, who resembles a rejected audition to the Blue Man Group and controls a lethal arrow with a whistle. He’s hired to capture the Guardians, but his character — who raised the orphaned Quill — plays an unexpectedly emotional role in Quill’s journey into his past. The effect is similar for Gamora’s sister Nebula, the Guardians’ furious prisoner. Others are in the mix, too, including a brief cameo by Sylvester Stallone and, more impressively, Chris Sullivan’s mutinying, unfortunately named pirate Taserface. All of the names, though, are kind of

joke, as is much of the plot (batteries?), the planets and, well, the whole operation. In one scene, an escaping ship shoots through so many hyper-speed portals that their faces go bug-eyed like Looney Tunes characters, maybe revealing the films’ underlying DNA. But while this “Guardians of the Galaxy” has no earnest belief in its scifi theatrics (the credits action scene is largely just blurry background to Baby Groot’s dancing), it believes surprisingly sincerely in its characters’ inner lives, the ones buried beneath their sarcastic exteriors. “Guardians” takes place further in the reaches of the galaxy than any other Marvel movie, yet it’s the most earthbound. In the words of David Bowie, another space oddity, let’s dance. JAKE COYLE AP Film Writer

18 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


Caitlyn Jenner talks of suicide, secrets in new book


aitlyn Jenner opened up Monday about her frank new memoir detailing her now two-year-old transition and the bumps along the way, including her three failed marriages, thoughts of suicide while she was relentlessly pursued by paparazzi and, finally, freedom to be her true self. And, yes, contrary to the thoughts of many in the trans community, she uses her former name, Bruce, in the book, “The Secrets of My Life,” out this week. And, yes, she describes her liberating, below-the-belt gender reassignment surgery — “The Final Surgery” as she calls it — on the very last page, insisting it’s the last word for her about that. And yes, she takes on, briefly, her conservative political views when it comes to President Donald Trump and issues like less government, but not so on issues important to the LGBTQ community as a whole, such as samesex marriage. She voted for Trump nevertheless, though she feels let down by him and the party in Trump’s first 100 days. “Yeah, I’ve gotten criticised because I come from a more conservative Republican side, but my loyalties are not with the Republican party. My loyalties are not with Donald Trump. I’m not a one-issue voter. I believe in limited government. I like lower taxes. I like a thriving economy. I like everybody working, but my loyalties are with my community and to

make it better,” Jenner said. Why go to any of these places to begin with months after her formal coming out interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC, watched by 17.1 million viewers, then on the cover of Vanity Fair, and finally her now-cancelled reality show on E! Entertainment, “I Am Cait,” where she went on the road with fellow members of the trans community.

tears from Jenner’s third wife, Kris Jenner, whose closet Caitlyn once regularly raided as she stole moments to cross dress while struggling with her gender identity. They are moments, Caitlyn said, that Kris was well aware of before “I made love to her” after the two met in 1990. “To be honest with you I haven’t even talked to her about it,” Jenner said of Kris’ reaction to the book. There were many dark times for the Olympic goldmedal winning decathlete as he went about hiding his gender struggles, including a false start in transitioning in the 1980s. There was one moment in particular, years later, that took Jenner to the ultimate dark place, suicide. The celebrity news site TMZ distributed a photo of a dishevelled Jenner emerging from a doctor’s office after a procedure to have her trachea shaved so she could appear more like a woman. This was before Diane Sawyer and her formal coming out, and it felt like a painful, forced outing. “It got to the point where I thought, you know what, I know the easy way out,” Jenner said. “I got Grand Central Publishing via AP a gun in the house. ... But then the next day I thought, “I needed to pour my wouldn’t that be the stupidheart out on everything,” est thing you’ve ever done, to the 67-year-old Jenner told silence your voice? You have The Associated Press of the the opportunity here to really book. “What I was trying to make a difference, to live your accomplish is, one, get it all life honestly.” out for myself, so there was Life these days is good. no other secrets left, but two, Better than good, Jenner said, it was the way I dealt with though she looks forward to my stuff.” the day where she isn’t thinkThe book, co-written by ing about her gender every Buzz Bissinger (he wrote the second of every day. Vanity Fair story), has alLEANNE ITALIE ready brought on bitter, hurt Associated Press

The top 10 books on Apple’s iBooks-US 1. The Fix by David Baldacci 2. Shattered by Amie Parnes & Jonathan Allen 3. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher 4. The Black Book by David Ellis & James Patterson 5. The House Mate by Kendall Ryan 6. Caught by Harlan Coben 7. Fast and Loose by Stuart Woods 8. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty 9. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood 10. All by Myself, Alone by Mary Higgins Clark The Associated Press

The Tribune | Weekend | 19

Friday, April 28, 2017


Papayas They have always been a beloved fruit, but with papayas reaching a new level of popularity in recent years, Jack Hardy says it is important to know how to keep your plants healthy.


here has been a distinct rise in the popularity of papayas during my lifetime. They were always close to ubiquitous, but the old-fashioned Bahamian ‘paw-paw’, although handsome and large-fruited, was not very sweet. The arrival of the small Hawaiian Solo showed us how sweet papayas could be, and the varieties coming out of Central America in recent years have taken papayas to a whole new standard. Papayas probably originated in southern Mexico and were growing in

the Caribbean and Central America by the time Columbus arrived. Although we call them trees they are really herbs and have a relatively short life of just a few years. It should be noted there are far fewer named varieties of papaya compared to other tropical and sub-tropical fruits such as mangoes and citrus. The papaya I see mostly in local stores is the Maradol from Mexico, with a fruit 12 inches long and mainly cylindrical. They are sold cut in half so the lovely salmon red flesh can be appreciated. If you want your own papaya trees then buy half a fruit, enjoy it, then select as many seeds as you require from the cupful or so the fruit contains and prepare them for planting. First of all, puncture the skin covering the each seed and release the fluid within, the aril. Then put your seeds on a sheet of paper towel, wrap them up, and leave them for about a week to completely dry. Plant the seeds about half an inch deep in the location you want them to grow. Many plants are started in pots and transplanted later but papaya is a reluctant mover. After being transplanted the papaya seedling can refuse to grow for a long time, and possibly never will. Water the planting area until the seedlings appear and fertilize lightly every month. Papayas grown from seed usually flower within a year. Depending on the variety, the flowers you get will be male, female or perfect – both male and female as most flowers are. Male flowers are borne in clusters while female and perfect flowers grow individually, are much larger, and are attached to a small fruit. If you have male flowers it shows that your papaya variety produces both male and female plants. The male plants will not normally produce fruit but their presence is required to help pollinate the female flowers. Leave all the male plants to reach close to maturity and choose two healthy ones to remain. Cut the rest in half laterally and dispose of the top half that contains the foliage. Your cut male plants will grow back and the odds are they will have turned female. If you are growing a papaya plantation leave one male plant for every ten female. After a couple of years a papaya tree grows so tall it is hard to harvest the fruits. Unlike a real tree, you cannot climb a ladder leaning against a papaya plant. Cutting the tree at the four or five foot mark will lose you a few months of harvest but the cut tree

Papayas are not only sweet, but healthy as well. may produce several branches, each of which will bear fruits. Many gardeners automatically cut their papayas after two years in the knowledge that the female characteristics are dominant and the new growth will be female. Cut female trees will never revert to male. There are many diseases that infect papaya trees and their fruits, but the most common, I have found, in the Bahamas are anthracnose and bunchy top. Anthracnose is a fungus disease that needs treating with a fungicide at the flowering stage. An infected untreated fruit will develop symptoms similar to those found in mangoes when fully ripe. In a backyard gardening situation the fruits can have the infected parts cut out and still leave plenty to enjoy. But you must move quickly; in a few days the whole fruit will become an inedible mess. Bunchy top is a bacterial disease and the name says it all. The young top leaves curl inwards and give clear indications of stress. Do not eat any fruits from an infected tree. Cut the tree in half and chop up and bag the top half for disposal. If the tree comes back with signs of bunchy top, kill the whole plant by severing the roots. The biggest pest affecting papaya fruits is the papaya fruit fly that resembles a small wasp with a long ovipositor. The fruit fly lays eggs in young fruits that have just dropped their flowers and have thin, easily pierced skin. The eggs hatch and the grubs feast

on immature seeds. An infested fruit will rot and die at the maturing stage. Paper bags fastened around the small fruits and anchored with plastic ties are the best solution to the problem but are not very pretty. By the time the fruit is big enough to burst the bag the skin will be too thick for a fruit fly’s ovipositor to penetrate. Papayas contain the enzyme papain in all parts of the plant. Slices of ripe papaya taken as dessert after a meat meal will greatly aid digestion, a boon for the elderly in particular. If you have a fruit overload, make jam – what I call a ‘hasty jam’. Cube the ripe fruit and add a little less than half the volume of sugar. Heat in a saucepan over medium heat until tender, then process with an immersion blender or potato masher. Pour into clean jars and refrigerate once cooled. Very popular right now is papaya leaf tea. Tie two or three leaves together at their stalks and hang in a cool and dark place. Maybe only a bedroom closet will fit that description during a Bahamian summer, and then only if you can afford air-con-do. When the leaves are dry and crackly – after a month or so – crumble them and store in an airtight container. Use either a tea strainer or a tea ball when making the tea. • For questions and comments e-mailj.hardy@coralwave.com

20 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


Purposeful in pink New initiative seeks to empower ‘girl bosses’ By ALESHA CADET Tribune Features Writer acadet@tribunemedia.net


INK was not only the dress code, but also represented the attitude of the day, as the members of the new faithbased organisation Purpose Made Me Do It recently hosted its first ‘Girl Bosses’ event. Residents said they had never seen the Pinewood Gardens Park quite like this. Tents, chairs, dessert displays and

The Tribune | Weekend | 21

Young girls were treated to pink treats and educational talks at the ‘Girl Bosses’ social help in the Pinewood Gardens Park.


Friday, April 28, 2017

games – everywhere you looked, you saw pink. “The pink theme was really to drive home the particular demographic (we’re targeting) – young girls. It was very girly, energetic and fun,” said Katherine Rolle, event organiser and founder of Purpose Made Me Do It. Above all, she said, the goal of the well-attended social was to challenge the minds of young girls by having women speak to them about their own lives; their trials and victories. The aim was to encourage the girls to be goaloriented, introspective, self-aware and confident. The five guest speakers who shared their testimonies on various topics were: Tiffany Brennen, who spoke about hair care and styling; Daniah Miller, who emphasised the importance of self-esteem, selfawareness and identity; La-Toya Fernander, who shared her heartfelt story of transformation and growth through faith and forgiveness; Shantera Brown, who touched on fashion, and Nurse Beverly Boyd, who addressed the subject of abuse. “Our speakers were diverse women from all different backgrounds who more than likely had similar stories to those of the young girls. These women are ‘boss women’, and I wanted the girls to know that we are all called to be bosses in our own right, and that they can be little bosses at what they’re called to do right now,” said Ms Rolle. The ‘Girl Bosses – Party On Purpose’ event included such highlights as a dance selection by the Raising the Standard Dance Clinic, a fashion show and various games. With 100 girls in attendance, Ms Rolle said

she got the chance to plant the seeds which will take root and help grow strong, confident young women. “We captured our vision very well, based on the feedback from the parents – they sent me numerous e-mails saying how their girls talked about it and they were so excited about their bags, books and pencils,” she said. Going forward, Ms Rolle said it is important to note that Purpose Made Me Do It does not only want to impact the lives of young girls, but also help anyone who is willing find their purpose. “I just feel like a lot of times we don’t capture the importance and depth of purpose. I was in the private banking field but I didn’t have the passion. With this new organisation God has been making provisions and people have been directing me because of this unorthodox movement,” said Ms Rolle. Although still in the early stages of development, targeting communities in the Bahamas, Ms Rolle hopes to broaden her organisation’s reach. Persons can already view a live stream of their motivational radio segment every Thursday on the Glory Network based in North Carolina. Ms Rolle is also preparing to travel to Africa on May 9 for a speaking engagement where she will represent Purpose Made Me Do It. “A part of my purpose is also motivational speaking. Although we speak on the airways, this will be the first time we will be travelling as an organisation. Africa, this is huge and the fact that we are able to carry the girl bosses theme there, this is groundbreaking for us,” she said.

22 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017

literary lives phillis wheatley

The slave girl who became a poet The life of the first AfricanAmerican female poet was sad and short, says Sir Christopher Ondaatje

“Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand”


idnapped in Senegal when she was eight, Phillis Wheatley was brought to Boston, Massachusetts on a slave ship in 1761, and was bought by John Wheatle, a wealthy Boston merchant. He purchased her as a servant for his wife, Susanna, and was named Phillis after the slave ship that brought her to America. As was the custom for slaves in the mid-18th century, she adopted her master’s last name, Wheatley. Her quick intelligence was immediately noticeable and Susanna Wheatley and her two children taught her to read and write. She was quick to learn, and when she was 12 she was reading Greek and Latin classics and difficult passages from the Bible. She wrote her first poem when she was 14. Theology, mythology and the literary works of Pope, Milton, Homer, Horace and Virgil were introduced into her teachings. At a time when slaves were discouraged - even prohibited from learning - Wheatley was treated quite differently. She was unusual, unique. The Wheatley family actively

Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) seated at a desk writing with a quill pen. The original caption read “Phillis Wheatley, Negro servant to Mr John Wheatley, of Boston.”

The Tribune | Weekend | 23

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Phillis Wheatley monument is a part of the Boston’s Women’s Memorial. Written on the stone of which the statue rests upon: “Phillis Wheatley ca. 1753-1784 Born in West Africa and sold as a slave from the ship “Phillis” in colonial Boston, she was a literary prodigy whose 1773 volume ‘Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral’ was the first work published by an African writer in America.

The grave of wealthy Boston merchant and tailor John Wheatley, who bought Phillis as young girl as a servant for his wife Susanna. The family taught her to read and write. encouraged her literary education and, in fact, often boasted of her expertise to friends and neighbours. Wheatley’s first poem, about two men who were almost drowned at sea, was printed in The Newport Mercury. Her first book of verse ‘Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral’ in 1773 was published after a journey from London with Nathaniel Wheatley (John Wheatley’s son) in the hope of finding a publisher there. With the help and sponsorship of Selina Hastings, the Countess of Huntingdon, they were

successful. It was the only book of poetry ever published by Phillis Wheatley. Boston publishers refused to publish her works. This poem by Wheatley is entitled ‘On being brought from Africa to America’: Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too:

Phillis Wheatley’s church, Old South Meeting House in Boston. Once I redemption neither sought nor knew. Some view our sable race with scornful eye, “Their colour is a diabolic dye”. Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain, May be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train. Wheatley seldom wrote about herself, which is extraordinary, and was also reluctant to write about slavery. Her themes tended to be based on ele-

gies and on religious or classical themes which she learned from books. Poems also revealed her personal beliefs with several allusions to the sun and to sun gods - perhaps a reflection on her African culture. Her parents were sun worshippers. Wheatley’s poems were usually arranged into three stanzas of four lines in iambic tetrameter followed by a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter - a highly sophisticated construction

Continued on page 24

24 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017

“Wheatley seldom wrote about herself, which is extraordinary, and was also reluctant to write about slavery.”

A supposed portrait of Phillis Wheatley shows her facing forward, wearing an evening dress and jewellery. The portrait appeared in Revue des Colonies in Paris between 1834 and 1842. A document of introduction for Phillis’ book of poems written by John Wheatley

Frontispiece and title page of the original ‘Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral’. The engraving is attributed Scipio Moorhead, 1773.

Continued from page 23 of poetic verse. Interestingly enough, critics of Wheatley’s poetry noticed that in time her poetry succumbed to pagan influences and beliefs and that she seldom if ever veered towards a Christian belief. There were several learned white colonists who refused to believe that Wheatley’s sophisticated poetry could possibly have been written by a black African slave. In fact, Wheatley had to defend her authorship in a Boston court in 1772. She was severely examined by a group of Boston Brahmins including Thomas Hutchinson, the Governor of Massachusetts. They found that she had indeed written her poems and signed an attestation which was included in the Preface of her book ‘Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral’. Ultimately Phillis Wheatley was freed from slavery by her master. However her health was fragile and, after she married a free African-American from Boston, she suffered severe hardship. She was also devastated by the deaths of her mentor Susanna Wheatley in 1774, and later by her former master John Wheatley in 1778. They were her last remaining hopes for financial assistance. Her husband John Peters, with whom she had three children all of whom died in infancy, was imprisoned for debt in 1784, forcing her to find work as a maid in a boarding house and live in shamefully sordid conditions. She continued to write but her poor health and hard manual labour weakened her enthusiasm for poetry. She never did find a sponsor for her second volume of poetry and died on December 5, 1784, her infant son dying a few hours after her death. She was 31. NEXT WEEK: The bird man of the Bahamas remembered • Sir Christopher Ondaatje is an adventurer and writer resident in the Bahamas. A Sri Lankan-born CanadianEnglishman, he is the author of several books, including “The Last Colonial”

The Tribune | Weekend | 25

Friday, April 28, 2017


Bountiful Bahamas – agriculture in the 18th century From 1787 to 1797, John Murray, Earl of Dunmore, served as Governor and lived in this house, after which it became the Military Hospital until the West India Regiment left in 1891. The Roman Catholic Church bought the building and turned it into the priory.

“Cotton was said not to be dependent on rain and to grow in all seasons, taking quick and strong hold of the rocky soil.”

Forgotten facts Paul C Aranha


n recent articles, I have written about some of the berries and fruit that used to be so commonplace in Nassau and that Johann David Schoepf, during his 1783-4 visit, had found several large orchards full of coffee trees, growing well, bearing heavily and producing beans of the best taste. Because Schoepf was not only a physician but, also, a botanist and a zoologist, much of his writings were about nature. He said sugar cane was thriving and sugar and rum were being produced, but the costs made it impossible to compete with West Indian prices.

Indigo, of excellent quality, was another plant under cultivation, but on a small scale because of a shortage of fresh water with which to treat it. Cotton was said not to be dependent on rain and to grow in all seasons, taking quick and strong hold of the rocky soil. Schoepf had no way of foreseeing the chenille bug that would ravage cotton crops and destroy the Loyalists’ plantations. Maize was the only grain produced but the quantity was “by no means sufficient. America sends many cargoes here, to supply the lack”. Tamarinds were mentioned: “The shells were husked and the inner parts set in earthen pots, between layers of brown sugar.” Of oranges and lemons it was said

Johann David Schoepff – or Schöpf – (March 8, 1752 – September 10, 1800) was a German botanist, zoologist and physician. His North American observations (which included the Bahamas) are recorded in ‘Travels in the Confederation’. that sweet oranges bear properly only once a year, but sour oranges yield ripe fruit throughout the year. Limes were

not much bigger than a dove’s egg, round and smooth, with a very sour taste. They were exported to all parts of North America, where they were preferred for being juicier and more sour than lemons. Pineapples were excellent and exported to “all parts of America and even to Europe”. They were cut when fully matured but still green on the outside, then packed to withstand a journey by ship of six or more weeks. The sailing ship on which Schoepf travelled to London carried a cargo of several thousand pineapples. For the return voyage to the Bahamas, such ships would be loaded with fresh and salted meats, butter, rice, corn, wheat, utensils and clothes of every description. Schoepf wrote extensively about the insects and animals he saw in the Bahamas. He dwelt upon the iguanas but mentioned, almost in passing, that alligators were plentiful. • Comments and responses to islandairman@gmail.com

26 | The Tribune | Weekend


the alphabet *Calls cos

Both today’s words in a moment

Chambers andhave last 2.5 you tom www. 21st28, 2017 grid too! Use Friday, April letters and b Century below the gr Dictionary grid is ‘rotat (1999 symmetrical edition) words, it loo

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Halve your Target Time!

LYNCH (across) CABAL (down)

The Target uses words in the main body of Chambers 21st Century Dictionary (1999 edition)

HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown here? In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word. No plurals or verb forms ending in “s”. TODAY’S TARGET Good 13; very good 20; excellent 26 (or more). Solution tomorrow. YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION alit arty laity lilt rattly ratty ritual ritually rutty tail tall tally tart tartly tarty taut till tilt titular TITULARLY trail trait tray trial trill truly ultra yurt

HOW words of four letters CAN youmany crack the A 26 14 Alphabeater? Each gridmake B or more can you from the number a letter In making a lettersrepresents shown here? C used –word, or black square. As inmay be 10 8 each letter Alphapuzzle, of contain D once only.every Eachletter must the the alphabet is used. But centre letter and there Emust 19 be35at you have to complete the least word. No grid too!one Usenine-letter the given F in “s”. plurals orblack verbsquares forms ending letters and G 33 3 below the grid to start. The TODAY’S TARGET grid is ‘rotationally H symmetrical’ – in other Good 13; very good 20; excellent I 30 14 words, looks theSolution same if tomorrow. 26 (oritmore). J you turn the page upside down. Solution tomorrow. K 36 8 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION

alit arty laity lilt rattlyL ratty Yesterday’s solution ritual squares: ritually rutty Black 1, 8, 10,tailMtall tally tart14,tartly 12, 16, 17, tarty 18, 27, taut 29, till 1tilt 19 N trait tray 34, 36, 38, 40. Across:trail titular TITULARLY Safety, Pin,truly Coati,ultra yurt trial trill O 27 31 Flaked, Lutz, Platelet, Conundrum, Backwash, P Q 11 Jamb, Devour, Zones, 29 Shy, Quests. R Call 0907 Down: Lovebirds,181 2585 for S 26 3 Frantic, Crazy, Target Oak, today’s solution Trek, Annex, *Calls Longs, cost 80p per minute T plus your telephone company’s Vodka, Beau, Emu, 28 20 U network access charge. Pixel, Meadows, V Nightclub.

40 3390 20 W 202 Extra letter clues0333 *SP: Spoke – Helpline

0907 181 2560 X

(Deduct three minutes for each extra clue letter heard)

Call 0907 181 2585 for today’s Target solution *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

*SP: Spoke – Helpline 0333 202 3390

Full solution

0907 181 2558

Y 35 Z


*Calls cost 80p per minute 21 plus your telephone company’s network access charge.


turn the 37 you 21Soluti1 down.


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12, 14, 16, 1

36, 38,1 16 34, 24 Safety, Pin

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33Vodka, 1 Bea1

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30Nightclub. 28 3

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Full s

0907 1 4


*Calls cost plus your tele 15 network 18 a3

13 PLAY 37 M 1 29
















● Alternatively, for six Extra Letter clues to


The Tribune | Weekend | 27

Friday, April 28, 2017

animals Animal matters Kim Aranha

What to do when you see the worst in action


know I am always touting the merits of Facebook, but honestly, it can be the most amazing tool for communication and discussion. Yesterday a lady posted on the HeadKnowles page how she had been driving by the Arawak Cay area and had seen a man beating a dog. There was no indication of the time nor what kind of dog. I will not disclose her identity even though she wrote the post in her name, but HeadKnowles is a private page and you have to be accepted as a member, so I do not wish to break the trust. As she was driving along West Bay Street, she wrote, she saw this man beating his dog. She stopped and yelled out to him. He yelled back and continued beating the poor animal. She was afraid and got back in the car and drove a way. She definitely tried, but didn’t really know what the next step could or should be. There are several sides to this story. Why are so many people so unkind to animals in the Bahamas? Why do we encounter so much cruelty? In general, what should you do if you see cruelty happening? What, under the circumstances, could she have done there and then at the actual moment? Arawak Cay is just around the corner from the Bahamas Humane Society shelter. I am assuming it was daylight when this horrible event occurred. So she had help very nearby. A call or a quick drive around the corner and she could have gotten help at the shelter, but she probably did not know that we were there. Jumping out of her car, yelling and tooting her horn was great, and how sad nobody else cared enough to join ranks with her. I fully understand why she was afraid for herself and her

Cute as a button By The Bahamas Humane Society





ood morning! My name is Buttons and I’m here to introduce myself to you as Pet of the Week. I started out life as a family cat and have found myself unexpectedly at the Bahamas Humane Society. As it turned out, I was allergic to one of the chil... no, wait, one of the children was seriously allergic to me! I’m hoping to find myself a new home with children and no allergies. I’m fully house-trained and very friendly. I’m about eight months old so still have some moments of kittenlike playfulness. Do you have a loving family with a few children for me to

daughter; there is no doubt these guys can get nasty. Now, what more can we do if we come up against a horrid situation like this ourselves? Making noise, yelling, tooting horns is great. It serves to draw attention

snuggle up with? If so, come in to the BHS to meet me or call 323-5138 for more information. Adoption hours are 11am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, and 10am to 4pm on Saturday. I look forward to meeting you! • Pull out those hippy outfits! The BHS Flower Power Party is back this Saturday, April 29, at the Nassau Yacht Club. The fun starts at 7pm. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Tickets are $75 and are available at the shelter. Have a rocking good time and support the animals while doing so. to the situation. So I agree with that approach and you have to hope there is a sympathetic, caring person nearby. Use your phone to take pictures, video, or just record audio. Get any evidence you can get! This can be used against the perpetrator. If we want to pros-

ecute cruelty cases we need evidence and we need a witness willing to appear in court. Phone the police. They will not necessarily laugh at you. I know it has happened to some of you, but I have actually found them to be caring and willing to listen. Now if the person yells at you and makes you afraid, then you can tell the police that you fear for your own safety, too. Phone the Bahamas Humane Society (323-5138) wherever you are. When they answer, tell them you wish to report a cruelty case. If it is occurring at that moment, be sure they understand that. Tell them you need back-up and you can’t cope alone; stress the urgency. Be sure to give good, clear directions, and your cell phone number and name. Be aware of your surroundings. You can be much braver in a crowded, well-lit area where people can see what is going on. If it’s a narrow alley type area with nobody around, then just call the BHS and the police. You can’t help the animal if you get yourself killed. If there are other people around, encourage them to get involved; point out what is happening. If they have phones, ask them to film or photograph, too. If the person runs away and leaves the frightened, beaten, and perhaps injured, animal, be careful. He may not understand that you are a friend. You could get bitten. Assess the situation carefully. If you can restrain the animal, do so. I have a leash, food, a towel and water in my car at all times. Talk quietly and soothingly to the animal. Do not allow bystanders to crowd it. If you can get it into your car safely, do so, but again be careful if you try to pick him up, he may not understand, or hurt too much and snap. If you can’t do that, just wait for the BHS ambulance to arrive. Here is a short story about a policeman and the BHS for you: Recently our Thrift Shop was broken into and the electronics we had for sale were all stolen. The policeman who came to take the report asked about the total value of the objects missing. He was told and made the necessary report. The following weekend, when off duty, he arrived at the shelter and donated in cash the value of the stolen goods. A good, kind and caring RBPF policeman! I do not know his name, but may God bless him richly. In two weeks : the causes of cruelty.

28 | The Tribune | Weekend

Friday, April 28, 2017


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