07122024 BUSINESS

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Bahamas broker guilty of US legal violations

A BAHAMIAN broker/

dealer’s principal yesterday vowed “this is far from over” after a jury found himself and his former company guilty of violating US securities laws when operating from Nassau.

Guy Gentile, head of MintBroker International, which was placed into full liquidation by the Bahamian Supreme Court in December 2021, signalled to Tribune Business in messaged replies to this newspaper that he plans to appeal the July 2, 2024, verdict which comprehensively found for the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) on all charges brought against him.

• Gentile, MintBroker committed breaches in Nassau

• But principal vows to Tribune: ‘This is far from over’

• Voices ‘100% confidence’ verdict ‘will be reversed’

However, voicing “100 percent confidence” that the verdict “will be reversed”, Mr Gentile argued that he “won this case in every respect” as he accused the south Florida district court judge of giving the jury “incorrect instructions” on what constitutes actively soliciting US clients. Asserting that “the truth will always set you free”, Mr

Gentile pointed out that it had previously taken him eight years to defeat the SEC, the US federal capital markets regulator, in a separate legal battle in New Jersey. He voiced confidence of a repeat despite the south Florida jury, after a ten-day trial, finding himself and his Bahamian broker/dealer guilty of

soliciting US clients without first registering with the SEC. Deciding that Mr Gentile failed to show MintBroker, which previously traded as both SureTrader and Swiss America Securities, qualified for an exemption from the US

Cruise port: Straw vendor marketing deal at standstill

NASSAU Cruise Port’s pledge to market Straw Market vendors and their products to “a bigger tourism pie” featuring thousands of passengers has hit a standstill, its chief executive has revealed.

Mike Maura, the downtown cruise gateway’s chief executive, told Tribune Business it had offered from last year to promote and advertise straw vendors who made authentically-Bahamian

products for free within the revamped $330m port facility. However, he asserted that the project has not moved forward because the Straw Market Authority has yet to supply a list of artisans and crafts people who produce products that meet this criteria. Mr Maura said that, while the cruise port “remains very sincere in our desire” to execute the agreement with the Authority, it cannot proceed to execute this commitment until it knows who to interview and feature.

Opposition: ‘Immediately’ address vendor arrears

THE Opposition yesterday demanded that the Government “immediately” address the build-up of payment arrears owed to Bahamian businesses given their “vital importance” to economic growth.

Major US carrier set to ‘drop’ GB in September

• Hotelier says American’s move a ‘first-ever’

• Underscores Grand Lucayan sale urgency

• And signals island’s Out Island airlift status

RESOLVING the Grand Lucayan’s fate is becoming increasingly urgent with American Airlines set to “drop” scheduled service to Grand Bahama for the first-ever time in September, hoteliers warned yesterday. Magnus Alnebeck, Pelican Bay’s general manager, told Tribune Business that the US carrier’s move both highlighted the depressed state of airlift demand for Grand Bahama/ Freeport and the ever-increasing need for the Government to find a Grand Lucayan purchaser who can create visitor demand and put the island back on the map as a tourist destination.

Pointing out that airlift demand is not created by airports but, rather, the uniqueness of a location’s tourism product and experiences, he added that from September 2 to October 5, 2024, both residents and visitors will have to travel via Nassau for “seamless connectivity” with US carriers.

“What is Grand Bahama today? We are not as big as we used to be,” Mr Alnebeck told this newspaper. “We need an airport that is functional and accommodates airlift into the future. If we have a fantastic new airport tomorrow it does not mean we will get the airlift. The demand is not really there.

“This year, in September, American Airlines has dropped us for the first time. I doubt this has ever happened before. It’s from September 2 to October 5. There are no flights [between Miami and Freeport] for those fourand-a-half weeks. The only thing we have is the Miami flight except for a couple of months in winter when we get flights from Charlotte.

“The only US carrier we have apart from American is Silver. Only a Grand Lucayan that is sold and operational is going to get us to new airlift and keep existing airlift,” Mr Alnebeck added. “If you want to travel on a seamless connection for those four-and-a-half weeks you will have to travel through Nassau.

Kwasi Thompson, the Opposition’s finance spokesman, seizing on an International Monetary Fund (IMF) report that warned weak cash management forecasts are causing the frequent build-up of arrears owed to vendors, argued that this is having “a huge impact” on businesses supplying goods and services to the Government and leading to “cash crunches”.

“I think that’s a critical issue that the Government must look at and address immediately because it affects small businesses who are doing business

AG hails ‘innovation hub’ from IP reforms

THE Attorney General has hailed intellectual property (IP) rights reforms as providing a platform for The Bahamas to become an “innovation hub” that attracts international creatives to domicile in this nation.

Ryan Pinder KC, responding to Tribune Business after separate Bills to overhaul The Bahamas’ copyright, trademarks and patents’ regimes were tabled in the House of Assembly, said their passage into law will help attract the global ‘orange’

economy to use this nation as a base since investors/ creators will be confident their inventions have the necessary protection from IP theft.

“Intellectual property has been neglected both with an understanding of the benefits to our creatives, but also with having a regulatory regime and a registry that provides ease of filing and the ability to have protections worldwide,” he said.

“We believe this is not only an obvious benefit to Bahamian creatives, but will also allow for The Bahamas to develop as



BAHAMIAN environmental activists yesterday branded unauthorised development on Athol Island as “completely reprehensible”.

Joe Darville, head of Save the Bays and Waterkeepers Bahamas, said unregulated projects on an island within a Marine Protected Area (MPA) do not align with The Bahamas’ internationally-stated positions on climate change and environmental conservation.

He said: “If this is happening it is completely

reprehensible. I’m hoping there will be a full investigation with respect to the type of development that was taking place there. It sure doesn’t speak well or in accord with our concerns about climate change, sea level rise and the preservation of natural resources.”

Mr Darville said allegations that developers have started projects without permission from the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection (DEPP) is a “disturbing aspect”, and questioned how they were emboldened to do this.

He added: “It’s a protected area, so who in the world gave permission for

anyone to enter that area? It’s comparable to someone going into the National Park in Exuma and beginning a development there without permission, destroying some of the natural resources that we have.

“So I guess we have to wait and see exactly what has taken place, and whether or not any permission was given by any entities in the country. But it is really, really disturbing.”

Mr Darville explained mangroves, which are a sanctuary for marine animals and absorb deposits of carbon dioxide, are present on Athol Island and the situation illuminates the need

Opposition: ‘Immediately’ address vendor arrears

with the Government and those are the drivers of the economy,” he told Tribune Business. “Those are the people we are expecting to do well, and if they do well our economy does well.

“It is vitally important that the Government is prompt when it comes to ensuring that vendors, small contractors are paid and paid on time. This is something the Opposition has been saying for some time. We have been hearing from our own constituents, and this is a message that is coming from the constituents themselves; they’ve said this to us.

“It just confirms what the Opposition has been saying for some time; that the Government needs to address this.” The Government, though, has frequently denied that it is having cash flow issues or struggling to pay its goods and services suppliers in full and on time.

Prime Minster Philip Davis KC, during the recent

2024-2025 Budget debate, asserted that vendor arrears - payments that have been outstanding and overdue for 90 days or more - had been cut from a total sum equal to 3.7 percent of nominal GDP to 2.1 percent at year-end 2023. This was reiterated in the Fiscal Strategy Report. “In the normal course of business, accounts payables and arrears arise due to timing and cash flow considerations, resulting in fluctuations in the accounts payable position as invoices are processed for settlement,” the Fiscal Strategy Report.

“Recognising the importance of addressing financial obligations, the Government engaged an independent accounting firm in September 2021 to conduct a comprehensive review of all government arrears, payables and outstanding liabilities. Subsequently, a strategic plan was implemented to reduce payment arrears, including unsettled

legal claims and working capital balances.

“The strategy was successfully implemented, leading to significant progress in managing payment arrears. Vendor arrears, defined as arrears overdue by more than 90 days, have been largely eliminated, underscoring the government’s commitment to timely financial obligations and improved cash flow management,” it added.

“Looking ahead, a key focus for the medium-term is the elimination of intragovernment payables, facilitated by more streamlined internal processes and optimised resource allocations. At the end of 2023, the [vendor] arrears stood at 2.1 percent of nominal GDP. This is an improvement over the prior year where the arrears accounted for 3.7 percent of nominal GDP.”

Mr Thompson, though, argued that timely vendor payments are critical to ensuring these companies avoid cash flow issues, and can pay their bills and meet

to have strong controls over projects on all islands and cays. He said: “On Athol Island, there are mangroves there, and those are very important aspects of our environment which need to be preserved. The one little place that should be preserved for all Bahamians would now be destroyed for the benefit of a couple of individuals who have the money to destroy.

“It speaks well to the fact that we need to have much better control over any aspect of development in our islands and cays, such as places like Athol Island.”

Gail Woon, founder of Earthcare, said

obligations to staff, as well as driving growth in the wider Bahamian economy.

“When we look at projections of lower economic growth, we must do everything in our power to reverse these negative trends,” said the former minister of state for finance in the Minnis administration. “One of the things within the power of the Government to do is pay these persons and pay them on time. We call on the Government to act, and act now, with respect to this.”

The IMF, in a report on how The Bahamas can improve debt securities market operations, said cash management forecast weaknesses have also resulted in “a sustained reliance” on Central Bank advances and commercial bank overdrafts to smooth out the Government’s cash flows.

“Co-ordination of debt and cash management should be strengthened,” it said in a report completed in January 2024, but which was only released yesterday. “Responsibility for cash management rests with the Treasury department of the Ministry of Finance.

“The Treasury prepares forecasts of above-the-line and below-the-line cash

Athol Island should be respected as a protected area and the DEPP’s previous refusals to grant environmental approvals for projects show’s the agency’s concerns about developing the location. She said: “It’s a Marine Protected Area. That in itself should tell you that that area shouldn’t be touched. If different projects have been proposed for the area, and none of them have been approved by the DEPP, I think the DEPP must have concerns that development should not be allowed in that particular area.”

Ms Woon said the DEPP has environmental

flows based on inputs from the Budget department, other Ministry of Finance units and the Central Bank of The Bahamas, along with its own analysis of historical trends. The forecasts are updated during the year to take account of actual outturns and unforeseen expenditures. The reliability of forecasts over a multi-month horizon is not strong.

“A Treasury single account is in place, but there is no target for the cash balance. There is a sustained reliance on the overdraft facility and advances from the Central Bank, while arrears on payments to suppliers sometimes accumulate. These factors pose impediments for the formulation and the orderly execution of the annual borrowing plan.”

Mr Thompson, meanwhile, yesterday said the IMF report has also “confirmed the need to improve the conduct of debt management to increase the credibility and effectiveness of the Government”.

He added of the report’s contents: “The Debt Management Office, under the Debt Management Act, in the Ministry of Finance is ‘understaffed and lacks the

oversight over all developments in the country, a task that can be “difficult” with their staff size, so it is imperative to report unregulated developments, especially on small cays. She added: “It’s very difficult for the agency in charge of regulating to be able to be in all parts of The Bahamas 100 percent of the time.

“DEPP has a relatively small staff. They are responsible for all the islands, so if no one reports unregulated development it can take a while for them to find out about it. It’s very difficult for that agency to be able to police the entire Bahamas.”

capacity to conduct most debt management functions’. The Government should begin ‘the recruitment, training and retention of staff with appropriate and specialised skills not currently available within the Ministry of Finance’.

“The report speaks to credibility issues, especially organisational arrangements for the management of debt within the Ministry of Finance. This may have implications for the credit market. The lack of competent personnel is a low-hanging fruit that must be addressed speedily,” Mr Thompson continued.

“The Government must do more to improve investor relations. The report also highlighted the need for more transparency on government debt. ‘No formal investor relations policy, strategy or investor relations management unit exists to improve the transparency of debt management operations. Capacity within the Debt Management Office is hampered by small number of staff in the unit whose work is not aligned across a front/ middle/back office organisational structure’.”

Families of workers killed in Idaho airport hangar collapse sue construction company

THE families of two construction workers killed when an airport hangar in Idaho collapsed are suing several companies that were involved in the building process, alleging the businesses

recklessly cut corners and used inappropriate materials for the build.

The private hangar at the Boise airport was still under construction when it collapsed under high winds on Jan. 31, killing three people and injuring nine others. The families of Mario Sontay


Incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000 of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas registered in the Register of Companies under the registration number 210139 B.

(In Voluntary Liquidation)

Notice is hereby given that the liquidation and the winding up of the Company is complete and the Company has been struck off the Register of Companies maintained by the Registrar General.

Dated this 9 th day of July A.D. 2024.



Incorporated under the International Business Companies Act, 2000 of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas registered in the Register of Companies under the registration number 206570 B.

(In Voluntary Liquidation)

Notice is hereby given that the liquidation and the winding up of the Company is complete and the Company has been struck off the Register of Companies maintained by the Registrar General.

Dated this 9 th day of July A.D. 2024.


and Mariano Coc filed the wrongful death lawsuit against Big D Builders, Steel Building Systems, Inland Crane and Speck Steel in federal court earlier this week, asking for unspecified monetary damages.

Sontay, 32, and Coc, 24, had only been working on the hangar job for six days when the massive metal structure collapsed. They'd been sent to the hangar from another construction site by Big D Builders because the shell of the building was supposed to be completed by the end of January, according to the lawsuit, and that contract deadline was looming.

Problems with the construction may have been evident in the days before the collapse, with some subcontractors on the site reporting that the metal beams that made up the skeleton of the building looked like they were twisting or weren't properly braced.

"Many subcontractors were critical of the rushed schedule," Enrique Serna and Jane Gordon, the attorneys representing the families, wrote in the lawsuit. "They cited 'cutting of corners,' reported 'bowing of beams,' snapping cables, a lack of key cross bracing, flange bracing and cable bracing."

Big D Builders, based in Meridian, Idaho, declined to comment on the lawsuit. Both Inland Crane, based in Boise, and Steel Building Systems, based in Emmett, Idaho, expressed condolences to the families of the victims in written statements.

"While we mourn the loss of our partners, friends, and colleagues, all evidence demonstrates that Inland Crane and our employees are not at fault for this tragedy," Inland Crane wrote.

On the day of the collapse, Sontay and Coc were installing bolts to secure the rafters of the building, standing on a manlift that hoisted them 40 feet (12.19 meters) above the ground. Stiff winds were blowing at the airport, reaching between 25 miles and 35 miles per hour (about 40 to 56 kilometers per hour).

‘Extreme brain drain’ from GB’s stagnation

A GRAND Bahamabased environmental activist yesterday said the island has “economically stagnated” ever since the passage of Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne some 20 years ago.

Speaking to Tribune Business, Gail Woon, founder of EarthCare, said the island has never recovered from the “cascading” effect of the Royal Oasis closing in 2004 after the storms.

She said: “When Hurricanes Francis and Jeanne hit we lost two of our major hotels, which caused a cascading economic effect. Everyone who had jobs in those big hotels, lost their

jobs, and then everyone who used to cater to those people lost clients. So all these other businesses lost money as well and we’ve basically been really economically depressed since then.”

The Bahamas National Statistical Institute (BNSI), in a data break down of each island’s gross domestic product (GDP) contribution between 2015 and 2023, revealed that Grand Bahama’s economic output hit a nine-year low of $1.53bn in 2022 before improving slightly to $1.546bn in 2023. Both figures were below the GDP generated by the island during the COVID19 pandemic’s peak, with output for 2020 and 2021 pegged at $1.771bn and $1.84bn, respectively. The data shows Grand Bahama as the only Bahamian island

AG hails ‘innovation hub’ from IP reforms

an innovation hub, allowing worldwide creatives to be able to invest and base within The Bahamas with the confidence that their creations will have international protection.

“In our ‘Blueprint for Change’, we acknowledged as a key component of our economy that we will create a new economic model for culture and the creative industry in The Bahamas. This requires the development of a world-class intellectual property regime that will allow creatives to obtain intellectual property for their creations,” Mr Pinder continued.

“The legislation tabled is a modern approach to intellectual property protection that is compliant with World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) standards, allowing The Bahamas to enter into international treaties so intellectual property rights filed in The Bahamas will be protected worldwide.

“The legislative regime provides for a stand-alone intellectual property office that will be a dedicated registry for intellectual property protection, and will ensure a focal point for the creative industries of The Bahamas to learn, exploit and protect their intellectual property and creative developments.

“The legislation has been subject of public consultation and has incorporated comments from industry, the IP Committee of the Bar Association, international trade consultants as well as the World Intellectual Property Organisation.”

A Cabinet presentation on the proposed comprehensive overhaul to The Bahamas’ intellectual property (IP) rights regime, dated December 5, 2023, revealed that the Government’s earnings from trademark and patent applications nosedived by 44 percent over past decade as The Bahamas’ “loss of competitiveness” on

intellectual property safeguards intensified.

It blamed the country’s failure to modernise these protections for The Bahamas’ continued slide against rival jurisdictions despite previous administrations repeatedly pledging to undertake reforms. The report estimated that “the revenue loss due to the absence of modern legislation is estimated at 200 percent annually”, although it did not describe what the 200 percent referred to or give a dollar figure.

“Owing to the limited progress in modernising the legal framework for IP protection, government revenue from the IP sector over the past ten years remained stagnant,” the Cabinet presentation confirmed. “The Registrar General’s Department analysis showed the largest volume of IP work related to trademark applications and registrations, similar to most developed countries.

“Revenues associated with trademarks and patents were estimated at $398,593 in 2012-2013, but by 2021-2022, they steadily declined to $224,049.

Revenues associated with copyrights were estimated at $1,324 in 2012-2013, decreasing to $726 in 20212022. The non-commercial fee structure regime for licensing of IP, last updated in 2003, further erodes the IP regulator’s revenue.”

Analysing the wider impact, the Cabinet presentation showed the present IP regulatory regime has left The Bahamas non-compliant with its obligations under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) trade agreement with the European Union (EU) that was signed around 15 years ago.

“The Bahamas joined the CARIFORUM/EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in October 2008 with the aim of increasing exports to the European market and diversifying the economy. Prior to joining, the legal framework for intellectual

that has continued to stagnate economically, with all others having rebounded and increased economic output since the pandemic.

Ms Woon said Grand Bahama’s decline has resulted in “extreme brain drain” as educated youth leave for opportunities in New Providence or abroad, and the island has seen an increase in a homeless population that often squat in abandoned businesses.

She added that promises of more than $1.5bn in projects “in the pipeline” for Grand Bahama - praised by both the Grand Bahama Port Authority and the Davis administration - offer little comfort to residents.

Ms Woon said: “Things have been in the pipeline from 2004, and I don’t know where the stuff comes out of the pipeline, but it isn’t on

property (IP) in The Bahamas was outdated,” the report added.

“In 2013, amidst efforts to diversify the Bahamian economy utilising new trade sources, new legislation was drafted to modernise and enhance IP protection. This legislation includes the Copyright Act, Patent Act, Trademarks Act and others. However, the legislation was never enacted.” Thus potential export opportunities have also been nullified.

“Lack of modernisation has led to a loss of competitiveness in the IP sector and potential revenues for the Government and businesses,” the Cabinet presentation added.

“The updated legislative framework for IP was not fully enacted, remaining non-compliant with CARIFORUM-EU EPA and WTO (World Trade Organisation) guidelines.

“The revenue loss due to the absence of modern legislation is estimated at 200 percent annually. Weak domestic IP protection prompts businesses to seek protection in the neighbouring US and other international jurisdictions, further exacerbating the revenue loss.”

And Bahamians made 3,000 more trademark protection applications abroad than at home during the five years to 2022. Over the five years between 2018-2022, local patent applications declined from a peak of around 35 per year to just over 20 in 2022. During the same period, foreign patent applications by Bahamians had risen from a low of just over 20 in 2020 to more than 50 in both 2021 and 2022.

On trademark applications, while the local variety has climbed slowly to under 1,500 by 2022, Bahamians had filed some 2,000 such submissions abroad. And, on industrial design (copyright) applications, those made by locals in foreign countries had recovered from a COVID-induced dip in 2020 to again exceed local submissions in 2022.

“For The Bahamas with a relatively weaker legal framework for IP protection as compared to Caribbean neighbours, a much larger portion of Bahamians opt for protection of IP

Grand Bahama because we haven’t gotten anything.” She added that constructing a proper international airport would be the start of rebuilding Grand Bahama’s economy.

“Nothing is going to happen until the Government takes this seriously and builds an airport. A proper international airport that doesn’t flood out every time there is a hurricane,” Ms Woon said.

“Without proper air service, why would people come? Now, with the limited air service we have, it’s so expensive to get to Freeport that people won’t even come because the ticket prices are outrageous. There’s only one flight to Freeport from Fort Lauderdale by Bahamasair a day when we used to have six flights.”

internationally as compared to Caribbean counterparts,” the Cabinet report said.

Abaco, which had to contend with Hurricane Dorian’s devastation as well as COVID, saw its GDP contribution increase by $20m year-over-year to $504m in 2023. The latter figure is still down on the $586m peak for the nine year-period that was generated in 2018 plus all years pre-Dorian. “The GDP of Abaco for 2023 showed an increase of $20m over 2022. The economy of Abaco indicated that it is recovering in spite of the twin disasters of Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic,” the BNSI report said.

“Although Abaco is still recovering from the damages to its infrastructure, the majority of the industries reported gains slightly above 2022. Abaco remains the third largest economy

“Over the period 2018 to 2022, a total of 7,275 trademark applications were made by Bahamians abroad, while only 4,205 patent applications were recorded domestically... Should the additional 3,070 applications have also been filed locally, Registrar General fees would have increased by more than $153,000 under the current fee structure.

in The Bahamas in 2023, representing 3.5 percent of the total GDP of The Bahamas.”

Daphne DeGregoryMiaoulis, Abaco’s Chamber of Commerce president, said the island’s economic rebound is due to local businesses and second home owners that chose to rebuild and reinvest into the island after their properties were destroyed. She said: “There are definitely visitors coming and they’re not finding Abaco a destroyed city. You know, they’re finding Abaco an improved city. We are very grateful for the investment in building up Marsh Harbour, in particular by the local Bahamian business persons, and the investments by the second home owners, especially on the cays.”

Among the sectors identified as benefiting from the proposed trademark and other IP reforms are producers of local jams,

lies and pepper sauces, plus locally produced

and the branding of Junkanoo products, bonefish

“Notably, over the same period, regional leaders in trademark applications include the Dominican Republic (58,007); Jamaica (14,902); Cuba (12,468) and Trinidad & Tobago (8,474).”

and Bahamian artists.


Cruise port: Straw vendor marketing deal at standstill

Speaking out after Straw Market vendors earlier this month complained they were receiving fewer customers following Nassau Cruise Port’s transformation, Mr Maura told this newspaper that record passenger arrivals numbers for the 2024 first-half means there is now “a bigger tourism pie that people are able to take a bit out of”.

For the six months to endJune 2024, Nassau received just shy of 2.8m cruise passenger visitors, representing a more than 542,000 increase upon the prior year’s 2.257m arrivals and close to an 800,000 increase on the preCOVID level of 2.012m set in the 2019 first half. In percentage terms, 2024’s first-half arrivals are 24.03 percent and 39.15 percent ahead of 2023 and 2019, respectively.

Mr Maura said the investment in expanding the cruise port’s capacity, so that it can accommodate six shipsincluding the largest cruise

vessels in the world - at the same time, and upgrading Nassau harbour’s waterfront have “materially resulted in a substantially larger number of guests for the first six months than we’ve ever had in the history of Nassau, the history of New Providence”.

“The pie is most certainly a bigger pie that people are able to take a bit out of,” he said, implying that there are more visitors than ever for straw vendors and other cruise-reliant businesses to benefit from. And Mr Maura said the Straw Market is also benefiting from how the cruise port has redesigned the departure and return of guests who go on waterborne excursions when in port. Prior to the redevelopment, Mr Maura said passengers both departed from, and returned, on the cruise port’s eastern side “having never visibly seen the building of the Straw Market or go into the Straw Market”. Now, following the redesign, while passengers

still depart from the port’s eastern side they return via boat to its western end, and thus have to pass the Straw Market when returning to their cruise vessel.

“Today, through that redesign, one million guests have a visual line of sight of the Straw Market as they return to the marina,” Mr Maura told Tribune Business. “They exit right in front of the Straw Market. Historically they would not have come back to the west.

“Our redesign of the passenger traffic now has approximately one million passengers that historically never would have had the opportunity to ‘see’ the Straw Market now returning from a water excursion to within 150 feet of the Straw Market.” Previously, these visitors would have been returned to the cruise port’s eastern side and gone back to their cruise ship without seeing the Straw Market and other attractions.

“We presently promote the Straw Market on large signs placed on the piers

and remain open to provide additional support,” Mr Maura added, as he detailed the status of talks with the Straw Market Authority. He explained that the two sides first met during the 2023 first half “to specifically discuss assisting the Straw Market with advertising a number of their vendors at the cruise port”.

The talks, according to Mr Maura, were prompted by the Straw Market “Board’s” concerns that the cruise port’s promotion of, and insistence on, only authentically Bahamian products being sold within its boundaries could have “unintended consequences” for the straw vendors.

“They had contacted us back around the start of the second quarter last year,” the Nassau Cruise Port chief said, “and shared - which we understood - a genuine concern that with all of our strong promotion around authentically Bahamian at the cruise port, which we are fully committed to and committed to marketing,

they felt it would have unintended consequences for them because some in the Straw Market do not have authentic products.

“An understanding, coming out of that discussion, was there was an agreement in that meeting that they would identify select persons that are members of the Straw Market business community and they would identify their functions and products, and what we would do is market those individuals at the Nassau Cruise Port.”

Mr Maura said Nassau Cruise Port had “offered to do this for free” provided the individuals selected “locally manufacture authentic Bahamian products”. He added: “More importantly, that advertising would help elevate the Straw Market as a showcase for Bahamian authentic products, and where you find these unique craftspersons and artisans.

Bahamas broker guilty of US legal violations

Exchange Act’s provisions, the jury found that on “a preponderance of the evidence” the SEC proved all securities law violations levied against the Bahamian broker/dealer and its principal.

Mr Gentile, not surprisingly, did not see it that way as he criticised Judge Torres’ jury instructions and legal changes that occurred during a trial where the SEC was “getting wrecked”. He asserted to Tribune Business: “This verdict will be reversed. The jury was given incorrect

instructions. I won this case in every aspect.

“Unfortunately, the court gave an incorrect definition of solicitation to the jury, which was never the definition of solicitation. The court even acknowledged this when it denied the SEC’s motion for summary judgment a few months

ago. I was shocked that, after a four-week trial, with the SEC getting wrecked, the law suddenly changed 30 minutes before jury deliberations.

“This new definition would obliterate any exemption from SEC registration. If this was the definition, SureTrader would never have serviced any US clients, meaning no foreign broker/dealer could ever have a US client without being registered with the SEC,” he added. “This would cause international financial disruption and would never hold up to appellate review.

“I am 100 percent confident the verdict will be vacated and the case dismissed for violation of due process. Unfortunately, litigation takes a long time. In my last case, it took eight years to finally defeat the SEC. The truth will always set you free, so despite the SEC’s sham case, this is far from over.”

The SEC, though, hailed the jury’s verdict which ended its more than threeyear pursuit of Mr Gentile and his Bahamian broker/ dealer in the south Florida court. It filed the initial lawsuit against them in March 2021.

“After a ten-day trial, a jury in the southern district of Florida found Guy Gentile, the founder, owner and chief executive of MintBroker International, formerly known as Swiss America Securities and doing business as SureTrader, liable as a control person of SureTrader, which operated as a broker-dealer in the US without being registered, in violation of the federal securities laws,” the SEC said.

“The jury also found Guy Gentile liable for inducing SureTrader’s registration violations.”

Sanjay Wadhwa, the SEC’s deputy enforcement director, added: “We are pleased with today’s swift jury verdict holding Gentile accountable for his violations. Registration requirements play a critical role in protecting investors.

“SureTrader’s years-long failure to register as a broker/dealer deprived investors of significant protections,

including SEC inspections, financial responsibility rules and recordkeeping requirements. This trial underscores that the Commission will continue to hold responsible those who seek to evade the registration requirements of the federal securities laws.”

Evidence provided by Bahamian whistleblowers, especially Philip Dorsett, MintBroker’s excompliance officer, and another former executive, Yaniv Frantz, featured prominently in the trial as well as documents provided by the broker/dealer’s former regulator, the Securities Commission of The Bahamas, and the Bahamian liquidators. Igal Wizman, the EY Bahamas accountant and partner, who together with his Cayman colleague, Eleanor Fisher, acts as MintBroker’s liquidator, revealed in a June 12, 2024, affidavit that they sent 484,488 files to the SEC in response to the latter’s request for judicial assistance. The information was provided under a Supreme Court Order obtained by the Attorney General’s Office.

Initially appointed as joint provisional liquidators, Mr Wizman alleged that he and Ms Fisher initially found it difficult to obtain MintBroker’s corporate books and records. “On April 20, 2020, Mr Gentile provided a change of name certificate for the company and referred to the company’s registered agent for the remaining requested documents,” he recalled.

“Despite numerous attempts to recover information, the joint provisional liquidators encountered challenges obtaining the company’s books and records. The joint provisional liquidators brought this to the court’s attention, leading to the judge instructing Mr Gentile to deliver the company’s records to the joint provisional liquidators by June 12, 2020.”

Davis & Co, MintBroker’s legal representatives, succeeded at the second attempt in providing many of the files requested. “On August 28, 2020, Davis &

“According to my marketing team, notwithstanding that a few meetings took place after the first, we have not received a list of candidates to feature or a schedule of when these interviews could begin,” Mr Maura continued.

“We remain very sincere in our desire to work with the Straw Market Authority and promote those individuals as previously agreed. We’re waiting on the information. We’re partners. We’re neighbours for sure. We’re the largest tourism gateway in the Bahamas given the volume of people who arrive at the Nassau Cruise Port.”

“It was agreed that the Straw Market Authority Board would connect us to their marketing representatives and share promotional materials. There were a couple of meetings that followed the initial one. The plan was they’d come back to us so we could see the persons they selected and interview them, but that never materialised. We didn’t get the list of people to interview..

Co provided the joint provisional liquidators with a Google Drive link to access certain books and records of the company, but the joint provisional liquidators encountered challenges accessing same,” Mr Wizman alleged.

“After extensive correspondence with Davis & Co, on September 2020, it sent an external hard drive to the joint provisional liquidators containing certain books and records of the company, specifically client information including KYC (know your customer) documents and trading information.”

Mr Gentile spent considerable time, during the preliminary legal sparring leading up to the jury trial, seeking to prevent more than 40,000 documents obtained by Mr Dorsett and Mr Franz from being used as evidence against him. His efforts ultimately proved unsuccessful, but he managed to succeed in creating hurdles for evidence supplied by the Securities Commission and MintBroker’s liquidators. The south Florida court, in a June 3, 2024, ruling found that documents provided from these two sources needed to be further “authenticated” before they could be introduced at trial in response to a legal motion from Mr Gentile.

Mr Gentile enjoyed a somewhat colourful stay in the Bahamas, with Tribune Business reporting in 2016 how he and his broker/ dealer, then-based in the Elizabeth on Bay Plaza on Bay Street, were allegedly used as “bait” by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to help snare numerous international securities fraudsters.

Mr Gentile claimed that he and his Bahamian businesses were “forced” to play key roles in undercover ‘sting’ operations targeting criminals earning millions of dollars from market manipulation scams.

Their participation even extended to the ‘bugging’, both by video and sound, of MintBroker’s Bahamian head office in a successful bid to gain evidence against a Canadian fraudster who subsequently pleaded guilty to the charges against him. He also attracted international media coverage after his Russian-born, model girlfriend, Kristina Kuchma, 24, in a fit of rage drove his Mercedes S400 hybrid into the pool at his Ocean Club home after he ended their 18-month relationship by text and allegedly reneged on a promise to provide $50,000 for one of her business ventures.

Mr Gentile and his company exited the Bahamas at end-2019 when faced with regulatory actions and investigations by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas. However, in so doing, he bought sufficient time to voluntarily wind-up he broker/dealer himself and remove all its assets from The Bahamas. That came after Philip Davis KC, then the Opposition’s leader, acting on Mr Gentile’s behalf filed a successful Judicial Review challenge that thwarted the Securities Commission’s efforts to take regulatory action against MintBroker for several months.

Major US carrier set to ‘drop’ GB in September

“Some people will go on Bahamasair to Fort Lauderdale, and change terminal and airline. But, if you want to have a seamless connectivity with major US carriers, that is what you will be doing.”

The Pelican Bay chief said American Airlines’ move, and its implications for Grand Bahama, were being discussed in tourism industry chat groups on social media.

Tribune Business checks of American Airlines flights and bookings for Freeport showed services through to August, but nothing for September, before they seemingly begin again in October. September is traditionally the slowest part of Bahamian tourism’s annual cycle, due to children heading back to school and it coinciding with peak hurricane season, and airlines typically reduce schedules during this period.

Mr Alnebeck, though, said that while reduced flight frequencies in September were common in the Out Islands this has never happened before in

Freeport. He added that it was another symptom of Grand Bahama’s present, reduced status as a tourism destination that lacked demand to maintain airlift volumes.

“That’s not uncommon for a lot of Family Islands that these flights stop at this time,” he told Tribune Business. “This is the first time it has happened to Grand

Bahama. I haven’t seen any statistics but I don’t think we are more than the fourth or fifth busiest airport in The Bahamas.

“We have more flights going into North Eleuthera and George Town and, of course, Nassau. We are definitely number four and I don’t know if, in the winter, Marsh Harbour beats us. That’s quite possible. It’s unfortunate. We need an

open hotel that will drive the demand so we get the airlift.” Asked whether the situation makes the Grand Lucayan’s sale more urgent, Mr Alnebeck said: “Absolutely. Absolutely.” Philip Davis KC has indicated several times in recent weeks, dating back to the Budget communication, that an announcement on a potential Grand Lucayan sale is imminent. Tribune


THE Biden administra-

tion is awarding nearly $2 billion in grants to General Motors, Stellantis and other carmakers to help restart or expand electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly sites in eight states, including the presidential battlegrounds of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

The Energy Department will issue grants totaling $1.7 billion to create or retain thousands of union jobs and support autobased communities that

have long driven the U.S. economy, the White House said Thursday. Besides the three battleground states, grants also will go to EV facilities in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland and Virginia.

The grants cover a broad range of the automotive supply chain, including parts for electric motorcycles and school buses, hybrid powertrains, heavyduty commercial truck batteries and electric SUVs, the White House said.

"Building a clean energy economy can and should be a win-win for union

autoworkers and automakers,'' President Joe Biden said in a statement. "This investment will create thousands of good-paying, union manufacturing jobs and retain even more — from Lansing, Michigan to Fort Valley, Georgia — by helping auto companies retool, reboot and rehire in the same factories and communities.''

GM said Thursday that its $500 million federal grant will help the company convert an assembly plant in Lansing, Michigan to produce EVs. GM has already announced over $12 billion

Business understands that his optimism may not be misplaced, with the Government on the verge of signing a sales agreement with a US-based group that has a strong casino and golf element in its offering.

It is thought the Prime Minister may say more within the next ten days to two weeks once a sales agreement is signed. The buyer will have to pay a deposit into an escrow account, normally between 5-10 percent of the purchase price, and then the two sides will have more work to close the deal following a period of enhanced due diligence and Heads of Agreement negotiations.

James Carey, the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce’s president, told Tribune Business he was unaware that American Airlines was “dropping” Grand Bahama temporarily in September, and voiced both surprise and disappointment at the decision.

“To my knowledge, and talking to people recently, they’ve been running fairly full flights in recent times,” he said. “Bahamians are travelling to Florida for

future of the auto industry is made in America by American union workers, Biden said.

in investments in its North American EV manufacturing and supply chain since 2020. That investment and the federal grant "underscore our commitment to U.S. leadership in manufacturing and innovation," said Camilo Ballesty, GM vice president of North America Manufacturing and Labor Relations.

The grants, paid for by the landmark 2022 climate law, will help deliver on his commitment to ensure the

"Workers that were left behind by my predecessor are now making a comeback with the support of my policies, including the conversion grants my administration is announcing today,'' the Democratic president said.

The grant announcement comes as Biden rejects calls to step aside after a disastrous debate performance last month. Biden, 81, has acknowledged his poor performance but has brushed it off as a "bad night,'' even as many congressional Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy

trips and connections. It’s not like they have an abundance of flights a day and have huge airlift. That does not spell good for us. That is going to create even more pressure on Bahamasair, which is the main airline flying to Fort Lauderdale from here.

“It certainly brings to focus the urgency of getting the hotel [the Grand Lucayan] sold and definite plans going for it. It’s not going to change what happens with American Airlines in September because the hotel will take some time to revive and for bookings to pick up.”

Tribune Business reported on Thursday how Grand Bahama’s contribution to the country’s total economic output fell by $452m, or 22.6 percent, over the nine years to end2023 to leave it as the sole island with a lower GDP than at COVID’s peak, and Mr Carey said: “That surprised me a little. Every time we take a step forward we take one-and-a-half back, it seems. When are we going to get some good news?”

Pelosi, have declined to give him a full vote of confidence.

Former President Donald Trump, meanwhile, has maintained a tight grip on the Republican party, even after becoming the first former president to be convicted of a felony. The grants announced Thursday come after a federal competition that included four times as many applicants as grant recipients, the Energy Department said. Officials declined to identify companies that unsuccessfully applied for grants, but said all projects that were awarded funding currently employ Americans working in union jobs in the U.S.


Lawsuit filed in case of teen who died after eating spicy chip as part of online challenge

A LAWSUIT was filed

Thursday against Hershey, Walgreens and several others in the case of a Massachusetts teen who died after he participated in a spicy tortilla chip challenge that was widely promoted on social media.

Harris Wolobah, a 10th grader from the city of Worcester, died Sept. 1, 2023, after eating the Paqui chip as part of the manufacturer's "One Chip Challenge." An autopsy found Wolobah died after eating a large quantity of chile pepper extract and also had a congenital heart defect.

Harris died of cardiopulmonary arrest "in the setting of recent ingestion of food substance with high capsaicin concentration," according to the autopsy from the Chief Office of the Medical Examiner. Capsaicin is the component that gives chile peppers their heat. The autopsy also said Harris had cardiomegaly, meaning an enlarged heart, and a congenital defect described as "myocardial bridging of the left anterior descending coronary artery."

"Today we filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of this wonderful family for the loss of their beloved

son, Harris," said Douglas Sheff, one of the attorneys representing the family in the lawsuit filed in Suffolk Superior Court. The lawsuit seeks a judgement determined by the court that would include punitive damages.

Sheff said the parties created "a perfect storm" that led to Wolobah's death that included Paqui producing the spicy chip and encouraging people to post videos of themselves eating the chip on social media while the lawsuit alleged Walgreens sold the "poisonous chip" to children. "The defendants charged about $10 for each chip, $10 for the chip that killed Harris, $10 for his life," Sheff said. "Isn't it clear that these defendants knew full well that this chip was unreasonably dangerous? And isn't this an obvious marketing campaign designed to attract kids to that very danger?"

Lois and Amos Wolobah, the parents of Harris, attended the news conference but did not speak. But at several points, Amos Wolobah appeared to become emotional and Lois seemed to blow a kiss to a photo that was shown of Harris.

The autopsy said Harris Wolobah had cardiomegaly, meaning an enlarged heart, and a congenital defect

described as "myocardial bridging of the left anterior descending coronary artery." But Sheff was adamant that had nothing to do with his death.

"The chip is what killed him," he said.

Paqui, a Texas-based subsidiary of the Hershey Co., has expressed its sadness about Wolobah's death but also cited the chip's "clear and prominent labeling highlighting that the product was not for children or anyone sensitive to spicy foods or with underlying health conditions."

The Paqui chip, sold individually for about $10, came wrapped in foil in a coffin-shaped box containing the warning that it was intended for the "vengeful pleasure of intense heat and pain." The warning noted that the chip was for adult consumption only, and should be kept out of the reach of children. After seeing reports of teens and others not heeding those warnings, the company said it worked with retailers to "voluntarily remove the product from shelves in September 2023, and the One Chip Challenge has been discontinued."

A spokesperson for Walgreens said it had no comment on the lawsuit while Hershey's did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Despite the warning, children had no problem buying the chips, and there had been reports from around the country of teens who got sick after taking part in the chip-eating challenge. Among them were three California high school students who were taken to a hospital and seven students in Minnesota who were treated by paramedics after taking part in the challenge in 2022. The challenge called for participants to eat the Paqui chip and then see how long they could go without consuming other food and water. Sales of the chip seemed largely driven by people posting videos on social media of them or their friends taking the challenge. They showed people, including children,

unwrapping the packaging, eating the chips and then reacting to the heat. Some videos showed people gagging, coughing and begging for water and the lawsuit cites scores of examples of people becoming sick after eating the chip.

Harris Wolobah's death spurred warnings from Massachusetts authorities and physicians, who cautioned that eating such spicy foods can have unintended consequences.

Since the chip fad emerged, poison control centers have warned that the concentrated amount could cause allergic reactions, trouble breathing, irregular heartbeats and even heart attacks or strokes.

Sheff said that the lawsuit aims to provide justice to the Wolobah family and serve as a warning "to all those who endanger our children."

THE PARENTS of a teen who died after eating a spicy chip, Lois and Amos Wolobah, participate in a press conference announcing the filing of a lawsuit in the case, Thursday, July 11, 2024, in Boston. Harris Wolobah, a 10th grader from the city of Worcester, died Sept. 1, 2023, after eating the Paqui chip as part of the manufacturer’s “One Chip Challenge.” Photos:Michael Casey/AP

A DOLLAR General store is seen, Aug. 3, 2017, in Luther, Okla. Dollar General has agreed to pay a $12 million fine and to improve conditions at its thousands of retail stores nationwide to make them safer for workers, the U.S. Department of Labor said Thursday, July 11, 2024.


DOLLAR General has agreed to pay a $12 million fine and improve conditions at its thousands of retail stores nationwide to make them safer for workers, the U.S. Department of Labor said Thursday. The discount retailer and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration reached the settlement to resolve alleged violations that included unsafe storage, blocked emergency exits and fire extinguishers, and inaccessible electrical panels.

If inspectors find similar problems in the future, Dollar General may be fined $100,000 a day for any that are not resolved within 48 hours, the agreement states.

"We are pleased to have reached an agreement with OSHA to resolve these matters," the company said in a statement. "We remain committed to ensuring a

safe working environment for our employees and a pleasant shopping experience for our customers."

The terms of the deal require Dollar General, which operates the nation's largest chain of dollar stores, to significantly reduce inventory and improve stocking to prevent such hazards. The company also must hire more safety managers and establish a health and safety committee with employee participation.

The agreement covers all of the Goodlettsville, Tennessee, company's 20,000 stores in the U.S. with the exception of its pOpshelf locations, the Labor Department said.

According to the Labor Department, Dollar General hired an outside consultant and an independent auditor to identify potential workplace hazards and to make recommendations for removing them.

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THE federal government announced a $241.5 million settlement with Marathon Oil on Thursday for alleged air quality violations at the company's oil and gas operations on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

The Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice said the settlement requires Marathon to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions from those facilities and will result in over 2.3 millions tons worth of pollution reduction.

"This historic settlement — the largest ever civil penalty for violations of the Clean Air Act at stationary sources — will ensure cleaner air for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and other communities in North Dakota, while holding Marathon accountable for its illegal pollution," said Attorney General Merrick Garland. Marathon officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Houston-based Marathon operates 169 well pads in North Dakota, where the company extracts oil and natural gas. A proposed consent decree for implementing the settlement says the company does not admit any liability over the allegations, but that the two sides agree it will avoid litigation and serve the public interest.

A spokesperson for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation based at the Fort Berthold Reservation did not immediately respond to a request for comment either.

While Marathon is the country's 22nd-largest oil producer based on 2022 data, the federal agencies said, it's also the seventh-largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions in the oil and gas industry. Much of its emissions come from flaring, the industry practice of burning waste gases, including methane, which the EPA says is 25 times more potent of a contributor to climate change than carbon dioxide. While flaring burns off methane and other pollutants, it's not completely efficient, so significant quantities still get released into the atmosphere, which the agencies said can have health impacts on nearby communities.

The settlement is part of an EPA climate change enforcement initiative that focuses in part on reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production and from landfills.

It calls for Marathon to eliminate the equivalent of over 2.25 million tons of carbon-dioxide emissions

over the next five years, which the agencies said was tantamount to taking 487,000 cars off the road for one year, and will also eliminate nearly 110,000 tons of volatile organic compound emissions, which contribute to asthma and other respiratory diseases.

"This settlement is a major win for the health and future of our Tribal communities, including people and families who are often overburdened by pollution," said KC Becker, the EPA's regional administrator. "As a result of the agreement, Marathon has and will continue to take comprehensive measures to come into compliance and reduce harmful emissions across hundreds of production sources. These investments will improve air quality and reduce respiratory illnesses across the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and western North Dakota."

The agencies said the case is the first of its kind against an oil and gas producer for "violations of major source emissions permitting requirements under the Clean Air Act's Prevention of Significant Deterioration program." They also said the $64.5 million civil penalty Marathon must pay is the largest-ever penalty imposed for "stationary source violations," which include facilities such as oil and gas tank systems.

The settlement is the largest of 12 similar efforts by the Biden administration to target emissions from the oil and gas industry, with a penalty that's more than double the 11 previous settlements combined, according to David Uhlmann, EPA assistant administrator for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.

Marathon also agreed to invest $177 million in extensive compliance measures, much of of it by the end of the year, that the agencies said will "significantly reduce" harmful emissions from 169 existing facilities on state land and on the reservation, as well as at new facilities built in North Dakota.

The settlement is part of a complaint and proposed consent decree officially filed Thursday in federal court in North Dakota.

The complaint alleges that Clean Air Act violations at nearly 90 Marathon facilities resulted in thousands of tons of illegal pollution. And it alleges that Marathon submitted artificially low estimates of its emissions to avoid permitting requirements.

The consent decree is subject to a 30-day public comment period, but the settlement was welcomed by environmental watchdogs.


NOTICE is hereby given that STEPHANIE UTILE of Faith Avenue North, Nassau, The Bahamas applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 5th day of July, 2024 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.


NOTICE is hereby given that ELENA MURRAY Garden-Well, Shirley Street, Nassau, The Bahamas applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 12th day of July, 2024 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.

Most of Wall Street climbs on encouraging inflation report, but Big Tech slumps

MOST U.S. stocks rose Thursday after the latest update on inflation bolstered Wall Street's belief that relief on interest rates may come as soon as September.

Four out of every five stocks in the S&P 500 index climbed, though pullbacks for Nvidia, Microsoft and a handful of other highly influential companies masked that underlying strength. Those giants have been the market's biggest winners amid a frenzy around artificial-intelligence technology, causing critics to say they had become too pricey, and they helped drag the S&P 500 down 0.9% from its all-time high set a day before.

The drops for Big Tech stocks also pulled the Nasdaq composite down 2% from its own record.

The drops broke seven-day winning streaks for both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq composite. The Dow Jones

Industrial Average, which has less of an emphasis on tech, rose 32 points, or 0.1%.

The direction was decidedly upward for the majority of stocks on Wall Street, particularly housing-related companies, real-estate owners and others that benefit from

easier interest rates. SBA Communications, which owns towers and other sites used for wireless communications infrastructure, jumped 7.5% for the biggest gain in the S&P 500.

Smaller companies that have lagged behind the market's behemoths for a while were also strong,

and the Russell 2000 index of smaller stocks leaped 3.6% to lead the market decisively. The shift is encouraging to some market watchers, who see it as healthier when more stocks are participating in a rising market instead of just an elite, dominant 1%.

The day's action was even stronger in the bond market, where yields tumbled as traders built bets for the Federal Reserve to soon begin lowering its main interest rate. It's been sitting for nearly a year at its highest level in more than two decades.

Wall Street wants lower interest rates to release pressure that's built up on the economy because of how expensive it's become to borrow money to buy houses, cars or anything on credit cards. Fed officials, though, have been saying they want to see "more good data" on inflation before making a move.

Wall Street saw Thursday's report, which showed milder price increases than

expected from a year earlier for gasoline, cars and other things U.S. consumers bought during June, as providing just that.

"One word: pivotal," said Lindsay Rosner, head of multi-sector investing within Goldman Sachs Asset Management. "With three inflation prints between this morning and September's Fed meeting, today's print was crucial in helping the Fed gain confidence inflation is still moving in the right direction."

Following the report's release, Treasury yields tumbled immediately. The yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped to 4.20% from 4.28% late Wednesday and from 4.70% in April. That's a major move for the bond market and provides a big lift for stock prices.

Lower yields helped realestate owners and utilities lead the way in the stock market. Falling bond yields make those stocks' relatively high dividends more

attractive to investors seeking income.

Real-estate investment trusts in the S&P 500, including SBA Communications, jumped 2.7% for the biggest gain among the 11 sectors that make up the index. Utility stocks were close behind with a gain of 1.8%.

Homebuilders were also strong on hopes that lower mortgage rates will juice the industry. D.R. Horton climbed 7.3%, and Lennar rose 6.9% for some of the biggest gains in the S&P 500. Mohawk Industries, which makes flooring for homes, jumped 7.4%.

Besides hopes for coming cuts to interest rates, expectations for strong profit growth have also pushed the U.S. stock market to its records. Analysts expect S&P 500 companies to deliver their best overall growth in more than two years this upcoming reporting season, according to FactSet, but it's getting off to a mixed start.

THE NEW York Stock Exchange is shown on July 10, 2024, in New York. World shares have forged ahead on Thursday, July 11, 2024, after another record-setting rally on Wall Street. Photo:Peter Morgan/AP

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