THE Water & Sewer age Corporation has seen a $2m reduction in customer arrears since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with monies owed to the company now said to be around $48m. In March, WSC officials revealed about $50m in unpaid bills were still owed to the corporation by delin quent customers.
PINEWOOD MP Myles Laroda says he has been informed that construction works on a new drainage system for his constituency will begin shortly after the completion of a 600ft well for the Plansarea.for the drilling project were announced in May by Works and Utilities Minister Alfred Sears, who said his ministry was on an aggressive campaign to fix the drainage systems in flood-prone zones in the capital, including Pinewood Gardens.“Wewill be introducing for the first time the drilling in a pilot area of Pinewood of a 600-foot well,” Mr Sears said during a press conference at the time.
PASTOR Carlos Reid, a consultant to the Min istry of National Security, has said the government’s “violence interrupters” ini tiative has not yet started, despite continued murders in the country. The homicide count now stands at 87, with two homi cides over the weekend. The latest incident hap pened at around 10am on Saturday at a residence on Kenilworth Street. The victim was a 57-year-old
By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Staff Reporter
Nassau & Bahama Islands’ Leading Newspaper
By EARYEL BOWLEG Tribune Staff Reporter
By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Staff Reporter
Officials also said at the time that some 45,625 cus tomers were behind on their payments and that the corporation would resume disconnections on March 28 earlier this year. Pressed for an update on the latest figures yester day, acting Chief Financial Officer Patrice Munroe said customer arrears had slightly decreased due to an increase of consumers paying down on their bills.
EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin said officials are in the process of hiring teachers as they seek to address shortages in critical areas in core subjects.Speaking on the side lines of the ministry’s annual public schools administrator’s conclave yesterday, the minister highlighted efforts made to hire new teachers as the opening of schools for the new year approaches. “We’re hiring many, many teachers in this upcoming season,” Mrs Hanna Martin told report ers. “So, the hiring is well under way. We’re seeking to address shortages in crit ical areas in core subjects. It’s a challenge. The teacher shortage is happening glob ally so The Bahamas will not be excluded from that. “We’re subjected to the same challenges as nurses, but we’re trying our utmost to actively and proactively to recruit teachers to take office in the ensuing days, weeks, and months ahead.” Bahamas Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson had pre viously told teachers to get ready to take indus trial action on August 22, insisting the government has had ample time to bring closure to matters of concern for educators. WILL
Photo: Elvins Cadet YOUNG
SAMARITAN’S Feet in collaboration with a United Kingdom men’s basketball team distributed more than 250 new shoes and socks to inner-city children from five urban cen tres on Friday. The initiative, at the Baha Mar Ballroom, was sponsored by the University of Kentucky Basketball men’s team. Samaritan’s Feet International - Living Water Assembly and Creative Christian Art Min istries –coordinated the event. Various local officials also attended.
MORE than a dozen heads of state will gather at Baha Mar today for highlevel dialogue on climate change for the Caribbean. The two-day summit, ending Wednesday, is hosted by The Bahamas on behalf of the Caribbean’s Small Island Developing States.Invited participants include the Head of State, plus one, from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Domini can Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Gren adines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. They are seeking to build relationships and achieve collective goals. “Under the Paris Agree ment, the international community made new and more ambitious pledges that collectively aim to limit the global average tempera ture increase to 1.5 degrees above pre industrial levels; increase parties’ ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster greater climate resilience and low-GHG emissions development; and make finance flows consistent with these objec tives,” event organisers said in a “Thestatement.scientific findings from the recent IPCC 6th Assessment Reports sent out a clear signal of urgency. The global temperature goal is critical for small island developing States (SIDS) given their high vulnerability to increased climate impacts. Collective action is urgently needed to make the large-scale transformation required to contain global warming and to achieve a more sustain able and climate-resilient future.“COP26 in Glasgow affirmed the collective determination to respond to this by shifting the focus from negotiation to imple mentation. For SIDS, sustainable energy, adap tation and resilience, risk management, and means of implementation are at the core of the climate action agenda.”Itwas also noted: “Faced with the multiple challenges of economic vulnerability, the ongoing pressure from the global COVID-19 pan demic, and rising global inflation of food, energy and housing costs, this Dialogue is intended to sow the seeds for enhanced climate action and support in the region. Over the two days, the Dia logue seeks to move beyond discussion and identify con crete ways forward to enable and strengthen the regional response to the existential threat of climate change.
PAGE 2, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
“Participation by the COP27 President Des ignate, the COP26 and COP27 High-Level Cham pions and the UNFCCC secretariat in the event will help foster momen tum on the road to COP27 and provide one avenue for communicating key messages, actions and activ ities that emerge from the discussions.”Thedialogue will also involve a number of other invited guests including UN agencies, international financial institutions, cli mate-related transparency initiatives, donor countries and implementing partners, and other non-state actors. The objective of the dialogue is to promote understanding and aware ness of key issues and concerns within the region in order to forge a path forward that nurtures con tinued cooperation, reflects national perspectives, addresses regional priori ties and generates climate solutions on the ground. To achieve this objec tive, the two-day event will foster a futurethistotable,beregion,,conDiscussionswillorganisedacrossfoursessionscovermitigation,adaptation,andcross-cuttingAfteraninitiallightroundofintroductoryanddiscussionexpertsactiveintheallparticipantswillinvited,througharoundhigh-leveldialogue,explorewaystobuildonexperienceandidentifyopportunities.
Climate conference at Baha Mar today
She also noted that the company continues to work with people who are behind on their “Duringpayments.the COVID period, we have had a number of customers that were not paying their water bills and since Water and Sewerage was given a mandate, because of the essential need for potable water, not to disconnect (and) that was lifted and so now we can disconnect so we see more customers coming in and making pay ments on their accounts,” she“Oursaid.current receivables is around $48m. It has been reduced since COVID. Customers are paying and we are reaching out to them to encourage them to pay theirDuringbills.” the COVID-19 pandemic, the company suspended disconnections to help people cope with the global crisis that brought economies, including The Bahamas’ to a screeching halt.Disconnections have resumed since then, how ever, it is not clear how many disconnection exer cises have been carried out by the company to date. Yesterday, WSC chair man Sylvanus Petty spoke to the company’s efforts to reduce its $40m debt owed to its major reverse osmosis suppliers since Hurricane Dorian struck in 2019. “It’s been paid down sig nificantly,” he said when asked for an update yes terday. “I think we are in arrears of only about $13m so we have made great strides in paying our bills.” He was also asked to address complaints from Abaco residents about the island’s inconsistent water supply, with some locals lamenting interruption of water services as a daily occurrence.“Wehave a new (water) system in place right now. We’re just trying to cri tique the system. We have a million-gallon storage tank right now that’s in use. We have the commissioning on September 1 if I’m not mis taken,” Mr Petty said. “It’s a new project. It’s a solar farm actually that pow ered the water system and I think that’s the first in The Bahamas so one of the things that we’re having right now is the system, it’s computerised so we’re having challenges with the computers and get ting sufficient power so once that’s all sorted out within the next few days or so, we should have that up and running and so the water challenges in Abaco should be no more.”
The dead were first spot ted by tourists in a 55ft chartered catamaran. The tourists saw two floating bodies and sent a mayday signal, accord ing to Troy Albury, 48, head of Bahamas Air Sea Rescue Association on Guana Cay and the first rescuer on the scene. The incident was the deadliest migrant ship wreck in Bahamian waters since 2013 when at least 30 Haitians perished on an overloaded boat headed for the United States. At the time, 110 people were res cued, including 19 women. HAITIAN MIGRANTS END OF MONTH’
FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard, alongside the party’s St Barnabas Associa tion We Care Team and the FNM’s crime prevention and anti-violence team conducted a walkabout in the constituency to raise awareness of crime and its effects on the commu nities in our Shanendonnation.Cartwright, St Barna bas MP gave his full support and was happy that the FNM crime preven tion team chose his constituency to be the first community for this initiative. The team last week went into hotspot areas where crime is at an all-time high to engage with resi dents and have conversations with them. The aim was to offer solu tions by connecting individuals to the resources that are accessible for them to receive assistance for education programmes, social assis tance, hotlines, and counselling.
$48m owed to WSC as it turns off taps
“The only agency [that] has expe rience with that is the Water and Sewerage Corporation at their Glad stone Road water treatment facility. “So, that is something we have never applied in the civil design of drainage, and it will be piloted this year.”Pinewood has been prone to heavy flooding for years. In 2013, then area MP Khaalis Rolle said a new drainage system for the area could cost the government as much as $13m. He started plans for the new drain age system, however, the initiative was never carried out under the last Christie administration. In August 2019, former area MP Reuben Rahming said more drains would be installed in the area, but warned drains are not a “panacea” for the issue. At the time, he estimated $10m was needed to address the flooding issue in Pinewood — money which he said could not be allocated at the time. When asked for an update on drainage plans for Pinewood yes terday, Mr Laroda, who is also the state minister with responsibility for disaster preparedness, said: “I spoke with the minister of works about the matter. Without a definite plan, I was told that once the 600 feet test well is finished, work should commence ‘shortly thereafter’.”
The party said an interven tion is needed in communities to reduce the high crime rate, which is trending.Theteam encouraged more peaceful interactions between our citizens and ultimately safer com munities in our country.
from page one
Tribune Staff Reporter from page
The FNM said in these hard times, everyone is under stress and some are facing dark realities alone. The crime prevision team rec ognises this and is committed to showing people in the community that they are not alone by offering moral and physical support.
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 3
CONSULTANT Louby Georges says officials are hopeful that by the end of the month a memorial will be held for the Hai tian migrants who died in a human smuggling incident last month when the boat they were on capsized. However, he said the final decision rests in the hands of the Ministry of Foreign affairs in Haiti. “The sooner the better but there’s a certain process again that we have (to) go through, which is ongoing as we speak,” Mr Georges told The Tribune yesterday. “I would say that we are maybe in the final stages. If you chose a funeral home then you know that the funeral home has to go to that morgue at that hospital (to) retrieve the bodies to begin to prepare the bodies for a funeral. So, hopefully by the end of this month it will be done.” He added: “Well right now what I understand is going on in terms of the process is (the) quotes have been sent. So, by tomor row or Wednesday will be the day or this week will be the last day for quotes to go over to Haiti from various funeral homes through the embassy and the govern ment in Haiti is going to make a decision on which funeral home or homes they’re going to go with. “And they decided to go about it this way because the now minister of foreign affairs for Haiti is a former ambassador to The Baha mas or Chargé d’affaires to The Bahamas, he was once here and when he was here serving at the embassy he recalls that there was a tragedy and where the community or the embassy dealt with the funeral and you know it was done in poor taste to say the least.” He added: “They were not happy with it. The bodies were in some severe decomposed state, I mean from the funeral home on to the cemetery. The smell wasMrunbearable.”Georgesrecalled that the incident was about five to six years ago. He noted the funeral home was led by a Haitian citizen. “I don’t know what the cause was, but it was done in poor taste. They were laid to rest in wooden boxes which seemed to be made out of plywood. Clearly, they were not suitable caskets that I don’t think anyone would want their family members to be buried in.”
The consultant previ ously revealed the Haitian government has committed to cover the burial costs of those who perished at sea after their boat capsized in waters off New Providence. The boating tragedy left 17 Haitian migrants, includ ing a pregnant woman, dead last month. Back in 2019, officials said 27 Haitians died and 18 survived after their boat hit a reef in early February. Haitian survivors of the shipwreck told rescuers they were at sea for seven days when all hell broke loose near the Abaco cays. The vessel struck a reef well known to be dangerous and the boat dis integrated into two halves, volunteer rescuers told this newspaper.
She said a meeting will be held to get feedback from educators on the govern ment’s financial proposal to the BUT. The union leader made the comments after she explained that the union was closer “than we’ve ever been to concluding this full industrial agreement”.
The Tribune canvassed some parents who expressed their dis pleasure with the holiday being delayed. A mother of two who did not wish to be named said: “I’m definitely not happy about it. As far as I knew it was supposed to begin today. I’m shopping in anticipation of having that VAT reduction. It is quite surprising that we still have to pay VAT today. Even though I kind of pushed it back last week, when I heard it began on the 15th. I wanted to make sure that I was able to do some savings by waiting until today.”The mother said she is very disappointed in the timeframe being moved, especially as some schools are already open. She added that buying books is challenging with some text books being limited in stock and hard to find. “So, it’s a lot of factors to take into account with the government pushing the plan backwards,” she said. Another mother of a fourth grader said the gov ernment needs to be a little moreShe“considerate”.saidifparents can save on buying books it would be a great help because students desperately need sup plies for school. The mother stressed every year the price of textbooks increases, which makes back to school shopping even more challenging. She believes the VAT holiday should have been implemented from the beginning of August when most parents start prepar ing and shopping for the academic school year. The mother of a fourth grader described the gov ernment postponing the holiday as just bad timing. Other parents posted their sentiments on social media, with one saying: “Why change the original date issued to two weeks before school opens?” “Are you suggesting that in order to get VAT relief, everyone should wait last minute to shop for their children? Who is this ben efitting? Certainly not the parents who wish to find items on the shelves.”
THREE men were arraigned in Magistrate’s Court yesterday on separate charges of armed robbery andAndrehousebreaking.Lightbourn, 27, and Luther Delancy, 18, appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain on a shared charge of armed robbery. On July 15 in New Provi dence, the two are accused of robbing Sherika Gibson at the point of a handgun. The two are further said to have stolen Gibson’s $5,500 brown Nissan Cube and $48 in Ascash.the charge is an indictable offence, neither accused was required to enter a plea and were informed that their case would proceed by way of a Voluntary Bill of Indictment (VBI). The two accused were then told that they would have to apply to the Supreme Court for bail. Until bail is granted, they will be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. Both accused are expected to be served their VBIs on November 24. Nathaniel Munroe, 54, also appeared before Mag istrate Swain on charges of housebreaking and stealing. Between 1 and 1.30pm on August 4, Munroe is accused of breaking into Patrick Taylor’s residence on Palmetto Avenue and stealing $600 in cash. The accused pleaded not guilty to both charges. With no objections to bail from Prosecutor Inspec tor Lincoln McKenzie, $3,000 bail was granted with oneMunroe’ssurety. trial will start on November 10.
PAGE 4, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
Viewing will be held at the Serenity Suite at Restview Memorial Mortuary and Crematorium Limited, Robinson and Soldier Roads on (TODAY) Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
‘We will hire more teachers’
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Court Reporter
A MAN has been accused of having sex with a girl 11 times over almost a year when she was aged 12 and then 13 years old. The man was remanded in Magistrate’s Court as he stood accused of the series of offences in the Berry Islands.Jakyle Barry, 20, represented by attorney Phillip Hilton, faced Acting Chief Magistrate Subu sola Swain on 11 counts of unlawful sexual intercourse. Between August 1, 2021, and April 31, 2022, while in the Berry Islands, Barry is accused of having unlawful sexual intercourse 11 times with a female minor. Due to the gravity of the offence, the accused was not required to enter a plea in court. He was informed that his case would proceed by way of a Voluntary Bill of Indictment (VBI). While Barry was denied bail in the Magistrate’s Court, he was told he could apply for it through the Supreme Court, where his case will be heard. Until then he will be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. Barry is to return to court for service of his VBI on November 23.
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Court Reporter from page one ATTENDEES at the education conclave yesterday. Photo: Austin Fernander Funeral Service For Brent Irvin Mackey, 49 affectionately called “Bradley” of Bowen Sound, Central Andros passed away on Wednesday, August 10th, 2022 in Central Andros will be held at Five Porches of Deliverance Centre Apostolic Tabernacle Church, Market Street and Poinciana Avenue on Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Officiating will be Prophet Leo A. Adderley of Great Assignment Kingdom Ministries assisted by Elder Anthony Forbes and other ministers of the gospel. Cremation will follow.
Asked about the negotiations, the minister said she was not directly involved in the negotiations so she did not know what the specifics were. However, the minister added that she certainly knew the nation was very interested and concerned for young people to get back in school. “I’m trusting that this process will end in a way in which we can get our children back into school on the 29 of August, 2022,” sheShesaid.also noted that the commission to review the high school diploma is to begin its work next week. During her earlier remarks at the conclave, she explained the effects of the pandemic and trying to reach students. She expressed optimism for the education sector. “It is a privilege and an esteemed honour to be at the forefront of this noble and critical endeavour. Education is at the founda tion of our progress and our prosperity and our national happiness. It does not exist in a silo or simply resident in a ministry or in a single classroom or as a discrete exercise. It is the central core of our nation’s hopes and dreams and aspirations and our collective identity. I is key to our national devel opment. So, you see why it is so important that we do this right,” she said. “There is no place or space for mediocrity, idle ness, or personal conflicts. At no stage of the so-called hierarchy, and that includes the teachers, should we be viewed as warring fac tions at odds with various stakeholder groups in this critical enterprise. “The situation is too urgent, too vital, and too important for that. You as leader in a not so easy endeavour have what I know is not so easy a task, but you are nevertheless and especially called upon to be equipped and pre pared to be responsive, to be ahead of the game if I may use that terminology for such a serious task.”
THE government’s deci sion to push back the VAT Holiday for back-to-school shopping was criticised by the Free National Move ment and has caused frustration among some parents.Lastyear, the VAT holi day began on August 16 and lasted through to Sep temberHowever,6. this year, the event is from August 22 to SeptemberMeanwhile,11. government schools will open this year on August 29, with at least one private school opening its doors yesterday. In a press statement released on Sunday, FNM leader Michael Pin tard noted the change and castigated the Davis administration for being disorganised leading to the VAT holiday’s launch being botched.Hesaid: “While the gov ernment has provided no explanation, we can only surmise that this is yet another example of poor public policy execution by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The public is fully aware that the government never committed to doing the VAT back-to-school holiday period during the budget exercise or at any point afterward, even after the FNM asked about it. “It is only on the insist ence of the FNM’s inquiry that the government was embarrassed into doing the right thing. True to form, because the Davis admin istration is chronically late and disorganised, they botched the launch date and did not give merchants sufficient time to adjust their systems. Now with out any apology, they have adjusted the dates, giving parents insufficient notice and time to take advantage of this important initiative for Bahamian parents. “We in the FNM are pleased that the govern ment took our advice and extended the VAT backto-school programme for the third year. However, we call on them to get serious about govern ance and to get themselves organised and focused on delivering help for Baha mians, as opposed to their busy schedule of interna tional travel and posing for public relations photo-ops. “We also call on the Davis administration to embrace our other rec ommendations to reduce gasoline tax in the near term, and to eliminate the VAT on bread basket items, medicine, and baby supplies. To pay for these tax concessions, we demand that they abandon their illegal removal of tax on yachts and that they put back in place the 12 per cent VAT on real estate overYesterday,$2m.”
NEARLY five years after Hur ricane Irma ravaged Ragged Island, residents have mixed emotions about the infrastructure development so far on the Irmaisland.destroyed the island in Sep tember 2017 and since then the island has struggled to return to normal. Government essential services, such as a school, clinic, or police station, among other things, remain absent. During a visit to the island on Friday, The Tribune canvassed various residents to get their view on the pro gress made thus far. Ricardo Curling, who was born and raised in Ragged Island, said the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has made little to no progress by compari son to the last administration. “The PLP has done nothing for this land,” he told The Tribune. “The PLP has done absolutely nothing for this land. They are riding off of FNM things.”Another resident, Amal Smith, said he is happy with what has been done, however, he believes more can be done.“Iam happy with what they have done,” he said, “but I believe that more can be done as we still need a police station, administrative building, along with the post. “As far as I am concerned, they are doing the best they can right now.”
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 5
At a press conference held to announce the event, Water & Sewerage Corpo ration chairman Sylvanus Petty said this year’s con ference will focus on water security and ingtheofwebeFamilysaidencecourse,theapproachtakingwayPettyregionalBahamasissue,water“Sustainablesustainability.waterandsourcesremainannotforjustThebutalsoforourneighbours,”Mrsaid.“Ourowntrueforwardisnotjustanintersectionalbutalsoinvolvesprivatesectorandofthegeneralpublic.”“Thisbringstheconferintofocus.”HereinTheBahamas,hewatersupplyatseveralIslandscontinuestoachallenge.“IntheFamilyIslands,havechallengesbecausesupply.That’soneofthingsweareaddressrightnowandafter
THE Grand Bahama Port Authority says it is ready to facilitate a new negotia tion process between Gold Rock and Grand Bahama Development Company (DevCO).GBPAbelieves the clo sure of the Gold Rock Company and its sister businesses is not in the best interest of Grand Bahama.“Ithas always been the position of the principals, shareholders and manage ment of the Grand Bahama Port Authority that the closure of the Gold Rock Company and its sister businesses is not in the best interests of Grand Bahama,” the Port Author ity said in a press release yesterday.“Ithas always been the position of the principals, shareholders and manage ment of the Grand Bahama Port Authority that the closure of the Gold Rock Company and its sister businesses is not in the best interests of Grand Bahama.”According to the Port Authority, DevCO has been and remains open to further discussions with Gold Rock’s principals in the hopes of charting a pro ductive way forward. In an official press release GBPA said: “The Port Authority acknowl edges and accepts a concern on the part of DEVCO that the terms of its former agreement with Gold Rock unfairly privi leged one licensee over others.“Aspreviously stated, we also regret attempts to mis characterise GBPA’s role in this matter, in an effort to gain a negotiating advan tage. Our responsibility is to protect the interests of all licensees and promote the well-being of the Grand Bahama community as a whole.”The Port Authority hopes the matter can still be “resolved amicably”. “In keeping with this mandate, we express our sincere hope that this matter can still be resolved amicably,” GBPA. “We are certain that through further negotiation in the spirit of good faith, a new agree ment can be concluded that is equitable and beneficial to all Earlierinvolved.”thismonth, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis implored Gold Rock’s owners to “spend every effort” to resolve their differences with the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) and its affiliates despite signs that the impasse cannot be resolved.Ina statement issued by Clint Watson, his press secretary, Mr Davis said he had updated his Cabinet after speaking with Gold Rock’s owners, the Floridabased Del Zotto family, in an effort to convince them to reverse their deci sion to exit Grand Bahama and leave an estimated 130 Bahamians without a job. The Prime Minister said he had indicated they should seek to resolve the dispute with the GBPA and DevCO so that their concrete manufactur ing, hardware and home furnishings and accesso ries businesses remain in operation for the benefit of Grand Bahama’s economy and its However,people.the Del Zottos replied that their rela tionship with question”overallandFreeport,“theRockMcAlpineaster’smatter.”everyDelissues,takennotingDavissiderwe’veIt’sBahamian“Regrettablyitdownityquasi-governmentalFreeport’sauthorandDevCohadbrokentothepointwherewaslikelyirretrievable.anumberofjobswerelost.themainreasonwhyaskedthemtorecontheirposition,”Mrsaidinastatement,thepublicpositionsbybothsides.Despitetheverydifficultagain,weaskedtheZottofamilytospendefforttoresolvetheThePrimeMinisinterventioncameformerMPFredericksaidtheGoldepisodebroughtGBPA’srelevancy”toGrandBahamaitsroleintheisland’sdevelopment“intoagain.
By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Staff Reporter man of South Beach Estates.Thesecond incident left one man dead and another hospitalised in stable condition.Theshooting reportedly occurred at around 10pm on Friday outside a store off Soldier Road. In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Pastor Reid explained that once the programme is up and running it will help reduce crime in the country. “You know, a lot of what we are seeing are vigi lante killings, retaliation killings, and if you follow the murders, a lot of the murders are persons who were released from jail and people who were charged with similar offences,” he said. “So, we believe that if we could get swift justice, where persons are brought to court in a timely time then we won’t have the amount of killings we are seeing right now. “I believe that if we could get all those components where we get swift justice moving, we get violence interrupters moving, and our intervention and pre vention programmes. If we got all of these pro grammes, these initiatives working simultaneously, I believe that we could see a reduction in the amount of murders that we are seeing in our Whenstreets.”asked about the time frame for the pro gramme, Pastor Reid said he believes in short order the Prime Minister is going to give the nod to move forward with implementing the initiative. He also noted they have a number of programmes that they are working on and some that have already started.
“I thought by this year the school would have been finished because we have young kids that need to be in school,” she said. “Definitely we need this clinic to hurry up and finish, we have no nurse. It’s going to be six years without a nurse.”
THE Bahamas will host the 31st annual Caribbean Water and Waste-water Association Conference in October, it was announced yesterday.Theconference will take place between October 17 and 21 at the Atlantis Resort and will be attended by Caribbean industry professionals, inclusive of regional ministers respon sible for water works and waste in their respective countries.Between 150 to 300 del egates are expected to attend this year’s confer ence, which is being held under the theme “Recovery and Evolution: Regional Actions for Global Sustain ability in the Water and Waste Sectors.”
GBPA to talk disputeGoldinRock
According to residents on the island, Friday was the first time Prime Minister Phillip ‘Brave’ Davis and the MP for the island, Chester Cooper have visited for the year. Despite the claims of the residents, in his speech during Bahamas Power and Light’s solar micro grid ceremony last week Friday, Mr Cooper said the government is committed to continue rebuilding the island. Mr Cooper told reporters in Ragged Island that repairs for the school are “almost” completed, however, the school will not be in operation for September.Hesaid: “Well the school is almost completed. We were hoping that they would be ready for school this September. We might need to look at a makeshift solution working with the ministry of works and the ministry of education to cause it to happen.” He said that the school’s opening was a matter of “putting on the finish ingBeforetouches”.the hurricane, the popula tion of the island was 100, however it has currently declined to approxi mately 60 to 65 persons, according to the minister of Exuma and Ragged Island.“Iwould say it is in the region of 60 to 65 persons at the moment. Just before the hurricane, it was about 100.”He also clarified that the island would have a nurse on the island as of “mid-September”.“Youwillhave a nurse here by mid-September,” he said. “We have identified your nurse and we only need to get her here and she will be here during the month of September.”
When asked by The Tribune what words of advice would he offer the government he said: “My thing is they could come over here and see, it would show them that we really need the help and more can be done.” Sharing a similar view, Latoya Curling said she is satisfied with the repairs, but agreed more could be done.
Pastor Reid stressed that they want to get it started because the police alone cannot solve the issue of crime or stop the level of retaliation. Through this initiative it is hoped there will be a shift in the number of murders happening on a regular basis. He added: “If we could get the communities involved, persons from these communities, we believe that it’ll go a long way in us stemming the tide of murders in this country.”
PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis arriving on Ragged Island last week.
Photos: Moise Amisial RICARDO Curling speaking to The Tribune on Ragged Island. ISLAND RESIDENTS
this conference, we have a board meeting that we have to address a few issues (because) especially in Eleuthera, it’s a vexing issue that we have right now.” “So, we’re trying to put some things in place so within the next three to four months, we should have those situations sorted out.”President of CWWA Marlon Daniels expressed gratitude to the Bahamian government for agreeing to host this year’s confer ence, which will be the first in person event since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.Hesaid the conference will not only allow regional heads to address challenges faced by the industry, but also share their views about re-energising the sector in a post COVID environment. Also there will be technical training exercises and workshops for profes sionals in the water and waste“Weindustry.arevery thankful to the government and people of The Bahamas and to the chair, the board, and the management of WCS for agreeing to host this 31st conference,” Mr Daniels added.“Itis the first in person conference post COVID so we couldn’t think of a better location than The Bahamas to host it. For The Bahamas, I think this is the fifth conference so we do recognise the expertise to hold and organise events of thisFornature.”his part, CWWA executive director Wayne Williams said he was look ing forward to the event which he dubbed the “reunion”.“We’relooking forward to a lot of great things here in The Bahamas as usual. You guys are very welcoming, very professional,” he said. “We have a lot of spon sors. We have a lot of exhibitors already. We have a lot of papers. We have over 60 something papers. People want to come and we’re very pleased with that.”
EDITOR, The Tribune I HAVE just invested almost two hours on my computer, “participating” in a town meeting about the 4 ‘skyscrapers’ that are planned for construction in Lyford Cay. The audio was so poor that I understood very little of what was said. If this project is allowed to go ahead, it will set a potentially dangerous precedent, which could result in more high-rise build ings in an area very close to the runways at our international airport, places like Old Fort, Charlottesville, and the Airport IndustrialAirplanesPark.on final approach to land ing on Runway 10 fly directly over Lyford Cay’s harbour, about a quarter of a mile away from the building site. Similarly, airplanes taking off from Runway 28 pass along this same route.
FRANK GILBERT AugustNassau, 12, 2022.
TAIWAN is high on the summer travel list for US members of Congress on their August recess this year, as US lawmakers make a point of asserting American support for the self-governed island despite objections from China. The payoff photos from this week’s five-member congressional visit, like that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi less than two weeks earlier, are meant as a pointed message to China: newly arrived lawmakers disembarking on the tarmac of Taipei’s international airport, greeted by beaming Taiwanese officials glad for the American support. Sen Ed Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, on Monday was wrapping up the second US congressional delega tion there this month. Pelosi had been the most senior US official in a quartercentury to visit Taiwan, underscoring the longstanding US policy of solidarity with the island’s democratically elected leaders.China claims Taiwan as part of its ter ritory. It views any visit by US officials as a recognition of the island’s sovereignty. So far, China’s response to Markey’s delegation has been more restrained than that of two weeks ago, when Bei jing launched days of intensive military maneuvers around Taiwan and froze some ties with the US government over Pelosi’s visit. A look at some key questions about US lawmakers’ Taiwan trips, and why they matter.
HOW DID CHINA REACT? China responded to news of Markey’s five-member US congressional delega tion by announcing new drills in the seas and skies surrounding Taiwan. It was not clear if the new drills had already started. Officials gave no details about where and when they would be conducted.WhenPelosi visited, Beijing fired mis siles over the island and into the Taiwan Strait and sent warplanes and navy ships across the waterway’s midline, long a buffer between the sides. “China will take resolute and strong measures to defend national sov ereignty and territorial integrity,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily briefing Monday. “A handful of US politicians, in collusion with the separatist forces of Taiwan independence, are trying to challenge the one-China principle, which is out of their depth and doomed to failure.”
Why US Taiwan trips keep riling China
The Tribune Limited NULLIUS ADDICTUS JURARE IN VERBA MAGISTRI “Being Bound to Swear to The Dogmas of No Master” LEON E. H. DUPUCH, Publisher/Editor 1903-1914 SIR ETIENNE DUPUCH, Kt., O.B.E., K.M., K.C.S.G., (Hon.) LL.D., D.Litt . Publisher/Editor 1919-1972 Contributing Editor 1972-1991 EILEEN DUPUCH CARRON, C.M.G., M.S., B.A., LL.B. Publisher/Editor 1972Published daily Monday to Friday Shirley & Deveaux Streets, Nassau, Bahamas N3207 TELEPHONES News & General Information (242) 322-1986 Advertising Manager (242) 502-2394 Circulation Department (242) 502-2386 Nassau fax (242) 328-2398 Freeport, Grand Bahama (242)-352-6608 Freeport fax (242) 352-9348 WEBSITE, TWITTER & FACEBOOK @tribune242 tribune news network PAGE 6, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
PAUL C. ARANHA 16,2022
Concerns developmentat
PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis with children in New Bight, Cat Island, during the launch of the Park Connect Free Wi-Fi project. He said he was “so pleased” to launch the nationwide initiative at the New Bight Regatta Park in the island where he grew up – Cat Island. Photo: Eric Rose/BIS
WHY DID MORE LAWMAK ERS TRAVEL TO TAIWAN THIS MONTH? Partly, to show they can, and will. Pelosi framed her trip to Taiwan as part of an obligation by American leaders to stand up for the world’s democratic movements against authoritarian gov ernments. The mission itself is in many ways the message for lawmakers — demonstrating vividly that they will maintain US ties with Taiwan despite threats from China, which under Presi dent Xi Jinping is growing ever more confrontational in making broad territo rial claims in the region. Taiwan and mainland China split during a civil war in 1949. But China claims the island as its own territory and has not ruled out using military force to takeTheit. US recognises Beijing as the government of China but maintains informal diplomatic, defense and trade ties with democratic Taiwan. Markey, a congressional veteran of more than 40 years, was one of the sign ers of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act. The law pledged ongoing US relations with the MeetingTaiwanese.withPresident Tsai Ing-wen on Sunday, Markey pledged “support for peace and stability in Taiwan as they face growing authoritarian pressure from Beijing,” according to a statement from his office. But Markey also expressed the US desire to avoid unnecessary conflict in the region, and praised Taiwan for its restraint as tensions with China rose over Pelosi’s trip.
President Joe Biden called Chi na’s unusually aggressive response to Pelosi’s visit unwarranted, saying that the US is sticking with its decades-old “one-China” policy. That includes no intention of recognizing Taiwan as inde pendent, but also no support for any effort by China to change the status quo between Taipei and Beijing. The latest congressional delega tion traveled with far less attention than Pelosi’s did, and the White House likewise has been quieter. It hasn’t commented, but State Department spokesman Ned Price was asked about it Monday.“Anyresponse to a peaceful visit by members of Congress, any response that entails bellicose rhetoric or mili tary maneuvers or provocative actions is totally unnecessary, and an absolute overreaction,” Price said. Kurt Campbell, Biden’s coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs, underscored late last week the US will keep taking steps of its own in the weeks and months ahead to demonstrate and deepen sup port for Taiwanese leaders. That includes an upcoming announce ment on Taiwan-US trade, and US military movements through the Taiwan Strait. ARE THE CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATIONS TO TAIWAN UNUSUAL? Not at all. Price said there have been ten this year alone. With one notable exception — Pelosi’s — they take place with little public Administrationattention.officialshad argued in the context of Pelosi’s trip that congres sional visits to Taiwan are normal and unremarkable, accusing Beijing of stir ring up tensions with caustic rhetoric. Several officials noted that the Chi nese reaction to Markey’s trip was far more subdued than to Pelosi’s. They also suggested it might be a sign that China is reverting to its routine opposi tion to congressional travel to the island while cautioning that the continuing Chinese military drills in the Taiwan Strait remain a concern. By ELLEN KNICKMEYERAssociatedPress
EDITOR, The Tribune. GREETINGS and thank you for this opportunity to release these several points of interest to scores of Bahamians, many of whom have had direct experiences relating to loved ones being murdered, or harmed by these brazen criminals, etc. I have been following this shifty belief taken from the caption of your daily news paper under the theme “We can’t deny the right to bail,” according to the personal belief system of the current Bahamas Attorney General Senator Ryan Pinder. Well, sir, I have posed the very question in a sidebar with Father God and I must admit that He has a major problem with someone accused of murder(s) being released among members of the public, after being arraigned. God went on to say that a life, for a life and if these people were given bail and commits another crime of murder the blood of the deceased persons... will be on the hands of the Attorney General and the Pleasegovernment.don’ttell retired law enforcement officers about the Privy Council, because they, we have-seenthe-Council’s poor record in dealing with punishments forTakingmurderers.youback to 1997, the Bahamas government forwarded applications to the Privy Council, London, England, for 17 convicted felons who were convicted of murder and sentenced to die by hang ing (method used by the Commonwealth of The Bahamas from inception). The convicts mentioned were appealing the death sentences. And after delib eration by the Council they were commuted - all 17 of them - to life imprisonment. But here is the kicker, one of the convicted prisoners was suspected of commit ting eight or more murders. Now tell me, the man that had committed one murder, received the same judgment as those that were responsible for two, or more, even up to eight, how is this fair? There is always grounds for mitiga tion, yet the Privy Council found none, or acknowl edged one, how come? The law does not behave this way, it alway seeks to break down blame, motives, fair ness, justice mitigating circumstances... it doesn’t paint all circumstances with the same brush, is it legally problematic, I think? I don’t believe that the Privy Council tries cases free-of-charge? I admon ish Senator Ryan Pinder & the Progressive Liberal Party government & Prime Minister Honorable Philip Davis to go back into the records... involving the decisions by the Council and I can assure you that the Council had upheld the sentences of death less than 2%.Ihave been a proponent of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas establish ing its own Bahamas Final Court Appeal (BFCA), for Criminal Cases... but retain ing them (Privy Council) for civil commercial cases. Now, anytime a person breaks the law, did so freely and were aware that the lawbreaker carried impris onment consequences. And therefore, the focus should not ever be on getting them back in the streets-to recommit, before the system sought to make them reflect on their wrongs,by committing them solitary confinement... how else are they to repay soci ety for the wrong they’ve done?Finally, if the Bahamas government’s position indicative of that no matter the numbers of murders a person was suspected of committing, they’re still entitled to bail? If this is the government’s belief system, then may I remind the powers that be of its obligation under the law... you have the statutory powers under Constitution of Bahamas to adjust the laws and make new effec tive ones... you also are able to repeal laws, etc? So, technically, you have no excuse, do your job, otherwise?WhatI find interesting is how when some foreign individual(s) were charged with serious crimes in this country and the ques tion of granting them bail comes up... the pros ecution would object to claiming flight risks? How come when people charged with murder goes/comes before the Criminal Court, no similar submissions proffered?Itisunlawful and prob lematic... for a person let out on bail, incarcerated for crime of murder to get out and recommit the another murder, because the powers that be believed more greatly in the freedom of the convicted person... than the law abiding citizens ( who were just going about their daily lives), when the gunmen struck. This revolving door is an affront, unfair law enforce ment... after all of the dangerous and hard work to corral these criminals... many within days were back on the streets, plying their illegal, ill gotten trades. These were some of the issues confronting Police Commissioner Elli son Greenslades from way back then... and now the new Police Commis sioner is being saddled by the exact same scenarios... these government’s need to get serious, otherwise our Tourist trade could be threatened?Thesolution to the crime fight is not difficult at all. Law enforcement must make up between 5% to 7% of the over all population, so that all kinds of tactical opera tions can be ventured. Also of consequence is the employment status of especially young men between 16-25 years and status in gangs, etc. A robust crime prevention arm of law enforcement is of the utmost importance. The programmes for inmates are also important and for the sake of trying to mitigate the recidivism potential, etc. While there is no one thing that can cancel out the criminal ele ments and stamp out crimes of all manner, we will have to remain focused and have no tolerance for it. This backlog of cases...If you’re having 10-000 (ten thousand cases per month), you ought to have at least 120 courts for that number? And when I worked the Attorney General’s Office that over 100,000 cases that made up the backlog, anyone ever wondered what that sum of cases rep resented? I will tell you... Those were the completed files from Police Inves tigators-Royal Bahamas Police Force, & Divisions like your Criminal Investi gation Department, Drug Enforcement Unit, etc. But, the problem came from the proper lack of essentially receiving those completed files by police...and courts concluding their part of the deal to the-finish line? Also, problematic were thousands of Police Traf fic warrants outstanding... Mr Police Commissioner sir, I don’t know how it is possible to bring sanity to it all if the government is not prepared to spend the kinds of money, to bring the resources you will need to do the job, why? Backlog of cases can take place, but must consider how many cases make up the backlog, and divided by number of courts...will help to give some idea how to tabulate what is needed to handle these sitting down causes (inactive).
ANN Marie Davis with representatives from the Salvation Army. Mrs Davis is pictured holding the Salvation Army’s Yearbook. Pictured from left, Aldene Meo, divisional director of women’s ministries; Judy Munroe, emeritus chairman, Salvation Army advisory board; Mrs Davis; Felix Stubbs, chairman, Salvation Army advisory board; Cameron Symonette, advisory board member; Roodolph Meo, divisional commander.
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Court Reporter
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Court Reporter
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Court Reporter
A MAN accused of attempted murder was remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services by a Magistrate’s CourtDuaneyesterday.Cargill, 28, rep resented by attorney Ian Cargill, appeared before Acting Chief Magis trate Subusola Swain on a charge of attempted murder.OnAugust 10 in New Providence, the accused is alleged to have attempted to kill Malik Wright. Due to the severity of the offence, Cargill was not required to enter a plea. He was informed that his case would proceed by way of a Voluntary Bill of Indict mentWhile(VBI). the accused was granted bail in court that day, his attorney moved to expedite his release by applying for emergency bail through the Supreme Court. This higher court is also where the accused’s trial will be held.Until Cargill is granted bail, he will be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. Service of his VBI will be on November 21.
ANN Marie Davis is committed to supporting the Salvation Army in all its efforts, but particu larly the tered,supportprovidesemergencyneedtheirshelterbiggerhasunfavourablemayprotectingsafeoritywomentoMrsinouredmyvationPatron.astion’sacceptedSpouse,callrecentlyshelter.establishlong-standingorganisation’sdesiretoalargerwomen’sTheorganisationpaidacourtesyontheOfficeoftheinwhichshetheorganisainvitationtoservetheSalvationArmy’s“TheworkoftheSalArmyisclosetoheart,andI’mhontosupportthemanywayIcan,”saidDavis.“Theirplansestablishahostelforishighonmyprilistbecausethesehousesarecrucialtowomenwhofindthemselvesinsituations.”TheSalvationArmyplanstoestablishaandmoremodernforwomenandyoungchildreninofrefuge.Itcurrentlyoperatesanshelterthatprotectionandfordisplaced,batorabusedwomen and their young children. Roodolph Meo, the Salvation Army’s divi sional commander, said the organisation is “over joyed” about Mrs Davis’ partnership as it will ensure long-term stability for the shelter. He said: “While we presently have a women’s shelter in Grant’s Town, we know that the demand for such accommoda tion in The Bahamas is growing, and we have the expertise and the desire to help meet that need. “To ensure long-term stability for the shelter, we believe it has to be a partnership between the government, the Sal vation Army, and the private sector. This is why we are overjoyed at First Lady Davis’ gener ous commitment to serve as our patron to assist in providing help and hope for the overlooked and less fortunate members of ourThecommunity.”planto establish a new women’s shelter is just one of the many ini tiatives the organisation has outlined to fulfill its mission of doing the most good.
TWO men were granted $5,000 bail in Magistrate’s Court yesterday after being accused of caus ing grievous harm to two tourists in Harbour Island earlier this month. Jordan Brown, 31, represented by Attorney Ian Cargill, and Nathan Saunders, 45, both of Har bour Island, faced Acting Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain on two counts of grievous harm. On August 3 on Dunmore Street, Harbour Island, the two were working as secu rity guards and are alleged to have caused grievous harm to Pieter Munnik and Amber Munnik while they were visiting the island. Both pleaded not guilty. As there was no objec tion to bail from Prosecutor Inspector Lincoln McKen zie, they were each granted $5,000 bail with one or two sureties. However, Magistrate Swain warned the accused not to have any contact with the complain ants or witnesses in the case.Their trial will be held in Harbour Island on Novem ber 29.
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 7
A MAN gave testimony in Mag istrate’s Court yesterday in his continuing trial for allegedly threaten ing to kill a police officer with a gun after an argument in traffic near Bail lou Hill BrandonRoad.Ebanks, represented by attorney Ciji Smith-Curry, recounted to Magistrate Samuel McKinney his side of events for his charges of threats of death and assault with a deadly weapon against a police officer. According to the accused, on August 15, 2021, at around 7.30am, he was returning home in his vehicle from work at Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre where he works as a patient care assistant when he encountered Officer Rolle on Baillou Hill Road South, near Soldier Road. Ebanks said as he was approach ing the intersection, he saw a car coming down honking profusely. Growing concerned, he turned onto Baillou Hill Road to inquire into the driver’s (Officer Rolle’s) behaviour. It was during this conversation that Ebanks called Rolle’s actions uncalled for. Ebanks also claimed Rolle was not in police uniform at the time. This exchange then escalated as both Rolle and Ebanks began curs ing each other in their vehicles on the road near SC McPherson. Ebanks said that as the light changed Rolle beck oned for him to follow him, which the accused indicated he only did because it was on his route home. After Rolle crossed the lights at Baillou and Carmichael, he turned and pulled alongside Ebanks opposite the Shell Gas Station. It was at this time that the accused said he threw up his left hand and cursed at Rolle saying what he was dealing with. Rolle then reached to his left in his vehicle making Ebanks concerned that he was about to draw a weapon. As a result Ebanks fled the scene only for Officer Rolle to pursue him, to which Ebanks said he had to overtake multiple cars to try to avoid him without success. It was during this chase that Ebanks noticed a patrol car which intercepted and arrested him. While lying on the ground handcuffed, the accused claims Officer Rolle approached him with a silver cored handgun in his hand and cursed at him saying “Y’all don’t know who y’all be f’ing with”. The accused further said Rolle kicked him while he was on the floor and that when authorities searched his vehicle, they found no weapon. Ebanks went on to say that he never owned a firearm and that he only realised Rolle was a police officer during his arrest as the complainant never indicated as such in their prior exchange.Duringcross-examination, the pros ecution called Ebanks the aggressor in this incident, claiming he threatened to kill Officer Rolle, which Ebanks denied.The prosecution put it to the accused that he did threaten a police officer as Ebanks admitted to being intercepted by a police vehicle during theEbank’sincident.trial was adjourned to Sep tember 9 for his defence to submit its closing arguments.
IT was a spur of the moment decision that changed the trajectory of his entire life. He was 23 years old when he saw an ad in the Trinidad Guardian recruit ing young men for the Police Force in The Bahamas. He read it and immediately knew it’s what he wanted to do. Now, at age 95, retired Assistant Commissioner of Police Paul Rupert Thompson still says it was the best deci sion he made in his entire life. He was born and raised in the vil lage of Cunupia, Trinidad. After graduating from school, he became an apprentice machin ist, working on the Trinidad Govern ment Railways. He spent five years as an apprentice before becoming a profes sional machinist. He had been working in this position for two years when he first saw the ad in the newspaper.Theyoung Paul went to his supervisor to ask for time off, filled with hopes of a new life and career that could take him to higher heights in life.“One day in Cunu pia Village, we played a soccer match against a visiting team,” he reminisced.“Wewere sitting out side under a mango tree enjoying our time. There was a convenience store next to us, and the Guard ian truck pulled up with the Sunday Guardian. I saw the ad, and I decided... Just like that!”Paul made the journey to Port of Spain to the police barracks to make his appli cation. When he got there, he met a line of “about a thousand men” waiting for their opportunity to do the same.“I got on the line,” he said.“An officer came out with a loudspeaker: ‘All persons with convictions of any sort, come off the line! You’re just wasting time!’ About half of the line moved. ‘All persons married or have children in Trinidad, leave the line! We aren’t letting you out of here!’ So the line got“Ishorter.wasan inch too short. They were looking for 5’9. I was 5‘8. I was disap pointed. As I was leaving, a police sergeant told me to go home and stretch and ‘ting and come back tomor row. So I went home, went to the railway’s gym. A fella there gave me some stretches and ‘ting and I did them. You had to take off your shoes they measure your height in your socks. So, I put on about four pairs of football socks the next morning! So when I went back, and I had the inch. The fella say to me, ‘Weren’t you here yesterday?’ I said no, sir! and I went through that and some other rough times I had. Eventually they took twelve. They didn’t carry“So,us.I went back to work at the railway. A few days later, one of the men at the railway told me that a police officer was out there to see me. They said you better go out and see what he is saying before he comes in here and embarrass you! So I went out. He asked me if I have a passport. I said, no, sir. He said well, you are chosen to go to The Bahamas. You are with the second squad! So, you better come in and get your passport and every thing sorted out!” With excitement and hopefulness, the young Paul left his native Trinidad on Good Friday in 1951. The second squad spent Sat urday in Jamaica before arriving in The Bahamas on Easter Sunday. Eighteen young men passed out of the Police College in New Providence in October of that year. Of that squad, two became Assistant Commis sioners – Mr Thompson and Lawrence Major, a Baha mian. Three of them became Superintendents. There were less than 200 officers in the force at the time. This was a TrinidadianandMunnings,RodneyPoliceformernanderofIreceiveforofhugelegend”try”.himClaytontherentfriendsStreetRBPFquharsonbirthday(FBI).BureaumendationPolicePoliceamongnationalleastservice,Commissioner.straightrankstigator.servinggether,toodecidedforinthere.spenttiontocourt.officersomeonepassingForcetheatoday.aresociety,,andretiredCommissionerMason,playedamagroleincreatingaBahamas.NeighbourcountriessentteachersnursesandotherprotohelpbuilduptheuponwhichwestandTheyhavehelpedsetgoodstandardsforandtheirlineagesrootedinTheBahamasPaulwentontobecomemostvaluableassetforRoyalBahamasPolice(RBPF).Shortlyafteroutofpolicecollege,heardtheyounggivingtestimonyinTheymovedPaultheCriminalInvestigaDepartment(CID).He17consecutiveyearsHewasplacedbacktheuniformedbranchesashorttime,butitwasthathisassetswerevaluableatCID.Altohespent25yearsasaCriminalInvesHemovedupthefromaConstableuptotheAssistantDuringhis39yearsofPaulreceivedat25nationalandintercommendations;them:theQueen’sMedal,theColonialMedal,andacomfromtheFederalofInvestigationPaulcelebratedhis95thatthePaulHFarcentreattheHeadquarters,EastinJuly.FamilyandgatheredwithcurandretiredtopbrassofRBPF.CommissionerofPoliceFernandercalleda“herotoourcounHecalledPaula“livingwhohas“madeaimpact”onthecareersmanypoliceofficers.“HemadeitpossiblemanypoliceofficerstotraininginEngland;amoneoftherecipientsthat,”CommissionerFersaid.BirthdaytoastscamefromCommissionerofPaulFarquharson,Moncur,andFredPaul’schildrenfriends.Hekepthisculturealive,
RIGHT: Retired Assistant Commissioner Paul Thompson with Minister of Education Glenys Hanna Martin. ABOVE: Three retired police officers and gentlemen.
The best decision of Paul Thompson’s life
PAGE 8, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
RIGHT: Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander speaks on the occasion of retired Assistant Commissioner Paul Thomp son’s birthday. The Royal Bahamas Police Force Band provided the music.
ABOVE: Retired Commissioner of Police Paul Farquharson, left, with Retired Assistant Commissioner Paul Thompson, right.
and even collaborated with Munnings on events which brought Trinidadian art ists in town. He handed out CDs from popular Trinidad ian artists like The Mighty Sparrow at his birthday cel ebration. Guests enjoyed roti and other cultural dishes and enjoyed local and Trinidadian music played by the Royal Bahamas Police Force Band. His friends from the Trini dad Carnival Posse and the Commonwealth Wan derers including Blackie, Teddy and Taylor were all on hand to enjoy the fes tivities. The Royal Bahamas Police Force Band played a beautiful rendition of the Bahamas national anthem. It was followed by a brilliant recording of the Trindad national anthem. “It was the best deci sion I could have made in my entire life,” he said of coming to The Bahamas to live and work. He was trained in Nassau, the United States and the United Kingdom and gave stellar service. Paul Thompson has published a historical book called “A Policeman’s Story”. It is a rich document covering issues of national security at key moments in history. He speaks about the historic Commission of Inquiry which took place in Nassau, and his testimony of incidents, including a drug raid in Bimini. His work has helped to shape effective systems of crime fighting and preven tion in the country today. These include shanty town and immigration; crime and tourism; major disasters; changing police systems; police shootings and bru tality; powers of arrest with and without war rants; domestic violence; and crime prevention and neighbourhood watch. With nearly a century of life lived, Paul still wears a vibrant smile and is hope ful about life. His family, friends and Police col leagues gathered to make sure he knows that he is loved and appreciated.
THE terrible news on Friday of the stabbing of the famous Brit ish author and novelist Sir Salman Rushdie was all the more shock ing since, ironically, he was living a relatively normal life again after being threatened with death under a fatwa from Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran’s Islamic revolution. In 1989, the Ayatollah, who exer cised enormous power since he combined in himself as imam both the religious and political leader ship of the nation, issued the fatwa following publication of Rushdie’s novel, The Satanic Verses, the pre had been condemned by some Muslims as blasphemous and insulting, and Rushdie had been living for years in hiding in England under police protection.
AS the war in Ukraine grinds on remorselessly and remains a threat to global peace, the hope expressed by Putin some while ago that NATO and the West might lose interest and turn their attention to the next world crisis has not been realised. Nearly six months after the Russian invasion, their commitment to assist the Ukrainians in repelling Rus sian aggression is as strong as ever. To illustrate this, a significant event took place last week in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, which seems to have attracted relatively little international Denmark, Britain and Ukraine, a oneday donor conference of European Defence Minis ters was held on Thursday to discuss long-term military aid and support for Ukraine. At the meeting, which was addressed by Presi dent Zelensky via video link, Ukraine’s Minister of Defence requested yet more weaponry and other military assistance. Other countries like the US, Canada, Aus tralia and New Zealand also participated – some virtually - and it appears to have been a follow-up to the gather ing in April at a US air base in Germany to coordinate international military sup port to this beleaguered country.Twenty-six nations agreed last week to enhance their military assistance to Ukraine and commit ted more than $1.5 billion in cash, equipment and training to boost its mili tary capability. Specifically, it is reported that this new money pledged by so many different countries will be used to supply missiles and a wide range of weapons and ammunition, to train Ukrainian troops and to demine war-torn areas. The Defence Ministers agreed to sustain military support in the long-term and agreed to hold another meeting virtually in September. Such commitments surely send a powerful warning to Putin that Western coun tries are in this for the long haul - and new weapons include the sophisticated US-built HIMARS (High Military Artillery Rocket System) that is claimed to be particularly effective and will boost decisively Ukraine’s artillery capac ity. That said, it is also the case that in some coun tries – notably Germany, Hungary and France which seem to be most affected by the reduction of Russian oil and natural gas exports to Europe -- there are grow ing pressures to persuade Ukraine to seek a negoti ated settlement to end the conflict; and in Britain, for example, the rise in energy costs is currently top of the politicalNonetheless, reiterat ing the West’s long-term overall commitment to Ukraine, perhaps Britain’s Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, put it best when pledging an additional $310m for sophisticated rocket and missile sys tems and for the training in the UK of up to 10,000 Ukrainian troops - mainly in the operation of weap onry and clearance of land and sea mines. He said that increased donations were proof that Western govern ments were not becoming bored with the conflict and that ‘our continued support sends a very clear mes sage that Britain and the international community remain opposed to this ille gal war and will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder’ with Ukraine to help them defend their country. There was, he added, an evident need to maintain the cur rent momentum and keep the assistance flowing. Inev itably, however, Moscow has accused Western countries of dragging out the conflict by continuing to supply weapons to the Ukrainians. Meanwhile, Mr Wal lace has also commented that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is “starting to fail in many areas”. Continu ing its offensive in the south and east, it already controls Luhansk and is now fight ing for the remainder of Donetsk, the two Russian puppet states making up the eastern Donbas region. But the Ukrainians now claim to have ‘destroyed’ about one-fifth of Russia’s ground forces deployed since the start of the invasion. More over, Ukrainian military activity behind enemy lines seems to be increasing; for example, their suspected attack on a Russian air base in Crimea where satellite images show at least ten war planes were damaged or destroyed, though the Russians deny this. In the current phase of the war, perhaps the most potentially danger ous place in Ukraine is the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in the south of the country -- the largest in Europe – which the Rus sians have occupied since March and are now said to be using as a military base. Both sides are accusing the other of shelling the plant, with the Ukrainians talk ing of wholesale destruction and havoc if any areas of it are attacked or damaged. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog, has warned of the real risk of a nuclear disaster, saying that ‘any military firepower directed at or from the facil ity would amount to playing with fire, with potentially catastrophic consequences’. At a meeting of the UN Security Council last Thursday, Secretary-Gen eral Antonio Guterres described the situation as ‘a grave crisis’, saying that any sort of military opera tion around a nuclear plant would be ‘suicidal’. He told both Ukraine and Russia to cease fighting in its vicin ity, urging that, in order to avert a potential disaster, a demilitarized zone should be imposed immediately so that the IAEA could make a technical visit to the site -safely and without outside interference -- in order to assess its condition. To most observers, it beg gars belief that Putin and his henchmen in the Krem lin, as cruel perpetrators of the unprovoked violence in Ukraine, could risk a nuclear catastrophe in this way. But evil, it seems, knows no bounds – and at least it is encouraging to learn of the increased aid agreed at the Copenhagen conference and the com mitment by Western donor countries to continue to support Ukraine until this disastrous war can be brought eventually to an end.
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 9
WHAT a pleasure it is to be able to write today about the award of a Chevening scholarship to another Bahamian to study in Britain. The Brit ish High Commission has announced that this year’s Bahamian Chevening Scholar is Tristian Christie who comes from here in New Providence. Selected from a competitive field of thousands of applicants and some 5,000 shortlisted candidates, he will enrol in a Master’s degree of ‘Inno vation, Public Policy and Public Value’ at University the UK Government’s global schol arship programme that offers future leaders an opportunity to pursue post graduate studies in Britain. These scholarships are awarded to qualified can didates from all over the world to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any sub ject at any UK university. Since the start of the pro gramme in 1983, over one hundred Bahamian stu dents have been selected for the award – and, reportedly, they have subsequently returned to The Bahamas to become leaders in fields such as the law, medicine, diplomacy and the military. Tristian Christie holds a Bachelor of Science in Eco nomics and International Development Studies from Dalhousie University in Canada and has ‘interned’ at the Central Bank of The Bahamas as well as work ing at a number of different financial institutions. It was good to read that his long-term goal is to return home and work as an economist and researcher at the Central Bank – and I am sure all concerned will want to wish him the very best of luck in his studies in the UK.
THIS still image from video shows Hadi Matar, 24, of Fairview, New Jersey, at left, being escorted from the stage as people tend to author Salman Rushdie, centre right, at the Chautauqua Institution, in Chautauqua, New York, on Friday.
The facts of the horrific knife inci dent, including information about Rushdie’s attacker, are being fully covered in the international media – with a graphic account in The Tribune yesterday by an eye witness of the stabbing - and do not bear repetition here. But some analysis of the background and the issues at stake might be interesting.Fortunately, although badly injured in the attack just before addressing a literary festival in upstate New York, Salman Rush die’s latest condition is reported to have improved -- with members of his family saying at the weekend that after being taken off a ventila tor he is talking again and that his defiant sense of humour remains intact as he begins the long road to recovery. But the attack on this Indian-born, highly acclaimed writer - in the US, where he had been living since 2000 - has sent shockwaves through the literary and political worlds. Although it is the case that in modern society people tend to be less tolerant of disagreement, the fact that Rushdie should be attacked so savagely for express ing his views as a writer will surely outrage all intelligent people who respect and defend the core democratic values of freedom of expression and free speech. To these should be added the right of dissent and to hold opposing positions without the threat of harassment or even putting the lives of the individuals concerned in danger – and that includes, of course, the need to hold govern ments to account. Many people contend that freedom of thought and expression are essential for civilised life to thrive and that indi viduals need to be able to ventilate fears and grievances peacefully while recognising at the same time that hate speech or incitement to violence should not be allowed. The defence of that liberty, they say, in the face if intolerance must be maintained; and writers, in par ticular, need to be able to express their views – including in fictional works – without fear of persecu tion or worse as long as they do so within the constraints of the law. I do not claim to have read The Satanic Verses. But, from com ments I have seen, it was inspired in part by the life of the Prophet Muhammed, and was regarded by readers in the West as an attack on religious bigotry. However, although, according to reports, Rushdie did not intend to offend anyone, his book caused outrage among some Muslims who saw it as a vicious series of insults directed at many of their most cherished beliefs. To them, it was said to be intolerable for some one they saw as a mere novelist to dare to question their fundamen tal religious and other beliefs. By contrast, in the Western tradition discussion and criticism of religion in fictional works is common. In considering this, it is inter esting to study the views of historians of religion who main tain that, unlike Judaism and Christianity which distinguish between the religious and the secular, Islam is a religion which, they say, unites both the spiritual and the temporal in one com munity and seeks ‘to control not only the individual’s relation ship to God but also his social and political relationships with his fellow men’ – partly through Sharia law. Those with specialist knowledge of the subject claim that, to a conservative Muslim, Islam is not just a religion - in the way that most Westerners view religious faith as a private and personal set of beliefs that provide hope and perhaps conso lation in a troubled world -- but rather a way of life and a body of law to be obeyed. If that is indeed the case, it does perhaps illustrate the gulf between the two extremes – representing, in the view of some, an unbridge able gap - which helps to explain, without justifying it, the reaction of some to Salman Rushdie’s book. Interestingly, Muslim scholars in the UK, who have been invited by the BBC to express their views following last Friday’s horrific incident, have been saying they support the democratic values of the country they call home and say that it is incumbent on Muslims living in the West to respect local laws and traditions. At the same time, it is always healthy in any community to maintain a dialogue about controversial issues – and, in the UK’s multicultural society, while it is essential for everybody to adhere to the law of the land, discussion and open debate is invariably preferable to the airing of differences and likely conflict behind closed doors.
UKRAINIAN volunteer military recruits take part in an urban battle exercise while being trained by British Armed Forces at a military base in Southern England yesterday. Photo: Frank Augstein/AP
Ukrainian President Volo dymyr Zelenskyy renewed his call for fresh sanctions against Moscow and its nuclear industry in response to the situation.Hedescribed Russian forces’ actions there as “nuclear blackmail” that may embolden malign actors worldwide.AsRussian forces kept up their artillery barrages around Ukraine, at least three Ukrainian civilians were killed and 20 others wounded, Ukrainian officials said.The deaths and 13 of the wounded were blamed on Russian shelling that hit towns and villages in the Donetsk region, regional offi cials said. In the country’s secondlargest city of Kharkiv, seven civilians were wounded by Russian shelling that hit resi dential buildings and an area near a bus stop. Kharkiv Gov. Oleh Synyehubov said the wounded included a 80-yearoldRussianwoman. Defence Minis try spokesman Lt. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Monday that Russian warplanes have struck Ukrainian army posi tions in the southern Kherson region and in the Donetsk region. He added that the Russian air force also hit a facility in the Kharkiv region, killing at least 100 and wounding 50 “mercenaries” from Poland and Germany. His claims could not be inde pendentlySpeakingverified.atthe open ing of an arms show outside Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed the military, which he said was “liberating the Donbas step byHestep.”also vowed to expand arms sales to Russian allies, whom he praised for continu ing to offer firm support to Moscow in the face of West ernForpressure.itspart, the Ukrain ian military claimed to have destroyed more than 10 Russian warehouses with ammunition and military equipment in the past week.
The court records did not provide specific details about information the documents might contain. The Justice Department acknowledged Monday that its ongoing criminal investiga tion “implicates highly classified material.”
The family recognizes that there are many other persons who are related to, may have contributed to the life of, or was touched in some way or another by Brendalee Marsha. However, it is very difficult to remember all of your names at this time. Therefore, if your name does NOT appear, we humbly offer our sincerest apologies.
The search warrant, also unsealed Friday, said federal agents were investigat ing potential violations of three different federal laws, including one that governs gathering, transmitting or losing defense information under the Espionage Act. The other statutes address the concealment, mutilation or removal of records and the destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations. The Mar-a-Lago search warrant, carried out last Monday, was part of an ongoing Justice Department investigation into the discovery of classified White House records recovered from Trump’s home earlier this year. The National Archives had asked the department to investigate after saying 15 boxes of records it retrieved from the estate included classified records. It remains unclear whether the Justice Department moved forward with the war rant simply as a means to retrieve the records or as part of a wider criminal inves tigation or an attempt to prosecute the formerMultiplepresident.federal laws govern the handling of classified information, with both criminal and civil penalties, as well as presidential records.Butthe Justice Department, in its filing Monday, argued that its investigation is active and ongoing and that releasing additional information could not only com promise the probe but also subject witnesses to threats or deter others from coming for ward to cooperate with prosecutors. “If disclosed, the affidavit would serve as a roadmap to the government’s ongo ing investigation, providing specific details about its direction and likely course, in a manner that is highly likely to compromise future investigative steps,” the government wrote in the court filing.
By MICHAEL BALSAMO Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Monday rebuffed efforts to make public the affidavit supporting the search warrant for former President Donald Trump’s estate in Florida, saying the investigation “implicates highly classi fied material” and the document contains sensitive information about witnesses. The government’s opposition came in response to court filings by several news organisations, including The Associated Press, seeking to unseal the underlying affidavit the Justice Department submit ted when it asked for the warrant to search Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this month.The court filing — from Juan Antonio Gonzalez, the U.S. attorney in Miami, and Jay Bratt, a top Justice Department national security official — argues that making the affidavit public would “cause significant and irreparable damage to this ongoing criminal investigation.”Thedocument, the prosecutors say, details “highly sensitive information about witnesses,” including people who have been interviewed by the government, and con tains confidential grand jury information. The government told a federal magistrate judge that prosecutors believe some addi tional records, including the cover sheet for the warrant and the government’s request to seal the documents, should now be made public.Aproperty receipt unsealed Friday showed the FBI seized 11 sets of classified documents, with some not only marked top secret but also “sensitive compartmented information,” a special category meant to protect the nation’s most important secrets that if revealed publicly could cause “excep tionally grave” damage to U.S. interests.
A MAN cleans an apartment destroyed after Russian shelling in Nikopol, Ukraine, Monday. (AP Photo/Kostiantyn Liberov)
By PAUL AssociatedBYRNEPress KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The Ukrainian military said Monday that it had repelled more than a dozen Russian attacks in the country’s east and north, including attempts to advance on key cities in the eastern industrial heart land known as the Donbas.
In its regular Facebook update, the military’s general staff said Russian troops had attempted to push towards Kramatorsk, one of two major cities in the eastern Donetsk province that remain under Ukrainian control, but “they failed completely and chaotically retreated to their previous positions.”
In the same post, the mili tary said Russian forces had staged an unsuccessful assault on Bakhmut, a strategic town in the Donetsk region whose capture would pave the way for Russia to take Kramatorsk and the de facto Ukrainian administrative capital, Sloviansk. The Donetsk region is one of two provinces that make up the Donbas, where the fighting has largely been focused in recent months, since Kremlin forces retreated from around the capital,RussianKyiv. officials announced the full capture of the Luhansk region, the second of the two, early last month, though its Ukrain ian governor has repeatedly claimed that Kyiv’s forces are holding out in a small area near the regional boundary. In the same update, the military claimed that Russia had tried and failed to break through Ukrainian defence lines in the northern Kharkiv region, home to Ukraine’s second-largest city, but were “met harshly and thrown back.”Meanwhile, the Russian FSB, the KGB’s main suc cessor agency, said that it had thwarted a “sabotage and terrorist attack” on an oil pipeline in Russia’s southern Volgograd region, which it blamed on two Russian citi zens colluding with Ukrainian security forces. The claims could not be immediatelyElsewhere,verified.Russian and Ukrainian officials traded more accusations Monday about renewed shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, with each side alleging that the other was responsi ble for the attacks that have raised fears of a catastrophe. The press office of the Kremlin-backed adminis tration in Enerhodar, the Russian-controlled city where the plant is located, told the Interfax agency that Ukrain ian forces were carrying out “massive shelling” of the facility, as well as Enerhodar’s residential and industrial areas.According to the state ment, the shelling came from nearby Nikopol, a Ukrainianheld city which faces the plant across the Dnieper River. The mayor of Nikopol later said that Russians were shell ing Enerhodar themselves. Mayor Yevhen Yevtush enko and other municipal authorities in Nikopol have repeatedly accused Russian troops stationed at the plant of shelling the city, knowing that Ukrainian forces there were unlikely to fire back.
PAGE 10, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
FEDS OPPOSE UNSEALING AFFIDAVIT FOR MAR-A-LAGO WARRANT AN AERIAL view of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
Ukrainian military says it repelled more than a dozen attacks
Funeral Service For Brendalee Marsha Ferguson, 57 of People’s Penny Savings Lane will be held at St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Baillou Hill and Wulff Road on Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 at 10:00a.m. Interment will follow at Woodlawn Gardens Cemetery, Soldier road. Officiating will be Fr. Roderick Bain assisted by Fr. Kristopher Higgs and other ministers of the Clergy. She will be lovingly remembered by her sons: Kirkwood Fernander Jr. (Shenika) and Leading Seaman Adrian Knowles Jr. (Osmana); daughter: Adrianna Knowles; adopted daughter: Anthea Curtis; grandchildren: Justina Green, Amier Knowles and Kianna Fernander; adopted grandchildren: Ayanah Tinubu and Aliya Allen; brothers: Stancil ‘Stoney’ and Dareo Ferguson and Darren Knowles Sr.; sister: Levhon Ferguson (Hamilton, Bermuda); aunts: Dorothy Curtis, Rose Miller, Juanita Hamilton, Janet Simmons (Daniel), Ivadell McKenzie, Doreen Campbell, Norma McClain (Herman I) and Winifred Ferguson; uncles: Adelbert MacKenzie (Elsa) and Henry Ferguson (Virginia); adopted aunt: Lady Sharon Wilson, QC (Franklyn); grand-aunts: Doris Albury, Dame Marguerite McKenziePindling and Priscilla Williams; grand-uncle: Sidney McKenzie; sistersin-law: Lorraine Ferguson and Dashann Knowles; brother-in-law: Dereck Dames Sr.; nieces and nephews including: Raymee and Raynor Ferguson; Regina and Patreka Ferguson (Hamilton Bermuda); Dereck Jr., Derese, Devonee and DeMarcian Dames; Gabrielle Ferguson (London, England); Diara Ferguson; Leshante Darville, Darren Jr., Dashawn, Davon, Daresha and Destiny Knowles; grandnieces and grandnephews including: Deanna and Dereck III Dames; Jade Lundy and DeRon Bannister Jr.; Deshante Darville, Darnell and Dashawna (Saint Mary Parish, Jamaica) Knowles and Topaz Baillou Jr.; god mothers: Margaret Cash and Rose Miller; god father: Haverson McKenzie (Lorraine); god children: Terran Curtis and Donneisha Forbes; numerous cousins including: Clifford Darling Jr., Dr. Anthony Taylor Jr. (Kaaryn), Beverley Pintard, S. Andrea Darling-Thompson, Sharlene Hanna-McPhee and Theresa Darling-McPhee (Frederick); Troy, Trevor (Gina) and Dellarese McKenzie, Shira Newbold (Ken), Anishka Sears and Keith Jones; Jonathan (Vanria) and Roy Forbes, Vanria Smith, Janice Arthur, Jillian Meeres and Chief Petty Officer Edsel Armbrister; Nikita (Sharon), Lynden, Anthea and Terran Curtis, Tanya Bullock and Monalisa Adderley; Erika Barr and Monique McKenzie; Neil McKenzie and Kimberley Forbes; Roshann, Corri and Peter Miller; Ricardo, Royal Jr. and Adrian Hamilton, Nicoya Rolle and Gayle Bowleg; Damon Dames, Crystal Mercedes, Cherelle Stuart and Chernecia Campbell; Sandy Ferguson-Johnson and Scott Ferguson; Lynn Ferguson-Sears and Deputy Chief Magistrate Debbye Ferguson; Sammy, Osbourne, Sangena, Bernice and Herman Jr. McClain; Winston and Samuel Campbell, Mavis Campbell-Thompson, Christopher and James Jr. Campbell, Janice Munnings and Anthony, Christine, Albert and Arthur Campbell; other relatives and friends including: Amos and Rodney Flowers, Wanda Miller, Vernice Forbes, Leona Burke; Sheila and Stephanie Forbes; Patricia Robinson, Stephanie Higgs; Brenda McKenzie and Hillary Smith; Ivamae Simmons; Orthnell and Elisha McKenzie, Predensa Clarke and Jazelle Hall; Janice Weech, Cheryl Murphy, Phillippa and Everette McKenzie Jr. and Lynn Rolle; Obi (Diane), Leslie and Monique Pindling and Michelle Sands; Abdul Armbrister; Selwyn, Andy, Gail and Kevin McKenzie; Devon Williams; Richard Smith and family; Renward Wells and family; Delvin, Elvis and Joseph Moss and families; Vanda Moss and family; Sandra Clarke, Margaret Rolle and families; the Beneby, Ferguson, Collie, Moss and Hanna families of Crooked Island and Acklins; Bishop Nathaniel and Eulease Beneby, Karen Rigby and family; Kathy and Julianna Rolle; Vangy Mortimer-Cartwright and family; Brenda Green and family; Doricka Nelson and family; Kathleen Symonette and family; Rinia Johnson and family; Brenda Lamm and family; Bridget Ingraham and family; Faith Maycock and family; Joanne Johnson and family; Christal Bain and family; Marcia Moss and family; James Johnson and family; Terah Sweeting and family; Reverend Hartman Nixon and family; Kirkwood Fernander Sr. and family; Matriarch Eureka Knowles of San Salvador and family; Mavis Johnson and family; Carol Hanna and family; Shari Miller; Alice Rolle and family; Graham and Bingham Rolle; Dale Charlow and family; Richard Wright and family; Zelia Bethel and family; Dr. Raleigh Butler and family; Dr. Thedore Turnquest; Sister Patrice Newbold; Sister Sylvia Butler; Nurse Rosemarie Rigby; Patrice Brown and Ashley Sturrup; Debbie Rolle and family; Dr. Rodney and Christina Smith; Ruby Ann Darling; Thomas Bastian; Ronald Bosfield and family; Jerome Fitzgerald; Lisa Tammy Rahming; Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin; Hon. Pia Glover-Rolle; Hon JoBeth ColebyDavis; Vice Counsul Holly Pearce of The Bahamas Consulate, Atlanta; Dr. Adolfo Rodriguez and team of ICCCV Cardiologíay Cirugía Cardiovascular, Havana, Cuba; Dr. Omala Black and team at Princess Margaret Hospital; Dr. Charmaine Gray- Stuart; Dr. Sherelle Ferguson and family; Stephanie Smith; Kay and Ken Culmer and Patrick Sealy; Chuck Jennings; the Cordeaux Avenue community; the community of Driggs Hill, South Andros; Thomas Bethel and family; Minerva Patton; Pat Mills; Lillian McPhee; Esther Gibson; Cynthia Wells; Dorothy Smith; Stephanie Riley; Judy Deleveaux and family; Sherman Johnson; Marsha Riley; Angelique Collie; Tanya McCartney and family; Joanne Hamilton and family; Keith McSweeney and family; St. Barnabas Senior Choir and St. Barnabas Anglican Church Community; Bishop Gilbert A. Thompson and family; Canon Basil Tynes and family; Fingertips Beauty Salon; Melany Amaan of Clippendale’s Beauty Salon; Salon Infinity; Elegant & Sophisticated Ladies Hats; The Nassau Public Library; The Royal Bahamas Defense Force; The Office of the Prime Minister; Bahamas Customs and Excise Department; the Procurement/ Purchasing Department of Bahamas Power and Light; the Management and Team of the Oncology Unit at Princess Margaret Hospital, and by extension the Public Hospitals Authority; Michelle Gillam and Gregory B. Levett of Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral and Crematorium Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, United States and Restview Memorial Mortuary and Crematorium Limited, Nassau and other relatives and frieds.
Viewing will be held at the Serenity Suite at Restview Memorial Mortuary and Crematorium Limited, Robinson and Soldier Roads on (TODAY) Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
By ALESHA CADET Tribune Features Writer
Before COVID-19, the founda tion started an initiative travelling to of the islands. With the new grant, it is hoping to resume these activities. “We will of course be looking to the Ministry of Health to help us do what we call AIDS 101 with adults, teenagers and the younger kids on the island,” said Lady Barnett.“Iknow over the years from going to certain islands that there is a need for education on those islands. So, we look for ward to partnering with them in that way. People on the Family Islands are very grateful when you go out there because they feel forgotten.”LadyBarnett said the Family Islands are a very important com ponent in the fight against HIV/ AIDS.“We want to do more educa tion, especially among some of the more vulnerable popula tions. Several years ago we ran a very successful programme called the Men’s Health Initiative Pro gramme. It was geared towards MSM (men who have sex with men). And all of the participants said they had a great time,” she said.“In many respects the pro gramme created peer education as well. So they went out in the community and educate others. We would love to be able to do thatLadyagain.”Barnett said she wants to sound the alarm and encourage people to not be slack concerning their sexual health as HIV/AIDS is still a very real disease. “There is still no cure out there. HIV/AIDS is still out there. Eve ryone needs to know there status so that they can stay negative or take the next steps if they are positive. It is still important to know the status of your partner, to have one partner and to stay faithful to that one partner, unless you choose to be abstinent. Both messages are still important so we need to get out there,” she said. During the recent virtual event, the Foundation also made an appeal for people to donate of their time and resources if they are able to. Lady Barnett said the Founda tion needs the public and private entities to continue to support all of its fundraising events, which are diverse. The Foundation hosts something for every pocketbook, from the annual raffle, to its ball, the fun run/walk and more. This time around they are adding a happy hour element to their fun run/walk initiative. More details will be announced at a later date. The Foundation currently runs an after-school activities for young clients who have been infected and affected by HIV/ AIDS. Through this programme, young clients have access to com puters, a hot meal, trained tutors, peer group support, job prepa ration sessions, life skills group workshops, and medicine adher enceLadysupport.Barnett said anyone who has certain skills and is will ing to share them with young people is invited to do so with the Foundation.“Weare always looking for people with certain skills who are willing to pass those skills on to young people. The carpenter, the mason, the plumber…we want our kids to have something that will make them marketable,” she said.
AS the famed French fash ioned designer Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel once stated, “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her Recently,life.”we’ve seen many celebrity women boast of dra matic cuts and often completely shaved heads. While they all have their own personal reasons for the drastic chop, it seems to have been a freeing experience and one that has been good for their mentalManywell-being.psychotherapists and psychologists agree that women shaving their heads can be a sign of going through an emotional transition. They feel like they are shedding a layer of themselves to finally be free from internalised pain and anguish, and becom ing a new, stronger version of themselves.Oneofthe recent bold cuts in the headlines came from singer Doja Cat, who performed in the Bahamas at Atlantis at the start of theTheyear.quirky entertainer took to social media to share the reason behind her new, extremely cropped look after her fans expressed concerns about her mental state. Doja – real name Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini also – decided to shave off her hair and eyebrows while doing an Instagram Live. “I feel like I was never sup posed to have hair anyway. I don’t like having hair. I never liked having hair. I cannot tell you one time, since the beginning of my life, that I’ve ever been like, ‘this is cool.’ I just do not like to have hair,” she said. “I just can’t believe that it took me this long to be like, ‘Shave your f**king head.’ Because first of all, I don’t wear my hair out. What is the use of having hair if you’re not going to wear it out. I don’t even sport it,” she said. Doja said she got especially with her hair, the wigs she wore on top, when she exercised. “I remember feeling so f**king exhausted just with like working out. Whenever I went to go train, I had a trainer at one point and I’d be wearing wigs and they would be getting tacky. They would retack because of the moisture and then they would start sliding and peeling off of my head while I’m doing this incredibly strenuous thing. I would be working out, but I couldn’t focus because I was more concerned about how I looked or how my hair was doing, and like how to keep it adhered to my scalp,” she said. She had previously admitted frustration with her 4c type hair, for which she received major backlash on social media. She defended herself, saying: “It’s frustrating for me. It’s very hard for me. A lot of my friends would agree who have hair like mine that they have a hard time taking care of it. What I think that the mistake may have been that I made was saying it on a social platform, saying it in public…. In no f**ing way does it mean that I hate my hair. My hair is amazing. I have beautiful hair.” There are many reasons for a woman to cut her hair. Let’s take Jada Pinkett Smith and her daughter Willow Smith as an example. As a gesture of support for her mom who has battled alo pecia for years, Willow and Jada debuted their shaved head looks together.“Willow made me do it because it was time to let go but, my 50s are about to be divinely lit with this shed,” said Jada, while Willow shared: “A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return.” Rapper Sweetie who is known for rocking various looks, popped up on social media this year with an “Amber Rose” cut. When asked by Power 106Fm what inspired the new look, she said: “Meditation, as crazy as it sounds, because I just found so much clar ity within myself. I wanted to start over and I did research about hair and hair holds a lot of energy. And I really wanted to just feel new and fresh with this new music. I won’t say new me. But elevated me. I really just wanted to start over again.” In the thick of the pandemic, actress Tiffany Haddish took to Instagram Live and cut her hair for all her followers to see. “Today is the day. I been talk ing about it. Now I’m about to be about it, and cut my hair off. Tif fany why you cutting your hair off, you going through some emo tional sh*t? You going through something? I’m cutting this hair off; I do what I wanna do. What Ya’ll tripping off, e.g.? They acting like this sh*t don’t grow back,” she said while also in con versation with a group of people in her background of the video.
Tribune Features
LADY Camille Barnett DOJA Cat DOJA Cat
Foundation warns people not to become “slack” in fight against HIV/AIDS; will take outreach to the Family Islands
THE Bahamas AIDS Founda tion is planning to take its efforts to the Family Islands as it seeks to educate more Bahamians on the disease.Lady Camille Barnett, presi dent of the Foundation, was a guest speaker on the Bahamas National AIDS Programme’s monthly webinar hosted by Keith Kemp, a prevention officer with theTheprogramme.webinar focused on the foundation’s work and highlighted the initiatives it labours consist ently to accomplish. Since its inception, the Baha mas AIDS Foundation has been on a mission to facilitate HIV prevention and intervention strat egies in the country, including the elimination of mother to child transmission, HIV/AIDS educa tion, training, research, support and advocacy and the reduction of HIV However,transmission.duetothe COVID19 pandemic, the last two years saw HIV/AIDS relegated to the back bench, almost forgotten, Lady Barnett Nevertheless,said.the Doundation’s mandate must be accomplished. Since the latter part of 2021, the Foundation made a conscious decision to focus on education and awareness. Now that it has been awarded a grant, it can reach people in the Family Islands and educate them, especially the atrisk populations, on the disease.
Letting go...the hair edition
PAGE 11, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE BODY AND MIND
British drug regulator first to OK Moderna’s updated COVID booster
Dairy calcium high intake appears to increase the risk for prostate cancer, particularly for many men of African descent. Calcium, however, plays an important role in bone and teeth health, has a role in blood clot ting, helps maintain a healthy weight, transports nutrients, bal ances acid/alkaline balance in the body, helps muscles contract, reg ulates nerve functions, regulates normal heart rhythms and it has a protective role against colorectal cancer. Non-dairy calcium does not have an associated increased risk for prostate cancer. Healthy plant based alternatives to dairy milk include almond, soy, oat, cashew and other non-dairy milks. Men with high risk factors for prostate cancer such as advanc ing age, African ancestry, strong family prostate cancer history, having breast cancer (BRCA) gene mutations, and obesity; should limit consumption of dairy milk so as to reduce potential prostate cancer risk. Non-dairy calcium alternatives and vita min D supplementation should be taken as they do not increase prostate cancer risk.
The best ways to lower your risk for prostate cancer are to maintain a normal body weight, exercise regularly, encourage more of a plant based diet and eat well balanced meals with reduced red meat, saturated fats and dairy milk intake. It is important to note that men with high dairy milk intake are not guaranteed to develop prostate cancer. Reduc ing dairy calcium intake may be a modifiable risk factor that can potentially lower the risk of prostate cancer, particularly for African ancestry men who possess the genetic predisposition to be very good calcium absorbers.
High dairy intake linked to increased prostate cancer risk
PAGE 12, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
By MARIA CHENG AP Medical Writer Photo/Rogelio V Solis) Dr GreggoryPinto DOCTORUROLOGYISIN...
LONDON (AP) — British drug regulators have become the first in the world to authorise an updated version of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine that includes protection against the omicron variant, which the government said would be offered to people aged 50 and over starting in the fall.In a statement on Monday, the Medicines and Healthcare Regu latory Agency said it had given the green light to Moderna’s combination “bivalent” vaccine, which will be used as an adult booster shot. Each dose of the booster shot will target both the original COVID-19 virus that was first detected in 2020 and the omi cron BA.1 variant that was first picked up in November. British regulators said the side effects were similar to those seen for Moderna’s original booster shot and were typically “mild and self-resolving.”“Whatthis(combination) vac cine gives us is a sharpened tool in our armoury to help protect us against this disease as the virus continues to evolve,” said Dr June Raine, the head of Britain’s health care and medicines regulator. British health secretary Steve Barclay said the new shot will be part of the country’s booster pro gramme roll-out from September, based on advice from the govern ment’s vaccine experts. “This safe and effective vac cine will broaden immunity and potentially improve protections against some variants as we learn to live with this virus,” Barclay said.Such an approach, combining protection against several strains of the same disease is used with flu shots, which are adjusted each year depending on the variants that are circulating and can pro tect against four influenza strains. Stephane Bancel, Moder na’s Chief Executive, said in a statement that it was the first regulatory authorisation for a vac cine aiming to fight the omicron variant, predicting the booster would have an “important role” to play in protecting people against COVID-19 in the winter. On Friday, Germany’s health minister said the European Medi cines Agency might clear tweaked COVID-19 boosters next month. In June, the US Food and Drug Administration told vaccine makers that any booster shots tweaked for the fall would have to include protection against the newest omicron variants, mean ing BA.4 and BA.5, not the BA.1 subvariant included in Moderna’s latestLastshot.month, the FDA said it was no longer considering author izing a second COVID-19 booster for all adults but would instead focus on revamped vaccines for the autumn that target the newest viralBothsubvariants.Moderna and Pfizer are currently brewing updated versions of their vaccine to include BA.5 in addition to the original COVID-19 virus. According to the World Health Organization, the latest global surge of COVID-19 has been driven by omicron subvariant BA.5, which is responsible about 70 percent of the virus samples shared with the world’s largest public virus database. The subvar iant BA.5 is even more infectious than the original version of omicron and has some genetic differences that earlier vaccines might not Scientistsaddress.havewarned that the continued genetic evolution of COVID-19 means drugmakers will likely be one step behind the virus in their efforts to tailor their vaccines.“Thevirus is unlikely to stand still and Omicron-targeted immunity, might push the virus down other evolutionary paths,” warned Jonathan Ball, a professor of virology at Britain’s Univer sity of Nottingham. Still, he said the new Moderna vaccine would likely still be protective against severeOtherdisease.experts said it was still unknown how effective the new combination vaccine would be. Beate Kampmann, director of the Vaccine Centre at London’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said the shot would most likely only offer “partial protection” against the latest omi cron variants including BA.5 since it was developed based on earlier versions of COVID-19. “How much difference such (combination) vaccines can actu ally make remains to be seen,” she said, noting that the shots have not yet been widely tested in different populations.
There is a saying that milk does the body good, and another that states moderation in all things is the best Prostatepolicy.cancer has the high est incidence of any cancer in the Bahamas.TheBahamas has the 14th highest incidence per capita of prostate cancer in the world. Prostate cancer however has an excellent cure rate of 98 to 99 percent for early-stage, lowrisk prostate cancer. A recent respected scientific study has found that men with a higher intake of dairy foods, in particular milk, have a significantly higher risk of developing prostate cancer when compared to men with low dairy food intake. The June 2022 study published in the American Journal of Clini cal Nutrition was conducted by researchers at Loma Linda Uni versity Health. No association was found between increased pros tate cancer risk and the intake of non-dairy calcium, which has suggested that other elements in dairy foods other than just cal cium lead in an increased prostate cancer risk. The scientific study included more than 28,000 North Ameri can men of various races who were determined to be pros tate cancer free at the onset of the study. Participant question naires established dietary calcium intake, family history of prostate cancer, level of physical activ ity, body mass index and prostate cancer screening history. Par ticipants were followed for eight years using state cancer regis tries to determine their prostate cancer status. At the end of the study 1,254 of the men had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Analysis of study data differenti ated non-dairy calcium intake, such as from nuts, seeds, green vegetables, fruits, and cere als; from dairy food intake from mainly milk. The American Journal of Clini cal Nutrition published study showed that men who consumed 430 grammes of dairy milk per day ( 1 3/4 cups of milk ) had a nearly 25 percent increased risk of developing prostate cancer when compared to men who consumed 20.2 grammes of dairy milk per day (half cup of milk per day ). Most of the associated increase prostate cancer risk was found to occur when the daily dairy calcium intake exceeded 150 grammes or 2/3 of a cup of milk perLeadday. researchers have pro posed that a potential link between prostate cancer and dairy milk may be related to the sex hormone content of dairy milk. Prostate cancer is known to be a hormone responsive cancer and it is known that approximately 75 percent of lactating dairy cows are pregnant. Another possible explanation involves higher levels of the hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 ( IGF-1 ) in dairy milk, which is thought to promote certain cancers including prostate cancer.Other proposed explanations for the strong association between dairy milk intake and prostate cancer risk include the effect of dairy on calcium levels, the nega tive impact a high calcium diet has on vitamin D balance and high oestrogen levels in cow’s milk as there is growing evidence that oestrogens may contribute to the development of prostate cancer. Black men, genetics, calcium and cancerprostate Black men are known to genetically be better absorbers of calcium than men of other races. African American men have a 36 percent higher risk for developing prostate cancer than non-Hispanic white men. It has been proposed that the higher calcium absorp tion by Black men plays a role in their higher prostate cancer risk; amongst many other contributing factors.AJournal of Bone and Mineral Research published joint study by researchers at Wake Forest Bap tist Medical Center, Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC) and the Cancer Prevention Institute of California studied 783 African American men and the effects of calcium intake, genetics and diet-gene interactions. Research ers targeted a genetic allele that is more common in men of Afri can ancestry. This genetic allele targeted in the study is linked to regulating calcium absorp tion. The study is one of very few scientific studies to investi gate specifically men of African ancestry, genes related to calcium absorption, diet and prostate cancer risk. The study found that African American men who had high cal cium intake were twice as likely to have localized and advanced prostate cancer when com pared to study participants who reported low calcium intake. Afri can American men in the study who were found to have a geno type associated with poor calcium absorption were 59 percent less likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer then men who genetically were very efficient absorbers of calcium. Men of African ancestry may benefit from genetic allele testing to determine whether their genet ics have them programmed to be very good absorbers of calcium. High dairy calcium intake and absorption is linked to a higher prostate cancer risk. Dietary dairy calcium intake may be a modifia ble risk factor for prostate cancer; therefore, limiting dairy calcium intake may effectively reduce prostate cancer risk.
The Miss Universe Organi sation recently made a major adjustment to its pageant struc ture, announcing that for the first time in their history, they will allow married women and mothers to compete in the inter national beauty pageant. The organisation released the statement last week, saying, “Women should have agency over their lives, and that a human’s personal decisions should not be a barrier to their success.”
The 25-year-old Kylie with her new Hermés Birkin bag
requirements would have to win their national pageant to even get to the Miss Universe stage, so I don’t fully understand why some people aren’t for the inclusion aspect,” she said. “Every country will want to send their best. You won’t get a pass because you are pregnant, married or are a mom.” Randeika added: “It takes a village to raise a child and do everything else. I would imag ine that the reign of a pregnant, married or mommy miss universe would be a bit different from that of a single Miss Universe. The Miss Universe Organisation did say they would work with each (winner) accordingly.” She said she is extremely proud of the Miss Universe Organisa tion “for making yet another bold move of inclusion.” “This gives women like me the opportunity to compete on what some consider the biggest stage in pageantry This may be enough to get me out of retirement and back in the gym,” said Randeika. However, other Bahamian pag eant fans shared different views. Pageant fan Tiana told Tribune Woman, “I don’t agree with the decision. I feel like there should be beauty pageant for young single ladies and separate ones for moms or married ladies. Because when you get married or became a mother, your life does change and so does your perspective on the world. And so, I think that would affect the way you answer your questions and the platforms you decide to focus on.” Lisa added that the require ments of the reign may be difficult.“Iknow that there is quite a bit of travel involved and you have all these requirements that Miss Universe demands of you. I’m not saying its impossible to do that with a husband or child, but I am sure that it is something that has to be considered,” she said. Renee said having a child or being pregnant would defi nitely affect a swimsuit/fitness competition.“Ithinksome women bounce back after pregnancy and look great, but there are some of us who don’t. And that is just natu ral. But I think there would be an unfair advantage to have women who have had a child compete with women who haven’t.” OIivia, who had a child at 18, said she would have loved to had the opportunity to compete when she was younger. “I secretly wanted to enter Miss Bahamas, but unfortunately that couldn’t happen because of my son. So as much as I love him and would not trade him in for any thing, I do feel like my pageant girl dream was denied,” she said.
Wedding season is at its peak as brides and grooms-to-be revert to traditional wedding and honeymoon plans following relaxed COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Following a twoyear hiatus, the Bahamas Bridal Show, which returned for its 32nd production at Baha Mar’s Grand Hyatt this year, was a crucial source of information and support for hundreds of lovebirds.Underthe theme ‘One Life time’, 45 exhibitors, including CIBC FirstCaribbean, gave scores of couples and other spectators a glimpse of their company’s offerings with over $30,000 in prizes for grabs. Lenders from the bank were able to let people know how it can support them before and after their wedding day through its products and services such as mortgages, land loans, car loans, consumer loans and credit cards. CIBC FirstCaribbean’s Sandy port Branch Senior Manager Quarindo Davis expressed the bank’s commitment to its clients during numerous life milestones such as marriage. “The bridal show is always a great fit for CIBC FirstCarib bean. Getting married, going on honeymoon, buying or building a home and starting a family are some of the most exciting times of a couple’s life, but they are also a big commitments. “Our bank attends the show each year to support new couples through this pro cess by providing responsible lending, low down payment options, clear terms and man ageable payments. CIBC FirstCaribbean wants to be there to help them begin their new journey together,” Mr Davis said. The bank provided the show’s official registration bags. Its booth also added fun with a CIBC FirstCaribbean red and gold themed balloon photo frame and the bank contrib uted to the thousands of dollars in prizes that were won during the curated Bahamas Bridal Show event. Alongside CIBC FirstCaribbean were notable photographers, caterers, disc jockeys, florists, venue repre sentatives, planners and more. Couples that attended the bridal show were also able to score 5,000-10,000 credit card bonus points if they signed up for a CIBC FirstCaribbean Visa Gold or Platinum credit card, upgraded their CIBC FirstCar ibbean credit card or switched their existing credit card to a CIBC FirstCaribbean credit card. supported by CIBC FirstCaribbean
the bag out, either way it would showcase the bag and people would complain. She didn’t steal it, so why do you care,” said Antoinette.Sheadded that people are too judgmental when it comes to what other people do. “It’s all relative given the amount of money they make. It’s the same as me purchasing my Coach or Kate Spade bags of which I have several. I have my eye on a Louis Vuitton bag for my 40th birthday next year. So, what? Must I be scared to wear the bag or not post the bag because of other people who ain’t put a dollar towards it or did any of the work that paid for it? No ma’am.” Candice said people can have nice things and at the same time donate to charity. “Just because they buy a $100,000 bag does not mean that they have not donated to char ity or that they don’t do things for people. I wonder if these same people who complain are the ones who buy $100 bags but won’t give a dollar to the home less man at the stop sign or donate to Go Fund Me account for their co-worker’s daughter,” she said. “There is nothing wrong with splurging.”Taylornoted that she faced a similar issue when she had a birth day party for her daughter’s fifth birthday.“Iwas not in a position to have a big first birthday for my daugh ter so for her fifth I went big. I posted pictures online and one of my friends texted me and said that I was insensitive because I know people struggling after the pandemic and that it was teaching my daughter to show off and be a brat. But I can give my child what ever I want. I am proud that as a single mom I have reached that point of financial stability so I can do things like that and give her a party like I never had,” she said. Liz on the other hand she is tired of the Kardashians and their antics.“We already live in a super materialistic society, creating more waste and more complexes in people. Things are all that people seem to value these days, and look at where that has gotten us as a society: broken. And people just love to show off online to stick it to neighbours, friends and even family, even if they’re pretending they are not doing so,” she“Isaid.enjoy nice things as well and treat myself now and again, even to some luxury pieces. But the Kardashians know how many people follow them; young impressionable women and older women who should know better; they know they have a responsi bility, and yet they flaunt stuff this. They honestly disgust me. They should’ve listened to Beyonce, who sings in her new song, ‘Birkins, them sh*ts in storage’.”
(Photo: Kylie Jenner/TikTok)
By CARA HUNT Tribune Features Writer
By CARA HUNT Tribune Features Writer (l-R) Kenranesha Smith, assistant business banking officer; Quarindo Davis, senior branch manager, Sandyport Branch; Cherise Archer, senior branch manager, Harbour Bay branch; Anton Morley, sales specialist, JFK branch, and Reshenda Forde, sales specialist, Carmichael Road branch.
The Kardashian family is once again under fire after mom Kris gifted her youngest daughter Kylie a $100,000 Hermés Birkin handbag for her 25th birthday. (She apparently owns at least 10 other Birkin bags from the French fashion house.) The reality TV stars have often been criticised for their love of the luxury and their lavish lifestyle. Some have called them insensi tive and out of touch, saying that the money spent would be better served if donated to charity. But here is the question, are you obligated to downplay the trappings of success because there are other people less fortunate thanOuryou?Tribune Woman readers, for the most part, say definitely not.“Say what you want about the Kardashians, they get paid for what they do. They are business moguls and they have a right to spend their money however they chose. I don’t see the difference in them posting an Instagram post or her being photographed wearing
Mixed reactions as Miss Universe announces inclusion of married women and mothers
It is a part of their process to evolve with the changing of times to best represent and support women
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 13
The event saw unmarried, dating, engaged, widowed and divorced individuals gather in a virtual room to unburden them selves of the challenges they are experiencing navigating singledom.Attendees were instructed to embrace and enjoy being single, to be aware of red flags in rela tionships, to learn key skills in developing strong relationships, to understand their relationship patterns, and to know how to pre pare for marriage (if desired), and more.The event, said Dr Gibson, exceeded her expectations and she is now ready to work with people one-on-one to offer rela tionship coaching. She also plans to host more events and seminars on topics related to mental health and relationships.“Iamexcited about doing indi vidual and couples relationship coaching, and although I just recently launched, these sessions are filling up quickly,” she said. “The event exceeded my expec tations in terms of the impact that it made on persons who either attended live virtually or regis tered and watched the replay. The response has been truly overwhelming and people have been asking me to have another event soon. I became tearful when one person told me thanks for bringing joy to their home. Overall, I am extremely pleased not only because the event sold out, but also because of the encouragement and hope that singles received from the Singles’ Summer Series,” she told Tribune Woman.“Major takeaways are that there is definitely a high demand to have a safe space that singles can gather, have fun, talk about issues that affect them and learn from each other. Another major takeaway for me personally is the importance of obeying what God tells you to do. When this event was laid on my heart to do, I was initially hesitant as I already have a lot on my plate. However, once I obeyed God’s leading and did the Singles’ Summer Series, I felt so energised to share and also listen to what the attendees had to say.”
Painter turned nail artist new outlet for her creativity
Dating in such a small country as the Bahamas, with its limited number of potential partners, many social ills, and coming out of a pandemic on top of that, can be a real challenge. To help singles looking for healthy future relationships, clinical psychologist Dr Tamalia Gibson recently hosted her very first Singles Summer Series. And she gained valuable insight from the experience. She learned that Bahamian singles are in desperate need of a safe space to talk, vent, be introspective and improve in areas where necessary. The series – a three-day virtual seminar – was an opportunity for participants to connect with other singles from diverse backgrounds, understand one’s relationship pat terns, give people an opportunity to heal from a broken heart, pre pare them for the love they desire and quiz them on relationship matters.
Dr Gibson also officially launched an individual and cou ples coaching programme. “This is something that I had been planning on releasing for about two years, but the passion and excitement from the persons at this event encouraged me to take a step out and do something I absolutely love doing, helping people have better relationships with themselves and others,” she said.During her “season of single ness”, Dr Gibson said she fielded many questions about her rela tionship status. Strangers, family and friends wanted to know to why she was not yet married and why it was “taking so long.”
Seminar participant Agatha Ferguson said she felt enriched after series. “I believe the timing was great for me to participate and to refocus on matters of the heart pertaining to singleness. Dr Gibson has done sessions of this nature on numerous occasions without a cost. She ministers from the heart and always pours much into all of her sessions. However, somehow these three sessions were very different for me. It was as if it was especially tailor-made just for me among the group of many in attendance. To God be all the Eachglory.night the sessions were both interesting and interactive and I literally didn’t want them to end. That speaks to enjoyment and empowerment. God is so good. Well, with all that said there must be a Singles Summer Series part two on the way,” she said. Dr Gibson said helping people in their relationships and matters of the heart is a calling for her. She anticipates more events like this series to be held in the future.
Tribune Features
Shema Darville at work
By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer
Bahamian singles in need of safe space to talk, reflect and grow
Remembering the experience she had as a single woman was what inspired her to host the series.“Although I have been married for five years, the issues I experi enced when I was single are very similar to the issues that attendees expressed. The biggest difference is the impact of COVID on dating life,” she said.
“I believe my skills have grown tremendously since the beginning of my nail journey. I remember my first acrylic set; I did it on myself and it was terrible. How ever, I didn’t become discouraged. I decided to try it again more and more. As I practiced, the progress I made was phenomenal. The nail applications, design and shaping all became crisp and overall beau tiful,” she said. And like most young people, online resources helped her per fect her craft. “I learned this trade through mostly teaching myself via YouTube, TikTok and books. I also got guidance from an awe some nail technician, Paige Charles, while I took nail courses online and more. Every day I learn something new through these sources,” said the teen who considers herself currently in her explorative years of life. Shema enjoys the process of hand-painting each nail design, choosing colours and thinking creatively, but most of all, she enjoys the looks on her clients faces when they see a satisfying and beautiful new set. “Since graduating high school, Mt Carmel Preparatory Acad emy, I’ve pursued both art and entrepreneurship. These two areas of my life sparked my inter est in creating and exploring nail art. In October 202,1 with my last pay cheque from my former job, I decided to invest it into a new journey in nail artistry,” she said. She admits that building con fidence to work on actual people was difficult for her, “but through God, my amazing family and my clientele, I gradually grew. In March 2022 I finally took my first real client and in May 2022 I rented a booth on West Bay Street where I currently work.” Being creative flows in Shema’s blood.“My mother, Sarah J Fox, and my father, R Brent Darville; they are both entrepreneurs and artists as well. My father, a contractor and carpenter and a musician, and my mother a musician and a former art gallery owner. I call myself Shema The Artist simply because there’s no other way to describe myself other than a natu ral born creative,” she said.
At just 19 years old, Shema Darville is growing and glow ing as she is steadily checking off goals on her list of things-to -accomplish.Avisualartist for many years, known under the name “Shema The Artist”, she is passionate about two surprisingly related creative fields: painting and nail art.She has discovered a way to make an income while not neglecting her creative side. “As an artist, I usually take days, weeks and even months to complete pieces depending on what they are. However, in terms of doing art on nails I figured I hit the jackpot, as I get to explore my love for business while also being able to create small little paintings everyday. It’s satisfying and brings me joy to do so,” she told Tribune Weekend.“In2017, I vividly remember painting my first real painting in oils of a giant blue squid. My grandfather, Ulrick Fox, and my mother, Sarah J Fox, had some influence in my artistic interest as they were both painters and my mother a musician as well. Cur rently, I love to paint collage type Bahamian-inspired painting-and also portrait pop art.” Like many people who were inspired to learn new skills and share their talents with the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, Shema took up painting acrylic nails and even launched her own nail art business called Bee Dif ferent Nail Designs.
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (AP) — Alyssa Thomas scored 16 points and her key bucket and rebound helped Connecticut hold off Minnesota 90-83 on Sunday in the final WNBA game for Lynx and league legend SylviaFowles,Fowles.the 2017 league MVP and four-time defen sive player of the year, had her league-best 192 career double-double with 10 points and 12 rebounds. She is the only player to lead two franchises (Minne sota and Chicago) in career rebounding and she is the only WNBA player to reach 4,000 career rebounds. Fowles checked out of the game for the last time to a long standing ovation, and hugged her coaches and teammates.TheSun led 78-62 with 7:08 remaining before Min nesota went on a 14-2 run during which Fowles and Aerial Powers scored five points each. Leading jus 80-76, Thomas hit a jumper in the lane for Connecti cut and her rebound on the other end helped set up Courtney Williams’s 15-footer for an eight-point lead.
A’ja Wilson and the Las Vegas Aces will begin their quest for their first WNBA title a lot sooner than top seeds have done in previous few years. The Aces clinched homecourt throughout the playoff on the regular season’s final day by earn ing the top seed in the WNBA postseason that beginsBeforeWednesday.thisyear, Las Vegas would have a bye until the semifinals. The league changed the play off format to best-of-three series in the quarterfinals instead of the single-elim ination games in the opening two rounds it had been using since 2016.
MINNESOTA Lynx centre Sylvia Fowles (34), centre left, embraces Connecticut Sun forward Jonquel Jones, centre right, after a WNBA basketball game on Sunday. Fowles played the final game of her career as the Sun eliminated the Lynx from playoff contention. Sean D Elliot/The Day ’s Darwin Nunez walks off the field after he was shown a red card yesterday. Photo/Jon Super BUDDY HIELD KAI JONES
Natisha Hiedeman and Brionna Jones scored 15 points each for Connecti cut. Jonquel Jones scored 12 points and Williams had 10. Thomas added seven rebounds and five assists. Lindsay Allen, who entered with a scoring aver age of 4.3 points pre game, made 6 of 7 3-pointers and led the Lynx with 26 points. She added six assists. Powers had 22 points and eight rebounds. A 9-0 run late in the first quarter helped the Sun take a 28-14 lead into the second period and they would go on to lead 71-54 heading to the fourth.
as Liverpool
Senior Sports
The top four seeds — Las Vegas, Chicago, Connecticut and Seat tle — will all host the first two games of their series with a potential decisive game three on the home court of the lower seed. Breanna Stewart was happy that the league changed the playoff format.
Connecticut was already assured of the No. 3 playoff spot and will open at home against No. 6 Dallas on Thursday.Minnesota missed theplayoffs.THE Sports Tourism “Heads in Bed” initiative worked perfectly for the University of Kentucky, which brought more than 800 fans to support their Wildcats men’s basketball team here last week. The Cats were in town to play in a four-game series at Baha Mar that concluded on Sunday with a 98-70 win over the Bahamas Select Team. University of Kentucky also played and defeated the Dominican Republic, Mexico Pro Team and Carleton University. As the sports ambas sador in the Ministry of Tourism, Jeff Rodgers said he’s happy that the minis try decided to support the event.“Our main focus is to go after events that will bring numbers to the country,” Rodgers said. “They had about 1,500 persons who came down. They had more than 25 rooms per night, ‘HEADS IN BED’ PLAN BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter off draws
Núñez sent
Las Vegas top WNBA playoff seed, league debuts new format
ThehopingerationBasketballBahamasFedwastohave all three Bahamian National Basketball Asso ciation (NBA) players suited up to play together for the first time in the fourth window of the 2023 FIBA World Cup Qualifiers.Butwhile Chavano “Buddy” Hield of the Indi ana Pacers is expected to be back for his second sting with the men’s national team when they host Ven ezuela at the Kendal Isaacs Gymnasium on Thurs day, August 25, he is more likely only to be joined by Kai Jones of the Charlotte Hornets.Deandre Ayton, the centre for the Phoenix Suns, was listed to compete as well, but all indications are that he may not make the trip here as previously indicated by the federation through their previous pro motion of the game. “We will wait to see who shows up,” said Moses Johnson, an assistant coach of the men’s team. “Two of three isn’t bad, but the one we are not getting is the biggest piece of the puzzle. “We’re told by his agent that he won’t be able to compete. He didn’t give any apparent reason, but we will play with what we have. We will see who comes to training camp on Saturday and we will go fromAfterthere.”playing against Venezuela, the team will have a short turn around as they travel to Argentina for their next scheduled game on Monday, August 29. The Bahamas is cur rently sitting in sixth place in Group E with a 2-4 win-loss record. Canada is undefeated on top of the Americas’ standings at 6-0, while Venezuela is in second place at 5-1. Argentina is third at 5-1 as well with the Dominican Republic fourth at 4-2 and Panama in fifth at 2-4. Following those two games, the team will have a break until their next two scheduled games here on November 10 against Panama and Argentina on November 13. The final two games in the series will take place in 2023 when the Baha mas takes on Venezuela on February 24 and Panama on February 27. Out of these series of games, the Bahamas will have to finish in the top four in order to advance to the next round. Hield, a guard with the Pacers, played in the series of games, making an impression in an 88-80 loss to the Dominican Repub lic on Monday, July 4 at the Baha Mar resort with 29 points, eight assists, five rebounds and three steals in 39 minutes and 38 seconds.Johnson, who will assist Golden State Warriors’ assistant coach Chris DeMarco, who will be back to serve as the team’s head coach, said they are look ing forward to putting a solid team together with the players from the train ingJohnsoncamp. will replace Yolett McPhee-McQuin, who made history as the country’s first female assis tant coach in the last game. McPhee-McQuin is unavailable as she begins preparing Ole Miss Uni versity women’s team for their collegiate season. Returning as the other assistant coach is Mikhail McLean. The team, according to federation president Eugene Horton, will be fully finalised by the weekend. Some of the players will come from the Bahamas Select Team that played and lost a 99-70 decision to the University of Kentucky on Sunday at Baha Mar. It’s estimated that it will cost the federation an average $1,500-2,000 per person in airline tick ets and they’re looking at assembling a 20-member contingent that should cost roughly $40-50,000, not including the hotel accom modations and the stipends for each player. “It’s going to cost us a pretty penny to send this team to Argentina,” HortonTicketssaid.are now avail able online at the Bahamas Basketball Federation’s website. If you click on the flyer, it would provide the information for tickets or they can call 242-814-4170. “We expect to win this game here and so we want to give as many Bahamians the opportunity to come out and watch this team in action,” Horton said. “Hopefully, this will be the first of many more where they will see our Bahamian NBA and professional players in action.” Also, persons wishing to be a part of the market ing and sponsorship of the team are urged to contact Horton or email him at forkadream4@hotmail.commoredetails.
Ayton to miss next window STUBBS Reporter SYLVIA Career of WNBA legend ends with 4,000 rebounds
1-1 with Palace in EPL SEE PAGE 17
By DOUG FEINBERG AP Basketball Writer
“We’re not done yet. This is the beginning,” Wilson said after the Aces clinched the top seed on Sunday.“The regular season was nice, but now it’s real. It doesn’t matter what number is by your name in the playoffs. It could be anybody’s night on any given“It’sday.playoffs, either you want it or you don’t.”
“I think in the WNBA all teams are deserving of a series,” she said. “It’s a respect for the teams that make it. Striving for greatness throughout the whole season shouldn’t finish with one game on the line. We’re a professional league.“Itshould be exciting and will be interesting with the 2-1 best of three.” Stewart will try to help teammate Sue Bird head into retirement with a fifth WNBA championship. The fourth-seeded Storm have a tough first round matchup against Washington.“Thisleague continues to elevate the game and
LIVERPOOL, England (AP) — Two glaring misses then a red card for a reck less headbutt. It was a home debut to forget for Liverpool’s big offseason signing, Darwin Núñez.Fortunately for the Reds, another South Ameri can came to the rescue at Anfield as a dazzling indi vidual goal by Luis Díaz salvaged a 1-1 draw against Crystal Palace in the Pre mier League yesterday. In his first competitive start for Liverpool, Núñez lost control after jostling with Joachim Andersen off the ball and thrust his head into the face of the Palace defender, with referee Paul Tierney watching on close by in the 57th minute. The red card was imme diately brandished and Núñez had to be calmed down by his teammates as he attempted to confront Tierney. Liverpool man ager Jürgen Klopp blanked Núñez as the Uruguay striker headed down the tunnel. “It’s a red card,” Klopp said. “He was provoked all the time but that is not how to Núñez,behave.”an offseason sign ing from Benfica, earned his first start after a couple of impressive, goalscoring displays off the bench in the Community Shield against Manchester City and then against Fulham, and also because Roberto Firmino was missing through injury. He missed a very present able early chance against Palace by miscuing a closerange volley at the back post, and then hit the post from a similar range in the final minute of the first half. Maybe some frustration had set by the time he was red-carded. As they jos tled at the edge of Palace’s penalty area, Núñez threw
THE C&S Hitmen and the R&B Operators were victorious in the New Provi dence Softball Association’s double header played in the Bankers Field at the Bail lou Hills Sporting Complex on Saturday night. In the men’s feature con test, the Hitmen, coming off a 15-2 rout over the Renegades on Friday night, doubled up the Chances Mighty Mitts 6-3, while the Operators dialed up the Lady Truckers 8-1.
the games played: Hitmen 6, Mighty Mitts 3: Sherman Ferguson blasted a three-run home run in the first inning to highlight his 1-for-3 outing as he was named the most valuable player of the game. Alcott Forbes got the win on the mound and Michael Ingraham was tagged with the loss. Operators 8, Lady Truck ers 1: Brendia Ferguson was the winning pitcher and she helped her own cause by going 1-for-2 with a run batted in (RBI) to earn the MVP honours. Keishana Coakley was the losing pitcher. Hitmen 15, Renegades 2: Martin Burrows Jr was named the MVP after he got the win and helped his own cause by going 3-for-3 with a RBI and three runs scored.Christopher Brennen got tagged with the loss.
LIVERPOOL FROM PAGE 15 TEAM STANDINGS Men’s Division Team W L Pct. GB C&S Hitmen 6 1 .857Mystic Marlins 4 1 .800 1 Atlantis Titans 3 3 .500 21/2 Chances Mighty Mitts 2 3 .400 3 Renegades 0 7 .000 6 Ladies’ Division Teams W L Pct. GB Sunshine Auto Wildcats 4 2 .666 R&B Operators 3 2 .600 1 Johnson’s Lady Truckers 4 3 .571 1/2 UB Mingoes 2 4 .333 2 Black Scorpions 1 3 .250 2 FEATURE CONTEST: The Hitmen, coming off a 15-2 rout over the Renegades on Friday night, doubled up the Chances Mighty Mitts 6-3, while the Operators dialed up the Lady Truckers 8-1. Photos by Austin Fernander/Tribune Staff BAHAMIAN show jumper Kacy Lyn Smith and her horse Chicago M won the Farewell Competition at the FEI North American Youth Jumping Championships in Traverse City, Michigan. Photos courtesy of Andrew Ryback Photography
PAGE 16, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
AFTER a week of highs and lows at the FEI North American Youth Jumping Championships in Traverse City, Michigan, Bahamian show jumper Kacy Lyn Smith and her horse Chi cago M finished strong by winning the Farewell Competition, riding a clear round in 76.47 seconds to place ahead of USA rider Savannah Embly aboard So LiveAsHelau.thefirst rider ever to represent The Bahamas at the FEI North American Youth Jumping Champi onships, 16-year-old Smith competed in the Pre-Junior category and joined riders from Canada, the Domini can Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the USA in jumping multiple rounds over four days of gruelling team and individ ualThecompetition.firstdayof competi tion went well, with Smith and Chicago M jumping a clear round in 69.96 sec onds, leaving them standing 20thHowever,overall. disaster struck on the second day, when the pair failed to clear the chal lenging course and were eliminated from the Final. Smith expressed her dis appointment, at the same time acknowledging that her performance was a learning experience.
Nonetheless, Smith had nothing but praise for her partner, Chicago M, a 12-year old Holsteiner. “He really tried to get over the bar,” she said about the horse. “I just couldn’t stay with him.”
“I rode every day for weeks before [the Final] without stirrups to really strengthen my leg, but I think it’s something I just need to continue to work on,” she said. “I think more experience at 1.30m will also help.”
Bahamian show jumper Kacy Lyn Smith and Chicago M finish strong
The pair may not have qualified for the Individual Finals, but they were still eligible to compete against other non-Finalists in the FarewellDeterminedCompetition.togoout on a high note, they jumped a smooth, clear round for the win. Despite her dis appointment over missing the Individual Final, Smith expressed her pleasure with the result, not just for herself but for the opportu nity to raise an awareness of Bahamian equestrian athletes. “I am happy we got to put in a good round for The Bahamas,” she said. “There was a lot of work that went into this…I’ve had so many people say something to me while being here…I’m so grateful to ride under the flag!”
NPSA: Hitmen, Operators in win column
his head back at Andersen and missed. Then, when confronted moments later by the aggrieved defender, Núñez turned into Andersen and butted him square in the Alreadyface.trailing because of Wil fried Zaha’s 32nd-minute goal, Liverpool was really up against it. But even down to 10 men, Klopp’s team still dominated possession and Díaz earned his team a point by cutting in from the left, slip ping between two defenders, and curling a shot into the far corner in front of the Kop. The Colombia international’s goal came four minutes after the red“Sometimescard. you need a moment of brilliance,” Liverpool midfielder James Milner said, “and when you have players like Luis on the pitch, he can create something out of nothing. It was an incredible goal.” Palace relied almost exclusively on the counterattack through out the match and it was from that means that Zaha opened the scoring, breaking the offside trap to latch onto Eberechi Eze’s through-ball and curl a finish into the far Zahacorner.missed a great chance to snatch a win when he stretched to meet a cross late in the game and hit the post. Liverpool has now drawn its first two games — Klopp’s team was held 2-2 by Fulham in the opening weekend — and is already four points behind Man chester City and Arsenal, the early pacesetters. Its third match will be at Old Trafford next Monday against a beleaguered Manchester United team that has lost both of its games. Núñez will be suspended for that, while Klopp is set to be without a slew of key players, with the likes of Thiago Alcantara, Diogo Jota, Ibrahima Konaté and Joel Matip currently out injured. Firmino missed the game as a pre caution, according to Liverpool, so could be fit in a week’s time. “Everything went against us during the week,” Klopp said. “It was crazy — it was like a witch was in the building. Every time somebody else had prob lems and then putting in such a performance, especially in the cir cumstances, I’m really proud.”
THE Sports Tourism “Heads in Bed” initiative worked perfectly for the University of Kentucky, which brought more than 800 fans to support their Wildcats men’s basketball team in New Providence last week. The Cats were in town to play in a four-game series at Baha Mar that concluded on Sunday with a 98-70 win over the Bahamas Select Team.Photos by Austin Fernander/Tribune Staff JA Morant and the Grizzlies, right, are scheduled to face Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and the reigning NBA champion Golden State Warriors on December 25 in San Francisco.
and Grizzlies
(AP Photos)
Bahama Hoops, accord ing to Rodgers, will attract 21 male and female college teams during Thanksgiving in November and Hoops in Paradise will bring in the top four teams in the United States. “It’s an interesting job, but it’s so rewarding when you see these teams here and stag ing their events,” Rodgers summed up. “It’s such a great feeling to know that the event takes place and it is a success.”
MERRY Christmas, Memphis. The Grizzlies are in line to be part of that holiday’s NBA showcase for the first time. Ja Morant and the Griz zlies will face Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and the rest of the reigning NBA champion Golden State Warriors on Decem ber 25 in San Francisco, according to a person with knowledge of the league’s scheduling plans. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonym ity yesterday because the league is not planning to release the season’s full schedule until later this week.Given that the league has not announced the final 1,230-game season slate, it is still possible that the Christmas schedule could change — though such a move is unlikely. The Grizzlies were one of two current NBA fran chises yet to have a game on December 25. The Charlotte Hornets are now the only club still waiting for its first Christ mas schedule invite. The rest of the Christ mas schedule, the person said, will have Philadelphia facing New York, Milwau kee meeting Boston, the Los Angeles Lakers play ing against Dallas and Phoenix going up against two-time reigning MVP Nikola Jokic and the Denver Nuggets. If the Lakers’ LeBron James — the all-time Christmas scoring leader, who enters the season 1,325 points behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for the most in NBA history — appears in that December 25 game against the Mavericks, it’ll be his 17th time playing on the holiday. That would break a tie with Lakers great Kobe Bryant for the mostGoldenever. State and Mem phis met in the second round of last season’s play offs, as did Milwaukee and Boston. This will mark the fifth consecutive year that Christmas — again, barring a late change — does not feature a rematch of the NBAGoldenFinals.State topped Boston for this past sea son’s championship; there hasn’t been a finals rematch on December 25 since the Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers played in the 2017-18 season, on their way to a fourth consecutive meeting in the title series. Noticeably absent from the Christmas schedule: Kevin Durant and the Brooklyn Nets. Durant told the Nets in June that he wants a trade elsewhere, reiterating that request ear lier this month. Dallas will play host to a Christmas game for the second time. The other was in 2011, after the Mavericks topped the Miami Heat in the NBA Finals the previous season. James and the Heat spoiled that season opener for the Mavericks, winning 105-94.TheLakers will be play ing on Christmas for the 24th consecutive year, by far the longest stretch in theGoldenleague.State will make its 10th consecutive Christ mas appearance, Boston its seventh in a row and Mil waukee its fifth straight on December 25. New York is playing on Christmas for the 55th time, extending its record. Of the eight teams that made the conference semi finals this past season, seven appear on this year’s Christmas schedule. The exception is Miami, the No. 1 seed in the East last season that fell to Boston in seven games in the Eastern Conference finals.With Memphis now getting a December 25 game, the longest Christ mas droughts besides Charlotte now belong to Sacramento (last Christ mas game in 2003), Indiana (2004), Detroit (2005) and Orlando (2011). The NBA season opens October 18. Training camps open in late September.
Morant to face Curry, Warriors on Christmas Day
By TIM REYNOLDS AP Basketball Writer get better and better,” Stewart said. “Everybody knows there’s players on each team that can go off.”
WNBA FROM PAGE 15 LAS Vegas Aces forward A’ja Wilson.(AP Photo/Sam Morris) so the whole event was successful.”During the series of games, Rodgers said they were pleased that Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg and officials from the Ministry of Tourism were all in attendance. As a part of his job description, Rodgers said he has to go out and find “heads in bed” with such events like this and he’s happy to be able to work with the Bahamas Basket ball Federation and the University of Kentucky in pulling the event off. “This is what it’s all about. We have to be ready for these events,” Rodg ers said. “Hats off to the basketball federation and Baha Mar. Everybody came together and made it happen. “This is just the tip of the iceberg for events that we intend to bring to the Bahamas. We have the Bahama Hoops and we have Hoops in Paradise. They are all going to bring heads in beds. “So, we just have to go out there and bring more events like this to the Bahamas. “I have to go out and knock on doors and work with some of the major sporting franchises whether it be high schools or colleges or professional. “My job is to find the events whether it be track and field, football, basket ball, whatever sport. I need to find them and bring them to the Bahamas.”
HEALTH STATUS Dallas played with out Arike Ogunbowale (abdominal issue) the last few games and Phoenix’s Diana Taurasi was side lined down the stretch with a quad injury. Both teams will be hard-pressed to advance without them in the lineup. Phoenix also could still be without guard Skylar Diggins-Smith, who missed the last couple of games because of personal reasons. BACK-TO-BACK? Chicago is trying to be come the first team to repeat as champions since Los Angeles won consecu tive titles in 2001 and 2002. The Sky host New York in the opening round. EXCITING FINISH New York and Phoenix didn’t secure postseason berths until the final day of the regular season. The Lib erty knocked off Atlanta and Phoenix advanced when Minnesota lost to Connecticut earlier in the day, ending the career of WNBA great Sylvia Fowles. UNDER THE RADAR The Connecticut Sun finished with the league’s third-best record, behind Las Vegas and Chicago. The Sun closed out the season with eight wins in their final 10 games and are seeking to capture the fran chise’s first title.
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 17
WHITE SOX 4, ASTROS 2 CHICAGO (AP) — Yoán Moncada hit a tie breaking two-run single as Chicago rallied with four runs in the eighth to beat Houston.TheWhite Sox have won four straight. Their win ning rally started after José Urquidy retired the first twoUrquidybatters.was pulled after AJ Pollock’s infield hit, and the White Sox jumped all over Rafael Montero (4-2). Johnny Cueto (5-5) pitched eight masterful innings.Liam Hendriks earned his 26th save, retiring Mau ricio Dubón on a popup to first with two runners on for the final Chicagoout.(60-56) moved four games over .500 for the first time since it was 6-2 on April 16.
PAGE 18, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
ALABAMA quarterback Bryce Young (9) waves during warm-ups before the start of an NCAA college football game against Auburn on Saturday, November 27, 2021, in Auburn, Alabama. Alabama is No. 1 in the preseason AP Top 25 for the second straight season. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
DODGERS 4, BREWERS 0 MILWAUKEE (AP) — Freddie Freeman and Gavin Lux homered to back Julio Urías’ five solid innings, and Los Angeles blanked Milwaukee. A day after their 12-game winning streak ended with a 4-0 loss at Kansas City, the major league-best Dodgers got back on track, improving to 20-4 since the All-StarFreemanbreak.hit a solo shot in the first inning off Freddy Peralta (4-3) and Lux added a two-run blast against Hoby Milner in the sixth. Urías (13-6) worked out of trouble in the first three innings.He finished with six strikeouts while allowing four hits and two walks, improving to 10-0 with a 1.99 ERA over his last 11 starts.
RANGERS ATHLETICS2,1 ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Marcus Semien homered, rookie Bubba Thompson had a tiebreak ing RBI single and Texas beatRangersOakland.manager Chris Woodward was fired earlier in the day with Texas on pace for its sixth straight losingNickseason.Allen homered for the last-place A’s, who lost their ninth game in a row. The Rangers have their first three-game winning streak in more than two months. Glenn Otto (5-8) over came a career-high six walks for his first victory since June 4. Jonathan Her nandez worked the ninth for his fourth save. James Kaprielian (3-7) struck out five and walked one over 5 1/3 innings. TWINS ROYALS4, 2 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Max Kepler went 3 for 4 with a slump-busting RBI and Minnesota beat Kansas City.Kepler snapped an 0-for29 skid with his one-out single in the second inning against Royals starter Kris Bubic (2-7) that scored Jorge Polanco. Joe Ryan (9-5) pitched 5 1/3 innings for the win, recovering from a tworun home run by thriving rookie Vinnie Pasquantino in the first inning. New Twins closer Jorge López, who blew his last two save chances, gave up a double and a single in the ninth inning before escap ing with a game-ending double-play grounder by M.J. Melendez for his 21st save.
NEW YORK (AP) — The slumping New York Yankees were shut out in consecutive games for the first time since 2016, losing to Ryan Yarbrough and the Tampa Bay Rays 4-0 on Monday night. New York failed to pro vide any run support for ace Gerrit Cole (9-5), whose only run allowed followed a misplay in center field by Aaron Hicks. The AL East leaders were blanked for the fourth time in nine games and dropped to 8-16 since the All-Star break after a 64-28 start.Yarbrough (1-7) pitched four innings as a bulk reliever for his first win in nearly a year, striking out six without a walk.
— Wil liam Contreras and Eddie Rosario hit back-to-back homers off Carlos Car rasco in the second inning, Ronald Acuña Jr. doubled three times and drove in three runs, and Atlanta routed New York. The Braves scored eight runs in the sixth inning, including a three-run homer by Travis d’Arnaud. They won their seventh straight and moved within 4 1/2 games of the NL EastleadingCarrascoMets.(13-5) allowed three runs in two innings, and his outing was inter rupted by a 55-minute rain delay.He winced on his last pitch and was pulled with left side Atlantatightness.starter Spencer Strider (7-4) also returned after the delay and retired 10 of the last 12 batters he faced. He gave up one run in five innings.
RARITIES AND STREAKS — No. 13 North Caro lina State is ranked in the preseason for the first time since 2003. The Wolfpack matched their best presea son ranking. They were also 13th in 1975. — No. 17 Pitt is in the preseason rankings for the first time since 2010. — No. 20 Kentucky is making its first preseason poll appearance since 1978. — No. 22 Wake Forest made the preseason rank ings for the first time since 2008.— Ohio State is ranked in the preseason for the 34th straight season, break ing a tie with Nebraska (1970-2002) and Penn State (1968-2000) for the longest such streak in poll history. — Texas A&M has the second-best preseason ranking for a team that fin ished the previous season unranked. Ohio State was No. 3 in the 1972 preseason poll after being unranked at the end of the 1971 season and Notre Dame also started No. 6 in 1983 after finishing unranked in 1982. How did the seasons work out for those teams? Ohio State went 9-2 and fin ished the season No. 9. The Irish went 7-5 and unranked again. NOTABLE OMISSIONS — LSU with new coach Brian Kelly will start the season unranked for the first time 2000, Saban’s first of five seasons as coach of the—Tigers.Florida and Florida State are both unranked to start the season, which has not happened since 1974.
TIGERS GUARDIANS7, 5, GAME GUARDIANS2 4, TIGERS 1, GAME 1 CLEVELAND (AP) — Jonathan Schoop and rookie Kerry Carpenter hit back-to-back homers in the sixth inning, and Detroit rallied to split a double header with Cleveland and snap an eight-game skid. All-Star Andrés Giménez belted a go-ahead, threerun homer in the seventh inning of the opener. Giménez added a tworun homer in the nightcap, finishing with four hits and five RBIs on the day. Tigers starter Bryan Garcia (1-0) gave up three runs in six innings in the secondGregorygame.Soto allowed one run in the ninth but picked up his 21st save. Eli Morgan (4-3) surren dered the homers to Schoop andJamesCarpenter.Karinchak (1-0) worked a scoreless sev enth in the opener and Emmanuel Clase pitched a perfect ninth for his 27th save. Cleveland did not allow a hit after the third. Tigers reliever Will Vest (3-3) gave up two runs in the loss. WITH two of the best players in the country leading the way — and a championship game loss as motivation — Alabama is No. 1 in The Associated Press preseason college football poll for the second straight season and ninth timeHeismanoverall.Trophy winner Bryce Young, national defensive player of year Will Anderson Jr and the Crimson Tide received 54 of 63 first-place votes and 1,566 points in the Top 25 presented by Regions Bank released yesterday. Ohio State is No. 2 with six first-place votes (1,506 points) from the media panel and defending national champion Georgia is third with three first-place votes (1,455 points). Clem son is No. 4. Notre Dame rounds out the top five, set ting up a tantalising opener at Ohio State September 3. The Tide’s preseason No. 1 ranking is the seventh in 15 years under coach Nick Saban. Since the preseason rankings started in 1950, only Oklahoma with 10 has been No. 1 in the initial poll more often than Alabama. The Crimson Tide started last season No. 1 and finished ranked No. 2 after losing the national championship game to the Southeastern Conference rival“ItBulldogs.wasn’tour end goal that we wanted,” Anderson said in the spring. “But I’m super proud of those guys, the way they fought. We were a young team. We had people go down. People had to step in that never been there before. So, I think that’s just a learning experience.”Sabanrecently called 2021 a rebuilding season for his Tide dynasty, which has won six national titles over the last 13 years. He has a point.Young was in his first season as a starter, playing behind an inexperienced offensive line. He was unfazed, throwing for 4,872 yards and 47 touchdowns. Anderson was a force on the other side ball as Ala bama broke in a back seven with mostly new starters. The sophomore led the nation in tackles for loss with 33 1/2, 11 1/2 more than No. 2 on the list. Ohio State brings back a Heisman Trophy finalist at quarterback in C.J. Stroud while at Georgia, most of the key players from one of the best college defences of the last 25 years are now in NFL. Still, quarterback Stetson Bennett and AllAmerica tight end Brock Bowers return to a Bulldogs offence that could be even more explosive in 2022. Texas A&M, which fin ished last season unranked despite handing Alabama its only regular-season loss, starts this season No. 6. Defending Pac-12 cham pion Utah is seventh, the best preseason ranking in school history. Defending Big Ten champion Michi gan is No. 8 after making the playoff for the first time lastNo.season.9Oklahoma is the highest-ranked Big 12 school, one spot ahead of defending league champion Baylor. POLL POINTS Alabama has been in the preseason top five in each of last 14 seasons and in the preseason top three in 13 straight. The Tide’s 31st preseason top-five rank ing this year matches Ohio State for second-most in poll history behind Okla homa’sTurning37. preseason No. 1 into a national champi onship has proved tricky throughout history, even for Alabama.TheCrimson Tide have gone on to win the national championship after starting No. 1 just once under Saban and twice overall. Since the AP preseason poll began in 1950, there have been 11 preseason No. 1 teams that also finished the season top ranked. Ala bama was the last to do it (2017).
MARLINS 3, PADRES 0 MIAMI (AP) — Sandy Alcantara threw seven innings of four-hit ball and Miami beat San Diego. Alcantara (11-5) walked two and struck out seven on 108Miguelpitches.Rojas and Jacob Stallings had three hits apiece and rookie JJ Bleday homered for the Marlins, who snapped a four-game skid.The Marlins scored twice in the first against Padres starter Joe Musgrove (8-6). Tanner Scott worked the ninth for his 17th save.
PHILLIES 4, REDS 3 CINCINNATI (AP) — Noah Syndergaard won for the second time in three starts since being traded to Philadelphia and Edmundo Sosa drove in three runs againstSyndergaardCincinnati. (7-8) allowed three runs on eight hits in seven innings, throwing only 77 pitches. Seranthony Dominguez worked the ninth for his ninth save. Sosa’s two-run single highlighted a three-run third for the Phillies. He also had an RBI double in theMikefifth. Minor (1-10) became the first Reds pitcher to start in 10 straight losses since Homer Bailey in 2018. NATIONALS 5, CUBS 4 WASHINGTON (AP) — Nelson Cruz hit a tie breaking homer in the eighth inning as Washing ton beat Chicago. Cruz, who hit a two-run double in the fifth, smacked a 1-1 pitch from Brandon Hughes (1-1) to center to snap a 4-all tie. Carl Edwards Jr. (4-3) pitched a scoreless eighth inning and Kyle Finnegan worked the ninth for his fifthIansave.Happ homered twice for the Cubs.
No. 1 Alabama tops preseason AP Top 25, Ohio St, ‘Dawgs next
ORIOLES 7, BLUE JAYS 3 TORONTO (AP) — Ryan Mountcastle hit a two-run home run in his return to the lineup, Ryan McKenna had his first three-hit game, and surging Baltimore improved to 9-4 in MountcastleAugust. homered off Toronto left-hander Yusei Kikuchi (4-7) in the third. He sat out Sunday’s loss at Tampa Bay after being hit on the left wrist by a pitch Saturday.
NEWBIES Five schools ranked in the preseason poll have head coaches starting their first full seasons: Notre Dame (Marcus Freeman), Oklahoma (Brent Vena bles), No. 11 Oregon (Dan Lanning), No. 14 USC (Lincoln Riley) and No. 16 Miami (Mario Cristobal). This is the second time in the last five seasons that five teams with new coaches were ranked in the preseason, according to Sportradar. It also hap pened in 2018, but before that season that type of representation in the pre season poll for teams with new coaches was a rarity. You have to go all the way back to 1990 when six schools with coaches enter ing their first full season appeared in the preseason Top 25, according to Spor tradar. That list includes some notable names: Gary Moeller, Michigan; Ken Hatfield, Clemson; Gene Stallings, Alabama; Jack Crowe, Arkansas; Paul Hackett, Pittsburgh; and John Jenkins, Houston. CONFERENCE CALL For the fourth straight season, the Southeastern Conference has three teams in the top six. The Atlantic Coast Con ference matched its best showing in the preseason poll with five teams. The ACC has reached that number four previous times.SEC — 6 (Nos. 1, 3, 6, 19, 20, 21). ACC — 5 (Nos. 4, 13, 16, 17, 22). Big Ten — 4 (Nos. 2, 8, 15, 18). Big 12 — 3 (Nos. 9, 10, 12). Pac-12 — 3 (Nos. 7, 11, 14). American — 2 (Nos. 23, Independents24). — 2 (Nos. 5, 25). By RALPH D RUSSO AP FootballCollegeWriter
Vladimir Guerrero Jr. hit his 24th home run as the Blue Jays lost for the eighth time in 11 games. Orioles right-hander Kyle Bradish allowed three runs in 4 2/3 innings and Bryan Baker (4-3) worked 1 1/3 innings in relief.
TAMPA Bay Rays center fielder Jose Siri celebrates with shortstop Taylor Walls (0) the Rays de feated the New York Yankees in a baseball game on Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, in New York. The Rays won 4-0. (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)
“Americans spend too much time and money to file their taxes, and the IRS should adopt these pro posals to help millions of Americans file taxes and claim refunds.” At her Finance Com mittee appearance, Yellen called for a new system. “There’s no reason in the world that a modern economy shouldn’t have a system that makes it easy for such a large group of taxpayers to file their returns,” she said. Vanessa Williamson, a senior fellow at the UrbanBrookings Tax Policy Center, said “if the IRS moves forward with a free product, it could save lower-income families the money they used to give to H&R Block or TurboTax.”
By FATIMA HUSSEIN Associated Press
PAGE 20, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
FRIDAY, 12 AUGUST 2022 CLOSECHANGE%CHANGEYTDYTD% BISX ALL SHARE INDEX: 2589.241.720.07361.0016.20 BISX LISTED & TRADED SECURITIES 52WK HI52WK LOWSECURITY SYMBOLLAST CLOSECLOSECHANGE VOLUMEEPS$DIV$P/E YIELD 6.755.30 AML Foods Limited AML 6.70 6.700.00 0.2390.17028.02.54% 53.0033.80 APD Limited APD 39.95 39.950.00 0.9321.26042.93.15% 2.721.60Benchmark BBL 2.55 2.710.16 4,9000.0000.020N/M0.74% 2.612.20Bahamas First Holdings Limited BFH 2.46 2.460.00 0.1400.08017.63.25% 2.601.30Bank of Bahamas BOB 2.51 2.510.00110,0000.0700.000N/M0.00% 6.205.75Bahamas Property Fund BPF 6.20 6.200.00 1.7600.000N/M0.00% 10.057.50Bahamas Waste BWL 9.75 9.750.00 0.3690.26026.42.67% 4.152.82Cable Bahamas CAB 3.91 3.910.00 -0.4380.000-8.9 0.00% 10.655.40Commonwealth Brewery CBB 10.15 10.150.00 5500.1400.00072.50.00% 3.652.27Commonwealth Bank CBL 3.30 3.310.01 5,0560.1840.12018.03.63% 8.255.95Colina Holdings CHL 8.16 8.160.00 0.4490.22018.22.70% 17.509.80CIBC FirstCaribbean Bank CIB 16.00 16.000.00 0.7220.72022.24.50% 2.651.99Consolidated Water BDRs CWCB 2.93 2.940.01 0.1020.43428.814.76% 11.288.25Doctor's Hospital DHS 10.26 10.260.00 0.4670.06022.00.58% 11.2510.02Emera Incorporated EMAB 11.70 11.760.06 0.6460.32818.22.79% 10.8510.00Famguard FAM 10.85 10.850.00 0.7280.24014.92.21% 18.3013.10Fidelity Bank (Bahamas) Limited FBB 18.30 18.300.00 0.8160.54022.42.95% 4.003.50Focol FCL 3.90 3.900.00 0.2030.12019.23.08% 11.008.20Finco FIN 11.00 11.000.00 0.9390.20011.71.82% 16.5015.50J. S. Johnson JSJ 15.50 15.500.00 0.6310.61024.63.94% PREFERENCE SHARES 1.001.00Bahamas First Holdings PreferenceBFHP 1.00 1.000.00 0.0000.0000.0000.00% 1000.001000.00 Cable Bahamas Series 6 CAB6 1000.001000.000.00 0.0000.0000.0000.00% 1000.001000.00 Cable Bahamas Series 9 CAB9 1000.001000.000.00 0.0000.0000.0000.00% 1.001.00Colina Holdings Class A CHLA 1.00 1.000.00 0.0000.0000.0006.25% 10.0010.00Fidelity Bank Bahamas Class A FBBA 10.0010.000.00 0.0000.0000.0007.00% 1.001.00Focol Class B FCLB 1.00 1.000.00 0.0000.0000.0006.50% CORPORATE DEBT - (percentage pricing) 52WK HI52WK LOWSECURITY SYMBOLLAST SALECLOSECHANGEVOLUME 100.00100.00Fidelity Bank (Note 22 Series B+)FBB22 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00Bahamas First Holdings LimitedBFHB 100.00100.000.00 BAHAMAS GOVERNMENT STOCK - (percentage pricing) 115.92104.79Bahamas Note 6.95 (2029) BAH29 107.31107.310.00 100.00100.00BGS: 2014-12-7Y BG0107 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00BGS: 2015-1-7Y BG0207 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00BGS: 2014-12-30Y BG0130 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00BGS: 2015-1-30Y BG0230 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00BGS: 2015-6-7Y BG0307 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00BGS:
NOTICE is hereby given that CESAR CARRASCO PEREZ of Rupert Dean Lane, New Providence, Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/ naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 9th day of August, 2022 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.
NOTICE is hereby given that ZIONA ERICA UTILE of Zirconia Street, Prince Charles, Nassau, Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/ naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 9th day of August, 2022 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.
Expanded IRS freefile
“I’ve been pushing for a free tax filing system for years, and now the IRS is on the verge of having significant funding to mod ernize its IT systems, which means it’s time to develop simplified filing tools laid out in my Tax Filing Simpli fication Act,” Warren told The Associated Press.
THE flagship climate change and health care bill passed by Democrats and soon to be signed by Presi dent Joe Biden will bring U.S. taxpayers one step closer to a governmentoperated electronic free-file tax return system. It’s something lawmak ers and advocates have been seeking for years. For many Americans, it’s frus trating that beyond having to pay sometimes hefty tax bills, they also have to shell out additional money for tax preparation programs or preparers because of an increasingly complex U.S. tax system. “It’s definitely some thing we should do, and when the IRS is adequately resourced, it’s something that will happen,” said Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at a June Senate Finance Committee hearing.Andnow that the IRS is set to receive nearly $80 bil lion through the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” system one step closer in Dems’ bill
“Tax prep companies are notorious for tricking tax filers into paying for ser vices they should be getting for free,” Williamson said, “so an IRS free file service would be a very welcome step that would save Amer icans money.” In 2019, ProPublica wrote about Intuit’s Tur boTax and H&R Block Inc.’s efforts to mislead taxpayers away from the federally supported free services for which they qualified. And in May, New York Attorney Gen eral Letitia James secured a $141 million settlement with Mountain View, Cal ifornia-based Intuit Inc., which had to pay restitution to some taxpayers. 2015-6-30Y BG0330 100.00100.000.00 100.00100.00BGS: 2015-10-7Y BG0407 100.00100.000.00 101.5599.72BGRS FX BGR124228 BSBGR1242282101.55101.550.00 100.2299.98BGRS FL BGRS99032 BSBGRS990326100.50100.500.00 100.4399.96BGRS FL BGRS97033 BSBGRS970336100.09100.090.00 Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why shouldregistration/naturalizationnotbegranted,should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 9th day of August, 2022 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.
INTERNAL Revenue Service taxes forms are seen on Feb. 13, 2019. The flagship climate change and health care bill passed by Democrats and soon to be signed by President Biden will have U.S. taxpayers one step closer to a government-operated electronic free-file tax return system. Photo:Keith Srakocic/AP the agency has the means to develop new systems to help Americans pay their taxes. The legislation passed Congress on Friday. Several hurdles stand in the way. Even in a bestcase scenario, it will likely take years to get a new, free system up and running. There’s also pushback from commercial tax preparation companies, which question whether Americans want the IRS to prepare their taxes.Perhaps this biggest hurdle is an agreement between the IRS and some commercial tax preparation companies, known as the Free File Alliance, which prevents the federal agency from creating its own free tax return filing system. In short, the IRS agreed not create its own filing system if companies would instead provide free services to tax payers making $73,000 or less.That 16-year provision within the agreement was formally nixed in 2019, but tax experts and government reports say the program’s existence is largely respon sible for the IRS not pursuing its own electronic free file system. The program has been marred with controversy, with commercial firms mis representing their services and low taxpayer participa tion rates. The Government Accountability Office in April reported that while 70% of taxpayers were eli gible for services through the Free File Alliance, only 3% of taxpayers actually use the service. The watch dog recommended the IRS find new free filing options before the Alliance expires in October 2023. With the funding in the bill, the IRS has an oppor tunity to create a new system.Included is a provision that allots $15 million to the IRS to make plans for a free direct e-file tax return system. Those plans would have to be developed within nine months and would include cost estimates for creating and administering a system. They would also require public input. There are also legislative attempts to move this effort along.Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., in July resubmit ted a bill called the Tax Filing Simplification Act that would require the IRS to create its own free online tax filing service and move away from its partnership with private online tax preparation companies.
100.43100.43BGRS FL BGRS75022 BSBGRS750225100.54100.540.00 100.34100.04BGRS FL BGRS81037 BSBGRS810375100.34100.340.00 100.23100.00BGRS FL BGRS88028 BSBGRS880287100.00100.000.00 100.0089.62BGRS FX BGR129249 BSBGR129249389.6289.620.00 100.0089.00BGRS FX BGR131249 BSBGR1312499100.00100.000.00 100.9890.24BGRS FX BGR132249 BSBGR1322498100.00100.000.00 100.0090.73BGRS FX BGR136150 BSBGR1361504100.00100.000.00 MUTUAL FUNDS 52WK HI52WK LOW NAV YTD%12 MTH% 2.522.11 2.520.99%4.22% 4.693.30 4.690.36%5.78% 2.221.68 2.210.67%2.74% 207.86164.74 197.44-2.97%-2.35% 212.41116.70 202.39-4.72%6.04% 1.741.69 1.741.37%3.03% 1.841.75 1.841.19%5.23% 1.831.76 1.831.62%4.13% 1.030.97 0.97-5.25%-6.07% 9.376.41 9.37-0.02%10.36% 11.837.62 11.79-0.33%18.23% 7.545.66 7.540.22%3.05% 16.648.65 15.94-3.89%14.76% 12.8410.54 12.47-1.04%-2.57% 10.779.57 10.740.81%4.20% 10.009.88 N/AN/AN/A 10.438.45 10.433.00%25.60% 14.8911.20 14.897.90%48.70% MARKET TERMS BISX ALL SHARE INDEX - 19 Dec 02 = 1,000.00 YIELD - last 12 month dividends divided by closing price - Highest closing price in last 52 weeks Bid $ - Buying price of Colina and Fidelity 52wk-Low - Lowest closing price in last 52 weeks Ask $ - Selling price of Colina and fidelity Previous Close - Previous day's weighted price for daily volume Last Price - Last traded over-the-counter price Today's Close - Current day's weighted price for daily volume Weekly Vol. - Trading volume of the prior week Change - Change in closing price from day to day EPS $ - A company's reported earnings per share for the last 12 mths Daily Vol. - Number of total shares traded today NAV - Net Asset Value DIV $ - Dividends per share paid in the last 12 months N/M - Not Meaningful P/E - Closing price divided by the last 12 month earnings TO TRADE CALL: CFAL 242-502-7010 | ROYALFIDELITY 242-356-7764 | CORALISLE 242-502-7525 | LENO 242-396-3225 | BENCHMARK 242-326-7333 5.55%4.33%4.31%4.30% 15-Apr-204926-Jul-202817-Apr-203323-Sep-20324.87%4.43% 26-Jul-20377-Sep-2022 6.25% 31-Mar-202230-Sep-2025FUND CFAL Bond Fund CFAL Balanced Fund CFAL Money Market Fund CFAL Global Bond Fund 4.25%6.25%4.50%6.25% NAV Date 4.66%5.69%5.65% 31-May-202231-May-202231-Jan-202231-Jan-202231-Jan-202231-Jan-202231-May-202231-Jan-202231-Jan-202231-Mar-202115-Oct-204913-Jul-202821-Apr-205025-Mar-202215-Oct-202226-Jun-204526-Jun-202230-Jul-204515-Dec-204430-Jul-202215-Dec-2021 INTEREST Prime + 1.75% MARKET REPORT 31-Mar-202131-Mar-2021 MATURITY 31-Mar-202231-Mar-202220-Nov-202919-Oct-20224.50%6.95% 31-May-202231-Mar-2022 5.60%6.25%4.50% 15-Jul-2049 Colonial Bahamas Fund Class D Colonial Bahamas Fund Class E Colonial Bahamas Fund Class F CFAL Global Equity Fund Leno Financial Conservative Fund Leno Financial Aggressive Fund Leno Financial Balanced Fund Leno Financial Global Bond Fund RF Bahamas Opportunities Fund - Secured Balanced Fund RF Bahamas Opportunities Fund - Targeted Equity Fund RF Bahamas Opportunities Fund - Prime Income Fund RF Bahamas International Investment Fund Limited - Equities Sub Fund RF Bahamas International Investment Fund Limited - High Yield Income Fund RF Bahamas International Investment Fund Limited - Alternative Strategies Fund (242)323 2330 (242) 323 2320 NOTICE is hereby given that MATTHEW ANTONIO MARSHALL of East Avenue, Carmichael Raod, New Providence, Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for
STARBUCKS on Monday asked the National Labor Relations Board to temporarily suspend all union elections at its U.S. stores, citing allegations from a board employee that regional NLRB officials improperly coordinated with union organizers.
PRO-union pins sit on a table during a watch party for Starbucks’ employees union election, Dec. 9, 2021, in Buffalo, N.Y. Starbucks is asking the National Labor Relations Board to temporarily suspend all union elections at its U.S. stores in response to allegations of improper coordination between regional NLRB officials and the union.
By DEE-ANN DURBIN AP Business Writer
Starbucks also asked the NLRB to issue an order requiring all elections to be conducted in person with observers from both sides. Starbucks has long opposed unionization, dating back to CEO Howard Schultz’s acquisi tion of the company in the late 1980s. The current unionization effort has been riddled with accusa tions and lawsuits on both sides.Starbucks Workers United has filed 284 unfair labor practice charges with the NLRB against Starbucks or one of its operators, according to the labor board. Starbucks has filed two charges against WorkersEarlierUnited.thismonth, the labor board dismissed one of the charges filed by Starbucks, saying the com pany failed to prove that pro-union workers blocked store entrances or intimi dated customers during a spring rally. In June, the NLRB asked a federal court in western New York to order Star bucks to stop interfering with unionization efforts at its U.S. stores. The NLRB’s actions against Starbucks haven’t always been successful. In June, a federal judge in Phoenix ruled that Star bucks didn’t have to rehire three workers who claimed that the company had retaliated against them for organizing a Unionizationunion.efforts at Starbucks, Amazon, Trader Joe’s and elsewhere are gaining steam under Presi dent Joe Biden, who has vowed to be “the most pro-union president” in American history. But Bill Gould, a former NLRB chairman who now teaches at Stanford Law School, said NLRB deci sions issued under Biden have not been much differ ent than those issued under Republican“Starbuckspresidents.doesn’t like the message that workers are giving them, pretty uni formly, across the country,” Gould said. “So they’re trying to eliminate the messenger.”Starbucks isn’t the only large company facing a unionization effort that has attacked the voting process. Amazon has also levied accusations of improper conduct against the NLRB’s regional office in Brook lyn in its attempt to re-do a historic labor win at a ware house on Staten Island, New York.
Photo:Joshua Bessex/AP
In a letter to the board chairman and other offi cials, Starbucks said the unnamed career NLRB employee informed the company about the activ ity, which happened in the board’s St. Louis office in the spring while it was over seeing a union election at a Starbucks store in Overland Park,TheKansas.storeis one of 314 U.S. Starbucks locations where workers have peti tioned the NLRB to hold union elections since late last year. More than 220 of those stores have voted to unionize. The company opposes the unionization effort.The Seattle coffee giant alleges that St. Louis labor board officials made special arrangements for pro-union workers to vote in person at its office when they did not receive mail-in ballots, even though Starbucks and the union had agreed that store elections would be handled by mail-in ballot. In its letter, Starbucks referred to memos the regional office sent con firming that workers were allowed to come to the office and vote in person after the union told the regional office that some workers had not received ballots in the mail. The memos, citing “board protocol,” said the work ers voted alone in an empty office, according to Starbucks.“Because observers were not present, no one can be sure who appeared to vote, whether NLRB personnel had inappropriate commu nications with the voters, told them how to vote, showed them how to vote or engaged in other undis closed conduct,” Starbucks wrote in its Starbucksletter.said regional board officials also dis closed confidential information to the union, including which workers’ ballots had arrived in the mail to be Starbuckscounted. Workers United, the group seeking to unionize U.S. Starbucks stores, accused the com pany of trying to “distract attention away from their unprecedented anti-union campaign, including firing over 75 union leaders across the country, while simul taneously trying to halt all union“Ultimately,elections.”this is Star bucks’ latest attempt to manipulate the legal pro cess for their own means and prevent workers from exercising their fundamen tal right to organize,” the group said in a statement. A spokesperson for the NLRB said Monday the agency doesn’t comment on openPresscases.secretary Kayla Blado said the NLRB will “carefully and objectively” consider any challenges that Starbucks raises through “established chan nels.” Starbucks can also seek expedited review in the case, Blado said. Workers at the Overland Park store petitioned the NLRB to hold a vote in February. In April, work ers voted 6-1 to unionize, but seven additional ballots were the subject of chal lenges from Starbucks or theAunion.hearing on those chal lenges was scheduled for Tuesday. Starbucks asked for that hearing to be delayed, but as of Monday afternoon, the board had not postponed it. Risa L. Lieberwitz, a professor of labor law and academic director of the Worker Institute at Cornell University, said Starbucks’ push to delay the hearing was curious. Lieberwitz said the hearing is the ideal place for Starbucks to pre sent evidence about the Overland Park election and ask the board to investigate. “This certainly seems to be a tactic to shift atten tion away from Starbucks’ own conduct and try to put negative connotations or allegations against the board,” Lieberwitz said. In its letter, Starbucks said the evidence in this case indicates misconduct in other regions as well. The company wants the NLRB to investigate other Star bucks union elections and make public a report on its findings. The company said the board should also implement safeguards to prevent regional officials from coordinating with one party or another.
Starbucks asks labor board to halt union votes
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 21
NOTICE is hereby given that MIRLINE BOYER of Soldier Road, Nassau, Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/ naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 9th day of August, 2022 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas.
Stocks end higher on Wall Street; economic worries hit oil
PAGE 22, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 THE TRIBUNE
The government con tinually provides lip service to the concerns of the petroleum industry while motorists suffer with get ting around the gasoline prices hitting a $7 plus high this year. The government has had discussions with the BPDA on how they can bring the price of gasoline down for consumers, but after several months of dis cussions nothing has been finalized and both sides are at the same position they started at when they first began having meetings in earnest on the matter. The Minister of Eco nomic Affairs, Michael Halkitis, has already rejected out of hand one of the BPDA’s requests for an increase to their margins, something that has not been done since the last Hubert Ingraham Free National Movement administration between 2008-2012. Mr Halkitis argues that a margin increase for retailers would be a burden to the consumer only, but has not articulated how this would be a burden for a consumer despite the consumer suf fering with high gasoline prices now. The BPDA have said that a margin increase would allow them to buy fuel at this higher prices because many of their members were on the brink of closing down, but with prices going back down again, even they have changed their tone and are now walking in step with what Prime Minister Davis has suggested in that of a decrease in VAT, but no start time determined or time limit specified nei ther a percentage rate determined for this VAT reduction on gasoline. Mr Davis also promised a reduction in shipping rates for oil transshipment nearly five months ago, but that also has not materialised as yet.
THE NEW York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, in New York. Stocks on Wall Street recovered from early losses and turned higher in afternoon trading Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, as investors remain focused on the economy and on several updates from retailers this week. Photo:Julia Nikhinson/AP for diesel will now be $6.34 plus Value Added Tax (VAT), with the maximum wholesale selling price $5.95 in New Providence. This is good news for the owners of diesel vehi cles, bus drivers and other heavy equipment that run on diesel, but this reduction is no where near the lows of even last year, let alone the relative fuel price lows of the 1990s.
Mr Bastian added: “The only thing that could help the retailers now is if they sell more in volume and then the cost of it would be cheaper for us to buy now at the lower cost. But the real people who are going to benefit from stuff like that would be the motoring public. This is Esso doing their part from a corporate point of view in the back ground to lower prices and they are passing it on to the motoring public.”
Wall Street will get another look at the health of the retail sector and consumer spending when the Commerce Depart ment releases its July retail sales report on Wednesday.
By DAMIAN J. TROISE AND ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writers STOCKS on Wall Street bounced back from an early slide and closed higher Monday, extending the market's recent win ning ways as investors look ahead to several updates from retailers this week. The S&P 500 rose 0.4% after having been down 0.5% in the early going. The benchmark index has risen for four straight weeks and is up 13.5% so far in the third quarter, although it's still lower for the year. The Dow Jones Indus trial Average rose 0.5% and the Nasdaq gained 0.6%. Smaller company stocks also rose, sending the Rus sell 2000 index 0.2% higher. The market got off to a bumpy start as traders reacted to news overnight that China's central bank cut a key interest rate, acknowledging more needed to be done to shore up its economy. The move is the latest warning for markets already on edge over record-high inflation and fears about recessions in the U.S. and elsewhere. China is the world's second-largest consumer of crude oil, so the news weighed on energy prices. U.S. crude oil prices slumped 2.9% on worries about the global economy and weighed heavily on energy stocks. Chevron fell 1.9%.Treasury yields fell as a report showed manufac turing in New York state unexpectedly contracted. The yield on the 10-year Treasury, which banks use to set mortgage rates, fell to 2.79% from 2.83% late Friday.Some big banks fell as bond yields declined. Capi tal One slid 1.8%. Still, all but two of the 11 sectors in the S&P 500 closed higher. Technology stocks, retailers and other companies that rely on direct consumer spending accounted for a big share of the gains. Visa rose 2.4% and Costco added 1.6%. Moderna rose 3.3% after British regulators author ized an updated version of its COVID-19 vaccine. All told, the S&P 500 rose 16.99 points to 4,297.14. The Dow added 151.39 points to 33,912.44. The Nasdaq gained 80.87 points to 13,128.05. The Russell 2000 rose 4.73 points to 2,021.35.The market's choppy start to the week follows four straight weeks of gains for the benchmark S&P 500 on hopes that inflation is peaking and that the Fed eral Reserve could ease up on its aggressive interest rate hikes. The central bank has been raising short-term interest rates to help slow economic growth and cool the hottest inflation in 40 years.Wall Street is worried that the Fed could hit the brakes too hard and send the economy into a reces sion, and any signal that inflation could be peaking or retreating has helped ease some of those worries. Investors are also keep ing a close watch on how inflation is affecting busi nesses and consumers. Spending has slowed and the broader economy has already contracted for two straight quarters. Several big retailers will give inves tors more detail on how their businesses are holding up when they report earn ings this week. Home Depot and Walmart report their results on Tuesday and Target's results are due on Wednes day. On July 26, the S&P 500 fell more than 1% after Walmart warned that inflation was hurting its customers' spending power and said its second-quarter profit would be lower than previously forecast.
Diesel price cut thanks to wholesaler not govt FROM PAGE A24 The Tribune wants to hear from people who are making news in their neighbourhoods. Perhaps you are raising funds for a good cause, campaigning for improvements in the area or have won an award. If so, call us on 322-1986 and share your story. Share your news
----- ----MARINE FORECAST WINDS WAVES VISIBILITY WATER TEMPS. ABACO Today: SW at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 5 Miles 86° F Wednesday: SW at 7 14 Knots 1 3 Feet 8 Miles 86° F ANDROS Today: SW at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 88° F Wednesday: SSW at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 89° F CAT ISLAND Today: SSE at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 8 Miles 84° F Wednesday: SSE at 4 8 Knots 1 3 Feet 10 Miles 84° F CROOKED ISLAND Today: ESE at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 10 Miles 86° F Wednesday: SE at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 10 Miles 86° F ELEUTHERA Today: S at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 7 Miles 87° F Wednesday: S at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 10 Miles 87° F FREEPORT Today: SSW at 6 12 Knots 1 2 Feet 7 Miles 85° F Wednesday: WSW at 7 14 Knots 1 2 Feet 10 Miles 86° F GREAT EXUMA Today: SE at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 6 Miles 87° F Wednesday: S at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 88° F GREAT INAGUA Today: E at 6 12 Knots 1 2 Feet 10 Miles 85° F Wednesday: E at 6 12 Knots 1 2 Feet 10 Miles 86° F LONG ISLAND Today: SE at 6 12 Knots 1 2 Feet 10 Miles 87° F Wednesday: SE at 6 12 Knots 1 2 Feet 10 Miles 87° F MAYAGUANA Today: ESE at 7 14 Knots 2 4 Feet 10 Miles 86° F Wednesday: SE at 6 12 Knots 2 4 Feet 10 Miles 87° F NASSAU Today: S at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 86° F Wednesday: SSW at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 87° F RAGGED ISLAND Today: SE at 6 12 Knots 1 3 Feet 10 Miles 86° F Wednesday: SE at 4 8 Knots 1 3 Feet 10 Miles 86° F SAN SALVADOR Today: SE at 6 12 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 87° F Wednesday: SSE at 4 8 Knots 0 1 Feet 10 Miles 87° F UV INDEX TODAY The higher the AccuWeather UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 L TRACKING MAP Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. NS EW S 6 12 knots NS EW S 6 12 knots NS EW S 6 12 knots NS EW S 6 12 knots NS EW S 4 8 knots NSW E 6 12 knots NS EW S 6 12 knots NS EW S 4 8 knots | Go to
THE TRIBUNE Tuesday, August 16, 2022, PAGE 23
Entrepreneur to launch haircare line in 2023 FROM PAGE A24 CALL 502-2394 TO ADVERTISE TODAY! Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Low:ORLANDO76°F/24° C High: 93° F/34° C Low:TAMPA81°F/27° C High: 91° F/33° C WEST PALM BEACH Low: 77° F/25° C High: 92° F/33° C FT.High:Low:LAUDERDALE79°F/26°C91°F/33°C KEY WEST Low: 81° F/27° C High: 89° F/32° C Low: 79° F/26° C High: 89° F/32° C Low:ABACO80°F/27° C High: 89° F/32° C High:Low:ELEUTHERA78°F/26°C89°F/32°C RAGGED ISLAND Low: 79° F/26° C High: 87° F/31° C GREAT EXUMA Low: 79° F/26° C High: 88° F/31° C CAT ISLAND Low: 77° F/25° C High: 89° F/32° C SANHigh:Low:SALVADOR78°F/26°C88°F/31°C CROOKED ISLAND / ACKLINS Low: 79° F/26° C High: 88° F/31° C LONG ISLAND Low: 78° F/26° C High: 88° F/31° C MAYAGUANALow:80°F/27°CHigh:89°F/32°C GREAT INAGUA Low: 79° F/26° C High: 88° F/31° C Low:ANDROS78°F/26° C High: 87° F/31° C Low: 78° F/26° C High: 90° F/32° C FREEPORT NASSAULow: 78° F/26° C High: 91° F/33° C MIAMI THE WEATHER REPORT 5-DAY FORECAST Mostly sunny High: 89° AccuWeather RealFeel 100° F The exclusive AccuWeather RealFeel Temperature is an index that combines the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body—everything that affects how warm or cold a person feels. Temperatures reflect the high and the low for the day. Partly cloudy with a t-storm or two Low: 79° AccuWeather RealFeel 89° F Partly sunny High: 90° AccuWeather RealFeel Low: 79° 102°-90° F Mostly sunny High: 91° AccuWeather RealFeel Low: 80° 103°-89° F A t-storm in spots in the morning High: 90° AccuWeather RealFeel Low: 81° 100°-89° F Partly sunny with a thunderstorm High: 91° AccuWeather102°-86°RealFeelF Low: 78° TODAY TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ALMANAC High 90° F/32° C Low 75° F/24° C Normal high 89° F/32° C Normal low 76° F/24° C Last year’s high 91° F/33° C Last year’s low 75° F/24° C As of 2 p.m. yesterday 0.41” Year to date 38.96” Normal year to date 22.24” Statistics are for Nassau through 2 p.m. yesterday PrecipitationTemperature SUN AND MOON TIDES FOR NASSAU Aug.Last19 Aug.New27 Sep.First3 Sep.Full10 Sunrise 6:44 a.m. Sunset 7:44 p.m. Moonrise 11:04 p.m. Moonset 11:15 a.m. FridayThursdayWednesdayToday High Ht.(ft.) Low Ht.(ft.) 12:00 p.m. 3.2 5:48 a.m. 0.2 ----- ----- 6:17 p.m. 0.6 12:17 a.m. 3.0 6:35 a.m. 0.4
stores and things like that, so hopefully that picks up and not hindering us anymore.”TheStLouis-based entre preneur says she worked in marketing for eight years before she branched out into beauty care products and now she is ready for expansion. “We’re actually launching the innovative collection right now that’s going to be focusing more on hair loss and we’re really trying to expand our distri bution. We’re in stores in the UK, we also got into a store that’s actually owned by a Bahamian in Canada, and we’re really trying to expand into The Bahamas. We were in some stores there but because of the hurricane, people decided to close their businesses.” Ms Thompson started Bask & Bloom Essentials after suffering from post partum hair shedding after the birth of her daughter 12 years ago. She said: “I knew it was going to happen, but I didn’t think it was going to be so “Sosevere.Ireally wanted to find an option to get my hair back healthy. It was really thin, it was breaking off in some areas and the shedding was just really extreme.”Afterthe birth of her second daughter, who is now seven, she experienced even more hair loss and damage, which motivated her to find her own solu tion and she developed her own haircare line, formally launched in 2017, which has been growing every since. Bask & Bloom Essen tials is in stores all over the US and has a line of “ten permanent products” that cater to women who have suffered hair damage and want a fuller head of hair and has done so with just a staff complement of seven people.Ms Thompson said: “We’re actually going into a phase where we’re talk ing to investors because we really want to expand. We have major retailers that we’ve had conversations with like Target and we’re definitely looking to expand into mass retail. But we def initely have a following in the UK, Canada and Carib bean and we definitely want to focus on that first.” Ms Thompson already won $150,000 in grant funding along with par ticipating in a lot of competitions along with meeting investors along the way who she hopes can turn her six figure business into seven figures in 2023. Next year will be a “banner year” for Bask & Bloom Essentials and being a female entrepreneur is not lost on Ms Thompson either. “It’s a great thing because you’re motivating so many people that didn’t know that you can be a mom, a wife, have three kids and still run a business full time. So standing out in the beauty space par ticularly in the Caribbean is motivating as a lot of people can actually see they can do something like this and succeed.” 12:52 p.m. 3.1 7:12 p.m. 0.8 1:07 a.m. 2.7 7:23 a.m. 0.6 1:47 p.m. 3.0 8:11 p.m. 1.0 2:00 a.m. 2.5 8:14 a.m. 0.8 2:43 p.m. 2.9 9:12 p.m. 1.2 2:57 a.m. 2.3 9:08 a.m. 0.9 3:42 p.m. 2.8 10:14 p.m. 1.3 3:57 a.m. 2.3 10:04 a.m. 1.0 4:39 p.m. 2.9 11:12 p.m. 1.3 4:54 a.m. 2.3 10:59 a.m. 1.0 5:32 p.m. 2.9
By YOURI KEMP Tribune Business Reporter
Bahamians ‘may not be able to take advantage of lending’
In a release to the media, the GBPA said: “It has always been the position of the prin cipals, shareholders and management of the GBPA that the closure of the Gold Rock Company and its sister businesses is not in the best interests of Grand Bahama. “We reiterate our concern for the well-being of the hun dreds of affected workers and their families, as well as the impact on consumers, other licencees and the island’s economy as a whole. “The Port Authority under stands that DEVCO has been and remains open to further discussion with Gold Rock’s principals in the hope of chart ing a productive way forward.” The GBPA also said: “The Port Authority acknowledges and accepts a concern on the part of DEVCO that the terms of its former agreement with Gold Rock unfairly privileged one licensee over others. As previously stated, we also regret attempts to mischar acterize GBPA’s role in this matter, in an effort to gain a negotiating advantage. Our responsibility is to protect the interests of all licensees and promote the well-being of the Grand Bahama community as a whole.“Inkeeping with this man date, we express our sincere hope that this matter can still be resolved amicably. We are certain that through fur ther negotiation in the spirit of good faith, a new agree ment can be concluded that is equitable and beneficial to all involved.“GBPA stands ready to facilitate a new negotiation process between Gold Rock and DEVCO and assist the parties in whatever way we can. Our door remains open.”
Diesel price cut thanks to wholesaler not govt PAGE A22
THE Clearing Bank Association’s (CBA) chair man is not sure Bahamians will be able to take advan tage of the new relaxed lending policies handed down by the Central Bank. Kenrick Brathwaite, managing director of the Bank of The Bahamas, told Tribune Business that despite the regulator mean ing well in relaxing lending policies last week, “a very small percentage of bor rowers in this country total debt service ration (TDSR) falls below 50 percent. So you are going to find that some people will rejoice and the banking industry will rejoice because we’ve always had to adhere to strict TDSR guidelines with the exception of con solidations, but I’m not sure how many borrowers will be jumping for joy this morning to say that this is relaxed”.TheCentral Bank also changed the equity require ments for loans as well, but Mr Brathwaite said this “is not something a cus tomer would be jumping up for joy for, because I’m not sure how many places would be impacted”. He added: “But this is a good thing for the central bank to recognise that a lot Bahamians have lend ing or borrowing needs and if somehow if you can assist them, even if only a few, you’ve done something good.”The Central Bank said effective immediately, lend ing institutions may, on a case-by-case basis, approve applications for new per sonal loans, subject to the total debt service ratio for the facility and any pre-existing obligations not exceeding 50 percent. That is, unless stipulated regulatory requirements have been imposed by the Central Bank on specific banks or credit unions. This increases the total debt ser vice ratio from the current range of 40 percent to 45 percent.Easing credit in a time where inflation is high and Bahamians are import ing it into the country would appear as a financial stimulus, but not necessar ily a response to the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates last month. But Mr Brathwaite ulti mately warned that not many people would benefit from the new relaxation of lending restrictions from the central bank. “The truth is a high percentage of the employment force is already overly burdened with debt and that’s why I said TDSR’s are above 50 percent and most of them have probably exceeded 50 percent.”
He added: “But behind that price there is still the government tax and duty and everything like that. So Esso is being able to negoti ate a better price from the wholesaling side and they are passing that on to the Bahamian public.”
THE BAHAMAS Petro leum Dealers Association’s (BPDA) said that the price of diesel coming down is more to do about the wholesaler working behind the scenes than it is the gov ernment lowering taxes on gas and Vascodiesel.Bastian, the BPDA vice-president, told Tribune Business that the whole sale price of diesel form Sol Petroleum Bahamas Ltd is something the Ministry of Economic Affairs already did two weeks ago with gasoline and is indicative of the price of oil on the inter national market continually trending downward. Mr Bastian also said: “All this is basically saying is that Esso is being able to buy their diesel at a cheaper price and they are passing it on to the Bahamian con sumer. That’s what Esso is saying.”
The move follows the announcement by the Floridabased Del Zotto family, Gold Rock’s owners, that it plans to shutter all its businesses, with the loss of 130 Bahamian jobs.
By YOURI KEMP Tribune Business Reporter
A FEMALE Bahamian entrepreneur in St Louis is launching in The Bahamas and looking for sevenfigure growth in 2023. Candera Thompson, chief executive officer of Bask & Bloom Essentials, based in St Louis, told Tribune Business she is looking to expand in the Caribbean and will start with The Bahamas next year. Ms Thompson also said: “Things are going really well, especially seeing we have a lot of Caribbean backing and that was the whole inspiration behind the brand being from The Bahamas. So we’ve been doing really well with our online orders and we are branch ing out into other retail stores and beauty supply to launch haircare line in 2023
Entrepreneur TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2022
THE Grand Bahamas Port Authority (GBPA) is “open” for discussions with the Del Zotto family on the closure of their various interests in Grand Bahama.
By YOURI KEMP Tribune ReporterBusiness
By YOURI KEMP Tribune ReporterBusiness
The government placed a notice in the newspaper that said that the price of diesel will change to a maxi mum of $6.34 per gallon. This by no means is as a result of the govern ment reducing taxes on the petroleum industry, something Prime Minister Philip “Brave”Davis hinted at doing two weeks back. “This is strictly as a result of Esso doing a lot of work behind the scenes and nothing to do with the government,” Mr Bastian emphasised.Hecontinued: “When you see a significant price decline like that it means that Esso is doing a lot of work in the background.” The maximum retail price