The Triune - Summer 2013

Page 1

The Fully Expressed Gender in CrossFit Page 11

Combinations You’re Probably Neglecting Page 14

Paleo-ish Patios Page 13


Carey Kepler Founder

Jeremy Thiel Founder

Nicole Hughes Editor in Chief

Susan Bender


Managing Editor

Matt Pope: A Man on A Journey

Rusty Fincke Creative Director

Brian Sullivan Photography

Elliot Schrock Lindsay Schrock Videography

Jonathan Haynes Virtual Architect



Paleo-ish Patios



The Feger family have all gotten involved in CrossFit and have made some major changes in their way of life.


The Fully Expressed Gender in CrossFit

'@SD SGD RPT@S 1D@C GNV @ CHƤDQDMS attitude to this movement can change your workouts.


One principle is making big changes for a school in Buda Texas.

11 FULLY EXPRESSED GENDER CrossFit has opened the door for Women to be Women and Men to be Men.


17 AMBUSH, KITCHEN ADDITION What happens when you show up and demand to see the contents of a fridge? Check out what we found.

13 PALEO-ISH PATIOS We’ve created a small sample of menu items at great patios around Austin. Check out this new feature.

18 EVENT CALNEDAR The Summer is bringing a host of events to Austin. Check out our events calendar. The TRIUNE (pronounced try-yoon): means one in three, triad or trinity. The TRIUNE will set out to chronicle the trifecta that is Culture, Community and CrossFit.

The Fully Expressed Gender in CrossFit Page 11

Combinations You’re Probably Neglecting Page 14

Paleo-ish Patios Page 13

On the cover Gender plays a role in how we see and approach the sport of CrossFit. Read Page 11


The Triune

TRIUNE Vol 3. No. 1 · Summer 2013 · ONLINE 2THE | THE TRIUNE

702 East 3rd Street Austin, TX 78701




Finding CrossFit in 2005 was a pivotal ^LNLDMS HM LX KHED (S CDSDQLHMDC GNV ( would live for the next 7 years. Up until that moment, I knew I wanted to impact the world in a powerful way, but I didn’t have the vehicle. When I met the people behind (CrossFit Inc.) and CHC LX UDQX ĆĽQRS "QNRR%HS VNQJNTS ( JMDV this was IT!! It was the vehicle I had been searching for. I immediately signed up ENQ SGD "QNRR%HS +DUDK "DQSHĆĽB@SHNM HM Golden Colorado. Since that time, my sister Carey and I along with the dedicated BN@BGDR @MC RS@Ƥ NE "QNRR%HS "DMSQ@K RDS out to change peoples lives. Through the transformation of mental, physical @MC DLNSHNM@K B@O@BHSHDR ^"QNRR%HS HR 3'$ vehicle that has changed thousands of live HM TRSHM 3DW@R ^ You can feel the power of CrossFit when you meet the community, do a workout, and drink the kool-aid. Jeremy Thiel & Carey Kepler

Michael Winchester Michael has been involved in elite athletics his entire life, playing collegiate soccer for four years at Stetson University. 'D HR @ +DUDK ( "QNRR%HS "DQSHĆĽDC Trainer with extensive experience and knowledge in Soccer and Track & Field. Michael has trained aspiring collegiate footballers for the past six years and has an unwavering passion for the continued development (personal, professional and health) of himself and those around him. Michael competed on the 2012 CrossFit Central CrossFit Games team and is the Garage Gym RX 'D@C "N@BG @S 1DC!@BJ &XL Zachary Thiel 9@BG@QX 4YYDKK 3GHDK HR @ "QNRR%HS "N@BG @S "QNRR%HS Central, the Olympic Weightlifting coach at Red !K@BJ &XL ^ @MC !NNS "@LO "N@BG ENQ 1DKDMSKDRR !NNS "@LOR 'D FQDV TO HM +TAANBJ Texas farming, playing sports and developing a relentless KNUD ENQ @M @BSHUD KHEDRSXKD 'D played high school football, baseball, and was a competitive power lifter. Zach found his passion for coaching after QD@KHYHMF SGD HLO@BS GD BNTKC G@UD NM ODNOKDRĹ— lives. Zach has developed a premier Olympic KHESHMF OQNFQ@L @S 1DC !K@BJ &XL @ MN EQHKKR HM XNTQ face gym for competitive athletes. There, the tools GNMDC @KNMF GHR INTQMDX @QD ADHMF O@RRDC NM SN GHR "QNRR%HS @MC .KXLOHB +HESHMF SGKDSDR 'HR LHRRHNM SN KHFGS @ ĆĽQD VHSGHM GHR @SGKDSDR @MC HMROHQD SGDL SN BNMPTDQ SGDHQ ED@QR HM SGD R@LD V@X GD G@RĹ&#x; hard work and determination. Susan Bender Susan studied Psychology and Political Science at 3GD 4MHUDQRHSX NE -NQSG "@QNKHM@ @S "G@ODK 'HKK (M 2010, Susan moved to Austin and quickly found herself drawn to the community at CrossFit Central. Susan now is the Director of Apparel for CrossFit Central, CrossFit "DMSQ@K #NVMSNVM 1DC!K@BJ &XL @MC 1DKDMSKDRR !NNS Camp. She also heads up all community events including our annual holiday parties, Spring Picnic, community celebrations and more. Most recently she took on the Managing Editor position for The Triune. With this role Susan directs all online content for, fostering a worldwide community. She loves the creative process of entertaining people through written materials and bringing a bit of humor to the intense world of CrossFit.

Jessica Estrada )DRRHB@ $RSQ@C@ HR "QNRR%HS +DUDK "DQSHĆĽDC @MC "QNRR%HS ,NAHKHSX "DQSHĆĽDC ^ (M Jessica attended Texas State University where RGD QDBDHUDC GDQ !@BGDKNQR #DFQDD HM ,@RR Communications- Public Relations. Jessica has @KV@XR ADDM @BSHUD HM RONQSR @MC ĆĽSMDRR OK@XHMF soccer, volleyball, basketball and competing in FXLM@RSHBR SGQNTFG GDQ RDMHNQ XD@Q NE GHFG RBGNNK ^ In college she was introduced to the world of triathlons and duathlons and competed in the #T@SGKNM 6NQKC "G@LOHNMRGHOR ĆĽMHRGHMF SG^HM GDQ @FD FQNTO ^ (M )DRRHB@ V@R @RJDC AX @ EQHDMC SN O@QSHBHO@SD HM Ĺ–%HFGS &NMD !@C Ĺ—^ 3GD fundraiser was her introduction to CrossFit and she has been hooked ever since. “My mission is to elevate all individuals and classes to their GHFGDRS KDUDK NE ĆĽSMDRR SGQNTFG BTRSNLHYHMF education, exercise and nutrition while providing accountability and motivation.â€? Brian Sullivan .QHFHM@KKX EQNL &Q@MHSD !@X "@KHENQMH@ !QH@M studied business and played football at the University of New Mexico before transferring to UT Austin SN ĆĽMHRG GHR education. After college he pursued an aviation career and ultimately found his “home in the skyâ€? with )DS!KTD @R @ Captain based in New York but living in Austin 3DW@R ^(M @ FDMDSHB GD@QS BNMCHSHNM VGHBG QDPTHQDC RTQFDQX FQNTMCDC !QH@M EQNL ĆŚXHMF ATS NM SGD ĆŚHO RHCD @KKNVDC GHL SN BNMBDMSQ@SD NM GHR OGNSNFQ@OGX B@QDDQ 'D HR NƧBH@KKX a full time sports, commercial and lifestyle photographer working with CrossFit Central @MC "QNRR%HS '0 'HR QDRTLD HMBKTCDR OQNIDBSR ENQ SGD -%+ ,+! ,H+! 1NTMC 1NBJ $WOQDRR 1DC!TKK 7 &@LDR @R VDKK @R @C B@LO@HFMR ENQ various sports apparel companies throughout the United States. When he’s not taking bad @RR OGNSNR XNT B@M ĆĽMC GHLĹ&#x; S@JHMF A@C @RR photos.




THE FEGER FAMILY Lost 70 pounds as a family

The Feger Family is one of those rare trios that make you smile and proud of them without even really knowing the details of their lives. -@SG@M !DSG @MC SGDHQ RNM )@BJ @KK DMSDQ @ room smiling, full of energy and ready to take on anything thrown their direction. They each approach their CrossFit classes with that open, positive approach and seeing them together is an even better treat. It is quickly apparent the love and support they have for one another. Nathan is often hanging around, watching Jack take on his WODs and eager to share in his excitement over burpees.

the room during @^6.# ^ 3GDQD HR LD @MC SGDQD HR @ A@Q HS HR UDQX EQDDHMF ^ "QNRR%HS "DMSQ@K HR @KRN @M NOONQSTMHSX ENQ LD SN SD@BG ^ ( G@UD ADDM CrossFitting for almost 4 years, I have watched countless videos, and read many many articles @ANTS "QNRR%HS ^ 2N VGDM LX BK@RRL@SDR @QD open for it I will make my suggestions as to how SGDX B@M ADSSDQ SGDHQ ENQL VGHBG ( QD@KKX DMINX


(M )TMD NE -@SG@M V@R MDVKX NTS NE RBGNNK @MC RSTBJ HM @ INA GD V@R MNS G@OOX about, Nathan started looking for something to challenge him, to make his life better. A friend, CrossFit Central Success Story, Jacob +HDADQL@M ĆĽM@KKX BNMUHMBDC -@SG@M SN FHUD it a try. Living on the same street as the gym, gave him even fewer excuses to avoid it. !DFHMMHMF "QNRR%HS "DMSQ@K OQNUHCDC -@SG@M with a much-needed physical and emotional release. “I tend to mull over stressful problems in my life, and when it is a work problem that’s ĆĽMD @R ( B@M Ĺ–RNKUD SGD OQNAKDLĹ— ATS VGDM HS is a people problem, or a life problem... well SGNRD ITRS B@MMNS AD Ĺ™RNKUDC Ĺš ( V@R FDSSHMF pretty heavy I was up to about 245 pounds @S SGHR ONHMS G@UHMF OQNAKDLR ĆĽSSHMF HMSN LX Ĺš O@MSR ^ 8NT B@M NMKX D@S OHYY@ VHMD @MC ice cream so many Friday’s in a row before it starts to catch up with you.â€? ( @L @ UDQX BNLODSHSHUD ODQRNM ^ ( KNUD competing in every WOD I can complete RX, and there are a couple people in my class SG@S QD@KKX GNKC LX SNDR SN SGD ĆĽQD ^ $UDQX Tuesday and Thursday I get a mental break EQNL SGD BXBKD NE RSQDRR HM LX KHED ^ 6GDM ( @L in that 5-10 minute workout I barely have the mental energy to face the WOD let alone VNQQX @ANTS KHED ^ (M SGNRD EDV LNLDMSR ( @L EQDD EQNL RSQDRR @MC @MWHDSX ^ (M E@BS ( BNTKCMĹ—S even tell you if there was one other person in 4 | THE TRIUNE



+NRS !NCX %@S MNV @S Lost 40 pounds Lost 6 inches in waist Deadlift: Started 185 now 425 /TKK 4OR 2S@QSDC VHSG YDQN MNV unbroken Recently got 1st MU and ranks as top 5 accomplishments in my entire life

3TQMHMF B@S@OTKSDC !DSG HMSN L@JHMF @ change. A classically thin coach potato, who NODMKX QDIDBSDC DWDQBHRHMF !DSG V@R MNS excited about weighing 160 pounds and ADFHMMHMF SN ATKFD NTS NE GDQ Ĺ–E@S ID@MRĹ— (M E@BS she felt pretty lousy about life in general. After seeing changes in Nathan, she asked him to buy Elements as a birthday gift. In January of 2010 she began classes and embraced becoming an @SGKDSD ENQ SGD ĆĽQRS SHLD HM GDQ KHED Ĺ™%NQ LD INHMHMF "QNRR%HS "DMSQ@K V@R MNS @ANTS FDSSHMF ! "* HM RG@OD ATS QD@KKX @ANTS FDSSHMF HM RG@OD ENQ SGD ĆĽQRS SHLD HM LX KHED ^!DENQD INHMHMF "QNRR%HS "DMSQ@K ( V@R DWG@TRSDC @ESDQ doing the warm-up exercises with Nathan at home. 3GD ĆĽQRS SGHMF -@SG@M MNSHBDC V@R LX @SSHSTCD changed, I was less easily frustrated. I had more DMDQFX ^,X BKNSGDR RS@QSDC FDSSHMF KNNRD @MC OQDSSX RNNM ( MDDCDC @ VGNKD MDV V@QCQNAD ^( EDDK BNMĆĽCDMS HM LX ANCX RKDDO ADSSDQ @L excited to face new challenges both in my ODQRNM@K KHED @MC HM LX OQNEDRRHNM@K KHED ^ ( have also stopped comparing myself to other people. I have found my own personal best and BG@KKDMFD LXRDKE SN HLOQNUD DUDQXC@X ^

I remember when I was a kid always being the K@RS JHC OHBJDC ENQ @MX SD@L NQ L@JHMF INJDR and using humor to get out of any physical BG@KKDMFD ^( V@R @KRN SGD SXOD NE ODQRNM VGN CHCMĹ—S CN @MXSGHMF MDV HE ( CHCMĹ—S EDDK BNMĆĽCDMS about my ability to be successful - one of my greatest breakthroughs has been embracing DƤNQS VHSGNTS VNQQXHMF @ANTS E@HKTQD NQ VG@S anyone else is doing. I have gone from being a BNLLHSSDC BNTBG ONS@SN SN ADHMF @ BNMĆĽCDMS athlete. (S G@R @KRN ADDM @L@YHMF SN RDD )@BJ NTQ year old son, learn to take on new challenges without fear - it makes me so happy to think that he won’t be held back by negative attitudes HM SGD R@LD V@X SG@S ( V@R ENQ RN KNMF ^ ( @L @KRN proud to set an example for him of life long ĆĽSMDRR @MC @KV@XR CNHMF XNTQ ADRS MN L@SSDQ what anyone else is doing.â€?


Lost 30 pounds +NRS O@MS RHYDR !DKNV !NCX %@S

“It has changed our family in a fundamental V@X MNV ^ (S HR @ OQHNQHSX HM NTQ KHED ^ ( G@UD @ membership to one of those big box gyms so ( B@M VNQJ NM LX RKNV KHESR NM NƤ C@XR !DSG^ regularly SQ@HMR VHSG )DƤ ,B*HMMDX @MC )@BJ HR @ LDLADQ NE "QNRR%HS *HCR ^ 6D SQX SN L@JD it a priority to workout as a family on the VDDJDMCR ^ 6D SQX SN CN @ VNQJNTS VGDQD VD @KK RS@X SNFDSGDQ SGD VGNKD SHLD ^ 2N HE SGDQD HR a run, we all run the same pace, and if there HR @ RDS NE OTRGTOR VGDM RNLDNMD ĆĽMHRGDR everyone gets up and we move onto the next SGHMF ^ /QNFQ@LLHMF ENQ @ E@LHKX HR @ CDKHB@SD @Ƥ@HQ Ĺš

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BETTER 2BHDMSHƥB@KKX OQNUDM $WBDOSHNM@K PT@KHSX @MC formulation. Unique and natural approach to RTOONQSHMF XNTQ HLLTMD RXRSDL -N ƥKKDQR Gluten free. Safe. A healthy immune system drives performance improvement and healing - making you stronger, faster and better. Get more out of your workouts and your life starting now.



These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. THE TRIUNE | 5


POPE STORY BY: Susan Bender

PHOTOS BY: Brian Sullivan

A Man On a Journey Simon Middle School is immaculate. The windows and floors are so shiny and new that it does not feel like an inconvenience to check in as a visitor at the front desk. When I visited recently, I was welcomed by friendly staffers who seemed to genuinely love their jobs. One of the first things I noticed was the soft, welcoming tone of the class change bells.

Instead of the startlingly loud, disruptive bells of my school days, students were signaled to change classes by gentle, melodic tones that were almost relaxing. I happened to be standing in the sixth-grade hall as the bell sounded. I quickly moved out of the way, expecting a chaotic rush of hormonal middle schoolers pushing, running, and screaming down the G@KKR !TS FTHCDC AX SGD QDK@WHMF SNMD NE SGD ADKKR SGD RSTCDMSR VDQD PTHSD @MC B@KL @R SGDX ƥKDC NTS NE SGDHQ BK@RRQNNLR R SGD SD@BGDQR RSNNC @MC V@SBGDC @KK NE SGD JHCR RSQNKKDC OD@BDETKKX SN SGDHQ MDWS BK@RR SGDQD V@R MN pushing and no yelling, and, in fact, every student was walking on the righthand side of the hallway. It was nothing short of astonishing. (M GHR ƥQRS XD@Q @R SGD OQHMBHO@K NE 2HLNM ,HCCKD 2BGNNK ,@SS /NOD has implemented changes one might expect would take ten years to @BBNLOKHRG (M ITRS RDUDM LNMSGR ,@SS G@R DLOKNXDC L@INQ BG@MFDR @S his school, shifting the way students eat, exercise, behave socially, and ultimately, learn. The town of Kyle, Texas, is not exactly known for being progressive, like its neighbor to the north, Austin. The primarily rural area is RSQTFFKHMF DBNMNLHB@KKX DRODBH@KKX SGD YNMD SG@S RDMCR RSTCDMSR SN 2HLNM When a family is on public assistance and struggling to make ends meet, they do not have the luxury of buying organic foods at the grocery store or fancy gym memberships. When the pains of simply surviving take over, the QDRS HR ITRS ƦTƤ


Matt, better known as Mr. Pope, grew up on a farm in rural Texas. No stranger to hard work, he is also no stranger to wholesome, “down-home” BNNJHMF %QHDC ENNCR SG@S VDQD QHBG HM Ʀ@UNQ @MC B@KNQHDR CNLHM@SDC GHR SXOHB@K AQD@JE@RS KTMBG @MC CHMMDQ @R @ BGHKC 6GDM GD VDMS NƤ SN BNKKDFD Matt began to consider working out and eating healthier food options, if only because of the social pressure to look good in a bathing suit. As all Texans know, you can’t go to Texas State University, in San Marcos, and avoid ƦN@SHMF SGD QHUDQ 3GNTFG GD C@AAKDC HM SGD RSTCDMS FXL ,@SS TRT@KKX ITRS Q@M NƤ SGNRD DWSQ@ BNKKDFD B@KNQHDR GD V@R BNMRTLHMF ESDQ FQ@CT@SHNM Matt stuck to running Town Lake and keeping himself moderately in shape. 'D HR M@STQ@KKX S@KK @MC SGHM RN @R KNMF @R SG@S CHC MNS BG@MFD GD EDKS NJ@X !TS @ANTS SVN XD@QR @FN @ BNVNQJDQ BNMUHMBDC GHL SN SQX @ 1DKDMSKDRR !NNS "@LO BK@RR ESDQ @ EDV SNTFG BK@RRDR ,@SS V@R GNNJDC 'D ENTMC SG@S SGD intensity of his workouts matched his pursuit of excellence in his career as well as the high expectations he has for his students and for himself. Today, Matt, who is still tall and thin, is proud of his newly discovered muscles and is not only a veteran but a leader in his boot camp class. Matt always knew he wanted to be an educator, even though he says he “blacked out” his middle school years, as the memories are not pleasant and certainly not worth dwelling upon. Although his heart was leaning towards DCTB@SHNM GHR O@QDMSR @MC SGD ƥM@MBH@K ONSDMSH@K NE ADBNLHMF @ K@VXDQ KDC

BIG CHANGES Matt is making big changes in the lives of teachers, students and their families as the principle of Simon Middle School in Kyle Texas. him to law school in New York City. !DENQD KD@UHMF 3DW@R SGNTFG ,@SS SNNJ @ STSNQHMF INA HM @M HMMDQ BHSX RBGNNK 'D řEDKK HM KNUDŚ VHSG SGD kids and saw that even as a parttime tutor he was making a huge impact. After his brief summer of teaching, Matt traveled to New York but only lasted three months before returning to Texas fueled by his true mission: to change the world through education. “Education is the key to changing the world. You educate your students, you change your community, and when you change your community, you change the world.” In his third year of teaching, Matt met a student in his eighth-grade math class who had no hope. James had transferred from an alternative school, had a history of gang violence, and was barely passing, if not failing, all of his classes. The assistant principal warned Mr. Pope that James was going to be a handful and that he shouldn’t expect much from James in class. Matt chose to ignore the warnings and to embrace this student the same way he approached every RSTCDMS .M SGD ƥQRS C@X ,@SS welcomed James with his standard greeting, eager to introduce him to “the “wonderful world of math.” In order to enter high school the following year, James would have SN O@RR SGD RS@SD DW@L !X FHUHMF James a little extra attention, Matt formed a bond with his student and led him to believe he could be successful. Without resorting to

special grading curves or merely ignoring James’s failures and pushing him through the class, Matt simply showed James he believed in him. At the end of the year, Matt was invited to a teen leadership banquet. During the banquet, James, who was about to graduate from the eighth grade and advance to high school (despite the odds), stood in front of his peers and teachers and named Mr. Pope as the most important person in his life. At SG@S LNLDMS @ KHFGS VDMS NƤ ,@SS knew with absolute certainty that if GD @R @ SD@BGDQ BNTKC RHFMHƥB@MSKX @ƤDBS SGD NTSBNLD NE NMD RSTCDMSŗR life, he could make an even greater impact on an entire community as a principal by being able to reach thousands of kids. 3GNTFG ITRS SGHQSX XD@QR NKC ,@SS now has a masters degree in education and has reached his goal of becoming a middle school principal after serving as Simon Middle’s vice principal for two years. Unlike many principals and teachers, Matt sought out a school in a struggling socioeconomic area, eager to take on the challenge of bringing quality education to the under served. It’s Matt’s deep belief that leaving underprivileged children behind is a greater failure SG@M @MX NSGDQ 'D @KRN ADKHDUDR that if we as a society ignore the ONNQ VD @QD BQD@SHMF @ RHFMHƥB@MS problem for our future, from which we could never recover.


Simon Middle is still in its infancy. The 2012–2013 school year marks its fourth year of operation. With THE TRIUNE | 7



the encouragement of then-superintendent Dr. Jeremy Lyon, Matt and his predecessor ,HBGDKKD "G@D BQD@SDC @ ĆĽUD XD@Q OK@M SG@S KD@MR GD@UHKX NM ĆĽSMDRR @MC MTSQHSHNM changes for the students. Dr. Lyon received SGD 2BGNNK 'D@KSG +D@CDQRGHO V@QC ENQ GHR VNQJ OQNLNSHMF RSTCDMS ĆĽSMDRR and wellness. Like Dr. Lyon, Matt believes healthy foods and regular exercise play an immeasurable role in the productivity of D@BG RSTCDMS 3GD L@HM SDM@MS NE ,@SSĹ—R ĆĽUD

year plan is to make each student feel safe at school. We all know that middle school can AD @ CHƧBTKS SHLD R SGDHQ GNQLNMDR ADFHM to surge, kids suddenly have to make sense of their changing looks and emotions at a time when they want nothing more than to ITRS ĆĽS HM %NQ LNRS NE TR SGNTFGSR NE LHCCKD RBGNNK @QD ĆĽKKDC VHSG O@HMETK LDLNQHDR NE feeling insecure and uncomfortable, even if you thought you were one of the “coolâ€? kids. Students often struggle after being thrust from the safe, regimented cocoon of elementary school into the freedoms of middle school . They need to develop critical thinking skills and, more importantly, how to manage their impulses. The very well-documented slump in learning that occurs during the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades has educators shifting their focus to the middle school years as being the most vital to students’ development and their future success. These are the years when personalities are developed, cliques are formed, and a few bad choices spurred on AX ODDQ OQDRRTQD B@M RHFMHĆĽB@MSKX @KSDQ SGD course of a child’s education and life. 8 | THE TRIUNE

To help ensure students were feeling safe

at school, Matt created a few new policies. 3GD ĆĽQRS V@R SG@S @KK RSTCDMSR LTRS VD@Q uniforms. In a public school, this is often hard to implement, but for Simon Middle students it’s now mandatory. Uniforms GDKO QDLNUD SGD RNBH@K OQDRRTQD SN ĆĽS HM (S gives these preteens one less reason to EDDK CHƤDQDMS SG@M SGDHQ ODDQR NMD KDRR distraction from learning in class. The halls of the school are covered with posters detailing the expected behaviors for both students and teachers in a variety of situations. Students are told what is expected of them VGHKD SGDXĹ—QD FDSSHMF NƤ SGD ATR V@KJHMF HM the halls, sitting in class, eating lunch, and doing any other activity during the school day. Setting these expectations helps remove doubt about which actions are right and which are wrong, and helps students control impulsive behaviors, ultimately promoting safety as it helps cut down on bullying. This positive-behavior system uses PRIDE points as incentives. At any ONHMS CTQHMF SGD C@X SD@BGDQR @MC RS@Ƥ B@M give out PRIDE points to students. These points are used to earn Fun Friday activities, entry to PRIDE Days, Wolverine of the Week recognition, and PRIDE Student of the Week recognition. All of the PRIDE-related events involve physical activity and are held outside as much as the weather permits. CrossFitters love to say that “it all begins with nutrition,â€? and Matt is no exception. Statistics from the 2010–2011 school year showed that the students of Simon Middle School had the worst cardiovascular BNMCHSHNMHMF @MC SGD GHFGDRS !,( NE @KK NE '@XR "NTMSX 2BGNNK #HRSQHBS %NQSX ĆĽUD

percent of students at Simon were not in SGD "@QCHNU@RBTK@Q 'D@KSGX %HSMDRR 9NMD percent were overweight, and an additional ODQBDMS VDQD B@SDFNQHYDC @R NADRD NQ severely obese. These numbers are hard for anyone to read, much less a principal who G@R GD@KSG @MC ƼSMDRR @S SGD SNO NE GHR NVM priority list. Matt met the challenge head on changing the quality of food available during school hours. That’s right: no Dr Pepper or Doritos are available for purchase on campus. In fact, students are not even allowed to bring ITMJ ENNC NM B@LOTR 2N SNN G@UD SGD @ESDQ

school concessions and sports concession stands been transformed. Only bottled water, Gatorade, and healthy snacks such as cheese sticks and crackers are available for purchase. Gone are the days of nachos piled with mystery meat and a cheese-like substance. The school day begins with a free hot breakfast for every student. The middle schoolers head to their classrooms to eat this breakfast, which consists of a hot protein source, milk, and a fruit or vegetable. If a student does not eat a portion of his or her breakfast, he or she can put in on the share table. Every classroom has a share table with healthy snacks that students can help themselves to throughout the day. These may be the only snacks allowed, but there is no restriction as to when or who may eat them. This is a far cry from my days in middle school. I was doomed to a 10:30 a.m. lunchtime, which meant I was passing out in class by 1 p.m. I would have been sent to


activity as possible. At a time when many schools are cutting PE classes because of ATCFDS QDRSQHBSHNMR ,@SS @MC GHR RS@Ƥ G@UD found a way to schedule PE for every student, every day. In addition to having an entire class period dedicated to exercise, Matt has adopted brain breaks, implementing physical movement throughout the day based on the age of each student. For example, students who are 11 years old need to move every 11 minutes. It may sound disruptive, but teachers have found that it keeps the class more engaged and attentive. Often the movements are small, like changing desks or standing while answering questions. Even so, teachers are pleased with the results so far this year.

detention if I was caught with a snack during class. I can’t imagine how much more I would have learned had there been a share table available. At lunchtime, the cafeteria looks a little AHS CHƤDQDMS SG@M XNT LHFGS QDLDLADQ too. Each line has a full salad bar. The day I visited, the salad bar was packed with fresh spinach, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, celery, pineapples, and apples. Matt has implemented a rule that students cannot check out of the lunch line without a fruit or vegetable on their trays. Matt says the G@QCDRS O@QS V@R E@LHKH@QHYHMF RSTCDMSR VHSG the foods. At the beginning of the year, many NE SGDL CHCMŗS QDBNFMHYD SGD EQDRG EQTHSR @MC vegetables but were encouraged to simply put them on their tray anyway. If they had it on their plate, Matt thought, they might actually try it once no one was looking. The assortment of fruits and vegetables changes each week. Now, seven months into the school year, students are eagerly making platefuls of salad, and, when it’s strawberry VDDJ SGD RS@Ƥ B@M A@QDKX JDDO SGD KHMD stocked. Like all of his rules, Matt leads by DW@LOKD VHSG MTSQHSHNM 'D ADKHDUDR SG@S if he is asking the students to eat healthy options from the cafeteria, he should do the R@LD $@BG C@X GD SNN ƥKKR @ OK@SD EQNL SGD cafeteria lunch line, and is sure to stack the vegetables high. Nutrition may be the foundation of the health and wellness pyramid, but physical activity is next in line. Matt knows that to truly make an impact on the health of his students, they must have as much physical

3N KD@C AX DW@LOKD SGD SD@BGDQR @MC RS@Ƥ NE Simon Middle School are also taking on the challenge of being physically active. Matt has made the gymnasium and weight rooms @U@HK@AKD SN @KK RS@Ƥ ADENQD @MC @ESDQ RBGNNK hours. Various groups have formed amongst SGD RS@Ƥ RNLD RODDC V@KJ RNLD QTM NSGDQR do Zumba together or weight training. Even the principal himself is sometimes seen RONQSHMF GHR 1DKDMSKDRR !NNS "@LO RGHQS @MC favorite workout gear, which he feels really encourages the kids to be active and to see OGXRHB@K ƥSMDRR @R @ KHEDKNMF @BSHUHSX 3GD RS@Ƥ NESDM @RJR ,@SS ENQ MTSQHSHNM @CUHBD SNN 6HSG GHR GDKO ,@SSŗR RDBQDS@QX KNRS ƥESX ONTMCR 'D GDKODC @MNSGDQ BNVNQJDQ KNRD weight before a big trip to see her boyfriend. 'D DUDM RG@QDR GHR BN@BG ,DF@M /@QRNMŗR weekly workouts with those interested, giving them something to take on at home or in the gymnasium after school. Of course, the hard part is explaining what exactly a burpee is and that they are, in fact, good for you.


their students know exactly what is expected of them in each situation. They are seeing changes in the students, who are more well behaved, have improved their test scores, and have bigger smiles. So I doubt the Simon teachers will have a problem leading the way by making better nutritional choices for themselves. In the years to come, Matt plans to push health and wellness education even further. 'D QDBDMSKX OQDRDMSDC GHR OK@M SN 3DW@R legislators, asking for grant money to implement nutritional education for every RSTCDMS 3GD L@INQHSX NE 2HLNM ,HCCKD School students’ families rely on government assistance to buy groceries. Matt cannot follow the kids home, buy them all organic fruits and vegetables, and cook them dinner. !TS GD B@M VHSG @ KHSSKD GDKO SD@BG RSTCDMSR how to make healthy snacks and food choices at home as well as at the grocery store using the items available within their E@LHKXŗR 2- / LNMSGKX ATCFDS 'D GNODR SN partner with Whole Foods to provide better food options in schools and nutritional education to students. If Mr. Pope sticks around,, family activity night and vegetables in the cafeteria will soon be old news. And, who knows, maybe mandatory CrossFit classes are next. Matt Pope is an unassuming, easily @OOQN@BG@AKD L@M 'D FQDDSR NSGDQR VHSG respect and a big smile, but don’t be fooled. 3GHR L@M HR MNSGHMF RGNQS NE @RSNMHRGHMF 'D is relentlessly pursuing radical change in education and in the lives of those around him. Matt is certainly a man on a mission who will not be slowed down any time soon. 'D R@XR HS ADRS GHLRDKE ř,X LHRRHNM HR SGDHQ INTQMDX Ś

The students, who are encouraged by seeing their teachers taking an active role in improving their own personal health, have swarmed to after-school clubs that keep them active. On any given day, students gather to lift weights, play basketball, or even compete at Dance Dance Revolution. Not all clubs are sports-based, but even ones like the recycling club, which requires students to canvas the school grounds to pick up trash and carry heavy bags, promote physical activity. Every little bit helps, and Matt delights in seeing a positive change in SGD RSTCDMSR @MC RS@Ƥ ,@SS HR MNV SVN XD@QR HMSN GHR ƥUD XD@Q OK@M to change the face of both Simon Middle School and schools across the nation. Next XD@Q GHR FN@K HR SN @RJ @KK SD@BGDQR @MC RS@Ƥ MNS SN AQHMF RNC@ NQ ITMJ ENNC NMSN RBGNNK grounds. This could potentially be his hardest task to date. We all know that adults resist change much more than children, especially when it comes to their diets. Food is like religion, and people have deepseated beliefs (or habits) and any change could potentially evoke great frustration and fear. Although they don’t rack up PRIDE /NHMSR @KK NE SGD SD@BGDQR @MC RS@Ƥ @S 2HLNM already lead by example and are helping






Walk into a CrossFit gym anywhere in the world and you VHKK MNSHBD HS 8NT L@X MNS QD@KHYD SG@S XNT MNSHBD HS ATS you feel HS @ RGHES HM DMDQFXĹ”RNLDSGHMF CHƤDQDMS SG@S XNT don’t experience in your normal day-to-day life outside of the gym. Men are lifting heavy weight. They are sweating and screaming. They curse while they exert physical dominance over their domain. They are being men. Women are lifting heavy weight. They are sweating and screaming. They curse while they exert physical dominance over their domain. They are being women. 3GD !Q@UD -DV 6NQKC G@R @QQHUDC Damaged Psyche /HBJ TO @ L@F@YHMD @S XNTQ KNB@K FQNBDQX RSNQD @MC VHSGHM seconds you are able to identify what society deems “manlyâ€? and “womanly.â€? ,DM @QD SNKC SG@S VD MDDC SN AD S@KK RSQNMF BNMĆĽCDMS breadwinners. Emotions are for the weak. “Ripped ARĹš @MC Ĺ™'NV 3N /KD@RD 8NTQ 6NL@M (M !DCĹš @QD SGD GD@CKHMDR !TS RHLTKS@MDNTRKX SGDRD OTAKHB@SHNMR SDKK men that they need to “soften upâ€? and be more sensitive to truly woo women. They tell men that physical prowess and emotional assertiveness are for our cavemen ancestors, relics of the past that need to be done away VHSG HE VD @QD SN @CU@MBD @R @ BTKSTQD 'NV CN VD A@K@MBD the natural pull to be physically bold with society’s call for our turn to intellectualism and metro-sexuality?

The Fully Expressed

GENDER in CrossFit


Women are told that they need to be the right height, the right weight, athletic but soft, well made-up and womanly but not too womanly, lest they be seen as provocative. We tell women that “strong is the new RJHMMXĹš @MC SG@S BNMĆĽCDMBD @MC @RRDQSHUDMDRR HR GNV VNLDM RGNTKC AD HM SGHR C@X @MC @FD !TS VGDM VNLDM CDUDKNO SGDHQ OGXRHB@K RSQDMFSG SGDX @QD BQHSHBHYDC ENQ ADHMF Ĺ™L@MKXĹš @MC Ĺ™GTKJ HRG Ĺš 6GDM SGDX ĆĽM@KKX F@HM RDKE BNMĆĽCDMBD @MC @RRDQS SGDLRDKUDR HM SGD VNQJOK@BD they are often seen as pushy bitches.


least on the surface), there are underlying notions and strong pervasive mores that forbid either sex from fully expressing themselves. What we have achieved is a bland, vanilla, middle-of-the-road sense that gender QNKDR LTRS AD JDOS ĆŚN@SHMF RNLDVGDQD HM SGD QD@KL NE “appropriate.â€? We still have a long way to go and much more to learn about ourselves before we can become RDKE @BST@KHYDC GTL@M ADHMFR

Self-Actualization Through CrossFit American psychologist Abraham Maslow developed GHR Ĺ™'HDQ@QBGX NE -DDCRĹš SN CDS@HK SGD RSDOR SG@S VD @R humans must pass through in order to become fully DWOQDRRDC @MC Ĺ™RDKE @BST@KHYDC Ĺš (M RDPTDMBD EQNL SGD ANSSNL NE SGD OXQ@LHC SN SGD SNO VD LTRS ETKĆĽKK /GXRHNKNFHB@K MDDCR 2@EDSX +NUD !DKNMFHMF $RSDDL @MC ĆĽM@KKX 2DKE BST@KHY@SHNM (S HR GHR @RRDQSHNM that we cannot develop any of the higher levels until we G@UD R@SHRĆĽDC SGD KDUDK ADKNV HS The “Esteemâ€? portion of the pyramid is what CrossFit can most directly instill in us as we continue on our path. This phase of life consists of the development and appropriation of 6HOI (VWHHP &RQĆŠGHQFH 6HQVH RI Achievement, Respect of Others, and Respect by Others. In my experience, there is no one who passes through a CrossFit gym without developing at least one, if not more, of these traits. It is a by-product of the process. Form follows function: if you train your body and mind to be a BDQS@HM V@X SG@SĹ—R VG@S XNT VHKK FDS "@TRD › $ƤDBS (MOTS Ă Output. The New Masculine and Feminine in CrossFit CrossFit, from the outside looking in, can appear gritty, CHQSX HMSDMRD CDL@MCHMF @MC O@HMETK MC HS HR !TS HS HR also a place that has opened up the opportunity for men to truly be Men and for women to truly be Women. Now, at a glance, that doesn’t make any sense. In a world where some women can be more muscular than some men and where women regularly beat men in workouts, how does this tip the scales toward a balance of the genders? Understand this: CrossFit is a source of power, of DMDQFX @MC NE BNMĆĽCDMBD (S HR @ RO@BD SG@S B@M @MC has) truly allowed both men and women to become fully expressed–even if it’s only for an hour while at the gym. CrossFit demands that men be men both in the FXL @MC HM SGDHQ KHUDR (S FTHCDR SGDL SN AD BNMĆĽCDMS HM their bodies, accountable to themselves, and self-reliant in their activities as well as physically, mentally, and DLNSHNM@KKX RSQNMF 'DQDĹ—R SGD BQTW HS @KRN CDL@MCR the exact same things from women.

And this is how we function. Day after day. We walk @QNTMC C@YDC @MC BNMETRDC BNMRS@MSKX RD@QBGHMF for ways to make ourselves more likeable and more @OOQNOQH@SD SN ĆĽS HMSN RNBHDSXĹ—R ODQBDHUDC QNKDR ENQ TR

6G@S "QNRR%HS NƤDQR SN @KK VNLDM HR @ RDMRD NE OGXRHB@K self that can be compared to the necessary manual labor NE NKCDQ SHLDR !X RSDOOHMF HMSN SGD FXL @MC OHBJHMF up iron, CrossFit demands that women, like men, be BNMƼCDMS HM SGDHQ ANCHDR @BBNTMS@AKD SN SGDLRDKUDR and self-reliant in their activities as well as physically, mentally, and emotionally strong.

While our culture is more progressive than most (at

Lifting weights has, until recently, been a traditionally




male-dominated activity. There are many fallacies surrounding lifting weights (heavy or otherwise) that keep women away from picking up steel. One of the biggest and most prevalent is the thought that through the mere act of resistance training, women will (God forbid) put on muscle, thereby becoming more “masculineâ€? in appearance. Once again, society has determined what is appropriate for the sexes, and how men and women should think, feel, look, and act. What is completely lost in this discussion is what weightlifting can actually CN ENQ VNLDM !DRHCDR SGD NAUHNTR GD@KSG ADMDĆĽSR of muscle tone, safe movement patterns, increased mobility, dense bones, a healthy heart, and strong bodies, there is a level NE BNMĆĽCDMBD @MC @ RDMRD NE @BBNLOKHRGLDMS SG@S VD ĆĽMC CHQDBSKX BNQQDK@SDC SN SGD HMUNKUDLDMS NE VNLDM HM "QNRR%HS !X O@QSHBHO@SHMF HM "QNRR%HS @MC KHESHMF VDHFGSR VNLDM ĆĽMC @ CHQDBS path to tapping into their feminine side–the side that is strong (in all senses of the word), beautiful, and prepared for life. It is my belief that CrossFit teaches us how to live within ourselves so that we may serve the world to the best of our capabilities. There Is No Faking It In The Gym The reason I love CrossFit also happens to be the reason I believe it is saving our society one workout at a time: there is no faking it in the gym 8NT DHSGDQ ĆĽMHRG SGD 6.# NQ XNT CNMĹ—S 8NT DHSGDQ lift the weight or you don’t. The fastest person on the 400-meter ROQHMS HR SGD NMD VGN BQNRRDR SGD KHMD ĆĽQRS 3GDQD HR MN QNNL ENQ CDA@SD 3GD QTKDR @OOKX @R DPT@KKX SN SGD ĆĽQRS SHLD @SGKDSD @R they do to the seasoned veteran. Men and women are held to the same standards and are required to meet the same level of quality. 3GHR HR FDMCDQ DPT@KHSX @S HSR ĆĽMDRS 8DR LDM VHKK FDMDQ@KKX lift more weight than women. This is a fact. There are some CHƤDQDMBDR ADSVDDM SGD RDWDR SG@S @QD TMCDMH@AKD @MC VHKK QDL@HM RN 'NVDUDQ SGHR CNDR MNS RSNO RNLD NE SGD VNLDM HM our community from trying. We have women who can deadlift ONTMCR 6D G@UD VNLDM VGN B@M BKD@M @MC IDQJ pounds. We have women who can string together muscle-ups and handstand push-ups in large sets. I know many men who cannot do any of the aforementioned feats of athleticism. Does this make these women more masculine or those men more feminine? Absolutely not.

Test, retest.

There are no boundaries around male/female and there are no walls between individuals and groups.

Goals are set. Action plans are formulated. Execution of said plan is initiated.


Leaders for the New World It is not uncommon for companies to seek out and hire former athletes and military personnel. There is a reason for this. Men and women who have played team sports and have served our country are keenly aware of what it takes to lead a group and move it toward a goal. Camaraderie and communication are of the utmost importance when there are big opportunities (winning/living) or severe consequences (losing/dying). When ODNOKD @QD VHKKHMF SN R@BQHƼBD SGDHQ ODQRNM@K BNLENQS @MC immediate well-being for someone else or for a group to attain something greater than the individual, we enter into a new world of possibilities. "QNRR%HS CNDR ITRS SGHR $UDQX L@M @MC VNL@M VGN RGNVR TO SN class knows that the best way to complete a grueling WOD is to do so with the support of the group. Teams that train together do better than those that do not. Physical proximity and the shared OGXRHB@K @MC LDMS@K RTƤDQHMF SG@S DMRTD CTQHMF @ VNQJNTS ultimately lead to both stronger communities and stronger individuals.

On the contrary. Masculinity and femininity does not show itself HM SGD ƼM@K QDRTKSR VDHFGS KHESDC SHLD HS S@JDR SN BNLOKDSD SGD workout, number of rounds completed, etc.). Rather, they each manifest through the expression of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual qualities present during each and every workout. In the gym there is no place to hide. Everything is laid out on the table, and we are forced to look at ourselves with an honest @MC NODM LHMC (E XNT E@HK XNT LTRS E@BD SG@S E@HKTQD @MC @M@KXYD VGX 3GNRD VGN @BBDOS SGHR BG@KKDMFD SN SGDHQ DFN @QD B@S@KXYDC into forming a plan of action so that they don’t fail again. Among some of the many options are: get stronger, get faster, improve FDMDQ@K OGXRHB@K ƼSMDRR @MC NQ HLOQNUD SDBGMHPTD 3GDQD @QD MN boundaries around male/female and there are no walls between individuals and groups.

The formula for improvement is gender-neutral. This is the nature of what we do. It is simple and it is brilliant–and it works.

Understand this: CrossFit is a source of power, of energy, and of FRQáGHQFH

The leaders of this New World need to be both bold and courageous. We need people who are aggressive in life–not in demeanor or physical actions, but in conviction, presence, and principles. I have spent most of my life surrounded by these types of people, those whom are passionate, goal-oriented, and willing to put it all on the line for a chance at greatness. CrossFit instills this in all of us, regardless of gender. These are the leaders of the future–of our families, our communities and the New World.



Paleo-ish Patios Summertime is here - which means warmer temperatures, longer afternoons and the search for the perfect patio. We sourced a few experts on the "QNRR%HS "DMSQ@K RS@Ƥ SN ĆĽMC NTS SGD best spots in Austin that are Ĺ™O@KDN HRGĹš @MC NƤDQ BKD@M D@SR treats, beverages and a fantastic patio experience. Contigo Austin is a restaurant located in East Austin, modeled after Contigo Ranch in South Texas.

We have been entertaining people at Contigo Ranch for NUDQ XD@QR ^(S HR SGD BNTMSKDRR hunting trips, weekend retreats, cattle roundups, barbecues, parties, horseshoe and washers tournaments, and pachangas that serve as inspiration for this QDRS@TQ@MS .TQ FN@K HR SN NƤDQ the community a place to relax, BNLLTMD @MC DMINX FQD@S ENNC Ĺš

Ĺ™3GD BNMBDOS HR OQDSSX RHLOKD ^2HMBD we can’t have everyone down to the ranch, we wanted to do our best to bring the ranch to them. We like to RHS NTSRHCD ^6D KHJD SN CQHMJ ADDQ @MC L@QF@QHS@R ^6D KHJD SN D@S FNNC ENNC ^6D KHJD QDK@WDC @SLNROGDQDR with friendly service and warm GNROHS@KHSX ^2N SG@S HR VG@S VD RSQHUD SN NƤDQ @S "NMSHFN TRSHM 6D CDRBQHAD NTQ E@QD @R Ĺ™%QDRG 0T@KHSX !@Q %NNC Ĺš ^6D L@JD SGHMFR SG@S VD KHJD SN D@S ^6D L@JD SGHMFR SG@S FN well with beer. We make bar food TSHKHYHMF SGD EQDRGDRS HMFQDCHDMSR VD B@M ĆĽMC

Contigo Mussels Pork Liver Plate Lomo Fresh sausage with sauerkraut !DUDQ@FD $K /DOHMN Elizabeth Street Cafe Try the spring rolls (except the one with tofu) and the grilled octopus salad. !DUDQ@FDR 2@JD OTMBG QNBJRĘ– SQX SGD NMD VHSG I@KDODMN El Alma Any of the side tacos, cut the tortilla. Add the Nopalito salad minus the queso fresca. Multiple gluten free options. The #TBJR HR @L@YHMF %QNYDM GNTRD L@QF@QHS@ North @ The Domain Grilled artichokes !DDE RGNQS QHARĘ–

Garridos Gluten free options noted Tacos a la carte, cur the tortilla and FDS NE D@BG

2M@OODQ !+3 /NQJ "@QMHS@R "NƤDD ,@QHM@SDC 2SD@J BTS the cheese) !DUDQ@FDR /@KNL@ Hop Doddy Burger Bar &KTSDM %QDD !TM .OSHNM NQ NQCDQ @ burger without the bun and add to the top of a salad Kale Salad Spinach salad with an extra burger patty La Condessa Try the hangar steak with poached egg The guacamole sampler with veggies !DUDQ@FDR +@ "NMCDRR@ AQTMBG margarita Paggi House Try the scallops

Check out these other Paleo-ish Patios Around Austin Olive & June !@QNKN !Q@HRDC +@LA Grilled New York Strip &QHKKDC !Q@MYHMN Acorn Squash &QHKKDC "@KHĆŚNVDQ !@JDC $FFOK@MS Papi Tino’s Seasonal menu: try the guacamole, ceviche, and salipicon de venado (vension). !DUDQ@FDR !DRS /@KNLNĹ&#x;DUDQ Perla’s Great for brunch. Try the lobster omelette or Steak Ranchero and cut the fries. Raw oysters Always get a side of brussels. TNT Great salads Try any of their meat skewers

Polvos "GHBJDM ADDE E@IHS@R "TS SGD AD@MR rice, cheese, and sour cream. Ask for extra veggies. The salsa bar is great and has DRB@A@BGD .QCDQ FT@B@LNKD @MC DMINX all the salsa, guac, and escabache minus the chips. Order the top shelf rita-- and tell them to cut or go easy on the OJ. Takoba Any of the Torta options, cut the torta (bread) and put the meat on the house salad. 3GD GNTRD R@K@C ROHM@BG IHB@L@ mandarin oranges, and walnuts. Ceviche and guacamole minus the chips %QNYDM GNTRD L@QF@QHS@ RTODQ BKD@M or Paloma Uncorcked Great meat dishes & gluten free THE TRIUNE | 13 options

The Power of the Squat by Jessica Estrada For women, one of the most fundamental movements in CrossFit is the squat (this includes front squat, overhead squat, high

A@Q @MC KNV A@Q A@BJ RPT@S @MC *! FNAKDS RPT@SR ^!DKHDUD HS NQ MNS the squat is a full body movement and what I consider to be the best core exercise. You want a badass stomach? Squat. You want your glutes high and tight? Squat. Want to look good naked AND clothed? 2PT@S ^#N MNS AD @EQ@HC SN FDS TMCDQ RNLD VDHFGS ^!TS ADENQD XNT do there are some key points of performance to ensure that you are getting the most out of your squats. FIRST: From the moment you get under the bar, you have to be set-up @MC QD@CX SN RPT@S ^&DS XNTQ LHMC right with the intention that you will make the lift. (,,$#( 3+$8 %.++.6$# !8 "NQD tension or core stability - this part HR BQTBH@K ^6GDM XNT RDS TO ENQ XNTQ squats, you want to start the squat with an inhale. This sets the intraabdominal pressure, which creates tension in the core, and helps protect your back (it acts like a VDHFGS ADKS ^ R XNT KNVDQ HMSN XNTQ squat you want to maintain that tension in your core throughout SGD DMSHQD LNUDLDMS ^.MD NE SGD biggest faults when squatting is that when the weight starts to get heavy and we hit the bottom of the squat, we tend to crash and collapse under the load of the bar. Once you lose tension at the bottom, the chances of you standing the weight back up is slim SN MNMD ^ This is also the part of the lift that BQD@SDR SGNRD @L@YHMF RHW O@BJ @AR VD CQD@L @ANTS ^8NT B@M CN RHS TOR all day long but it’s the squat that FHUDR XNT SGD CDƼMHSHNM 3GD NSGDQ bonus to the squat is obviously great legs and butt...what woman CNDRMŗS V@MS SG@S ^3GD LNQD XNT RPT@S SGD LNQD CDƼMHSHNM XNT receive.

Improvement in your squat means better posture, better run form technique, better pull ups and better handstand push-ups. Anything you do, as far as movements, begins with your core. When you initiate a movement HS ADFHMR ĆĽQRS @S XNTQ core and extends to your libs. Your core is the single most important part of your body.

Combinations You’re Probably Neglecting by Zachary Thiel As the sport of CrossFit continues to grow, programming is coming from all areas, and many of you @QD RDDHMF CHƤDQDMS DWDQBHRDR ENQ SGD ĆĽQRS SHLD 6HSG SGD ONOTK@QHSX of Olympic lifting and strength training in CrossFit, there are exercises and combinations of exercises you may not be familiar with. The key is to perform them correctly and understand their use.

The squat @KRN ^SQ@MRK@SDR HMSN other movements in CrossFit, DRODBH@KKX NTQ .KXLOHB KHESR ^3GD high bar back squat directly correlates to the snatch and the front squat correlates to the BKD@M ^(E XNT B@M L@HMS@HM OQNODQ core tension in your squats, you will have more success with the snatch @MC BKD@M IDQJ

Two exercises you should do regularly: Snatch Grip Push Press Overhead Squat [Snatch Grip - Review: the position where you place your hands to perform the overhead squat. You B@M ĆĽMC SGHR ONRHSHNM AX OHBJHMF up the bar and moving your hands wide enough until it sits at the crease of your hips.]

My Story: When I started CrossFit, squats VDQD LX KD@RS E@UNQHSD LNUDLDMS ^(S is only recently that I have actually ADFTM SN DMINX RPT@SSHMF ^6GX !DB@TRD ( KD@QMDC GNV SN RPT@S ( was stuck at 185 back squat for a year. I was annoyed and frustrated and my attitude translated into my lack of PR’ing. It was a vicious BXBKDʖ^( @OOQN@BGDC SGD A@Q CDED@SDC and EVERY squat felt heavy. When I would squat, I would allow the KN@C NE SGD A@Q SN BNMSQNK SGD KHES ^( would crash to the bottom of my squat and because of it would lose BNQD SDMRHNM ^3GDQDENQD ( VNTKC get stuck at the bottom of the RPT@S TM@AKD SN ƼMHRG SGD KHES R soon as I learned how to maintain core tension throughout out my squat, I went from 185 to 225 in 6 LNMSGR ^)TRS QDBDMSKX @S SGD %HSSDRS Games, I was able to squat 200# DHFGS SHLDR 3G@S HR @ANTS NE my one rep max.

The combination of these two movements helps athletes become comfortable with a barbell overhead with a snatch grip - and helps develop shoulder strength @MC ĆŚDWHAHKHSX (S will also help you become comfortable with the barbell overhead in the receiving position for the snatch. Adding in the overhead squat VHKK HMBQD@RD RGNTKCDQ ĆŚDWHAHKHSX your familiarity with a heavy load overhead and keeping your midline upright and tight. Learning these movements and performing them together is a progression to LNQD @CU@MBDC LNUDLDMSR !43 you need to learn to crawl before XNT V@KJ ^

YOUR HOMEWORK Lateral band walks daily, 20 steps down and back x 3 /K@MJ 'NKCR Ĺ” 3@A@S@ 2SXKD RDBNMCR NM RDBNMCR NƤ QDLDLADQ SN RPTDDYD XNTQ FKTSDR @MC tuck in your tailbone 'NKKNV !NCX 2TODQL@M KSDQM@SD between the two, tabata style V-Ups 3 sets of 10 (M RTLL@QX Ĺ” 204 3 LNQDĘ– 204 3 GD@UXĘ– )423 204 3Ę–


Bonus Movement: Behind the Neck Split Jerk 3GD ADGHMC SGD MDBJ ROKHS IDQJ HR another valuable exercise for foot speed, shoulder and core strength @MC ĆŚDWHAHKHSX !DB@TRD SGD A@Q is already over your midline the bar will move overhead much faster and you will be able to lift a FQD@SDQ @LNTMS NE VDHFGS !DB@TRD of this, your feet have to move faster and your midline has to be strong and tight to receive the bar

overhead. You will also learn to hold the midline tight and press against the bar as you recover EQNL SGD ROKHS IDQJ Adding these exercises to your training will: 1. 'DKO XNT FDS BNLENQS@AKD with weight overhead 2. +D@QM SN RPTDDYD XNTQ shoulders against the bar and hold the midline tight. 3. Improve body control and gymnastics

There is a combination of speed and strength to these exercises @MC SGHR VHKK ADMDĆĽS @MXNMD VGN wants to get stronger. If you are unfamiliar with these lifts, start light and focus on your technique. RJ XNTQ BN@BG NQ ĆĽMC @ BN@BG

that is knowledgeable in the Olympic lifts and strength and conditioning. If you are on your own there are plenty of reputable websites that you can source with these exercises being performed. And lastly don’t be afraid to use these exercises in your warm up and go heavy with them at least SVHBD @ VDDJ ^^ ^ ^

YOUR HOMEWORK At least twice a week practice these combinations start with the barbell and gradually add weight as you ADBNLD LNQD OQNƼBHDMS VHSG SGD movement Don’t have a barbell practice with a PVC pipe or a broom – You will build muscle memory and improve this motor skill More Content:

TAG Technically Applied Gymnastics

Perfect your gymnastics fundamentals including handstands, handstand push-ups, kipping pull-ups and more.


Planning a party? olive & june is the perfect place! We can accommodate from 2 to 300 whether you book our Chef’s Table, 3rd Floor Event Space or use the entire restaurant! Events Manager, Brooke Greer 3411 glenview ave. | austin, texas 78703 512 467 9898


Saturday August 24th, 2013 Womens Only Competition Registration Opens in July




AMBUSH The Kitchen Edition

We ambushed the Kepler family by making a surprise visit to their home to discover what it HR SGDX JDDO HM SGD BGHKKDQ ESDQ ĆĽMCHMF @ VDKK NQF@MHYDC EQHCFD VD R@S CNVM VHSG "@QDX ENQ @ PTHBJ 0 NM VG@S SGD E@LHKX D@SR G@R @ RS@OKD HM SGD O@MSQX @MC VGDQD SGDX KHJD SN RGNO


Q&A With Carey Kepler Q: What do you always have in your refrigerator? A: Pickles!

Q: &RƨHH RU .RPEXFKD" A: #DODMCRĘ– ( KHJD BNƤDD HM SGD LNQMHMF and kombucha in the afternoons

Q: What is a staple vegetable? A: !QNBBKH !QTRRDK 2OQNTSR

Q: Easiest/favorite snack for kids? A: Pistachios

Q: Favorite go-to meal? A: !QNBBKH &QNTMC &Q@RR %DC !DDE VHSG marinara sauce

Q: Favorite Fat? A: Avocado

Q: Staple in your pantry? A: We always have Olive Oil.. and Advocare

Q: How often do you eat out? A: Maybe once a week. Maybe. Q: Who cooks in your household? A: *QHR

Q: Favorite place to grocery shop? A: "NRSBN '$! %QDRG /KTR Q: Salty or Sweet? A: Salty & Fatty Q: What supplements do you take everyday? A: Omega 3 Fats Ultra Immune /QNLNSHNM Ŕ FKTBNRNLHMD INHMS GD@KSG A Shake – post workout recovery or meal replacement Magnesium in the evening and night time recovery Pre workout – muscle strength and O2 gold And SPARK! THE TRIUNE | 17







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featured event




























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Gymnastics Level 1 Seminar





Free Community Workouts at 8 a.m.



Central Athlete Skill 2DRRHNMR @S @ L


(QNM !DKKD 6NLDMR .MKX Competition


Community Workouts at 8 a.m.



CrossFit Classics at CrossFit Central Downtown

Central Athlete Skill 2DRRHNMR @S @ L


1 8

Free Community Workouts at 8 a.m.

Garage Gym Throwdown


Central Athlete Skill 2DRRHNMR @S @ L




CrossFit Classics at CrossFit Central Downtown


Community Workouts at 8 a.m.


Central Athlete Skill 2DRRHNMR @S @ L

CrossFit Classics is a monthly CrossFit celebration for athletes and ƥSMDRR DMSGTRH@RSR HM SGD 37ʖ .MBD @ LNMSG "QNRR%HS TRSHM @MC CrossFit Central pay homage to the roots of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games by competing in a “Classic” WOD. The Classics take place the last Friday of every month and take place at CrossFit Austin and CrossFit Central, altering locations each month. PRICE: $25.00 OPEN TO: Anyone, all skill levels REGISTRATION:





The 2013 CrossFit Games in Carson, California The 2013 CrossFit Games Watching Party!

CrossFit Our doctors have invaluable experience treating "QNRRƥS @SGKDSDR EQNL ADFHMMDQR SN RD@RNMDC game competitors.

At Next Level Chiropractic and Rehab our mission is simple: to provide the GHFGDRS PT@KHSX HMCHUHCT@KHYDC SQD@SLDMS that yields the fastest results. We are passionate about helping patients achieve optimal health and performance KDUDKR 6D RODBH@KHYD HM BNLOKDSD B@QD of the human frame. Our extensive knowledge of biomechanics not only enables us to help those in pain feel better, but also helps accurately identify the underlying cause of the presenting symptom. Through this our doctors are @AKD SN S@HKNQ @ RODBHƥB @MC HMCHUHCT@KHYDC treatment plan to each one of our patients. Such treatment plans often include ART, exercise rehabilitation, and @CITRSLDMSR

2700 W Anderson Lane #310 Austin TX, 78757

We understand the demands put on the body HM NQCDQ SN DMF@FD HM RTBG ƥDQBDKX CDL@MCHMF activity on a regular basis. Our extensive experience has enabled us to develop a truly DƤDBSHUD RBQDDMHMF OQNBDRR ENQ NTQ @SGKDSDR SG@S HCDMSHƥDR SGD B@TRDR NE @MX OGXRHB@K KHLHS@SHNMR HM mobility, stability, and strength. 3GD NKC LNSSN řHE HSŗR MNS AQNJD CNMŗS ƥW HSŚ HR very dangerous to follow when dealing with your ANCX 6D G@UD ENTMC SG@S LNRS @KK HMITQHDR @QD predictable and can be avoided with the right assessment and treatment approach. The relationships we have built with many of the "QNRRƥS @ƧKH@SDR HM SNVM DM@AKDR TR SN ADSSDQ serve you by speaking with your coach (if given permission). This allows for better outcomes when both patient and coach understand what LNCHƥB@SHNMR HM SGD VNQJNTSR LHFGS AD MDBDRR@QX to achieve the desired results.

Chiropractic Care (MITQX 1DG@AHKHS@SHNM Active Release Technique (ART) Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) 2NTMC RRHRSDC 2NES 3HRRTD ,NAHKHY@SHNM 2 23, Functional Movement Screens Titleist Performance Institute Assessments "QNRRƥS SGKDSD $U@KT@SHNM @MC 3QD@SLDMS THE TRIUNE | 19



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