The Triune Winter Issue

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PURSUIT a photoset Travis Holley:


From The Front

Grand Opening CrossFit Central Downtown March 9, 2013

the team Founders:


Carey Kepler Jeremy Thiel

Building A Fit Community


Editor in Chief:


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Nicole Hughes

Art Director: Zac Hughes


Lead From The Front Events


Travis Holley Jeremy Thiel

Photography: Brian Sullivan

Meaning behind the name: The TRIUNE (pronounced try-yoon): means one in three, triad or trinity. The TRIUNE will set out to chronicle the trifecta that is Culture, Community and CrossFit.

from the team CrossFit Central was established seven years ago. Carey and I had a goal to create a fit community and be a staple in the Austin fitness community. We have taken great strides in impacting the lives of many and look forward to a new year and a new opportunity to build life long relationships. We will kick off the year with the I Am CrossFit challenge and The Fittest Games, two great events that will set the tone for 2013. For everyone who has signed up for I Am CrossFit, you have taken the first step towards changing the course of your year. If you would like to get involved in the community The Fittest Games provides an opportunity to volunteer and be a part of one of our biggest annual events. 2013 will be a great year to develop relationships and achieve new goals. We look forward to being a part of your fitness journey! Jeremy Thiel & Carey Kepler

the contributors Jeremy Thiel is the owner and cofounder of Trinity Training Systems, encompassing CrossFit Central, RedBlack Gym & Relentless Boot Camp. In 2005 he was introduced to the sport of CrossFit and immediately knew he had discovered the path he had been seeking since he first started training. Jeremy, along with his sister Carey, began running boot camps in parks all around Austin. He worked from his one bedroom apartment day in and day out blogging, emailing and programming; strong relationships sprouted out of his emphasis on the importance of being heavily involved in the Austin fitness community. Jeremy laid the foundation for his future by hiring a strong team; coupling his drive with people who were passionate about CrossFit and dedicated to the company’s vision. *THIS ISSUE - Building a Fit Community | @jeremythiel

Travis Holley is a CrossFit Level II Coach, certified Underground Strength Coach, certified CrossFit Powerlifting Coach, CrossFit Mobility certified and has a B.S. in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Northern Colorado. Travis has been involved with sports and fitness all his life – playing soccer, hockey, and football since a young age and continuing on to play soccer for the University of Northern Colorado. He is the creator of Strictly Strength, a powerful coach at CrossFit Central and recently began training Austin’s elite-level firefighters. In 2012 he competed on the CrossFit Central team at the International CrossFit Games where they took 13th place. *THIS ISSUE - Lead From The Front | @Strict_Strength

Brian Sullivan studied business and played football at the University of New Mexico on a football scholarship for 3 years then transferred to UT Austin to finish his education. Post college he pursued an aviation career. He found his home in the sky where he is currently an Airbus 320 Captain with JetBlue based in New York but living in Austin Texas. In 2008 a genetic heart failure, which required surgery, grounded him from flying but also allowed him to concentrate on his photography career (which had been a part time job until then). Brian is now a full time sports, commercial and lifestyle photographer in Austin Texas. He is the founder of B7Creative, works on the Triune media team, and shoots for CrossFit Central and CrossFit HQ. He has worked on projects for the NFL, MLB, MiLB (Round Rock Express), RedBull, X-Games as well as ad campaigns for various sports apparel companies throughout the United States. *THIS ISSUE - All images. No really, all images in this issue. | @B7Creative | Contact us @ 512.507.6450 | | For more information on CrossFit Central go to

SPECIFICS: January 18th & 19th, 2013 CrossFit Central Downtown 702 East 3rd Street Friday Noon-5PM Saturday 8AM-5PM After Party Friday Night, Location TBA BY THE NUMBERS: 384 Athletes Registered 62 Pros 120 Amateurs 50 Teams 102 Affiliates Represented 48 Regional Level Competitors 7 Regions Represented Including Asia 6 CrossFit Games Athletes 14 Masters $20,000 Purse WATCH FOR: The Final Workout. It’s never been done before. #Limitless

Building A Fit Community Story: Jeremy Thiel Photography: Brian Sullivan



even years ago CrossFit was relatively brand new. The reach of the young vibrant community was small but growing. CrossFit Central was one of the first 60 affiliates in the world. In 2005 the sport of fitness, the CrossFit Games, did not exist. The majority of CrossFit Central’s early clients were fitness enthusiasts or former athletes looking to regain former athletic glory or advance their fitness. Our tag line in the early days was “Training the Fittest People in Austin.” Since then it has transformed into “Building a Fit Community”.

CrossFit is a generalist fitness program and many are attracted to it, but I often see 3 “types” of CrossFitters in our space. Some athletes just want to get in a good workout, get strong and lead a healthy and active lifestyle while others focus on competitions. • • •

The Person looking for health and wellness and use CrossFit as the vehicle. The Competitive person looking to bring physical challenges back into their life while regaining or improving on their current state. The Competitive athlete who desires fitness and wellness and are determined to push the outer boundaries of the Sport of Fitness. They live for competitions and are always seeking “what’s next”.

Check out a few athlete profiles from our community that encompass these qualities. Everyone has a different background, a different story for how they found CrossFit and varying reasons why they choose CrossFit as their method of fitness!

Brittany CrossFitting Since: April of 2010 Athletic/Competition background? My athletic background mainly consists of a great deal of high school sports, but coming from a small private school setting none of those would have carried me into the collegiate arena. After high school the only fitness tests I faced (before finding CrossFit) was the Marine Corps PT tests, which I confess taught me how to run... a lot! Have you ever taken on a CrossFit competition or challenge? The first time I heard about CrossFit was when I was invited to compete on an affiliate team in the 2010 South Central Regionals. CrossFit was described to me as being a good mix of a variety of sports to test general fitness, and with my history of loving a challenge, that it would be perfect for me! That was my first CrossFit competition - Regionals 2010. After that I was literally addicted. I have competed in easily over 20 competitions since that summer, and while I have slowed down the rate at which I compete, I cannot imagine a future where I will ever stop. What do you love about CrossFit? Every time I think about why I love CrossFit I think of an article Lisa Thiel wrote a few years back about how CrossFitters compete with one another and not against. Now there have definitely been a few intense moments in competition, but this sense of camaraderie has always been present for me throughout my CrossFit experience and it is what will keep me in this sport for years to come. Goals for 2013: The big long term goal for me would most definitely be to compete in the CrossFit Games, and while it might seem like a long road to that goal I will be holding tight to it for a long time! What I am currently working towards is gearing up to qualify for Regionals without wearing myself out before I get there. There are a lot of amazing ladies in this region that I would love to compete alongside again.

Patrick CrossFitting Since: April of 2012 Athletic/Competition background? I don’t have much of an athletic background. However, I swam in high school, ran a marathon, a few half-marathons, a handful of short distance triathlons and several trail running races. One of my passions is mountain biking. For quite some time, mountain biking has been my form of “medicine”. I enjoy every minute on my bike and count the minutes until my next ride. Have you ever taken on a CrossFit competition or challenge? I have not yet taken on a CrossFit competition or challenge, but I am certain that one is in my immediate future. I just need to determine which one and pull the trigger. What do you love about CrossFit? I love everything about CrossFit. Specifically, CrossFit Central. It’s community and culture are addictive. I love the changes it’s had on me, my family, my mental and physical well being. I love the leadership, sacrifice and commitment from our coaches. I love the feeling of commitment and support from all of my peers in my class (Michael Gregory’s 12:15 MWF class rocks!! Best Class!!!). I love the feeling of being completely wasted after a workout. I love the fight for always being better than last time.


Goals for 2013: I want to continue competing against myself. To achieve PR’s as frequently as possible. To conquer my physical and mental limits. To become an elite athlete. To develop myself as a contributor to other’s wellbeing. Now that I have completed my CrossFit Level 1 Certification, I am able to train my wife and a close family friend, which has been a learning experience and extremely fulfilling witnessing their physical and mental transformation. I would also like to develop a career path in the health and fitness industry.

Albert CrossFitting Since: February of 2012 Athletic/Competition background? I grew up in West Texas, where football is king. Basically, your jersey, position and number are assigned to you at birth. Needless to say, I grew up playing football, but also played baseball and soccer. I even ran track (the hurdles) until 9th grade. Only until the 9th grade though - that was the year the hurdles got taller and I didn’t. My focus was primarily on soccer and baseball. I played soccer my freshman year of college at Texas Tech until I broke my leg. After that injury and for the past 12 years, I neglected my diet and exercise and did the minimum to stay “in-shape”. Have you ever taken on a CrossFit competition or challenge? Yes, I competed in the We The People fundraiser event this year. I chose the event to support the cause and to simply get a good workout in on a Saturday morning. After being around all those talented athletes that day, and specifically watching our coaches compete, I was so motivated and inspired by everyone’s ability and passion. What do you love about CrossFit? I love that no matter your age, gender, or skill set, you add value to the community. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such a diverse group of people who make me a better version of myself, daily. CrossFit makes me believe that the unattainable is attainable and if you think you know the limits within yourself; your coach and classmates will help you find an inner strength that you never knew was there. CrossFit hasn’t only made me stronger physically, but also mentally and spiritually. It has included me in a community that is leaving a lasting foot print on Austin and there’s no Rx for that. Goals for 2013: My goals are pretty simple: work as hard as I can to become a better athlete in all aspects, be an ambassador for our community, compete in CrossFit events, continue to grow my physical, mental and spiritual strength, sustain a healthy lifestyle and support my classmates and their goals.

Jessica CrossFitting Since: March of 2010 Athletic/Competition background? Yes! I grew up playing soccer, volleyball, basketball and competing in gymnastics through my senior year of high school. I was introduced to the world of triathlons and duathlons in college and competed in the 2006 Duathlon World Championships, finishing 4th in my age group. Have you ever taken on a CrossFit competition or challenge? When I first joined the community I had zero interest in CrossFit, I thought CrossFitters were crazy. But I gave Kettlebell a shot. The more I watched CrossFit classes, and the more confidence I gained in Kettlbell, I thought, “I can do this”, so I joined Michael Gregory’s 12pm class. Shortly after that the GGRX program at RedBlack got started and I was ready for the next level. So I joined the program and started training at RedBlack Gym and registered for The Fittest Games for the first time. That got me hooked to CrossFit competitions and put me on a path to begin training for The CrossFit Games. What do you love about CrossFit? I love that you are always working towards a goal whether it’s setting a new PR or getting a new skill (working out with a purpose). When you walk into the gym you always have a goal and mission. Goals for 2013: To compete on the CrossFit Central team at The Games. Along with a few numbers I’d like to hit this year... 150# Snatch, 185# Clean and Jerk, 240# Back Squat and finish top 15 in The Open.

Our goal at CrossFit Central is to help you get what you need from your training, gain access to “what’s next” in fitness if you desire it, and continue to hold competitions and challenges for anyone that enjoys taking them on. Within a community there are needs and desires, of varying degree. We are continuously working to bring you new workshops, certifications and specialty programs for anyone who desires it and we are committed to providing the best CrossFit programming in the nation. In 2013 we will introduce monthly free specialty training workshops for all of our athletes. If you’ve been working to get a pull up, a handstand, a higher box jump, a muscle up, want to work on your grip for Olympic lifts (and so much more), this will be a great place to start! Look for more athlete profiles from the community coming soon at 6

P U R S U I T 7


to strive to gain or accomplish; pursue lofty goals. to carry further; advance. to follow in an effort to overtake or capture.

photos by Brian Sullivan


LEAD FROM THE FRONT Story: Travis Holley Photography: Brian Sullivan



rowing up in Wyoming as an only child created a necessity for an amazing imagination. As you can probably guess, Wyoming is not quite the summer vacation hot spot of the world. So, many of my friends would leave town with their families to go on summer vacation.

This left me sitting at home with two options: [ONE] I could come up with something to do on my own: this usually resulted in playing some sport, riding my bike, or using my imagination to create my entertainment for the day. OR [TWO] My mom had plenty of chores that I could do to “entertain myself ”. So, I (very quickly) learned to dream and imagine fantastic things! Our house had this dark, cool, basement that I would pretend was the bottom of the ocean. I would slowly dive deeper and deeper into the ocean (basement) by crawling down the stairs head first on my stomach. It left some nasty carpet burns, but that’s all part of being a deep-sea discoverer. That same basement provided me with so many make-believe scenarios. It soon transformed from a deep sea diving location to a secret military outpost. I always had an attraction to imagining that I was an “Army Guy” (as I called it). I created this world where I was a lone Marine or Navy Seal, deep inside enemy territory. My daily mission: scaring my mom as she folded laundry upstairs. This mission, if it was to be carried out successfully, required elements of intel gathering, planning, adaptability and stealth. My outpost was secret and secure (under a huge round table we had in the basement) where I planned my missions and conducted all intel-gathering. This was very serious! I had missions inside of missions, people! I did not mess around. Once sufficient data was gathered on the target (my Mom), the primary mission was a GO. Using our curved stairwell, which was booby trapped with bombs and sensors (squeaky boards under the carpet), I snuck up to the enemy base (upstairs). From there, I had to avoid detection at all costs, so I stayed tight to the walls and always kept the line of sight to my advantage. As I navigated closer and closer to the target, things became high risk to say the least. One wrong move and the mission would be a failure. I would be captured and made to work in a POW Camp (picking up dog poop). The stakes were high, but the reward was glorious. I knew the target’s ticklish zone,

which made her jump even when the element of surprise was absent. I quietly extended my hands and quickly grabbed her ribs for the “kill”. The mission was a major success. I was to return home and receive my medal of valor. Now, you may be wondering to yourself, “What does this have to do with anything?” I shared my story with you to illustrate a rather simple fact: I have always been, and continue to be, attracted to the idea of men and women courageously serving their country with absolute dedication. I believe we are designed to hunt, protect and provide for our families and our community. At a genetic level, we are warriors. Some men choose other paths, becoming warriors in our modern day world. And some men become warriors on the battlefield…and thank God they do. I have no real understanding of what battle is, nor do I believe it to be some romanticized, hero-in-the-night endeavor. This is what I do KNOW: I have the utmost respect for a man or woman who serves the country that we all hold so dear. They provide us with an unseen blanket of security and freedom, knowing that with every day they do so, they risk their very existence. One of these warriors is Richard Smith. When Richard first walked into my class at CrossFit Central, I somehow knew that underneath the surface of this man was a warrior. I could tell that Richard knew what hard work was by the way he attacked his first workout with unrelenting intensity. He was not the best. He was not the most technically proficient. But he had a work ethic that was unmatched. He instantly gained my respect. To this day, Richard still remembers his first CrossFit workout, the “infamous


Fran” (One of the original CrossFit benchmark workouts: 2115-9 Thrusters & Pull Ups). Imagine having to throw down your first-ever CrossFit workout and it being a lethal combo of thrusters and pull ups done at a blistering pace! If that doesn’t tell you something about a man’s character, I don’t know what does. Richard was the type of client that I knew I could push, even before I found out he was a Marine and Austin Firefighter. I knew that he wanted to be challenged, but I could also tell that he didn’t want my coaching to get in the way of his intensity and determination to attack any workout. This is not to say that he doesn’t take coaching well. In fact, he is one of my most coachable athletes. After the lecture and demos, and prior to “3...2...1...GO!“, I would spend a small amount of time giving him a checklist or instructions that he was to keep in mind during the workout. This system worked well. He knew what he needed to do, and wouldn’t be stopped, unless he needed the extra words of encouragement or kick in the butt to clean up his technique. I could always count on him to bust his ass and do exactly what I had asked of him. That, to me, is far more important than having top times and being the fastest - doing what is asked of you even when no one is there to hold you accountable. I think they call that INTEGRITY. Richard was consistent, he rarely missed a class. He was committed to getting better each day. He had that desire to succeed and be the best – he was the alpha (as is the case with most elite servicemen). As most CrossFitters know, one of the areas that has the most dramatic effect on performance is diet. As Richard continued to show interest in how he could improve, we discussed diet and body composition. We set out a plan for his nutrition, but needed some baseline data to compare, so we did a body composition test. I came to find out, during our body comp meeting, that Richard is a (former) Marine. During one of his tours, he was severely injured when his unit’s


In a world that has become less focused on working hard, and often takes the easy way out, Richard is one of the few who consistently works hard for himself and for others.”

Humvee ran over an anti-tank mine. He showed me the scars from where the shrapnel tore into his leg. I was absolutely speechless for a moment. I hear about IED’s taking out American soldiers all the time on the news. But to be face-to-face with a man who had already earned so much of my respect, and to find this out was powerful. I don’t really remember what was said or done after that. I knew that I wanted to know more, but didn’t feel right digging for it. So, I let it be. Richard continued to improve in all areas of CrossFit (10 General Physical Skills), and we continued to develop a relationship that stemmed from respect, discipline, integrity and growth. As that relationship grew, and as he desired improvement, we decided that my strength and conditioning program, Strictly Strength, was the next progression for him. He immediately loved the higher demand that Strength Workout Of the Day (SWOD) placed on his mind and body. Richard knew that if he could control his thoughts and emotions, his body would act. My SWODs tested him, and he liked that. He never wanted the easy way out. Richard was, and is, dedicated to growing every day. He subscribes to the same mentality as I do: if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Richard was so impressed with the style of training that Strictly Strength provided that we started to brainstorm the possibility of getting a Firefighter-specific Strictly Strength class going. I jumped at the opportunity! We called it FireSWOD.

Rewinding back a couple of decades to the time of my basement military base, I remember racing around my yard with the garden hose to put out fires and rescue people and animals from the inferno. (In reality, I was just making our yard into a huge swamp that I would later use as a mud bog to ride my bike through….yeah, I was that kid.) I was equally enthralled with firefighters. I loved the idea of rushing into a burning building to come to the rescue of someone. In fact, the movie “Backdraft” was on repeat at my house. I didn’t know it at the time, but there was a pattern emerging - SERVICE and COURAGE were the common denominators. These are both qualities that I seek out in others and demand of myself. So it seems only natural that I would be drawn towards and respect a former Marine and current firefighter. DUH! Later in life, my infatuation with the idea of being a firefighter nearly became a reality. Before coming to CrossFit Central, I had gone through the required prerequisites for becoming a firefighter in Colorado. I had performed very well during the FF PT Course, and must have impressed the

board of firefighters conducting the oral interview because they wanted me on! The only thing that stopped me from pursuing that as a career was the discovery of CrossFit Central and the possibility of becoming a professional CrossFit Coach. Talk about a fork in the road, life-altering decision. In hindsight, choosing the path of a CrossFit coach provided a way to serve the firefighters that serve so many. I serve them by means of functional strength and power, and an iron-clad mindset that would set them apart from anyone else. I test them daily. I break them down mentally and physically with some of the nastiest workouts you can imagine. Why? Because their service demands that they be unbreakable. Richard is exactly that. Unbreakable. He is the reason that I have the privilege to serve firefighters. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have the opportunity to work with the amazing people I do. I love all of my clients and athletes. You all make me better. But, the men and women of the FireSWOD have a special place in my life. I have never been in contact with another group of men and women who

are so dedicated, focused, hard-working, and loyal to one another as they are. They truly are a unit. That is why a man of Richard’s caliber seeks out a job as a firefighter after his time in the Marine Corps. He knows that there is a common bond there. One forged from respect, courage, service, loyalty and integrity. He knows that the man next to him is pushing himself in order to become a better person, not only for himself, but for Richard as well. Richard holds this brotherhood above all other things. His drive to serve is strongest when he knows the men around him are counting on him. Truly selfless. Richard is also responsible for what is still one of the most powerful and rewarding experiences of my life. The Gunfighter 3 workout. On April 4th, 2005, 3rd Platoon 4th Reconnaissance Battalion Charlie Company had just completed a company-sized raid outside the city of Fallujah, in Al Anbar Province Iraq. As Team 1 navigated the platoon back to base, they ran over an anti-tank mine. The blast was devastating to the unarmored Humvee, killing one and wounding five others. Three Marines lost limbs and were flown out of the country while the two remaining were able to return to 3rd platoon. This was Gunfighter 3’s (the platoon’s call sign) first week in Iraq. Although facing adversity immediately, Gunfighter 3 carried on and accomplished their commander’s intent. I n M a y, 2 0 1 2 R i c h a r d approached me with an idea to run a clinic/workout for Richard’s platoon, Gunfighter 3. Several of the men at this session had been severally wounded. He let me know that Clint, a fellow Marine, had one of his legs amputated at the hip, while Alex, also of Gunfighter 3, was a double leg amputee just above the knee. When Richard first asked if I was interested in working with this group, and specifically Alex and Clint, I was nervous but excited for the challenge. I knew that these men would require unique and focused coaching that would also challenge me as a coach. I also knew that these men had to be searching for a way to ignite that fire that they had prior to their injuries. I wanted to give Alex and Clint hope that building muscle, strength and coordination in the damaged areas was absolutely possible. It was an honor to help these outstanding men find ways to strength train in a way that undoubtedly challenged them, but also opened their eyes to what was possible going forward. It was amazing to see everyone band together to help and cheer each other on. I was inspired by their tenacity and willingness to tear into any task I threw at them during this 2-hour session. I was especially impressed with Clint and Alex. I could see them light up when they realized that they, too, could train hard as hell using a method of training that involved tire flips, box squats, sledge hammer strikes, and kettlebell swings - all exercises that they had given up on post-surgery. It was an unforgettable experience - an experience that Richard made possible. Looking back on that day, I was completely focused on giving these

men everything I had - all of the knowledge, motivation and energy I could muster. Because of this, I didn’t realize it at the time, but the men in that room were all there because of Richard. I’ll say that again. They were there because of Richard. They had all followed Richard. I’m being redundant here because of something that one of my firefighters, Larry, said during a video. He said, “Men like us (the men and women of the FireSWOD) have to first respect a person before we take orders from him.” Ever since Larry said that, it has stuck with me as a sort of badge of honor. I did not ask for their respect, but it was given. This is even more true for Richard, and rightfully so. After losing his unit, Richard felt lost. He felt as though he had failed on a scale that very few of us can even comprehend. But out of this darkness came something that Richard still holds higher than any other accolade he’s received. It was when Marines, from other platoons and units, requested to fight along side him. To Richard, there is no greater honor. As I sit here and type these words, I can’t help but get a little choked up at the thought of all of this. Richard is a very humble man and will be completely uncomfortable with the idea that I am writing this article about him, praising the man he was, is, and will continue to be. He will squirm in his chair as he reads this, but only because he is programmed in such a way that shifts the focus away from “Me, Me, Me” to “Them, We, Us” going completely against the vast majority of today’s unfortunate social beliefs. It seems harder and harder to find men who you can look up to and aspire to be like. In a world that has become less focused on working hard, and often takes the easy way out, Richard is one of the few who consistently works hard for himself and for others. He continues to push himself to new heights to better serve those around him. As much as this article is about CrossFit…it’s not at all about CrossFit. It’s about how the qualities and character of a man have changed so many lives for the better. The face of CrossFit Central and even more so, the face of RedBlack Gym, have been molded by Richard being a part of our community. And whether Richard knows it or not, neither of these iconic gyms would be the same without him. I have had a mantra for several years now that I strive to live my life by each day. One that few men understand let alone hold true, but one that Richard Smith has lived and continues to live. L E A D



F R O N T .

Thank you for your outstanding example, Richard. It is an honor to work alongside you each day.

Names and ranks of those who attended the Gunfighter 3 Workout:

Cpl. Clint Barkley, Team 1 Assistant Team Leader Sgt. Alex Del Rio, Team 1 Radio Operator / Machine Gunner Sgt. Ryan Matjeka, Team 2 Machine Gunner (first Marine after explosion to assist with casualty care) Sgt. Matthew Brake, Team 1 Assistant Team Leader (joined team 1 after explosion) In the explosion, but not present at workout: LCpl. Jeremiah Kinchen, Team 1 Point man - Killed in explosion, but always with us Sgt. Daniel Peters, Team 1 Assistant Radio Operator Lives in Colorado LCpl. Daniel Castellanos, Engineer Attachment



Stories Success

40lbs lost and 16.4% body fat, gained 30 pounds of muscle, confidence, Dropped one pant size, commitment 10lbs lost, 8% body fat lost, camaraderie, lost 11 pounds, dropped 11 inches, lost 16 pounds of fat, gained 5 pounds of lean mass, achievement, lost 30 pounds, lost 10% body fat, lost 36.3 inches, decision, lost 11.6% body fat, lost 25% body fat, lost 40lbs, life completely changed, 35 pound deadlift PR, strong, 20 pounds lost, 15% body fat lost, mental clarity, lost 7.5 inches and 12.2% body fat, dropped 24 pounds, ailments gone, inspiration, dropped 2 dress sizes, lost 20 pounds, dropped 7% body fat, lost 3 inches from waist and hips, kool-aid, lost 7 inches from waist, size 8 to a size 4/6, dropped 26 pounds, energy, dropped 5% body fat, lost 5 inches, qualified for the Boston marathon, took 13 minutes off my marathon pr, mental and emotional transformation.

“CrossFit is about getting to where you’ve never been before.� 17

View All

2012 Stories

Events For all event details:



Largest Kettlebell Circle in The World


I Am CrossFit


The Fittest Games


Womens Only Community Workout

Break a world record & get in the Guinness Book of World Records! @ Zilker Park Kick off to CrossFit Central’s annual 8 week challenge @ CrossFit Central Downtown @ CrossFit Central Downtown 9-10am, followed by brunch @ Moonshine



Community Workouts


I Am CrossFit Skills Session


Community Workouts


Outlaw Training Camp

At all gyms, open to everyone At your home gym

@ all gyms, open to everyone @ CrossFit Central Downtown



I Am CrossFit Finale Downtown Grand Opening


Zach Even-Esh Underground Strength Certification


Community Workouts

@ CrossFit Central Downtown @ all gyms, open to everyone

Winter 2012 | |

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