Vol. 69 Issue #07

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Vol 69 | Number 07 T HE TSU HERALD | November 15th, 2016

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SPORTS page 6


LIFE & STYLE page 8


POLITICS page 10




Cover Story A nation divided by politics is united by an election night shock (courtesy of The USA Today) WASHINGTON — A Trump presidency will plunge the United States into an era of unknowns that has little parallel in the nation’s 240-year history. While Donald J. Trump has been vague about his position on many issues, he has been explicit about several that would fundamentally change America’s direction. If his campaign promises become reality — and it is not clear how many he will actually pursue — the Affordable Care Act could be repealed with the help of a Republican-dominated House and Senate whose leadership had virtually given up hope of recapturing the White House. Mr. Trump said he would replace the act with something better, but he never offered a plan. The Supreme Court would veer right – perhaps eventually far to the right of where it was



before Justice Antonin Scalia’s death created a vacancy that Mr. Trump will now fill, and there is the prospect of several more openings during his tenure. The wall he promised along the Mexican border would be built, and the prospect of immigration reform may be buried beneath it. The torture of terrorism suspects, something that President Obama explicitly banned, would return — interrogation techniques the current C.I.A. director recently said his officers would never return to.

The TSU Herald is published by the students of Te x a s S o u t h e r n U n i v e r s i t y. Opinions expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the administration. The newspaper is p r i n t e d b i w e e k l y, except during holidays and examination periods. For additional information, call (713) 313-6710.

Although Mr. Trump will not be able to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord, he can legally ignore its provisions, in keeping with his questioning of the existence of man-made climate change. He could proceed with what he once called a ban on Muslims’ entering the country, but later amended – after being accused of racism – to a ban on visitors from a list of troubled nations, almost all of which are Muslim-majority. He would pull back the troops that the United States has stationed around the world to keep

the peace – unless America is paid for the protection. He would tell NATO that the United States will live up to its post-World War II security commitments only if other nations first pay their fair share. He repeatedly dismissed the idea that those forward deployments are in America’s own interests, that they prevent Chinese or Russian adventurism and keep open the trade routes for American goods. As the president-elect, Mr. Trump will soon be briefed on how to use America’s nuclear codes – the codes Hillary Clinton and Mr. Obama said he could never be trusted to hold. And within the first year of his presidency, it should become clear whether Mr. Trump meant it when he said that he was comfortable with the thought that Japan and South Korea, both signatories to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, might abandon its longtime commitment and build weapons of their own. If the United States “keeps on its path, its current path of weakness, they’re going to want to have that anyway, with or without me discussing it,” Mr. Trump said. Perhaps the most unpredictable matter is how Mr. Trump will deal with Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, whom he has repeatedly praised in terms that shocked even his own party. Would he lift the sanctions over Russia’s annexation of Crimea – a move that Mr. Trump seemed to suggest was justified – and its harassment of Ukraine? Would he back off from the Obama administration’s decision to bolster the American military presence off


Cover Story Russia’s borders? There has been a growing bipartisan consensus in the foreign policy and intelligence leadership that Russia must be both constrained and contained, its harassment of the new members of NATO halted, its cyberattacks deterred. But Mr. Trump never once argued for Russian containment – once a staple of his party’s foreign policy – and repeatedly argued that he, and he alone, could negotiate with authoritarians like Mr. Putin. “My administration,” he said recently, “will work with any country that is willing to partner with us to defeat ISIS, and halt radical Islamic terrorism. And that includes Russia.” On Wednesday, Mr. Putin seemed to return that sentiment, sensing his opportunity and saying he looked forward to restoring “fully fledged” relations with the United States. Mr. Trump dismissed Russia’s human rights violations, its jailing of journalists and political opponents, its rigged elections. He would measure the country, he said, solely by its willing ness to chip into American projects. “If they want to join us by knocking out ISIS, that is just fine as far as I’m concerned,” he said. “It is a very imperfect world, and you can’t always choose your friends. But you can never fail to recognize your enemies.” Mr. Trump has been consistent in some areas. Since the late 1980s, he has nurtured a set of preoccupations, chiefly that America’s allies – Japan and Saudi Arabia among them – are ripping America off. He maintained that position even as Japan faded from the scene as a major world power and as Saudi Arabia emerged as one of America’s most critical allies in a region of the world where Mr. Trump sees little reason for the United States to remain. In an interview in March, he had no compunction about threatening the kingdom’s survivability. “If Saudi Arabia was without the cloak of American protection,” Mr. Trump said during a 100-minute conversation, “I don’t think it would be around.” The mystery is how much of that kind of talk arises from deeply held beliefs, and how much

is an opening bid by the author of “The Art of the Deal.” “He sees himself as a dealer, a negotiator who knows that you get nowhere unless you threaten,” said Graham Allison, a longtime Harvard professor who has begun a new project in “applied history,” taking lessons from past moments to inform America’s current strategic choices. Indeed, the world is about to discover whether the most outlandish promises Mr. Trump made in his campaign about rethinking the international order – thoughts that often seemed at best off the cuff – are about to become reality. Financial markets abroad panicked on Tuesday night, fearful that a Trump presidency would instantly send the country into uncertain economic territory that investors had discounted as wholly improbable just 24 hours ago. But there was a far more mild decline as Wall Street opened, suggesting that investors here saw other possibilities. Mr. Trump, who never argued with the notion that he is a protectionist, time and again vowed to punish companies that move jobs abroad, a task that would begin with the abolishment of Nafta, the trade agreement that once was envisioned, by President Bill Clinton, as the first step unifying the Western Hemisphere. To Mr. Trump, it is “a disaster.” The Trump vision, in fact, is an America unbound by a half-century of trade deals, free to pursue a nationalistic approach in which success is measured not by the quality of its alliances but the economic return on its transactions. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said in the interview in March. “We’re going to be friendly with everybody, but we’re not going to be taken advantage of by anybody.” He bristled at the suggestion that his wallbuilding, trade-deal-canceling views would take America back to an era of isolationism, arguing that he was simply freeing the United States from the binds of international rules that are not in the nation’s interests. “Not isolationist, but I am America first,” he

said when he was asked whether his own policies had echoes of the movement by the same name championed by Charles Lindbergh in the 1930s. “I like the expression,” he said of “America first.” From that moment on, he began using it at his rallies, and it became the stuff of bumper stickers and chants. He is also unabashedly business first, and that extends to his tax proposals, which also leave the markets deeply uncertain. Starting with the day he descended the long escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015 to begin a quest almost no one thought would succeed, Mr. Trump laid out an agenda of tax cuts – modest for families, and sharp for businesses – that he argued would be the stimulus a sluggish economy needs. But he also paired those cuts with a major plan to rebuild America’s dilapidated airports and collapsing bridges, with $137 billion in federal tax credits as an incentive for private industry to spend upward of a trillion more. While privatization is hardly a new idea, Mr. Trump has described an approach few have ever tried before – and it is far from clear how it would work. Presumably, users of that infrastructure would ultimately pay for it, in tolls and usage taxes, through a mechanism few understand. No one knows how much of this agenda, largely thrown together rather than the product of deep study and debate, is for real. His policy office in Washington, created to lay out the position-papers common to most campaigns, was gradually disbanded. He is famously volatile, capable of changing his mind in an instant if he sees new avenues for profit, all the while denying he had ever suggested another path. In Mr. Trump, Professor Allison sees a revolution in approach reminiscent of the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, another populist who rode to power rebelling against what amounted to America’s first Establishment. “My God,” Professor Allison said on Tuesday night, as the results veered toward Mr. Trump. “We are in a strange new land.”


Campus News Dia de Los Muertos Celebrated at Texas Southern University By: Marcus D. Smith Editor-In-Chief

The Tiger Walk was occupied by El Clubo de Espanol and students from Bellaire High School during multi-cultural week as they performed a multitude of dances from their native culture. Students performed their annual showcase honoring Dia de Los Muertos, “Day of the Dead”, and in the hot, humid Houston weather, they were able to show pride in their heritage parading down the Tiger Walk. “We were presenting a couple of cultural dances---cumbia, bachata, also a traditional folk dance [a Colombian folkdance]--- just because [today] it’s Dia de Los Muertos,” said Bellaire High School senior, Roman Marquez. Dia de Los Muertos is annually celebrated by those of Hispanic heritage and culture in an honor of their family, friends, and even latefurry friends that have passed on and are no longer in physical form. Traditionally, Dia de Los Muertos or Dia de Muertos is a three-day vigil which is held from October 31st through November 2nd. Each

day serves it’s own purpose and a group is honored each day.

School freshman, Marco Antonio.

The students expressed their love and desire “We try to honor our beloved deceased. We try for the cultural experience that they get to share with the world. One of the main goals set to place altars with food and flowers for them. We were just sharing our culture with the event forth by the students is to continue to showyou all had at TSU,” said Mariana Keymolen, a case the traditional dance in hopes to continue the diversity growth not only at TSU, but also Bellaire High School senior. in the city of Houston. The cultural dances that are put on display annually are out to represent their background According to Wallet Hub, Houston ranks as the 23rd most diverse city in America. Whereas, and depict their values. The dresses that a just in 2012 a report from the Kinder Institute woman performer would normally wear are for Urban Research and Hobby Center for the very traditional. Study of Texas, had the city called “H-Town” ranked as the number one diverse city in the Bellaire High School comes out to Texas Southern University annually to put on a show United States. for the student body and also educate those on what their culture is like. With the diversity Houston currently sits at the third largest city in the country. A study at Rice University rate being so high in the City of Houston, the showed that Latinos make up 35 percent of Hispanic culture continues to display an array Houston, Texas, second behind Anglo, who of showmanship in this city. make up 40% of the city’s populous. “It was really fun, this was my first year start“We do this because there’s so much diversity, ing to learn how to dance and I had to learn especially here in Houston, and we are just two dances [traditional and bachata] in four months, which is pretty fun,” said Bellaire High trying to share our culture in America,” said Keymolen.

Self, Kodak Steals the Show at Verses N’ Vibez By: Nycole Hutchens Staff Writer

(Photo by: Nycole Hutchens)

On stage: Self (left) and Kodak (right)

Free Verse hosted its annual “Verses N’ Vibez” open mic night for the first time at Texas Southern University’s historic University Museum. The museum was packed with students and poetry fans enjoying a night of music, poetry and artwork showcasing talented students on campus. The showcase was hosted by poets from the local Third Ward community, Andre “Self ” Burrell and Joshua “Kodak” Kaskin. Burrell and Kaskin are also Texas Southern University students. Kaskin who is known as “Kodak,” a sophomore, shared his thoughts and importance of having a showcase on campus in a historic

setting. “As you look around the museum there is already art put up, so it shows the different vibes, that’s why we called it “verses and vibez” because you can get song and art as well. It’s a different level of what we are trying to bring to TSU,” Kaskin said. Co-host Burrell better known as “Self,” a senior, shared his gratitude for all the support and pointed out the significance of the event on a night where another big event was taking place. “We are excited…its grown to be one of the most packed out events, even against the second biggest event at TSU, Apollo Night,” said Burrell. Burrell acknowledged that Verses N’ Vibez was not an intended competition against Apollo Night, but its extension of talent on campus. “It’s not about downing Apollo Night, we respect them just like they respect us and we are very proud that we can have such an amazing turn out,” Burrell said.

The crowd was serenaded by thought provoking spoken word artists including Jeremy Eugene, graduate student at TSU. Eugene performed a powerful poetry piece inspired by social justice and experience in the black community. Eugene talked about his inspiration and getting started in poetry. “I started taking it seriously once I moved to Houston. I’m inspired mainly by social and political strength, specifically black people,” Eugene said. Hosts, Self and Kodak, did not let the night end without performing their powerful pieces “Lucifer” and “I Hate Her,” two performances that brought the crowd to a standing ovation. The showcase is set to be a monthly event that highlights talent at Texas Southern University. Aspiring singers, poets, and dancers are encouraged to join “FreeVerse”, an artist/talent organization on campus. For more information contact Andre Burrell at bdre10@yahoo.com.


Campus News The Dallas-Jones Dream Scholarship: Helping Young Minds Pave The Future By: Marcus D. Smith Editor-In-Chief

be announced at the beginning of the spring semester. First place will be awarded a total of $500, second place will received $400, and third place will receive $300 in scholarship funds. There will be a separate drawing for both men and women, for a total of six different winners going home with a scholarship. The two gentlemen are working side by side with the Texas Southern University Developmental Office in collecting donations to continue to fund their scholarship opportunity. “We’ve been reaching out to alumni, we’ve been reaching out to faculty, political leaders, lawyers...I feel it’s going to be a big impact. We’re just ready to see the results and positively impact these students,” said Dallas.

(Photo taken by: Latrell Jackson) (Left: Kernard Jones Right: Aaron Dallas)

A new scholarship will be made available to freshmen students beginning Spring 2017 and it is called The Dallas-Jones Dream Scholarship, founded by two young, bright students at Texas Southern University. Sophomore, Aaron Dallas, a business-marketing major, and his colleague, freshman, Kernard Jones, a political science major were exchanging ideas after lunch when the two decided on an optimistic vision. “I wanted to go out and innovate something. I wanted to go out and make a change. I wanted to be the next person to step up and say ‘hey, I’m available’, I want to be a world changer beyond TSU...I feel like if the freshmen can have that same mindset, it’ll help our detention rate decrease, [and] our graduation rate [will increase], it’ll make people encouraged to stay in school,” said Dallas. The idea was inspired after the two students read an article written by President Obama titled “Now Is The Greatest Time To Be Alive”, which could be found on www.wired.com. In the article, President Obama focused on the next generation to come and how molding them into scholars, scientists, and doctors will continue to help this country suffice and in longevity the world.

In his article for www.wired.com, President Obama wrote, “We must continue to nurture our children’s curiosity. We must keep funding scientific, technological, and medical research. And above all, we must embrace that quintes­ sentially American compulsion to race for new frontiers and push the bound­aries of what’s possible.” Dallas and Jones, both took that publication and decided to act upon it and use it as a platform to make a difference. They challeneged each other by sharing their thoughts of what the article meant and how it can, too, affect them.

Together, Dallas and Jones will evaluate all submitted essays from January 6th to January 17th. Whether able to apply or not, both Jones and Dallas reccommend that everyone reads, President Obama’s article and critically analyze what was stated and evaluate each other in what we can do to continue to make the world a better and progress in life. “For right now, since this is our first time launching this scholarship out, it will be for freshmen returning to campus during the spring semester, so freshmen right now,” said Jones.

It was then when Dallas decided to make other freshmen read the article and submit an essay on the matter and give their feedback, awarding the best written essay with a scholarship.

If you are a freshman who is looking to gain funds for school, make sure you apply to The Dallas-Jones Dream Scholarship fund for your chance to win a $500 scholarship.

“For us, the long-term vision is to keep it going, year after year and semester after semester and to be able to impact students’ lives. We started this whole thing because we wanted to give students here that extra push to keep moving forward. We wanted to remove as many barriers as possible so they can easily get to graduation and go out and achieve excellence in the world,” Jones said.

Steps to applying for the schoalrship will be, of course submitting essays, but also attaching your name and T-number, issued to registered students of the university and emailing your application to Aaron Dallas or Kernard Jones at dallasjonesdreamcommittee@gmail.com

The application process will begin December 5th and last until January 6th. The winner will

For additional information regarding the scholarship follow The TSU Herald on Instagram and Twitter: @thetsuherald.



Sports Rundown By: Marcus D. Smith Sports Columnist

Well, it has been a historic past week(s) for Texas Southern athletics. There are a lot of things to recap as well as a lot to look forward in the upcoming weeks so pay attention closely to what has been going on and what to expect in the upcoming week. The way I’ll break this down is by sport-bysport, stating the takeways from this weekend, both positive and negative. (So get your popcorn bowl ready). Let’s start on the gridiron...

Tiger Football

Last weekend, the Tigers snapped a four game losing streak by defeating University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, 27-10. Texas Southern quarterback, Jonathan Bowen made his first start of the season and had a solid performance. Bowen threw 4-7 passes for 88 yards and a touchdown, he also ran for 66 yards and a touchdown. “Overall, I would say he played fine,” said offensive coordinator, Greg Gregory. The Tigers held the Golden Lions to only 90 yards rushing on the entire game Kicker, Eric Medina, went two-for-two on field goal kicking and he also threw a 34-yard touchdwon to Elie Nabushoshi on a fake field goal pass with 1:32 left to play in the third quarter. The Tigers advance to a .500 record in the Southwestern Athletic Conference. The next game is against Grambling State in the final home game of the season. Positive: Medina, would go on to win SWAC Special Teams Player of the Week for Saturday’s performance (2/2 FG, 3/3 XP, 1-1 34yd 1TD). Last week, linebacker, Jarius Moore, won SWAC Defensive Player of the Week for his defensive performance against Southern. (14 tackles, 1 tackle for loss, INT returned for a touchdown). Negative: Grambling comes into this game undefeated. This end of this games means the official end of football season...it’s bittersweet.

Lady Tiger Soccer

I told you there was history made this past weekend in the Texas Southern University Athletics program. The Lady Tigers Soccer team although wrapped their season up, but ultimately paved the way for Lady Tiger soccer teams. With the great development and coaching of head coach Kathryn Saunders, the Lady Tigers made their way to a school r ecord in regular season victories ending the season with 10. To add sugar to lemonade, the Lady Tigers made postseason history by picking up the program’s first ever postseason victory, defeating Prairie View A&M, 1-0, in a shutout victory on their home field, as the SWAC Women’s Soccer Tournament was hosted in Prairie View, Texas. So, here’s a few takeways following the tournament:

Lady Tiger Volleyball The Lady Tiger Volleyball team and coach Jocelyn Adams, have the ball rolling in their court as they have just two matches left after traveling to Baton Rouge and Lorman, Mississippi to sweep Southern and Alcorn State in three games. The Tigers are 14-2 with just Grambling and Arkansas Pine Bluff before they take center stage at the SWAC Championship Tournament.

(We’ll end on a high note this time).

A few takeways to keep in mind for the Lady Tigers.

Negative: The Lady Tigers had seen their season come to a close after losing to coach Saunders’ alma mater, Alabama State, 2-1, after leading by a goal at halftime.

Positive: The Lady Tigers are looking flawless out on the floor and are clearly the front runners for a SWAC title.

To add insult to injury: TSU defeated Alabama State, 1-0, back on September 25, 2016.

There are only two more matches until the women prepare for the SWAC Tournament, (Nov. 18- Nov. 20), which they came up short in last year.

Positive: The Texas Southern Lady Tigers Soccer program saw three players land on the Southwestern Athletix Conference all-postseason second team: Defender, Makayla Johnson and forwards, Paige Hayward and Kailand Thompson.

Negative: The loss to Alabama State on November 5, snapped a seven-game winning streak for the Lady Tigers. Alabama State is the only team in the SWAC to defeat the Lady Tigers, giving them their only two losses on the season. Alabama State recently has been a premier volleyball program making appearances in the SWAC championship game in the last three years, winning two SWAC championship rings in 2013 and 2014. So when asked who’s on the radar for TSU, I’m sure you won’t hear any team but Alabama State University. The final games of the season are home at the H&PE Arena at 6:30pm. Be sure to support your Lady Tigers to the ‘ship.


Sports Lady Tiger Bowling

Tiger Basketball Well it’s my personal favorite time of the year, as basketball season is back around the corner from a long off-season. Plenty of new additions to the team, plenty of seniors, great pieces who are nol onger with i.e. David “D.J” Blanks, Malcolm Riley, Chris Thomas, etc. those guys are gone and a new wave has come in and they are ready to hit the hardwood.

Three, two, one...STRIKE! Bowling season is back in action and the Lady Tigers perfomred pretty well in their first bowling match of the season. In the Track Kat Klash, Texas Southern finished eighth overall in the tournament. For the Lady Tigers, Jaden Takayesu led the way for the TSU at the event with a total pin count of 1,036, averaging 207 pins per match, placing her 9th out of 114 bowlers.

The SWAC preseason polls came in and despite losing in the second round of the 2016 SWAC Tournament, the Texas Southern Fighting Tigers still remain as the favorite to win the SWAC regular-season championship. You ask coach Mike Davis, or any of the players, the goal this year is the Fianl Four, so it’s pointless to say if I think they’ll win the SWAC Tournament.

The Tigers are already off to a great start in the season. Over the weekend, the Tigers went 1-1, despite losing to UT-Arlington, transferguard from Minnesota, Zach Lofton, scored 35 With this being one match in the bag for points. The next game against Delaware State the Lady Tigers, the season springs in to full the Tigers would go on to win, 74-61, behind a bloom as they head to Montgomery, Alabama team-high 20 points from Dulani Robinson, an to visit Alabama State as the Lady Hornets host Oakland, California native. It was a complete their Hornet Classic next weekend, November tesm effort as Marvin Jones chipped in with 15 18th through November 20th. points, and Jalan McCloud with 14. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: I understand that this tournament isn’t until two months down the road, and I will most likely be reminding you again when I write the column on the first week of the spring semester, which by the way begins January 17th, these Lady Tigers have a bowling tournament right here in Houston on January 20th through January 22nd. All of the western division teams in the Southwestern Athletic Conference will be there to participate in a snippet of what to expect in the SWAC Tournament later in the season. The western opponents consist of Prairie View, Southern, Grambling State, and Arkansas-Pine Bluff. For additional information visit the Texas Southern Athletics page via Instagram and Twitter: @TXSOtigers

Texas Southern travels around the corner to Rice University to face the Owls Wednesday, November 16 at 7:30pm in the Tudor Fieldhouse. Don’t miss the exciting action, TSU basketball has officially returned. And it’s not even SWAC.

Lady Tiger Basketball

Now if you know, Texas Southern basketball, you know that the women put on just as much a show as the men, and last year before falling to Southern, ironically, the Lady Tigers were among the top teams in the SWAC winning another regular-season championship ina three-way tie. (Did you see their rings during the football homecoming halftime show?) They plan on covering up more fingers with jewlry, this time not only a regular-season

championship, but they are in search of a SWAC tournament championship. The Lady Tigers are on thew right path to accomplishing even more if they can continue to play how they did in a route against UT-El Paso defeating them 89-68. Kaitlyn Palmer scored 24 points on 50% shooting from beyond the arc. She made eight threes in the game. Artavia Ford and Chynna Ewing scored 14 each and Joyce Kennerson added 13. The Lady Tigers next game is against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi at 7:00pm. Their home game is December 11 when they host the Owls, and a week before the travel to Houston Baptist on December 4.

Ocean of Soul: Marching Band To wrap things up, how could I forget the legendary Ocean of Soul. The baddest band in the land faced off in a battle of the bands soundoff against the “Broken” Jukebox of Southern University. “The overall performance was great! The crowd was very amped and excited to see both bands battle it. The Ocean of Soul Marching Band performed very well,” said Qunicy Green, an Ocean of Soul band member. Those who may have ties to Southern Univeristy may have said that the Human Jukebox took care of business, yet others feel different. “People who say ‘Southern destroyed us’ are obviously biased. The clips say a whole different side of the story and it was a lot of recruits at the band hall when Crankfest was over,” said Jeremy Spencer, another member of the Ocean of Soul.


Life & Style What Happens If You Do Win? By: Mariea Boyd Life and Style Columnist

While our new POTUS and Vice President were in an ocean of red, white, and blue balloons celebrating the victory of a lifetime, the presidential transitioning staff was opening the doors to the beginning of some of the most intense months of their life. Election night wasn’t a time to party for the Clinton or Trump (that’s if he even has one) transition staff. “I remember on election night I could not go to Chicago and watch the victory party because were we to win, I would have to open the transition office next morning,” recalled Christopher Lu, President Barack Obama’s transition executive director.

“While everybody was celebrating, I knew that the next morning I had to get up and open an office at 9:00a.m. So your election night certainly has a different tone than the other people who you’re working with,” said Lu. The presidential transition is one of the least public but most important parts of any presidential election. With only 72 days between Election Night and Inauguration Day, good governance experts and recent federal officials have been urging for candidates to start planning a potential administration earlier and earlier in the election calendar. Work for the transitioning staff, from Secretary of State or Hollywood celebrity to presidency, began long before the race across the country to secure votes. Staffers are urged to have a solid plan for how the administration would look like, which includes filling over a thousand government positions, including approximately 1,100 that require Senate affirmation.

“I recall being at a bar up on Capitol Hill and people asked me what I did, and I said I worked for Sen. Obama and I think they all said, ‘Why aren’t you in Chicago?’” said Lu. “I remember shortly after the race was called at 11 p.m. on election night, I got a phone call from the head of the General Services Administration, ‘We have certified that Barack Obama In addition to human resource responsibilities, is the president-elect of the United States and they have to figure out how to ensure that they we essentially give you keys to a federal buildcan turn the campaign promises into actual ing and access to federal funding,’” Lu said.

policy. That is a lot of work to do. For years it was considered “measuring the drapes” to begin planning for a potential administration before the race was won, but since 2012, it has become more accepted in recent years to begin well before votes are cast -- even before the nomination is secured. Clay Johnson III, who oversaw the transition of President George W. Bush in 1999, remembers his time as the head of the transition team. “The campaign people, their work is over, so they are beside themselves with jubilation and just so happy,” said Johnson. The Bush administration began planning 16 months before the announcement would even happen. So election night is just confirmation that all of their hard work will now be put into action. “Maybe they’ll have an extra cocktail or two or congratulate their campaign buddies,” Johnson continued, “but their time to celebrate is Inauguration Day...There’s a little deferred gratification for the transition people,” said Johnson.

What to Do With Your Life Post-Elections By: Mahbuba Matovu Staff Writer The results have finally sunk in, the last pile of confetti has been swept up, and we probably now know the victory and defeat speeches word for word. The United States’ presidential election has finally come to an end.

Nearly everyone worldwide has at one point been involved with the election and one can truly say that it has been a long journey for both candidates and voters. Keeping up with the election had become part of our daily routine and now that it’s all over, one can’t help but wonder what we had been doing with our lives before Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. What does one do now that the election is over? Here are a few tips for the college student. 1. Your finals are coming up November might still be young but between Thanksgiving’s merry-making and all the holiday TV specials, Fall Semester finals are going to sneak up on you. A good strategy is to start preparing now so there’s less reason to panic on the night before your exam. If your grades in a

specific class are not satisfactory, talk to your professor and see if there are any opportunities for extra credit. Set up study group sessions with students that are performing well in the class to go over topics that you might find confusing. Also, the tutorial center in the Fairchild Building has tutors for various subjects that can help you brush up on your weak areas. Put in the work now and breeze through your finals without worrying about failing a class and putting your GPA in jeopardy. 2. Start thinking about Spring classes Online registration for Spring Semester classes starts on November 14th. Ask your department advisor for your degree plan and figure out which classes you will need to take in the Spring. The advantage of registering early is that you can pick classes that will fit into your daily schedule. Find out more about online registration at http://www. tsu.edu/degreeworks/. 3.

Fill out your winter-break job application

Forbes reports that US retailers expect to hire up to 740,000 workers, so if you’re looking to make some extra cash over the winter-break, you might want to start filling out applications now. Companies like Macy’s, JC Penney and Target are just some of the retail stores that will be hiring workers over the holiday season. 4. Make your Christmas-list and shop it on Black-Friday A survey done by the American research group in 2012 found that the earlier you start with your Christmas shopping, the less you’re likely to spend. Making a Christmas-list is also another way to ensure you remain within your budget. It also gives you time to look around for the best deals on gifts. Taking advantage of Black Friday deals will help you stretch your dollar and not deal with last minute splurges simply because you held off on buying your mum that perfume she loves so much. How are you spending your time post election?


Feature TSU’s California Club is Offically Taking Over By: Marcus D. Smith Editor-In-Chief

Texas Southern University’s California Club is taking the student body back to their home state with an exciteful week filled with a multitude of historic events.

day, Throwback Thursday Humpday, and to cap off the week will be an enormous dodgeball game in the University Recreational Center California Club’s “Going Back To Cali” Week is which will feature all the Calithe first official week of activities that has been fornia Club members versus anticipated by many. non-Californian natives. “You’ll love our Cali Week just as much as you loved to stop by the Cali table to grab those tacos and Cali punch...or if you were around for the Throwback Cali vs. Texas party, then you know the lituation is real,” said Aja Payne, a Fairfield native and former Cali Club Treasurer. Texas Southern University is located in heart of Houston, Texas, not too far from the thirdlargest Metropolitan city’s downtown area. Although in the heart of Houston, Texas Southern University appeals to students all across the nation, and one state in particular has its eyes set on taking over for the week and shutting things down. For California Club president, Ryan Aubrey, it is a second coming. This week only plays as a taste, a sample of what to expect from this organization. “Cali vs Texas was lit. But it could be better, it was like the prequel and now this is the sequel. This is going to be revolutionary for TSU. We have a new president [of the university], a new vision, and a new future,” said Aubrey, a Ladera Heights native. Going Back to Cali Week is headlined by great interacting events. On Monday, the organization kicks off the week with a movie night showcasing a Californian classic, “The Wood”, starring Omar Epps, Taye Diggs, and Nia Long. Tuesday will be the first-ever official roast session located in the Student Center in room 207A. “Cali Week is epic. It’s a cool way for the Cali Club to be able to interact with each other and the rest of TSU,” said Kat Grey, a freshman student from Pomona, California. The rest of the events are Westcoast Wednes-

Immediately after the dodgeball, the California Club will be hosting a NorCal vs. SoCal kickback. “I’m most excited for dodgeball , its going to be on and popping. I am super juiced, and I hope everybody comes out, its going to be a great time. We have a lot in store for everyone who is in attendance,” said Salene Statham, a native of San Francisco, who transferred to TSU in 2015. This is the same organization that put together the event that brought rapper, YG, to the SSLC to perform for the student body at the end of September.

said Brianna Booker, a transfer student from Richmond, California.

One student remembers the electrifying atmosphere that was brought upon TSU when the California Club welcomed the rapper and introduced him the campus of Texas Southern University.

You ‘remembered the times’ during Homecoming 2016, now weeks later is the aftershock and the California Club president is going to ensure that everyone has a good time next week.

“It was very dope. Everybody from California was throwing up the west side, Cali came out to Houston, Texas for sure. We were in there deep,” said Aja Combs, a TSU student and Temecula resident.

“Going Back to Cali Week is going to be the homecoming after homecoming. The only difference is homecoming was a movie, this is a trilogy,” said California Club president, Ryan Aubrey.

In the words of the late-Christopher Wallace, “if you don’t know, now you know” about what’s on the horizon at Texas Southern University.

In my best, Californian jargon, to sum up the anticipation of the “Going Back to Cali” Week, this up and coming week will be ‘hella’ lit and this is a must-attend event, all week long. Get to know your fellow Californians.

The California Club and its members want you to come out, support, and overall have a great time with those from the Golden State. “Its going to be lit. Everybody come show us support. Cali week is about to be lit! Everybody come out and hyphy with the Cali Club,”

“What better coast to turn up with than the west coast? I’ll wait...the most laid back crowd to ever kick it with so don’t miss out,” said Payne.



Black Lives Matters Addressed In Panel by SOC By: Charles Washington Contributing Writer

does not care about Black Lives Matter until it becomes a problem in the country. Blue Lives Matter is pro-police movement that was formed to end police brutality and the killings of law enforcement officers. The movement also helps law enforcement officers and their families during their time of need. Moore contemplated that Blue Lives Matter is an option and it is not the same as Black Lives Matter. “Blue Lives Matter is a choice. People choose to (Photo by: Charles Washington) be law enforcement officers and put themselves Left to Right: (Moderator: Prof. Serbino Sandifer-Walker, Kaleb Taylor, Deondre Moore, Danny Norris, Carroll Robinson, Anthony Collier, Jerry Ford Jr.) on the line. I do not have a choice to be black. I do not get a chance of changing the color of my skin,” said Moore. The School of Communication hosted a Black light a lot of these issues that we are facing and Ford agreed with Moore about Blue Lives MatLives Matter panel meeting, discussing how do not let anyone stop us by saying that all lives ter being a choice. He also shared his thoughts this generation can strengthen the movement matter,” said Ford. about what should happen with the issues that and how black lives do matter. Ford also spoke on how law enforcement, the are not being corrected in the African AmeriThe featured guests on the panel were Carroll media, and other people feel if Black Lives can society. Robinson, Associate Dean from the School Matter is not conversed about, it will disappear, “If they are not going to fix the issues that are of Public Affairs, Professor Danny Norris which he says is not the case. happening and the issue of black people losfrom the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, “It makes them feel uncomfortable because ing their lives, then we have to force them. It’s Deondre Moore, a student Activist from Sam they know what’s happening in this country time to force change and do it ourselves and do Houston State University, TSU political sciand they do not want to address it. A lot of whatever it takes,” said Ford. ence majors Kaleb Taylor and Anthony Colpeople are under this illusion that if you just Professor Norris felt we should hold the oflier, as well as political activist and TSU alum, ignore the problem it will be best and people ficials responsible for what happens in the Jerry Ford Jr. will stop talking about it and everything will be African American Community because they The guests exchanged views over what they fine,” Ford said. elected them. thought Black Lives Matter stood for, how it Black Lives Matter, since its creation in 2013, “We should be voting every year. We have to relates to the United States, other races, and has caused opposing movements and slogans hold these people accountable because ultiwhy it is justifiable to African Americans. to be formed, like All Lives Matter and Blue mately we are the ones that put them there and Taylor said this generation can help improve Lives Matter. it is up to us that they hold up our agenda and the movement by African Americans still All Lives Matter is a slogan and movement that address the issues,” said Norris. obtaining the attitude of being proud of their has come to be associated with the criticism of This generation has the power to build up the skin color and not feeling sorry about it. The Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter movement by voting, stand“Our generation is standing firm and resolute Supporters’ use the slogan and movement as a ing up for what is right, addressing the issues, in our blackness and being unapologetically part of a claim that Black Lives Matter fails to and speaking out against the racial inequality black. We spend our dollars unapologetically notice the importance of other people of other and injustice towards African Americans. black and that same attitude needs to carry races who also die due to violence. over in every aspect our lives,” Taylor said. Taylor said that people who say All Lives MatTaylor also expressed that another way to ter, compared to Black Lives Matter is like say“ If they ae not going to fix the empower this movement is for African Ameri- ing All Cancer Matters. issues that are happening... cans to start supporting each other’s careers, “When people say that All Lives Matter or All businesses, and opportunities. Cancer, it is a distraction from conversation then we have to force them. It’s “We need to create more opportunities for that needs to happen. The conversation they time to force change and do it those that look like us, start supporting each are having now is currently in this country and other’s businesses and carry on the fight,” said throughout the history is that black lives do ourselves and do whatever it Taylor. not matter and have not mattered until they takes,” Ford commented that black people should have the discussion of how we as a country continue to stand against the racial inequality can move to a point where all lives can truly and injustice and not let people silence their matter, which is why I used this analogy,” said JERRY FORD JR., POLITICAL ACTIVIST voices Taylor. “I think it is important to continue to highIn simpler terms, Taylor expressed that society



Appeasing the Masses: Should HBCUs Shy Away from Black Culture and Black Recruitment? By: Nycole Hutchens Opinion Columnist

(Photo courtesy of: www.medium.com)

If there could be one word to describe the response to the question “why are HBCUs necessary?” that word would be “ridiculous.” To ask the question, “why are HBCUs necessary?” is equivalent to asking “are black people necessary?” This further implies that black presence and, ultimately, black lives do not matter. This has become evident at HBCUs. To keep things in context, we will use Texas Southern University as an example. Texas Southern is one of the largest HBCUs and represents what black excellence should be and could be. TSU graduates the largest group of black pharmacists in the state of Texas, it is the only institution in Houston that has an Aviation program and happens to be one of the most ethic and culturally diverse HBCU. When it comes to diversity on campus, TSU has always been diverse since the 1970’s. However, many throw around the word “diversity” not understanding the meaning. Diversity is not limited to racial, ethnic or cultural background. According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of diversity is “the state of being diverse, variety; a range of different things.” Nowhere in that definition does it say “a variety of ethnicity, and racial background.” The definition describes a “variety” of “things”, therefore things can consist of many elements that is not limited to culture or ethnic identity. Texas Southern’s diversity has been called in to question for the past five to eight years. However, those critics have refused to understand that this great historical institution is a purposed institution that has an atmosphere that celebrates black culture and should emphasize the educational advancement of black people. These critics have also not been specific with using the word “diversity” and throwing it around with such ambiguity when it relates to HBCUs. If research is properly done, many would know that TSU has never had a problem with diversity, if we actually line it up with the definition. If we put in place an honest dialogue and de-

nounce the ambiguous use of the word “diversity”, we can clearly see that the perceived “issue” is that HBCUs are not racially diverse. The notion is that TSU is “too black.” We must question those who make these accusations implying that TSU needs to be less black in order to survive or be taken seriously. TSU is an HBCU, Historically Black College University. According to the Higher Education Act, “an HBCU is any college or university established prior to 1964, whose purpose was and still is the education of African Americans.” Therefore, HBCUs should continue to focus on this purpose. It does not serve these institutions well to divert away from celebrating black culture and educating everyone from all walks of life about the black diaspora. It is also very dangerous to feed into the notion that TSU should remove “HBCU” from its mission statement, remove black faces from marketing in order to appeal to the masses. The questioning of predominate black presence is not only absurd, but also discriminatory. It’s no different than going to predominate female college, or all male college and demanding the opposite sex be present in order to survive. For example, to imply that women cannot run a business successfully without a man is not only sexist, but feeds into the negative stereotype that women are inferior to men. It is unfair to go into a Catholic school and imply that the school needs to have less Catholics and more Christians and teach Christian values more frequently in order to be seen as viable. It would not line up with the mission of these purposed driven, demographic specific schools. This is especially important at HBCUs, because no other traditional institution has a safe space or celebrates black culture or makes black students feel welcomed. HBCUs are the only “last chance” options to give these students a college experience and post college preparation that they will not get anywhere else. Although studies show that more and more black students are attending college, AfricanAmericans have made up less than 15-20 percent (overall) at other institutions. Black women are now the most educated group in America by race and gender according to the National Center for Education statistics. Yet, they are paid less and are not fairly represented in the workforce beyond the classroom experience. Where is the outcry for this? Speaking of the classroom experience for blacks, by not having a place like HBCUs stay strong

in its values and purpose for black students, it creates a future for these institutions to become another space for racial tension on campus. “Racism against blacks at an HBCU is impossible,” one may think. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Last month, at Prairie View A&M University, an HBCU, a white-Hispanic female student and soccer player for PVAMU posted racist photos on social media in black face mocking black students. She was later removed from the soccer team for her antics and left the university. The outcry and constant mistreatment of black students at non-black universities is so prevalent that the hashtag “BlackOnCampus” started on social media last year to describe the mistreatment of the black experience on college campuses. College students at HBCUs responded, “Why complain when you can come to an HBCU?” This is the same sentiment that can be applied to those who come to HBCUs and complain and say it is “too black.” Why complain about there being too many “blacks” when students have a choice to go to Univeristy of Houston right down the street or other universities in Houston? If black presence, culture, and education is so offensive, why attend an HBCU? It is not only offensive, but insulting to imply that HBCUs are obligated to be less black when universities like UH, Rice, UT-Austin and universities across America have had less than 10 percent of black enrollment for decades and aren’t doing anything more but creating a fallacy of diversity by putting more blacks on their brochure than in their classrooms. The misinformed will accuse advocacy for HBCUs and deliberate focus on black students is a lead toward segregation, a claim that is not only false but ignorant at best. Author Jake Dubois said it perfectly, “The campaign for the patronage of HBCUs is in no way a recipe for racial segregation but to further enhance the black people’s confidence and to study in a more comfortable and accommodating environment, since in such schools, they wouldn’t have to deal with various racist abuses or segregation.” By following in the footsteps of universities that were never intended for blacks and putting those principles in HBCUs, we are limiting blackness as a monolithic “thing” while also subconsciously silencing black narratives. We do not have to shy away from black presence and culture or recruitment to appease the critics of these great institutions because they refuse to acknowledge their own implicit bias about blacks.


What’s Happening on campus & around town

Monday - 11/14

Tuesday - 11/15

Psychology Club “Support Our Troops” Community Service 11:30A-2:00p SSLC Cali Club Movie Night:“The Wood” MLK 104 8:30pm10:30pm

Habitat 4 Humanity Community Service 10A-3P SSLC Lobby

Monday - 11/21

Tuesday - 11/22

Zeta Phi Beta Informational PAB 114 7-8:30pm Cali Club Comedy Show 7p-10p

Wednesday - 11/16

Thursday - 11/17

President Lane Hosts Intervarsity Red Cup Student Advisory Council Proxy 10A-3P SSLC Luncheon Cafeteria RSVP Only 12:30p-1:30p Tiger Room Campus Organization Membership Drive 3:00pm-5:00pm Cafe

Wednesday - 11/23

Pre-Alumni Meet/ Greet 6:00-8:00pm SSLC 207B

Thursday - 11/24

Friday - 11/18 National Society of Collegiate Scholars Induction Ceremony Tiger Room 5:008:00pm

Friday - 11/25

The Weekend 11/19 & 11/20 FB: Grambling St. @ TSU Tailgate: 12noon Kickoff at 2:00pm

The Weekend 11/26 & 11/27

THANKSGIVING BREAK NO CLASSES!!! Our calendar is reserved for the advertisement of on and off campus events. If you are interested in having your event placed on our calendar, then please stop by room 221 of the Student Center or call us at (713) 313-6710.

20 Questions

1. How do you feel about the new president-elect Donald J. Trump? 2. Do you own a passport? 3. What are your thoughts about Lil Wayne’s comments pertaining to Black Lives Matter? 4. Did you wish President Obama was able to reelected to a third consectuive term? 5. Did you even vote? 6. Which event was better: Apollo Night, or Verses N’ Vibez? 7. Will the Going Back To Cali Week be “lit”? 8. Why is the Student Center cafeteria open only during lunch hours? 9. Have you seen the Talk on the Walk? 10. Do you actually remember your trip New Orleans? 11. Who’s birthday is the month of November? 12. Who’s ready for Thanksgiving? 13. How are those rosters looking this cuddle season? 14. To my graudates of Fall 2016, are you ready, are really ready? 15. Can we decide on if we’re going to use #TSU or #TXSU on social media? 16. How many Californians are going back home because of Prop. 64? 17. Will anyone be going out to watch ‘Almost Christmas’? 18. Will you vote for Kanye West if he runs for president in 2020? 19. What is your deepest fear? 20. What are you doing for others?

You have questions and we have the answers Subscribe to the Talk on the Walk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UCwfBhYsUswaAZTPYLHnXspQ

DISCLAIMER: The questions are submitted by the student body and are not the views of The TSU Herald or Texas Southern University as a whole. Feel free to bring your questions to room 221 of the Student Center. Questions are printed at the discretion of The TSU Herald.


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