Volume 10, Issue 1 - January 28, 2010 “I have set a watchman upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. You that make mention of YHWH, keep not silence”. Isaiah 62:6
Isaiah 2:20-21 “In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of YHWH, and for the glory of his majesty, when he arises to shake terribly the earth”.
Yahshua, the (Hebrew) Messiah, taught his disciples that faith, as tiny as the grain of a mustard seed can move mountains, if one asks YHWH in his (Yahshua’s) name, believes and doubts not. [Matt 17:14-21, Mark 9:22-24]. This is because this kind of earth-shaking-mustard-seedfaith “moves” YHWH Elohim (gets his attention) so through his compassion, grace and mercy, He moves! All of the resources of the kingdom are available to obedient or truly repentant sons and daughters of YHWH [Heb 12:22-28]. But if one can ‘move’ YHWH Elohim of Israel into action, why wouldn’t a mere mountain move?? [Did you know that the Kingdom of Elohim, in scripture, is likened unto a stone cut out of a mountain (without hands) that grows into a mountain and fills the entire earth?? It’s the same stone that smashes the feet of the “image” [Dan 2:35-36] and the earth will shake when it comes crashing down! As Isaiah prophesied for these latter days, YHWH has already risen to begin shaking terribly the earth, both naturally and spiritually. Recent news on The Pacific Ring of Fire, signifies that it will certainly play a role in these earth-shaking prophecies regarding America and the globe. “YHWH
is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: YHWH has his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. He rebukes the sea...The mountains quake at him, the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein....his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him”. Nahum 1:3-6
It’s interesting that scholars have been working hard in the news and documentaries to disprove biblical prophecies regarding the earth and it’s judgments to come by explaining that “it’s simply nature and not of the divine”. Taking a look at mountains, volcanoes and the like, will The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
expound upon a few details of YHWH’s creation that will fit right into the pages of bible prophecy; which disproves them!! Volcanoes and earthquakes are seemingly very different geological events, yet they are actually closely related; both result from movements of earth's crust--the litho-sphere-which is composed of major and minor plates that change shape and position and are responsible for the formation of ocean basins, mountain ranges, islands, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Three main types of boundaries exist between tectonic plates:
The first, called a divergent boundary where two plates move away from each other, forming a break, or rift, in Earth's crust. Magma from the mantle rises to fill the gap, forming a new crust and a caldera. (More on this type of boundary regarding prophecy). The second type, called a convergent boundary, where two plates moving toward each other meet. If at least one plate is made up of relatively dense oceanic crust, the denser of the two plates slides beneath the other (subducts). If both plates are made up of continental crust, the plates buckle and fold to create valleys, ridges, and high mountain ranges. The last is a transform boundary where the plates slide roughly alongside each other in opposite directions and often get stuck as they move past each other. This leads to a buildup of tension, which is ultimately released in the form of an earthquake.
“Elohim (God) is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof”. Psalms 46:1-3
According to The National Geographic and countless other news sources, earthquakes are common along all types of boundaries and occur all over the world. They are often mentioned in scripture as well. While volcanoes are generally associated with divergent and convergent The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
boundaries, the most well-known plate boundaries encircle the Pacific Ocean. Earthquakes and volcanic activity frequent this circle of boundaries, causing it to be dubbed “The Ring of Fire” which can be seen along both the west coast of the Americas and the east coast of Asia. The Pacific Ocean is where the continental and seafloor plates meet and the major earthquake zones and volcanic areas on the earth overlap. There has been so much activity along the Ring of Fire in recent news that scientists seem to be uncertain as to whether the activity of the ring is agitating the world’s largest caldera, or if the caldera’s underground earthquake activity is agitating volcanic activity along the ring; (including Mount Redoubt in Alaska that has become overly active as well). Another word for ‘caldera’ is what’s known as a “super volcano”! A super volcano is the most destructive force on this planet because they threaten the survival of mankind detonating more energy than the atomic bomb!! Super volcanoes differ from normal volcanoes in that a volcano is a towering cone, but super volcanoes form in depressions in the ground. Only a few exist in the world, but guess where the world’s largest is located? Yellowstone National Park!! It was not until the late 1960s that geologist, Bob Christiansen identified jutting cliffs around the park as the rim of a large caldera. Observers were slow to recognize they were standing inside the rim of Yellowstone Caldera be-cause of its immense size. Most calderas are approximately 1 to 3 miles in diameter, but the Yellowstone caldera measures approximately 30 miles by 50 miles, bordering three (3) states (Wyoming, Idaho and Montana) and has a depth well beyond 400 miles (several thousand feet) beneath the earth’s surface!! When super volcanoes erupt, they do so with a force tens of thousands of times greater than other eruptions. The magma melts the nearby rock to form more extremely thick magma. This cycle continues until an eruption occurs, which blasts away a huge amount of ground, spewing boulders, ash, gases and lava for thousands of miles forming a new, larger caldera in its place; if the land mass itself can survive. “Bow your heavens, YHWH, and come down; touch the mountains, and they shall smoke”. Psalms 144:5 In a book entitled, HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy, author Jerry E. Smith has announced to the public that the Soviets made The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
some 'fireworks' of their own and may be responsible for the rapid heating of the Yellowstone caldera. He has documented a series of broadcasts signals (scalar waves) that became known by ham radio operators around the world as the 'Russian Woodpecker'. The signals seems to have come from an early model of a (Scalar wave) device using Tesla Magnifying Transmitters (TMT) which are being transmitted like a pulse (at an on-off rate of 10 per second), which gave the signal the characteristic of a tapping sound like a woodpecker. While there’s not much evidence verifying exactly what the Soviets are using the system for, Smith has identified the target area of this Russian Woodpecker scalar signal as the "Northwestern" part of the United States. Smith posed the question, ‘Have the Russians been pinging Northwest America for over 20 years with scalar signals to quietly, and almost invisibly build up the Yellowstone super volcano so that it would explode in horrific fury? It would be consistent with the prophesies about Russia and America! “At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations”. Jeremiah 50:46
The word ‘earthquake’ and ‘shake’ or ‘shaking’ occurs about 20 times in the Bible respectively and are used in relation to Elohim’s judgments upon nations and people. Amos 3:14-15 speaks of an earthquake in Israel in the days of Uzziah that occurred when the king (through pride) entered into the temple to burn incense on the altar (Josephus Ant. IX, x, 4). It was an earthquake of such magnitude that it was mentioned generations afterwards-Zech 14:5. One of the most dramatic earthquakes of our modern times was the 1883 earthquake at Krakatoa [Sumatra]--and it’s not a coincidence that it occurred at the same time that the Roman Church’s power was eclipsing. [Church denominational societies passed multiple acts of legislation in attempts to curtail the decreasing number of people contributing to the church coffers (i.e., the Mining & Liquor Laws which required all non-white workers to be strip-searched naked before leaving work; and the Public Heath Act #4 brought on by a 2nd wave of the Bubonic Plague that arose from China)]. The four (4) months of earthquake shocks in 1883 ended in an explosion, several times more powerful than an atomic bomb, leaving a crater 300 miles below sea level. And just think, the Yellowstone caldera is much deeper than that of Krakatoa!! “For The Day of YHWH of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty...lifted up; he shall be brought low...And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, And upon all the high mountains, and all the hills…And upon every high tower, fenced wall, and all the ships of Tarshish, and all pleasant pictures. The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and YHWH alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols he shall utterly abolish”. Isaiah 2:12-18 While hills and mountains are also related to earthquakes and volcanoes, mountains are repeatedly mentioned in scripture almost 200 times and signify various attributes that we should remember when attempting to understand scripture and its various meanings. Mountains/hills influence climate and rainfall, channeling rain down into valleys, rivers, underground springs and reservoirs (Deut 8:7). Their slopes support trees, vineyards and crops (2 Chr 2:16, 18, Psa 72:16, Prov 27:25, Isa 7:23-25 and Jer 31:5). Their higher elevations have served as threshing floors (Isa 17:13) and was both a place of blessing (Num 18:30, Joel 2:24) and a place of judgment (Matt 3:12, Micah 4:12) where the wheat is separated from the chaff (tares). Mountains provide natural protection from invading armies (Psa 125:2), they offer refuge in times of danger (Gen 19:17, 30; Judg 6:2, Matt 24:16), and shelter for wildlife (Psa 50:10,11; 104:18, Isa 18:6). They yield useful ores (Deut 8:9) and valuable building stones are quarried from them (1 King 5:15-17). And last, mountains are also used in scripture in a special way The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
referring to a place where Elohim (GOD) has revealed his presence like Mt. Sinai or Horeb (Exo 3:1, Num 10:33); as well as those associated with YHWH’s sanctuary (Psa 24:3). “Prepare ye the way of YHWH, make straight in the desert a highway for our Elohim. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the glory of YHWH shall be revealed”. Isaiah 40:3-5 Aside from their value, mountains are used in scripture both figuratively and prophetically. It is here that we find reference to mountains smoking and melting away. But more importantly, mountains also represent: 1). Ruling Governments and Kingdoms – Babylon is referred to as a “ruinous mountain’ (Jer 51:24, 25); i.e., ‘mountains of prey’ while David said YHWH established him as king over Israel and exalted his kingdom (2 Sam 5:12). 2).
Worship (holy altars; high places (idolatry & false doctrine) - The prophecy of Isaiah 2:2-3 and Micah 4:1-2 indicates that the “mountain of the House of YHWH would become firmly established above the top of the mountains and lifted up above the hills, with people of many nations streaming into it. This points to the forecoming exalted position of true worship verses those mountains and hills that served as high places for idolatrous worship and sanctuaries of false gods (Deut 12:2, Jer 3:6, Eze 18:6, 1, 15; Hos 4:13).
3). Stability and Permanence – While mountains were made to be strong and stable, the verses indicate that nothing can exceed the strength of YHWH’s righteousness nor the permanence of his majesty. (Isa 54:10, Hab 3:6, compare Psa 46:2; Jer 4:23-26). 4). Pride, Loftiness (Obstacles) – mountains are figuratively used as representations of loftiness and pride because pride exalts itself and is puffed up. These become obstacles to faith, obedience, and belief which can turn ones heart to stone - Zeph 3:11. “In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me? for then I will take away out of the midst of you, them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain”. Zephaniah 3:11 Earthquakes and volcanoes have played and will play a significant role in bible prophecy. Middle East archaeology confirms that there have been many destructive earthquakes in the Palestine area, which is at the northern end of the Great Rift Valley Fault. It is known, for example, that the buildings at Qumram, near the Dead Sea, were destroyed by an earthquake in A.D. 29, and were subsequently rebuilt and reoccupied, before being demolished by the Romans. Archeology also confirms that around 350 A.D., a severe earthquake demolished the Galilean city of Sepphoris, not far from the Adonai Yahshua’s hometown of Bethlehem. The most remarkable earthquake was the one in A.D. 30 which occurred as the Adonay Yahshua died on the stake during which time the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth quaked opening the graves where the bodies of many of the Saints slept; and they arose and went into the city appearing unto many. Another "providential" earthquake recorded in scripture was the Adonay’s means of releasing Paul and Silas from jail in Philippi. (Acts 16:11-40). Earthquakes symbolize judgment not grace---so it is The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
not surprising that great worldwide earthquakes will characterize the end of the age in which we live. The days of Noah are once again upon us. And Elohim said, “the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Gen 6:13). Elohim designed his entire creation according to his purpose and will use it accordingly. Thus, a major earthquake in these latter days is mentioned in Rev. 6:12, which is the next seal to be opened and is soon to come: the opening of the 6th Seal. “Behold, the veil of the temple was rent In twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Matt 27:50-53 The above scripture is a remarkable word-picture (first fruits) of the 1st Resurrection of many bretheren, like Yahshua, will come forth. In addition, it’s a marvelous word-picture that will be repeated in the coming prophecy of The Second Coming of Yahshua, the Messiah, when his feet will touch the Mount of Olives (where he ascended) causing a massive earthquake that will cause a great rift. 520 years before the birth of Yahshua, YHWH Elohim caused the Prophet Haggai to write: "Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land….and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Adonay of Hosts"- Haggai 2-6-7. We can be confident that this is still future. AND, its more than coincidence that the north and south alignment of the Great Rift Valley fault is consistent with the prophetic dividing of the Mount of Olives into east and west sections when the Messiah’s feet stand upon it. [Remember, with divergent boundaries the earth’s crusts move away from each other causing a rift (valley) in which parts below sea level are filled with magma from the earth’s core (a caldera or super volcano). Here is YHWH’s design of the Lake of Fire in the earth from creation! Beginning with an earthquake at the second coming of Zechariah 14-4, and "the dead in Christ shall that shall rise first" in 1 Thess 4:13-1 (the first Resurrection) which connects Yahshua’s past advent to the future 2nd advent. “….And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives…and the mount …shall cleave in the midst toward the east and the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove to-ward the north, and half of it toward the south…and the valley of the mountains shall reach until Azal (20 miles away)" - Zech 14:4-5.
“…Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you”. Matt 17:20
Hebrews Chapter 12 expounds upon the verses written by the prophet Haggai 2:6-7 a little deeper as follows:
“Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, Yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which can-not be shaken may remain. Wherefore we (are) receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved’. - Heb 12:26-28 At Mount Sinai, the Children of Israel were presented with the Law of YHWH as the mountain quaked and smoked so much so that Moses himself trembled (and so did the surrounding nations). At this time, The Children of Israel were not allowed to touch the mountain for fear of death nor were they able to tolerate the words spoken to them (the natural man). Only a small representation of their The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
numbers were allowed to approach the presence of Elohim, but since Yahshuah’s sacrifice, the veil has been torn away allowing us, his sons and daughters, to come into his presence (the spiritual man). But we must enter in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) because Elohim is a consuming fire (Heb 12:29) and no flesh should glory in his presence (1 Cor 2:29). Scripture tells us that the things that are shaken are the things that can be shaken--those things that are made; (natural, man-made things to be exact) that cannot endure in a ‘spiritual kingdom’ made without hands!! In our present world, we have placed our trust in elected officials, rulers, or leaders to make just and moral decisions only to find that trust greatly misplaced. Our world contains government, business and social platforms that have excluded the very laws of righteousness (YHWH) even from their buildings, let alone their lives and the decision-making process. Things that are made are those natural things that are manufactured by our own efforts, our own self-will, prominent thoughts or feelings, knowledge or rationale that we espouse, and even good works that we perform as we go about the task of living. While none of these things are bad in and of themselves, they become ‘very bad things’ when the soul begins to rely on them and believe in them rather than relying on YHWH and resting upon him (who is the author and giver of all goodness). This is when YHWH must begin to shake us up in order to shake up and break down those man-made walls built around our lives into a crumbling heap of stones. As we have learned though the history of the bible, just as YHWH allowed the nations around Israel to remain in the land in order to prove them --- whether Israel would be obedient to Elohim and serve him (Jud 3:1-7), YHWH has allowed the “choices of mankind” to grow for the past 6,000 years to prove to us (and the angels that are witnessing) that righteousness will never be the end result of actions or methods that defy the laws of YHWH! “YHWH shall judge the people: judge me, O Adonai, according to my righteousness…and mine integrity that is in me; establish the just: for the righteous, Elohim tries the reins and hearts”. Psalms 7:8-9 And believe it or not, the motives behind our thoughts and deeds do absolutely matter. They lie open to YHWH’s scrutiny to be exposed (Deut 8:2; 1 King 8:38)!! Remember, YHWH commanded us to circumcise the foreskin of our hearts (Deut 10:16) for out of the heart comes forth all the issues of life (Prov 4:23). Moreover, because this “shaking” applies to heaven (the spiritual) as well as earth, this is a hearty reminder to believers that even we of “the true faith”, (with the testimony of Yahshua), may also be found trusting our “good works” instead of him and He must shake this up as well. This is particularly true for us since we must learn to trust Him before we can teach others how to trust him. How can we bear YHWH’s standard as beacons of light on a hill (to a lost and dying world) if we cannot exhibit the very things we must teach?? The key to trusting YHWH is faith in his WORD; and the key to having unshakable faith is obedience to the WORD, thereby developing faith in Elohim by experience. “Have faith in Elohim. For… whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith -. Mark 11:22-23. We know that Faith “is the substance of things hoped for, but the evidence of things not seen”. Through faith, we understand that the worlds (both natural and spiritual) were framed by the WORD of Elohim, so that things which we see (natural) are not made of things which shall appear (spiritual) - Heb 11:1-3. It is a conviction, strong belief (or confidence) in Elohim’s relationship to man, that Yahshua is the Messiah and through him we can obtain everlasting life. But in order to really have earth-shaking faith, a believer must KNOW the WORD of Elohim before he can begin to have confidence in it or in Elohim -- that he will bring all to pass. But even knowing the word is not enough!! If one has confidence that YHWH’s word is true, we will put that faith into action though obedience to the word ‘we say’ we believe. We will not The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
only believe it, but we’ll “walk in it” and “speak of it” since obedience is the outward display of our inner beliefs (WORKS). And OBEDIENCE to the WORD is better than any sacrifice (1 Sam 15:22). The WORD itself reminds us that: “The Law of YHWH is perfect, converting the soul: soul: the testimony of YHWH is sure, making wise wise the simple. The statutes of YHWH are right, right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of YHWH is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of YHWH is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of YHWH are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold…Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart (thoughts/deeds), be acceptable in thy sight, O Adonay”. Psa19:7-14 Matthew 3:3 speaks of making a straight path for our feet. Disobedience is like wandering off-path and falling into the deep valleys or crevices of life. The way out is not through denial or self-preservation (what natural man commonly does because of fear; which is also not from Elohim). This was the exact cause of sin at the Tower of Babel; beginning with fear and disobedience to YHWH’s commandment to ‘fill the earth with fruit and multiply’. How could they fill the earth if everyone lived at Shinar?? Thus, through 1) fear came 2) disobedience and selfwill, then acts of 3) self-preservation which exposed their 4) unbelief in YHWH’s word, further exposing 5) their trust in their own self-righteousness making the Tower of Babel a “monumental high place to their human insecurities”!! Any of these are obstacles to righteousness if the path we take is not the straight and narrow one!! Thus, all high hills and mountains will shake and crumble as the Holy Hill of Zion is lifted up and exalted by YHWH as the highest hill on earth!!! (Mic 4:1) Sometimes YHWH’s process of moving and shaking is difficult; it can come through an upheaval in our outward circumstances or through inward convictions and motivations. Because Elohim’s love for us is pure, he moves us so we will learn to trust only in Him so we will have ‘“first-hand experience” on how to teach others to “do as we do:”. This is how we are framed—via trials in the fire, to grow thereby. Do you have mustard-seed-earth-shaking-faith??!! As the Elder Priest YaChov used to say, “Let me see what you’re working with”!!
USA Today; Atlanta, GA Thursday, December 10, 2009 ”My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill (pure doctrine to false doctrine), they have forgotten their resting place”. Jeremiah 50:5-6
According to USA Today, people going to church on Sunday (which is not commanded anywhere in scripture) will discover 1 in 5 Protestants who find ‘spiritual energy’ in mountains and trees. Unbeknownst to them, this is paganism that was also spoken against in scripture from ancient times. “Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
upon the high moun-tains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree”. Deut 12:2
And Catholics? 1 in 5 of them believe in reincarnation (that they will be reborn over and over again until they learn the lessons they should have learned). “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”. Heb 9:27
What nonsense men have learned!! Christianity’s lawless teachings and do-it-like-you-want-to-foundation now has 65% of regular church-going Christians mixing Eastern mysticism and New Age thinking into their doctrine according to the Pew Forum (survey) on Religion & Public Life. Syncretism (mixing paganisms of various sorts with the truth) is on the rise like Catholic rocker Madonna’s devotion to a Kabbalah-light version of Jewish mysticism. And, according to the survey, devotion to one clear faith is fading. Unfortunately, this has always been the case with Christianity since it’s doctrine has never been clear (they could never quite get those lies straight)!! Of the 72% of Americans who attend religious services at least once a year, 35% say they attend in multiple places, hop scotching across denominational boundaries. President Obama, is one of those Who has no home church so he worships at a Baptist, an Episcopalian church, and the non-denominational chapel at Camp David. The Pew Forum's Alan Cooperman says, "Are they grazing, sampling, just curious? We really don't know." (But scripture does; they wander from mountain-to-hill, pure doctrine to false doctrine). Even so, says Pew researcher Greg Smith, "these findings all point toward a spiritual and religious openness. Today, the individual rarely finds all their spiritual needs met in one congregation or one religion." “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Adonay (Yahshua), one faith, one baptism, One God [(Elohim), ie., Israel] and Father of all (YHWH), who is above all, and through all, and in you all”. Eph 4:4-6 The report indicates 2 in 3 adults believe in or cite at least one ‘supernatural phenomenon’, including: •26% find "spiritual energy" in the physical. •25% believe in astrology. •24% believe in reincarnation. •23% say yoga is a "spiritual practice." The article calls these "the au courant (rampant) confusions," attachments to the latest fashionable (or popular) free-floating beliefs. "One hundred years ago, it would have been 'spiritualism.' (And during the 1st Century of the early church, they called it “Gnosticism” which was practiced by the church at Colossae. They claimed to possess a knowledge of a secret, higher spiritual
realm). Read Colossians and Paul’s warnings to them. “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind”. - Col 2:8, 18
Religious Leaders: Civil Disobedience OK to Protect Faith (Newsmax.com); West Palm Beach, FL; Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:52 PM “And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth”. Revelation 17:9
A formidable coalition of 150 Catholic, Orthodox, and evangelical leaders is calling on Christians in a new manifesto to reject secular authority--and even engage in civil disobedience--if laws force them to accept abortion, same-sex marriages, and other ideas that betray their religious beliefs. On Friday, these leaders released a 4,700-word document, titled the "The Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience," which calls on Christians to engage in civil disobedience to defend their doctrines. Those signing the document ranged from evangelical leader Chuck Colson to two of the leading Catholic prelates in the United States, Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., and Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York. The document also blasts The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
the Obama administration, saying that social ills have grown since the election of President Obama, an abortion rights advocate, along with an erosion of what it calls "marriage culture" with the rise of divorce, greater acceptance of infidelity, and the endorsing of childbearing outside of the bounds of marriage. The project is aimed at instilling social conservative beliefs in a new generation of believers, Colson said. "We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them," says the declaration, which was drafted by Colson, an evangelical, and Princeton University professor Robert P. George, a Roman Catholic. The declaration lists the "fundamental truths" as the "sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty." "Throughout the centuries, Christianity has taught that civil disobedience is not only permitted, but sometimes required," says the document, which cited civil rights icon Martin Luther King and his willingness to go to jail for his beliefs. (This is also apparent by Christianity’s own bloody history that began with the Christian Crusades in 1099). "Because we honor justice and the common good," it states, "we will not comply with any edict that purports to compel our institutions to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide or euthanasia or any other anti-life act; nor will we bend to any rule purporting to force us to bless same-sex (sexual) partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent, or refrain from proclaiming the truth, as we know it, about morality and immorality and marriage and the family." he said."When the limits of conscience are reached and you cannot comply, it's better to suffer a wrong than to do it," he said. ‘YHWH hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggers in his vomit. Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do. In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of YHWH of hosts, which he shakes over it. And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that makes mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of YHWH of hosts, which he has determined against it”. Isaiah 19:1417
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God (Elohim), or that is worshipped; so as Elohim sits in the temple of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim”. 2 Thess 2:3-4
These words were spoken by Paul to the early church during a time, in fact when the falling away had already begun. But it’s destined to repeat itself for the final culmination on the world stage where the masses will worship a man! Most find this hard to believe but if we really give it some thought, we can easily see that the world’s set up for worship of the soon-to-come life-like image based upon their own beliefs. When Paul spoke these words, the Roman Empire (from which came the Caesars then the Popes) were already eliminating the people of the book (the Hebrews). Calling themselves embracing the faith of the Jews, the Roman Empire (which became the so-called Holy Roman Catholic church) began to detach itself from all things Hebrew – including their instructions to study the scripture (which is from Genesis to Malachi). The beginning of Christianity by the Romans (Gentiles) was the beginning of the falling away. Christianity is a lawless faith that even Christians themselves cannot explain from the book because their beliefs have been focused on ‘things they believe are holy’, rather than holiness itself; things that were made…the cross, the shroud that covered the Messiah, the Hebrew woman who bore him (Mary), gift-giving supposedly taken from the manger story at Yahshua’s birth and so many other effigies, images, and so-called holy man-made relics surrounding their holidays. What about the Holy Days found in the law; not to mention the law itself and its instruction?? In Luke 16:19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the beggar, the rich man awakened to find himself being The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel
tortured in flames (the lake of fire) and could see Lazarus (on the other side of a wide gulf between them) being comforted in the bosom of Abraham. The rich man pleaded with Abraham to send someone from the dead, believing his family “would repent” if they were warned by him. But Abraham said unto him, “If they hear not Moses (The Law) and The Prophets (which is scripture; from Genesis to Malachi), neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead”. Someone had already risen from the dead to warn men – Yahshua, the Messiah who walked in the law perfectly. In spite of all of this, Christianity with its partial truths still rose and has dominated the globe for centuries. Partial truths, graven images, effigies, scripturally un-commanded holidays, sun-worship and a doctrine built strictly from letters to the early churches makes Christianity a counterfeit of the true faith; i.e., a cult. Christianity is the falling away mentioned in the above scripture that will not reach its climax until the Times of the Gentiles has come to an end. This will be witnessed by those of us in these latter days!! The word ‘truth’ means genuine or real, as opposed to what is counterfeit, fictitious, imaginary, simulated or pretended. The Hebrew word for truth is “aman” meaning: steadfast, faithful or sure. From this word is derived the English word “Amen” which is normally stated at the end of a prayer or a scripturally true statement. Besides being told that the truth ‘will set you free’, Elohim is a GOD of truth (Deut 32:4, Psa 31:5) so we must worship him with the same standard. YHWH Elohim’s word is truth which sanctifies (sets apart, makes us holy-John 17:17). It’s the desire of YHWH that all men come to know truth (1 Tim 2:4) which is the Gospel of Salvation (Eph 1:13). YHWH requires that believers walk in truth (III John 4) and the church is responsible for being the foundation of truth (1 Tim 3:15). We have been warned to hold fast to the truth of YHWH’s word due to false prophets among the circumcision (Hebrews) as well as false teachers among the nations (2 Pet 2:1-2) because there are those who exist that have changed the truth into a lie and worshipped and served the creature (Satan) more than the Creator (Rom 1:25). We are warned that those who don’t believe the truth are condemned “that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness”- 2 Thess 2:12. We also have great hope that acknowledging the truth brings repentance, if Elohim will give a person the gift of repentance to the acknowledging of the truth - 2 Tim 2:25. Christianity has been based upon idol worship from its inception, so is it odd that they will end the “great falling away” with the worship of a man?? Worshipping mammon or man; either one is idolatry!! “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”. Luke 21:24-27
The Watchman – The United Congregation of Israel