Volume 9, Issue 1 – May 2008 “I have set a watchman upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. You that make mention of YHWH, keep not silence”. Isaiah 62:6
It has been said, that “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Well, America is doing just that in more ways than one. Rome was a city that became a country’s government, and ultimately an empire. Rome was ‘the people’ [the mob] that became a monarchy only to show it’s true ambition as a dictatorship. Not only are there comparisons in its rise, from its social, political, economic and [so-called] religious policies, but the comparisons are also parallel to Rome’s final demise and fall. Pax-Americana is destined to fall in the same manner and for the very same reasons that Rome fell. Rome was even responsible for jump-starting what has gone down in history as the Spanish Inquisition, 1481. It actually began with Pope Innocent III in 1198 A.D. in Rome. Later, Pope Gregory IX authorized the establishment of The Pa- pal Inquisition (1231) that created an institution to seek out and punish heresies against the Catholic Church. This institution was responsible for brutal punishment and was most active the areas of southern France, Italy and Germany; [the same region from which the Romans originated as a people (Gallic-Germanic tribes)]. The name of their institution was The Sacred Congregation of The UNIVERSAL INQUISITION -- a Christian Organization that is alive and well in 2008!! In fact, once it’s understood that Rome simply conquered and sat on the throne of the Greek Empire, [which had previously been the Medo-Persian Empire that was originally The Babylonian Empire]; it becomes easy to see that America is a transferred subculture and province of the [not-so-Holy] Ro-man Empire. America is The Daughter of Europe [The Aryans], and The Daughter of Great Babylon. Yes, America’s capital city is Rome, D.C., AD 2008. According to The Guardian, as early as 2002, columnist, Charles Krauthammer told The New York Times, “people are coming out of the closet on the word 'Empire'. " And it wasn't just any old empire he had in mind. "The fact is, no country has been as dominant culturally, economically, technologically and militarily in the history of the world since the Roman Empire." Accelerated by the post-9/11 debate on America's role in the world, the idea of the United States as 21st-century Rome has gained a foothold in the country's consciousness. The New York Review of Books illustrated a piece on U.S. might with a drawing of George Bush togged up as a Roman centurion; [and the accompanying photo was complete with shield and spears]. Earlier that year Boston's WBUR radio station entitled a special on U.S. imperial power with the Latin tag, Pax Americana.
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
Geo. Bush in a Roman Toga
As she was before in history, recently Rome was ablaze again looking much like Rome as it had been in 64 AD under the rule of Emperor Nero. [History pretty much concludes that the city was set on fire by Nero himself who actually blamed the Jews so he could persecute/ torture them outright. The Jews or Hebrew Israelites were called Christians first at Antioch, Syria – Acts 11:2]. According to The BBC News in August 2007, flames suddenly leapt 30 and 40 metres high into the humid summernight air from a storage facility at Cine-citta (Film City) in Rome, Italy. These are The fire began in a store which the studios on the southern outskirts of the Italian capital where many epic films had been used for film sets. At about ancient Rome have been shot. Quo Vadis (1949) was made here, as was first sight, it looked like a Ben Hur (1958), directed by William Wyler. Police said the fire broke out on the recreation of the legendary set of Rome, a com pleted joint HBO and BBC mini-series on the ancient burning of the city of Rome empire. It took three hours to bring the blaze under control. Cinecitta was the under the reign of the Emperor Nero, 64AD. brainchild of Italy's Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. It was to be the biggest film studio complex in Europe. He personally opened the studios - built in what was then open country-side, nine kilometres from the city centre in April 1937. The original complex contained 73 buildings and 16 sound stages set amid acres of gardens. Mussolini also set up his propaganda documentary and news film unit here. Today it contains one of the most valuable film archives of the events of the 1920s and 1930s. In Cinecitta's first six years of existence, more than 300 full-length feature films were produced. In the 1950s Cinecitta was dubbed "Hollywood on the Tiber". Displaying her love and fascination with ancient Rome, a Weekly.com article commented on the Fernbank Museum of Natural History where the special exhibition that “explored the legacy of the Roman Empire” was open to the public for 5 months. Running from September 23, 2006 to January 3, 2007, Fernbank presented what the article said was “350 years of illustrious world history with the world-premiere of the legacy of the Roman Empire that featured 450 artifacts that ranged from small coins to largerthan-life statues. Having opened on the 2069th birthday of Caesar Augustus, Rome’s first Emperor, the Imperial Rome Exhibit showcased the brilliance of ancient Roman society during the era of its glory days. Through a series of galleries, it showcased Rome’s legendary emperors, gods, households, food, lifestyles, and peace [or Pax-Romana], established by the powerful military. “Although the Empire has long since passed from the scene, its legacy continues and can be seen in virtually every aspect of American society: our architecture, government, language, currency, and on and on,” said Fernbank archaeologist Dr. Maxwell Miller. “People will frequently recognize the parallels between the ancient Romans and modern society as they explore the exhibition”, Miller continued. America has been referred to as "the mightiest power on earth, as omnipotent as...Rome under Julius Caesar". As Rome fell by the sword, attacked by Barbarian hords from the north, America can look for the same. Let’s explore Rome in the news, her history, the prophecies and her parallels to America. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
The vile person shall be no more called liberal…For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against YHWH to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail…he devises wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks right. But the liberal devises liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand. Isaiah 32:5-8
Since July 2007, the BBC News has been following American and Inter-national reactions to Pope Benedict’s approval on his new text that asserted that ‘Christian denominations outside Roman Catholicism [Baptists, Methodists, AME, 7th Day, Jehovah’s Wit-nesses, etc.] are not true Churches in the full sense of the word’. The new text is basically a restatement of another document, entitled Domine Jesus that was written by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Pope Benedict before his election as Pope. Published in 2000 under his signature [as the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger] the document has been criticized as offensive by Protestants. The text actually criticized all non-Roman Catholic Christian beliefs including Islam to which the Muslims have joined the world in a public outcry and protest. The text states that Christ established only one Church here on earth. […And true to scripture those words are: “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord (Adonai), one faith, one baptism, One Elohim (God) and Father of all (YHWH) who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Eph 4:4-6]
Christian denominations, on the other hand, argued that Roman Catholics cannot be The Church in the proper sense of the world because Rome cannot trace their bishops back to Christ's original apostles. This statement is also true and neither are they Black!! Obviously, this means that the Christian faith (including Roman Catholics as well as their Orthodox counterparts) are actually the ones who are deep into heresy!! Speaking to Jews born in Rome as he also was, Paul told them: “What advantage then has the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision (doing as do the Jews)? Much every way: chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of Elohim (God). For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of Elohim without effect? Elohim forbid: Yes, let Elohim be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when thou are judged”. Romans 3:1-4
Repeating her history, the man who has condemned non-Catholics was the Leader of The Sacred Congregation of The UNIVERSAL INQUISITION. The modern name for this organization is The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [which shall be instrumental in organization its own modern day Inquisition. Names may have changed, but goals have not. Crusades [by the sword] then, and crusades now!!
“In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Matt 3:1-2
A s the children of Israel will preach in the wilderness to the masses of our people urging their repentance, John the Baptist preached to our forefathers (the masses) from the wilderness, advising them to “repent” because “the kingdom of heaven” was at hand even then. The Messiah himself prophesied that: The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
“The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. For (because) all the prophets and the law prophesied until John”. Matt 11:13
Having divorced herself from Biblical absolutes at the onset, after the martyrdom of the Apostles, Roman Catholics appointed monks and bishops, and “changed times and laws” thereby creating a self-proclaimed theology in which she saw herself as the church that was founded upon by the Apostle Peter (Cephas) by Yahshua the Christ. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”. Matt 24:9-13
The (Roman) Catholic Church was founded by the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. where the Sabbath Day was officially discarded for Sun-Day worship. Because of a so-called vision he had (supposedly saw the sign of a cross in the sun), he knew Christianity was the tool that would unite his “holy” Roman Empire and would immediately achieve expansive influence at all levels of the imperial government. The Catholic Church saw and continues to see herself, alone, as the one empowered to bring salvation to the world and to bring Christ’s kingdom to fruition on earth. As Messianic Jews and other Bible-beliers separated themselves from the Church of Rome (seeing her for the harlot she is) they represented a formidable potential threat to the official new imperial religion and the New Imperial, not-so-Holy Roman Empire. “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua (so-called Jesus) and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration”. Rev 17:6
This is the story of The Violent who took the kingdom by violence. And is the history of Christianity and Papal The Inquisition.
By the 11th century, in their zeal to establish Christ's kingdom, the Roman popes began utilizing a new tool: The Crusades. ("Pope" is an ecclesiastical office that is the very antithesis of the New Testament ideal of a local church pastor). “And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the market-place unto the rulers, And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Ro-mans. And the multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them”. Acts 16:19-22
At first, the Crusades focused on conquering of Jerusalem and the "Holy Land" to free it from the Muslims (or Infidels). Along the Crusaders' paths, thousands of innocent civilians were raped, robbed, and slaughtered. In time, however, the Crusade concept was altered to crush all spiritual opposition to the Papacy within Europe itself. In other words, armies were raised with the intent of massacring whole communities of Bible-believers. The first inquisitor was Dominic, a Spaniard who was the founder of the Dominican order of monks. The order of Catholic monks were then commissioned to preach all over France, Flanders, and Germany for the purpose of raising an army sufficient to kill the Bible believers. All who volunteered to take part in these mass murders were promised that they would receive the same reward as those who had sallied forth against the Muslims (i.e., forgiveness of sins and eternal life). Innocent promised the killers a heavenly kingdom if they took up their swords against unarmed populaces. (Sounds familiarly like the promises surrounding the Muslin’s Jihad). While many people associate the Inquisition with Spain and Portugal, it was actually instituted by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216, in Rome. In July of 1209 A.D. an army of orthodox Catholics attacked and murdered 60,000 unarmed civilians, killing men, women, and children. At Minerve, 14,000 more were put to death in the flames, while the ears, noses, and lips of the "heretics" were cut off by the "faithful. Pope Innocent III The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
[According to Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary, a heretic is "One who holds or advocates controversial opinions, especially one who publicly opposes the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic, Church." Or, as one author has put it, "Heresy, to a Catholic, is anti-Catholic truth found in the Bible." Another summarized the official stance as this: "Every citizen in the empire was required to be a Roman Catholic. Failure to give whole-hearted allegiance to the pope was considered treason against the state punishable by death."] A later pope, Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition, in 1233, to combat the heresy of The Albigenses, a group of believers in France. “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock”. Luke 6:46-48
“Be not afraid of the king of Babylon of whom ye are afraid… for I am with you to… to deliver you from his hand…But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land …Saying, No; but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger of bread; and there will we dwell;...they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pes-tilence…and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them”. Jer 42:11-17
According to legend, the first Jews came to the Iberian Peninsula [Spain] at the time of Nebucodonosor, King of the Chaldeans [land of Babylon-605 BC - 506 B.C.] or even before, [at the time of Solomon who reigned in Israel from 974 B.C. to 937 B.C.]. But according to the Bible (and secular historical re-cords), it began at the time of Solomon’s reign during the division of the 10 Tribes from Judah so by the time of Assyrian invasion, the Jews had been migrating down into Egypt for 200 years!! The kingdom of Israel, which had separated from Judah [and some of Benjamin and Levi] following Solomon’s death, could hardly survive the onslaught of the clashing empires of the ancient Middle East [Arabs], while it struggled with its own internal crisis, idolaters versus Yahweh & monotheism, [i.e., Elijah against the decadent Jezebel] and the internal wars of the Israelite Tribes. Scripture, the prophecies of Israel and history confirms it!!! Specifically the legend of the Moors indicates that the Jews moved to Spain moved from Mauritania [Ghana] and were called Saraceans (i.e., races of the Sahara)]. They ultimately relocated to Mali [Songhai] and were descendants of a Shemitic tribal clan known in Africa as The Soninke’ [warriors]. Soninkes were said to be descended from the Bafour people [the earliest Jews to convert to Islam]. The Bafour are a traditional nomadic people of the Saharan desert who were called Mallam by The Berbers. Mallam, and its variants in both Hebrew and Arabic terminology and usage, is term used to bestow honor to designate not only a political elite but also a scholar; a literate person, a fine craftsperson, the master of a craft, or the head of a workshop. In sub-Saharan Africa, the term Mallam is used notably by the smiths and throughout northern Nigeria by the Hansa builders, embroiderers, and weavers, as well as by a host of dignitaries. Mu'allemin is a term used by the metalsmiths for the nomadic clans and lineages that wandered Mauritania; and the tern mu'allema was used for their leather- working wives. According to the oral tradition of their heritage, they were Jews of the race [original tribal origin] and the ones who taught the Berbers metalworking and who made the works of art. They are called Yohoudi or Yohouds because, after the legend, only the Jews of Mauritania were the artisans. The Mallams were also known to have neither homeland nor tribe.
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
“…all your days ye shall dwell in tents; that ye may live many days in the land where ye be strangers”. Jeremiah 35:7
Knowing that the Moors are descendants of the so-called Lost 10 Tribes of Israel, let’s trace the Inquisition back to the days when the Moors arrived and examine the history of Spain. From the 5th. century onward the Jews reinforced their position and remained active in the Peninsular society during the Visigoth and Muslim periods of occupation. The invasion of Western Europe by a non-White Muslim army after 711 AD, very nearly extinguished modern White Europe; and the threat was no less serious than the Hunnish invasion which had created so much chaos earlier. While The Huns were Asians [the seed of Japheth], since the Moors were Shemites [a people of color seed of Shem] they were always easily distinguishable from the Visigothic Whites of Spain. [Early art depicts the whites of Spain with blonde hair]. Although the Muslim armies of the Moors [Saracens] were divided up into their own factions, together they very nearly conquered all of Spain, and were only turned back from occupying all of Western Europe by a desperate White counter attack in France. The story of this seven hundred (700) year long race war is without doubt one of the most arduous ever fought by the Whites in defense of their continent. By 709 AD, the Muslim armies had conquered all of Northern Africa and stood on the southern side of the Straits of Gibraltar, with only the Visigothic fortress of Ceuta, situated on the African side of the straits of Gibraltar, still remaining in White hands. In 711 AD, Ceuta fell to the Moors and immediately a Moorish fleet sailed across the strait and seized a beachhead on Andalusia in Spain, their first territory on the European mainland. The Spanish Gothic king of the time, Roderic, and his army battled The Moors at Xeres for 3 days before losing. The Spaniards were forced to retreat and The Moors conquered most of Gothic Spain with only small pockets of Gothic resistance in the entire country.
Tribute of 100 Virgins from The Goths To The Moors for 80 Years This forced the Goths of Spain to enter into a treaty that demanded that they had over 100 White Gothic virgins per year to the Moors’ Leaders for use in their harems – a painful tribute which continued until 791 AD [for 80 years]. The Moors didn’t rest with the conquest of Spain. Their Holy War, or Jihad, forced them ever on, and in 722, they invaded Gothic Gaul (France), seizing several towns in the south of that country. Ten years later, in 732, they launched what was to be their final bid to overcome all of Western Europe when a massive army under the command of the Moorish governor of Spain Charles Martel (Charles The Hammer), began laying waste to large parts of Frankish and Gothic [Celtic-Germanic] France. The Moorish alliance retreated, and their multi-racial and ethnic origin showed up its weakest point - the units, comprising men made up from Arabia, Africa, and parts of Asia, were stunned by their first major defeat and broke up in disarray, each blaming the other, giving victory to the Germanics who never actually pierced the Moorish lines. In 755, a local invasion by the Franks conquered the own of Narbonne from the Moors, and after a further six years the last Moors were driven out of all of modern France. In 778, Charles the Great (also known as Charlemagne, Charles Martel's grand-son), undertook a campaign in Northern Spain which recaptured much of the territory north of the Ebo River. During the period of Muslim dominance in Spain, a few regions, like Barcelona, managed to hold out against the Arabs even at their height. In this way Barcelona was never occupied by the Arabs, as were some northern regions. These regions banded together in a broad anti-Muslim alliance, and began pushing south, slowly but surely driving the Muslims back. This was a painfully slow process and lasted many hundreds of years -- more than enough time for a certain amount of mixing between parts The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
of the White population and the Arab rulers to have taken place, helping to create the "dark" Spanish look [Mediterranean look] which can be seen amongst many inhabitants of Spain today. Waiting for Martel to expel them back to north Africa, they were driven south of Pyrenees, but not expelled. For 468 years [until 1150 A.D., the Moors lived in southern Spain among those they once dominated. For 300 years [1200 to 1500 A.D.] the long series of Papal ordinances of the Inquisition ran on without a break with their punishments everWhite lands increasing in severity and cruelty. In the beginning, the Inquisition dealt once held only with. Christian heretics and did not interfere with the affairs of Jews. However, disputes about Jewish books called The Maimonides’ Books provided a great pretext for harassing Jews. [Maimonides’ books were a written systematic code of all Jewish law. Jewish law was called the Mishneh Torah, after the close of the Talmud. (The Talmud was Jewish oral law based upon Rabinic discussions and conclusions about MOORS biblical scripture). The Maimonides’ Books ad-dressed the synthesis of Judaism and other cultures)]. Thus, in 1242, The Inquisition condemned the Talmud and burned thousands of volumes. In the period 1279 to 1383, there were some 31 Judiarias or Jewish quarters [called communes] in various parts of the country, but in the 15th century this number increased so rapidly that soon there were 135 communes in different places. Nevertheless, this was the golden age of the Jewish community in Portugal, when crucially important contributions were made to the development of the county at the economic, cultural and scientific level, it was also a period during which the first, major social tensions be-tween Jews and Christians were to appear Pope Alexander IV formally established the Office of the Inquisition within Italy in 1254. Intolerance toward Hebrews/Jews largely stemmed from the emerging mercantile, middle class which was alarmed by them considerable competition of Jewish capital. From 1385-1432, decrees were passed which required Jews to wear a special habit with a distinctive emblem and to obey a curfew at night. In 1433-1438, laws were introduced which pre-vented Jews from employing Christians. By 1481, [43 years later], The Inquisition be-gan in Spain [along with the outbreak of the Bubonic Plague called The Black Death] and ultimately surpassed the medieval Inquisition, in both scope of cruelty and intensity. “Take heed to yourselves: for they shall de-liver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them”. Mark 3:9
But the next year, the Muslim Moors renewed their assaults starting the 10 year Wars in Spain and Europe. Fear of Jewish influence and their blood-ties to the Moors, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand petitioned the Pope in 1483 for permission to begin an inquisition in Spain. Selling jewelry and wealth confiscated from condemned Jews and Moors, Isabella financed her counter-wars against the Muslim non-whites. Tribunals were set up many cities including Spain where 100 Conversos were condemned. It was moved to Toledo in 1485. First, they arrested Conversos and notable figures in Seville. There more than 700 Conversos burned at the stake and 5,000 repented giving in to Catholic man-made doctrine. Tribunals were also opened in Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia. An Inquisition Tribunal was set up in Ciudad Real. Those suspected were imprisoned to await trials. The trials were held in secret and the inquisitor acted as judge, prosecutor, and jury. The accused had no lawyer. It was often simpler to confess to heresy than to defend oneself, especially since torture was often performed. Between 1486-1492, 25 auto-da-fes [burning heretics to death] were held in Toledo where 467 people were burned at the stake and others were imprisoned. The Inquisition finally made its way to Barcelona, where it was resisted [at first because of the important place of Spanish Conversos in the economy and society]. More than 13,000 Conversos were ultimately put on trial during the first 12 years of the Spanish Inquisition. Hoping to eliminate ties between the Jewish community and Pope Alexander IV Conversos, the Jews of Spain were expelled in 1492 as punishment for their active collaboration with the Moors during their 780 year long occupation. The victorious Moors (who, because of their common
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
Semitic ancestry with the Jews of Spain and the already-poor relations between the Jews and the Goths) employed several Spanish Jews in their administration of Spain in some of the highest posts, even though there were occasional outbursts of antiJewish feelings amongst the Moors and the (Muslim) Arabs themselves. The next phase of the Inquisition began around 1531 when Pope Leo X extended the Inquisition to Portugal. Thousands of Jews had migrated to Portugal after the 1492 expulsion. A Spanish-style Inquisition was constituted and tribunals were also set up in Lisbon and other cities. The Inquisition never stopped in Spain and continued until the late 18th century. When an inquisitor arrived in an area he called for reports of anyone suspected of here-sy, sometimes offering rewards to spies who would report suspected heretics. He was employed until the accused was ready to confess. Because church and state had not been kept separate, the church powers could call upon the government to use its full power against the convicted heretics. Anyone who fell back into heresy after repentance was turned over by the Inquisition to the regular government to be put to death. Most of those condemned to death w ere burned at the stake, but some were beaten to death or drowned. Even after the death of a victim, his punishment was not ended. The property of condemned heretics was confiscated, leaving his family in poverty. The Inquisition was called The Sanctum Officium (Holy Office) because the church considered its work so praiseworthy. ”These things have I spoken unto you, that you should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yes, the time comes, that whosoever kills you will think that he doeth God service… these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me…these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them”. John 16:1-4
SPQR [and occasionally SPOR] appears on coins, at SPQR are initials from a Latin phrase, the end of documents Senatus Populusque made public by inscription in Romanus ("The Senate and the stone or metal, in dedicaRoman People"), referring to the tions of monuments and government of the ancient Roman public works, and was emRepublic, and is used as an official blazoned on the standards signature of the government. of the Roman legions. Since the meaning and the [The eagle in Rome’s seal is also a part of the seal of the U.S. government]. words never vary, except for the spelling and inflection of populus, in literature, Latin dictionaries classify it as a formula. In modern usage, SPQR is the motto of the city of Rome and appears in the city's coat of arms, as well as on many of the city's civic buildings and manhole covers. Note the Benito Mussolini (photo rt) used it in his propaganda about the “New Roman eagle Empire”. The two legal entities mentioned are the Senatus and the Populus on Romanus. The populus is sovereign and the combination is so as well, but his hat the Senate alone is not. Under the monarchy neither was sovereign. The phrase can be dated therefore to no earlier than the foundation of the Republic. The emperors were considered the representatives of the people even though the senatus consulta, or decrees of the Senate, were made at the pleasure of the emperor. Populus Romanus in Roman literature is a phrase meaning the government of the Republic, the habit of thinking of themselves as free and sovereign was quite ingrained. The Roman people believed that all authority came from the people. People in this sense meant the whole government, but was generally divided into: The Aristocratic Senate, whose will was executed by The Consuls and Praetorians, and the comitia centuriata, "committees of the hundreds" (Centurions), whose will came to be safeguarded by the Tribunes.
“There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always”. Acts 10:2 ■
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
I pledge allegiance to the flag of The United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands one nation under god (s) indivi sible with liberty and justice for all.
THE CONDO CRAZE “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach into heaven and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth”. Genesis 11:4
The New York Times asked it’s readers a very profound question: “Are American Cities Going Mad Architecturally??” Having predicted that loftier towers and buildings would be the wave of the future, Ernest Flagg, Designer of the Singer Building and other sky scrapers, said America’s taste “is Barbaric and Archaic”. And this was in 1911!! If he thought that America’s taste in high-rise architecture was barbaric then, he would certainly think so now. It's no secret that the entire nation has been high-rise condo crazy for the last few years. In fact, demand for condos has grown by almost 50 percent a year since 2001, increasing from about 600,000 to 900,000, say analysts with Wachovia Securities. About 353,000 baby boomers lived in metro Orlando in 2000, and that number should reach 557,000 by 2010, according to the U.S. Census. And they are one of the key target markets attracted to downtown luxury living which has become known as “house lust” today. “And having food and raiment let us be there with content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.” 1 Timothy 6:8-9
Urban living creates problems as old as the cities themselves: crime, poverty, unemployment, corruption. Most cities around the the globe, including America, have pressing problems with infrastructure, sanitation, crime or lack of clean water. While there are always efforts to alleviate or eliminate the menaces, it is generally the nature of the modern city—complex, big and boisterous, teeming with people of all stripes—to resist their efforts. The city has a life all its own; it cannot be tamed. As in America, such such was the case with Rome. In big cities, most Romans lived in apartment buildings or condo-slae (which is where the term condos originated). They were also called (IN-sue-lie), or islands (because they often took up a a whole city block). During the 100's AD, there were almost 50,000 INSULAE (Rome) apartment buildings in Rome (mostly with many families living in them), and fewer than 2,000 private houses. At first, in- sulae were usually built of wood. They were usually three or four storeys high. Later, because of the risk of fire, insulae were more often built of brick. We have many insulae preserved to look at today, especially in the Roman port town of Ostia, near Rome. There are also insulae at Pompeii, and at Italica in Spain. The lower class Romans (plebeians) lived in apartment houses, called flats, above or behind their shops. Even fairly wellto-do tradesmen might chose to live in an apartment-building compound over their store, with maybe renters on the upper stories. Their own apartments might be quite roomy, sanitary and pleasant, occasionally with running water. But others were not that nice. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
In the apartment houses, or flats, an entire family (grandparents, parents, and children) might all be crowded into one room, without running water. ’For the vineyard of YHWH of Hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah his pleasant plant; and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry. Woe unto them that join house to house and lay field to field till there be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! In mine years said YHWH of Hosts, of a truth many houses shall be desolate”. Isaiah 5:7-9
They had to haul their water in from public facilities. Fire was a very real threat because people were cooking meals in crowded quarters, and many of the flats were made of wood. They didn't have toilets. They had to use public latrines (toilets). The upper (Patricians) lived very differently. Their homes were single family homes, which in ancient Rome meant the great grand-parents, grandparents, parents, and kids of one family lived in a home together. Homes were made, quite often, of brick with red tile roofs, with rooms arranged around a central courtyard. The windows and balconies faced the courtyard, not the street, to keep homes safe from burglars. There were paintings on the walls and beautiful mosaics on the floor. There was very little furniture, and no carpeting. Wealthy Romans might have a house with a front door, bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a dining room, a garden, a temple, an atrium, a toilet, and a private bath. This Roman way of life is typical of the way we live in urban areas around the world: People of various classes live right next to, if not on top of, one another. We share the same address, practically, but occupy a very different sense of space. And just like those in the middle of some buildings, the middle class every-where is feeling the pinch. For the first time in human history there are more people living in urban areas than rural, and cities have Insulae grown like an amoeba into megacities -- so crowded that they have become virtual countries with complex ecosystems unto them-selves. Tokyo leads the pack with 31 million residents. Seoul has 23 million, followed by New York and Bombay. Living space, unless one belongs to that tiny percentage called the upper class, is shrinking as the human population continues to grow. While the rural poor leave open sky and rolling plains to flock to the edge of the metropolis -- they crowd into ramshackle slums in the third world, or one-room units in the first -- the middle class is clinging to its precious status by contending with far smaller living spaces than those of previous generations.
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty”. Rev 16:13-14
Three (3) unclean spirits [like frogs] are the ones who will galvanize all the nations on earth to gather for war. The fact that they are unclean spirits identifies them as Spirits of Demons [evil spirits, devils] who will unite the nations to come up against the city Jerusalem to battle. But there is much more to understand than what meets the eye regarding these frog-like spirits. Other than the book of Revelation, chapter 16, frogs are only mentioned one other place; The plagues of Egypt which ultimately led to the release of our people, The Children of Israel. After turning Egypt’s rivers and drinking water into blood, YHWH instructed Moses to tell Pharaoh, “let my people go that they may serve me”, and if he refused (and Moses was told The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
that Pharoah heart was hard), he should bring the plague of frogs upon the land. During their encounter, Pharaoh promised (vowed to) release the Israelites from slavery the following day if Moses would entreat YHWH for him to end the plague of frogs. Moses agreed to the covenant said to Pharaoh: “ Be it ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD that you may know that there is none like unto YHWH our Elohim”. Exodus 8:10 The frogs died and they collected them in heaps and the scripture said, “the land stank”. And so did Pharoah’s word because out of his mouth, he spoke LIES, HIPOCRACY, VIOLENCE AND CORRUPTION – - much like his unrighteous administration over the affairs of the land he ruled. This, of course, immediately brought about the judgment for his sin in the plagues of lice. Frogs also represent “idolatry” because they are associated with the Egyptian frog goddess Heket (Heqet, Heget). She was associated with the flooding of the Nile and fertility because shortly after the Nile overflowed it banks, numerous tiny frogs also appeared in Egypt! These “unclean spirits are like frogs (since they are also numerous in Egypt like frogs). Although these frogs are only men-tioned in Exodus and Revelation, they did appear once again in medieval times among the Euro-Gentiles. During the period where warring barbarian tribes (like the Huns, Vandals, Visigoths), were ransacking Europe, independent tribes of the Franks (Gauls, who were a Romano-Germanic type people) lived in a wide spread area that contained most of (what is know today as) France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and large parts of Germany and Italy). Beginning what be-came known as the Royal House of France (which is also connected to the Royal House of Windsor in England), in 448 AD at the age of 15, Meroveus II was crowned King of the Franks (or one tribe of the French), The Salians (who have some ancestry Sheild of Clovis (with 3 with Persians). The Salains were known for having begun the Salain Law Frogs) at Innsbruck Code which forbade women from taking the French throne or inheriting property). While Meroveus supplied the royal bloodline, his name and his legendary status, His son, Childeric I is given credit for having founded the Royal French Dynasty. But it was his son, the Pagan Barbarian King Clovis I in 481 AD (shortly after the fall of Rome) who succeeded in establishing France as a power by uniting all the Frankish tribes. Banished from this own tribe for violent physical and sexual abuse to women, Clovis returned years later with his own forces and eliminated all the members of his own family, assassinated every rival, looted every monastery he could, subdued his in-laws while maintaining a wife and multiple concubines. Living up to his “unclean spirits like frogs”, he continued this behavior even after his so-called conversion to Christianity years later proving that he was a “militant convert” and a “semi-converted pagan/Christian barbarian. This is the foundation for France’s hot pursuit, and their love of love, wine, dining, pleasure, and sex.
French Guillotine
“Their land brought forth frogs in abundance in the chambers of their Kings”. Psalms 105:30
It’s also key to remember that Clovis is the ancestor of great French kings like Charlemagne and Henry VIII. (The line of royalty was broker for the first time King Henry VIII and his Queen, Ann Boelyn were beheaded by the guillotine in the French Revolution (1789-1799). This was 10 years of political and social upheaval by the peasant class because French government was an absolute monarchy with privileges for the aristocracy and Catholic clergy. The Napoleonic Wars brought on the restoration of the monarchy and wars all over Europe and Asia. Two more revolutions followed Napoleon’s Wars before France would be restored. France has had a republic, constitutional monarchy and 2 different empires (a roman governmental structure versus a structure based upon culture and ethnicity). Today, the process of gathering the nations together to form a ‘united’ will end with a much catastrophic event—the return of Christ. Imagine the violence, bloodshed, disease, hunger and fear of the French Revolution magnified across all The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
the nations of the world!! The loose and liberal philosophies of leaders and governments today are the same spirits of the ancient Barbarian Franks (Germanic-French). In fact, it is obvious that the unclean Spirits of demons in each instance points to the unrighteousness that comes from the mouthes of the ruling elitist class, who as rulers, have the responsibility to protect and liberate the people. “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption”. 2 Peter 2:19
RHEIMS In 1996, a festival to commorate the 1500th year of Clovis’ conversion to Catholicism was held in Rheims. On a tapestry especially commissioned for this celebration, the French heraldry of three (3) frogs could clearly be seen. They were also on several ancient tapestries that were on display near the Cathedral. The frogs were changed to three (3) Lillies or Fleur-delis [Flower of the Lily] after his conversion.
CAESAR “Pilate said unto him, Speak you not unto me? know you not that I have power to crucify you, and have power to release thee? Yahshua answered, You could have no power at all against me, except it were given you from above: therefore he that delivered me unto you has the greater sin. And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If you let this man go, you art not Caesar's friend: whosoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar… …And it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said unto the Jews, Behold your King! But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate said unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar”. John 19:11-15
Tzar, Czar and Keizer are the same words for Caesar; and Caesar means “DICTATOR”.
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel